HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT "
!Congratulations to Mr, ,end'.
Rex Diek•,on the arrivai'.eiu
f aoun
Y g
.daughter hriday'la'st.`
Miss Gertrude Hoggarth of '.Coron-
to is visiting her pa'rent;s, Mr. and
Mts.. JIIo = bbra rt h •
Mtsa.'1'helma Hudson, who has bee
in Sarnia for • some tiinelaas returne
Mrs. Jas. Logan is improving afte
her recent illness, •
,Miss Helen Elder of London visite
On Sunday with her parents, Mr. an
Mrs, John Elder. •
Mre. B'outhron returned home Sa
nrday after a week'; visit nit Detroi
Miss Ethel Murdock has returne
bonne after three week; visit in Ton
awanda, N.Y, •
Mrs. Lou Simpson, Wm. and Ma
Simpson of Detroit visited over -eh
week end with relatives in • town, •
Ps iss .Pearl Churchill • of Clinto
• visited over Sunday with friend's
town, -
.Mr, Norman Workman of the Wes
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Milton Lov
Miss jean Sparrow of Dobbittgto
•visited for a few days with her sister
Mrs. A. McEwen..
• Mr. and • Mrs. JohnPepper •and' sot
George who have been visiting_fo
Some .tinge :with relatives around Hen
salt, have left for t heir }hi Me in De
Laraine hfan.
Miss Margaret Drummond was op
erated on for appendicitis in Seafortl
.hospital Saturday evening.- .
Mr, and Mrs. Rny White and littt
child, of Loudon, visited vvcr th
week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. trent
Miss Florence Welsh, of London
spent the week enol with her parents
Mir John NteRenzie. is visiting he
son William at Kippen for a with fen
Mr.am] Mr.. \ L.Case, whu
have been enjoying a two weeks' va
.cativo in Toronto and Niagara Palls
have returned hnhome'Orr council have 200 k.w. tights of
the business portion of Main tree
instead of .Pal k.w. end a light oppos
ite the hotel corner which is used as
a parking place This improvemrn
add greatly to Main street.
Mr. Fred Ste ewv of the Standard
13;in1 Beaverton. has been transient-
. ed to the Standard Bank at Leth-
bri;l e, te. Fred visited over the
week end at los:tense leaving•\Men
dal• m 'rning t'er Lethbridge.
l) and MMr Snnith of St. Mlarys
visited _,ver qhs Seek peal +vith MSS.
°•e,+ C. Petty.
Mt John Pa ttcore has purchased
Chrysler a new h vole sedan.
Miss Marks of Bricefietd is visiting
froends in town.
The -Young People United
nite i
C'hnrch held a we•ner nil r: roast
at the home ,f M t Mrs. !amt
SmillieSmillie.isndtto eeetiin. A large
crowd vas present :Ind the evening
spin in gator Miss Jessie Joltnstn
and Dr.G Knapp were tt charge t
tsar can e Munch was served by
5,,' . r erconsisting „ we nera cof-
fee and corn.
IM t we t thanksgiving e vices were
eel.; et St taut Anglican ninth on
:sum tr last. the church being .nicely
decorated tit ti_wer. Rev, Mr.
t one ea—tor ofs emir 1 le te-ei
et e..
tri i n w :rt
Next t u; tat morning rally
t o w It .t heere tl n he Sunda
he, to E nited C'int, tt
MMr R, bert Jacks i to Lrndon
ad w taken Sea ' hospital
I:an-d. •or ,tpKit testis and now
grtet i . -eir'rg
Continued from Page 5,
\tett inti Rob. Taylor. Doris
=em e h -I. \n article r -nn
s lug. .
