HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-01, Page 8PAGEEIGHT HENSALL. Mrs. \VeS.' French and 'Mrs. Gbas, Cooper, df Kippen, -Visited friends in town on Friday; Mr, and Mrs. Thos, IIezupliill, of Detroit, are visiting ?:relativesand friends in town for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. J. Case, of Toronto, recently visited with relatives in town. Mr, and Mrs, Roy .Wil'bur are visit- ing = this 'week in 'Toronto, Rev. A, E. •lloat t and, Mrs, Doan Children, of ,Clinton, 1 visited friends in town on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Molntyre of Dee troit; are visiting with Mrs, MCIn- tyre's mother„ Mrs. Jas, Sparks, IMrs. Lott Simpson and son Wil- liam, of Detroit, visited over the week -end with relatives here., Miss Irene' Pope, who has been spending ending her vacation here with ' her another, returned to Toronto on'Sat- "nrday, 'fiev. Mr, Naylor preached his fare- well sermon ht St Paul's Anglican 'Church on Sunday morning last, the church being filled to. capacity. Mr. Naylor has ministered here for a nu'm'ber of years, and 'has been stn-' boned in Dresden. Rev. Mr. Naylor, and Mrs,' Naylor will . be greatly missed by their large circle of friends in Herisail, Mr. and. Mrs T. Cztlile, 01 Detroit, are visting with their sisters, Mrs. I eipet and Mrs, Huish McDonald, Miss Margaret Johnson, who has been visiting for some time in To- ronto. has returned home. • Miss Emma Dickson is visiting rel- est upon •remedies for asthma rel- atives in Detroit. ly sP P -Rev. Mr. McElroy, pastor of Car- and seldom, if ever, with any relief. mel Presbyterian Church, moved into Dr• J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, his new home on King street last despite its assurance of benefit, costs so' little that it is within reach of all. "drganiztitions of our eli'urab," you Have proven yourselves our :compet- ent and loving'frleids, It 'is with deep regret we arc assembled h ereto- night to bid farewell to you' all. We feel that whist is our loss will' be the others' gain., We -trust that in your new home and in your new sphere of life there may be many pleasures in store for you all and 'be assured that the good wishes of your many friends in Hensall and Staffa and .vicinity go . .with you to your new horse, We ask" you to accept this purse as a slight token df the high esteem in which you are held. May; Goal's,' richest blessing rest upon you. Signed on behalf of the congregation. Wardens, ,A, L. Case, :I'' Allan, R. Howe. I;ay. delegate, G. C. Petty. During their terns here Mr. and. Mrs. Naylor have endeared themselves to the people of Hensall who are sor- ry et their leaving.: Mr. Naylor was a prominent Member of the Library board and was always willing to help with anything for the improvement of the village, - The services in the United Church oa Sunday.: last were fairly well at- tended.. ' Rev. Mr. Harper, of Exeter, 'preached at.both services., Mr.' W. O. Goodwin sang a solo;, at both ` the morning andevening- services. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Sinclair will take charge of his own pulpit. On Sunday, Sttpt. lith a commun- ion service will be held in -the United Church. Relieves Asthma at Little Expense. 'Thousand's of dollars have been..vain- week. - It is the national remedy for asthma, visiting Mattieg for a couple who hase of weeks with far removed from the class of doubt- f 1 d erimental preparations. relatives in true p ferric, on Friday. Your dealer can supply it. tMr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir, of Clinton. To- ronto,are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love and other relatives Wdeatlprof Mr,d s received been C.. F. Whcatonof Toof e here. OrtweinI •onto husband of Mr. Robert Our public school and continuation weeks illness. school will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lindsay an - dib, with Sir. McKay, Miss Ellis and nounce the engagement of their Miss Buchanan as teachers its the youngest daughter, .Bessie Laidlaw, public school and Miss