HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-29, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 49,• No. 39 DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly T LUNCHES at all hours gUR HOMER MADE SPI C IATIES Prices Reasonable O'.mea Confectionery and Restaurant School Supplies at H JTCHISON9S Princess Soap Flakes and Palm Olive Soap. Get your token redeemed here, •for these. -Breakfast Bacon, we invite comparison of Quality and Price with anything in Sea - forth or any other town. Fruit Bowls, reg. $1.60 for 59e' Glass Pitchers, reg, $1.00 at 69( These were advertised some tine ago to :arrive and are. now in•st'•ock. Tet. 1\'e have special values at 55e, 700 75c aU(185e. We recommend a trial of our 85e tea and the use oiJhalf the aYiaal quantity, for economy t1 better satisfaction. ':.iklutninntit. Pans, Sattwepan:t, CHURCH CARD. North 'Side united Church -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. 'Sunday, Oct. 2nd, Services at 11 •t,m. and- 7 p.m., conducted by Rev, A. \V.`13rown, of Lucknow, Ont S.S. and Bible classes at 2,30 p.m. ENGAGEMENT, Mr. and Mrs. James B. 'Thompson announce the engagement of their daughter, Sade K., to Mr, GeorgeA. Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Stewart, both of Seaforth, the mar- riage to take place the middle of October. SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS' ANN'U'AL MEETING The annual meeting of the Seaforth Highlanders' Band was held on'Tues-; ,fay, .Sept, 20th, with a fair attendance of members present. The minutesof the Mast meeting was react and adopt- ed, The secretary -treasurer gave a financial statement which showed that the Band had completed a very successful year, Election of officers was as follows: President, Dawson Reid; vice president, Irwin Tre- ttartha; secretary -treasurer, W. E. Smith; committee, Malcolm McLeod, Peter Simpson. E. \V. Edge;. band- master, ;fobn. R. ntiman; auditors, H. C. Box and W. F. Smith• potato pots, roasters, preserv- THE HIDE BOUND SLATS ing kettles and frying .patina Special 79(.1 First Form gentlemen at the Col- legitae henceforth will not receive the benefit of the hide -ward bland slats • WILL DESCEND NO MORE, Vinegars mild in tone,stroug in preserving qualities from hest Canadian makers, andnothing ttnierxxx. quality" and :gnaran- teed. 50c per gallon F. 0 HUTCHISON. Fall Shoes Now that the cold weather is -coming see that • the children haveood warm footwear g 'We have always specialized in ' shoes and the prices children's shoe etre the lowest considering quality 4 Children's n' Footwear from 2.6 according to size Growing Girls' and Women's. $2.9 r„ x:45 3.95. See our special arch strap slipper and oxfords for . ladies $7b BG $6.00 A ap range of men's high shoes and oxfords also work 'shoes Miller's Worm Powder' work so effectively that no traces of worms can be found. The pests pass away' withont,-being perceptible. They make ,an entire and clean sweep of the in- testines, and nothing in the shape of a worm cau find lodgement there when 'tthese powders are in operation. Nothing could be more thorough or desirable than their action. as they run the gauntlet,awing to prima edict which caste into effe this year ahclishing initiation. L year's first formers are keenly disa pointed at this lost opportunity a feel they are the biggest losers. N mune September booms in tilt. timber business. ANNUAL RALLY. The second annual rally t t -Young People's Union of Huro Presbytery was 'held in Knox Pre byterian Church, Goderich, on Tue day a'fternoon and evening with gond attendance, Most interest' addresses were given Rev.'