HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-22, Page 4WALTON. Vegetables - Collection, Chas.
Sholdice-Lowe.-•--A quiet wedding :vfuntt, Geo. Taylor, Edna
toolplace at the Brussels Parsonage' son, Helen Stetss. Swede turnips,
at noon on Wednesday, :September Boyd 'Driscoll, Geo, Taylor, Blair -
21 when Miss Merriam v{cNaugh'ton more Shaw, Ethel -Shaw, Jack Mc -
Lowe, Hattg titer of Mrs. Addison Tay- Gavin, 'B. Arcook, Leviathan man-
lor, tut. 6, con, 9, Grey townroliip, he- golds, Chas, Munn, Wilfrid Short -
Came the bride of David Harold Shol- reed, Blairtnore Shaw, •(:thea Shaw,
. a
dice: son of
Mr. • nd Mrs. -Adnan Shpl- Jack MdGavin, Cabbage, Norma
W.Steiss, Edi Ennis,Chas. McDonald'
slice, McKillop. Rev. A. �', . barker, � Edith,
of Brussels, conducted the sere- Helen Steiss, 'Mary Munn, Chas.
many. Tlie bride and groom were Munn. Cauliflower, Chas. McDon-
unattended. M'r. and Mrs. 'Sholdice ald, D. Drager, M. Buchanan, Stewart
left immediately on a short motor Bryans, Alvin Mc1Donald, Tomatoes,
tri and on their return will reside 011
Ross McMichael, Geo, Taylor, Chas.
the groom's roont's Large farm on lot 30, con. Munn, Chas. McDonald, •Elda Me -
13, McKillop. The best wishes of the Pherson, Lena Drager: Citrons, Ken-
cotnnuunity. are extended to Mr, and neth Ritchie, Norman 'Williamson,
Mrs. Sholdice, jack 'Turnbull,- 'Reg, Little, .Ross Mc-
Parke Turnbull. 7Hutbbard
c! t
,- l4. a 11
i\lr, and Mrs. R, C,, larks and D'er
othy, of Seaforth,sent Sunday .af- squash, Edna. .McPherson, Linea
ternoonJ. spent
beans, Ruth Manning, Geo. Taylor,
u at J N. Campbell's.
Mrs, "Choy, Rathwell and daughter, Elda McPherson, Carrots, Kathleen
of Listowel, also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Teeming, Eileen McLaughlin, Lorne
Rathwell, of Detroit, were recent vis- McNichol, Thos, .Thornton, Mary.
. itors with Mr, and 'Mrs, John Machan. Munn, Margaret Murray. Pumpkins,
Mr, and•Mrs. William Douglas and Kathleen. Leeming, Marie Coutts,
Miss Cora Harness, nd Granton, spent •fternlait .Beuermann. Sunflower head,
Sunday with Mr, and :Mrs, Fred Millie _Farquharson,. Ruth Alcock,
Ennis. • Gerald 011iara. Beets, Brenton God-
W,M,S---The regular monthly meet; kin, Murray•Tuchanati, Jack Bryans,
Mg of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid of Kathleen Leeming, Stewart 74utn-
,Valtnn United, Church met at the phries,' Bill Turnbull.
henne of Mrs, John Shannon, on Sept, Flowers.. -Asters, Marion Little,
14th with about thirty ladiesresent Jack. Drager. 'Sweet Peas, Mary Bit -
The seri iture reading was taken by chanan, Mary Ennis, Kenneth
Mrs. John McGavin; followed with Thornton, Evelyn +I-Ioegy, 'Helen
prayer by 11rs, Berry. it was an. Tomlin son. H. Bolger, Zinnias, G.
notmerd that the W.M.S. Thank -off- Sh0rtrred, t.:nsulos, M. Humphries, W
taring service would' be held the firs! 'Bentley, E. 11ePherson. African magi
auntllay in October and that Miss golds, Jack Murray. Lloyd Alcock,
\1'ellweo,l, a returned missionary -N !Yin McDonald, Pinks, Della
from China, would address the con- Thornton, 'Wilfred 'Shortreed, Anna
,•rogation. The topic was taken by Ennis. Calendula, Kathlyne Parqu.
> 1
1.s- tinu. continuing
1n ua* the studyd
ofbar tn BerraSteiss, Mary ,
Bn t
"Broadening 1I ztuSfor Women of Harold Jordan. SaipLglosrs, Helen
the Orient.
Mrs. Maines had charge, Steiss, Mae Shn treed. French tnari-
"golds, Gordon Elliott. 13111 Turnlbull
of l'urt-i•nt 1?t•rnts." .A• request was
t'rought to the meeting for all funds Pansies, Mary ETumplu•ies, Robinson
;n connection with clothing the child l amil ton. Poppies, Gordon Short -
Ruthenian School Horne be paid to recd, Helen Steiss. Pansies, Isabel
Mrs: , lac Donald. Ser some Farquharson, Ielen Steiss, Harold
this mouth, es the money mast .he Bolger, Glarldol'i, Aima Ennis, Ilan
sent away early in October. Meet-
ing sons'closed with prayer by Mrs.
