The Seaforth News, 1927-08-25, Page 5THURSDAY, A'tJGUST 25; 1927,
is an appetizing dish,even
those who are not hungry. .There
is one essential,'however, in
making an I ideal dish of it. The
pork must, give it the right
we ride
p t es
that we know how to supply
just the right cut for the purpose
Try it once. You'll want jt often,
58 Seaforth.
Your Butcher.
h te.
ehain Stores
for one week from date • :
Rase -lite Baking Powder,
in pints 23e
LibbY• 's Pork and Beans tin 10e
Candy Kisses, 2 lbs for . 25c
Breakfast Bacon, half or
whole lb. 29e
One large g 'e galvaniz d pail
1 pkg. Chipso "large size"
3 bars P. and G. Naptha Soap
3 bars gold Soap
2 bars Guest Ivor.
1 bar Iv
d _
7411.for -f0 98c Reg. $1.30
While they last
Ross J. Sproat Phone'8
W. M. : Stewart Phone 77
The Dairy _Farmer is assured .of good ' markets the
whole year for his Dairy Products.
Increase your Dairy Herd and` enlarge your bank ac-
count. They will not fail you.
• Produce only create of the best quality and send your
cream: to us either through
g � our Agents or deliver direct. We
will assure you of our very'best services and highestP rices.
When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW
MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal.
oxth Creatner- Co, Sento
. �Y rah,
C. A. BARBER; Prop.
J, Walker & Son 11
—and— '
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of 1Gd- •
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
"Pinkney s•
The wrapped bread
Its worth your while
to give it a trial
Buns, Cakes, Pastries,
Phone 70—Prompt Delivery
Come and 'inspect our Bakery
at your own convenience
Oleic Block—Seaforth
N, Mcloues
> ehiropractor
Of Wingham, will be at the
Contntercial Hotel, : Seaforth
:Monday,, Wednesday and ,.
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all: kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used. •
Watch h R
eai in
p g.
411 work guaranteed: Service
satisfactory. Work.promptlyidone
J. A. Westcott
Watchmaker and 'Jewt'ler
Apposite W. A. Crich's
Chas. A
. Bowe{:'
Teacher of
Punto, Organ and Theory
Summer Courses •
Starting Now
1Eesidenoe—Church Street
Mrs. S. Casey, of Mitchell, visite
with her daughter, Mrs, J. A. Sadle
•'Ivliss Pearl Treffry, London, spen
a few days with relatives and friend
recently. -
Mr. and, Mrs. W., Rowe and dau-
ghters, of Guelph, are visiting with
the lady's brother, 'Mr. George Wit -
son, ,
Mir. and Mrs. M. Corless and fain-
ily, Clinton, visited with Mr. and
Mrs, W. Colquhottn'.-
Mr. John Wallace, of Wood'slee,
and Mr,, Jas. Wallace, Seaforth, call-
ed qn old acquaintances 'Monday.
Mr, and, Mrs.,Win.'Butson, Puller
ton, Visited at the home of Mr..Geo.
Butson, Sunday.
Mr, and .4'm Cecil O'Brien, Ridge -
town, are holidaying under the par-
ental roof.
Miss Iva Elliott, Mitohell, is holt-
laying with Miss Marzette Sadler.
Mrs. 'Remnant acrd Master Jim, of
Thames Road, visited with the lady's
son, Mr, W. H. Leslie, on .Sunday.'
The Undies' Institute will meet on
Wednesday evening, Aug. 31st, at the
home of ,Miss -Mary Drown,- Roll call,
"My Favorite Apple recipe."
Mrs. 'Heywood, tSr,, passed her
eighty-sixth 'birthday on Monday last
and ,was- pleas'antiy remembered by
many of her 'friends '
Mliss.11elen Mti ch:.•ii visiting in .Po-
i'onl:o.' - .
Mfr, and Mrs.. Wesley Johns: and.
children vis'ite'd .in (Wyoming last
A C, W'hiblock, Misses Joy and
Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, vis-'
ited in, the neig'hlborhf od on Sunday..
The two foriner have ,just: returned
from a five 'Weeks '• trip through to
Vancouver. : • '
-Mfrs, E Troyer ..aed :Miss , Annie.
Jarrott spent the, Oast week visiting
friends- hi Btigderi: H
Mr: Nicholson of,.Lucknow, occuti-
led the pulpit in, ,the'tUnited • Church
here on Sabbath' last, 'Rev,; -Mr. Con-
ner 'being Away
onner'being'away on his holidays.
Mission IB'and met on; Sunday last.
Medtiig was opened .by ,singing hymn
399. Luella .Jarro'bt.'led in, prayer,
The Scripture reading" was 'taker( by
Helen Anderson, the'12Ist psalm. The
roll was called by repeating the 67th
psalm, ..1st verse. After the lesson the
meeting was closed by singing ]tyttin
758 and ail repeatidg the 'Lord's
Mr. and Mrs. Wtnr Jarrott : spent
Sunday' nt: B,•,igden.
