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The Seaforth News, 1927-09-22, Page 3
The est of r1. pyo 4t'' Do Stunts—For Distance or to Reconquer Oceans Already Crossed Really Pay? AVIATION . ASININITY I ! 'Advertisers Get the Glory, ;But. Aviators Pay the Price The mental 'anguish caused by the the country heaped its wrath on the 'delay and silent} concerning the St. Government for risking a great ship j Raphael with the intrepid 62 -year-old and a great flyernIanbarnst r ng' .Princess Lowenstein aboard and her expedition! Sleeted two pilots brings up the- question do in his boyish the tyl oianxienet country's to tdi ahr wrath 1 "these stunts pay? Our own Canadian 'point son o provincial e Planes ,no doubt will soon take o3T'af high hats, how 'ter their delay with more anxiety and would again be heaped on those who nothing but some cheap publicity :onaotiraged this Cone young aviator to gained. It is : interesting to review . risk his bons to provide seventy-six the Dublin opinion expressed in vara- cities' with Cogreaht ht oliday! no mercy!" lis quarters on this .tiniely topic. eight, but enture has run; too far ahead � Our own View.. yof"sCience" ear; Walter J. I enclrlek, "0 it Is always ,'easy to get venture rano designer, lust some people to take a ehanee on their a Canadian air hack f Isar - life to gain money or notoriety. Thofroma study of aviation in Isar - et ordinary attempted suicide is always opo, "The siinple fact is that airplane So w11y design 11as not yet reached a point attended with incarceration. S where gasoline will sustain a plan.: on should not Canada immediately Pass a flight of 2,000 or 3,000 miles with legislation making it eompulsoly to' any degree of safety, Carl Woliioy, apply torpermissionto take off" on Vise-Prositlent of the 1.attouel Aorot a venturesome air flight, and where na.utteal Association, Lack of Chinese Ra .roads Holds tip News for i oinths W�1ord cf Groat Earthquake in 'Western China Traveled Via Ancient 'Channels Wky 1t takes ea dung for news to size in the world, the right-of-way de - A New 1 die Youth Finds •"Sparklers" Grow on Quebec High way; He Knows His Tourists ! A variation of an old game in a new come cut of the heart of China (re sired for the railway was almost one guise and additional, evidence support• cently two months elapsed between continuous cemetery, with graves scat• ing tlie: late Mr. l3arnum's contention the: time oho seismograph recorded an terga promiscuously over the cult!- —"there's one born every minute"-' earthqu zke "semewhere iii Central voted fields. To remove a'ny of these has. come to light on the Mentreal-Qne; A young roan dressed. in the fatigue uniform of a 00001 hand drives v.1) end' down the- highway in a email (heap car. When he approeelme a point. where a tourist might stop or slacker Asia," and the tine the world, got the graves required extensive negotia- bec highway. story of its havoc. in 'Wewtern China), 'tions with"the descendants of the de- 11000nes clear w_on examination cE ceased, since only theycontd perform China's railroad mt p: Ti:ls vast cnun- . the necessary rites; a> d if their •0011 - try, ono-th`rd gre ter in area than the sent could not be `obtained, the Line Unit d St tes, with more than twine had to be built in and out among the the inhabitants of the two Americas tombs, In some places gaps were speed, tee h1 he ungcama m nta i gt 10 combined, has Ica,-, railway mileage 'left In the •embankment until the than Kausas. Tiio United States has graves could be traneferre . to other tourist stops suddenly, Jumps out of , One 10110 of railway for every twelve places. the ear and makes the geeture of r•1!uale i miles of territory and for every 1 China's railway e history pr 1)o a is picking up something from the road, It Then he holds a ring with o glistening 460 of Ile population; China has one `barely a quarter of a century o a uaile frr every 500 square [Hiles of ing frota the opening In 1903 of the (err itory and to every 58,000 of its i Pusela-built