The Seaforth News, 1927-09-08, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1921.
is an appetizing dish, even for
those who are not hungry. There
is one
essential. however . in
making an ideal 'dish of it. The
pork must give it the right
flavor and we pride' ourselves
that we known how to supply
just the right cut fbt the purpose.
Try it once, You'll want it often.
Phone 58 - : Seaforth,
Your Butcher. ,
Red & White
Chain Stores
Our 5pecials for one
week from elate
See;Joel,` 31'aisins, choice quality
2 pkgs for 25c
California Eating Figs, 15 • oz.
pkg. 2 pkgs. for 25e
Sliced Pineapple, ' 2 tins 35c
P. and G, Soap, 10 ,liars 45e
Pimentoes, 3 tins 25c
Redpath Sugar, cash, $6.98
Wear•Lvet' Aluniixun Freueh•
Fryers With special draining
device for $1,00
Hill 'Jon Black Tea, ib, 0Se
10 lbs. lots at 05c
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
W. M4 Stewart Phone 77
The Dairy Farmer is assured of . goodmarkets the
whole year for his Dairy Products.
g ac-
your bank ac
Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge } o
count. They will not fail you.
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct, We
will assure you of our very best services and highest prices,
When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW '
MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, : Ont.
C, A, BARBER, Prop.
W. 1 Walker 85 Son
Motor or horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER., holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone 67.
JUST TO''I�1:111I\rI1 'YOit;`".
" II* nkaey's
The wrapped bread
Its_ worth your while
to give it a trial •
Buns; Cakes, Pastries,
Phone 7,0 --Prompt Delivery
'Goan and. inspect our .Bakery,
at your own convenience
Duck 't3lock-w-,Seaforth.
D>, H. McInnes'
Of Wingham, will be at the
C-oinmercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons ,
Diseases of all hinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used,
Watch Repairing
air'io i
kW work guaranteed. Service,
satisfaction, Work promptly done
•liatchmaker and. Jeweler•
Opposite W. A. Crich'
Chas. A. Dovey
Teacher of
Piano, Organ and Theory
Pupils prepared for the
Toronto' Conservatory ex -
an -dilations, or any college,
of music
Residence—Church Street
Day Se
:Having purchashed the business
of the late E. J. Murphy, we find
we are. overstocked and are clear-
ing, at•greatly 'reduced prices, a
quantity of Dry goods, alllines
of boots and shoes to suit gents,
ladies and children, Crockery,
Canada Paints, Hosiery, D & A.
Corsets, Men's Overalls, etc.
Terms Cash or Produce
Live Stock taken every Tuesday
and Friday morning
Sale begins Friday,
September 9th
Thos. J. Mel neaux,
Special Optical Offer,
'High grade heavy weight gold -filed
spectacles and eye glasses with y ;best
flak spherical lenses for only $4,00. All
other style of ;frames and lenses at
very reasonable prices. Eyes examin-
ed by our well known andrpainatalting
specialist, •Mr..Hugh'son, formerly op-
tical expert .for'TKents, !Toronto, and
!Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal. You
are assured df the 'best optical work
to ibe obtained and at moderate cost.
Two 1days only, froth Monday, Sept.
12'th, 1 p.m., to Wednesday, Sept.
14t1i, 112 noon. ,Come' early, ,Bef!rttie's
Fair, Seaforth. 36
BERRY. ---In 'Toronto ` on Tuesday,
lSept, 6, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fleetwood Berry, a son, (Mr. Berry
is the. son' of the tele Rev. kfr.
1Berry., •• formerly • rector of St.
Thomas' Church, Seaforth,).
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times '50c
Rev, T. I-1„ and Mrs. Brown return-
ed on 'Thursday from a trip to Mon-
trea'1 and Quebec, • ,
,iv{, and Mrs,. Nicholas Robson, of
Abilene Kansas, are, visiting Mrs:
John Robb, Dr. Hugh Ross and other
Mends. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Snoddy, of St.
Marys, were guests of Mr. and .Mrs.
Thos, Ferguson on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm.'Southgate,. Kenneth and
Mac were visiting relatives in Toron-
to last week,
Mrs. 'Wellington Johnston, of
Vafn'a, is spending , a few days this
week the guest of her sister, Mrs, R.
S. Evans,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg and fam-
ily visited relatives in Durham over
the week -end
Mr. and Mrs. R. D, McKay and
children,. of London, were holiday
guests of Mrs. MaKay's sister,' Mrs.