I r. A CC
xt t. Cochrane, 1)i e
thy \ran t „n (ler. McBride. \-f
drew ,McKenzie, 1.au,a Wright,, Hazel
blay�tec Patch ou grain hag. W1111'!W1111'!Aust , t;lenn t'' 1eI„t+lir. tiraut 'I'itr-
ner, C.'st ipt till MoKhtler. '1'hompesnt
(.-,tet ue i Rob.Taylor. Bird house.;
Doris is t eta unit • M . Rope halter
1) rt t Reichert. date:i» ,l !McKinley, ;
"linage Stephenson:
Drawing of apple, banana. and
lute, a Ieit.t COI •ugh. I t itsp rn
4 .,lel u Margaret Robinson. Je
en, L.ni,a), Mary \\'i,hotnhe, lhet '
uta Parlcer. Ilii ,tra'i:nt, 'f.i,tic: Red!
Riding Hood." Mean- t'astte. Ida
C'huter, Muriel Elliott, Tom Ca tie
Elliott. ill a t ott, \pnie Carlile..
Li .t;-
St .• Beef calf. John Keys
!falter broken colt. Inn .cit Hayter
Market l us ti. Elmer J c nt t ,n Aud
to J thn ,a n, Fool 1 toim t.n Walter
1 ' i stn \f . t n•„ r Lamont, Lillian
Elliot ,1 Bacon h .g., s. tc Lamont,
alp:"e Stetphen. n.
Hitching competition,. Lloyd, johw-
-1mt, JackMIeeC a n. trey,
Fatet, pe •Mal Uat•een Reichert
Mrs R. W. Delgety of Reynold and I
Mr: and Mr T. Westlake awl Mae'',
ter Keith Westlake tke t the tauhle fine
and Mfr Lawrence Talbot of the
Bronson line motored to London fa..r,
on Wednesday1,f la -t week,
Mr. I Snowden and family, Mr. E.1.
A. \We tlake and family and Mr. Paul I
Cleave and family n the Sauble line,
took in the 1 ,,ndon a xh•ihition toward!
the close of the week.
Mr; and Mrs, G. S. Howard and 1
slaughter Evelyn of Exeter spent San
'bath afternoon with Nile and Mrs. i,
A. C'arnie 01 the Bronson line.
Mr. and M rs. Lloyd M skins' -pent
Sunday at the home ,f Mr. 131m' '
Miss Blanche. 1aylor spent Sunday- 1
- at the hoene. of Ml C H. Stephenson.
Miss Shirley Dow ,n spent Sunday !
-Miss es Classic Johnston. s
Mr., Gordon Raymond spent rhes- a
week end mound Varna. • r
Death of Miss Belle McCowan.—. •1
Kay,,, Hamilton; ibis. Peter Matrray,
Detroit; Mrs. J, Bryant, London. The
Funeral was held on Monday,service
ihelpg conducted by Rev, A. Macfar-
lane, of Clinton; assisted by :Rev.
James Foote, of Exeter. Pallbearers
were Messrs. Arthur Caldwell, Gol-
n die Grabens, John Pepper, John"Mol-
d., fat, Geo, Baird, John McEwen. Those
rfrom a distance included Mr, Jas,
Murray of Detroit (nephew) Mrs.
d Marjorie Westwood, Detroit; 'Win,
d 1 Sullivan, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Jas.
Bryant, London; Mrs, Mary McKay,
Hamilton; Colin Pf Donald, Mr. and
Mrs, Peter McDonald and Mrs, Rus-
sel Su7clercock, Blyth.
Mr. and \frit, Wilson Armstrong
spent a few clays last week with their
daughters in Loudon.
Mr, Calvin 'Dow•son of Seaforth
vas a guest at the home of his broth-
er, Will Dowson; last week.
Dr, and Mrs. P. Mae:Donald, who
have spent the past few weeks.
Jowett's Grove left for.. Clinton on
Sunda}' .anti will visit there- before
going to their-hoaise in 'Edmonton.
Mr. :and Mrs. W. l:. "Jowett and
Mfrs,- E. F, hl.erner motored to New
LJinclee on Sunday and visited Misses
izetta \-l:et'uer and Ethel -Jowett,
Mlls. E. N. Mart and sein Ted hart,
of Lnnclon are spending a week • 'it
their cottage, Miss • Dorothy Mart re
turned hoax on-Sundy a
\ti eek -end visitors at the• cottages
were Mr. and. Mrs. R. T. 'Orr , and
fancily, Straeford; Mr. ansi Mrs. W.