Chinese Eastern Railway, lrticn. `tits Manchurian link of tbe Trans - stone up before' the tourist, who is humanly curious. "See what Ii p found?" says iho p0ued0 son of the Sc pc.e!ly more than one sin five siberiae Railway, and tee extension of soil. Chinese has even rmn a railroad and I the imperial Railway in Norte, 'That's a fine ring. You're lucky," l hardly more than one in .fifty has' China 'to connect with it at Mukden, comments thetourisi. Tisco 1.11.0 man in l,,e overalls re• oven ridden on 0 train, The Province of Sxechuco twice the size of the State or Illinois and containin as many peo- ffff{ ple as the United :Mates cast of the ,w•e 31 ',r. ��;: ; •�. sir -..� ,� r . 01, . I A'itesissippi River, has no railway et In a mere telegram to all, nee. Mongolia, Thibet and the prey - thing notoriety is the only Commerce, ex- �.� •�ii�,�st �„,ync�', ,,�c,'..::a.;•,..:�_.. •�^'•�^d'� � Shansi.ICweic"ow and E the 0 111 (pini of 5a t % ;m' : ,, Daces et Kansai, tiring to be gained prohibit the flight. opinion that racitrr, across " ?; a is a presses the al, , a. 4� n°.. n b. e• w Kwon» nO . The total equipment of all The vonadjunct t and Menem! (moans for prize money at the Freeman un t to a nation's welfare, t can A YvUtdO C,^t19A1Jr(t C'bluese railroads amounts to less than valuable ie t t c stage of aerrinauticai cl0veloprten AN OLO CAR AND into ll, half teat of one of the major ll, Ai�ove is shown Gwendolyn Darlene, aged i nes t i r fro rens— ge 1 daughter of Gordon Darling, , + its this country, and their equipment channels which will beprofitable that roar progress in long-distance fly- No eh Bay, •one of the northern It(st to !urate Toronto b motor. Het' is generally so deteriorated as not to rather frau saar.flce goo ing can over Promoted without courting toolieh publicity, father is holding bar. Below ii sliosvn C"o "South Porcupine Wildcat; compare with America's. I - tragedy oceans. l:, It Worth it? ancient but na yn c .1 so direst these willacbetisties nor1Y jeopardize further a 1 g d lives 4 fol b t� t tecr.• tit I!!vt'er which carried three members of the„ recently have the Chinese It in interesting to read editorials'Such an orgy interest ca themselves an active n ss sacrifice � ,token . Y e 1[lea ls. _ e ofr ch,n Tc rent t )i 3 to South Pnrcu ]tnr from 1 i < never be permitted again in this northet•n crusade fro 011 recent heluheation heading mount :1e p --' • in railway building. Foreigners have ole Derbycountry,” declares the Philadelphiashould ium of a deep tank. But • the water been responsible for what railway de- t.,tuei the iteadhig D Vita Inquirer tranr:atlantic fl11011a should Bi t there is and they have king Italia -ley to the sea, lniilt under Iirean- ht," the Norfolk case �, � Tower t �r ii Ytlot �u•ny v1) the caro in its be rcatrictetl to planet which aro see ie It would now be passable to travel from earls to ITongkotig 1,;* ran but mares thoughtfully--"ll's no use toMe . ter the fact that the stretch between I Have no women folks, I'd sell it. Chuchow :and Silauuhaw has never Pothers you wattle like. to buy it. been completed. The 101001st, who ten ehane0s to one rot to be- is not a gem exp"t't, thinks ."here's tThe eo13' direct railway t chance 10 pick up a diamond cheap, leeeu lley I (thein and the east lii:e, and the person who lost it will never lee Valley is the Tieri:;iu-Pukc>w line' lin0w' 11lave it." Ile offers five dol- fcl,owing the general route of the Im- perial Canal. Buiit by Germans and s for If 11 is a diamond, mister, 1311tisl:, it is said to hr, the,hest con- i , , worth .400 :or $500. ,I in the country, ltsv- rt s probably $i ,t bag cost railroad .i think you •might give. me $10 for t, Ing cost au average a 3fi.;,600 a mile. ; urges the simple farmer's boy. On L".e German portion are found the "All right—here's tell,." moat pretentious railway stations in 'The deal is •closed. The tourist China. This route from North China { (buckles over the fine stroke of buss is continued; by the Shan€'Dai-Nan- Hess