HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-09-01, Page 5'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1927
is an appetizing dish, even for
those who are not +hungry. There
is one essential, however, in
making an ideal dish of it._ The,
pork must give it the right
flavor and we pride ourselves
that we know how to supply
just the right cut for the purpose.
Try it once. You'll want at often.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
Your Butcher.
Red• White
ehain Stores
Pickling Specials
for one week:
Yellow Pickling Onions, small
-size 6 lbs. for 25c
Yellow Pickling Onions, med-
ium size, 10 lbs, for 25e
Yellow Cooking Onions, large
size, 6 lbs. for 25e
Silver Skin Onions, small
- 2 lbs for 25o
Mixed Pickling Spice, lb. 23c
Heinz Spiced Vinegar, gal 60c
Hei'nr, Crystal. Vinegar, gall 60e
Malt Vinegar; Tarragan Vine
gar; Cider Vinegar; Catsup
Spice; CatSup Flavoring; All
kinds of Spices.
Tomatoes Caauliflower Pep-
ep-pers, Cucumbers, etc.
American pint sealers, doz $1.08
Ross J. Sproat
Phone 8
W. M. . Stewart Phone 77
The Dairy Farmer is asstired of good markets the
whole year for his Dairy Products.
Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac-
count.- They will not fail you.
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct. We
will assure you of our very best services and highest prices.
Whenyouneed a new Cream Separator seethe NEW
MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal:' • "
Seaforth Creamery, Co. Seaforth, Out.
C. A. BARBER, Prop:
W. J. Walker 86 Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. W'ALK'ER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
-Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
The wrapped bread
Its worth your while
to give it a trial
Buns, Cakes, Pastries,
Phone 70—Prompt Delivery
Colne and inspect our Bakery
at your own convenience
Dick Block--Seaforth
D. H.. Melones
'-"l lehiropractor
Of Wingham, will be at the
, Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases 'of all kinds svccess-
Electricity used,
Watch- e g
,A11 . work` : guaranteed. Service,
satisfaction. Work promptly done
i, A. Westcott
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Opposite W. A. Crick's
Chas. A. llowey
Poacher of
Piano, Organ and Theory
Summer Courses
Starting Now
Residence—Church Street
RUSSE'LL—In the Methodist hos-
pital, Peoria, fill., on Thursday.
Aug, 25,11927, to Mr. and Mrs, J. B.
Russell, a daughter (Harriet).
Getting Ready for Fall Wheat.
Experience and experiment 'have
proven that early sown fall 'wheat—
Aug, 26th to Sept. 9th—gives 'best re-
sults, particularly if following clover
sod, atfalfa, field peas or summer
fal low.
'Generally speaking, 43 bushels of
seed per sore give best results. The
varieties most suitable from results
of co-operative field experiments in
Ontario are found to be Dawson's
'Golden Chaff (O.A.C. 61) and O. A.
C. 104,
(Seed selection is very important,
particularly in seasons when shrunken
seed is present. One cannot be too
careful in choosing large, plump, unci-
form seed as the yield next year will
be 'affected where shrunken or broken
seed Is used.
Wheat for seed'should be treated
for strut. 'Stinking strut or bunt of
Wheat can be prevented by treating
seed either with formalin, bluestone
or copper canb.ona'te chest, If the
smut bales are present in the grain re-
move with 'fanning mill or by placing
grain, a,bus'hel at a time, in' water and
stitinmg it, The snout 'balls being
light will rise to the surface and can
he readily skimmed of If using
formalin, one-'halif pint of 40 per cent.
'formaldehyde in 120 gals. df water will
be sufficient to 'treat 10 bushels of
seed. Im4nense the seed,.a sack at a
time, for 20 minutes: Remove from
the water And spread out thinly on a
clean floor,and allow to dry sufficient-
lyto be sown. IB'd -'sure 'to carry to
the field. in treated bags. :Sony a.s soon
as,,p,ossiible. after `treatment.
'Loose stunt of wiseat cannot' be, pre -
;vented by format'in or other named
.treatinents. If prevalent, secure seed
from non-infected areas.
Usually lit pays many titres over to
fertilize wish . acid phosphate (1 p.c,
fertilizer) 'at the rate of at least 200
pounds per acre.
tlealtln cannot",'be+lookedfor hi the
child fihat is subject to worths, be
cause 'worms destroy health by creat-
ing internal disturbances that retard
development and !cause serious weak-
ness:. Miller's 'World 1Powclet's . expel
worms and are so'Ibeneflcial M their
action that'the systems of the little
sufferers are restore'd'to healthfulness,
all the discdanforts and rdangerS of
worm infection arc; removed, and
eatis'fectory growth is assured,
Mr. and Mrs, \'\rm, Wright, Mrs.