W. G. Spencer, and Mr, Spence,
Dr, Hodgins, of Toronto, -motored.
up for the week -end. Mrs: Hodgins
and' ch'ildren, who have spent the
summer with her mother, Mrs. Geo:
Henderson, • returned with him on
Mr, Fred • Fdwell of Ardmore; Pa„
is ,spending. ti couple of weeks with -
his sister, Mrs. L. C. Jackson, at
Bruce Beach. •
•Mr, and Mrs, 'Brown and Mrs. Mc-
Tavish, 11 Acton, visited - Mrs.. Mc
Tavis'h's sister, Mrs.: Alexander Parke,
over the week -end.
f[r,, and Mrs. John .Pringle and
friends motored 'from Milwaukee,
\Vis., on Wednesday' this week to
spend a few days with his 'grand-
mother, Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot.
Miss Helper, of the Collegia*e:staff,
is the guest of Mcs.'Chapnt'an, Gode-
rich street:
!Battle Grace, Mr. Peter Scott's race
horse, won fourth place at the Toron-
to races, out o'f '20 entrants. Battle
Grace is also entering the London;
Miss Ethel Jackson` hats' returned
from Grand- Valley where she visited
Mr, and Mrs, J. Lorentz and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Kieswetter, of Waterloo,
visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs:
J. Hartman for a few days,
1Mrs, Earl Bell and son Van are
spending a few days in Toronto.
•3&r. Frank •Rankin, of Detroit, is a
visitor at his home here.
Miss Greta Mercier is visiting
friends in Toronto this week.
Miss VioletiTyodall_ is home after'
spending a week in `Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. John Modeland are
Toronto visitors this week.
Mrs. J. F. 'Snowdon and fancily
spent the holiday at' Sarnia.
Misses 'Florence Flower,, Jean Scott
and Charlotte Powell were Bayfield
Mr. Murdoch Stewart, of Hensel',.
intends entering Toronto University
'this month to take an arts course.
Murdoch is a graduate of Seaforth
Collegiate Institute.
Mr, Percy Hoag left on Monday
for -'hi, school in Tlegersville.
Mr. F . C. Elford, the Dominion
poultry hushandinan and President of
the Poultry- Congress, called on his
old friend, •Mr, C. H. Holland; last
l:[r, Lawrence Webster, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with .ills' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, -
3,f ss Edith I1oag has returned- after.
spending two weeks in Brantford,
!The W. M. S. conference of Huron
Presbyterial Society' will be held in
the United Church, Brucefield, c,n
-Friday, Sept. itith.
Mrs. Rozell, Mr, Clecar-Roza;
Misses Ursula and Viola Roza, of
Little, Currents • ancl.. Cr, Heiss, of
Shcguutdah, were. caLtcrs at. the home
of Mrs, 3, F Snowdon Thursday 1ast.
Mr and Mrs , Lorne S. Webster
spent several days of this week in
7 oranto,
Miss Mac Webster has returned to
Shaw school in Toronto to resume
her studies there after spending the
holidays at her home in McKillop,
Mr. and 'Mrs, Robt. Joynt spent the
week -end at Toronto, returning Tues-
'Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brown and
Miss Neat,' of Stratford, were guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Habkirk over
Labor day,
Mr. Scott I3ablcirk, of Mildmay,
spent the holiday• with his parents,
Mr: and Mrs, Thos. Habkirk, George
Mrs. Nestle, George street, and her
guest, Miss Kestle, motored to To-
ronto, and will stay there a few days.
Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Sproat and
three children left ;Monday for their
home on. Cloverlawn aver Detroit,
after spending a week visiting 'friends
in town. and vicinity.
Miss Mirk - Flughes, of Detroit,
pent Labor- .day ,at her home:
Mr, and Mrs, Wes, Nott and two
children motored to Toronto last
week and spent several days,.
Miss Margaret Grieve, daughter of
Mr; and Mrs. Thos, Grieve, of Dg-
mondvilte, has taken a school at
Holmcsville. 'There were oyer 75 ap-
plications for the position,
Margaret MuLentran and Harry
McLeod spent two weeks of their
vacation in Toronto, Mrs. W, S. Mar -
tiff and Norman and Margaret re-
turned to Seaforth with. then;.
Mrs. A. j, Mode was the guest of
Mr, and Mrs. A. A. McLennan.
Mr. John T , Fulton, of Boston,
Mass, and .Mrs, Ed. Bruce, of Miami,
were 'here visiting their sister, Mrs,
Harry Charters, Victoria street.
