The Seaforth News, 1927-09-15, Page 4FOUR DIstArS Snowden Bros., Publishers, 4Iikr1ER FROM MISS ' CIITHILL FROM SEATTLE. -ghee' eeteeeeme.cis pet of a most M- ae:ming letter received by Miss So- znaartille and Mrs.' Whittaker, of Sea- lientfre a few days before the sad word -,eanete of the death of' the writer, Miss - 'Margaret 6412 W. Hinds 'St„.Seattle. August 27th, 1927. • Meer Friends,—You speak of the • -Enertitelon boys .'being pleased to have ve Defter from me for their paper, but eteally couldn't do that. However, t'tni they will take a few ndtes out of 'tiffs, one, they are welcome, if they Ale& it sufficiently interesting, is really a very interesting sea vo'b 10 stich as.myself who have not ctts much of the Orient, either of the netts or the people.,There are a • lit of Japanese in this cty, There i5. zettaire a settlement of them about a eeniihe M, so front here On the .same • etetect'car line, so very °Wen there are eagle Or two of them on the car when e are ,corning ont or Oh% into towu ..amet nothing has impressed me more ,al'ime the • smart, alert appearance of •ZieEse people, American to their finger in everything .eeteept' the things which they cannot change, such as -rgeeir almond eyes and email noses. 'We; Were into a flower store one day, venemeently owned by Japaneseand take., 1flost al tractive little Japanese %;alted on us. I did want to buy some- th'reg from her, although she didn't ineve just what we wanted, ,r Wonder if I told you about the Merchant's exposition held from ,e-esg. 8 to 13th at Smith's Cove, Dock 41- 1 waS there three times and e0- 2e,e-ed it every time. It wasn't a big eeatibit bet very compact *el every - SO nice. Merchants from all emeer the States were holding a con- veeetion here and there were also visit - :a -4 merchants from Canada.There eva.e a big hall containieg nothing but .ealeods imported from the East, China, ';iepan, the Phillipines; India, and oth- er places. We could not see the con- tents of a good many of these bales, 3m, they were large once and printed . ',at the outside were the number of kr,ninds which the 1.7.S. had imported in 1926, generally far avec a million e.eletunds. There Was one large bale , human hair from China open at 'ieee corner so that it could plainly be : eeen, but the pounds of it imported were a long way short of the million. , Then there was a "pig" of tin from • fndia in plain sight. There were oth- ..e.e. interesting things in that building , resuch as a beautifni piece of Chinese ,ntabroidery depicting a Chinese eld- ..rly couple in the foreground. I eeeirek they were about to have a cup ..elf" Prom there ne went ou board the eeeee President Grant. passenger boat eelling for Japan. and had a look i,'esotigh. There wae a great deal of ceepanese help on board. Everything ,ene very nice and inviting for these t make that trip. One other day .te were on board a mutt 0; war. The Virginia.' It we. also navy week here ,,tol there were several of these vee - ,els in the Sound. We saw the eearch- • e:ghts up on the sides GI the towee ' ,and•the guns, none of them very email -onel steIle of them trementIone, also .sre of the thick hatchee they shut 'eleemsehes in when in action. A week ago to -day Jim and I went . 0 .me of the t wo-heur bus tofu*.1,1111(1 , ahottt and in and out of the -..ete. tont it certainly seetned well spew einee, the bus was so cotnfortable and eee saw So Mitch. 1 can only tell you . 4 little of it. I had no idea how bean- !qtil the eity is. Built on seven hill- itaybe more for we were shown. twa 11' 0'0'0 of being eta down and be- e g ueed to fill np IOOi Ware', Otte tt1 • Lose was 200 feet high and wee cm nn and a large hotel built where it eeee was and part of it is still to he eetrinved letele These !title with the Prtget "i (011 end sev,ral lakes intet • eperied between lend themselves to t'ne making ,ef a beanty spot of the hole city. The ems took US along veral of theee lake, mei the distance neroee any of them 1.: itot eo great but eelutt the roadway, and housee with . hely varying colors Of red and white , ted grey amongst the green tree, ...mid be plainly seen on the hillside just t‘erese the Water. There is a ,anal between t‘Nt.i of these lakes end ...hen another with locks out to the Pecifie Oceae and oeean-going vee- eele eome hi there to he cleared of harnaelee ehich gather on th.? 0.1110111. These nre fresh water lake. .end the fresh water kills these para- eqes. We were allowed to get out and see oe locks opened to allow five or six motor boat, pass out to the ocean. It a drop