The Seaforth News, 1927-09-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
•rli tael of Detroit
14r Jack Carmichael, cl ,
visited over the week -end athis home
A nnarbc.r fro tm Neilsen attended
n n
the convention at Crediton. on A large number from Hensall at-,,
the tial titch it Exeter Mon -
last. tended 1 I n e a
da t n' the occasion of the oto ilii of
i d Mrs. Allen \'1cD'one11, of y a, C 1 t g
lv1r. a l
Detroit, jvisited over the Week -end 'their new diaiitond and where 'there
with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. "Mc'D'one11. ' 'Were•also horse races and a race` be-'
Mr. Clarence Minn, •of Bay City; -tweets an auto and one of the fastest
rite over the holidayunder .the horses. 1n base'bbll, Hensall defeated
p:iretxtal roof. ' Crediton by a large sebre to () Exeter
Mr. Robt: Green, of Detroit, ac- defeated Staffa by a large score, and
pampanied'by ,a couple of bey friends, the final' game between Exeter,and
visited' over the week -end. with Mr-,. Hensall was most keenly contested,
once Green east of the wily Exeter winning by a coriple of runs;
and 'Airs. ,f g with an innin • to sr� -e but as it was
Inge. tat ,
getting dark the last inning was Mrs. Lon Simpson, 'Wm, and..Mae wa
Sim son, of .Detroit; visited over the played. At one time near the close,
3cnsait had • a good chance of win -
holiday with relatives in town.
'Miss Aldyth,Eacrett, of London ping, but through several errors made
visited for •a few days with her .par- on the bases the chance was lost;
eats, Mr.' and Mrs. Robt. Eacrett, (Intended for last week.);
.Mr, and Mrs, A. J, Switzer and Prize list of Hensall flower show:
little daughter Lois, of Detroit, visited .Collection of perennials,. Mrs. fMet-
over the week -end with Mr, and •Mrs, her: Annuals, Mrs. 'Meiners Dotted
Robt. Higgins'aiid family. plants, Raye Patterson,, Mrs, F. Mess,
Miss Grace Chapman, of Hamilton, Mr, Zuefie. Foliages, Miss M. And -
is visiting' her parents, Mr,. and Mrs, erson, Potted ferns, Mrs, F. Hess,
Wan. Chativnan. Mrs. Alf (Clarke. Hollyhocks, Mrs.
Miss Florence Welsh, of London, Tapp,Miss C. Mitchell,Mrs,
,' o John
visited over the" week -end with her John MoLean, 'Bride's ,flowetable,
parentS, \fr. and 11rs. Thos. Welsh. Mrs.' W. O. Goodwin. Asters, 'Mrs, E.
Mr. and 'iters, Earl Palmer, of Ronnie, Miss Ethel 'Murdock, Mr.
'Windsor, visited over the holiday: Ztiefle, 'Collection of asters, Mr,
with Mr. and :firs. Thos. Painter, 'L,ucfc, Dorothy Welsh, Miss C.' Mit-
Miss Hazel Coxworth 'left Monday shell; special, Mary Ann McRae,.
for her school in Essex comity.Dahlias, Mrs: S. Merner, (..;ladys Fer-,
Miss Edith McEwan, who has guson, Mrs. Coulter. Collection -of
i t * her' dahlias. Miss C. Mitchell, Mrs. John
.spent the summer i1tt17itltS'Flaltrt S} I
returned McLean Mrs. G. Dalrymple; 1e; special,
sister and .'brother. here, has
ie. Kitchener.
.Miss McTaggart. Delphinium, 'Flor-
Mrs. A, McMaiin, of Toronto, is ecce McDonald, 'Pansies, Dorothy
visiting her sister, Mrs, Mex. Munn. Welsh, Mrs. Coulter, Mrs, Goodwin.
Mr. "Ferris Cantelon left on Mon- Nasturtiums, Mrs, Ed. Sheffer, Mrs.
day for Onondaga, after spending the Geiger, Mr . Coulter. Collection n'as-
snmitier mouths at his home here. =limns, Catherine' Drysdale, 'Mrs..