\V: by 1 mwi al a t n, D.D: of Toronto,, an Rev. Gen. P. Duncan, of Stratford, was decided to hold the next annu meeting in Seaforth. The office elected are: .Hon. pres., Rev, R. M[eDermid; pres., Wilfred E. Sini't Seaforth; vice pres„ Miss Rena Hu son, Hensail; sec., Miss Margam Redditt, Godericii; trews., Flan Strang, Exeter; council, Miss Hele MCDcrm]d, Goderich; Miss Eleano McEwen, Clinton; Mrs, R. Y. 'M Laren, Hensrll; 'Miss Mary Hai B,A„ Exeter; Mrs, 'Chas. Brodie, Se forth. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1927. COLLEGIATE FIELD DAY. WILL BE HELD' FRIDAY The annualCollegiate Institute field day will be held on Friday of this week in the fair grounds, commenc- ing at 1 p.m, There will be a fgll;pin grain ,of events for both boys and girls, Competition will be very keen as winners;of. first and second places in this meet wail represent Seaforth Collegiate in the Huron County ;field day which is to take' place a week later. Both boys, and girls have !Seen practising for their 'Favorite sport and several of the school records are like- ly to be broken. None of the old re- cords in the' school' have :been pre- served and those against Which com- petition is directed' are less than six years old. As far as we have been able to •finch out these are the best records in the school to Sept. 1, 1927: 'Shot put, sr., -Rost. Willis •1.926 32'; jr„ Lance Norris 1923 22' 0"; Standing broad jump, sr., Edmond Daly 1924 9' 6% intermediate, 1Robt. Willis 1924.8' 6/ jr„ Gordon 'Rolph 1924 8' I/" Standing high jump, sr., Edmund Daly 1924 4' 434 Standing hop Step jump, sr., Ed- mund Daly 1924 26 s%" jr., Arden Grainger 1923 22'8', - 'Running high jump, sr, Davis Moore 1925 5' '1 ; int„ :Charles' lSte- wbrt 1926, 4' 934"; jr:, Charles -Ste- wart wart 1925 4' 6", Running broad jump, sr., Gordon Carnochan 1923 16' 8' ; int., Rdbt, Willis 1924 1:5' 1"; jr., Ardeil Grain- ger 1923. 15' 7". ,Running hop step jump sr., 'Wm.' Landsborough 1923 35' 7"; jr., Ardell' Grainger 19'23 30. Pole vault, sr., Fred Crich 1924 9' 2y"' int„ Robt. Willis; jr., Gordon Rolph 1924 7' 4". 100 yds. dash, int.; the only 'time to be found is George Daly'1926 11 4-5. • Standing high jump. jr.. Jack Montgomery 1926 3'934. Running high dive, sr., Fred Crich 1924 5' 555"; int., Gordon Wright 1976 5'11:1"; )r •, Torn Cluff 1926 4' 9x35 ". W.M.S.• The regular monthly meeting of -the W.11,S. was held in the schoolroom of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon, at which there was a good attendance Mrs W. I<uechtel Pre- sided, Mrs.F. 1.1 Larkin offering the opening prayer. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mrs. Jas, Kerr also gave an inspiring Bible reading. Minutes were read by the secretary, 'Mrs, C. Aberhart, and the financial statement by the areas., Mrs. T. Swan Smith. Reports were re- cited front the secretaries of the various departments. A letter from Miss Steele, acknowledging a letter of sympathy on tile death of her bro- ther, was read. Mrs. J.A., Stewart was asked to write a letter of condo- lence to Mrs, R, W. Dickie of Mon- treal. 