J. Johnson and to George Leslie Falconer, eldest son oil Miss M. Stewart as teachers in the of Mr. and Mrs. W. J continuation school. of the London road, marriage to take Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie and rainplace early in September. ily, of Strome, Alta., are visiting with A former liveryman of Clinton, and Mr. McKettzie's mother here for a a brother of Robert Jones and ?qrs. few ,reeks. Glee, of Clinton. passed away at his A number of our Heusall boys in- home in Victoria, JLC., in the person tend taking in the harvest excursion of Mr. Jones, aged 78 years. on Monday, Sept. Sth. i\\redding took place August 24th in 'Mrs. S. Steacy and daughter, Miss Ontario street United Church_. pf Lillian, are visiting for a few days Kathleen E., only daughter of Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Miller, at Cro- and Mrs. James Livermore and Clar- THE SEAFORTH NEWS. 'Mr. and Mrs, F. G. ,Neelin left.on Tuesday to visit Toronto:friends, 'Aft, .Barry I3rown 'of Toronto is visiting his 'brother, E. T. Brown of g , the Standard Bank. 'Miss Ethel Drehmann Wingham, is visiting her father, Mr. H Dre'h- :mann. '''Ir. and Mrs. Robert Reid, who Miss bt have been guests with 141 ss M. i2,a I ,well, returned to Windsor on. Tuesday Mrs, J, Hunter and Robert Hunter,, who have been tenting on the river fiats, returned to Clinton on 'Monday: 'Mrs. R. Y. McLean and family, who have been summering in the village,, are visiting in Toronto before going to their home in Montreal. •Bayttleld civic holiday .is Thursday, Sept. 1511, iRev. A. -Macfarlane of Clinton ad- ministered Sacrament on -Sunday last in the Presbyterian Church. Mr. W. Graham conducted the service in Clinton, • 'Miss L. D. Shackleford of Wash- ington, D1C., is visiting Miss E. Gar- rett, Wei are pleased to report that Mies Garrett is much inproved; since her rest at Hensall. - Mr, and' Mrs. A.' Cooke and family of St. Thomas and Miss Puisford -pf London are .occupying Mr. A: J. Ste- ven's cottage, Merrytilme. Lodge. Mrs. A. Clark(formerly: Mane I•fo- ;"Witt-d) of :Cleveland, is visiting rela- ti=es in the linage. 'Misses Doreen Farquhar, Hazel: Haugh and''Margatret Ferguson of Seaforth are tenting in the village: Revs Lindsay Williams, 'who has been the guest of Mrs. J. H. McLeod for the past three' weeks, returned to his horse at .Cleveland on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Gunn. and dau- ghter returned to London -after an en- joyable holiday in Jowett's grove. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plater and .babe of Detroit are visiting the lady's par- ents, Me, and Mrs: W. J. McCool. - Exeter. The -Huron County' game preserve in Stephen township is to be enlarged to twice its present size. Mr. 'Wel. lir. J• W. is on a pleasure i Johns, game warden, has succeeded Holmes' eldest daughter. after three in signing up all the owners of the trip to Muskoka this week, property in the block east of the present !preserve and Deputy Game Warden ''Coltvill, of 'London, has ap- proved of 'the extension: The preserve now includes 2,000 acres. Mrs. J. C.. Agnew and son .Bruce, of Winnipeg, -are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor, who wilt celebrate 'their golden wedding Sept. 13th at Shakespeare. anarty. Wednesday of this week is the last half Holiday for Hensall fur this year, having every Wednesday afternoon a holiday during June, July and August. Mr. W. J. Johnson, of 'St. Louis, is visiting relatives an,CaII d friends in and yer. around Hensall. Mrs. Thos. Drummond, who has 1 BAYFIELD. been spending the summer months 'Ira. Geo. Woods, Miss Nan and visiting relatives in Toronto and other points,s, returned d home last .r 'has C ernshard of Toronto, reek, have returned from a week's camping Mr. and Stir. Gen. Ifeuman, of To -f at Bright's Beach and Mooretown. Tonto, and Miss Lizzie Frayne, ofMr. Ernest Fawn, of Toronto, is London, accompanied by Mr. Wm. spending spending the week in the village. Oke, and daughter, Miss Della, of airs, and Miss Wolfenden, of De- Hurondale, visited