Mr. Alex. hfcMurtrie, of Toronto, Ed, Sheffer, Mrs, K. 13e11. Roses,
visited .over the holiday with his Dorothy Welsh, Steele Briggs, Mrs.
mother here. Merner. Special, Mrs. G. Fairbairn,
Mr. Archie Sparks, of Detroit, visit- Collection of roses, Dorothy Welsh,
ed over the week -end with his father Lorne Elder, Mrs. Fred Hess, Table
here. bouquet. Mre. 'Geo. Eyre, Miss . E.
Mr .Allen Fisher, of Toronto, visit- Morrison, Mrs, J. Smith, Sweet peas,
cd for a few clays with his mother and Mrs. Fred Hess, Mrs. Alex. Munn,
sister here. Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Tcherous 'he -
.lir: Lloyd Smith, is Detroit', visited nomas, Miss A. 'Cousitt, Mrs. Geo.
river the week -end with m: parents, Eyre 'Veranda box, Rays Patterson,
1. 2 and 3. Collection of Phlox, Mrs,
t e,ulter, Mrs. Fred Hess, tiMcs. Won.
Sangster; special, Mrs. John Tapp.
Snapdragon, Miss Annie Consitt, Miss
Ellis. Ariss C. Mitchell. Three gladi-
oli, i!r. N. Peek,' Mrs, Ed. Sheffer,
Mrs. Skinner. Gladiolus, Mt. .Peck
a number taking in the tournament at Airs. Ed. Sheffer, Mrs. Fred. ;Hess.
Exeter and the street dance a' night. Collection of Gladioli, Mrs. Skinner,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Lon- Mrs, Sheffer, \lr:. Coulter; Special.
don, visited over the week -mil e ith - Mr. Peck. Named Gladioli, Mr. 'Peck.
.elatives in town. Collection of Marigolds, Mrs. Goul-
The services in the t i .:! Church! .e r. Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Dal -
on Sunday last were largely attended, rymple. Calendula, Mrs, Fred Hess,
Rey. Mr. Sinclair occupying his own Mies A. Consitt, Airs. Geo. Hudson
pulpit. Next Sunday morning a Six
Marigolds, Mrs. Coulter, :otic. S.
communion service will be held and Merner, Dorothy Welsh. Zinnias,
of Friday evening the preparatory Jessie Buchanan, 'Mrs. Coulter, Mrs,
service will be held in the basement tie,,. 'Dalrymple. Tiger Lily, Miss M.
.,f the church. Alexander. Mrs. Ed, Lin denfic'ld.
Our schools re -opened iter on Sn m -on -the -mountain. Miss C. Mit-
Tuesday morning for the coming shell. Everlasting, Mrs. J. Tapp, Car
term. the scholars all going back rop,n, Miss C. Mitchell, Geneva
' prepared todo a good year's work PI ,iter. Airs Jas. McDonald, Miss
after their holidays. At. Alexander. Mrs, ileo. Eyre. Potted
1Ir. Arnold Bell, of l'.,rontn, epent begonia, Mrs, Ed. McQueen, Miss M.
'the week -end here with his mother, Retch Miss 'Rami. Flowering 'Begon-
Mtrs. bertha Bell, , i, Mrs. Fred Manns. Mrs. Coulter.
Mr. anri Mrs. bred Sniallacennbe Larkspur. Dorothy Welsh. Hydrang-
and daughter Jean, :ch., have been ea. Mrs. ! r!. Lindenfield, Mrs. Zuefie,
j} r
• _1 Miss •
siert no relatives and friends here, le , \l, I.i.r,. Pinks, Mrs. T,fnderrfield.
turned to 1 uelph on Monday, i Clematis, itis, Mrs. Lindenfield. Potted
Mr. Donald McKaig has taken al Begonias, Mr Ed. McQueen, Mrs,
position at Mr. Mickic's mill as hook-! Fred. h Mann Airs. Coulter. Rose of
keeper. i Sharon, Mrs. A. Clark. Star of Beth -
Miss Elva Bolton. who has spentjl,h'm, Mr. Coulter, Miss M. Ander-
the summer months at her home here, ,,. r. Hal! bouquet (special) Miss E.
\lurdoch. 'Campnla (special) Kath -
rine Drysdale. Petunia, Mrs. N.