Grainger and Miss Grainger attended
the funeral in 'Blyth on Saturday of
Mrs. Grainger's sister, Mrs. Richard
Somers, ,
Miss Jessie 'Grainger, R.N., left on
Sttnd'ay to spend the week in Toronto.
Mr. W. H. Little left an Tuesday
to motor to Cobalt. He will travel
over the new Ferguson highway.
Mr's. Robert 'Webb, and ' Mr, and
S1'nrs. Ed. Webb and fancily, of To-
ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb, of
Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rich
and fancily, of Hillsdale, Mich., were
guests over the week -end of Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Morrison and Mrs: Geo,
-Mr. and Mrs. Win. Montgomery
were guests of his mother, Mrs, W.
Montgomery, and Mr, and Mrs, Wm.
IMr. and Mrs. W. Morrison left on
Monday for Toronto where they will
visit relatives this week.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Howard Kerr, of
Windsor, spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Kerr.
Mr. Peter Shrub has returned to his
horse in Centreville after spending his
holidays with his • sister, Mrs. J.
Hartmnan. 'Mr. Jerome Strub also
visited here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Partridge, of "To-
ronto, who have spent ten daps the
guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs,
Jas. Kerr, returned on Wednesday of
this week. •
Mr. Jno. Beattie and Mr, A. D.
Sutherland were inLondon this week.
Miss Clara Rawley, who has 'been
visiting her aunts, Mrs. C,"Eckart and
Mrs. J. Nolan, has returned to her
home in Port Huron,
Mrs. R. L. Thomson' and baby
Helen motored from Ailsa Craig to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L.. Box are To-
ronto visitors.
Mr, and Mrs. G. Baxter and family,
of Mitchell, visited over the week -end
with his brother, Mr, F. Baxter.
Mr: and Mrs. -Will Pinkney- and
xhildren returned to their home in
Hamilton on Monday after spending a
month with his parents, Mr. and .Ml's.
Johns Pinkney.
Mrs. G. Baxter, of Mitchell, and
Mrs, F. rBaxtcr are visiting for a few
days with the latter's :"daughter` in
Ailsa Craig,
Mrs. Wm. Purdy, of Kitchener, is
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Pinkney,
• Miss. Clara. McKinley, of Toronto;
formerly of the Seaforth Collegiate
staff, has spent the past week visiting
'Iter sister, Mrs, A. D. Armstrong, and
brother, Mr. R. McKinley, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Askin and
two children, of Bent River, Mus-
koka, are visiting Mr._aied Mrs, R. E.
,Rev, W, D. McDonald, of Egmond
vine, will conduct anniversary ser-
vices in iBelgrave on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. McKinney, of Guelph
and Miss Margaret Maunders, of De-
troit, are guests at the home of fele.
and Mrs. R. E. -Coates,
Mrs, J. O. Rose, Guelph, and Mr
and Mrs. Randall Rose and family, of
Galetta, Ont„ are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Jno. Beattie.
Mr, J. Hartman Inas returned home
after spending lois holidays with his
brother on the farm. Mr, and Mrs.
'Hartman and daughter Agnes visited
in Kitchener over Sunday.
Mr. Thos, Western, and mother, of
Royal Oak, Mich., are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Win, Ament.
Mr. Jos. Gibson is at the home of
his brother, Robert in McKillop, as
the latter suffered a stroke on Sunday
Mr. and '
< Mrs, Pynt, of Usborne, vis-
ited their cousin, Mrs.. Hothinn, on
Miss Margaret Rolph returner) on
Thursday after a two weelcs' holiday
in Dayton, Ohio.
Miss velyn Adams left last week
for Manchester, England, where she
will teaoh.
Miss Ella Link has returned from
her holidays which she spent with
her aunt, Mrs. Kuntz, in Exeter.
Miss Hazel Thompson, Chatham,
spenttheweek-end with Mr. and
Mrs, Daviel Fell.
Mr. Archie Jeffrey left on Tuesday
for the West,.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennison visited
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Constable in St.
Marys last week,
Miss Jeannette Archibald is spend-
ing the week in Sebringville with Mrs,
Dave Arbogast.