en Friday with trait, are guests with the Misses Mrs. John Murdoch and other friends r-rrouui, at their cottage. in town.Mr, and Mrs. F. V. Martin and Mr. and Sirs. John Murdoch and little Ruth Joy and Miss Norma family, of Stanley, visited on Satur- Brown, who have spent the summer day with Mrs. John Murdoch, at their cottage, Boulder Lodge," :Miss Beth Murdoch, of Stanley, is returned to Detroit on Monday. Mrs, K. Bingley, Misses Ada Bing- ley, Mary Walker and Mary Mal- lard returned to Detroit on Tuesday, having spent esveral weeks with Miss M. hathwelt. Misses Izetta Mertter and Ethel ecce S. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs.Albert Green, of Teeswater, where the happy couple will reside. Mrs. James Steep left last week for London, where she will -make her home with her daughter, Mrs, A. F. visiting for a few days in town. Mr. Alvin Warrener, accontpanied by a boy friend, of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting with friends in Hensall. Mrs. (Dr.) Smith, of St. Marys, is FARM FOR SALE. •Choice 100 'farm Lot' 1, Concession •4, Hullett, all' under "cultivation, a new z frame house and bank barn, 4/ miles ftom Seaforth, For particulars. appy t ROB:ERTCOATES;„Seaforth. . visiting ler parents. Mr, and Mrs. G. Jowett left on Wednesday morning to C, Petty. take up their teaching duties at New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Oates and fancily, who have been occupying Mr. Shan- non's cottage, returned to London on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Gordon Kennedy and little Mise Elizabeth Joy returned to To- ronto on Wednesday, having spent their vaaction at Deer Lodge Park. Mrs. Kennedy returned last week. Mr. and Mrs. May and family re- turned to St. 'Marys on Monday, hav- ing spent the past two weeks at their cottage. Mrs. E. Fisher, who has spent the past week with Mrs, F, A, Edwards, returned to Kitchener on Sunday, while Miss Rubie Fisher remained until Wednesday. The. Bayfield Tennis Club had their final tournament on Saturday last, Miss Dorothy Heffernan, who has been visiting for the past anonth in Seaforth, returned home on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Sullins, of De'' troit, visited over the week -end, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mr. Owen Geiger and son, who have a large acreage of ground under flax, have a number of melt busily en- gaged in the fields, pulling. They are having it brought in as rapidly as possible to their mills here. The quality and quantity are both good. Miss Hazel Hudson, who has been visiting in Detroit for some time, re- turned home on Sunday. Dr. Bell, of Philadelphia, is visiting at his home here. The doctor and his brother David, recently returned from a trip through Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and Norway. Mrs. John Consitt, a well known resident of •Hensall, recently celebrat- ed her 88th birthday at her home. During the day many relatives and friends called to extend congratula- tions. Mrs. Chellew, who has spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C Cook, left on Tuesday for her home in Los Angeles, California, A social evening was held in the basement of tel Anglican Church an Friday evening last in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Naylor who are leaving this week for Dresden. The church and tables were beautifully decorated for the occasion. After a musical pro- gramme, a dainty lunch was served. Short speechecs were givenafter which Mr. A. L. Case read' the fol- lowing address, the presentation be- ing made by Mr. G. C. Petty. Mr, Naylor, on behalf of Mrs. Naylor and himself made a feeling reply. To Rev. and Mrs. Naylor and tarsi- ily,•---For more than five years- we, ae members and adherents .01 your church have profited by your mini strations, and within that period you have greatly endeared yourselves to us by your amiable distracter, your earnest devotion to duty, and the hearty Internet your-, have' manifested) in our welfare as a people. ih fhei years you have been in our•,InitiaL the parishes: have prospered as n.everbee. e fore. We feel that to'your ieafiesehili is due the many 'inprovemente that have been: made to the church and rectory. 