which he has clan( with some body's hired man. Tee tourist ar' ' rives in Montreal and asks a reliable l ' was 1)11)03)0.11 from the excavation w2L11 00 0prom e e o a vehemence that it was afterward often worked under the most sol5eus `a British lean. The Chinese them- ��aA � ��� �fe um, 11f exaggerated rather than 1•e• handicaps. Less than one-seventh of salves have extended this lin. .0ixnh- g 11 Iia 1 di Ll jeweiler t0 vaIua the "stone" , ton. A few years af- the present mileage n'as built. with ward telcua• i...e coast throug g ' „The stone and the gold are worth he sit int uE resent infer- certain ane .vhere nothing is gainacl ter this unfnriunele attempt an earth• Chinese capital. It teak twelve years rh(w to Ningpe. kin _ riot ia:ara than two ciOlJars," the histr v.1 the bas P 'for eivilizatinn," tine Mobile Register Brit Greying dant' Catl9e3 tn•ttun,; figures uii le Yolhitvs: , quake further ,insettled the tower's for the first Britieh railroad builder! The (11lfne0 also hnflt the PO g _, not mo an !ban t, "Mow rs," die • • , . 0 •s live 01111 vthe preli thinks, "contests of this sort are a' AYI'+fiet iii etal s COV on Pn for le" . Pout lace1 a I S' shallow foundations, there to orercome Chinese npPosltlml Fuirusu R.ttlway, pierciu rho Great t 311(01 in the, prelim- rtla:ltcry." After recounting the et- y C7 sten . sufficiently to go ahead with a 0•arrow Wall And reaching westward to the ! Y The+ tourist nem sometimes Fos Th: o racers lc inai t (torts made by the newly formed divl, erament �ClrLles Lnnr� a y ye„ ,"s Por gauge line , twelve miles in lengill, be- :ttong0ltan frontier. It ryas financed aessas a. sr -.ase of humor may admii•o t rl ('sin of Aeionatttics in the Departmciit , s , iror 'tiuteal fewer ootttnuos The "earnPattflo ponrllnt nti tws0eu Shanghai and Woosung at the by (!kinese capital, ronstructerl 1>Y { the ingenuity of this little ay acs to ' Two . !•scram missing far nr a Y Pi a n Y OL Connmeres to obtain sitar Candi ii siea<y tin:ay from ilte centre 'nlauy Years one of the mysteries of mouth of eho Yangtse RlrPr. It was Chinese engineers and has Hiway t naYYl a 2ivellhood vrccic and pt t cls seri 44 to sin t t :. vs ! tions for the Dole hiladelphi a before ; i . I : a plumb line., were !trop• the world, tfian it ariglnally intended Surpose, the 'farmer found pur- "Twn t a _ s i.......n, -four da, of its ex s I opened fn December, 1576, lint -did Hat been under strictly i'Itlnesc� manage - they started, the T'hiladelPlria Public t cd flora its upPerninsL napery to the that it should incline ne if in genions c.:ase:5 fur t.:n rings daily, he would and Pr•zb tl .} ' c.. p surrhe a year, The Government meat. �Ledg.r conctades; 1"9 feet b+rin:r it w1>uid Preoting to the Pupas and a to h 010, bl cked traffic. tore up the line and int. the exception of its 7,730 relles;ilave a i,rr>fit o£ 3210, tvhic3 is much fah„e ', 0 0s, 3I�,OJt1. la 0 wa by wlilrh bit the r t "Tit re was nn g y rn f:nsrteen feet from p'te.ts and warriors who Cama to honor i1) atclmd rails. euglnes and Cara to of railway, a canuitrp mare than 4 t•>•?. j tastier mc;ney than is paid in the west - Cost cr u_ i nic:>er rains rf ins- o kl bo std ted; no o4lci:tl hit the earth erns v 0l, sP of !arise Mitis roc. c u P, ids of ehc n2:ltr nr .rlai0 trail 'I'1>e the Mty un th0 banks of the Arno. i I'nrmosa, wirers they were IeTt to rat 0-,e.,11 1r 1 koldt son T , po;ver by tihich the leight could bo:then I ,) mica, oftil n a• bel lees annual increar.e in tit. angle of the Or was. it accident that caused it to on the beach. I i 7[ 'rutins to aerot:auiies, ! enowi Oa Authying-stood P 1 slanting pall to almost i itlnites:sfm ,:('Elio and to loan like a reed blown e b a rou iL L 1 are he"n in i th dgai was "lttaful <,1t.1. 44uii the t3uklaud flan;,* -timid and wr.Lclt zero, tl . fl,^ !cite the tore al; et1i1 it 1100 bee3) 01110011 ts> cause 13' a gentle breeze? Looking at it, A erfous hand "The last. f100 y le suscepti le of one led tice Roomed piano„ , nt l ea,as,iderrhle worry to admirers of Llis ',ono has the feeling that it must slow tea fe ualifi0 i!e1i. "Tile Dona lace 1of disaster. 