of 3.5 feet from lake to ocean. We paesed through several parks. the Ohservatiott Tower itt .niteer Park where one can go and e ee eo many- (4 the mountain peake 0105 are around here. The mountain - ...ere have placed charts all around the iop of this tower, so that you know Ilse name of the peak you are view - tag. However, the day we were there .4114 0 haey we couldn't see any of e hem. Mt. Rainer 1 think, was the ninet distant one, 99 miles. However, one clear evening I had a very good Of it from the house here and Its immenee snow-capped peak was visible with streaks of earth running 'op into the white. One bus driver o ;.old us world tourists said they never e we- anything to compaee with Mt. fRniner Inc beauty. Three hundred varieties of wild flowers grow on its sides. and With the lake at its base, it must ise well worith seeing. We .were through residential dis- ericts where otily people who would 7,ent up a house costing, from ten to hendred thousand dollars were al - towed to build, aed others where the eestrictinn was ndthing, less than three thousand .clollars and no business -places of ally kind are allowed. We also were through part of the boat- • honee district where people can livenue a speelae twilight service was • very cheaenlY (for a city) and Yet have which was a very fitting way to lot -Of .conveniences. eleee the, day. A marshmallow roast The UniversitY buildings are vere terminated the programme. fine.. We saw them too on this bue Mr. Hu it Aikenhead a coin Anied trip. They are 100111 on 168 acres of by his auntMre. Spear, of Highgate, kind' donated by 000 of the 6010 4e1 and mrs, J, . mepariane and Nees, J, tiers here. They thought then that it would be atnnit six ntiles out of the city, 'hat the Alaska gold rush helped" greatly in. its growth. Alki Beach has a monametet on the spot of landing unveiled on Sept. 4th, • 1926, to the memory of the first .three pioneer families (there's a poriulatioa of 472,000 now) to ' land at this point in the year 1851, and all their ita'n4e$ are on the stone. EMbedeled in the front of the cbtnent lext of the monu- ment is a stone the size of one's head, brought from Plymonth Rock by the lirs't motorised tnanscontinental care - veil to cross the country.. Alki Beach is only a short distance from where I, am, about three or four blocks away, The' monument is just a few rods from the shore of Peget Sound and across the street from It is the Old Stockade Hotel built of brown logs arid quite a picturesque old place. In another parteof city is a statue et Chief 'Seattle inwhuee honor the city is named. He had been helpful and friendly to the first settlers and a park called Lescht Park was named for lanother friendly Indian chief. : In the better class • districts the houses are all built up high dbove the highway and the lawns are all faced with a rockery Of large stones and rock plants, much prettier than a plain stone or cement wall for hold- ing the earth back and then the high way winds in and out in a picturesque manner, I don't think they can near- ly all be lawyers and doctors and judges who live in these houses, as it said of Rosedale, that winding resi- ilintial pant cif Toronto.' August 29th —I wrote the first part of this -Saturday night and have made O few corrections in it. I've just been in bathing so my hands are. rather (mid. I have heard- Washington State compared to Scotland in that e( me of the soil -is very rich and some ef it very poor. There is land in Skagit County worth from $500 to $1,000 an acre, at least that is what they- are asking for it. Vegetable ,reds for the whole country are grown somewhere in this state. The land they are grown on is very valuable, I am told. The Yellow Broom is native here and otos sees lots cif it and there are blue • Hydrangeas, big round bushes I- •them, covered with big bunches of flowers, on many lawns.. The flowers here are all beautiful but the Hydran- geas were what struck me. most, for I lied never Reen anything like them growing outside. 