HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-22, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPT, 22, 1927.
is an appetizing' dish, even for
those who are not hungry. There
is one essential, however, in.
making an ideal dish of it. The
pork must give it the right
s- flavor and we pride ourselves
that we know how t6 supply
just the- right cut for the purpose.
'want'it often,
Try. it once. You'd1
Phone 58 Seaforth.
Your Butcher.
Red & White
ehain Stores
Our Specials for one
week from date
Smoked Picnic U o ms, 4 to
(i lbs. 22c
Ba11 Small - Pint Sealers
dozen $1,08'
Ball Small Quart Settlers,
dozen $1.28
Rubberhite or red,
i Rings,
4 doz, for 25e
Large Yellow Onions, pk, 30c
New Pack
t bPeas tinglot
Only 6 to a customer)
Macaroni fired, cut 8 itis 25q
Toilet Paper, 7 rolls for 25e
Ross 3. Sproat Phone8
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
The Dairy Farmer is assured of good markets the
whole year for his Dairy Products.
Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac-
count. They will not fail you,
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
cream tows either through our Agents or deliver direct, We
will assure you of our very best services and highest prices.
When you need a new Create Separator see the NEW
MEI.OTTR, We can give you an attractive deal,
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Oat.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
f, J, walker & Soo
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
, c
or day�n
Li p ! s
The wrapped bread
Its worth your While
to give it a trial
Buns, Cakes, Pastries,'
Phone 7O -Prompt Delivery
Conte and inspect our Bakery
at your own convenience
Diek Block-Seaforth
D. fl
Of Winghar, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Setiforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
\ir, and Mrs. Frank Lee, of
l'horudate, and 'family, spent Sunday
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mc-
-v., Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Ruddeil return-
ed to their home in Winnipeg after
spending their holidays with friends
.Mr. Jas. Fairscrvicc returned from
Landon on Tuesday lastt where he
has been spending a few days.
'Mrs. Robt, MdCray attended Bel-
grave school fair last•week.
Mr. and Mrs, Mac McCool return
'ed on Saturday last from Flint, Minh.,,
where they weree in attendance at a
wedding, .
Mrs, Norman flunking returned to
her home in Clinton after spending a
few days with friends here.•
Mrs, D, D. Roberton is visiting
friends in London this week.
o f ,
Mrs. A. Brown and children,
.Tonto, spent the week -enc] tete guest
of Mrs, 13rown's brother, Mr, Geo,
Miss Minnie Cowan returned to her
Chas. A. llowey
Teacher of
Piano, Organ and Theory
Pupils prepared for the
Toronto Conservatory ex-
aminations, or any eolloge
of music
Residence -Chu Street
,home in Clinton on Monday after
spending a pleasant month with
upends here,
*Mrs. Berl tNott spent last week the
guest of her sister, in Flint, Mich.
Mr, Thus. Millar returned to his
home Saturday last, Mr, Millar was
hi attendance at his niece's wedding
at Bay City, Mich.
The Ladies' Aid held a ten -cent tea
at the home of Mrs, H. Riley last
'Tuesday and at the .lose of the meet"
c- i - presented . M t. h
)ng the 11 ht. H
\ i- the
tell, f Winnipeg, ,tan. with tl e
following address, and a purse of
money: "Dear Mr, Rtrddell, \Ve, the
members of the Ladies' Aid of Knox
United Church, Londesahoro, are
happy to have this opportunity of ex-
pressing to you our appreciation of
your willing and cheerful work in the
different activities df the church while
you were here. \While we naturally
rejoiced when we heard of. your char
siege and know you will gladly render
your service: to the church and cont-
tnutity where you reside, nevertheless
we feel the lass of your splendid help.
In the work of the Sunday school,
especially in cottuectinn with our
Christmas eritertainments, your serv-
ices were almost iuvalua4rle. You gave
of your time and ability untiringly.
'Your help in connection with the ser-
vice of praise added much to the help-
fulness of the serviee, in these de-
partntentt of the church's Work we
have missed you since your departure,
and will miss you still in the future.