'Nominations were made for RICHARD COMMON. Mr. Richard Common died sudde ly et the home Of his sister, M Malcolm, in Galt, on Tuesday. 1t 25 years since Mr, :Common lived Seaforth in the house slow awned Miss' Redmond ou N. Main atra�i He was born 75 years ago in C coming to Seaforth at the time of h marriage to Janet Govenlock, of Mc- Killop, 52 years ago, Front Seaforth he: event to Winthrop, where he con= ducted the old Govenloek store for a number of years. He purchased a store at Newery, near Atwood, Later 5,. moved to 'Bradwerdinf, Man., where he had a business, t Short before Mrs: Common's death. he r tired in Galt. There sm'viyes o daughter, Mrs. James Morrison ltradwerd•ine, and three sisters, 'Th funeral was held an Thur§day Galt cemetery on Thursday, M i.obt. Dodds and Mr, Thos: Beath of town, are attending the funeral. HARVEST THANKSGIVING St, Thomas' Church was beautifully decorated with grain, fruit and flow- ers for the Harvest Thanlcsgi 'ng ser- vices on Sunday. Large congrr4gations were present morning 'and vetting and appropriate sermons were (MEN, Beed ' ; the rentor; Rev, T, H, •Srow1, Special music by the choir, under ,he leadership of Mrs: "J. R. Arehrbald, and Geo. 8, Clarke, organist, ' in the Morning; was the anthem, "The Val- leys are Covered with 'Corn," and "While the Earth Remaineth"; and at night the latter anthem was re- peated, besides the an then), The Floors Shall he Full of Wheat,' all b 'Caleb 'Simper. Solo parts were take, in splendid voice by Mw Arch.bal and .Miss Clara Pinlcltey. SEAFQRTId FALL FAIR, n- titaforth Fair on Friday was moal . Eli suttessful, having fair weather aria is 1 good exhibits The concert- at night in s' as also well 'attended, by Best appearing schmol in parade•.- '.earsirth Public school. Judges, G. Gs I R. Paterson and J. R. Ostler. The is ,judges recommended that all schools' Participating in the parade should re- ceive a prize of $2 each. School drill --Rival, No. 6 'McKillop, No. 8 Ttnekersmith; urban, Seaforth Public school. Judges,Foster howler. R. 3. Beatty, S. W. Archibald. !Girls' races --8 yrs„ Haze] Ashton, ]y r Olive Pryce; 10 yrs., Margaret Ross e- nc at e to r, Pearl Hugill• 12 yrs, Lillian Reeves, Margaret Ru,.; 14 yr,., Jean Frost, Bessie Rice. Boys'' races -8 years Kenneth nettles, Frank Sills:' 10 yrs., Stewart Plant, Roy Mann; 12 yrs,,. John Cardno, Rat. E'berhart; 14 yrs.,', e, Derleon,Sills, John Cardno; 18 yrs (special), Jack Cuclmore, eo. Daly. Baby Show -6 months,' Eleanor Pepper (plus 10, minus 1). 6-12 mos„ James Northgraves (plus 9, minus 2); :Angela O'Reilly (plus 8, minus 3), iudges, Miss Wilson and Miss Lawr- ence, 'Horse Re' ay race- lst Alma Blue- bonnets (Wes. Nott, Miss Iva Nott); 2nd Hallett tp (Donald Dale, ehas. Stephenson, Clarence Stephenson, D. !.)ale, Tuckersrnith and MIeKillop also had teams outside the money. Open running race, '' mile, Wilfred Coleman (Tucks'th), Arthur Finlay- son t'1'ucics'th). Fastest walking team (31 smile hitched to wagon), Frank Hart.George C. Dale. 2.50 'Prot or Pace Sadie Grattan 1 1 1 Y Sandy McDonald . , 2 2 4 Isabar .... 