Cook, Mr. Zuefie. Stocks, Mr, John
Tapp, Mr, Geo. Fairbairn, Mr. Ztte-
tle. Poppies Miss McTaggart Miss
G. Ferguson, Mrs. Geo. Eyre. Hybrid
Teas. Miss Eleanor Skinner. Gal -
u ha t;vpecial Mrs. J. Daley. Ver-
bena (special), 'ers. J. Smith.
t larkia !special),Mrs. Coulter. ,Car-
Car-n ations, Mrs. Geo. Fairbairn, Marion
McKay. Salpaglosis (special) Mr.
for .their: homes, • all' feelig'they had
enjoyed a splendid time, 'The' sport
,committee consisted of .Miss Rena
1:ludson, ;13.ev.:r icllroy,:John Craig;
Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Smith.
Miss Polly Moore, •of Lord.,n. vis-
ited over the holiday with her "inter,
Mrs. Thos. Simpson.
Miss Gladys Luker -spent the week-
- end -with friend, in Clinton.
The holiday passed quietly in town,
We wish them every success lit alicir'•
Jyture" Monte..
\1r. and Hoyle' ' and •fainil)
have returned to their home in .Naw-:
ark, N.J., alter spending their''1,ri-.
days with 'r '
+ Y 3 a . and I Mlrs. Dennys, the
hitter being a' siSter to Prof.
'Miss Mary li\t[cLieilai• spent so #etv
Mays in Toronto last 'week.
:Several people from here. at-
tended the street dance in Exeter on
_'drn'day evening.
returned to Kitchener on Saturday.
Mr. an.! Mrs. -Mew of Godericlt vis-
aed over the week end with Miss Mat-
tie Ellis.
Mrs. Harty Hubbard of Detroit
vieited for a few days with Mrs. John
Air. and Mrs..'. Wren, who have
been visiting for sum. tante with Mrs.
Wren's mother, Mrs. Jas. Taylor, left
Thursday for their home in Toronto..
Mies Ethel Murdock is visiting for
afew weeks with relatives in Tena- ludic. Bachelor's Buttons (special),
wands, N.Y., Mrs. 1. Smith. Coxcomb (special),
MA. Robt. Green has greatly im A•nuit Consitt. French Marigold,
proved the appearance of his ]mine by. Airs. Fred Hess. Mrs. K. Bell, Mrs.
having it nicely painted. S. Merner. Cosmos, Mrs, E. Sheffer,
Mr. and Mrs. Ales. Brandt of El- Missfihiit Mrs. Geo. Eyre. Sun-
nira recently visited relatives and flower. Mrs. J. McDonald, Thos.
friends. in town Murdoch, and 3rd, Goldenglow, Mrs.
:Miss Ella McPherson of Salmon E. Rennie, Miss Ellis, :Airs, F, Ren -
City. Idaho, visited Inc a few days !Me. Potted plant, Mitts 'Sands, Mrs.
last week with friends in town, 1 i,sworth.
Mrs, L. Miller of Windsor is visit-
ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rich- CROMARTY.
and Blatchford ami other relatives m Mr.and Alis. I7enn and little
y -
Mr. ao'1 Mrs. A. .L. Case left on daughter of Toronto are spending a
Thursday for a motor trip to Tnron_ feat . weeks holidays with their cots-
ro. Niagara and New York,
Miss Stella Robson of New York
is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Arnold.
Air. and Mrs. H. Corry and little
child of Brandon, Man., arc visiting
for a few weeks with Mrs. Curry's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IIabkirk,
Hensel! =drool fair will be held on
Thursday, Sept. 8th, and is being
Molted forward to by the children,
Carmel Church and Sunday school
held their picnic at Rayfield Wednes-
day afternoon last. Following is the
account of the games and sports held.
In the primary classes all were
awarded prizes in the different events.
Girls race, under 10 years, Minnie
Sangster, Mary Little. Hoop race,
Mr. \Vin. Sangster. Boys' race, under
10, Hooter Finney, Johnnie McKay.
Coat .race, Mrs, Jas. Patterson and
Mr. T. Dougall. Girls' race under 14,
Grace Tinney, Beryl Pfaff, Needle
and .thread race Margaret Mc!.aren
and 3lalcohn Dougall. Boys' race.
under 14. Norman MacKay, }Tomer
Tinney, Married ladies' race. Mrs.
Jas. Patterson, Necktie race, Olive
Walker and Bruce Walker. Boot and
shoe race. Peter Moir and Miss D.
Hoskins. Married men's race, Mr.
Jas. Sangster. Single men's race, Her-
bert Hoggarth. Best looking couple
nit the grounds, Miss Jean Bell anti
Rev, Mr. McTlroy. Fat men's race, M.
