The Seaforth News, 1927-09-15, Page 8-A.taE EIGHT
o' "e 11
Miss v • 1 - i J. t in ai
M,,, i tact , s y ij d,
• Mies- Katherine Sells, of• London, are
visiting this weer with Miss' Greta
I ianutm
Mr. Ron Todd spent the week -end
visiting friends near Exeter.
Mr. Geo. Petty, accompanied by
his little granddaughter of Winnipeg,
left tit Wedensday morning, on a trip
to •Winnipeg, He intends: going by
boat to Port Author sand returning by
rail. Mr, Petty will attend the Con-
servative convention, at Winnipeg anti
w711 prnbably be otic of the delegates
from South Hurons
A number from' Hensall are attend-
ing the fair at London this week,'
Messrs, 'Cook Bros. have been get-
ting in a number of new cars, •
The tobacco harvest has started in
' this district this week, and some
splendid plots are 'being harvested.
Adam ants' Nelson Relchart have 914
acres of splendid tobacco. Amongst
other growers who have good plats
are Fred, Kenning, Ed. Lindenfreld,
Elliott Bell and Owen- Geiger -and at
:the Huron county . home at Clinton
`"they have Several,,iplendid plots: It
looks as if tobacco growing Will.rival
the- bean industry in this district -and,
will. make land very. -valuable:
The 'Salvatiou \rmy Band' of Lon-
don gave a concert on the Park
grounds. un Sunday afternoon to a
very large iulel appreciative audience.
Besides the band music a cornet solo
•ran diens and eight members of the
band sang. Reeve Geiger acted as
chairman. \ collection of $41 was
taken up. v+hich is intang devoted to
t r.n,i work. -
An aeroplane passed Over Hensall
on Monday. going• south. t
Miss M. Green, ,ef Grand Benrl,
spent the week -end With he sister,
Mrs. Wm. Fairbairn.
\I \ .Blatchford visited for a'
ft,v dtios with relatives in Seaforth,
Harvest Thanksgiving services will
he Feld in St. Paul's \norlican Church
on Sunday, Sept. 1`]tb. Special
to c. w l t,.. ,;.est by lin, choir for
, itis. oceaeion.
The Women's Missionary Society
'Feld their me ink in the basement of
Chin -eh on Wednesday at
r t•rl'will) a :atge. attendance. Mrs.
''-k• e....aid. the teport of the conven-
tion 'Mil at teeetitora Sirs. Lamntte.
tire.. 1). uga11 tail \Irs. McDonald led
in prayer. \tee, Mitchel!, the field
secretar • is to be, :tete the beginning
t,; Ce ,:
' \:` is • a very good
Suri. and l ikrl .:}ta r!1 51J0rf the
eoek. we
t .i t ca: s t•nd:nu t ti
oep •oat hear -peak. : card
:can ea.1 from the i)< :ttt."' Home
of 'iur<.nto, askingt, aero '.t tent!
:leers a It -.-.1.. ,time I .limit..
Quin l• .t •.i: intere,t vv., shown
t v . l- .,' , tivsenection
X .r. binton c r ;veal poli_
a.r '.. ,:alive v.rzles were
bitted shin, repors Cants
and `to:lles , ay. Don -
:'1•i i ! greatly depressed"
An z. p!iom front Hamilton visited
lawn sin Tnesolay and caused consid-
erainfie ensne:m tr '1 7 her went
o orearly c•ur , c 1 Ira ride.
ag tic of the 1:rnited Church
arc hi ddina ;> social evening and weirs -
7 roast ..,n M utiay c chins;, Sept.
•''--ti, 'n M. ,as. Smillie's field on the
read. *.)(04. timetinle being,
aei. e.dtimittee. in charge
" agood n ,a,ranime
:out Mrs. \\slat, Wright of Nia-
gara Falls t5 .s tel for a few days with
14r i 1 Mrs. Gee). Dick.
Miss Margaret Slavin of L atdon
sited ever tee week end with her
Ater Mies Lizzie Slavin
efre. gee, hots is. visiting c to
iv es. in 1rron l for a few weeks -
Mr. Angus Robertson f Michigan
ls spending his. vacation visiting his
t.:tlnr at 1Aiti:ter tat •f lite village.
The many -fi•iends of Miss Mona
Giciin will !ie., pleased vi 'earn that
he n eroving nicely. from an at..
Beck appendicitis. Mona was op-
erate.' en. in Seaforth hospital on
Tuesday last.