7» thehomeand pulpit Toed' PROPERTY FOR SALE. Desirable property iu'good location. 'T'wo lots, Frame house, with modern conveniences. Barn, including a garage, and,good poultry run. Ap- ply MRS. MARGARET ROBB, cor. J'a'mes and Helen sts., Seaforth:' 40 RANGE FOR SALE, ' Crown Huron 1R'ange, size No: 920, win high shelf, reservoir and oven thermometer,. Burns either coal or wood. 'Alpply to 'N. R. DOiRRA'N'OE, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 239 r 21 ' NOTICE The Public Library will 'be_ closed from Ang, 29th to Sept. 12th, 'GRETA THO:MPSO!N, , 35 Librarian: FARM FOR SALE. rFor:,sale 50 acre 'farm, good frame house and- barn; soil loose clay loam; 40 acres summer fallow; cultivated and 'ready for fall `vtbat. Splendid or chard, !mood well;; S acres hay, mea- dow. Lot 1.1,, con. 12, McKillop; MRIS., .A. R. COTTER, 847 15th st. E., Owen Sound, Ont. Pltbne No. 1062w • 40 FOR SALE. 3 -burner coal oil stove with oven, Florence make; and a set of smooth- ing -irons, WM. GOVENLOCK, Eg-- mond'ville, tf FARM HAND WANTED. To live on farm, Lot 18, Con. 11, MclCilfop. Special arrangements, Ap- ply to EDWAIJID J, BOX or E. L. BOX, tf Rod and Gun. Packed with stories of special in- terest to the sportsman now about to commence a new hunting season, the September number of 'Rod and Gun has just been published. This issue of the magazine contains the usual good collection of articles and stories on sporting and outdoor subjects. "Snow Trails and a Flowing Sea" by Robert James, one of the leading stories, is an unusual article, compris- ing- entertaining yarns of survey ship work in the north, A thrilling fiction story, "The Freight of Fortune," is contributed by Samuel A. \\'hite, while several shorter stories on vari- ous subjects complete the issue, A greiV deal of material of interest to specialists and sportsmen in gen= eral is included in the fishing depart- ment conducted by G, P. Sladen, the guns and ammunition department by C S. Landis,.Kennel by C. G. Hopton and, Outdoor Talk by W C, Motley., Men's Singles- Gibbings vs. Dewar 3-6, 3-6. Ladies' Singles • - Miss R. T-Iiggins vs. Mrs. L. Dippel 6-0, 6-2, Mixed Doubles - Miss M. Hovey and J. Higgins VA. Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Jowett 6--0, 6-2. • McKILLOP COUNCIL. • -Will meet at Carnegie .Library Hall, Seaforth, oar Saturday,- Sept. 3rd, 1927, at 10 o'clock a.m. The .Carron Drain report will 'be read at '1.30 pini, F. J. McQUAID, Reeve. FARM FOR SALE. 150 acres choice land. First class buildings, Delco, light. 2-3 purchase price may remain on mortgage at 414 'per cent, 'Balance may be cash or would accept 1st mortgage on other property. Would consider -a house in town. Apply J. H. WW+HEATLEY, Blyth, R.R. 1, Ont. 40. FARM. FOR SALE. Lot 15, con. 14 McKillop, .`-134 acres. The Ibuildirugs all 'in No. 1 with sshape.110-room'brick house; wit a furnace and cistern. Bank bels, 40x60, and straw shed 36x45, Hen house 16x25; Driving stied and implement house' 25x35: Wirndmillt water in stable, 5 acres•h'a+rd'wood bush, Place will +be all,fall,p'loughed, Apply on the premises, 'HibNIRY S17IIMOEE, Wal- toti, r.r. 1.. Phone 043r25. ' 41 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale, frame house situated, in village of Egmondville, 2 acres of land,fruit. trees and orchard, two frame barns. a House contains' six rooms and kitchen, soft water in house. Electric light in house and barns, Telephone. Will be sold cheap for quick sale. Apply to JAMES HUDSON; Egmondville, or phone 2 on 146, Seaforth. 