3 3 2 d Robbie \IeRinnev 4 4 3, Jtaclgcs of Sports ---Starter, George R. McCartney tn.igcs, Wm. :\inent. J . A. Stewart, Oscar Neil. Horseshoe tournament -• Boa and • Caldwell. Hensel], 3. wins plus 52 ilst prize); Snider and Brandon, Bruce t • field, 3 plus 33 (2nd prize); Bell and Srna]e, 3 phi, 31; Verner and Venner, ✓ linnet, :i plus 27; Parker and Veis Scat her 2 phis 13: Dennison •End }e3nagc, Seaforth, 1 plias 13 Pinkney and • Neely. 3 loss stouts 24 Allan and Sharpe, 3 minus 43: Fowler and Dade, ' 3 pinus 45; Pilgrim and Mmlonntl], ' Marisa 3 minus 45. -Horse..--Agricultural---Brand mare, I). I'otheringham, J. A. Manson and ;3rrl; foal of 1927, 1), Fotheringham. 1. A. Manson;filly or gelding, 3 yrs,.' y, Russel ,Scott 13. Fotheringham, R. +` 2 Scott: filly or gelding. yrs., I3ttgh, Norris; filly or gelding. 1 yr., A. & T. l eo ulfnot ,D. McIntosh; sweepstakes, D. I'atheting)tatn and sons. Heavti Draught --Brood Mare, ,,h',,. 11tr ;ht.' 1. & J, Broadfoca, Geo. C. Dale, feral of .1921, Geo. C.Dale, A. & J. Broad - foot, .'Ilex, Wright: filly and.gelding 3 yeti's, A, & 1. Broadfoot; filly o:• gelding 2 year. \1'm. Patrick, Httgh Norris; filly or gelding 1 year. '\1'nc. Black sweepstakes , 1. & J. Broad - foot. 'l:,ivhtgst,ne special -A. & 13roadfoot, Jude, Geo. Sirrs, Cargill. •Roadster -•.Brood Mare, '\Vm, Rosa and 2nd; foal of 1927, Wm. Ross and 2nd filly or gelding, 3 years old,Wm. M eClinchey; filly or gelding 2 years. Dr. Ti. H. Ross, Wnt. McClincliey: filly or gelding 1 years, Tai, Ross, 11'. and A.Dale. Carriage ---Brood mare Geo. C. Dale; foal of 1927,J. :Man- son; filly or gelding, 3 year. ligan. b g Ross T. A. Manson; filly or gelding 2 years, 'sVm Patrick, J A. Manson; t filly or gelding; 1 year, 3.A. Manson i:old 2nd. Harness class-:"gricultttral team, Russell Scott, D. Fotherhtg- hant roadster horse, T E. French, I Thos, Reid: best lad direr and out - lit, a t ut I fit, J. E. French, Thos. Reid; hest pony outfit shown by buy„or girl tinder 15.,vears, Gee. C. Dale, Wilson 1 Hawkins. judge, ,Ino. Moffat, An - easter. 'Cattle... 'Shorthorn --- Cow, Melvin Crich and 2nd; heifer 3 Sears, Melvin Cried), R. N. Peck; heifer 2 years, M. Crich, R. 5'. Peck; heifer 1 year, Thos. O. Scott; senior heifer calf.71. \. Peck, 1 . 3. Pyrn; senior bull calf. E. J. Pym; junior heifer calf. R. N. Peck and and; junior hull calf, R. N. 1'eek, Melvin Crich and 3rd; btatl 1 year, Melvin Crich; bull 2" years or over, E, J. Pyul, T2s N. Peck; herd, -Melvin Crich, R. N. Peck. Grade_ t P,eef)•-Cow .3 yrs. or over, \1'in. Drover; cow in milk, Melvin Crich; Heifer. 1 year, W111. Drover; stee calf, Roy' Pepper. Butcher cattle - Baby beef Inpmn to buys), Roy Pep- per. Lennard Story. Jersey. --Con A. Routledge: heifer 2 years Jas. Mu -- ray:, heifer, 1 year, Jas. M. Scot.; heifer calf, James Murray. Judge, A. Rains, Byron. Sheep-:Shr p;hiredotvn;--Rata. any age: ram lamb et\'c. ; skearling e,y, , John F. Thompson :and 2nd; -en;' 1cmb Toht Thompson, r T. 1h m in \1 I• Ross; t 1 t"' , tether lams, J. A.Mfansau 1<. 'Ihompsora, h,nihdmnns-Ewe lamb, Jim, K. '1'hotnpson: wether lamb, Jno. K. Thompson and 2nd 1- tncolns--Ram, Geo. Penhale, T. M. Snowden; ram Iamb, T. M. Snowden, (leo. P o h e thole: ewe.tl ,. Peu e -hale, T. M. Snowden: .shearlimi ewe, Geo. Penhalc and 2nd: ewe iamb. Geo. Penhale, 1'. M. Snowden. Leicester - Ram, Wm. Taylor, W. & A, Dale; ram lamb, John McNay, W. (Charters: ewe, John McNay, W. & A. Dale; shearling ewe, \Vm. 