'Phe Department of rand famed leaning tower, of which I tele ly sway back into place. g n neut Drs mads t111i ra.a leuiton to acrot'memo can sngg0(1 otge, prce safety i ons wrote. that It "certainly inclines ; One tradition has it that the arc t - a >rdo it slain that '13)011 e, but It .can !rot safe s 11111011 ea the most sanguine tout•Ist :toot . intended the tower as a subtle teems see t 1t r... i i s a air rttcec, unless gourd• upon the x1112 halt' bravo. :'could desire.„ 1)000)1!05 to the republic 0f her wan- transoc0.. c jj "It will be a had thing to Force r0 ,. , _e t ••tion re. I ial ,beg power. In dusty French parch ern iy th'± 0t1.--- . Prcp.tt'.. of humant1 ere criminally tvastefa4 egelation upon the ere boe11 t' It The siolian Cx ecenm' rep tedc •ments is to be tound a mare amusing f human lt£e. miy be that iiad there bu0.t .regale-tcotnmissiott has ree0ntly reportOLl re- vorseont The designer, this writer o v rsion: was a hsigner, t and want• "B011 to y 1510le igh country arrives "Bonn tondloery. 1S m© ott'lhe more - to wee s to rn dation s and lthe danger of tIn m tes, was a his backmisshapen as usual,, by hinter e1 There is se ispl g Y forth ' room ltnywhor0 tar self-r[ghtoousnoss,'spl h $ was raised while no u Its ex - n �r s in arches a d contrt- No tvanni h stood by wh0n they wore begun, rows Ot Oncircl g +„ s tlie.e0• ty not keep oat of t11ti dissuasion, Por day untoward tbera tvas yet t•.-t:t• tqulsito rarrngs, will, !P uo fes had o rt. c rOhng to the pal[' gle erthelessa ton twos gone in a bating hes opinion that the campan- tr ire had begun to sink atter the fifth lana airport. Tho ruling out of some single otTort ie a hat co ldt add little its !admirers tt00r 0123)3 ua g ne tion t d and that from then entries as closely unprepared, the pay tor a flight that c is an- story was react 0 shin • of other entries, the or nothing to the advance of flying. � During the last two decades, it like a on tits as re crts )rad .gond ahead con• fatal ct n, b uG This can not go on. The flyers must nouiic0d, the belfry, scions of the defect. John Evelyne fro of ! 11 n t 23 . s follows: dally equipped for an ng 010 m sea I'hu fir.- 1::11100 001101 air race in surface;" "Who•( failure is almost t Una square miles in area dlepend.% for ; ern harvest fiells,” the tenrist muses. traneporation and (sunmm� ea. c,n ,q cannot register any official [ 1: nlaittlr on methods r because my 010(1s tare in the e i Grounds in the Way lcap to railway eon- use for thousands of years. W'uter--) not a1Frre critfclair:' cG on in China Is the omnipresent ways are the Principal highways. nod! However, a tnurlet from P11110401 - burial atrial ground. Between Shanghai boats are eupplemented by the bads • plea v n reamed to tell his name for 1 Nanking, for instance, ane of the of coolies. camels and dente -y:1, , mule . tsheieu.= reasons, Has reported the ac- arid most [tensely populated arcus of its drawn carte and wheelbarrows. {'tivi'.ies of rias unlicensed "diamond" 1 vendor to the Montreal Tourist and Just why, it may be asked. did such limelight home a wealth of =tertian Convention Bureau. The Philadelphia on as the Pisans con- from the most remote shores of the plan u1an going to a local hotel had careful erotism l ( as a oke upon 010110 with their task? It must be re- Mediterranean, related the incident J red that uo Italian toivt1 of the Like the Acropolis, Pisa's holy place himself to a friend from New Tort[ earlyj . early Renaissance was complete with- has been permitted to remain isolated.. whom he had met in the haler rotunda. out its campanile. Giotto's insPlra- The city has not encroached up:rn Ito! "Tl:e same thing happened to the Yes - tion towered aver P'lorenee; above 1 precincts; its gray hooses steep a re- I terday on the Montreal -Quebec Nigh - Venice rose the delicate tiuger that spect£ui c118Cance, se that as one a1)- way,' the New York man confessed. beckoned home -coating sailors. Could !predates the bufldinge the noises of 1 The authorities cannot do much nd Pisa fall to erect her standard alto city are left behind and there is abut the matter. 