Miss L. Charters returned Wednes-
day from Cleveland, Ohio; where she
Was visiting friends.
)Mrs, Reginald 'Sykes ('Bai'bara
Sproat), daughter of Ielr. , and Mrs.
John 'Sproat of Shelton, State of
Washington, who has: -been here for
several ^ntoniths, left Monday by motor
for I?etrolt where she will visit her
sisters and brothers 'before returning
to her 'home in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs..Bert Horton and Mrs,
Will Sproat left Sunday for Toronto
and will visit fi•iettds.` -
Mr. and 'Mrs, Fred - Faulkner, of
Detroit, and ,ltit and Mrs, FI,awkins;
Of Windsor, were guests of the Faulk-
ner family over the holiday,'
Mrs:, J. ,,A, Munn is..visiting her
mother in St,' Catharines this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hays, Miss
Free advice on your foot trouble
.101157 -
A Foot Expert-
trained in the methods of
Dir. Wm. M. Scholl of Chi
will be here
Pains, Cramps
or Callouses
Open in Evening
If you have aching feet, pains,
cramps, . callouases, burning
sensation at the ball'- of the foot
or toes, fallen arches, painful heel,
week turning ankles, sore• limbs,
corns, 'bunions, or perspiring feet ---
you are cordially invited to see this
Foot Specialist. He will be pleased
to make., recommendations, without
any Charge or obligation, as to what
your trouble is and how to relieve it.
. a m SMITH & seN
Footwear and Foot eomfort
Phone .51 . Opposite Bank of Commerce Seaforth
Lucy Eckert and their niece,, Miss \1,
Bran, of Detroit, spent Labor day
with their parents here.
Mr. Earl Hysner, of Detroit, was t
visitor in town this week. ..
Mr, and Mrs. H. Slcitb and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Sleitlt, of Lansing,
Mich:; spent the week -end with qr.
and AL's, W. G. Reeves. '
Mr. \11', 'Webster, of Detroit, Mich:,
spent the week -end with Miss -Geor-
gina Reeves, --
3d,. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrandt
and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Hildebrandt,
Goderich, . visited Mrs., -, -L. Hiide-
'brandt s sister, 'Airs. Peter• Deichcrt,
kir. FIarukl Stark and Miss Vivian
Tiiuiwerinan, of Welland' and Mr. T.
T -I. Smith, of \•\ fodsor,• were heiliclay:
guests of .Mrs, A. Stark, :. •
The pavement. on Sparling street
betty egg. J ohn and Goderich; ,streets, is
now. open.. ;Lite southhtlf of Sperling
street and part of Church -Street ace
being paved.
Mrs. L'illica and"two tin ughters -and'
Miss Maoci, of Acton, visited 'Mr.
Geo, Hills and Mr. G Sititpson on
Mr. Leslie McKay, Kitchener, spent
the week -end at his home in .Eg-
monch ille.
Mr. Louis Flannery, of Detroit,
spent the holiday with his -parents.
Mr, and Mrs John Flannery,_.
t 111 •d
hu Po .i
AIM, and Mrs. Jo, a
MTh Wright and Jacic spent Tues-
day with Mrs. Pollards sister, Mrs,
John Wright Auburn
Air. and Mrs, R. E. :McKay, of De-
troit, spent the week end with 3vlr;
and Mrs. 'Robert ,Stewart'. :
\1r Martin and Miss Brown of
Detroit, spent Monday :with ;Mrs.
.:lrlarn 'Klein, N. Main street.
'Guests at the ;tome of -Mr, and Mrs,
A. Lamont over the holiday were
Keith Lamont and .Peter Mowbray,
Detroit; Mi.. Bunch,,Mrs, htlloran,
Mrs Horne and • friends, Windsor,
Ont.; Mr, and klrs. Devlin and Mrs.
Kline and her .grandson ot• Str'atford. ori Sundav
Mrs Potter, Toronto,is visiting her
friend Mrs. John AJillson, N. Main st.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Uueytner-anil daugh-
ler, df London Mrs. Conrad 'Murphy:,
and. son John Goderich, visited with
Mrs, Adana Klein over the holiday,
Miss Della McNah and Miss Iretirr
Keocltler were the guests of the for-
mer's grandmother, ' stat. Catherine
Mr, BLIT, Batter left for Cordate.
,Man„ to spend a month there before
returning to attend the 0.A.C.