Tit Sunbeam \1.., tc Band, iaf
'it: i* i l'resibo ti t art Church. ch. hekd a
sale of homemade :ookin„ and candy
is the ,1 nc r the duvets op, .sat -
;at ,lay afternoon ast. Sapper was
.erne i from 5 to i
Mrs. \\'lu. MeAliister,Ettnon-
tit It r r it for a few week=
ite !ter eistere here,
Miss Louise Druntninl has taken
at the bake shop,
Mr. and lkfrs. Jas. Patterson is t-
a.l for S fee; days with_ relatives in
_M and •:firs. Beattie. of Montreal,
,,•hehave been visiting with Dr, aO'i
Mrs A. R. Campbell, have returned
:ere a ,i -Mrs. Oliver Geiger. of
i'ria c t ort, visited Mr. and Mrs.
()twin 1 k iger are& the week -end,
Mr. Lome Pallantyite. of Detroit,
s spend or ',tit;-vacationvisiting his
etnc r
\f. and Mrs.. John Reid .an4-lit {e
of London, visited. over the
'eel ti 1 evith relatives in town,
Dr. and Mrs. Smith, of St. \fart's,
cited Mr. and Mrs, Geo, C. Plitt}
ctcr tile week -earl.
The services in the United Church
on Sunday laet were: largely attended,
Rev. 'fir Sinclair •preaching at both
servscet. The sacrament of the 'Lord's
Supper eves observed et the morning
Anniversary eerviees will be held at
'Thiselhtar.t on Stinday afternoon and
evening Rev. Mr..Anclerson, Monk -
ton, will be the preacher for the oc-
nasion The choir of Hensall United
Church will supply the music at the
cvr-nitg service. Rev. Mr. Anderson
Will preach in the united Church on
Sunday morning and the evening
service will be withdrawn.
Miss Mary Bonthron, cif Detroit, •is
visiting her grandparents, Mr and
Mrs. Robt. ,Bonthron-and other rela-
tives in town,
te;trhers they marched to the 1 .x:lon,
read, and from there back to. the park
grounds where sports'
a line ofhere
UM off, The exhibits were itt ' the
three ruoint of the pu'blic schc',o1 end
then oultry rend other stock were
shown onthe school Mounds been
interest was • Shown !.lit the poultry
judging contest for girls, ' thirteen
g in :in the• class: Alite'Hig.
gilts, of the Hensall Public school, se-
cured first prize for lodging, 'having
tee highest member .of :pointy ro tier;
credit, County 'Representative Tatar
son,• of Clinton; and two sssistanls,
were in charge of the fair. The fol-
lowing is the prize.list.
'Wheat, qt. Bert Thompson, Jas'IvIc-
Ewan; sheaf; Stewart : Bell, Bert
Thompson, Jas.. MCE'wan. Oats, qt ,
Harold Shephedr; sheaf, • Harold
Shepherd, Barley, qt.. and sheaf,
Myrtle Thompson. Sweet corn,. Flor-
ence McDonald, •Archie Mc9Gregor,
Marion Mei(ay, John Farquhar.
r7 h 'Celbblers, -Lulu Lindenfieid,
Dorothy McQueen. Norman Sinclair,
John McKay, Joyce Seruton,' •Alex
Ilei-turtrie, ...Green 'Mountain pota-
toes, :Alvin Lindenfield, I•Iarold
Mucin. -Margaret' Shepherd, Olive
Brock, - Harvey 'Hudson, • Helen
\luno, Dooley potatoes, :lintel Work=
man, Lloyd Lindeittield. 'Jessie tick,
Mildred Follick; Harold Higgins,
May Wolfe. \laugolds, Tiitgh Me -
Ewan, Sidney Taylor. ''turnips, Gar-
net alousscater Harold Sherritt, Mel-
vin Taylor. •Leets, Irene Hoggarth,
Robert iDrysilitle, Mary Little, Dor-
een Varley, Edith Wolfe, Kennetu
!elder. Cartels, 'Ronald Petits .41ice
Higgins. Annie Hittser, Ruth Bell.
Grace Dick, Haroid.Bnnthrnn, • Pars-
nips. Margaret Kennings, Annie. Cole-`
i utast. Onions, K. athernte Drysdale.
Falward {.title, Rebe t v .rlev, Irene
Mousseaa, Hilda Kennedy.
-Flowers.,--Asters. Kati' ri. e Drys-
' dale. Tlardd Elder.-Har/1st -Sherritt.