Mrs, R. Davis, James street, is vis-
iting relatives in London this week.
Mr, and Mrs. 3. W. Horner, ide.
and Mrs. John Hey, Zurich; Mrs. J.
E. Hopkins, St. Thomis; Mr, Nelson
Vickers, Drumheller, Alta., were the
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.
Sana. Gottschalk.
•Miss Kate Broailfoot left on
nesdayfor Milwaukee,
Mr. Archie Ferguson is visiting his,
sister, Mrs, D. F. Smith, in Sarnia,
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Katzenmeyer
and George and Charles, of Hamilton,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Seip ,ort
Sunday. Misses -Catherine Lockhart
and Beatrice Katzenmeyer returned
lroanc with theta alter a six weeks'
visit in town.
Mrs. (Dr.) Sntidlie and Dorothy
and Ruth, of .Toronto,- spent a day
with Mr.' and Mrs. R, Frost.
Miss Ruth Thompson returned on
Wednesday to Tillsianburg, where site
is teaching.
Mrs. Mary'Connoily is visiting• her
slaughter, . Mrs. Win. Prendergrast,
Miss Grace Itnechtel left Wednesd-
clay for her school at Caledonia. Miss
Alice Knechtel leaves on Monday for
her school at Kilbride near Hamiltons,
Mr.'Chas. Broadfoot and daughter
Billy left on Monday for their hoahe
in Moosejaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Flynn, Exeter, called
on Mr s: ,Geo .Brownlee over, the week
;'Mr, and 11/Irs. Chas. Clark of Ayl-
mer visited over the week end with
his mother, lvfrs. R. L. Clark.
•`Miss Mildred Hey of Zurich is
spending the week with Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Gottschalk.
Miss Annie Ross returned to To- ` Miss Davina Anderson is visiting
rolto 'Wednesday after spending a friends in Toronto this week.
month's vacation with Miss Char-' Miss Eva Fee left Monday for her
lotte Thompson, school at Worthington:
Miss 'Hazel Jefferson is visiting re- Miss Nellie Brown, New York, and
lafives in 'Gonrie .and Mitchell. Miss Marion Collier of Rutherford,
ddrs. Dennis and 'ch'ildren spent the N,J., are guests at the home of Mr.
sveek-end in Mitchell. and Mrs. Henry MaGavin, Tucker-
Miss Dorothy :Hudson is visiting smith.
her uncle, IMr. ]Win. Hudson, &trat- Mr, Mrs, silGordon,' Bruce,
ford: Jean and and Kathleex.en, of Stratford, were
iMiss Anna 'Dennis spent two weeksSunday- visitors at the [tonne o Mr,
in Stratford ,with her aunt, Mrs, RR. J. asci Mrs: Robert' Stewart, North
!Simpson, Trdnity'street, . Main street,
Mr. W. W. 'Hicks, Postmaster of Miss Dorothy Hutchison took a
ifitcltol'1 for 54 years, died on Mon- motor trip the past week with St. Ca -
da,: He was 801 years of age, therines friends, down the St. Law-
Mr. add Mrs. 'LC Roy Boun[1y and rence on the American side and re-
d'ittle daughter 'Peggie, and 'Miss turning by way of Montreal.
Helen Flanagan, leave returned to De-
Mr. and Mrs. John McPherson,troit after spending, their vacation Mrs. John Millson, Mrs. Hugh
with Mrs. (Bouparents, Mr. and Wright and Jack spent Sunday with
Mrs. 'O'Leary, Huron road, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barker, Surat-
ICelestine •and 'Master Ted O'Leary fwd.
MrJack Frost returned home onaccom
accompanied, them for the remainder .
Tuesday from Owassa, Mich,, where
of their holidays, he spent the past
I]r. F 'Harburn and Mr. Herald year, 'Jack will at -
T IDe. F.e aroeft Tuesday for Van tend the Collegiate this year;
Mr, and Mrs, .:Fred Robinson are
couver, IB.'C., where they will visit ;Mr, motoring, to Detroit this week.
Fred 'Lawrence, Dir, and MrsGeorge Scott are To
Miss Bertha Harriman, of.lBraatford, Tonto visitors this
. week.
is visiting 'Miss Evelyn 'Harburn for Mrs. Catherine Atkinson is visiting
a few days. friends in Toronto this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Rands and Mr, John Broderick is laid tip with
Mass Maybelle left this week for Wil- an abscess fIte a few days, but his
low'City, North Dakota, 'They will he many friends 'hope to see hint able to
away for six weeks, be around again soon.