\ l a r l'allunt,
Mr. Ito'ln. Patterson returned to itis
home herr on Friday night after ten
,lays' treatment at Toronto General
hospital very nmcdi improved. We
,ope to see (tint around again its the
course ,f a few 'seek...
1 and Mrs. Vc. T. Grieve. of
Royal Oak. Mich were visiting rein
:Ives and friends in this vicinity the
,.apt week. They left for their home
'tt Saturday morning,
\ir. awl v1rs. Thos. \ onug returned
home Saturday triter speudtng an en-
k'yahle holiday at the home of Mrs.
'Young's brother, Eli McLaughlin. a
tonin(. . c :•It's and blacksmith in
Mr. and 11r., 1 ti 1hie • and beat
ueth are holidaying ,n Simcoe,
1!r. and Mrs. ladles and slaughter,
,f Elmira, are visitingt .tt the home of
'ren and ifs.., 1151 ,v at thetati n
Mr. lanes 11 Mtatanghlin ba
'ted his tarns it t1 14, ML
..slop to his netgaltor. Mr. losept
kcttt This gives Mr. Ryan an,i s n
' n ken 11-. McLaughlie is helline.
111 .1510t.,., salts on iced., Oct. 51It. and
move to Dutb.n. Mr. and Mrs
11,La,u,hlln's ut't. :r:enis are sorry
then) fr, 111 11'.. comntatnity.
\i;. Wilfred •rel \le Laughlin and Miss
,.ate McLaughlin. o; Iona, are spond-
ee." esu week te%th Mr. and \frs. L H
Endeavor Meeting. \l r pec, t
\1 u• e, •511,1 \ti, 11 mit Ferguson
.Ittcte .1 the meeting. Rev. lis
Maine, 1 est se'tl the sut,teet Com
t is:hit Mrs. .altive 11,1,,,v a Sans
ptcasin,. •,r,,. "The Eie•:t
1e_n '
Miss Isabel leest 1. , ,enelin
ri Normal this year,
vi ., batt ]rr;,gt ' 1s t' 1 ,,'rt Miss
! t tc,•1
atel 'Mrs. s Dav „i. .,t itt Seas
r h this ..ek.
Nllss c !J.,y is visiting U. Wittir.
u „'-r Miss Elois Ludwig.
NEss jean Drager having l
a and sw n ctst•. tt
1 stns school 1 in isclosed it
eta aceoent
r pert
c r ,s^vcxaa-a av1sWb
Tk UKSUAIr ]LYl'. as, ass(,
Sorneri'ille, 'Grace Manning, Harold' ,Chas.' Lovett, in Clinton, on Tues -1 daring the f tl t `O l 1 I Oranlford ainl Kitt -
Bolger•, Geo, Taylor.
Writing-'1Little Iced Hon,". Jac
1'ryans; Elsie Dennis, Bobby Kirleby
"What I Would Do, 'Hazel McPhee
sort, Glen Pryce, Rutll Alcock, Jac
Drager, Irene Leonhardt, Ivan 'Shan
non, "Spring," Lena Drager, Ague
Dundas, (Lloyd Alcock, Addie Bcl
Anna 'Ennis, \\salter Bentley, "Ala
din," 'Helen Farquharsotn, Mur.i
Finnigan, Wallace Shannon, Iot
Benermann, \Walter Somerville, Is
bel Alcock, " My Native Land," E
da McPherson, Della Thornton, Ev
lyn McPherson, 'Isobel Farquharso
Mabel Bewley, Grac'e Perdue.
ICo;nposition, "Our; Dog," Add'
Bell, Boyd Driscail, Walter Ben'tle
"Friendly Letter," Helen Thomlit
son, Melville Shannon, BBeach;arn A
cock, Isobel Alcock. Autoltiograph
lEileen McLLattghlin, Grace Perdu
Helen Somerville, Stewart Bryan
Dorothy ;Somerville,
]Drawing --- Crayon drawing an
water colors,, (Laura McNichol, Agne
Dundas, Kennett 'Tl1 ornton, Map
Huron County, Gordon Elliott, Boy
.Dt iacoll, Latu•atic Little, Helen Ja'c
son, Walter Bentley. Landscape an
;;roup of flowers,:Charlie Munn, Wa
lace Shannon, Ma•p of North Americ
\5, allace Shannon, Marion Littl
Laura Hoy, Esther Duffy, MuriO
Fimrig•an. Landscape and trees, Ros
11cNichol, Evelyn McPherson, Eld
11cPherson, Duncan McNichol. M•a
of Asia, Evelyn McPherson, : E'ld
McPherson, Ross 'McNichol, Dell
Thorntoln,' Duncan McNichol. Scho
paper, Evelyn McPherson. Illustra
t)ou, Canadian Company Song, .Eld
1!cPherson, Della Thornton Evely
\Icf het•salt Helen Sourer •ii •.
t k
l uhhc speaking, I:ilccn, 14cLtiugl
'Chorus ---6 McKillop, 7 Mc iliot
'1 MMeKillop, 1 Morris, 1i1 Morris,
Cxer'ises--d1 Morris, 6 MoKillop.
1 arade -11 Morris. 6 Mel(.illop.
Morris, o McTtillop 7 McKillop,
,,ld Jordan, Mary Buchanan. Charlie Eaton special --Elia \McPherson.