C17I \INiI7IElt- Tn Winglta'nt hospital
on Friday, Aug..l9th, to Mr. and
Mirs, Rev, E. F. Chandler, of
'F'ordwich, a daughter.
Mrs. Byam of Bowrn'anyille, is'a
guest at the Monte J. iB. 1'yerman,
Mr. Sam, Jackson, o'f .Chesley, has
purchased D. F. ':Bucks photography
business, and has 'bought the store
Mr. Buck occupied frpnt Mr. E. L.
Box. 'Mr, Jackson is no stranger
here as he Was 'born and brought up
in Egni:ond'ville, and conducted a
business in town some years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. j: B. Tyerman spent
the week -end visiting friends at
Wingham, •
Mr, and Mrs:' W. D, I-Ioag, Percy
and Edith, visited in .Strathroy on
Miss Marguerite Black received
'word on ,Friday that she had obtained
her First •Class ;teacher's certificate:
Mr, and Mrs. jams Colquhoun
and grandsou_Spenccr, have returned
to their !tome in Niagara IFalls, N,Y.,
after spending a couple of weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse. Miss
Mabel Kruse returned with 'th t
en ,
Mrs. Jessie Brownu left on
t� Y
to spend a week with friends in Lon-
Mr. ancl Mrs, -Charles.- (Hogan, of
Youngstown, Ohio, and'. ,daughters
Ellen, Mary and Margaret, and Mrs.
Ed. Curran, of 'Chicago, spent a few
days at the home Of Mr. and Mrs, Ed,
Mole. This is Mr. 'H'ogan's Strstt, visit
to 'Ontario and he was highly pleased
with the road's and the prosperous
fanning com'munity,
Mr. and.,Mlrs, House and children
and Mr, and Mrs. ''\h: H. Hudson of
, sPeltSunday at the home..
of Mr,am
J 'Hudson.
'Mr, Hugh 'Wright, Detroit, spent a
few days at this home.
IMT, and Mrs, Albert 'Eller'' and
children. spent Sunday with Mr. Ed-
1er's sisters, the Misses 'Edger,. E1=
Mr, John MIdLennan spent Monday
in Toronto on business.
Mrs Robert Strong and Mrs. Wan.
Strong are visiting Detroit' friends for
a couple of weeks.
The many friends of Mr. J. M.
Robertson will. be glad to know he re-
turned last Thursday greatly improv-
ed alter his serious operation in- To-
ronto General hospital.- Dr. Graham,
Toronto, and Dr. Mackay, Seaforth
perforrned the operation:
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stonehouse, of
Goderich, spent Monday with their
cousin, Mrs, Tyerman.
Mrs, Harrison Wiltse, of ICiinton,.is
the guest of Mrs. 'H. J. 'Gi'bson.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Dillon and
children, of 'Logan, spent', Sunday at
' the home of Mrs. Curtin. '
• •iRcv, 1fr, Sinclair, of Hensall; took
the evening service- in : Northside
United IOhurdh on 'Sunday. 'Miss
Evelyn Cudmore sang a solo, "Abide
with Me," 'arranged , by Samuels. Mr.
Rennie, ,o'f Ilensall,'als'o sang d solo,
"The 'Lord, is my S'ffength," .by\9rooler, •
Band concerts will be held in Vic-
toria Park. on Thursday evening and
-on (Sunday evening. These' will be the
last two .concerts ;of the season, 'The
Seaforth Highlanders, under 'the lead-
ership of Mr. 5,IR.:Laaniman, deserve
much 'credit for 'tate -delightful enter=
taininents 'they have provided during
the summer.
M4tss Clara •Rawley, of Port Huron,
and Miss 'Maria Nevin, of Toronto,
are spending their holidays with
friend's in this vicinity.
Mr Jos.:Eckart had the m'is'fortune
to upset his separator last 'Friday on
Mr. T. Ferguson's lank, and consid-
erable damage was'ldoue. 'Heexpects
to have it in gunning order by
Thursday of this week.
Mrs. Sandford !Levan, of 'Tare uto,.
and Mr. Cullen Bryant, of '(Toronto,
are guests 'at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Willialm ,Cudmore.
lMft and Mrs, Ray Green, of Nia-
gara Falls, visited Miss Mary Rey -
olds lastW eek.
Mrs, P. LSHeureux and daughters,
Sister St. 'Agnes and Eva, of •Port
Arthur, add ,Mother Editha, of Sault
She: Marie, :visited, MI r. and Mrs, D.
Reynolds recently.