' Mrs, W. R. MoM;ohael left on Misses Doris, Kathleen and Mysses
Tuesday to visit in Arden, Man. Twarnley returned to their home in
'Mr. ,Lorne Pinkney returns this Stratford Monday after several weeks
week after a month's stay with 'his 'visit with Mrs, Wm, Westcott and
brother Carl, in Montreal, their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.
IMr, 3. M. Wilson held a seiccessfttl Arnold Wes'tcott,
sale of household effects on Saturday. ivde. and Mrs, Harry Thiel, Mar-
dde. Wilson' will remain in flownfor i'ory and Bdbbie, of Flint., Mich.,
several months, at least. were guests. at the home of Mr, and
Miss Eva Fee leaves this week for. Mrs. Josh. Pollard, North Main st,
her school in Worthington, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and fam-
ily, Thbrndale, and Mrs. Geo. Easter -
brook and daughter Phoebe of Exeter
spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. West-
Mrs. Geo;. Wilson of .Staffa was a
visitor at the home cif Dir. and Mrs. C.
Dir, and Mrs. W. L. Keys visited
with Dor. and Mrs. Archie Keys last
Mrs. J. J. Sclater and daughter Ma-
rion left Thursday to visit her sister
in Toronto,
Mrs. Wm, Ha'bkirk of New Ham-
burg and Miss Irene Miller visited
friends in town. and Egniondville for
a few days.
Mr. Will Sutherland of Forest, was
a week end visitor at Isis hone.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cluff and Janet
visited Dir. and Mrs. jos. Wright in
Galt on Sunday.
Miss Jean Smith returned Wednes-
n d 11 day after a visit with Toronto friends.
Mr. Cliff Trott is visiting his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Trott, before
returning to his school at Pickering,
Mr. and Mrs. Tharp, Detroit,
spent several days the guests of Mr.
and Mrs, James Devereaux.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Sproat and
children are here frons Detroit at the
Parental horse o'f Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Sproat, 'Hugh met with an unfortun-
ate accident before leaving- Detroit.
and is having an enforced. vacation.
He got several of the bones in his
hand crushed.
:Misses Ella and Mary Keating pf
Toronto left Tuesday afternoon for
the city after spending two weeks
with the Misses Mulcahy, George
young son, of Saginaw, Mich,, are, street, and other friends.
visiting with, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sills, Mrs. (:Dr,) Wilson and daughter, of
Mr: and Mrs, J. 'R. McCrea (nee *ew .(Dr.) eg, spent Weduesday at
Mary Modeltund) left for 'their 4totnr the home of Dir. and M'Irs. J, A.
in New Liskeard on Tuesday. Wilson.
Dir. and Mrs. D, Fell have been vis- Dr. and Mrs. Munn visited in To-
itnog in Clinton. Tonto the past week,
Mr. 'Ruin.. Wallis left for the West, Miss Ethel Mol<ay left Tuesday
on Monday.
He will return in time for her school at Thedford, and will
to enter Toronto University this Fall, also visit in Detroit for a couple of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt. Smith, of Mit clays,
shell. spent Sunday in town. Miss Jessie Scott accompanied Mr.
Mr. L.•G: Kruse, of Galt, spent and Mrs. Robt. McKinley on Tues-
'Sunday in town, Mrs. Kruse and day on their return to Winnipeg.
Billiereturned ruined with him after spent- 'RCN". J. M. and Mrs, Keys and I4Iil-'
ing a month with Mrs, W. Sclater. th•ed returned to Niagara Falls on
Mr. and • Mrs, Charles Clark, of Friday last after visiting their par -
Aylmer, are visiting with Mr. and ents.
Mrs. R. Clark, Main street. Miss Rita Powell, Toronto, Miss
Mrs, W. E, Kerslake and Miss Dor- Murrtey, Goderich, and a cousin, Mr,
nth, are in Toronto this week. Wm. Tigner, Sarnia, were visitors
Mrs, F1ett and Mary and Jack and during the week with Mrs. Wm. Reid.