\' a teacher in one of our local
schools your success was above Jim
average. and you also rendered- will-
ingly your services, -t0 anything that
was for the welfare of the commun-
ity. We ask yeti to accept this gift
a token of our appreciation of your
kindly spirit and of all you did when
you were a member of our ,church aunt
a resident here. Wishing you Muse
success in your trete home, signed on
behalf of the Ladies' Aid, Mrs, J. D
M{elvifle, 'president; Mfrs. J. Nott,
secretary; Mrs. R. Scott, treasurer."
Mars, Riddell made a very suitable
reply and thanked the ladies very
kindly for the gift,
The regular monthly tneeting of the
WADS. of Lgntoude'illc was held at
the (tome of Mrs, James Stewart on
Wednesday, Sept. 1'th. Opened by a
hymn, followed by prayer. Mgrs. Ste-
wart read a letter oat the clothing
supply. The meeting arranged to
send the bale by the 1st of October.
The topic was taken by Mrs, McDon-
ald, which was "The Immigration
into all lands.'''Each member took a
part by reading from slips in response
to the jubilee programme su'pplemeut
of Confederation, Closed by a, hymn;
followed by prayer by 1Miss Mac-
SAI.1LS-ACHEENililA'Ciil.- At St. Pet-
er's Cathedral,Minneapolis, oapo]is,on
tember 13, 1927, Milre Frances,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O.
,Achenbach, of that city, to Mfr. ,Geo,
Joseph Sills.
Mr, J, M. Filson left Tuesday
morning to visit tfrienda at Owers
Mr. Karl Amens has returned home
after spending the summer at Port
'Mtiss,Aun Prewer, BA„ of Sudbury,
was a guest this week at the home of
Mrs. ,i, F. Snowdon, •
The men of Seaforth Golf Club'
went to Stra'dford Wednesday to play
the 'Stratford risen.
L:istowcl lady golfers will play the
Seaforth, ladies a return game. on .the
Seaforth teourse on Thursday,,•
Mr. Jack Murray, of Detroit, visited
his cousin, Mr. J. A. Case, on Sunday,
Mr. J J. Merrier, Messrs, Claire and
Borden Merrier, Dr, and Mrs, E.
Merrier, of Windsor, spent the week-
end with Mrs. J. J, Mcrner.
Miss Greta Merner left on Monday
ro train in Ford hospital, Detroit.
;Chose from.A distance who attend-
ed the
ttended'the funeral of 'Miss Grace Elgie
were: Mr, and Mrs. John Cheaney'and;
Mr, and Mrs, Pearson Chesney, Strat-
ford; Mt. Appleton, of Toronto;' Mr,
Robert Elgie, North Bay; Mr. Wm.
1,M -rest and Mr.' McIver, Goderich.
Mr. Sam Jackson, Chesley, anent
Sunday in EgmondvilIe.
1Mr. Logan. and sister, Miss . E.
Lagan, of Stanley tp., were Sunday
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Ws L. Kays.
3vlrs. Stanley Gray, Stratford, is
Spending a few days at the home of
her father, Mr, W. F: b1:cNlillan.
Mr. Roht. :binKay kilt Monday
morning foroka.
Mr.�tricl Mrs. W. T. Grieve, of
Royal Quit, s4ich., returned Sunday.
They had been in town owing to the
illness of \lr. J. G. Grieve, who has
shown little 1i provenielt.
Miss ,Hattie Murray, Mrs. L,: --G.
Vanrgmond and Mr. and Mrs, 3. A.
Stewart were Sunday Visitors in
1Ir. Arthur Autcftt who spent the,
summer on the lakes, is returning to
Tnronto University this week.
Miss Ruby Young, whn has been
engaged in '\W, j. Finrnigan's store,
Rgwoncleille, spent the week -end at
her ]tome in Walton,
Mr. and firs. lieu. Williams, of
Stratford, visited Mrs. Gibson on
Sunday. Mrs. S. Boyd returned to
town with them.
Mrs. Chas. Brodie was a Stratford
visitor this week.
Miss Annie Brodie spent the week-
end at her home here,
Mrs, C. A. Langton, of Toronto,
formerly Mrs. Detrick, of Seaforth,
was in town this week renewing old.
friendships, and while in .town visited
Mr, and Mrs. 3, R. Govenlock and
\(r, and Mrs. W. L. Keys.