\ltDonald, Helen Sniallds11. Helen 1'et--Rog. Lithe, Eileen Mclattgl
`tei 4, \sters (,ix only). Ross :Dris-. lin, Earp Hoy, Grace alarming, .\n
call, Norma Steiss, Iran ,Shannon, ,crew Sloan. Robinson Hamilton.
1;1',,. 'Taylor, Berea Steiss, Gordon Best Eggs, Alvin McDonald, 'Blair
Sh,:,rtreed. Asters (bou:suet), Chas. utore Shannon. Grace Manning, Ei
11 tcDcnald, I{arold Jordan, Geo. ren later ,aughlin, ,lark Turnbull, Ge
Cay1,r, (::ord in Shortreed, Elda Mc- ,Taylor.
Pherson, Tielen Steiss• Dahlias. Duck, Thos Thornton. Ague
Nort Stec. Mary Buchanan erea Dentias, Ti ttve * ilili •n G o
n , , B t. c Ta •lo
stt} }
r: ( T -
\''int 1 attk, ordotr Sho t
rod, 1I,,vcy Ilillen. .1lixed bouqu-
I5,•cnton t:.,,dkin, Harvey Hillen,
dear. \lar•its, lE, Mct.attgltlin. Stewart
1Hlumphries, ITelen Somerville. Snap-
dragun., \\•alter Somerville , Mary
Bnchana•1, Margaret Murray, Harold
1<,rdan Teatr } it v. \ rata Ste r
'Zitmi n e I rtran001 ' r n
t ' to tt l 1 1. t,o do
Sh., ,read, t m„s, Berva Stetss. J dun r ,it the ca -r is said to be quite
i h'rix, Eileen Mcl.attghlin. Stork ,i y„ung M1 Olive,'s horse got free
e. harp, McDonald. _ trona the buggy and rem away. I'
1'„nl:ry .a'ocicerei, iBill Turnbull, r met Mr. Lynit. who was cnniteg ;tons
lack Turnbull, R' binson Hantiltc,lt.1 'arnia to 11russels in a new McLaugh-
�:u;, 1 :yan:, George Taylor. Pul cut -$nick sedan to visit Mrs. Lynn's
t l fathLr SIr• PI '
f I. no ul.> .'l
Tti t o Tack Turnbull R,lb m tet. b r
e 11 I. •,u
1 7
r -' we 'un 1 t
<,,, 111' its a t;5orgc T'aylnr 5111 t art to at•otd the utinral,
't s v,t: Pen of three Lack Turn -I srlii h was killed, and ht; car wap
u'.. 11111 •Turn'hull, loin McDon,td, badly damaged. Mr, 1)liver and Les-
' ,t•re'1 Bocks, Gordon Ryan. Sttt•artI lie were hotel throwvtr cent of the buggy
, i It r.
•t. t r r r vs
„a t.. Eaern STeLau .ilm \ n+s nc , a. lun,•k
. g L, f t ed tnt-
iu111, t •trgt aylor�Berve Stet , conscious. ant Hark t„ fir renamed to
t1 hit R•,eks, 11.;Ir'11 Bniger, Ge,1,Iins home nu a stretcher.
1 ayh>r. Legh ,rns, \„rtua Steiss,' .
!:;1)11 Manning. Tho:. Thornton, Geo, BL'2'TH.
Mr r
I'�tvior \ l' • � •r • �, .. art 1 1[rs. '['i os
\ tl u I ar thar,t u. Eilce,rt t 11cRa 1{iss
Harold alma Mcl�ay and lir, Harris motored
from Shelburne and spent Sunday
with Mr, and .\Mrs. Ro'bt. McKay,
\lis alma is retraining for the week.
Mr. and firs. \V. H. 5-[ bt -oy
k, day.
Miss Loretta Healoy's school., ch
dress took first prize a5 the fair
- New H'amburg,-
' ,:
fMr•. LtJa Pease is sporting
- new' Ford car,
•Mr. au'd Mrs, . C. R ersott
Monday at London fait'. Pe
cl- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kelly and Mess
el Will and Leo Kelly visited Scafor
a friends over the week -end"
o' The \V.M.S. was largely represe
1 ed from here on Wednesday at t
e- Presbyterial meeting in Dun'ganno
n, N\ o''d has been received frons 1
and Mrs, Telford of their safe arri
re, in Fredericton,
Y Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson a
1- farnttly and Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas, Nic
olsou visited iMIr. and Mrs.• Ada
Y, Nicholson, of Kilburn, on Sunday.
e, M'r, and Mrs. .1. Sne11, of 'Wa
a, nosh, spent Sunday with Mr. a
d, Mrs, J. Young,
Miss Cora Skelton was the guest
Miss Elva. Richmond Sunday.
of •Mr. John Sanderson spent 'We
d itesclay at London Fair.
.' Mrs. J. Garden, of :Wo'Isley, Sas
darrived' ]tone on MA ednesday and v
I` spend a couple. of months with
a, father, Mr,'Will Taylor.
et Mr, and Mrs.. Richard Sanders
are spending a few° days with th
s daughter, ':Mrs., Geo, Howatt, -We
1 field.