, Sweetp eas, Baroid Shr'-.rbt. - Ronald
Peck, May 11 elft, Edith W61fe, Dorks
' :\lexander. Phlox, Mary Little, Ruth
Bell. Zinnia, Mildred ba l ck, Garnet
1lottsseau. African margo, lc, Bobbie
l)r v -d ah., Olive Bruck, \•lar., Tittle.
f err p a , FTae_el incl atightin. t•alen-
i !ilia. Le.atai d Hoggarth Myrna 13ttd-
.. French marigolds, Le—,ed Brock,
;yin Litldeifield Margaret Shep•
lher l Joyce Sermon. Verbena, Mabel
Fee, Cosmos, Myrtle . Thontpeen,
.Margaret Kennings, Alvin Bell.
Pinks, Beet Thompson. Galardia,
Edith Dick.
Poultry. - C t, krrel,. Jimuiie
Ewan, • Hugh McFwan, John Alex-
ander, r, Hit r'.-1 Shepherd. Pullets,
TI till I1rFwan, Harold - Shepherd,
teem, \1 kwar. j+,, lexander,
Pen three. Annie Coleman. Leon -
1 Hoe -gee -ill. Barred Rocks, Alvin
1, nc: h
:Margaret Taylor. Sidney
Ta} -ba. Ruth lie, , Gertrude 'Martin,
Mary C'olrinau. White Leghorns,
• \i kotle Thompson, Grace Dick.
• ;logs.rile Thompson, Jack Sim-
mons. Hato. i Apple` n, Lorne. Elder.
{! a Sher 'tt Rabbits. Robert
Dryslalc, Harold Elder. Arthur Field.
ti tic+.,
Hain .LI F.1ler, Arthur Field,
Ile k Mann. 'Norman Sinclair, Corne-
:',lae Falter.
White t c 1g :, Harold Shaiphet4, Alex.
Mclluttl e. \rchie McGregor. Helen
\iA'rtie Thompson. Lloyd Lin -
eggs, Mary Cole-
1.iIn Bert 1 h tmpso t Stewart Bell,
:eh:mate Myrtle Thompson,
/ea ll -.nit.
t tl b tt,re. Tiarobi -Sherritt,
Robert Drysdale, Dorothy McQueen,
• leeita Buchanan, K. Drysdale. Lorne
Nineties, Durutity McQueen, Doro-
lit Martin, Myrtle Thompson, Tea
ieeenite. Marion McKay Hilda Kett-
ited -hazel -\Ick e an Beryl Drum -
•e u,t t',.r 1 m,, Lna ne Eider, Mar -
401 ll -Kay, Hazel lirf.aughlin, Fior-
enee 11c.1)onalrl. 1st.t•1tc Thonipson.
1'a elk
Grace 1i , Lt td Lindeuieltl,
1i;lt,t Kennedy, Margaret Dick, Har -
11 Sherritt, Hazel -McLaughlin. Dark
eateakes, Doris\Iexander,. Annie tole-
1.)..)rothy Drnmrnotld. Edith
Diels. Pie, Harold Sherritt, Marg -
ere! {)ick. \Mabel "Workman. M:yrtie
1'ir peon. randy, Helen Munn.
Mi,,,tui- 1):nnuuourl, Grace Dick,
BerVi 1 lr!ttu n ,nd. Mabel Workman,
ti ire Dick Sego„1 much, Florence
McDonald. Harold Sherritt,
Pitch on flannelette, Hilda Ken-
ee ay Edith Wolfe, Hazel McLaugh-
lin \fyrtle Thompson, Olive Brock.
•.\i ,t o t MeK y. Knitted dolt's shop-
• ei,or bag. Myrtle Thompson. Marian
\i eKrty. Lulu Lindcnfield, Mabel
b1 r Masi. Edith Dick. Knitted first
etstr Merl ti Thompson. Sample of
r t.o - t b •s, Lulu Lindenfield,
Hilda I.:m c ly, Myrtie Thompson,
Mary 1 lienhan, Annie Coleman, Ed-
ith Wolfe. (Quilt patch, Marian Mc-
Kay, Lein 1tr Sandenfiel,l, Mildred Fol-
lirt,. Myrtle tle 'Thonipson. Hazel Mc-
Laughlin. Florence McDonald. Cro-
elieted lice, Myrtle Thompson. Tea
1- nits \turtle Thompson, Edith Dick.