Mrs. Robt. Stewart has returned
1i me after visiting in Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Henderson and
Eleanor and Mrs. Thos. Jarman spent
a day last week in Stratford:
Mt. and Mrs, Archibald McLean
spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. jno,
McPherson at the home of Mrs.
Hugh Wright.
Miss Dolly Carlin returned with
Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson to Detroit,
where she will he Mrs, Ferguson's
Mr. Brenton Kerr, associate pro-
fessor in History in Buffalo Univer-
sity left on Friday for Buffalo to re -
stone his work after spendingthe
holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs Jas. Kerr.
Mrs. Adam Klein is abie to be up
and around again after her serious
Misses Annie Snaith and Norma
Muir were Lentlr,n visitors nt
Footwear Specials
Friday and 'Saturday
Men's, Work Shoes --Solid Leather, with Panto or Leather
$2.95, $3.20, $3.45 and $3.65
The beat values over offered: in this town
t'omen's Patent: Leather Strop Slippers: Now Styles
Women's Cushion Sole Shoes, heavy'
e , flexible Soles-•l�,ult-
ber Heels, 8 inch tops
$5.00 Value for $2.95
Boys'School Shoes --Solid Leather, Panco or Leather
Soles, Sizes 1 to 5
$3.00 and $3.50 values for �2.65to $2.95
Sizes 11 to 13-$3.00 and $3.25 Values
for $2.45 to $2.85 a pair
Misses School Shoes --Genuine (.hen :Metal Calf Leathers --
High Shoes, Sizes 11 to 2
Ox-foe'det Sizes 11 to 2 $2.65
1st Qur'lity Rubbers at Low Cash Prices
-The little. Store with the Big Values -
EC^FNO 4 �u t♦��' STORE
Pay ('ash --Pty Le'i.,
--- Directly Opposite Commercial Hotel ---
Mir. and Mrs. R. L. Thompson, ut
Ailsa Craig, spent the week -enol enith
Mr. and Mrs. Joint Finlayson.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Logan, of Wind-
sor, add Mrs. Joseph Hudson, of
1•Iensall, spent a fbw clays last week
with Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt
Mrs. Thomas Lampman, of To-
ronto, was the guest of Mrs. Ellen
Smith and Marshall, and other friends
in town this week.
:Varna school fair passed away with
good exhibits but not quite so•many
as- in fanner years. ..
'Raymond Bros. passed -through our
burg en route to Forest.
Mr. Tommy. Clutter: motored to
1.011don Friday.
Miss Glenn, who has been in Flori-
da for a year is the guest of her cou-
sin, Mrs. John Beatty.
Mrs. Clark has returned to• her
hone after spending some time with
friends on Goshen line.
Miss M ossop has returned after
pending a week With her brother in
Mr. and Mrs F. Weekes motored
T,istowet Tuesday._
kev, Archdeacon - tones -Bateman
conducted service in the absence of
the rector, Rev, F. 11. Paull.
.. Let
The many friends
Connell will be pleased to know she
is recovering front her recent fllnecs
and we hope to see her about again
'['u11hlic speaking, Gladys Coleman.
Margaret Robinson.
Judging competition (land's). Glenn
Thursday. Colclouglt, Campbell McKinley.
\fc, atul bars. {Isms 'Fowler and Grant Telmer, orrice MMcClinehey:, El-
childreu ' di London, 'motored tip to More Stephenson, Thompson Col -
visit the formers patents, Mr. and dough.
Cht En c, ing
motored frot Lon- M
,\rs. Joseph Fowler, over Sunday.