40 FOR RENT, The Water Works house will be rented on liberal terms to suitable tenant. Apply to F. D. HUTCHISON, Chairman of Property Committee. Men's D rubles-= Gibbings vs. Higgins Jowett vs. Dippel 3-6, 3-7. Ladies Doubles - Miss I-Iiggins and Miss Hovey vs, Mrs. Dippel and Mrs. Jowett 6-0, 6-1, Miss Marjorie Botterill, who was the guest of Miss Nina Heard, re- turned to her home at Arthur Friday, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Dyment and daughter left on Saturday to visit at Toronto before going on to their home at Detroit, .Mr, and Mrs. Thornton Mustard returned to Toronto 'Wednesday. Mrs. A. C. Rhodes, Mrs. John Bu- ell, Jack Hopkins of Flint, Mich., are occupying Mrs. M. Schnell's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. .Geo, Wright 'spent Sunday at the Rectory with Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull. Misses Dorothy Wright. and Carrie Dixon, who have %pent: the " past week at the Rectory 'retttrAad to -(London with therm a a land 1M ea ;Mrs. Hallowell, Reil s. Carew who ffave •b'en tenting on the Elliott 15ropert-Y•:,Lt rind to Paisley Mona day, ROOMS TO RENT Six rooms over D. H. Stewart's store. Well ventilated, electric lights, town water, inside toilet. Reasonable rent.' For occupancy Sept. 1st, Ap- ply to E. L. B -OX, Seaforth. tf CRESSY'S GUARANTEED' PRODUCTS Cressy's Cabinet Brand Prepared Mustard is as good as the best. We are packing it in 16 oz. pint fruit sealers with no -rust zinc screw cap so that after using the mustard you have a pint sealer which is worth •at least 15c. Be sure and order a pack- age from the :Cressy man. It retails at 35c. We also supply Laxative Mint Chew- ing Gum, 1-8 tablets to the package, at 35c. Instead of spanking children to make them take medicine, give them a chew of gum. Wormwood Ointment and No. 13 lin- iment mre in-iment,are appreciated wherever they. are used. For 'sale by THE JOHN HOOPER A.GENCY Seaforth, Ont. AUCTION SALE. Of Ferri„ Faris Stock .and .In ple- ments.-Mrs:; Teresa Jordan hes in - greeted Mr. Thomas Brown to sell by public auction on lot 22, conces- sion 3, IIibbert, on Monday, :Septem- ber 5th. at 1 o'clock, p.m., the follow- ing: Land. -150 acres of .valuable land on concession 3, Hibbert, including lot 22 and south half of lot 23. On this land is 15 acres of bush, a good or- chard, plenty bf good spring water, a good; house, barn, drive shed; eta:, etc: - (The sale of said land is subject to a reserved bid). Farm StockHorses 2 work horses, 1, driver, 2 fillies rising 3 years ofage,-'Cattle: 3 tnilch coves,•9 steers risiii.k 3 years of a e, 9%:lieifers rising 3 years of a.ge „��t±er rising 2 years rs of age, 2 s rftgalves Pigs: 1 sow, 4 pigs 7 ntoftths old, about 40;ai 'ns. Implements. -Binder, a mower, hay rake, hayloader, manure spreader, seed drill, cultivator, roller, harrows, scuffler, 2 walking ploughs, 2 gang ploughs grass -seed sower, wagon, set .of bobsleighs,• gravel box, hay- rack, ro'pe and fork, buggy, cutter, gstsoline engine, grind stone, chest of carpenter's tools; crea'nt separator, churn and numerous other articles commonly used on . a farm. Also a quantity= of household -furniture. _ Terms of Sale. -'Cash for all sums of ten, dollars or less. For over that amount 7 -months' credit will be given on 'furnishing approved joint notes, MRS. TERESA JORDAN, Ad'minis- tratrixt Mr. Thomas Brown, Auction- eer. BOARDERS WANTED. High school or other boarders wanted in home centrally located. Apply at The News Office. '35 HOUSE FOR SALE. 'Comfortable frame dwelling .on James street, Seaforth. Two lots with. frame -barn suitable for garage, Will be sold cheap- to close Estate. Apply to W. G. •WI'LL'IS, Executor of Robt. 'Willis Estate. 36Want and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1927. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, . In the matter of Duncan FergusBuck, authorized assignor. Notice is hereby given that '.Dun- can Fergus 'Buck; of the Town of Seaforth in the County of. Huron, 1?hotograp'her, Debtor, did on the 4th day of August, 1927, make an authorized assignment of all his pro- perty for the benefit of his creditors, end that Edmund Weld, of the City of London, County of Middlesex, Of- ficial Receiver, has appointed' -roe to be custodian of the „estate of the debtor until the creditors at, their first meeting shall elect a trustee to administer the estate .of the debtor. 