Timmy; Fat women's race, Mrs, Jas.
Sangster, ;Che rest of the afternoon
was spent in tug-of-war, both for the Mulch was served by the hostess, Mrs.
Wen •and the fair sex, and afforded a Allan,
great deal of excitement, as did also
• the baseball games in which nearly
all present took sides. The ladies
had prepared lots of tempting refresh-
ments for all present and as the
shades of night drew 'on, all departed
in.., Mr. and Airs. Dennys, at the
manse and have returned to the city.
3frs. T. W. Steinhoff of Toronto
spent a few days last week with rela-
nve5 in tins vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Howe of Detroit
and \'Ir. Will Howe of Toronto spent
the weds end with their parents, Mr.
and Mfrs, Jas. Howe.
Mrs. F. R. Hamilton and (laughter
.1.ues of
Exeter spent the holiday
with their numerous relatives and
friends here.
Messrs. 'Com and John Hay spent
Sunday with their mother in Stratford
Among those taking in the excur-
sion to the West are Messrs. Gordon
hinggartlt, Nelson Howe, Angus •Me-
Rain-, Neil' Lamont, Edgar Allen,
Keith McLaren, R. Spec e, J, Aklittg-
ten, D. McKellar, R. McCaughey, D.
Gardiner, diner, Jeno. G, Scott and the
Misses Agnes T-Teron and Jean Mc-
Alr. Lloyd Miller, of Stratford;
'pent the week -end at the hone nI
his parents, 2lr. and Mrs, S. A.
The meeting of the W. M. S. was
held last week at the hone of Mrs.'
R. •Vlan. A very interesting chap-
ter from -the book, "Moslem Worsen,"
was read by Mrs. R. Scott, after
which Mrs. McLellan delighted the
meeting with a solo, and Mrs. Den-
nys gave a most interesting talk on a
trip- to Palestine. A very dainty,
!,1. ,. R. Gardiner and family left
last week for their future home in
Siinc:oe. We are sorry to 'lose such
good citizens, as Mrs. Gardiner was
airways ready to take an active part in
any work that was 'being carried out.
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
Wm, Slack, who has been seriously
ill in Goderich`Hospital, is recovering
and expects to' he able to return home
in the course of a few days, Meati'
while his farm interests are being
very ably attended to by Mr. Sam,
Westlake, of 'Collborne.'
Messrs. H, S'teckle and sons have
just finished an unprecedentedly site-.
ccsiful season of. stook -threshing and
are now busythreshing tires mg out the learns
prior to the storing of the bean, crop.
Mrs, George Campbell Sr., of Zur-
ich; is at present visiting her son
George, on the faun,
Now we know how to account for.
the smile on Bill Talbot's face and
the : playful lilt of . 14s threshing
whistle' 1 A new tbalby girl came to
his house the -other day.
' Mr. T. Drover's little son Earl: is in
the London hospital braving art oper-
ation on his eyes.
Bliss Maud Miller has "accepted a
school in New Ontario, •
Miss Grace McLean, t
, who was for-
merly teacher
for-merlyteacher in the'Cromarty school,
has taken a school at Lucan.
Victor 1')innin and Itis sister Andry
expect to continue their studies in the
'Mitchell high school. This is.Victor's
fourth year,
Mr, and Mrs. McTaggart, o'f Van-'
clover, are visiting his brother anil
sister on the homestead, and other
Chiselhurst friends,
Mrs, Cudmore. and sons . have
bought a tractor to help in their farm
work. .
Mrs. Wnt. Penner had a quilting
bee Wednesday at which Many ladies
Mrs. A. 1Tenrletson has spent the
past week • visiting Chiselhurst
Afr. and 'Mrs. Geo .'Cham'hers and
fancily spent the week -end in Lon-
We are glad to hear that blaster
Earl Drover is doing nicely after his
recent operation on both eyes in St.
Joseph's hospital, London.
21 . McGill,
Brookl m, N.Y. is vis-
iting her cousiy, Mrs. Thos. Neilans.
Misses bfarjorie 'McEwing and
t.eagh Raps, in are attending Clinton
Mr, Peter Taylor and Mrs. Jas.
\Vatt have gone West,
Miss Eolith Beacomaki
r taking con-
tinuation work at S,S, No, 7,
Miss Florence Knox is home for a
week from Toronto.