'There are a great many people Come hereeexpecting work, ' It is'such a wonderful climate and beside the eve. There is no work for them and they have little money, so there Is a society called the Brotherhood of Cood Will and they have started in- cuurse- , Collins,Ifni. \ttn. of the 2nd of d.ustries and give these people em- I -,,,eyment di some sort. They also Stanley, was taken to Seaforth Mem- . ;listribute bags among the city folks "vial hospital on Monday evening. .I) be tilled with anything that can ei- ther be sold or be of use as clothing ;titer it is washed and fumigated and STANLEY. mended. A dress is sold to these poor eeople for anywhere from $1.75 to $4 end ,e euit costing at new $40, maybe fer In. I heard all tide from a repre- eentative in church the other Sunday. Well I think this tenter i$ quite long enough. I hope that you are feeling twetty well now. I'll be quite as glad to see you all, as you ean be to see me and well have a good talk. It'll likely be middle of Octuber or before 't. Leaving here Sept 21st. -- ----------- BRUCEFFELD. THE iENFORTIEi NEW Pier$oe, were in Winghant 011 Friday, Mrs., KeLean, of Guelph, is visiting her 011111 'MOs. J. MdDiarinid, this Mrs. M. emil:11; win) has been visit-. ing her couein, Mrs. T. 5, Baird, is in. Clinton. this weekvisiting friends Mr. Lance Norris has been aps pointed ,a delegate to.the Young Peo- Pies conferenice to be held in Walker - villa next 'Monday and Tuesday. ,Brucefield's bowling .green seetns to be coming along in fine style. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ItificKerizie, of St. Louis, are visiting at the home of Mr, and WS, Roderick McKenzie, Mr. John Kaiser and son Earl, o'f Detroit, were' visiting friends over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Watts, of Clin- ton, were listed among the passeng- ers in the train wreck on ,the C.11".R. a week ago near Calgary, No word has been received thus far by relatives here, and if is hoped they were not seriously injured. Mr, and Mos. Watt were returning home from visiting in the West, having been at Seattle, Wash.; Vancouver, Victoria, and Mooselaw. ' Mr. Basil O'Rourke has sold his blacksmith shopto Me. Isaac Rath - well, of ' Goderich tOwnship, for a barn, to the replace the -one 'that was burned several weeks ago. Mr. O'- Rourke will move his blacksmith shop into the building formerly ,oecttpied as a garage by Mr. Lawrerice For- rest. Work of moving it will begin next week. ,• -• The ladies of the 'village 'met in the leieement of the :United Church on Thursday and quilted two qvilte to be sent in the rnissionry box to the In- dian school at Swan Lake. Miss Dorothy •Swan speet the v,eek-end with her aunt, Ntrs. Ed. Munn, Hay teeP. Mr. C. D. Simpson i$ home after Spending the summer in. NOrthern Ontario. Mr, James Swan has returned home after spending the summer in the \Vest and at the Coast. , Mrs. John Taylor and sister have returned hotne after spendiug several weeks in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Taylor, of De- troit, stent Sunday with Mrs. John Taylor, of Stanley, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Rdbert Taylor. elr, and Mrs. Harry Taylor spent. Sunday with Mrs. Lorne Taylor, of Stanley. - • • Mr. and Mrs. Dave Papple, of Mrs. Clark is visiting friends on the Tuckeremith, and family, and Miss Goshen Tine. Mildred Taylor, spent Sunday with Mr. George Coleman shipped live Mee and Mrs. Jos..Setraras, of Sautde stock to Torohto Saturday.' Line.. • 'Miss Pepper spent the week end at Miss Anna Caldwell, of Niagara, her home near Hensel!. returned on Tuesday to her nursing Messrs. C. Pilgrim and T. Dennison have been -improving their homes by nutting on a new roof. C. Stelck and Mr. E. Chuter are kept very busy. The school children are anxiously looking forward to the school fair neat Monday. Mr. and,Mrs, W. Me,Aeh front Lon- don spent Sunday with Mrs. C. THURSDAY, $EPTEIV113ER 15, 1921' Armstrong , of Pilot Minted, .. Mani- t Mrs. Wm. Woods is laid up at pres- peter and Toronto, 'Mrs. James Redmond entertained a few friends in honor of Miss Callagh- an, Progressive euchre was played, going somenme in n 0 . ptheoproleiesmgosisngctaellattehafloil,lowring:,Mrs. Mr. Silas Johnston left • for the Berm and Mr. F. •McConnell, Lunch 1- Pobt Wbods of Elimville, is roaysedse,brryedevearnydonan jolly present. ti e was, en - West last Thuraday. M d Mrs Leo. Kenny and baby toba. One son living at Ivlarlette, ant. Miele, was tumble to he 'Present. • We ate sorry to learn that Mr. J. Loss.