Mr. Rolbt. McKay spent a few days
in Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Routledge are
visiting relatives in•Brampton.
Mr. 1. J. Cleary is taking a holiday
in Toronto for a few, days.
-2fr. C. A. Badber is in Toronto •tlris
.Mr, and Mrs, 7• J. Clnff, Scott and
Janet, and Miss Janet. Scott motored
to Hamilton, Niagara Falls and 13uf-.
Miss Janet Govenlocic returned Fri-
day from visiting- her sister at New
Westminster, B.iC., and ,Mrs. Bastes,
at.:Triconna, Alta,
Dr, and Mrs, Angus Fraser and
daughter; of W'inntpeg, who were
guests of Mr. -and 1uhts, John Stewart,
left for Toronto on 'Monday.
Tfrs. Geo. 'Murray-, le'ft_foc her home
in. Brandon on Monday:,
Miss Gladys Huttoif,. Kincardine,
spent it few clays the past...weele with
'her sister, Mrs. Jos, Gruininett.
,A. Munn: rreturned••on-Thurs-
day last from Rochester, N,Y,, where
he 'has taken a course in X-ray work
Miss Gladys Holland is spending
the week in Toronto.
Messrs. Ted. Soctt, Jos. Scott and
hill. 2't-cDtnecl are in '1'4.ronto this
Miss ;lean Stewart is spending her
holidays s in 'Toronto.
Alis. Jack Stnith and Glen are visit-
ing in Toronto,
Misses Dorothy Webster: and Doro-
thy Robinson were in Detroit at the
beginning of the week.
Mr, and ides, 7. Muir were in To.
mato on Monday.
Master Stewart Plant spent a few
days in 'ToTronto, . •
Mr. Rti'ltert Kyckl of Thames Road,
Was the -gtta t of 'Mr and, Mrs. W: L,
Keys ran':Eriday
;t'LI,'and. Mrs. A\tut . Butt : are visit-
•iug their son, Mr, [nu, Butt, in Flint,
':,.lits, 7.• N, Reid and little ion hen-
`ceth 'spent -a few days last week .with
relatives. in .Stanley tp.,
Airs. Jas. :1lcClyniaut, of Stanley
tp., was he guest of lir. and Mrti. W.
I Keys, on Friday last. '
Mrs, Annie Reid' and daughter
Mary-, who has spent the last two
Months visiting friends in Sasaktche-
wan, returned home on Monday.
Air. and Mrs. ''Lon Chapman of
:13t'idgeburg spent the week end at
the home pt Mr, and Mrs. W. F„
n I and tw.
'.'1 rut t a 1
MI I io
and- Is
Mt. a d
daughters, Lyle and Wilhelmina, of
Preston, also Mrs, Sant Sopters and
dat}ghter Audrey of Detroit were
Week end visitors 'of Mr. and Mrs.
Sant Jeffrey. '
Mr: aiul lira S. I•Iaunak-went West'
on the ltoc1esters` excursion Wednes-
di,y morning... They intend spending',
a few 'months at Vellowgrass and
other point:.
Mrs. Jas, McCly,nout, who has been
visiting Mrs.' Richard Peck, returned
to her home near Varna on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Murray and son
of Detroit visited Mrs, Geo. Turnbull
Miss Heelie. who h rs spent the past
week the guest of Mrs. Geo Turn-
bull returned to Detroit on Tuesday.
St. 'Thm
oas' Church will hold the
annual' harvest thanksgiving services
on Sunday, September 25th.
ltr. and Airs. 7. H. Best 'left on
Wednesday for a week's motor tour,
including, Toronto, 'Windsor and De-
Mr, Leonard Brown is visiting his
sisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Livingstone ingstone and
Miss Marjorie Brown, in Toronto
this week,
kliss Eleanor Harries of Detroit
arrievd Tuesday to spend len clays a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
7, 11, Best,
Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Chamberlain and
Miss Meta Portenfielcl motored to
Toronto over the holiday,.
Mss Nellie McLeod of kfanitowan-
ing accompanied home Misses Patsy
and Lillian Southgate, who have spent
the sunnier there. Mr. Southgate,
Miss McLeod and Miss Margaret
Glendinning motored to Toronto on
The :annual,. conference of the
Huron Presbyterial Society will be
field on Tuesday,. September ;5th, fu
Knox Presbyterian elm, li, Goderich,
ccimnieicin•g at 10, o'clock. Thele will -
'also 'be
ill'also'be an atfter000rl session at 2,0',.
elect;. An interesting programme 'has
prepared 'Miss Lattton't, o[ vTo-
roma, provincial -_field secretary, -Will
address the meeting
" Mr, G. D. 'Haigh. 'iu' a 'I'rironto
Mr. and Mrs Stewart McIntosh
and daughter Ivlargtte'rite; of Detrihit,
spent. the week -end with Mrs, W,
Mr. Fred Archibald left this week
for Hallville.