Dorethe McQueen , Dorothy Drum -
mend, alive Brock. .lnnie Coleman,
]late t.ovel, \feriae McKay, hazel
etc Laic alt hi,
Bird house, lititinie McEwen, Hugh
afeleeven. TIarold G. Elder. Model
tIZI1111 gate, Harold G. Elder, .1v1yrtle
i":t ilpsnn, Harold Huggins, Hugh
NiitEiyan, Jimmie • McEEwan. Rope
",cites, Hugh llc.Ewan, Lloyd T.ind-
enrcltl, Bevan Tick. Patch on tube,
1. .i
tc tarter. Alex: McMnrtrit Lloyd
Lin den held. Class '69 Harald Sher -
:t Hugh lI Lwan, john IIeT(ay,
r;tnunc McEwan. Model of cow in
plasticise. Bert Thompson. Kenneth
Elder, Hobert Drummond, Leonard
Tt , :'artii, Bruce Berry. Alvin Bees-
: ! ejurtocts insects, Bert 'Thnnhp•
eel', Myrtle Thompson. Commercial
ferest foods, TTuzi,i 11c -Ewan, fintmie.
MeEvrami Myrtle Thompson.
Map Of Huron, Mildred Follick,
No••tuan .Sinclair, Winnie Sangster,
Dorothy Drummond, Olive Brock,
T,illiaii Beeswax, •ifap of Canada,
Myrtle Thompson, Marian McKay,
Helen Mune, - Mary .!Rinser, Alvin.
Bt Il Jessie Dick, Map of World,
Grace Dick, Margaret Dick, Harold
• Munn. Writing "Cradle Song,” Mar-
lan T. nougat!, Loretta Bell, Grace
Wurtn, Leonard Hoggarth, Robert
Drysdale, Mary Wolfe. Writing,
"Water," Lillian -Beeswax, Norman'
Sinelair, Annie 'Coleman, Minnie
Saingster, Olive• B'rcack, : Kathryn
Drysdale. Wrrtiug, 'ren Flanders,"
Fic.ei lluan. Emnna 'A'ttrni, Helen
Hensall School Fair..- The Brat
school fair of the season in •Huron
county was 'held at Hensall ' on
Thursday last and was largely at-
tended. Nearly every line of .exhibits
was well filled and a, keen interest
was shown its the fair by the children
of this district. The children of the
different schools of this district fined
tip in front of the town hall a- 1,30
and under the supervision of their
Glenn, Garnet \2otfsseau, Edith
Wolfe, John McKay.
Writing "Oft in the Stilly
te s Raweciiffe, Margaret lick,
Grace rate 7Xk, ;Hugh 1 an
, Ted.
\lunn; Doreen Varlcy.
Crayon.' dt awieg of pumpkin, Bert
Thompson Mildred Follick, Tore
Snide, Olive Brock, Dorothy D.111171'.
mond, Norman Sinclair. White tril-
lium iu water colors, • Alvin Bell,
Helen Munn, :Jimmie McEwan, Mar-
ian McKay, Mary I -(inner, Jessie
Dick. > Sunset scene, Margaret Dick,
Grace Dick,
Public speaking, Myrtle Thompson,
Hilda Kennedy, Emma 'W urns.
'Poultry judging competition, Alice
Higgins, Marian ,Sinclair, Gladys
Passmore, joyce Scruton, Lulu Lind-
etifield, Grace `Brock,
Spelling match,. Grace Dick, .Marg-
aret Dick,' Mabel Workman, Hugh
McEwan, Irene Deters, Edith Dick.
Parade,-d'Iensall and 2nd and 3rd;
Teckersmieh No. 9, Hay No. 14.
Rev, anti Mrs. Conner have return-
ed after their vacation, and conducted
service in St. Andrew's on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. McLean,' of
1-1aileybury, are spending a few clays
with their many friends in this vi-
-lir. Wm. McDougall continues
very poorly with slight hope ofre-
Large crowds are attending the
Western fair this week from these
Mrs. R. J. Daytime has returned
home from Detroit where she spent a
week with friends.
Farmers are busy threshing and
getting in their wheat.
Sacrament will be observed in- St.
Andrew's s Church on Sunday next..
Preparatory service on Friday even-
ing at'8 o'clock,'
eliee Jessie Whittaker, who has
been visiting ;Mrs. J. H,: McLeod, re -
tinned to Toronto on Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Livingstone and
family, and Dr, and Mrs. R. L. Shields'
who have spent the summer in Jow-
ttt's grove. returned to Kitchener on
Rev. and Mrs. F. 13. Paull left on
Monday to visit at London and Galt.
Dr. and Mrs. Garnet Atkinson and
family, who havespent the summer at
ilicir cottage, ret,urned to Exeter on
Master lames Fisher, who has
.pent the part two months with his
aunt, Mrs. F. A, Edwards, returned to
\1'aterloo ou Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith left on
Tuesday day for London where they will
%k.,t the Western Fair.