Miss Kathleen Bremner, of Grey,
returned on Sunday after visiting at
\:.\V. Beacon's.
Misses Agnes Leiper and Davina
Knox are in Clinton attending school,
Mr. I-iafolal Beacom left- for British
Columbia. lir. Dave Watson also
went West. •
,Mies '.aura Beacon is visiting her
aut, \Irs. Vipond, in Grey.
A number of girls went to Luck -
now on Monday for the field day. In'
softball 1'.uclnitow defeated Blyth
hin,;urn and Brantford played a
lie game 2-2 on Monday 'night at
Kinburn, They play in Brantford on
Saturday, Sept. 17th. Jack Armstrong
and Willis Dundas scored for Kin -
burn, Referee Brooks, Chesley, han-
dled a very clean, fast game.
Mrs. Goo, Dale is staying at Mr. M.
McKeilar's in Seaforth this week,
Mrs, Jas. Dale and Mrs, John Car-
ter Jr. and Mrs. Geo, Leitch went to
Miss Beulah Scott has gone to trait)
is Western hospital, Toronto.
Alis. Wm, Clarke and daughter,'
Airs. H. Armstrong, are at Toronto
this week.
Mr, and Airs. John Tull of near
London are visiting friends and rela-
tives in McIKillop, Blyth and Con-
tance this week.
Miss Verna Adapts has returned to
1 er school at Port Colborne,
Mrs Ed. Britton was in Walton
this week where her mother, Mrs, Jos
Lone, is ill.
Miss Blanche Wheatley has return-
ed to the Toronto teaching staff.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson at-
tended the wedding of their niece,
Miss Noble, East Wawanosh.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. McGregor and
Rus visited in Stratford on Sunday.
W.M.S. meets Thursday at Mrs.
Win. Britton's: Two ;quilts for the
mission box is the objective.
Air. Joseph Wheatley has sold his
fine '100 -acre farm, lot 2, con, 1,3,
Hulled, to Mr. Clifford Holland, son
of Mr, Geo 'holland, '.Cuekersnith,
and has purchased Mr. 'Holland's
property in Clinton, to which he will
move in the near- future, Mr. Wheat-
ley is holding an auction sale next
Tuesday, Sept, 13th.
'\'e are glad to know Misses Gladys
and Grace Mason are recovering from
an attack of mumps. They will be
well enough to return on Saturday
Flom lfolsteht, Miss Iv[ae Mason bus
also been laid up.
We are sorry, to know that Mrs.
Grainger died at her home in Londes-
boro on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Derwin Carter anti
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Knox and family,
were in Toronto this week. •
Mr, and Mrs.. Jas, Cartwright and
family motored to Lucknow to at-
tend the Junior Farmers' sports day,
n'iy'th team won the cup,
Mothers can easily kilo* Min
their children are troittbled' with
worths, and they lose no time in ap-
plying a reliable reme'y-Mother
Graves' 'Worm Exterminator,
`,:The cottage of the late Mrs. . A
. .Al.
Canphell, North Main sl:., choice
earner lot. One oak sideboard one
Doherty organ, oec kitchen' euptboard,
i •,• one ball-bearing
S1to'Par lira .range, f R
w'i iri'b[<ri, ole tapestry rug, 3 yds. by
3 yds. : Pbese articles must: be solcl at.
once, :Phone 262. 36
' 1-leiroe Copbt'y enjoys the reputa-
tion of 'being (the second largest poul-
try producing 'county iri the Province.
This is a- pleasing fact when we con-
sider that after all has been said to
the contrary, 'the good' hen is' one•o'f
the' best .assets.on the farm. The .poul-
try population has increased rapidly
during the past few ye,ars. This in-
crease 'has 'been dile mainly to, the.
greater use 'ci;f eggs by !the housewives
in iCanada. A jutiip'• front .16.:dozen
eggs -Per capita per• year a .few years.
age to 28 dozen eggs per. c'apita 'last
year is a ,remarkable condition and
can be credited ahnost entirely to one
or two reasons, Producers have
learned (better the art' of production
and consumers by 'being alble to 'buy
graded eggs' know what they are get-
ting. 'This year would` seem to in-
dicate peak produetion of -,poultry and
poultry products. Naturally, prices for
someof these "things: will not be so
good, Eggs have remained 'good but
prices for certain ,classes of fowl and
chickens are not up to,.previous years'
standards.. -Nevertheless, producers
will do well to sell surplus stock early
if 'possible, as feed costs money and
elle advance in price l's'uat likely to
offset it. Poultry raisers should begin
at once Ito cull otit the non -layers.