'Taylor, John Me�Nay; ewe lamb, John McNay, Roy Pepper; wether lamb, Roy Pepper. Dorset Horned ---,Ram and ram iamb, Orval McLaren; ewe, shearling ewe, ewe Iamb, Orval McLaren and 2nd, Oxfords -All cla::ses, S. J. Pym aryl Son, and 2nd, Pigs!Berkshire-+Boar, over 1 yr., and. sow -over 1 yr., F. '1h7. Ahrens; boar under 1 yr. and sow udder 1 yr., Ahrens and 2iiei. tamivorih- ELECTION OF OFFICERS, The Young People's League tt Northside united Chnreh were• th nests of Miss Anne Govenlock a. her hone on North Main street 'Tues clay evening, tt•hcrc their regtrla meeting was held. James M. presided. Rev. W. P. Lane led in prayer and scripture lesson was ream by Dorothy Robinson. A delightfu piano solo was given by Helen Lane Mr. [.ane then took the chair for the election of officers, which resulted as follows Pres:, 1 R. Crawford; vice presidents, Arnold •W.stcott, Anne Govenlock. James Scott, Dorothy Robinso)) secretary, Irene Winkel treasurer, Will Barber: pianists feat Cluff, Evelyn Harburn; press sec e cries, F. S Savauge, Margaret Athtou Meeting closed with a hymn and Alia - pall benediction, after which iunch \rs served by the hostess. BARBARA KTRKMAN. 'The regulat monthly meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Y.W.A. was held in First Presbyterian Church Tuesday -vetting and was presided over by the ,resident, Mrs, H. J. Gibson whe, read he Glad Tidings prayer. Scripture esson' was read by Mrs. F. W. Wigg viol Mrs, Earl Bell gave the first to - 1 -:c, `Fifty 'fear: of Progress,' a pa- per read by Mrs, J. White, Vancouver at the General Council W.M.S. Miss Bessie Grieve gave the second topic, "Pioneers in Church, State, and the 11;Mf:S. iii 13.2' 1Mrs. L.A. Moore. Halifax). Third topic, Presbyterian Church in Western Canada, Sixty Years Ago and Today" (Ret. W. A. Cameron, Saskatoon ), «,t. given by Mrs. ilibson. WINTHROP The Ladies' Aid and 'A 1•I.S, meet- ing held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Somerville was well attended, with Mfrs. R. MacFarlane in the chair. The meeting opened by singing hvnut 250. The Scriptural lesson from% the 27th Psalm was read by Miss Cora Campbell, followed by silent prayer for 'Mrs. ,Gauld. The topic was taken by 'Mrs. H. Blanchard, followed by Messenger prayer by Mrs: R. Camp- bell. hiss 'Bessie 'Blanchard gave a reading, followed by voluntary pray- er by Mrs. 11'171. McGav]n, followed by a few business items. The meet- ing closed by singing hymn 399. The Latices' Aid and W. M. S, will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. D. MacFarlane, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. Srh. Mr. and Mrs: 1V, C. Bennett and Mrs. Lloyd Porter and Mr. R. Ben - lieu spent 0 clay with friends in [.on - don last week. Mr, and Mrs. ...Stone . and Mr. and Mfrs. H. lames, of Norwich, and Mr. and 'Mfrs. W. ,Hudson, of 'Strat- ford, spent Sunday loth Mr. and• Mrs.:S. Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Sellars , of Brussels, spent el t 1 7 7yt l iY Mr. < 'av i Mrs. 1 Bullard. HULLETT. a Presbyterial officers and arrangement 1 at made for thankoffering meeting r? t La t)etober, � t d9 - he n s- been ill' for the past nine months, suf- s-l'erect 'front chrnnic kidney trouble, a but through all his sickness he never nag complained. He was horn in Sea- m; forth and spent all his. life here; Of a d bright and cheerful disposition, he It teas loved by everyone. For three al years he was employed with Mr. Geo, re Sills. Those who are left to mourn C are his father and mother, three bra h, tilers and four sisters. John and Pat- h' rick of Columbus. Ohio, and William et of Detroit; Mrs. Frank Moore, De- Y trait: Mrs. H. Brudticr, Stratford; n Mrs. Leonard Bolton, of town and r Mildred at home. The sympathy of c- a large circle of friends is extended e, to the bereaved family, e" 'l'he funeral took place Monday at 9 a.m." from St. James' Church. of which he was a member, bcutg also a menflier of the Hoiy Name Society,. - Rev, Fr. Goetz sang the . requiem THOMAS DUGGAN, Mr. Thomas Duggan, 'youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, William Duggan of Seaforth, passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. Leonard Bolton, on Friday evening, September 23rd in his 23rd year, Deceased, who had DIED IN MONTREAL. Rev. D'r,Robt.:Willisnc Dickie, pas n mass and interment tookA lace in St. tor Of Knox Crescent. )'r•esbyteria Church, Montreal, sliest hi that cit Monday night, aged 55 years T -Te had been pastor at Orangeville, pot and Brandon, Mata., going to Mon treal in 1909. In 1900• Dr. 'Dicki married Agnes -Alexina MacDonald daughter of Rev, A.D. M[acDinald of Seaforth, by Whom he is survived. in his student days Dr. Dickie cam to Seaforth to assist the then pastor Rev. .A. 1), MacDonald. during th slimmer. SMITH -ADAM. t\ very aide!, but pretty wedding tank place in St. Andrew's Presbyter San Church, Toronto, 011 Saturday. a 2.,30 p.m., when Violent, Julia, young ei d 17 . au tel n f MI• t. and the g lateMrs Tirank Adair, of ,Toronto, became thebririe of ivfr. Cecil Roy Smith, eldest son of Mr. and -Mrs, John H. Smith of Seaforth. The ceremony' was per 'formed in the presence of about forty friends and relatives by Rev. Stewart Parker, pastor o'f the church, assisted by Rev. F. H. ;Larkin, DD., of Sea- ford). Mr, Fritz Lutzenbtrrget acted as groomsman and Mrs. Lutzen- burger as bridesmaid. .After the cere- mony Mr. and ,Mrs, :Smith left on a honeymoon trip to 'Ottawa, an'i upon their return will make their home at 18 'Albe'rta avenue. Their many ;friends extend heartiest wishes to the young couple. y James" cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Jame Cleary, J. M, Md - Millan, Bert Barry, 1'1'.. 1-i. Elliott, - tack Priam, Angus Kenned g Y• ' • RALLY DAY SERVICE, e Rally day service was` held in. the North Sithe United Church Sunday e afternoon, Sept. 25th, at 2.30 o'clock. . The superintendent, ui• V[ T S at u e n t k , occupied the chair, �n P and the call Y day pl'agi ati717'iC was f011otveii. ,hroaghout. hiss Doreen Hudson n and Miss Elsie Pullen gave very in- teresting readings. The primary and junior classes oecifpied the choir chairs and rendered' a'sonig which was very r, much appreciated. .Rev. Mr Lane gave a splendid address -on "We Would See Jesus," in such a wonder- ' fun mauler as to be interesting to bothyoung and old. A special num- ber on