".l'kte Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Batt: -
Milli. of Goderich, will conduct the
services throughout the parish during
Ste Rector's absence.
Prof. Lloyd C. Hodgins, of Toron-
te.:u•r:ved en Wednesday to spend a
week at his cottage on the Terrace.
Mr.and Mrs. l\
Wm, m E. Parker ker re -
turned to Sarnia on Sunday, having
spout the week-endwith his parets.
Mr. G. M. Fisher and Miss Miriam
a t lien are holidaying with their aunt,
Mre. F.A. Edwards.
fay -field Fall Fair, Tuesday and
Wednesday, Sept. 27th and 28th. For
the concert ht the evening, The Can-
adian Male Entertainers of London
are putting on the program, quar-
te-,te,, solos, comedy numbers and
rshort .kits. The Bayfield orchestra
will give several selections. 13e sure
to spend the day in Bayf'aeld.
Mr. and Mrs: M. O'Sullivan, of
London, are occupying Dr. Tillman's
oil age, Longue Vuc."
Messrs, John H, Howard, Don.
Murray, T. C. Parker, Fred Heard,
Milian Heard and Chas. Scotcbmer
left' last week for the West. The latter
three go to Kindersley, Sask.
Iii. and Mrs. E. H. York, of To-
ronto, are spending, a week with the
latter's another, Mrs. F, W. Baker.
Miss Alma McKay has taken a pos-
ition in Toronto.
Rev. and Mrs, R. M. Gale and Miss
Gladys Gale are spending, their vaca-
tion at Waterloo and Kitchener,
Mies Emily Osmond returned to
he village on Thursday last, after
having spent a vacation at Goderich,
Niagara Fails and Kincardine. She
was accompanied by her sister, Mrs,
l, of Detroit, who spent a
couple of days in the village.
Mr. and Mrs, Victor Burt and fain-
ile returned to their home in London
on Sunday after having spent the
week with their mother. Mrs. F. W.
\fr, W. L. Cameron and :hiss Mil-
dred Cameron, who have spent the
past month with their father, Mr. A.
Cameron, left on Sunday for Detroit.
Miss Winnifred Elliott, of Luck-
nnw, ie visiting her aunt, Mrs, J.
Miss Grace Jowett, who is attend-
ing Collegiate, at Clinton,- was home
ver the wee!: -end.
Miss Hilda King, of London, was a
,reek -end guest with Misses C. ,end
S. Parke.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock and air.
and Mrs. J. M. Stewart,. who have
been on a trip to Niagara, Hamilton
and Toronto, returned to the village
11 Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stevens and
two daughters returned to their !tome
in London on 'Tuesday, having spent
a few days at their cottage, Merry
Line 'Lodge."
Dr. and Mrs. E. T. White and son
returned to London on Friday after
having spent the past six weeks at
their summer cottage. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mustard and
family left on Wednesday by motor
for Jensen, Florida, where they. will
.pend the winter.
'1 very pretty wedding took place
n Trinity Church on Saturday after
neon, , September the third, at four o'-
nd daughteren Margaret 3. Baker, sec -
of Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Tlaker, became the bride of Eric Ho-
ward Yorke, only son of Mrs, E. York,
and the late H. H. York, of Toronto,
The church was tastefully decorated
with beautiful autumn flowers.
Mr. Edgar Allan has purchased
the, plaice of Mr, \Vcbste?]s, on the
2nd concession of Tnckersinith,
to is
Of 'Toronto, 11r, Wm.l 'lathes C
�Geo'. Cr me
visiting. tics and Mrs, Gec t ti
at present'.
lir. Peter 'Cameron has been at To-
ronto .attending the Exhibition.
Miss Gertrude McGee of Philadel-
phia is visiting friends in Toronto
john l�lcl\auglx o ,
t t n, of the 2nd
concession of Tuckersmith, spent a
week its Toronto and Niagara laps.
Mr. 'Wm. Wright, Tuckersmith, has
peroltasect a new Chevrolet coach.
Mrs. Arthur Nicholson and son
Harold are spending a few clays in
London attending the Exhibition,
At Owen 'Sound at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. R. Tupper, on Satur-
day, September 3rd, there passed
away a former resident of Goderich,
in the person of 'Anne Carter, widow
of the late Andrew Duff .-of Goderich.