This is the season to get rid of the
old hens, the liens that have laid but
are now on 'strike and • the hens (bat
never hurt 'themselves laying and are
not liable to break any records in the
Rehire ,'Poultry milling, as it applies to
bens. 'is a 'simple art that alt produce
ers should master. Just as milk pro-
duction its indicated by certain char
acteristics ina dairy cow so` is egg
production expressed by easily identi-
fied conditions in the hen. Last year
some 22,000'., hens were handled by
young men trained by the local 'De-
parhnent of Agriculture, at a cost to
the ifarmer of two cents (2c) per bird.
Over'one-third''of these were found to
be unproductive, and, unprofit-
able. By selling these "star boarders"
the Rock owners effected consider-
able saving and incidentally prepared
a better rbreeding flock for future gen-
eraltions. The local Department of
Agriculture has indicated its interest
in this work by having young men
trained as cullers. We understand
these young hien will take on the
come mixed once again with the rest
of the 'Rock.
Hensall , . , , ...... Sept. 8
Zurich Sept. 9
Wroxeter .......... Sept. 13
Ethel Sept, .14
\Va1ton Sept. 15
Belgrave . Sept 16
Varna ..,,..,, Sept. 19
Croderich Tp. Sept, 20
Colborne Tp. Sept, 21
Ashfield Tp. ,Sept. 22
Winchelsea ,,.,, ., Sept, 26
Blyth Sept. 28
'Crediton Sept. 29
Grand Pend , . , , , . ,,: Septa 30
Dashwood Oct, 3
'Clinton (town) Oct, 4
Clinton (rural) Oct, 5 -
Seaforth---Sept, 22 and 23.
Goderich Industrial—Sept. 8 to 10,
Exeter—Sept. 20 and 21,
Kincardine- Sept, 21 and 22.
Mitchell-- Sept, 27 and 28.
Zurich -Sept. 26 and 27.
Listowel—Sept. 26 and 27,
Blyth—Sept, 27 and 28.
Bayfield -'Sept 27 and 28.
iLucknow--•'Sept. 29 and 30.
'Dungannon—Oct. 6 and 7.
Brussels—Oct, 6 and 7,
Wingiham-The dates of Winghant
fall fair, which was to have been held
on October 6 and 7, have been
changed to Sept. 22 and 23.
It's the quality that counts. Sept.
prices, pure whole or ground Spices.
3r/ 8 1 lb
oz. oz. bulk
Cloves ., .. .21 .36 .51
Ginger, ground . , .. .18 .30 .45
Cinnamon, ground , . .15 .27 .36
Cinnamon sticks ,. , ... ,15..27 .36
Nutmegs . . .24 .42 .69
Black Pepper, ground .. ,18 .30 .45
White Pepper, ground .21 .36 .51
Allspice, ground , , ,15 .27 .39
Mixed Spice, ground .. ,15 .27 .39
Mustard, ground., ,15 .27 .36
Pastry spice, ground ,., .15 .30 .45
Thyme , , , , , .. .. ,18 .30 .45
Sage g 15 ,27 .39
ld by
Seaforth, Ont,
:Six kitchen chairs kitchen n exten-
sion table, kitchen chairs,
lounge. 'Will be sold .cheap. Apply at
The'News Office. ' 36
;Fifty acres of ohoiceP asture. Noth-
ing taken this year. 'Will rent
cheap. Apply to PETER H, I'lc-
GRA1TH, St. • Colunrban, ot phone
22 r 20, Dublin 37.
A pair of shell -rimmed glasses at
jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Tuesday,
O'tvner• may' have same by calling at
jowett's Grove.
The Water Works house will be
rented on liberal terms to suitalble
tenant. 'Apply to
• Chairman of -Property Committee.
400 acres, lot 24, eon 2, Stanley,
good state ,of cultivation, 'ank barn,
76x40, driving shed 40 x 24, cement
silo; Good 'brick house, 2 never -fail-
ing wells., N., 'SAUN IERCOCK,
621 -r-
d 3 Clintonrucefief . .Pl ne J' dint .
central, 42
'Choice 100 farm, Lot 1, Concession
4, Hullett, all under cultivation, a new
frame house and bank barn, 4% miles
from Seaforth. For particulars appy
to ROBERT COATES, Seaforth.