—Mr. George Canapbell had IL MoLeughlin inteuds leaving our ell'e misfortune to lose a Valuable Jer- tommunity for Dutton. They. intend scy cow the end of last week. It took ill suddenly and before aid could be secured it died. Mrs. McKee Sr., of Toronto and her son Clarence and his wife and son Master Murray Fraser McKee, spent the week -end. at the home of the for- mer's sister, Miss Margaret Sparks, of the Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas and family spent Sunday evening with Mr: encl. Mrs, J, A.'1Carnie. Messrs, H. Steckle and Sons are surely rushing the preparations for wheat with their two tractors, a Heid- e: and a iFordson, these days. BLAKE. Anniversary services in Blake' Church will be hold on September 18. The services will 'be conducted by Rev, Mr.. Pendrose in the morning and by Rev. Mr.Conner., of Kippen, in the evening, •No services will be held in the Goshen chut:ch on this date. IVIr. Henry Steckle and sons have purchased a new Fordson tractor. CROMARTY. visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McLaugh- lin for a few weeks. Mrs. jos. Love is improving nice- ly after her recent illness, .Mr. Alex. Clarke is spending the week in London, Election of Officerss--The first En Mr. and Mns. Dennys_and family are spending the week in- Toronto. Mrs, Jas. Howe and ..Mise Ethel are visiting in Detroit with Mr. Ed. idowe. • • „ Mr. Thos. Speare, of Toronto, is Visiting his brother, Mr. Jos. Speare. A number from here attended Lon- don Fair this week, VARNA. Patricia are spending two weeks at the home of Mr. PhtliP EamlY. 'Mr. Joseph Ultourke and daughter Nellie spent Saturday in Toronto. Miss Rose Flanagan spent Sunday at the home Of Mra, Dan Biar92 01 cleavor meeting of the saason which }Hilbert, was held on Sunday ,evening, wos led Mr, Harry Bruxer has returned by Mrs. Peter Gardiner. Misses 1 rom Toronto. Roby Young and ,Gertie Miller gave a 'Misses Olive and Clare Evans of report of the summer school at Gode- Galt spent the week end at the home rich, Miss Miller gave an outline of of Mr. Joseph McGrath, Home Mis'sion work cinne among for- 'Mrs. Jas. Dorsey of Duluth is visit- eigners. Miss Young discussed the ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George program that was followed, Follow-, Holland. lag this the election of officers took OvIr, and Mrs Wm 11 Evans and place as follows: Pres., Miss Edna daughters of Galt spent the week. en& Reid; vice-pres., Geo. Kirkby; sec.- with friends ,here treas., Tema McCallum.; question Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Kelly and the drawer leader, Gilbert McC"allum; hatter's sister and MIS. Regele ' and convenors of committees were: Mls- daughter left on 'their return to Cal- sionary, Mrs. Gardiner; social,. Jen- ifornia on Tuesday. ole Ritchie; prayer meeting, Mar- Mrs, Leo Holland returned to her jotde. Reid; collectors, Harold Jordan home in 'Windsor. and Blair Shaw; maiiist, Gertrude .Miss Aileen Jordan returned to her Miller; assist. pianist, Lyla Lawson. school at Brooklyn. Mr, Geo, Clark has purchased a Ford' coupe which he tises to go to Ids, , BLYTH, suiAndisa'sy...Pearl Gidley attemded the ser- vices in Wingham United Cherch on bit, .5115., Beatty, who has been visit- ing rdlatives 'Kincardine, retnrned home this week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Robt,,,,Lamoista Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. Wet. Mair, Ches.. ley, ,ancl Mr. and Mrs. G'eo. Collittson, Kintail, anent the week -end with ,1\171.1.,Gr...Cocli:incsonnnamso' n returned an MondayMiss Hteoff Sr otn Praelitit;r ciltinftorn Clinton •hospital on Monday after having a miMIT°rrs.°•NPe,raCtinc)milings left this week to visit her danghters, in and near Win- nipeg. . Our villageers were soinewha,t sur- prised at hearittg a strange sound up in the air Tuesday forenoon when an airplane hove in sight, soared over the fields and Village like a huge bird looking. for prey, and after crossing 'Math street a couple of times, lit in Mr. Horner's field, east of Varna, evi- dently the aviator had lost his way, but as there were' no passengers at the station, he iinmediately took to the air again and landed in a few min- utes in the village of Hensall. Mr. Robert Webster and Mr. M. Elliott left last week for the Western ProVinces. Mrs. C. Epps has returned after spending. a few weeks in London and Detroit: '. Y.P.S. - rite Brueetield \'.1'.S. has een having a busy time. On Settle- • afternoon they held their picnic elnyfield and although the weather Atte not tet, favorable a good titne was had by all who attended. The afternoon was spent mestly in play- ing ball. In the evening a splendid "erViee was held. TWO addresses by Rev. Mr. Bremner and Mr. Graham , ere enjoyed by alt. Then we gath- eed for a marehinallew roast before ‘lispersing for home. On Sunday ev- ning the missionary meeting was M.1,1. An interesting meeting is being :danned, fM. next Sunday and a -report the exeCutiVe meeting will be given, elt,,n your interest and be there el time. Also remember the Y.P. ;illy eerviee, Sunday evening, 25th. Ntr. and 11r,. Douglae at- tht• Old Boy,' Remnion in Marlette. Mich., last week. Mr. lalIWS lime left for the West. where he intends to remain for elite titne. Mr, Frank -McGregor also left for the 'West laet week. We are sorry- to hear Nfr Neil Smith 1, Atilt limier the doctor's care, bat hope arsan to see hini around again. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Witwer, 'Misses stusan and L.rina Witwer. of Detroit. on Mrs. C. Haugh this week. aantia Ifaugh has returned i0011 spending the summer at Big - 1I11 'Inn, Lake of Bays. Mrs. Butelge Sir. has not beeu so e.ell lately. We hp e fer a return of '¼' ler health soon. Mise Jane McKenzie t,ilh attend the --'eratford Normal this year. Mr. Pres. Taylor of Guelph spent .the week end at the home of Wes. •Stackhotiae. lie was a.ccontpanied :mine hy Mrs. Taylor and son How- ard, who have been here for two weeks. The many friends of Mrs. C. [laugh will be glad to know she is much improved and hopes to be out Anon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mustard and Family have returned from their sum- mer home at Inverhuron. Nfr. and Mrs. Hugh ;Berry were at Dint:vale on Sunday. Mrs. j. Murray, of Milton, and Nfise C. McLaren, spent a few days with their tousin, bit's. -Id. Aikenhead, hist week, An enjoyable time was spent in Bayfteld on Saturday afternoon when the annual Young People's picnic .was held. Owing to the disagreeable weather there was not as large a crowd as usual hut all present pro- nounced the picnic a euccess. Soft- ball and.hnreeshoe throwing were the main sports. Stan, ittelc.t's nine were the successful -ball team. In the even - lite:, Ruby Taylor left on Saturday last to take charge of her echoul in, V\ eekes, New Ontario.. Miss Mossop iS visiting. in London. Mr, Robert Webster left on. Satur-1 CHISELEURST. day fOr el trip to New vittar10, 4C-1 cempanied by- Mr. Harvey Howard, of Hensall. Mise Clara Stephenson spent the week -end around Varna. Miss Annie Foote has lefton a trip to \'atneativer to visit 11110sister. The weeds on the fottrth minces - will soott.he brought to an end as the boys are doing fine work. Mr. Watson Webster spent,a afew dys down at Toronto last wek. Mr. and NIrs. W. Earl Barber, of Kontoka, elated on friends oa the HULLE'I'T. Bronson fine and Blake on comple- tion of their wedding tour which Antang those who went on the har- took in Hamilton, Welland, Niagata Falk reront,., l'enetang and Georg- ian Bay. Ihise Mat•ybet Cathie ie attending Contimuitiett school at Ecu sail, Mr. john Flaxhard i$ • adding the finishing tenches to the basement of Mr. 1.loyd tecotchmer s new steel xtr, \\ ill Hamilton aim Timm" truse barn. Lloyd has now uric al' Beattie spent a few, days at Toronto. 11 iso Bryant of S.S. No. 5 spent the week end with Miss Ruth Shacidick., Nliss Rachel Woodman visited rel- atives in Toronto laet week. - Mies Ida Lyon Ims lateen visiting. in Toronto. m ,Ite barn. ,Ct mgrat ti I a tions are extended to Accident. --While Mr, E, H. West -j ail::: Mary Wood who took first lake and fatuity of the Sauble line ' place in an open class for judging at (mint. Ex. last week. Mr. Chas. Stewart took part in the ()range tralla at Clinton last Sunday. Miss Grieve, teacher at No. 4, spent the week end with Miss Fairservice. Mias, lda Josling spent it few clays in Toronto last week. Mr. Morrell and nephew from Guelph, visited his 'brother, .1fr. Al- bert Morrell last week. Mrs. Dixon from Leamington is apencling the week end with Mrs. Al- bert Morrell. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamont, of Bay City, Mich., visited friends 011 the thirteenth over the week -end. Mr. Win. Brown made a :business nip to Winghain on Tuesday, Messrs. Ernest and Ilciiry Sander -- son were in Toronto last week. Mr, \\'ni. Murphy is in flondort this week. are pleased to learn that Roy McLaren is improving and home from the hospital Master Earl Drover ia home and ap- parently improving. 'The anniversary services of the Un- ited Chnrch, Chiselluarst, are to be held, on September lath, prea.ching supplied by a minister from Monk - ton and music by Chiselhurst and 1 fensall choirs. (.1nanded for last week.)' • Mrs; E.Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Ir - Vine Wallace and dbildren Shirley and I-Ioward,- 'and. 'Mr:' and Mrs. Frank Bell' and daughter Addle,. spent the Weelc-end at Grand Bend. Ivliss Mary Spafford, of WoodeNck spent. the holidays at 'her .mothet Mrs. C. Spafford, of Blyth, j Mr. Fuller, of Colborne township, spent the .week -end with, Mr. H4 Phih- lips, • 'Mrs. 