The deceased was the eldest daughter'
of the late George 'Carter, one, of the
pioneers of Huron, county, and was
born in ;Tttckersrfiith township on
September 55, 1848. The late Mrs.
Duff spent the major pio-t of .her life
in Goderich or 118 immediate vicinity
and her contemporaries will recall
tate active interest she took in church
and temperance activities. One sister
survives, Miss F. 11. Carter of New
Yorke iClty, who devotedly nursed her
through her long and trying .illness.
Two daughters and a son also are
left to moron the loss of a loving and
devoted mo't'her: Mrs.'.A. Little, of
Ballycroy; Ont.; Mrs, R. Tapper, of
Owen Sound, and Mr, A. A..Doff, of
Detroit. Interment took place' in
Turner's cemetery, 'Tuckersmith, on
Tuesday, September 6th,—Goderich
An dpright 'Bell piano for immediate:
sale. Price x,125. The piano is in per-
fect condition:
Also a No. 40 Bell cutting box with
blower and travelling table, 'It is al-
most as good as new. Apply to J. R.
SCOTT, Seaforth, nr phone 251 i• 32.
Six roomed frame 'cottage for sale.
Electric light. IIard and soft water
inside. Large basement, More than
half an acre of land, with fruit trees.
Apply to Mrs: Robs Edgar, or Mr,
R. S. Hays. • .39
There is to be a sale of home cook-
ing on Friday, September 23, under
the the Neil Shaw Auxil-
iary of, Egmondville Church, The sale
Will be held in the vacant store, one
(Icor north ,if Bat's restaurant.
Store open from 4 to 6 p.m. 37
Tenders wanted forcoal and wood
furnace for Egmondville United
Church, Tenders to be in by 'Sept, 26,
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. Tenders to be addressed
to J. T. ELGIE, Kippen, R. R. 2.
J. T. Elgie, See. 38
The bride entered the church on 1
the arm of her father, to the strains of
the wedding march from Lohengrin
and took her place beside the groom,
The Rector, Rev, . F. Il, Paull; per-
formed the ceremony,
;1 double mink fur with two heads
and tail was lost since the first of
311ne in or in the vicinity of Sea -
forth. A reward will be given. Find-
er please return to MRS. W. F. Mc-
111'LLA:N, Egmondville, or phone
160 r 32.
104 acres, lots 27 and 28,' :Con, 14,
McKillop, 134 miles from the village
of Walton. On the farm is a good
house, two barns and other outbuild-
ings. For price and terns write MRS.
RALPH W. CONNOR, 10705 75th
ave., Stratheona, Alta. 43
Fifty acres of choice pasture. Noth-
ing taken off it this year. Will rent
cheap. Apply to 'PETER H. Mc-
GRATH, St. Columban, or phone
22 r 20, Dublin 37
Choice 100 farm, Lot 1, Concession
4, Hullett, all under cultivation, a new
frame house and bank barn, 4x4 miles
front Seaforth. For particulars appy
to ROBERT COATES, Seaforth.
of Harm Stock and
1t lot 33 eau. 2,StatheY township,
utiles southwest of Clinton, on'°Toes-
Sept. 27at 1 o'clock starP
following: SP
ano"1 desd
6yrsoltl due
C< the Dtu'ham .cow,
Cattle, -.-Durham
to 'freshen March 15th, Durhani"'cow
5 yrs.. old, dtie May 30, Durham cow;.
4 yrs. old, clue April 1, Polled Angus,
4 yrs. old, clue March 15111; Polled
Angus cow, 5 years old, due May 14,
.Polled Angus cow, 6 years old, due
May 28th; thoroughbred Durham
cow, 5 years old, date May 14th; 1 cow
11 years old, freshened 1 week,'3 2 -yr. -
old steers, 2 2 -yr. -old heifers, 7 1 -yr. -
old streers, 5 1 -yr. -old heifers, 3 pure
bred Durhapa heifers., 8 spring calves,
Pigs. -7 pigs 3 months old!, 1 York-
shire sow in pig; 1 Berkshire sow its
pig (pedigreed). Poultry—e0 hens and
pullets, Imple'ments-6' ft. Frost &
Wood mower, nearly new; Frost &
Wood disc drill, 15 'hoe; 2 buggies;
1 cutter; set of harrows, walking
plough; riding plough, manure spread-
er, hay rake, wagon and gravel box,
wagon and special hay rack, grain
grinder, .set of wagon scales; fanning
Shill with 'bagger, set of sleighs, culti-
vator, anvil, circular saw, Deering
mower, set of team harness, set of
single harness; post hole auger, .cream
separator, churn, bedroom suite,
forks, shovels, chains, • whippletrees,
neckyokes and other articles too num-
erous ,to mention, Everything to be
sold as the proprietor has disposed of
his farm. The above described cattle
are an exceptionally good lot of well
bred Durham type, and in fine condi-
tion. -Terns—All stuns of $10 and
under, cash; over that amount, 12
months' credit will be givenonfurn-
ishing bankable paper, or a discount
of 5 p.c. will be allowed .for cash on
credit amounts. James Jackson, pro-
prietor; George H. Elliott, auctioneer.