11.Robinson and fancily; Mr. and
, Mr F. C. Granger and daughter; -Dr.
• :int Mrs, Alexander and George
r \.lewxier, London.
v ML.', 'rambling and -two daughters
vc returned to London. having
spent the past six weeks in Mr. W.
11, Robinson cottage.
, Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Edwards, Ploy
1'.) irds and Lucy Woods, little Miss
t, Miriam Fisher and Mr. G. M, Fisher
t' motored to Kincardine - and Visited
-i friends on Sunday.
Mt'. J. Munn. of Seaforth, called
t en friends in the village on Monday.
A Large number of the villagers at-
tended the Western Exhibition on
1 Thursday last, it being Bayfield civic
I holiday,
' Roe. and Mrs. Jas. ,\berg returned
, their home at Londesborough, hay
trg spent the summer in Mrs. Stoth
ers cottage at La)eesfde Park.
\Ir. Wm. L. Cameron. of Detroit, i
visiting his father, Mr. A. Cameron.
Mrs. Hugh MacLean -and family
• tests- returned to their house at Port
s ilig ti having wit :ted M:,. b-lrLaren's
mother. Mrs. Win. Stirling.
Professor Lied C. Hctdgine, whr
has .pent a week a: his cottage, re
turned to -Toronto nto ,tt Tuesday.
Mr. and MM-,, W. H. Shannon, T:.
"'onto: Mfrs. LeRoy Rcty t Hiles and babe
sod MMrs. Jennings. of London, w•lto
isa e spent this mirth in he •t mer',
ar.t at Lakeside. Park, returni e t,
115 r .t .'e+ .0'Monday,
t Mr and \Ir :Matthew Kerr,
\\'ti'hy. arrived' on Saturday and arc
spe t I n.e a weeks h , tcymoon with
M f \W. Baker.
l 1 e,,. et:inbnry anti Stewart and
ht tt eth
Stanbier s, . f Exeter, are
! ep , M uc ., fes days at the 'f:,rtner's
1 etc tats. _
ig ttman, , t De-
, tree t •e . e ettpyi sg, :heir e'-ttage
' f, rine •'le ML -. Cowie's. home).
Mrs. 1 ! \foukhr'ntse returned to
1` ,t.:, „n Tuesday t.. spend a few
batt l A!) R prices are ae far ,u
illy t' !teed :t t see k ng through
iii tet. nt . I h ev ie tit i in rho
tuna 1 t t r and it invitee ee,mpaelso't.
e h
' The ., fabric, :ire the first asset.
many rse;ln - -is vest•.'., •distinguished
• """1-''' e•ife.•t,, Every 1 style idea•
f the seas,nt is represented in this
te„ • f Cagle :old douhie lin -'t.te I mo-
dels n r -at and overcoats, It yeti
e sit inspectthe line, Irop a pt s,a'
t•' John Hooper Agency, Seaforth.
glass cupboard, number of kitchen
ch.i.irs, rocking chair, two 'bureaus, 2
bedsteads, 1 bed spring, kitchen zinc,
ai>ashing machine and, ringer, 2 couch-
es, pictures, dishes, lentis, etc., etc.,
and numerous other articles found `on
any farm. All:of which must be" dis-
posedof as the proprietor has rented
the farm, Terms .A11 suets of $10
and under, cash; over that amount 111
mos.' credit shall be given on furnish-
ing approved joint notes, land owners
as security, 5. p.c. off for cash an.