Mr. Jaek Ellison and Miss Evelyn
M•cFaui, of Toronto, are guests at the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs, 5, G. Mullen.
Mr, and A2r's, W. -Reid are Toronto
Miss Margaret Jackson is visiting
friends in Kitchener,
Mr, Ja'tnes Lands!borou•glt left far
Saskatchewan on the harvester's ex-
cursion on Wednesday.
fu{r. and Mrs. Dietrich are moving
into Mr. J. W. Beattie's cottage on
Goderich street.
Mr. and Mrs. John MacT.'tvish and
children spent -the week -end in Si.
Thomas and Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. \\restoott spent
the holiday in Exeter,
Ten -a
Miss end l3r w
asra returned to
Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs, Williaint
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Robinson and
granddaughter, Miss Dorothy Robin-
son, arc visiting in Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott spent
the holiday in Toronto.`
Mr, and Mrs. W. Bristow .and Mr.
and Mrs, Harry Eyre motored front
Sarnia and spent the week -end with
friends here.
Mrs. John Smith and Glen motored
to Toronto,
Mr, Walter Scott, of Detroit, spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs, T. G. Scott.
Mrs, Harold Large and little son,
of Stratford, are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. i, Iioggarth,
\Irs., Joseph- Keating is in Toronto
visiting friends.
lir. and \frs, R. N. Bissondette and
son 'Bob have returned from spending
the vacation at Mr. Bissonnette's
home in Stirling.
IL• Peter Daley is visiting his
daughter. Mrs. S. Cudmore, In Us -
Dr. Russell Bristow, of Detroit,
t •ts a week -end guest in town,
\Ir. 1idward -Daley, who has been
in Niagara Falls, spent the week -end.
with his brother, Mr. Peter Daley
before returning to England.
'Mr. Arthur 'Burrows, of Detroit,
spent the -week -end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Williams visited,
in London last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Rae and Mrs.
Wenzel and soft Jack; of Stratford,
were visitors in the community last
Air. and Mrs. Will. Johns and Mr,
and Mrs. John Cann were in London
last Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Gurdon Ford and
daughter Joan. from Flint, Mich., also
A11 s, Redman, from Marlette. visited
at, the home of the former's, brother,
Mr. Harty Ford:
Mr, and Mrs, Otto Dane and twa
cliilclren, ]donna aim Fay, and Mrs,
:vlary Sagert,-of Humberstone, near
Pt. Colborne, visited with relatives in
rhe; neood last weelt Mrs.
Sagert is igihia>orltsistutc nT ;Alt'. Peter.
Mr. and Airs. Will John and family
attended the Passmore pl,cnic at
Grand Bend last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. M, O'Reilly and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs, Lep, . O'Reilly
and family attended a wedding near
Shelburne on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley )'ohns and
family were in Toronto for a few days
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper and
fancily visited at Mr. Clarence
Knight's 0
11 Sunday.
School re -opened on Tuesday. Miss
Vera Heywood commenced her duties
of her school near 'Cromarty,
'Corns cripple the feet . and snake
walking a torture, yet, sure relief . in
the shape of 'Holloway's !Corn Re-
mover is within reach of all.
General Insurance- Agency
Real Estate, Conveyancing,
Bonds and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario,
fNii' E
Why be without "a mace]
when you can have it done
any day at
enoisoa PU1411811
Barber Shop ,
Just phone 125
for appointment
Specialist lin Marcelling, t
Shampooing, Manicuring.
and Massaging
The Snecial
We have it—Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings
C. G. T110
Chop of All K
Your Auto
Repairs and charging an all males.
A good line of New and Used Parts.
Chevrolet: Touring, 1921 ' $75,00 with License
Forel Touring 1918.. , , $75.00 with License
Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, like new ..$375 with License
ter° s + , rage
PHONE 16'? W
We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive
entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence.
The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time to stud
and achieve. y
Ladies' add Gent's Felt ]Gats cleaned. It only costs;a'
dollar and will look like new.
to be
(:t'.ney D e `si r 's;geyTroprietor