Desirable property'in'good location.
Two lots. Frame house, with Modern
conveniences. Barn, including a
garage, and good poultry rue, .Ap-
James and Helen sts., Seaforth. 40
Crown Huron Range, size No. 920,
with high shelf,' reservoir and oven
thermometer. Burns either coal or
Wood, Alpply to N. R. DOR:RANOE,
R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 239 c 21
'Fon sale 50 acre farm, good frame
house, and :barn; soil; loose .clay loam;
40 acres summer fallow, cultivated and
ready . for fall !wheat. Splendid or,
ch'ard, good, well; 8 acres hay •mea'
dow. Lot 11, con. 12, McKillop. MRS.
A. R. COTTER, 847 st. E.,
Owen Sound, Ont, Phone No. 1062w
3 -burner coal oil stove with oven,
Florence imake; and a set of smooth-
ing irons. WM. GOVENLOCK, Eg-
mondvilte. tf
To live on farts, Lot 18, Con. 11,
McKillop. Special arrangements. Ap-
ply to EDWARD J. BOX or E. L.
BOX. 37
150 acres choice land, First class
buildings, Delco light. 2-3 purchase
price may remain on mortgage at
474 per cent. 'Balance may be cash or
would accept 1st mortgage on other
property. Would consider a house in
town. Apply T, H. WH'EATLEY,
Blyth, R.R. I, Ont. 40,
For sale, frame house situated in
village of Egmondvifle, 2 acres of
land, fruit trees and orchard, two
frame barns. House contains sL's
room's aid kitchen, soft water in
house. Electric light in house and
barns. Telephone. Will be sold cheap
for quick sale. Apply to JAMES
HUDS!ON, Egmondvilie, or phone 2
on 146,' Seaforth. 40
Six rooms over D. H, Stewart's
store. Well ventilated, electric lights,
town water, inside toilet. Reasonable
rent. Apply to E. L. BOX, :Seaforth.
• 41
Comfortable frame dwelling on
James street, Seaforth. Two lots
with frame barn suitable for garage.
Will be sold cheap to close Estate.
Apply to W. G. WILLIS, Executor
of 'Root, Willis Estate, . '36°
Lot 15, -cot, 14, ,McKillop, .''134
acres. :The buildings 'all in No. 1
shape. 10 -room brick house, with
furnace and cistern. Bahk'barn, 40x60,
and straw shed 36x45. Hen house
16x25. Driving shed and implement
house 25x3.5, Windmill, water in
stable. 5 acres hardwood 'bush. Place
will be all fall ,p'lottghed. Apply on the
pre'mnises, 'H'ENIRY ISTIFA4.O'RE, Wal-
ton, r.r, i1, Phone 243r25. 41.
We Want Your Eggs at 48c per dote. trade
We Only Want Strictly Fresh, Eggs
Red . Path Sugar at $6.66 to regular customers only
10 .Ban's P. and G. Soap. 43c
3 pkgs. Dorn Flakes 23c
7t will Pay you to Ruy in Fe glnondville
We Je Finnigan
E gn nndvi11e
Of Cows, 'Implements and House-
hold • Furniture.1-1, Eifion,
tron ers :been instructed to sell by
public auction at lot' • 2, concession
13,Hullett, on ISe t..1 31h at 1 o'clock:
Cws-1 cPow 9 years old, due April
l3'tir; 1 caw •4 ,:ears old, good milker.