P Mr. and wars: Geo.. Caldwell w
a. London visitors; this' week.'
a !\Ve are 'pleased to know Miss II
oI tic Dexter showed marked itllpro
- meat the past week. Miss Dent
a }tasbeen ill for some tithe.
n RLN'. D1 R I-3, B rn'by and i\4ess
\ B 7
Last ut!I f. 1 \Moodie art n
1- the 1?resbytery in \1 roxeter on Mo
day. '
1, \l;rs. B. Pferriugton �is visiting 1
sisters, \Mrs. H. Dixon and Mrs. 1Mc
G, Patterson, in -Kingston.
9. :.Miss Alice Gille lie , d
2 sl s atiendr i t
funeral r,f her nelphew, .Mr, .Per
McLean. wlio died 'in St. Thom
I'he funeral was held ou Vvednesda r
its'. and Mrs. Yule, a'[ Belgra'
- called herr on Monday on their retu
front their trip to Chvca;go.
Mrs. Arthur Tierney is having
coat of apshalt shingles applied
her house.
A sewing circle tea was held
1\ ednesday of titin week b •the laic
of a
Tt rat • C -hunch •
at th h n
e oto of'M
leo. Leith.
Raithby-Thong. - - In Goderich
Wednesday, September the 14th,
eleven o'clock the marriage took pea
by the Rev. R, C. McDermid,
Janet, eldest daughter of Mr. a
Mrs. Wm. Thom, of Colborne,
k G Rtuthli.
•aim est s u
3. 3 g o
11r, and MMt . John Raithby, of H
lett. The bride looked cltarnting in
gown of while fiat crepe with cera
,if shadow lace and ornaments
brilliants with tulle veil caught wi
orange blossoms and wore white k
slippers and carried a bouquet
()patella roses and ba't's t
The attendants we c Miss Elizabe
Coulter, of \Vingham, and Mr. Al'i
iters 'Thom, brother of the bride. A
ter the• ceremony the Happy coup
Irft for the home of 'the bride's pa
cuts, when t sumptuous weddin
dinner was . erveil to about twenty
five guests, after which the youn
c entle left by motor for {cheap
C hawa, Belleville and Piston, ami'
showers of confetti, 11t•itle travelied 11
figured crepe with coat of broadtal:
with tlti•betine tt'imming and hat te.
match, On their return they will re-
side at Spruce hfalnu farm east of
Auburn, The good wishes of their
many friends go with then'. The
frond• from a distance were SIr, and
Mr. David Johnston, Jamestown;
11,. Elizabeth Coulter, '5Vinghatn;
MT, , \May Gnddart, G"uelpit,
On Monday evening, Sept, 12th, the
fi 1011,1, t,f Miss Janet Thorn 'net at
he Ih•,me and presented leer with a
h uir1 ,t e giFt of silverware prior to
hi r near t iage
1f1 , M,K,1ight, ,Auburn, ente tain-
ed ti,,+ 13ib1e Class df tate Baptist
Church to a corn roast. The evening
vt•t spent in singing and gatnes, All
(tad ea splendid time.
Mfr. and Mrs. Thos. Laidlaw and
cluklren attended London fur last
\1 r. anti \1rs, \\'nt \\atson have
returned Monte from their honeyoloon.
Mr. and 1lrs. David Laidlaw and
family attender) the wedding of Mrs.
'La'dl tw's nephew in London last
week, also taking in the fair.
ML. and Mrs. Albert Kelly were I
and png those who attended London
fair la,t vri;ek,
Mr. and Mrs, (;5n. Hu
stgn;ug n ,e regal er, to c) )ellvri`u
Promise iMe, The bride was very
it- ,roii neat in chs rch work ant is
t t 1 t w.
in the recipient of many. beautiful giftts,
showing the esteem in which . she is
a held. The happy couple left by motor
for Montreal and other places amid
nt s'howerstof confetti and good wishes,
1110 bride travelling in a handsome
rs, blue costume, Rev. and Mrs. Boit
tic will masse their home at Bayham, Ont.
Miss Janet' Murray, of Gorrie, is
tit• visiting Mrs, VV. M. Doig, of Kippen,
he and other friends this week.'
n. 'Mrs, LetRoy Ogle and her son Mats -
r ter .Le;Roy,.of Dela•eit, visited with•
vat Iter cousins, ohn D, and Mrs, Ste-
wart of T tck•r mi t 1
t t. s ttl .
ud' Miss Nora T, Mark -halm, of London,
h- has returned 'hoinc after visiting John
m D, a s1 Mrs. -Stewart.