credit amounts. Thos. Brown, auc-
tioneee; Jas, H. McLaughlin, propria;"
Of farm, Farm Stock and Itnpie-
ments. The executors of the estate
of Alexander Molbeath; deceased, will
offer for sale by public auction on
the eoretnises, lot -6, con, 3, Stanley
township, 23. miles northwest (to
Kippen, on Monday, Oct. 3rd, at 2
p.m. sharp, the 'following: Cow, 4 year
old, with calf; farrow caw; 2 calves;
aged driver; 60 hens; Bream separa-
tor; quantity of lumber; '2 ladders;
steel tire 'buggy; Portland cotter;
Ford touting ear; light wagon; wheel-
barrow; grind stone; 35 cord hard-
wood and other articles. The Farm
consists of 100 acres, more or, less,
(excepting school grounds) of good
clay loans, wen drained and watered,
in a good state of cultivation, with
about 6 acres of bush, A good cont-
fnrtahle brick house with kitchen and
woodshed, anti a commodious bank
barn, with straw shed, pighoitse
henhouse, and driving shed.,farm 234
Miles front railroad. School un farm.
Terms of Sale: All chattels, cash. On
lands, 10 p.c. of purchase price paid
(town on day of sale, :balance on 1st
of March, 1928; The farm will be
offered subject to a reserve bid and to
the customary conditions. For par-,
ticulat•s apply to John. McEwen and
'Hugh Atkenhead, Executors, Bruce -
field, Ont,,Wm. Br\ done, Solicitor,
'r Geo. IT, Elliott, .\uctioneer, Clin-
ton, 'Ont.
Of Farm Stock and Implements,--
At tot 33, con. 2, Stanley township, 2
utiles southwest of Clinton, on Tues-
sy Sept. 27th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the
t wing: Span Of Clydesdale mares,
Cattle, -.Durham cow, 6 yrs old due
to freshen March 15th, Durham cow
5 yrs. old, due May 30, Durham cow,
$ 4 yrs. old, Otte April 1, Polled Angus,
4 yrs, old, due March 15th; 'Polled cow, 5 years old, due May 14,
Polled Angus cow, 6 years old, due
May 28th; thorough -'bred Durham
cow, 5 years old, due May 141h; 1 cow
6 tors old freshened 1 week, 3 2 -yr,-
old steers, yr. -old heifers, 7 1 -yr:
1 treys, 5 1 -yr. -old heifers, 3 pure
- cd Durham heifer:, 8 spring calves.
' figs. 7 pigs 3 inuttths old, 1 York-
. Aire sow in pig; 1 Berkshire sow in
pig (pe,iigreed). Poultry -50 hens and
' p rile s, Implements -6 ft, Frost &
Wood 1 .power, nearly new: Frost &
Wood d ,.fisc drill, 15 hue; 2 buggies;
1 cutter; set of harrows, walking
plough; riding plough, manure spread-
er, hay rake, wagon and gravel box,
wagon and special hay rack grain
Thiquas l,ruwn has received in-.
struelirms from J.-11. McLaughlin Is,
ei1 ov
online auction on lot 31 on the
14th con. of McKillop, on the 5th clay
f i)et.,.1027, at the hour "f 12.30 v'-
clock sharp, the following:
Reuses --Team ..f well matched
mare, i dung 7 ,in.1 't; one well broken
'tat rising 4 years; one mare 12 yrs.
•ld in foal: one g.,0,-1 big driving mare
.,with ,back c,lt at-'ri••: 1 spritlg colt
by Kirit la,.
cattle -4)n, 5 enc sue May 14th,
1 1; n• riue (,),Ct. lath; 1 J,C, cow on
)ct. ;nth: 1 1 heifer on Dec. 3rd; 1 5.. •
111n. 9th; 1 cow just
ires:t ned: 1ite ter, C)ct.• 11th; 1 heifer
O t, 111E t last fall calves; 10
head young choice steers and heifers,
nee leone calf. Pigs. --One sow
nue 1) 19th 1 sow. eine Dee. 15th; 1
ee:an w due, 12 feech.rs about 100
Mt 1 sten.' pig, Tiers, 'rodeabout 55
1.a,ga ,rn-. ah,+uE Int) 'rode pullets, No, -
teeing poster's.
lm dements._ 1 hinder, 1 M. H.