'M. H. KellY and son Will - spent Sunday with Dehlin friends. Master , Jas. Kelly spent Sunday with friends in'.:Seaforth. • Mr, and Mrs. P. j. Kelly visited Wallthn friends during. the week -end. Brayant has returned to De - trait, •• .Miss. Mary, Healy. 1511 last week for. Lucau, where she ks .teaching, Miss" Loretta Heabr left for New Hamburg, where she is teaching. • -Mr, mid Mrs. Leo Kelly, of Tem, water, are visiting friends here at present. •atfr, and Mrs. Will Healy., of .Sagi- naw, are visiting Blyth friends at pre- sent. .. Mr. Peter Healy :left for Saginaw and Toledo .to visit .friends there. latr, • and Mrs. Thos, Grasby and lir. John Nesbit were guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Wesley-. Jermyn, of James- town, 00 Sunday. .Mr. -and 'Mrs. Clarence Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. John Graihy spent Sunday with •'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shoebottcsm, of Belgrave. • ., Mrs. Russell Bradshaw, of James- town, is visiting her paretrts, Mr. and Mrs. „Ism. Grasby, Mr,. and Mrs, Nelson 'Nicholson a long- way to go. • was defied au 'Tuesday evening with work. It is very handy as Geo. has A meetiripa of St. Andrew's _Church Dr. F, C. and Mrs, Neal and son, the intention of snaking arrangemeots Allan, of Peterboro,.. are visiting his lot' the GthenrTIeedtilinnd, kn grnia.s„tajc, B caes,sI.4;g ortg,o parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Neil i: a Mr, John Shannon Sr. has gone to of Clinton, occupied the chair. ' 'The visit his daughter, Mrs. R. I-larriston settlement committee was appbinted, of Montreal, P.Q. namely, Messrs. R. D, 111eGawan; R. :Much syMpathy is felt for Mr. R. 13. McGowan,. jos. ,Stothers, W. C. Patterson who had his leg hroken a few weeks ago. After an x-ray ex- mond, Mrs. (Dr.) lane, mrs. Diluc. amination it was found that there was Laidlaw, Sm.rAs.. wPornpl,esLtoogneat,I.JasR.eRy.ictt- A. another fracture which necessitated Graham, of London, will take • the ser - his removal to General has,pital, ,Tor- vices in St. Andrew's morning and onto for further treatment. , At last accounts he was doing nicely. evening. • Miss Christie Forrest, of • jame,s- On Saturdify afternoon of last week town is Spending a week with her the team and ran them into the stable frienA. Mrs. Clarence Johnston: Mr.. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit of Au - Mr. Bert Johnston was working with without tying and -went aJbout some burn were,guests of Mraand Mrs. T. ether chores. He 'heard kicking In Grasby Sunday. the stalble and went to stOp 'it and Mr. and Mrs. C. Nicholson and Mr. while one of the animals was kicking and Mrs: RitaSell Bradshaw of James- town, visited friends at • Belgrave on' at the other, Bert got the blow in the gfancte.a nflnits onnosiehnwittnsrebhre.oarn.iiaintaiwIA s.,..0,3\111 ra,, end .bit's. sin.o...,,Riley ,and two jam,, ajia, anclafamtly were gnesta of Mr. and baken to. Kitchener 'for • treatment. but children spent Sunday, with Airs. Grasby. , . _ Manners of ' Mrs. George iNieholson on Friday t/itr eV! ibebtetesrre time, before he is, en; ,rtirlrufsrs.eiasnndier.Me rgsn. eGstesopragt eulvIt.a was able to return the following.day. ' Mr. aAftl Md.- Charlie Nicholson day and Monday at Mr. E. McLaughe Mrs. B. Riley of Kinburn visited at Gilder's, of Goderieh.. • . Mr. and ' Mrs. Adam Nibliki/Son and spent Stinday with • Joseph .and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mr, and 'Mrd. Russell: Bradshaw .Mr. Lawrence Cutnings,, family, 'and Clarenee.JOhnston 'on ;Stin'days, a ' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young Spent ;Stin- Mrs. Thos. Grasby spent Monday Ines, London. Nelson Nicholson's Thursday. • Mrs. J. Moon is visitingn Miss A- . Misses Ruth Neweaornbe and Mae with Alfred and Mrs. Nesbit, of An- si Johnston. , Fowler of 'Newk, N.J., and Mr. hurn. :sirs. 13o61 Carnpleell and Carter 1-Ingh Moore of Detroit spent Tues - family spent Sunday at Stage. day with Mrs. j. Snell, Mr, Russell Marks motored to L.:p- Born,—On Friday, Sepl. 9111, in don Tuesday. Goderich hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. ith-a. Cosbie, Emma and Mr. Albert Jas. R. Cutt, a daughter don with Mr. Hardy Swan. operation for appendicitis in Clinton Lycliatt spent the week end at Lon- . Mr. Harvey Erskine underwent an Mr. and Mrs. W. W . Iloy spent a hospital last week. few dee..., with Mrs. JAS. Bishop, Mrs. Joseph Taman and son Joe School Fair. it will be noticed that mrs, Camm, Briclgdburg. are guests of the forrner'a daughter, Regarding the prize lists of Walton the names of those who donated prize Mr. Archie Radford who has 'been in S.S. No.' 7. McKillop, did not aP- on the sick list is able to be out again. Pear with the others. The reason for -Miss Hattie Dexter is not improv - of donators had not been given to the ,Mr. ancrXt-S. Colin Fingland of ihg as fakt as her friends would like. this is that a duplex list of the names secretary and treasurer separately. Walton were Blyth visitors Saturday. The cash froM the section is in the Miss A. 