14t. and Mrs, Doig and Janet had
wa- the Pleasure of attending the wedding
nd of Mr. Andrew Boa in London on
of 'A'Iiss Dorothy Armstrong, of
Thames Road, who has been 'visiting
d- Mr. and Mrs, Wtn, Green, Tucker-
sntitll, has returned home,
k,, t\'Ir. anti stirs. Jonas Green attended
vial the funeral of his brother Jatnes in
ller Bay City ori Tuesday and returned on•
ort 'Mrs. Thos, Dayman and two cltil-
eir dress spent the past -week-in London
st- attending she' fair anti visiting friends,
•'Miss Jennie 'Chesney lhas returned
ere hotne from Toronto, having visited
friends there for the last tvvo \veeks,
at- The many friends of Mrs.' Johtt
ve Workman are sorry' •to kaiow slie was
er tacen to London hoslpital on Sunday
last anri andertvent a serious opera -
umd ,•
t gut 15 daft- as �• 1
vc1 as tau ti x-
tg ca
ed 1
ected at lr et1
e t
1 i s
1'Irs MoAll}stu- left for Windsor
recently to visit with foiends for a
ler 'lined time .'before leaving• for her
(tome ill Edmonton:
M•r Fr
eel ,Be tick, who ryas so seri-
lee` mush* iniurc 1 in .an aut •r
o vv ecle- last
✓ y ''eek at the village, is doing nicely and
as, expects to be able to move around in
}. week or 5o.
es, Mr. Alex. Sinclair has disposed of
rn his draught show team to a firm east
of Toronto and shipped them oh Mon-
a day last, They were a powerful team
to and.weighed.nearly a ton each,
,\Miss El 'a, Anderson has gone to
on 'London to attend Normal,
cs ATC. Con t
t r
e of Ki r
a re
r. aacltcd •tt
t L
f h annivur•
S1Cy aer 1Ce
at Blake on Sunday evening. •
on Miss Jeatt T'isan is visiting her
at sister, 1Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Gode-
ce rich township.
of A very large congregation o'bserv-
nd ed sacrament in S.t, Andrew's United
to 'Church Sunday. Preparatory ser-
Pices y
o tete
i i
tl a i'ridn • � • • '
Lve ni
cy nig Pre-
tif- i sou.±.
a HA ..
1311. Turnhtt11 Robinson Hamilton.
• Accident. .about S o'clock on Sat
erday evening, 1 mile south of Brun
sets nn the gravel toad, Mr. Tho
\liller's hm•s, 6th line, Morris, war
t,wn'g into Brussels. when their ca
1•ar1 into tt buggy coIltaining Mr
John Olivet and son Leslie, 16th e.o11
tel, anct upset the lin.> 'Ch
,r.l,oi. Ilan tams, R;1' 1 nrn'btrll, Jack
T-]ght Spring holt r.I-luglt ldinl, Spe-
t.. t tin Thorn ,n, Bren on Gotl-
[c ,,ld 1 " et 11 ter Springs pent 1541 I'llurstlay with bit•. and
,1•, i .t 'liars K r l br, L'ont l'lt prtt- j \i r. h ,hr, Sloan, 5th con., Godericif
,, t n n e dl w, Ruth \lattniug.1 tp. \11 Sloan iias a bumper crop o1
11•n .11 i suer Stun' Prtans. aptlh ur his 15040 orchard this year,
t ,`: i r,, ''11or iftrt fan. 1. 1137, •\ !tandsoute silt•er cup is being pur-
1 in,n1 , R i kbv, 11111 'I'nrtt'htt11, liar- oha c 1 t Ir campetatien) between Blyth
.,1 1' 1 t, a' u, .,,,-n n , ,stet anri P ru se}, chool at the annual
-1 t. 1 1 >i i, 'I hnta,..1it l 1 c;, titn n l [lett]-hasl(ethall ;end -oitbldl for the
;ran it<, Alderson. Br,r 1,c !:,nun thrc,. '5i11 11113 el, dottat
reels 1'atrnbult Tfacon Ilt 5s, m in.l •,•d t Shielil ''veal year i,g, and
\1c.Donait Get lavlo', Ros, Dris 111111)•)1t.gained pc tssiun of it last
..11, J a 1 f r::r t 1 111 i Irnbull, I t,•ar hating w 11 21 tw;' 5)121 of three
ut ❑ { r f, 1i'p %t110ti \CrNeh,t, tb' r , year., T'hr hrlrl day date• Itas Dot
F 1 1'aricir, Lunt,' McNieltnl, AM'fltrt,l yet ores set.
io,•lreed. IL's. MC \ich 1 t harles -'5 1 :acct 111: harvest thanlvsgiv-
(li i1 tI It t r t e u 11)1tt, S1,%es 1)n,n.ra,t alt..arlt,f '`t'r'ots "'err held its T_rinaty :\ngli.
k Dud.... 1 bt' ] u gnhara r' act Church ,n Sunday last, Rev,
1 tt 11: t Bryans. v ns, lilda Mc T'hc.tsou: lo,nn 51 111s, of St. Paul's Church,
11 , rt ain 1 t umlu I),rl (*take. c. D, rr,thy' Somarvtii e '51•no 1 .t,cls, Londneted Morning and
l tl a :{±i Lkla \i111 r anexciting.e-rvices here and afternoon
\Ir _1,11 \1 1:i T h,,,,, 1 ,,Pct , use I u11c, \la :1 lln111 Ltgltt { ,0rvti a 13els;r•tve, A .beautiful an -
11 m.,1ae London. 1:,•. ]irhn "4 1)5.rlr1R. Ethr1 •sh tvv •urns I h, :.ousel 1\45,51 rorth 33nw-
1f I{ t f 11'he a 1,: v, t ii a -,u , \c< 1'ltt rson \Lary: bfttnn' the. Morning
the special m11 ,. {err
-.ailed er1 r u u the L' . .tin : t t ruhf t Pit. Eldx Src1'he•r,oa. me rung .55rttee. Solo parts were
11ef.: 1, 1 Sunday i I.enermair. ,apple l'']e, D,lia taken by Misses Louise Laundy, AI-
\! \\"m 1 le: n an•l I e1 spcn 1
t =tui \ :irs, 1.1111,'. Elia 11
e ice Rogerson ut,1 Margaret Hawkins.