It's the quality that .counts. Sept.
prices, pure whole or ground Spices.
34 8 1 tb
oz, oz. bulk
Cloves ,, 21 .36 .51
Ginger, ground . . , .18 .30 .45
Cinnamon, ground .. .. .15 .27 .36
Cinnamon sticks , , .15 .27 .36
Nutmegs .. .. .. 24 .42 .69
Black Pepper, ground .. .18 .30 .45
White Pepper, ground .. .21 .36 .51
Allspice, ground .. . . .15 27 .39
Mixed Spice, ground .. .15 .27 .39.
Mustard, ground .. .15 .27 ,36
spice, pice, ground ,,, .15 .30 ,45
Thyme .. .. .. .. .. .18 .30 .45
15 27 ,39
Sold by
Seaforth, Ont.
The Water Works :house will be
rented on liberal terms to suitable
tenant, Apply to
Chairman of Property Committee.
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The undersigned ;auctioneer is in
•trneteil to sell by,' auction on Thurs-
lay, 1 'clock
.. t ato
is September id
Y, 1
sharp, on lot 14, eetpcession r'1., Mc-
Killop, the ..following: Horses -1
)roevn horse 8 years:old, 1 bay snare
12 years old, 1 gelding 1 year old.
Cattle -4 'blade bow 5 years. old, bred,
nilking good 1 Durham, tow 6 years
old, milking goad",' .1 roan ;heifer, 2
years old, milking, good; 1 Hereford
cow 3 years old with calf at foot, 1
•oan cow 6 years old due time of.
sale; 1 roan c tw 7' years old due in
October; <4 choice steers about 800
Ib; 2 yearling steers; 2 calves 2 mos,
old. Pigs --:5 .chunks 125 lb.. each; 6
chunks 400 l'b. each; 5 chunks 65 ib.
each; 5 cliunke 50 lb. each; 1 York
sow with 9 pigs at foot ready to
wean; I York Rove due time Of sale;
1 half Tam. and York. sow due ill
October., Fowl -25 Rock hens, 40
chickens; 2 geese and a gadder. Im-
plements -1. three-quarter' cut wagon
with gravel box, new bottom; 1 set of
bob sleighs, bunks and flat rack; 1
thistle plough; 1, galvanized cistern
tank; 1 water trough, newly galvan-
ized; 1 set of breeching harness, near-
ly new; 1 set of plough fiamness, new;
2 neck -yokes; 4 sling rope's; .1 trip',
rope, 85 ft., new; 16 tlu'ee'bushei grain
bags; 20 sacks; 1 Melotte separato•;
1 wheelbarrow; 1 stone boat; 2 crow
burs; 2 logging chains; calf rack and
feeder; pile of 'lumber; tool chest; 2
five -gallon cans; pails, forks, hoes,
rakes, shovels, pick; 35 loads of tim-
othy and alfalfa hay; a large quantity,
of grain; -
Terms.—A17 sums of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount, 6 months
credit on approved joint notes. 6 per
cent. per annum off for cash. George
Elliott, auctioneer; Carl Dalton, pro-
100 acres, lot 24, con. 2, Stanley,
good state of cultivation. Bank barn,
76x40, driving shed 40 x 24, cement'
silo.' Good brick' house, 2 never fail-'
mg wells. N. S'AUNDERCOC]C,'.
Bt•ucefielcl. Phone 621-r-31, Clinton
central. 42.
Desirable property in good location.
Tiro lots, Frame house, with modern
conveniences. Barn, including a
garage, and good poultry run. Ap-
,(acnes and Helen sts.,Seaforth, 40
For sale 50 acre 'farm, good frame
house and barn; soil loose clay login;
40 acres summer fallow, cultivated and
ready for fall wheat. Splendid or-
chard, good well; 8 acres hay mea-
dow. Lot 11, con, 12, McKillop. IMRS,
A. R. COTTI7R, 847 15th st. E.,
Owen Sound, Ont. Phone No, 1062w
- 40
3 -burner coal oil stove with oven,
Florence make; and a set of smooth-
ing irons. WM. GOVENLOCK, Eg-
mondville.. tf
To live on farm, Lot 18, Con. 11,
McKillop. Special arrangements. Ap-
ply to EDWARD J, 130X or E. L.