1f smart l.usiness splendid chapters of aviation might !collapse, Word has boon sent. {form in the marble contours of the ver have been written had Author!• by experts that the tower, with its tawer, Even the great �rasarl could mad rcralnble Oi 1tet re to make a s iieisn1ly imp'0==t'te Ehowing to pass tbo protected from their own advem!crown above the six stories of its the minimum teeth and get on the !tarots and clangor -loving solves. If height, has inalinea soruewhnt more writings offer the evidence that a `keen observer was not .unimpressed ming 1.1 —all athose signs point" regulation is the only answer, thea re- 'than a half inch, Thus, -almost Impel,Iby the phenomenon. "It stands alone," he writes, "strangely remarkable for this, that the beholder would expect it to fall, being 1>ul'it exceedingly (le- 0111t1ngly by rare address of the archi- tect; that, and how it is supported from falling, I think, would puzzle a good geometrician." coptibly, grows the slant that may some day cause the tower to fall a vic- tim of those laws at gravitation which ELil e ed to imponllni; tragedy, but every- guletion must come. body was silent on these signs of data Extreme measures, even in the way gar, The talk voas all of the race— of control, are opposed by a few, ht• the mance Prizes—the glory to be chiding Assistant Secretary ot Com -,Galileo tried to demonstrate to skepti- won--the thrill or it all. merce William P. MacCracken, Jr,, cal listeners from its highest gallery "Now there aro plenty of voices to the Government's supervisor of civil lin 1690• aro donbtftll as t0 the I interview with Thos, Engineers paint out titan the Dole race was a. ti In n [e•—that the prize money groat rnista.l and the glory dazzled many of the con- t to into a disregard for their own avis on, n L. Stokes, of the United Press, Mr,' best method of strengthening the foundations, 101010h recently have been disclosed to bo only about one-third the depth originally credited to them, and caution is advised. Ono of the greatest menaces to the substructure M the spongy soil in which it rests. MacCracken said: "The Hawaiian flight is not nearly toy an . safety, that the Planes Wore 'nt.'d-ftp' Iso bad as the tatal 2 0 0111 0 11 18 caused affairs if i designed for land cruising and 'by inexperienced aviators flying In not for cross -ocean lacing, that they 'this .country without licenses. t were hastily and imperfectly remodel- latter must be stopped, Personelle, 14 de mato that they theY led that they were, tor the mostpart, think the race element is somewhat once ina 29, an nreeffort thro was the through could sncelt, 0(1y2 omptetein esthelo Work. not subjected to full -load tests; in 1 of e, drawback 1011011 a certain time is drain tl short, that the most exacting of iflr !set, and several Pianos gather for a 1 ing enterprises was organized and !contest on a difficult flight. The best "ADAMSON'S ADVENTURES"—By sff $y ®. Jacobson. managed In the spirit of the co ing 18 to have some private indivld- fair ballyhoo and in the prelimnce of nal back pioneering !tights, so that av a national audience resembling, in iia 'every ',recreation may bo taken, And naive hunger for thrills and in it8 :plenty of time should be a11ow•ed. criminal indifference to consequences, "It probably is else to have the the crowds that assemble to witness I Army and Navy do our air Ploneertug, the performance of prehensile acre -on the other hand, under private sup - bats who climb the perpendicular terv!sion.eonuuercial aviators can give. yva118 of tall buildings." ;a good account of themselves, as While hindsight thus warns us with Lindbergh and Chamberlin did. Even Studies made during the last cen- tury have pretty well established that the builders were only too well aware of the nature of the soil and the ten- dency