;n, t •n,!S ,.t r) n , un \l,tc \Lunt llutlins, Jeu,I •1t ?hr• evening sor•ics Mrs. (Hawkins
,.5,•r,„r. -ang, t delaghtmi sa,1,,, "The Night
1, 1 .r.. l),:,1-';;tv iutnr• rtlh•. ku,ht g
1 '.t- -'011 in- ,.rte past a two ,1)50ta,
2. the \\• <
School Fair. -.( ,,;, -11 twat, q..
Melville Sl1 1 i
ay Tor. Stri I L' • \\ 1'
sleet „ Sl, t r1 Sal, t 1 Hard 1 1
rats h,•,, , St e ; 11..,
, s
Taylor. r
;Artie:. .n l\a?a
1 , Iiaraes '1, :.t (tat 1' ,-
Mabel Nlarhan, 1!u int rd,n , t tar
1 1rt-
pall ‘v11,-,1 1, ret 11111 i ut 111Th
Elsie McPherson, \\ries S pal 11e,
Jack Carnblt 1 Iia v t •Hi11t;, Cha;
Munn: inn, •h, u 1 i11 I'tn•nbull sari,
Turnbull, (e,. Taylor.. Barley,. .qt..
• Thos. Thornton, Ritth \latniuir jack
Turnbull, Geo. Taylor. t,urdran 1;
11ot1, Bill I'urn'bnl1: sheaf, J;,ck'Curn-
bull, 0,111 Tnrabull. Oat,, 511„
Turnitsltii: J Turnbull, G. Taylor, C
Mann, 0, Ryan.: sheaf, Jack Turnbull,
Bill Turnbull, Gen, Taylor- Toni
Kirkby, ,Gordon ..Ryan, Peas, Chas
Slums lad•' MlcPhersnn, Gec, Taylor
Arthur t'Flalionr, • 'Phos. 'Thornton
Walter Somerville.
Boots.---d-C. !tote n , .Lloyd .-11-
-.cock, IiatWynn Farqu11505, n,• }terve
Steiss, Earl (lop, Jim Murray. Louis
DaffyG. M potatr,e Tho,, Thorn-
ton, Ruth Jlocrle, Else 1)51,11t , 1155.
ham .1:cocls Brenton Godki11, Mae
tib [aced, \fuv Ennis:, Dooley pota
toes.,Jack \Ice a,;n, {,lairninre Shaw,
Isabel. Farquharson Anna Ennis,
Rog. Little, Mangold,, Evelyn
Hoegy. 1105 .4 Dri,crlll . \Vilfrni Short -
reed, Willie Farquharson, Geti. Tay.
r, 1 t i,n
ur Ot11 yr•
. Turnip. l,ck I
Turnbull, AI ars, ere, \ittrrap, fleets,
:Boyd i): i. ,ll Ella McPherson,
Leta ()Tager, (01,n1 Elliott, Dor i
othy Somerville, 1t. tlrc l .A!cock, tdr• ,
Chas. Munn. 1)u»,„1n 5IL'u$o1, t
Grace Manning IIelen Tomlinson,
John Conley. Parsnips, Mary \Munn.
Otnnn,, HelenSteiss,Heten S-nnae.. •
cillo. '
V t, nil -, -Matt Stator treed. 1 isr'mt
Mart. r \t f ua Elda McPherson. Laura
Hoe. Del, Thornton. 13ea,1 Isahe
,f Thornton,
soodss, Ic ti •
, t
I Ili:, \t I 1
e, le Yst 1
1111Ile':n yultars n Even
ee a 1:11,, McPherson. MMae
t,'1. P l ut \it•Phe s ,n, Ethel Shaw
f n,,. 1 Lunch. Laura iTt y Grart
! Maiming. Eld!' \i, Pherson. -
-l•Tetntned Tea Tovvel, •1Ida 11
cr of 1
t I'1
t Ham >h '
rn s E celya
McPherson, inadys Smallelon Dorn
v 1)r;tger, Mary BuchauaitHand
1. •rehiei, Ella Ilei ersott; Evelyn Mt.
Pherson, Della Thornton, Quilt
1 l e.k, }aura Hoy, Eads Mc Pherson,
Gladys Sin ill+son, Lvelyn \TCIhcrson,
ITt en Somerville, 1)urotln S'lutrr-
1 •. Croehoting, Elda \St Phe.rst» 1
;lella Thornton, Helen Farquharson
ratting, Ella Mt Pherson, Della
ritormon. Kitchen :apron, Helen
Steiss, Etch( \le'Pher -n1, Evelyn Mc-
Pher,011, Norma Steiss. Berea Steiss
liken \icT..utghlin.:3111151 Set, Eve.
e t -\icPherson. Elda McPherson,
Della Thornton, Laura .{Toy. T.nnch-
,,it Set, Lada 'McPherson, Evelyn
1 t. ,,nu
1 \[, and lar \16 r; R,..ly. and Mr,1 \t estheld, spent Sunday at the lathe e1"
Mrs. Get, Machan took in tire' hrotherl4, Mr. Norman Sandersop's
e, 1 u fairThursday.