the programme *as a violin i solo by Arthur Golding, which was well rendered' and much enjoyed by, all limn junior boys took t,•the af- fering•,'which amot1nted to aver20, � sp iv[ Rev. Sir. Hogg, of ,Clinton, will conduct .anniversary services in ISurns' church on Oct. 9th. Airs, Ferguson and daughter, of \\Talton, are visiting friends around ITarlock. Mr. Charles Stewart and Mr. Guy T.eiper attended the Orange service at Pelgrave'Sunday last. Misses Beth Cartwright and Grace t:ibbings spent the week -end with Miss Esther Scales. Mr. and Mrs. John Cartwright ent Sunday with their daughter, es, Haryey Honking, Miss Jean H'oltzheour is spending few days with Miss Lillian Cart - right. Mrs, W: I3ryclone, of Clinton, is to 'e a talk on her. trip to Europe at e W.I. in the community ,ha11 on t. tithe. ' ' BURIED. Fight' is over in N. Huron and the a warriors have buried their'hatchets-- 1t' said hatchet of United 'Farmers being buried in ex -Premier Druryand-Grit g] tomahawk transforming the th head into a judge. ' Oe is $1 A YEAis... £ "� ',1 ..,,..,„,,a t..... T'Y�-,.1'4{j''4;54'+i'•��'y{d 2, Not Stopad--Haudjcapped. He always failed in school. Yet he seemed a bright boy. An eye examination disclosed that Itis vision was faulty. With the right glasses he was speedily promoted. is your child making all the progress he should? Ham .Your Child's Eyes Examined Now. The rood laokieer and s(usdity on. arts fed Iretisaorth IY d r „ e.q.ee-int- 1 y suitable 15, chil- dren. t i.. drr.,. FRED 4,: SJVA &E J ewe lle'r and Optometrist M. Boss Satvonge, 1-. O. Eyesight Specialist JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER CAR Th R"eSheC'S Block Co Boar, over 1 yr., D. I)onglas; all other classes, D. Douglas 0111 2nd. Baaoa hogs --Pair over 180 lb, D. D,ugla, anti 2m1; pen of 4 shoats, F. W. Ahrens, J A. Manson. judge„ R. 1'„ McDonald, Brussels. T'nult,y--'Crahmas, cock. hen, cock - e cls I, C. Wilson; pullet, T. C. Wil - 1 son. J. T. Uttley. Barred Rock:, cock, ,Ileo 11'u Drover; r 1pt.lr., lA m Drover, Elsie Drover; WI to Rocks, cock, T. Al. Snowden; hen. D. Douglas and 2nd; ckl and pullet, I) Douglas ,J. 11'. Elliott. Bull Cochins. hen, ckl, pullet J. 1 L,tttey. A.o.v. Cocltins, cock. T. T. 1 ttic•v. 3'• (' 11 Elson; hen T. -C.-1\'ilson, J. T. tit. tiey; alt and .pullet; '17. C. Wilson an+`. 2nd Silver Grey Dorkings, all classes, T. C \Vileon. Mack breasted real Games, all classes. joint Hart. A.O.V. G,uue., cock, I. T. r tticy. .Spangled hlantburgs, ;all classes, J. T. Uttley. l'ulands, ckl, pullet, T. T. Daley and 2nd. Buff Orpingtons, cock. hen, pul- let J. 1". 1. ttlev. r1,o:v. Orpingtons, cork, T. C. tihean, 1'. C. Wilson; iter; T. C. Wilson, 1'. C. Shean; ckl & p„ T. r. 'Wilson; Anda;usians, all classes 11', [. Veal. Minorcan, c,adc, 1. . I tict lobo Hart; hen 1\' I)t over'; ekl Uttiey, Wilson; pullet 1 '1'. Uttley, \fr,, [i. Lawre,ce. 11'. \Vy n<lottes cock and hen, T. C. tihean, J. Catlin; rlrl. T. C. Wilson, T. C. Sheen: pullet, T. C. Shean, T. .C. 11'rlton, Silver laced Wyandottes, cock and hen, 3. 1'. Utticy, .A.o.v. 11'yandottes, cock and lien, T. C. 1Vilsoti, T. 1. Shean; c. and p., T. C. Site alt. Rest Caps, hen, c, and p.. J. 1• 'Daley. o h Lir.cock.� I k 1•Q i cs Y. an rel. 1' S C. ],esti r r t'ttley- r, and p. 1', C \\'ilson 1 C. Shea,. tampion.: .cock and hen, 11'.