'Tyerman of Seaforth was treasury` but unfortunately the !tarries the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Fred failed bebe printed on the lists. Oster Inc it few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Butson of 3fr, and Mrs. Thos. Taylor and Stafin and Mr. and Mrs, McNaughton daughters have returned home from of Chicago visited with their brother, a trip to Washington State, British .1 N. Campbell last Friday. Columbia and other points. Mrs J. Barrows is spending a few 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wallace of days with Mrs, G. W. Jackson Stratford spent the week end with re- latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burling, and Mrs. Fawcett spent last week visiting friends in Toronto and other paints, • Mrs. J. R. Bell and Mr. and Miss. Les Fear and family were Brussels visitors on Sunday. Miss Alberta Richmond left this week to attend Collegiate in Goderich. * Queen Street Sunday school is pre- paring Inc a Rally Day on Sunday, September 25th. The anti iversary services in the church will be held an Sunday, -Oct. 2n6. Rev. A. :Murray Stewart, ILA., of 'Mitchell, will con- duct the services. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. H. McElroy and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. 'McElroy anent Tuesday in 'London. Word from. the ex -teachers has been received in town and they are all seemingly quietly settled in their new positions. 4 Mr. and •Mrs. Jas. Hunter, of Lon- don. who have been Visiting at the home of Mr..R. C. McGowan, return- ed home on Sunday, air. and. ;Mrs. Clarence Clarke call- e d ou their many friends here on. Sunday on their return from their honeymoon. Representatives from here evill at- tend the ,Huron Presbytery next Mon- day which meets in Wroxeter. Mrs. G. M: Chambers returned MI Saturday after a two weeks' visit in Thronao, rester s excursion were Herb Fair - service, Edwin Cartwright, Elgin Jos- ling, - joe Shaddick, James Roberton, Joe Possel, Hugh 'Radford, Lorne Sho- brook, Mr. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs, Per- cy Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc- Call. Mr. and Mrs. A. Webster. the nttlgt completeand up-to-date barns -in this •distriet, - !Dealt harvest is- tuns itt full swing, arid a,. tiettal the early autumn show. ers are commeneing. Mr. Henry Steekle is fortunate in having his safe were proeeefling in their car along the fourteenth conceesion, two large pigs started te cross the road ahead of the ear. Mr. Westlake slowing- down to all,,w them te do so. One of them eteldenly in panic changed its mind, and. with porcine disregard for oh- ,tacles, ran right under the ear com- pletely overturning it, demolishing the tap anti smashing the windshield Rad :ate wheel. Very fortututtely except for some very painful bruise.,, and a stvere shaking up none of the occu- pants of the 1.:41* were seriously injur- ed. Liveatnck roaming on the high- ways certainle constitute' a serious menace to ear traffic. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. 'fleas of .1len- sail ,,vere die guests of .sstr. and Mrs. J. A. Cantle on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, 'Wilbert McBride and children. Bobbie and Muriel, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McBride and little daughter, Margaret have returned to their homes ia 'Windsor, Ont, after mending, a few holidays with Mr. and Nies. Rohert McBride, 'Goshen line. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter and children, 'Jack and Leona, of Blyth, visited relatives on, the Goshen Mae. • Mr. and Isirs. Jos. lvfossop were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. E. Stephenson on Friday, having motored from !London to spend a few daya with friends 'here. ,Glad to hear that Mrs. Lorne Armstrong hag recovered from her recent illness and is able to he out again. Mrs. jack Bryan and little son, who. have spent the past few weeks with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Wit - on Armstrong, returned to their home irt London on Sunday. A family party was held at the name of Mrs. '1.2dbt. Armstrong last Sunday to celebrate the eihty-fifth dreltday of her mother, Mrs. John etepheneon. Thoee present were Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Stephenscni, Parr • Me; Mr. anti Mrs David' Stephenson, thc Goshen line, and Mrs. David WALTON. Engagement, —Mr. and Mrs. Ad- dison Taylor, of 1Brussels, announce the engagement of their daughter Annie Merriam Lowe, to David Shot - dice, sott of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shol- dice, of Walton, die marriage to take place quietly in•`September. • Mr. end Mrs, Peter Robinson, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Jas. Storey, Joh McGaviii, shipper, was in Toronto over the week -end with two cars ofacattle. Mrs. Berry -spent Monday with friends in Wingharn. Miss Grace Shortreed spent a 'few days this week with- friends at Burl- ington, - The following schools and teachers will take part in the 'vValton school fair on Thursday: No, 2 Grey, Mar- jorie Reid: No, 12 Grey, 'Tena Mc- Callum: No, 9 Morris, Clara Mc- Gowan; Lea,dbury, Louise Mills: No. 9 McKillop, Edna Reid, and 'Walton. A show will he given 111 the halt in the evening e DUBLIN. atiaaea ,Minnie and Gertrude Dor- sey of Senforth and Father Kennedy and sister Mary of Erie, Pa„ were guests of .Mrs. lames Redmond on 'Wednesday. Mrs. Alex. ;Darling entertained at a 5 o'clock thicken dinner on Thurs- day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Wool- iver of Buffalo, N.Y. Nlise Maey 'Callaghan of Saginaw, Nlielie who was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Redmond, anent a few clays 01 Gocle- rich visiting Mn. and Mrs. Jas. A. Dalton. Miss Alma Molyneatis; of Kitchen- er spent the week end with her pat' - 011t5, Mr. and Mrs. T. j. Molyneaux. Miss Mary 1.leale returned from a 1110 week,' visit at Windsor, where ,,he was the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Simp- killi Nr, Jtte. Heffernen of Ellyth, is the 911001 of his niece, Mrs. Geo. 'Holland, Mr. Lou .Matthews of Detroit, call- ed on eeveral of hie friends on Tues- day last.Nit-. and Mrs. I'. Stapleton acetcr)topiit)nird Mr. Matthews home to pe Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Dalton of C,oclerieb called nii friends in the town on Tuesday last Miss MarY Callaghan has returned to her linine in Saginaw, Mich,, after a pleasant visit with old :friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dave isidConnell spent a few Mien: in Toronto, visiting. friends th('1lt11.. 1... Alex. Darling has returned af- ter a visit to Toronto. Miss Hanna 'Tully has returned af- ter spending a few days with friends in Stratford, Mrs. Robert IBirchell was the guest of Mrs. Frank 113yrne and her mother, Mrs. John ;Carpenter on Thursday. MrS. JOS. Malloy, with her daugh- ter Ma'ry, and son Charles, of Detroit, were the guests of Mrs. Jas, Redmond. last week. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Walter Carpenter is improving end ho'pe to see her around again very soon. Rev. Father Eckert was'',a guest of his sister, ;Mrs. George ,Tiolland, over the week end. 1Rev. Father Dantzer of St. Colum - ban -was a guest of Mr. G. K. Hol- land on Sunday, Mrs. Dave McConnell entertained O few guests on Monday afternoon ac a pink tea in honor of Miss- M. 'Cal- laghan of Saginaw, Mich., and Mr. aad .Mrs, P. 'F. Bette entertained a few guests 'Sunday evening at 5 o'clock tea n honor of Miss 'Callaghan. , Mra. P. Evans has returned after a two weeks' visit with friends at Hes- taoiefeetieStilliveisiaa. Who M away -s r lin home? :;) family if some are Levny from hon -.e, the casp,:bt quirkest way is of course by a Long Dis- tance call. 'rile young people nowadays put up a yery bratv, front of wish- ing to appear independent • and self-reliant, but their hearts still thump faster whert they hear Dad's or Mother's voice over the wire. Even when they go into business, per- haps in distant cities, their nature does not change with their habita- tion. The tie still holds. The dear familiar voices are just as potent. IHave a regular time to call up the absent ones by Long Dist- ance. The service was never so rapid. The cost of Interurban Service to nearby -towns—within a radius of say 25 miles—is -4 very low. Fresh Groceries Straw Mats and Work Shirts Now is the time topiek up all kinds or repair- ing, such as Tin ware, Harness, Shoes, Auto Sides. Auto Tires Stitched, Bring in your Binder Canvass forNew Straps' and Strips. JL ENNE IFS RODHAGEN 1111/1110111111.1111•111a1MnsleaaszerlaamBlEaNIMI•0010Culftalliaglanonepastaaaemuromindr