'Notice is further -given that the first steering of creditors its the above estate will he held at the law offices of John I3. Best,'Seaforth, Ontario, an •Monday, the 22nd day of August, 1927, at +two o'clock in the afternoon.' To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your of rho must be lodged with inc before the meeting' is held, together with the 'proxies to be -used at such meeting. A+N!D further take. notice _ that if you have any claiiri'agaire4t the debtor, for whieh,'you are entitled to rank, proof of'such claim must' he't'tiled. with me orthe trustee- "'E` ustee aha will be appointed, within' thirty days from the date o'f'the"presen't notice for, from andttafter the expiration of the time -fixed by subsection 13. -of' section 37 of the said Act:•the proceeds ,of the debtor's estate !shall be distribut- ed among the parties; entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which shall'have;been ,then received.' DATED at Stratford, this 1011 day of August, 1927. JOHN-STEVENSON, Custodian. . Box 403, Stratford, Ontario, Canada. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE., HOLD GOODS & FURNITURE The Administrator of the •Estate of the tate. J. M. Best has instructed T. Brown, auctioneer, to offer for sale by public auction at the family resid- ence, opposite the 'Public School, Seaforth, on Saturday, September 3rd, 1927 at one o'clock, the complete contents of the house, consisting of the follow- ing articles: :Walnut settee; a couch; six walnut chairs; floor lamp; table. 'lamps; oak desk and sectional book -case (old English finish); oak couch with Spanish leather- cushions, library table, smaller table, bench and smok- ing-stand (mission finish); quarter - cut oak secretary, hall rack, and 3 tables; several odd chairs; walnut side -board, a dining -room table and six dining -room chairs; quarter -cut oak corner cupboard; cherry bed- room set, quarter -cut oak bed -'room set, mahogany ' finish chiffonier; 2 dressing tables, 2 phests of drawers, 2 ward -robes, single iron bed, mat- tresses; china -ware, portieres, carpets, pictures, books; stretcher; kitchen range, 2 kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, and kitchen utensils; laundry tubs; clothes horse, quart sealers; lawn- niolwer, garden hose;'tools; etc, Terms, cash. • Thos. Brown, auctioneer. JOHN H. BEST, Administrator.': Medical. DR, H. 'IIUGII ROSS, Physician Late London Hos- pital, and: Surgeon.. to of ho ddon ' London, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office; ansa resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone. No. "5• Residence :Phone 106., r DE, IF. J. IBTJPbROWS,'.Seaforth, ' Office and residence, G'oderich street, ' east of the Methodist IOhtirch. 'Cor- oner -for 'Cor-otter-'for 'tie Cotin-ty'of Huron. Tele phone -No, 40. s For Sale ads, 3 times 50e ..e.o aintvanioeoairam.m. . smneiroloomuirinsonionsse REGULAR eUSTOMERS ONLY to Regular Customers at. this Store ' We Will. Sell Red Path Sugar at$6.66 per cwt. We Will Pay 42c in Trade for Eggs. You Otto Deal in Egmondville W. J0 Finnigan Egmondville Earliationorausanininissareatialinenialeiridnairle IMIZEONSORNMENEMO 11 WANTEP g 0 Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all 'pointsinMani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Edmonton, Tennis, Calgary, MacLeod and East. : RETURNING -Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus 820.00 to destination. AUG. Goth -From Toronto, Caledon Fast, Becton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, and South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St.. Andrews and I,aehute. SEPT. 7th -From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jet. and' West and South thereof. - l Special Trains for Winnipeg via Canadian National hallways: - From TORONTO (Union Station) -Aug. 80th- From OTTAWA -Aug. 3Oth-12.01 a.m. (Mid 12.01 a,m.(MidnightAug.29th)12,30p.m.;10,40p.tn. night Aug. 29th); 12.01 noon. Sept. 7th --2.