Mrs. 'Ha'bkirk have returned after Mr, Will Pollard left Inc Toronto
spending a month in. Toronto and 00 De -
Grimsby. Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Norris, ' of De -
The "Rumble Wagon" returned to teoit, who have been visiting relatives !.
town at the beginning of the week and friends, returned home Friday.
with the following places inscribed on Mrs, McCullough, Mr, Robert Ste -
its back door: c4lh, Toronto, :Hatch- wart and soil Douglas motored to
ton, Niagara, Welland, St. Thomas, Stratford Monday and spent the day
Pt. Stanley, 'Windsor, Detroit, Pt. with the lady's niece. Mrs. McCu1-
Huron, Sarnia and IC4th. Aivin and Tough is over 90 years of age and is
Jack report nothing more exciting still quite active,
than stalling twice on liloor street
and going in the wrong direction on
a one-way street in 'Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Umbach returned
Sunday to their )tome in 'Toronto,
•Mr, Alexander Ferguson, of Chi-
cago, visited Mr, Jack McDowell and
other ri
he fiends this week,
Mr, Geo. Bell and Mr. W. Brine
motored to Toronto on Monday.
Mrs. Jas, Moon and Mr. W. Moon,
of Stevensville, spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTaggart,
The families of Speeoats, Hays,
Jones, Coulters, Hortons and Dales
spent Wednesday afternoon picnick-
ing at Bayfield in honor of Mr. and
Mrs, Hugh Sproat.
'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr and Gor-
don, of Toronto; spent, the week -end
with friends' here,
Miss PI, I. Graham is spending her
holidays with friends in Stanley.
Rev. Mr. McElroy, of lensall, oc-
cupie'd the pulpit of Seaforth 'Presby-
terian Church very acceptably on
Mr. Henry Schoem;brooke and sou,
of Hespeter, and Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Thiel, of Preston, were visitors
at the .hoine of Mr. and Mrs, Louis
The 'Salvation Army London I.
Band will visit 'Exeter on Sept. 10 and
11; with 30 skilled musicians, Com-
mandant Ritchie is coming to Sea -
forth Saturday and Sunday, 'Sept. 3
and 4,
IMr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman, of
Dasliwood,visited their parents, Mr.
and Mrs.. J. Hartman, on Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mighton,' of
Vancouver, are spending a couple of
weeks with Mr. John Murray, Eg-
ton yr e,
Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Pinanister, of
Niagara Falls, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson,
'Goderirh street. They were returning
front ,Sault 'Ste, /Marie and 'brought
Mr, Charlie .Dickson as far as Sea -
_Mrs. Geo. Murray, of Brandon,
Man., is visiting with Mrs, Ellen
Murray, Goderich street.
Mrs, A. R. 'Box and Billie are in To-
oronto. •
Miss A'bbic Seip is spending her
holidays in New .Hamtbueg.
'Mr, and Mrs. IrvingtSutherland and
family' have returned to their horse in
Owen Sound.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Pierce and
cured a position as teacher in the vi
cinity of Chatham and leaves this
week to assume her duties.
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. will
'hold their next meeting at the home
of 'Mrs. Wm, ,Somerville, . 'Wednesday
afternoon, 'Sept, 711.
'Mr. and Mrs. A, G Calder and
Miss Margaret Calder, of iHicks'on,
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E.
Miss Margaret' Cuthill left for Paris
this week, where she has been engag-
ed to teach. We wish Margaret the
'best of l'ucic.
Mrs, James Campbell and Miss
Evelyn Campbell spent .a few days in
Toronto with Mr. Archie Campbell,
Miss Bessie Blanchard is visiting in
Mrs, Nelson . Govenlock had her
tonsils removed in St, Marys hospital
last. week. We are glad to report she
is a'b'le to he home again.
Tint Eaton and Billie 'Trewartha
left for Mildest, ,Sisk,, last. Monday to
help Mr. Joe. '(Raymond with the %har-
vest. Tim worked last season:,; for
Dir. Raymond and he sent foe hien
this Season as the crops are heavy.
Mr, and Mrs. 'W. C. Bennett and
Ronnie. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eaton,
Kenneth and Isabel spent .Sunday. at
Sunset Beach last Sunday,.
The many friends of Mr. Robert
Gibson are sdrry to learn that he suf-
fered a stroke on Sunday night. He
was somewhat better on Wednesday,
having gained the use of his voice
and use of his right arm,
Mr..and Mrs. Joseph Hogg and son
Robert left on Monday fora trip to
the West.
'Rev. J. A. Ferguson is visiting his,
brother in Toronto.
'The services at Duff's Church on
Sunday last were ably conducted by
Mr. Cho. Mr. Cho is a native of Ko-
rea, In the fall he intends leaving
Canada for his own land, where he.
expects to •continue this work among
the people there.