ern to spend Sunday as guests of Vera Smith, Crrace Robinson, Gltrlys
Mise Margaret Jackson: Mrs. Burch, Ccnleman, Doris Gemienhardt
Miss Walker, Mrs. Kennedy and her 'Parade, No. 6, No, 5. No: 111. Nn 7,
sister. Miss Prettell, and gr,.. Mar- Bayfield, No. ,i, 1fern ta Margaret Elliott. Apron,
shall. .Grain -Wheat, ion, Milton Talbot, Mabel Fut., Helen Anderson. Gladys
Mi. and Mrs. \\'m, Montgomery, of Ilarvey Keys, Elmore Stephenson: :'meson Margaret Robinson, Mar -
Toronto, arts spending their holidays sheaf, \filtee Talbot. Elmore Steph caret Jones, Irene Turner. Tea towel,
with his mother, Mrs, \V, Mantgont eitson. Oats, qt. and sheaf, Grant Evelyn Grainger, Gladys t:'0leutau,
cry, and Mn. and Mrs, \Ver. Morrison, Turner, Irene Tureen, Harley, qt.. Audry Murdoch, Doreen Reichert, -
Harvest thanksgiving services will Margaret Lamont, John Keyes, Keit- Margaret Jones, Margaret 1EcKenaie,
be 'held to St, Thorns' Church ,text netit Etue: sheaf, Jahn Keyes, 1Targy Knitted wrist cuff, Doreen Reichert,
Sunday, Sept. 25th, 3:30 Holy Com-. Lamont. Field corn. 1(1 ears, Malin- Gt:u:e Robinson, Quilt patch. Isobel
utrtion; 11 a.m. morning prayer; 3 da Stcckie, Clarence Reichert; 3 Rubinson, Laura Wright. Crows
11.111. children's service: 7 p.m. even stalk.. Melinda Steckle, Clarence Reis -Lente,, Darren Reichert Graeo•Rubin-
song. There will be -specialmusic a, sheet. •Sweet corn, Dorceu Reichert,' son \u -Ly Cochrane, Annie Carlile.
alt the services. All Will he made Mary Campbell, Andrew McKenzie. Continued an Page 8.
welcome. t:,letut C'otelnugh, Marie \fcClincher,--•-------- -- -._
Mr. Fret 1 ,»t \ hi r i`.e.. :Unna Aikeuhead, BRUGEFIELD,
,,nest 1...,. C. ,;,.. Potatoes -- Irish Cobbler, Mary 11r. ane] Mrs. (l..\. 1lansott and
Mr,. 1.. C. Jackson. accompanied \Vidfytd, John Keyes, Brtue licCltn- Mrs. 3delMnald, of I)utdas, tutted on
Miss Mary Jackson to '[pronto this cher Gurdon Heard. Randall Pepper, L'ru:edeld friends• Friday night, Mr,.
week, •'Thomson C .lclottghe Green Mourn. McDonald spending the week -end
Mfr. and :Gars, J; J, Cliff motored to twin, i?leanar Scntctrmer, Ray Pepper, with her sister, Mrs. C. IL Haugh,
"Toronto this week, Mr. James Steele Berthena Sturgeon, Dorothy \Woolly, Mr. and Mars. Mlaltsnn spent the week -
returning to the -city with them. • Bert McBride. :\nnie (:anile; Donley: end at Flake, taking in the Blake an -
M•. Reid Edmonds leaves this week Lloyd Johnston, 13tibby Peek, Roland nivecsary.
to resume his studies in the Dental. Kitchen, Elmore e McBride, Rob Tay- :Re. Mfr. •Alp, of Auburn, welt aha
College, 1 orento. inr, Annie Taylor. service here Sunday evening, while
Miss Margaret Case spent the week Roots •iMangoltls, Maryann Stetlle. Mt, Bremner conducted anniversary
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Turnips, Tom Seotchiner, Janette services at Donnybrook,
\, Case. . McAllister, Vera Steep, DOH, 'Chides, Mr. Lance Norris attended the
,Her many friends will be please{ to Gcrtic \l6Cliuchey, Mervyn Keyes. Young People Conference at Walk -
know that MT's. W. J. Bickcll is un Beets, Harry Spider, Bert McBride, erville Monday and Tuesday of this
proving at her home niter alt opera Claire 1loBride, .Aubrey Farquhar, week. -
Lion, Evelyn Grainger, Russe! Hayter, Several ncntored oVe• to Seaforth
Miss Margaret Jackson, Miss Ethel Carrots, -\h•in - Reichert, Dorothy Monday nnenitig to hear Di. Oliver,
Jackson and Mr, TedDowna motored Armstrong. Stewart Baird, Allan of Saskatoon.