of their handiwork after the first story had been completed, and n with the rest? It was only logical' pat the peace of the plazza br ken that the campanile should cathedral.talto 105 !Only by occasional strains of music place alortgside the accompanier! by the heavy perfume of incense as some worshiper makes -his way In or out of the ficathedral, An Architectural Treasure. The marble cylinder was built to bo Nearly two centuries elapsed Wore one of a group of four buildings held itbe belfry of the campanile was final - by connoisseurs to be among the fly set in place. A series of architerte architectural treasures of the }vorld.tundertook the Job; each in turn lost Before the first spade dug Into the his oonfldenee and abandoned the un- earth to prepare way for the tower's'dertaking to another. Bonenno was corner stone, the l]uomo was nearly the first—it was he who laid the foun- finished, the domed Baptistry, rem!- dations and carried the tower up forty niscant of Moslem temples, was under feet in 1174. Noticing then, it is now believed, that the earth was sinking construction, and soon the Campo Santo, filled with hallowed ground i and his marble arches with it, he gave brought. from Jerusalem, Joined the1np In 1234 Benena•ln added the fourth story, but, like itis Predecessor. glorious company. In marbles and mosaics the artists of Pisa sang the turned 111s attention thereafter to glory of their city, who8e galleys 'other and easier fields. The Pisans, e. still believing that the imposstl>1e could be achieved, caned an outsider, William of Innsbruck, who boldly went ahead with the fifth and sixth i 394. In 1913 the Rome Office aP stories. But the tower was doomed to wait another century before Tom- pointed a Departmental Committee to maso Pisano, realizing that the foun- consider m111 bird protection laws, take evidonee, and consolidate exist- ing acts. While retaining the old form and general idea of legislation Which has been In force since 1880, and has proved successEuhin maintain- ing the status of British bird life, it has distinct advantages. The present eight acts would !have been replaced by one comprehensive measure; statue tory protection would have been given to many birds, blyd-eatcbers and bird- cotlect0rs would have been more readily dealt with, and valuable ad- di110111 to existing powers of police and magistrate would have been made, As the ultimate reesnimondation0 of the committee the bill was originally introduced by Laird Croy of Felled= in 1923, when it passed the house of Levee but got no further owing to a general election, It was brought in as a Government measure in 1925 and again in 1936 and mot with general approval, thoul;•h' Mocked by pressers of Parliamentary work, The cause of its tepid wisdom, and the country's Army and Navy pioneering, though, co ecienco' is heavy over the.lives'there is loss of life despite everything needlessly lost in the Pacific, The Vir that can bo Bono, and the fact must ginian-Pilot goes on to remark: Ibe recognized. "What do we doe in the 0aee of 1 "I deeply regret the lees of life to Lindbergh? We see a complete and the Dole flight. I would not stop amazing indifference to his safety and 'flights that are reasonable and mac- e, cruel, ineensat0 demand that lie en- !amble; but I wonlcl see that they are. largo his barnstorming tour to include ! carefully regulated." ever city of 50,000 or more in the There is a certain foolishness in the y moment against United Status. Ho has been barn- i excited outcry' of the storming under the Guggenheim nun- ,stunt fiyink, the New York herald dation for more than a month, If het Tribune contends, Just as there was Is to finish his original assi511me100 of .a certain foolishness ie. the Merl who soveuty-six cities, he must keep onlwantod to holt off for Ilawaii without barnstorming two menthe more. 1 enough gasoline or 00011 intelligent Meantime citic,t not included in iho preparation. Wa road further; original iteuerary aro bringing every "One automatically begins