130X. 37
For sale, frame house situated 11.1
village of Egmondville, 2 acres of
land, fruit trees and orchard, two
frame barns, House contains sic
rooms and kitchen, soft water in
house. Electric light in house and
barns. Telephone. Will be sold cheap
for quick sale. Apply to JAMES
T-IU'DS'O,N, Eginondville, or phone 2
on 146, Seaforth.
Six rooms over D, H. Stewart's
store, Well ventilated, electric lights,
town water; inside toilet. Reasonable
rent. Apply to E. L, BOX, Seaforth.
Lot 15, con. 14, McKillop, 134
acres. 'The buildings all in No. 1.
shape, 10 -room brick house, with
furnace and. cistern. Bente barn, 40x60,
and straw shed 36x45. Hen house
16x25. Driving shed and implement
house 25x35. Windmill, water in
stable. 5 acres hardwood bush. Place
will he all fall ploughed. Apply on the,
premises, HENRY STIIMORE, Wal-
ton, r, r. 1. Phone 243r25. 41
'Y. --.w......-........ -_.. .__...v
You Will Find Our Shoes Genuine Bargains
Red Path Su,tar •49'
eampbell's Soups 10c
4.ars P. and G. Soap 39c
IO Bars Padua Olive Soap S9c
EO Bars Lax Soap 93c
3 Packages Lux 29c
(IAS]:{ With Orders At These Prices
it Pays to Buy in Egmondville
Wo °'n� ; k
' i3 �l �,. p.1:
Egm;il d v i ll
• Medical,
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c
Mutual Fire Bnsurance Co,
Officers ---James ConnollY, Goder-
'Alex. James Evans, • Beechwood,
Vice President; D. Ft 'McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec: Treasurer,
,Directors --Wm. Rinn, No, 2 Sea -
forth, John:. Bennewies, •Brodhagen;
James Evans, 'Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton;.James Connolly, God'-
crich; Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock;. George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3; Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, •Brucefield.
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A,
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; 7. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will 'be promptly
attended to by applinatfon'to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
and Surgeon, Late of ondon Hos-
s-pital, ' London, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office: and resid-
ence behind Dominion Eank, Office
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 1016
DIR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office 'and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist (Church. Cor-
oner for the 'County of Huron. Tele-
phone No, 40.
DIR. C. MACIISAY.—C. Mackay.
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist. of Trinit3'
Medical College; member of the 'Cad -
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR. F, J. IR. FO'RSTER Eye, Ea e -a
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1897. Lste
Assistant New York Ophthalmic an,
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and:
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lou'-
don, England. At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in each months.
from 11 .ni, to 3 p.m.
Next visit in September,
D11, W. C. &PRIOAT.—Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhar?3'e
Drug Store, 'Main '5t., Seafarth.
Phone 90.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of -Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, I11. Licentiate Royal 'College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 159.
DR. F. J: B'EOHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental. Surgeons,"
Toronto, Office over W, R. Stnititts
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth,
Phones, .office 185W, residence 1853.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James Watson).
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed , at lowest rates in First -Class
Companies. .
,Wednesday, Sept. 14th -
Wheat, per bus.
Oats per$'1,25
Barley, per bus,
bus. .... .
., ,. ..... 50c
Shorts, per cwt. 1,85
per cwt , , ,
w 1.75
Butter, per lb. 35c
Eggs, per doz.
Potatoes, per bag $1.25
Hogs, per cwt, $10,25
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor
invites you to look over
The New Fall Suitings
Upstairs Over
Keating's Drug Store
nssatabt.461r.>YWatr caICRraMva
rAUMInrIta,w,miueite erratsmalt e.•otarantomntur ._ ,
s F irban s
races under full sail into a hurricane of quills in
dcii Pirate
Love in i:ile clays of bold buccaneers! Adventure with
Invigorating Tang of the Salt Sea! The bang of the
flintlock, the swish of the sword, the roar of the cannon,
the rollicking, fighting story of a brave sea Rover pictur-
playing opposite
3 'DAYS ,
Also Saturday Matinee '
iJ'irst. Saturday Evening Show` 7.30 p.m. sharp
Afternoons 10c and 1.5c Evenings 15e and 25c
Minus lc and 2c tax
%Wiltkt, watm,