to Toronto on 'Tuesday to visit Judge Keys Mabel Talbot, Audrey t'reh- :\ir. and Mr,. 1i. 5. Aikenhead and
Jackson, who underwent a slight op-. rare, Parsnips, Margaret Robinenn, ]laughter Lillian and nephew, Colin
cration in Wellesley hospital on Dorothy .Farquhar, Mervin Keys, Ma- Waring, of London, called on friends
Thursday-, bel Eine, Onions, I. Osmond Mel- here \fomlay. They were Accompau-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson and vin Snider, Isathel Robinson, Ebner led by Miss Olive Harrison, who in -
Edith visited relatives in Galt aver Johnston, Muriel ElliottIda Chatter. tends taking a position there,
the week -end. • Asters, Gordon Horne, Dean Castle, - Miss Greta Mustard, of- Toronto,
Mrs. Grace' Rose is the guest of Bobby Peck. F-llintt b1„ Ruth Gent• who has been visiting friends here,
Mrs, Jas, 0, Tlinchley, fo rthe'winter eiithatdt, Lloyd Johnston. • Sweet w;ts'in Clinton over the week -end,
-months, Peas, Willie McAsh. Phlox, Allan Miss Alice Davidson has left for
1 . John 'Cuthill,• of Seattle, Wash, Keys, Helen Anderson, -Dorothy Far, the West where she intends spending
is spending a month with friends in guitar, Zinnia, Janette McAllister, a few weeks.on-her way to California.
this viCimty. Ken •Castle, Annie Taylor, Russel The school fair •held in Varna at
Mr. Earle 'Webster letts'es on. Hayter, Maud Parker, Glenn Col- Monday the 19th was quite a success.
Thursday to take a course at the O. clnugh. African Marigolds, Doreen Six schools were in the parade, No.
A C., Guelph. Reichert, Audrey Cochrane, Marg, 10, the school at Brucefield, conning
MMrs: Byanc returned to her house Lamont Calendtula, Annie Carlile. third in the parade exercises and sing -
in 'Bowinairville last week after visit- French Mat•'igolds,Irene Turner,- ing.
in her cousins, Mrs'. -Melville and Clarence Reichert, ,Cosmos. Ilene Mr, hill Simpson, of Detroit, was,in
Mr. J. 13, Tyernictn. Talbot, Mabel Talbot, Alvin Reich- the village Sunday.
:fir. Malcolm Arenslrong left Tues- ern, Dorothy Nacho', Elva Stung- Mr. and Mrs. Geo, \Vatte. Clinton,
day morning far Kiogstou, where he con, Kathleen Scotehnier. Pinks, have written that they' strtfered no
mill attend Queen's University: • Doris Geiuienhitndl, Gaillardie, Har- serious injuries when they were on a
Mrs, John 'Nolan, Ilitron road east, vey Keys, Saipegtosis, • Mfargaret C,P,.R. train that was wrecked in the
is in the Memorial hospital here in a Jones, Margaret McKenzie, Geo, Ste- \\rest:
critical condition,. She• took suddenly phenson. Table bouquet. Mabel Tal- :Rev. W. A. Bremner is in Termite
ill last S notav and her litany friends tint.a
\tithevCachy Cochrane,
Elmer Steph- - tats week,
wish ber a sted)recovery, ensciu, Roller! Turner, Margaret and Mrs. \rnrur Caldwell seen
Mr. and Mrs.: John Tilley, of Mitch- Joins, Dahlias, Dorothy Farquhar, Sunday at the home of Mir. and Mrs.
ell and ]Miss M. Hutchison spent the Harold Jones, -Gordon Horner, Helen San Johnson, Stanley.
weeds -end at the honre of their cousin, Anderson, Mary Snowden, -Grace Mrs, Wtn. Reid, of the 4th con, of
J: -B, Tyertnam Robinson. Stanley, has returned to her hone af-
Piltiliry -_e: el ercl, Mary Campbell,
(;rate Robinson. Elmer McBride
Pullet, G. Robinson, Elmer McBride.
Pen of three, Elimr McBride. NV.
l.egltorns, Baty Campbell, Allen.
Armstrong, Wesley spry Tones, Glen Col -
e:01 h
g , Thompson CuJdouglt, Jyan-
ette'McAllister ,Marred Rocks, Billie
Graham, Mary Campbell. .Robt Tur-
ner. Gordon Horner, Doreen Reich-
ert, Margaret Robinson, Ducks,
Gladys Coleman, Elizabeth Snowden,
Willie McKenzie, Bruce MCClinchey,
Doreen Reichert, Lloyd Johnston.