to ex - imaginable 10000nre to bear to induce,claim that there ought to be a taw, him to include them. Norfolk isuntil one stops with the reflection among this slumber, Is there no that it would be -11 Poorer world if a mercy lett for this boy who captured 'man were not allowed to hazard his the nation's heart, but who seems to life and every. one were macre a cow. have addled its sense of proportion? and by legislative 'enactment. The Lindbergh is tired. The young taco motto 'Better be sate than sorry,' is developing deep lines of fatigue. though a sound workaday rule, is not His shoulders aro beginning to show a noble prineiPle tor extraordinary oc a chttra0teristio sag, Tho daily re- casions, Anxious .publics pray for the captions weary him. The. dally rescue of these aviators only because 0Peocho8 bore him, the formal dinners they took the risk of not being res.. appal him. = He has been 'on exhibi- cued. If they had not been pertnitted tion' ever since the hour he lauded at to take the risk, it would have matter- Le Bourget. me is entitled to a rest. ed to few whether they lived or died, Ilis countrymen won't give it to him. 'Phis is not cynicism. Were the 0nto- "When the Shenandoah crashed on tions and therisks of adventure to September 3, 1926, carrying to death be eliminated, mon and women would Commander LansdOwnes and thirteen .approach the status of automatons. of his crow, the aisle was barnstorm. The reckless way of man belongs with Ing the Mid-We8t/rn State fairs. How his finest side." �` He Needs a Derrick Now, men want to purchase "gems" from total strangers on public highways there is nothing to prevent thorn from Being s0. Wild Birds IiI Fails in Britain Comprehensive Measure to Protect Wild Life Blocked by Opposition London --The fa'lure of the Wild Birds Protection Bill to reach Its third reading in the Ilanse of (*amnions, awing to dlfliculties w1lieb have arisen in committee, is regarded with un- feigned regret by all lovers of birds. This bill is the outcome of much work by experts, dating as far back as dations were incapable of carrying a greater height and weight, saw noth- ing to clo but to top it off with a bell tower. Builders Aware of Sleet. Carotin observation indicates that far teem being unconscious of the problem that faced them, the build- ers, each in turn, endeavored to pre- serve the horizontal line by gradually increasing the height oe the arches on the .lower or south side of the tower. Accurate measurements were not made until GCresy and Taylor, eerier in the last century, surveyed the edifice which had been so long one of the world's greatest architec- tural puzzles. But it was not until the Frenchman de Fleury gave it his at. tendon that there was discamed a narked bond toward the perpendicu- lar in every story above the first, the ltic.reasc being graduated with the height, until the fifth story is reached. There the Balt ries aro fifteen cents-' to fail -tire cu the, present occasion 18 meters higher on the overhanging tee determined opposition of a group who brought forward amendments en- tirely altering the character of leglsta• , tion on limos reeoeted may years 040 ' as unfavorable to the protection of birds. side. During lite tWO centuries of waiting' and building it is estimated that the settling argo'tlpted to sumo seventy centimeters; v1) to 1959 it had reached a meter and a halt. It was not until t) o dawn ot the twentieth century that the riddle wee n,•obably accurate- Shf s f solilT X916 �vxlairi>di- eat wetit to Pisa to make an exhaus- tive inspection of the leaning' tower Cor the Brooklyn Museum, 130 said that in his opinion "the builders knew before they had reached the thir- teenth step which way the tower was ultimately going to loan." Only fi„o ign. Ma • ster or: the house (to t,emptain• ing servant) --"Dear, dear, I'm tired of these kitchen squabbles, continual- 1y," Servant—"Well, sir, 'ow '(0003d you like to be called a thundexin' addle.* headed old barinpot, suppostn' you ' wasn't one, sir?"