-f Shannon. T. '1':+ T'tthy; • c. incl p., ,T, 1. [rtrley. W.! r.eghorns, cock, D. Douglas and 2nd: •hen, I). Douglas; 1. t 1Z ilstni; alt!, C. H. Holland, T. C. 1'ilson; pallet I) Douglas and 2nd. 1)rutvn 'I.eghorns • cork ckl, pullet, T. C: Shean; hen, T. C. Shean 1'. Terrybcrry. A,o.v. Leg - horns. cock; 1'. C, Wilson, T. T. Ut- tic}; hen. pellet, T. C Wilson, T. C. Shean; ckl, 'T. C. Wilson and 211.1. Black Giants, all classes, G Shean, Game Bantams, cork, 'hen: ckl, Earl Gillespie: pullet. E. Gillespie, 1'. C. Sheen; Cochin !Bantams, cock and hen, Karl Gille+plc, 5110. Hart, Guinea fowl, cock and ben, Wm. T)rn'er, Mrs. H. 'Lawrence., Pelcin ducks, drake and •lack•, D. Douglas and 2nd; yortng drake. moot duck, D. Diruglas, T. C. Wilson, 'Rotten ,luck: ,drake. T Snowden and 2nd; duck, 1'. M. ' im, ivdc n, Wm Dr.,vc r: ;voting' drake The Egmoncdville Garage Opening October 1st. Re- pair work on all makes of cars --- all work guaranteed. Gas, oil, auto accessories, Beside side The Hill� ] Bacc�n.11 .l Shop. Give us a call, Robinson & Gotie( EGMONDVILLE Recruits Wanted for TILE :-.11;;A FORTH 11JGHl ANDEM-: BAND Plass struts at 01)0' n. Dryer. 7lnsc,.,vy nt r1 r cs, L C Silvan and 111 \ ,.t Iti i„ dl and -duck. V. )(Try. ers t 1'nul i eta. gait der 1 le.rryherry. 1. 1. 1I t ts,1 s goose, V. 1 e y itrry and a1 t, your gander ro oo,r 11 l '.Sh un ,n and and. A. y gees all classes, 'Writ. Drover. page' Ili:•. Hart. c:,'rdorr Mc- kcllar. t o initib, n-.ck-. re11 :lasses, \1 f Shauna:,. [115-, 11'.1: Carter, 1 ode s:h,rr.,. C'a,ned Fruits, ts, e,c. -- :11,11e, Mrs. 11'. J, Dickon, Mrs. J. B. Trernirm; raspberries.C. H. Holland. Mrs. 3. I 1'yernra,; cllers Mrs. ryerman, N. Carter,pears. Iles. Diekeon. N tatter , pre erveti strawberries, Roy. Pepper,' Mrs. Dickson: plums. N Car- ter Mrs. Dickson; peaches M*s. Dickson, Mrs. Tyernr,ru; h currant: IT 11121. N. tarter. Mrs. flicks ,.t: ant*i,- jelly, Mrs rycrtuaii hl -s. Dict .n: berry jetty.1•It:, Ttsrnmet, N. -arrant jelly. Mrs, Tye•,•nrur, Mrs., 1.)tel<c.,n: canned tomatoes, oes, Mrs. The- rmair. Mrs. Porteous; .c, n; Mrs. • Dickson, Mrs 'rp»rmrn; beans, Mrs. Dickson. N. Carter.; canned cln<'ken. Mrs, Tyernran: vinegar pickles. and nmstard pickles, Chas. R,uttedge:,'N. Carter; tomato. catsup, Mrs. 5lccgi *McGregor, to ifs. Etc a ;,sects rot-. h 'tit.. Free; red sauee, Miss Tye:luau, Ir • n•a 1[r I•', a ticci nit , jams,,' ,-,, N. . t r ,. Mr, Die l•sen. Dairy l'r,irlurt,< - asitier Crock, \irs. Daakson, Mrs. \\c, Nott, N. ur: pc n.. (?r ,ih 13111111,s. learn Scott. � \ N V. Carter; pa Carer,Mrs, 11 e, 'Nott: 10 tb 111ti '.* Phillips; rjr ill+ hillps; It) 1'h. e' ,..k., N. t.,trte.r, ec'epstakcs: Orville Phillip,, Plranec - m-om'h. and ex•tractc,i. W. hlau•.rv. 11. 1), Tlca-. ,I.i,splay.- 11, in. Hartry 1 ggs--RA'hite, Roy I'epprr, '.C. 1c1. Holland; brown, Mrs. nigh ll. eirog- r r N. t'ai ter dressed d chicken. Tats \l• Scott. Domestic +stems- .Crrt,d assititc. n Scott, Mrs. Port ;,,;: era ham. 1T Porteous, 'N. tarter; not. Mrs. 11. 'Lawrence, Mrs. Porteous: home- made, alr,, Porto -ma. Mfrs. Free. fltnis, Mrs. Dickson, 'Mrs. Prim; b.s• ,tut. Dr. Grieve. Mrs. Dickson. t ,,k es--().arnual.. Airs. `\Ves, Nott. I eiitinned on Page 4.