Any pet, iRolbt. Turner. Kenneth
Mferner, Johnny \\'ild, Elmore Steph-
enson, 'Tom Castle, Edith Merner.
Baking Tarts, Elizabeth Snowden,
Annie 'Taylor, Doreen Reichert.
.Annie Aiketthead, Genevieve Etue,
-1ta'bel Etut. Cake, Margaret Lam-
ont, Glenn 'Coleiough, Thompson Col-
ciough, Doreen Reichert, Malice Etue,
F.lizabeth Snowden. Hums, Gladys.
Coleman, Doreen Reichert, Mabel
Flue. (:race Robinson. Muffins,'Wa-
iner Turner, Anna A'kenhearl, Tack
McClinchey, Isobel Robinson, Audry
Cochrane, Margaret McKenzie.
Cookies, Gladys Coleman, Elizabeth
Snowden„ Doreen Reicliert. Dorothy
harquhar, Mabel Etue, Audry Mur-
doch. Biscuits, Dorothy Farquhar.
Gertrude "\feClinchey. Ghent C'oi-,
Audits. utr
er Clad ��
Cu/email. Mabel Etue Priv, Gertrude
MtChhehey, \u li t Murd lr, Gene-
vieve Etue. Thompson Colelotigli,
Glenn Colcle ubh, Mabel ewes', Candy,
Clara Parker, I fay,, lohu,non, Dor-
een Reichert, Annie Taylor, Margaret
Elliott, Doris Featlae st„n, Sehoe!
lunch, ;\nnie Carlile. Doreen Reichelt,'
Mfargaret Lamont, Margaret Robin-
son. Isobel Robinson." Annie 'Taylor.
Nredlewerk i --Fancy stitches. I)or-
cite Reichert. Margaret Junes, Kath-
leen Stntilncr Dorothy Armstrong,
Isabel Robinson. beast Castle. Darn -
ng Doris Getneiahardt, Dean Castle,
Mahe! F_tne. Isabel Osmond, Edith
tet' spending two mouths with her
daughter, Mrs, Sant, Taylor, of.Clin
Mr, and Ilre. Lorne Taylor and her
sister, Miss Po'lloek, spent Sunday at
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Aikenhead
spent the week -end with his brother
in London,
Mr, Clarence Taylor and sister Mil-
dred 'Taylor, of Tuckersntith, spent
Sunday wish Miss Anna Taylor, of
Clinton, `'
Mr, Wm. Collins and family,' and
Mr. and :Mrs, Bob Speer spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Collins, who is sick in
the Clinton hospital.
The animal rally day services of the
United Church will be held next Sun-
d ty, Sept. 2511i. At the morning ser-
vice a special invitation is extended
to all scholars to be present, The °of-
fering will he taken by envelopes. A
liberal offering i, asked for. Last
year with the rally day offering 300
inc Sunday schools were organized
!n the Limited Church. The Young
People's rally service wilt be held at
the evening service. The members of
the \. ti
will conduct the service.
• \t. Lylefoe
Hill left f ,r Afoosr Jae on
\bunchy the 19th.
Mrs G. Hill has gone, :, spend s
few weeks withInce sm James. of
Strat ford.
'Mrs. J. M ore:ail Mrs. -1l Kelly,
Stratford, spent Thursday. with Mr.
and Dara, Will McDermott. •
Baldwin -Raleigh. --Mrs. Jaynes X.
Baldwin, of Pontiac, Mich., etas unit-
ed in the holy bonds of matrimony
With Nass, Mary Genevieve Raleigh.
the eldest daughter rd Mr, and Ears.
Michael Raleigh, of Fuller ate., De-
treir, on Saturday morning -at
at the veru path. Rev. Father D.
E. Hamilton, 5.3., ang_ the nuphar
mass and solemnized the Marriage iage in
the, presence ni Miss Helen lialdvvin
an bride;maul and Walter A. Raleigh
as gtoontsnta't and many relatives of
filth contracting parties. Two emits-'
arians, John Baldwin and William
Baldwin, nephews of the gre ant,
senrd the Mess. A dainty wedding
breakfast was served at the home t,t
the bride's parents, by the two mar-
ried sisters of the bride, Mrs. Step11-
ens and Mrs. Proctor. Mc. and Mrs.