'newer, 1 Maxwell hay loader, 1 side.
rake, 1 dump ralee, t new wagon., 1
farm truck, 1 wagon, 1 rubber tire
t iggt 1 steel hu gy with pole and
leek yoke, 1 cults aster 2 land rollers;
sr., seed ,trill et harrows, 2 3 -fur-
'. VV gang plow., grass seeder, turnip
ewer, cutting boet, crusher newly cut,
grinder,. pottier. hayrack, gravel box,
;nek.huts. 2 -furrow plow, walltirig
,how .iron kettle, trig troughs, fanning -
ntill, grain bags, pea harvester and
mintier: Massey - Harris manure
preader nearly new; new cream sep
rattr Melotia,' gas 6-h.p, engine,
irculat saw, quantity of white ash
wither, some ,i x3", quantity of elm
There passed away on Friday, Sep-
tember 16th, at the bumf, of her bro-
ther, Mr. John MesCowan, a lifelong
resident of Stanley towltship in the
person of Miss Isabelle McCowan, af-
ter a lingering illness extending over.
a period of a year and a half. She •c
was born 70 years ago on the acme r
farm on which she died. it being the
family homestead on the 2nd conees-
sion of Stanley, daughter of the late
John McCowan. Three brothers and
three sisters are ,eft to mourn the
loss of a loving and devoted sister.
John McCowan and Archie McCowan
of Stanley; Duncan McCowan, Rox-
boro (McKillop); Mrs: W. ' D. Mc- ti.
and one inch limber, bag holder,
chains, crow bars, pinch bars, etc. etc,,
1 new set of driving harness, 1 set
breech, harness, 1 set plow harness,.
one single harness for 3rd horse, -col -
ars, 1 pr. new clippers, 1 clatter, 1 set
leigg'hs, ladders, 1 set bunks, 1 flat
ack, 1 set beams, about 114 acres of
corn in stooks, about 25 rows of good
turnips 53 rods long; about 25 rows
of mangolds 53 rods Long; small no.
of bus. Marquis spring wheat; spade,
.hovels, forks, scoop, white ash ton-
Household. effects -el Monarch Pen-
insular range "Very special," 1 coal
eater, 1 wood heater, gas stove, 1
grinder, set of wagon scales; ,fanning
mill with bagger, set of sleighs, cultt-
iator, anvil, circular saw, Deering
plower, set of team harness, set of
siege harness; post hole auger, create
separator, churn, bedroom sttite,
forks, shovels, chains, whippletrcee,
neckyokes and other articles too .Muni-
emus to mention. Everything to be
sold as the proprietor has disposed of
his farm, The above described cattle
arc an exceptionally good lot of well
bred Durham type, and in fine condi-
tton. Perms—All suints of $10 and
under, cash; over that amount, 12
month's' credit w'i11 be given On furn-
ishing banica'ble paper, or a discount
of 5 p,c: will be allowed for cash on
credit amounts. flames Jackson, pro-
prietor; George H. Elliott, auct7oneer.
Mr. John Cuthill desires to thank
the many friends and neighbors for
their expressions of sympathy and
floral tributes in his recent sad be-
H tviug purchased the restaurant
business of Percy Lowe, •Seaforth, all
creditors of said Percy Howe are re-
quired to fide their claims with
Htvggard before i\Monda September JJ'
26th at 2 y+
: p.m,—I:FI:9RR�Y OI•i'ON1T.
'Comforta'ble furnished
room for
one. Centrally located, Suitable for
student or business .:person. W.
SOMEERVIi LE, 315 Brunswick ave.,
Toronto, 38
;Bazaar will 'be held in the .h; O
W. Hall, Walton, October 5th;1927,
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
of Bethel Church, There ,will ibe a
;ale of all kinds of sewing, fancy
work, baking and candy. A chicken
supper will 'be server!, price 35e and
MotorriR nG FOUND,
g near 13rucefield. Apply,
at The Dews Office,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1927.