NIr. a t k Nirs. Peter Gardiner re -
1, Saturday rr,nl their trip
d the- \\ e,;.
. u
Ll dent erre
reek end with the latter's 5]41,10: Mrs.
-Frank Rogerson. -
I Miss Patience Srt�it lra> 111 Landon
on Saturday, -
� - Rev, \V, L'. I'awkiits' took services
_ til r `�
()11 .
I. Fatfl
(:ht •c
tt h •n
1\ ndsn•-
t ek
on S• ,• ,
• \lis Boss, of Detroit,• is spending
her vacation with Mr. Wm. and Miss
M. Pollock,
Rally Day services in Queen street
Church next Sunday. morning corn-
ii'enciug as 10 aan, •
Mr. and -lar,, A. Radford and \'Ir.
I e Tie Johnston and Mr, Stanley
.1hnston were in Landon last -week.
Rev. A. Graham of London was
',nsble to take services n1 St. And-
tv', United Church last Sunday
Rev. A A. 1.Iolmes of Clutton sup-
plied, Rev. Mr, Graham is expected
115.1 Sunday.
Mr. W. AT. T elfcr is -moving his
rie,nsehold effects to Crediton this
'51,'l he r s m,
Cardboard Articles, Stuart Bryan;
Tont Kirkby, Mac Shortrecd, Isabel
Ucocic. Article in Weaving, Tsabe'
n is Geo. aft-Cann/IL jack Bt vans
\ i ate Bell Lloyd Alcock, \Maltel
Bendy. Bird House, Stuart :Bryans
l\ il'
ul , 4
tortreed, Bill T utnhull.
Baseball hat, at
Shur �ttc•
land lla'le;, 11'iltred Sho,t'ee.i. =1
canned knots, T'otn Kirkby, Charlie
Munn, Any Article, Earl Hoy, 11 t-
d Shnrti 0d, C'harli.• 115111 11, Dun -
an 11eNichol, Fergus Saralid,nt, Nor.
u 1s
Collection of Foods, ,Lim Murray,
fty.' t t nil, insects, Geo. Tay.
t\'er i seas, Pim Murray, Ruth
t Manning, t.e•,. Taylor, 'Weeds, FTelen
,eek, Mr, Culp is his successor as
manager of the hank.
bliss 4lattie 'Maxwell of Winnipeg ' me
bride and, groom. The bride who was
given in marriage by her father, wore
a beautiful gown of georgette with
bridal veil el and- orange blossoms and
carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses.
Battle Irene Smate, ,of HensenI
, niece
of the groom, acted as flower girl,
while little Margaret Phin, niece all
tate bride, acted as ringhearer, bliss
Anderson, of London, played very
sweetly the bridal chorus from Loh -
'51r, and Mrs. Stanley Cheney,. at- ! 'VP);ended tete funeral of her uncle, Mr.1 Mr
111 and Mrs. Leslie rear and fam-
ily were guests al the bonne of Mr.
Johnston, of Grey, on Sunday.
Miss .M. \foods, of Mildmay, is
the guest i,1 her friend, Mrs. Thos,
Laidlaw thisweek.
'Brown, of Morris, on Sunday, Wm. Al rs.
Sunday, Sept.
18th e nn.
We• e sorry to report that Mr. S.
Leslie is on the sick list this week,
tMt ('. Hoare and Miss Bessie
Moore, Clinton, were Blyth visitors
on Sunday.
11t, Archie McCallum and bliss
Sara McCallum, of \V,alton, visited
Mr, and Mrs, Jno, Cras'hy on Sunday,
Messrs, Walter IleGill, Jas, Marsh-
all, Charlie Nicholson and H. Wellsmotored to London 011 Thursday last,
Baa-Phin,- A very pretty wedding
was solemnized on Thursday, Scptem•
ber 15th, at 2,30 m„ inIla Jean,
only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Phin,
238 Briscoe St London, was united
in the holy ponds of matrimony to
Rev. A. 1), Baa, third sem of the late
Mr. and. Mrs. Paul Boa, by Rev. J. E:
hlillyard, in the presence of the im•
diate relatives and friends o1 th
Jess Ella herr,- T>russ5ls, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. iI. AMoE1-
roy. •.
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Dillon and
children, of Dublin, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly, -
Mrs, M. Curtin, and Miss -Annie
pent the week -end with Mr, and -Mrs:
1 T. Kelly, •
Healy has returned ]brae
otter• visiting 'friend, in Saginaw, De-
ottit and Toledo.
eugrm me the ceremony, a sump- It
us wedding dinner was served,
O T MaC 1t tl (III
Mr. Gaffney expects to finish the
stork on branch 11, of the Murray 1
T.amb drain in a short time.