Baldwin left by na.,t n for Dublin,
the childhood home of the bride.
'Sunday at noon hour a fowl c'.(1 -
ding dinner Was served at the home
of air, and Mrs. Patrick Raleigh,
untie. and aunt of the bride The
guests were Mr. John Carbert •unl
Miss C'arbert, Clinton: Mr. and Mrs.
1 O Hearst; Mir. and Mrs. M. J.
Nat„t. Mr. and Mrs. JOeeph Nagle of
Dublin: Mr. and Mre. Michael Ral-
eigh and Mr. Walter Raleigh. of De-
troit city. Shorty after the dinner
Mfr. and Mrs. Ballwin motored
Clinton and London and rettt+ned -t<'
Pontiac, Mich., on Monday where
they will reside at 179 Augn.sta ave.
Mr. I. Kenny has returned t,, hie
]tome in Stratford.
Miss Hannah Brun r is spending e
hick's holidays in Z,]ronin. Kitch-
ener and Hamilton,
Messrs. Sweeneys, .,f Stratford,
spent Sunday at the bene
Andrew Dantaen.
'\tr. and Mrs: Pat Woods motored
to Arthur to spend the'week-end at
teh home of Mr. 11lacltael Kelly, the
home of the latter.
Mr. mid Mfrs, Frank Evans spent
Saturday in Stratford,
Miss Rita O'Rourke has returned
'f row Detroit after spendingtwo
weeks there,
Misses Mary and Marie .Krausl:opf
spent Wednesday in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Kenny is
spending a few weeks at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip.
Kenny, of McMillop.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Kelly, accom-
panied by AMrs. Powers and Mrs.
Regelc• and daughter. Rita, have re-
turned home again to California.
Miss Mary Jordan, of Toronto, is.
visiting at the Monte of Mr, and Mrs,
William Jorclan, of Hibbert,
:Mi -s Minnie Maloney is visiting
wilt her smother, Mrs. Nora Maloney,
of Dublin,
Miss Marie fienininger. 0f Mildmay,
it. visiting her paretics, Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Benninger, of Dublin.
alis Mary Donnelly has a, returned
torose too Buffalo after a pleasant
ei t :cSth her mother, :Mr,. John .Dint-
Mir. and Mr,. I tttricl: Ryan and fa-
,oily and Mrs, lunette Ryan Sr, and
inn Tontine spent Suuda> in Stratford
fa -
at tett" hints' , f Mr. and Mrs, Jerry.
\lr. ,l,,s. Feeney sunt John 41e'C'tm
nen' have returned t., London t'niver-
11:. T. \itsGrath Jr was a Lan-
, visitor c 1 Friday.
don t
1-irebeth IIicknell ht, returned•af•
ter tee, ,sena, vi , with Toronto
General Insurance 1.geriey
Real Estate, Conveyancing,
Bonds and latvetoitnis'nt'n
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontarir,.
Rethiced Prices
Ladies' and gentlemen's
haircuts no*
All ihc'latest• bobs. now :K,o
at the
Deaiiisoe & PuHHonae
Barber Shop
Just around the corner in
1)otiiiiaion Batik Building
Phone 125
Svecial Milverton
we;,„,,, ,:ti•c it---•-t::ve it a Trial. A s
Grain Screenings Chop of Ali Kinds
-Your Auto Needs
Repairs and citarotr;' ,"e ali make
, -
A r r ,a dine of iw t,tc told Used Port
('itevr,,lei l lttriti r. 3')21 $75.00 ttitin >+
t?at•,l' Touring 11)111. $75.00 with r, n ease
trard Coupe 1025. balloon tires. like testi ..5175 with 11:i•rense
> JMA'I'I'ER HOW' 1)1U-ICA'l'l3
'We claim that „no dress is too dainty or expensive to he
entrusted ti) as for cleaning with perfect confidence.
The cleaning' of dresses is an art, which takes titre to shitty
and achieve.
Ladies' wase t;:ettt's Felt fiats cleaned. It e'.nly ee-tsts a
dollar and will look like new,
s " Proprietor
r r
(: t�Mi�tl~,e•.e r;Ar. rr,.nC,�. rlTt?�vr 227 or Flo %g