An upright iIlell piano for immediate
sale, Price $125. The piano is in per-
fect condition.
Also a No. 40 L'eid cutting box with
blower and travelling table. It is al-
most as good as new. Apply to J. R.
SCOTT, Seaforth, or phone 251 r 32,
• 39
Six -roomed frame cottage for sale,
]Electric light. Hard and soft water
inside. Large 'basement, More than
half an acre of land, with fruit trees.
Apply to Mrs, Robt. Edgar, or Mr.
R. S. Hays, 39
Tenders wanted for coal and wood
furnace for Egmonclville United
Church, Tenders to be in, by Sept. 26.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. Tenders to be addreesed
to J. 'T. EIJGIiE, Kippen, .R. 12, 2.
J. T, Elgie, Sec, 38
A doit'ble mink fur with two heads
and tail was lost since the first of
June in or in the vicinity of Sea -
forth. A reward will be given. Find-
er please return to MR'S. W. F. Mc=
MIILDA'N; Egmondville, or phone
160 r 32,
3 -hunter coal oil stove with oven,
Florence make; and a set of smooth-
ing irons. WM, GOVENLOCIC, Eg-
mondville, tf
Choice 100 farm, Lot 1, -Concession
4, 'Mullett, all tinder cultivation, a new
frame house and bank barn, 44 miles
from Seaforth. For particulars appy
to ROBERT COATES, Seaforth,
Comfortable frame dwelling . on
James street Two lots -with baro
suitable for garage. Immediate pos-
session. Best bargain in Seaforth,
Apply to W. G. WILLIS, executor
f Root. bt'i11is Estate, 44
38 ,t
C2asil Valdes for Friday and Saturday Only
Boots and Shoes at Lowest Prices
Women's Cotton Hose. each 10e,
Salads Tea ib. (i9c
It yds. (Meese Cloth 34e
Poultry and Eggs Wants,)
We Pay the Top Prices
It 1'si.ys to Deal With
s P •. i
104 acres, lots 27 and 28, Cott, 14,
McKillop, 1;/ iniles from the village
of IWa'lton, On the farm is a good.
house, two barns and other outbuild-
ings, For .price and terms write MRS,
RALPH W. CONNOR, ,10705 75th
ave,, Strathcona, Alta. 43
Six rooms over D. II. Stewart's
store. Web ventilated,% electric lights,
town water, inside toilet. Reasonable
rent. Apply to E, L. BOX, Seaforth,
Lot 15, con, '14, MoXiliop, 134
acres. The buildings all in No. 1
shape. "10 -room brick house, with
furnace and cistern. Bank barn, 40x60,
and straw sheet 36x45, Hen house
76x25. Driving shed and implement
house 25x3:5. Windmill, water in
stable, 5 acres hardwood 'bush.. Place
w'i11 be all fall ploughed. Apply on the
premises, HENRY S'TIIM'O'R:E, Wal-
ton, r.r. 1. . Phone 243r25. 41
For sale, frame house situated in
village of Egtnondville, 2 acres of
land, fruit trees and orchard, two
frame barns. House contains. six
rooms and kitchen, soft water in
house. Electric light in house and
barns,. Telephone. Will be sold cheap
for quick sale, Apply to JAMES
HUD'S'O;N, Egmondvil'le, or phone 2
on 146, Seaforth, 40
For sale -50 acre farm, good frame
house and barn; soil loose clay loam;
40 acres summer fallow, cultivated and
ready for fall wheat. Splendid or-
chard, good well; 8 acres hay 'mea-
Clow, Lot 11, con, 12, McKillop. MRS,
A. R. COTTER, 847 15th st. E„
Owen Sound, Ont. Phone No. -1062w
Desirable property in good location.