. and Mrs. Thomas n
tas Cof-o
a u and
visited , te
1 the Smith n1 tat Tamil;• of
Summerhill Sunday, •
Miss Mary Reid, of '.Parkhill, 101
visiting her brothers, Messrs. Dave'
and Angus Reid,
Mr, and Mrs. Wan, 1{nox, tier. and
Mrs. Thos. Knox, took its the London
fair, also visited .\4r, and Mrs, John
T. Knox and family at Caledonia, and
awhile net their way hone stopped at
Brantford to witness the football
Mr. and Mrs. Holland have got
nicely settled on their farm recently
1ud ,se! from Mr.Joseph
'Master Eddie Boll and his sister
Mildred,` who itad their .tonsils and
adenoids removed in the Wingham
hospital last week, we are pleased to
hear, are recovering nicely,
Mr, Alex, McEwing took'- a. brief
'visit to the Niagara district last ,Sat-
Mr, and Mrs, Simon McVittie at-
t.ersded the football match Saturday
last at 13ratnt'foird and while away visit-
ed at the home of - Mr. McVittie's
cousin, Mr, Watters, near Drumbo.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter McDonald and
Vera, also Mr, Angus Reid, visited in
London last week, .
'Mr, Lorne Toll visited friends its
'L'oronto over the week -end. i
Brantford 4, Kinburn 3,. l in'burn
lost the Western Ontario Junior foot -
hall title on Saturday afternoon. in
Brantford, At half time the score
Was 4-1. The Brantford goalie had
his nose broken accidentally by one
of his own players about the middle
of tate second,•.Teit minutes was lost
over £HAS. (11 the last five minutes
our boys, landed two goals and were
confident they could have at least tied
the score if they had had part of the
ten Minutes that was wasted: Dower;
ofHespcler, was referee, Jack Arm-
strong, Alvin Dale and Torrance D.ur-
das were the goal -getters, Owing to
the fact that 3 other finals were play-
ed in Brantford that day, only a small
crowd was `out.J ust the t c -•three
1 sa n
cheers for the Kinburn boys who
have played wonderful footall all
year. They'll do it again,
Mrs. Jack Erwin and son Zack and
daughter, -Mfrs. Barr, anis Miss ',an-
te Irwin, Who live near Sault Ste,
baric, are visiting 1'1r, and Mrs..
Matt. .\rutstrong, Mrs, Irwin was.
'brought up in this district.
Messrs, Ephriaor Clarke, Ross .4r -
Gregor and Wm. Britton were among
diose. who attended the game in
Brantford on Saturday. Mrs. E.
Clarke accompanied them as far as
Miss Marjorie Colson, of Blyth, is
spending a few clays at the end of the
w•eck with
her friend,7 cs Ella ?vi l
, a Arm-
Mis \'fa'bel Livingstune stipplicd
for three days at S.S. No. 2, Tucker•
smith, while Miss Marion Scarlett at-
tended the V.P.S. convention atl\ralk-
\ir. ants tifrs. Fred Stephenson and
family eat Sunday village.
'Charles Wakefield sppat a few days
last week with friends Clinton.
Sar. and Mrs. Ben. Riley, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Riley jr. spent Sunday with
the fornter's daughter at Teessvater,
Messrs, Arnold Colclough and Ho-
ward Armstrong purchased a number
of Herefordcon..•s
near Bre
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson and
Mrs, B. B. Stephenson were London
visitors Thursday last.
\Miss Jean Lawson is 1u)ute again
from Toronto,
'Worms feed upon the vitality of
children and endanger their lives, A
shnple and effective remedy is
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, -
Mr. and rep's, Fred Koehler, Mr.
anis Mrs. Charlie, Regele want for a
0„100 trip to London iair week and
report having a good • tints.
n very
The cacti so badly _ eecled _ is v� y
slow coming hat We hope we will get
some in time 'for roots and late psi••
Some party fired a part of the Can -
ado. C swampand it is burning
.t . o.,
fiercely .some 'days. -
1Sorty to report the illness of Mr,
Bryan Mara. Mr. Wan. Hoegy
hook lila to Dublin Tuesday morn-
ing andfrom there he went to .Lon-
don- for treatrineht.
,Mr. Jerry O'Hara is still in bed
and is not improving as fast es his
friends would like to see. He is very
Neale and cannot eat any strong food.
The potato crop is very light in this
section and we will have to sing .this
Fall: "The 'ta'toes they grow small,
while they plant theca in the Fall,"
but -the other crop is good, so we will
have lots to sat anyway
t , ho wouldn't
be a 4 a
.iwutthem nt?
Buying only : small
stocks enables the
T731 -to. 1
C 1 '
uT 1 w merchant
to try out the novelties and
new styles people are look-
ing for
ook-ingfor -- on which the
margin of profit is greater
than on staple lines. .i Hand-
to-mouth buying keeps
down the capital invest-
neat, and additional quan-
tities or odd sizes can.
always be ordered by Long
Thanks to this
method of conduct-
r t
have never been able
show as many up -to -cyte
styles as now.
13y using Long Dis
tan the
awakec e ide-
ak e small -
w a town
merchant with his low
overhead expense can
make his store the buying
headquarters for a lar
surrounding g territory.
C.4.y ��,
4 1t
Ten little stories told by a man who knows
how hard it seems to save money. .
how easy it really is and
Actual experiences of men and women in allAL
walks of life on the trail all cf the elusive dollar
. . tales that inspire and encourage.
Your copy ' is waiting- Just write ... no