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. Prom PETERBO O --Aug. From WINDSOR-8ept.7th From PALMERSTON-Sept., SOth - 12.01 a.m. (Midnight -12.30 a.m. (Midnight Sept 6th) 7th - 9.00 a,m. via Guelph, Aug. 29111) via Lindsay, Black via Chatham, London, Hamilton Georgetown and Inglewood. water and Atherley. and Iugh:wood. 'through curs from other principal points connecting with'. above special trains. Por details consultlocalCanadian National Agents' Through Trains --Comfortable Colonist Cava-typeelul Caro for Women and Children T"vel CAVA DPi NA id+',' ,i1005, .' 4 Want and For 'Sale ads, 1 week 4. THEMcKILLOP a Mutu l Fire • e Insurance Co, DR. - C. MAOKAY.-C, Mackay, honer graduate of Trinity Univers-: 'fyedtcal College; ; end gold medallist. of Trinit yg- �g , member of theKia1l . lege of Physicians and Surgeons oli Ontario. DE. F. J. R. FORSTER-sEye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Griaduate in Medi - eine, University of Toronto 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and; Aura'l Institute, Moorefield's Eye; and: Golden !Square:throat hospitals, Lea - cion, England. Alt Commercial h,otet,; Seaforth, 3rd Monday in eacb'moatb, from 111 a.m. to 3 ipnt Next visit in September. FARM A02D ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY O N Y, INS•URE13 Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex, James Evans,, Beechwood, Vice 'President; D. F. McGregor,. Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. , 'Directors -Win.. Rinn, No. 2 Sea- forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; Eames Evans, Beeoliwood; M. Mc - wen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, Gad- erich; Alex, . Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth;, J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3; Seaforth; Murray Gibson, ,Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No., 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance,or trans- act other business will be promptly attended. to by application to any of the above named officer's addressed to their respective postoffices. , ' DR. W. 'C; 'iSPRO•AT.--Graduate ,B+aciilt'y of 'Medicine, University"off- Wester» Ontario, London. Meeaber- of 'College of Phylsicians 'and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aiberhar't'e:'' Drug Store, 'Main St.,' Seaforth. Phone 90. Dental. DR... A. !MUNN Successor to Dr.. R. R, Ross, gradu- ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, I11. Licentiate Royal 'College of Dental 'Surgeons, 'Toronto. Office. over Sills' hardware, Main street, Seaforth. Phone 151. ]7R. F. J. 13EOHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Maitt street, Seaforth. Phones, 'office 185W, residence ISSJ: Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensof Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrtangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth -News, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REID'•S• REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY' ' (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT.. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Closes Cottipanies. SEAFORTH MARKETS, Wednesday, Aug. 29th Wheat, per bus. $125 Barley, per bus, 70c -75c Oats, per bus. 45c.50e: Shorts, per cwt ....$1.85 "4' - Bran, per cwt. $1.75 " Butter, per Ib' 32c 35c Eggs, per doz. 25c -30c -35c Potatoes, per bag $1;50 Hogs, per cwt. $10.25 B-ATEMAN Ladies' and ,'Gentlemen's Tailor invites you to look over The New' Fall Suitings Upstairs Over Keating's Drug Store MAIN ST. , SEAFORTH wassarnsraniartiosimmunnent t Thtirsday,' Friday and Saturday Rudolph iValentino wth V l LMA Banker THE SON OF THE SHEIK A sequel to "The Sheik" directed by George Fi tzn?aurice FOR L,21IBOR DIY. (Monday Tuesday and. ' Wednesday) eLARA in Flippant flapper, trim and clapper, nauglht haughty, er - Madame Gln describes t chic mantra PP y "It"as a magi• netic force, the possessor of which attracts ' everyone. M`.Caiss.kinBg othw'is nte s literally,ret"Itation," hiasof °'It"I i rP this role is conceded the. greatest starring effort of 1927 HOLIDAY MATINEE RINCCESS