Two '1 its, Frame house, with modern
conveniences. Barn, including a
garage, and good poultry run, Ap-
James and Helen sts., Seaforth. 40
The Water Works house will be
rented on liberal terms to suitable
tenant. Apply to
Chairman of Property Committee,
Mutual Fire insurance Co,
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D, F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors=Wm. Rinn, No, 2 Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhageu;
Janes Evans, Beechwood; M, Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Hariock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r:r, 1, - Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J, A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V4
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Borttholni. James Kerr and John
Govoniock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffiees.
"'Y-•'G,L',. �.., O ,.ASF-..
They bridge the gap between
town and country
Improved highways make for a better understanding on both sides
Hard, smooth roads, stretching in all
directions over Ontario, have helped rural
and town people to appreciate one an-
other's problems. Mutual understanding
is taking the place of misunderstanding.
Easy communication has brought com-
munities closer together, It has widened
personal and business acquaintance. It
has opened up new markets, has saved
time and effort. Rural Ontario does not
need to be isolated.
No one wants to return to the old days
when it was impossible to drive to town
because of bad roads, or when town
people could not visit the country.
Use the highways. But use them sanely. _
Avoid excessive speeds and careless driv-
ing. With the faster moving traffic under
the new speed laws, drivers must exercise
every precaution. Watch the road
warnings, Take no chances at intersec-
tions,'railway crossings and curves, near
schools, or when passing pedestrians.
See to your brakes. Your life or the lives
of others may depend upon your control
of your car,
Watch your headlights. They must not
glare. .A glaring headlight is a positive
menace on the highways. Simple in-
structions, sent free by this Department,
show how headlights should be adjusted.
Obey the rules of the road. Be patient.
BE COURTEOUS, Do not enforce
your rights in traffic if others 'are incon-
venienced or placed in danger.
Always have your Motor Vehicle Operator's
License with you
A common courtesy on Ontario's highwayswill help to bring country
and town still closer together for the well-being and prosperity of both.
Ontario Department of Highways
The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister
DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon, Late of .London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
-attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat, Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion 'Bank. Office
Phone No. '5; Residence Phone 106,
DR, F, J- BURROWS, 'Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist [Church, 'Cor -
atter for the 'Coun'ty of 'Huron, Tele-
phone No, 40.
D'R. C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
'Medical College; member of the..eoll-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DIR. F. J. IFORSTE'R—E e,Eiar,
Nose Y
and Throat. Graduate in Medt-t
cine, University of Toronto 1897. Late
Assistant New York Ophthalmic and
Aural Ins'titu'te, Moorefield's Eye, awl
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England, AA Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month,
from 111 a.m. to. 3 p.m.
Next visit in September.
DR, W, 'C, 'SPROAT.—Graduate of
Faculty of 'Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. 'Member
of 'College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Mediates
Drug Store, 'Main St., Seaforth.
Phone 90.
D.R. 3. A. MMUNN
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
eago, Ill, Licentiate Royal 'College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 151.
DR.. F. J. BLiCHELY, graduate
Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. ' Office over W. R. Sntithls
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth.
Phones, 'office 185W, residence 1853.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James Watson)
All "kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
1'/eciue d'lw Sept, lis
Wheat, per bus, . , $1,43
Barley, per bus: 73c
Oats, per bus. 45c-SOc
per cwt. .., ,. ....$1.85
Bran, per cwt • $1.75
Butter, per lb. 35e.
Eggs, per doz. 38e -42c
Potatoes, per bag $L25
Hobs, per cwt , ... ..... ..$10+50
100 acres, lot 24, con. 2, Stanley,
good state of cultivation. Bank barn,..
76x40, driving shed 40 x 24, cement
silo. Good brick house, 2 never -fail-
ing wells. N. SAUND'ERCOCK,
Brutefteld, Phone 621-r-31, Clinton
central. 42
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor
invites you to look over
The New Fall SHitiags
Upstairs Over
Keating's Drug Store
Groat Western Story
T R I f,
74 R O L L L O , l
Sflit' y ,p�yt� i n ,
°` Y L SLY 3rSS
in Motion Pictures
Shown Continuously Afternoon and Evening