Misses Ida and Olive Medd visited
Mr, Geo. Leitch, in .Hullett, last week.
Ready-made Medicine.—you need
no physician for ordinary ills when
you have at hand a bottle of Dr.
Thomas' 'Eelectric Oil. For coughs,
colds, sorethroat, bronchial troubles,
it . is invaluable; for scalds, burns,
bruises, sprains it is unsurpassed;
while for cuts, sores and the like it is
an unquestionable healer. It needs
no testimonial other than the use,
and that will satisfy anyone as to its
Send us the names of your -visitors
Mrs. James Wanless and sister„
h'fiss Court, moved to Loedon Tues-
Mr. Frank Weekes, Mr.' George
Beatty, Sr,, Mrs. L. Beatty and M.
Wm. Beatty' motored to Toronto
Mr, and Mrs. W. Mc'Ash, of Lon-
don, spent' Sunday in .our village,.
Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty
also spent the week-cncl at their
Ririe here."
Mrs, C, Weekes, who has been vis-
iting friends in London and St. Cath-
erines, has returned to her home here.
Mr, John Mitchell, of Whitechurch,
called on his brother and sister last
Mr. James Hamilton, of Michigan,
spent a day with friends in this vi-
The concert given by the Golf
Club on Dr. Lloyd. Mbffatt's lawn on
Saturday night was enjoyed 'by alt,
Many mothers can testify to the vir-
the of .Mother 'Graves' Worm Exter-
minator, because they know from ex-
perience" how useful it is,
General Insurance Agency
Real Estate, Conveyancing,
Bonds and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario,
Why be without a marcel
when you can have it done
any day at
Dennison '& Pullman
Barber Shop
just phone 125
for appointment
Specialist in Marcelling,
Shampooing. Manicuring.
and Massaging"
The S ,► eclat Milverton
We have it --Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings
Chop of All Kinds
C. G. TllO'SON
Special Optical Offer.
High grade heavy weight gold-filled
spectacles and eye glasses with )best
fiat spherical lenses for only 'G , 4,00,' All
other style. of 'frames and lenses at
very reasona'ble prices. Eves examin-
ed by our well known and ,painstaking
specialist, Mr. Huglison, formerly op-
tical eve ert for Rents, Toronto, and
Henry Morgan &'Co., Montreal. You
are assured of the best optical work
to 'he obtained ,and at moderate cost.
Two days only, from 'Monday, Sept.
•12th, 1 p.m., to Wednesday, Sept,
14 h, 412 noon, fioinc early. ;Be'ttie's
Fair, Seaforth. 36
The many friends of Mr. 13. O'Hara
Mr, Peter Scott of Brussels, ship- are sorry to learn that he is, on the
ped' his race horse, Rattle Grace, 'front sick list,
Seaforth to the Toronto races this lbfessrs. Peter McLaughlin, Albert
week. ;Simon, W. Boyd and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs_ Thos, Richards and 'Henry Koehler left for the West to
Aft-. Bale and, sons Campbell and Per -
the arts, of harvesters.
cy,;all l3amilpent Sday Our burg can 'boast of more thresh
the homeof of Mr,ton, ands' Mrs,nttRuebenat iitg outfits than the most of places.
Frost. 'Miss Maria Bristow returned There have been as many as five out-
with ,them. - fits around at one time, as every far-
WmJ. Matthews spent a few days• uier.wants to thresh as early as pos
last week with Miss Laura Caw- sib'ie because of the shortage of feed.
thorne, Stratford,: In a greatanany cases the crop is not
Mr. and Mrs. L D, Price of Aylmer up to expedtat'ions, and` those who
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Werte Aylmer
predicted heavy yields were counting
Windsor were visitors el Mr. anti their chickens' before they were
Mrs. F. D. H•utchisou this week. Dir.
Wetter is. an assistant principal in
Mr. James O'Lotrg'hlitt has returnn-
W'indsor, ed home from Northern Ontario
Mrs. 'Alex, J'o'hnstoii of Stratford, where he was engaged in tlte. mining
spent last week with Mrs. :Richard district,
Clark. Miss ivfary-Ellen Dempsey has• se -
Vo r
Repairs and charging on all makes.
Ag ood line of New and Used Parts.
Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75.00 with License
Ford Touring 1918 $75.00 with License
Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, like new ..$375 with License
We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive to he
entrusted toils for cleaning with perfect confidence.
The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time' to study
and achieve.
Ladies' and Gent's Felt Hats cleaned, It only costs y , a
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