.,— :,
ImplemenIts 1 'Piss harrow, set of -4-
section harrows, 1 plough, .1 wagon,
pair of sleighs, i1 ,gasoline, engine 114
horsep'ower,• 1 ten -inch Maple Leaf
grinder, 1. six inch, thirty-foot, end-
less 'belt, buggy,; cutter, stone'boat, sta-
ble boat, grind 'stone, feed bin, piano
box, 1 'tem tr cart, 2 Magnet cream
separators, 1 No. 3 Daisy churn, but-
ter worker, 1 glass . seed sower, 1
furnace; burn wood, soft coal or Vir-
ginia coal; some brick, 3' ladders, 26
foot and two 22 foot; 11 work bench,
a quantify 'of inch lumber, some
rook elm planks, a set of double har-
ness, set of single harness,' '1 wheel
barrow, logging chain,set of whiffle -
trees, cross-cutsaw,fence tretcher, 2
s,'±25 cords of good dry wood,
2 robe's,. new Cleveland"•bicycle fitted
with coaster 'brake, 1 Chevrplet car, m
good repair. About 100 young ,hens,
1t young Emden' geese, j1 purebred
Flmdeie gander. Household`'Fitrnitiu•e'
-�1 Relyal Jewel steel range like clew,
1 -wood stove,''"'small coal -heater,'" 1
New Perfection 'four -(burner oil 'stove,
1 glass. cupboard;• 1 extension table, 1
fill -leaf table, 5 dining -room chairs, 2
bedroom suites, 2 rocking ,chairs, 1
rug, 2 hanging iamps,•,a quantity 01
fruit gents, _quantity of „ether small
articles too numerous to mention,
Everything, sold. as the pro-
prietor has sold hs farm. 'Terms—All
sums of $10 and under, dash. Over
that amount 12 'months' credit on fur-
nishing approved,ijoint notes:' Dis-
count at the rate of 5 p.6, for cash on
credit amounts. Joseph Wheatley,
proprietor; 'Geo. H. -Elliott; auctioneer,
AY "SEPTEMBER 8, 1927.
Want and For Sale eds,1 week 25c
Mutual lrelnsu
Insurance Co,,
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ich;• Alex. Janes Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
'Directors—JWm, Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, . John Bennewies, •Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. 'Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield:
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r•.r. 1, 'Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, •r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; 'R, G. Jarm•outh,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will"'be promptly
attended to by appiiration to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,.
DR, 'H, ,HUG'H ROSS,`r Physician
and Surgeon, .Late of London "iI'oe-
pital,' Ldndon, " England,' Speclat
attention to-. diseases of .the eye ear,
nose; q,nd tl....
nloat. Office d :resid-
ence behind Dominion' Bank. Office
Phonec Phone,
No: '5; Residence 106.
DR, E'. J. IBURiR'OWS, Seaforth,
Office and residence, Goderich street,.
east of the Methodist'IChtirch, 'Coe -
oiler for 'the 'County of Huron. Tele-
phone No, 40,
DR. , C. MACII{,AY. C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the 'Celia
lege of Physicians and; ,Surgeons of
Ontario, „
DLR. F. J. R. •FORSTER—{Eye, Ear,
Nose and 'Throat. Graduate 711eda-
cite, University of Toronto 1897, Late
Assistant New •York Ophthalmic and'
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, area
Golden :Square throat hospitals;; Lou
dors England. At Commercial 'hotel
Seafgorth, 3rd 'Monday ill each: month,
frpm 1t1 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
Next visit in September,
DR, W. C. SPROAT,-Graduate of
Faculty of 'Medicihe, University of
Western Ontario, London.Member
of 'Oollege of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Alberltart's
Drug Store," '''Iain St., Seaforth.
Phone 90.
D'R. J. A. IMUN',N '
Successor to Dr, R. R. Ross radu
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ile :Licentiate Royal 'College of
Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth, .. P.hone. 151.
,DR. F. J. BEOHELY, graduate
Royal ' College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto.: Office over W. R. Smith's. ,
Grocery, Main street, Seaford&.
Phones, office 1851W, residence 185.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron,
Arrangements can 'be made for ,Sale
at The Seaforth News. Chargee .
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed;
r to James'Watson)(
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed 'at lowest rates in First -Class
Companies. -
Wednesday, September 7th
Wheat, per .hbus: 1.25
Barley, per bus, $75c e.
Oats,`per bus. .... ... , . 50c
Shorts, per cwt,$ 1.85 A.
Bran, per cwt. t.
Butter, per lb. 32c
Eggs, per doz. 30c -37c -40c
Potatoes, per bag , , . , $1,25
Hogs, per cwt, $10.25
E. . •
Ludes and Gentlemen's s Tailor
invites you to look over
The New Fall Suitings
Upstairs Over
Keating's Drug Store
Thursday` Friday ars' Saturday
The Ct
nyo_n_ of Ligiit
and TONY "The Wonder 'Horse''
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday
and a Strong Supporting, Oast .
A Mystery Melodrama that developi regular hair-trigger
tension punctuated with comedy relief