•Mrs. Ivy 'Henderson and children
are visiting at her 'home in 'Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Finkbeirier and
Miss (Helen spent Sunday with rela-
tives in'Treston.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hannon and
Mrs. McVey, of Mitchell, were Sun-
day visitors with Mrs, Dalton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright and
mother, of Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
\\Tright, Detroit, and Mr. and- Mrs.
Howard Wright, of Chiselhurst, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Dalton.
Mr. W. H. Little has taken a posi-
tion as teacher at Cobalt for the
coming term, '
'Misses Marjorie and Jean Walsh,
of London, were Friday to Wednes-
day guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. P, Bell. •
Messrs. Alvin •Si'llery- and Jack
Crich left' Tuesday to motor to De-
troit, Niagara and Toronto, ,
Mr. add Mrs. Robert 'Kemp and
fa,mily,are 'visiting ofd friends in town
this week. Mr. Kentp is on furlough
from the A'merioan' Anglican mission
fields in China, •
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley'Kenap and
family, of Oakville; spent the week-
end' here.' The Keinps are former
well-known' residents. •
Miss Margaret Jackson, 'Mr. Frank
Jackson, Miss Ethel Jackson and Mr.
Ted Downs ,spent the ,week -end in.
London .. -
'Mrs. McKinney, of Guelph, and ,her
niece, Miss 'Ross, of Chicago, are vas-'
iting with their aunt, Mrs. McMichael,
James street.
'Rev. T. H. and Mrs; $rower wile
are on their - holidays, are extending
their trip 'td Qudbcc'City:
Mr. James Hill, of Port Albert, is
visiting his 'father, Mr. A. M. Hill,
Miss Margaret 'Ferguson is visiting
Bayfield. -
'8trs, G. F. Rogers, 6f, Toronto, is
.the :guest of her. .:father, Mr, •'Thos,
-1Mr, A. 1'r Cunningham, inspector
.for ;the Phoenix Fire L,suratree Co.,.
Of London, Eng., Was 'a;!business .visit-
or in town Friday.
Mrs. Wnn. Johnston; of Wallace -
burg, is visitling her sister, M,rs, 3. A.
'MdL'aren, !Egniond'viUle. •--
-Mlr and Mrs. Writ. •W tugll and chil-
dren,. Mitchell, spent- S'tandayi, with,.
11r. aril! Mrs. A. in. r
Mrs. Wim,- Shade and Evelyn left'
Tuesday morning on a trip to B,race-
Mr :and Mrs, Arthtir .Archibald of
Whitby spent the week' end with his
parents, ,
The Huron 'road opened to traffic
Friday at 6 pant. Tlhis leaves the high-
way open front Goderich to Stratford.
The -men of ,Seaforth Golf Club
went to Goderich on Wednesday to
p'l'ay the Blue Water 'men on the
Maitland course.
TheMaitland Club men of Goder-
ich and the Listowel men played on
Seaforth course Wednesday,
A ladies' competition will be held
Thursday at the Goff Club,
Mr. Edward .Archibald, of Worces-
ter, Mass., arrived Monday to spend a
two weeks' holiday :with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Archibald,
Rev. -and Mrs. Beshgetoor, of Alma,
Mich„ and their daughter, Dr. Grace
Beshgetoor, of Chicago, were guests
at the home of Mrs, Beshgetoor's
sister, Mrs, Andrew Archibald, and
Messrs; Wim, Wallace and Sam. Wal-
Mr, re A f
r a Atlms i''
of of Bozban' t
MIt, an . his aitec
Mont.; dc Miss Elsie "At-
kinson, visited at the - home of . his
father, Mr. Jos. Atkinson, Egmond-
villa.',He is president of Agricultural
Farm of that place. He is one of the
Old Boys. His father is in his 82nd
Seaforth Collegiate institute, Pub-
lic and Separate Schools will. re -open
on Tuesdlay, Sept. 6. The Public
school will have ratite staff' as fast
Mrs, J. R.• I/antimen 'is inlIproving
after undergoing an operation in Sea -
forth hospital on Monday..
The Young Peoples Societies of
the Presbyterian .Chinch iia Huron co,
held a joint picnic at .Baytfjeld Wed-
nesd'ay-afternoon of this week.
Miss Ellie Ryan, of Wingham, is
spending the week with 'Mrs, R.
Ryan. -
Mrs. Agnes 'McElroy and Miss
Mary Hays left for Toronto Wednes-
'Miss Virginia Schmidtling, Toron-
to, spent a few clays last week with
MIr. and Mrs, Robt. Scott,
Mrs. John McKinley and two chil-
dren will return to their 'home in Win-
nipeg on Monday - after their visit
with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott,
Thornton Hall,
Mr, and Mrs. Clen. Colbert, of Lon-
don, are guests .at the home of her
parents,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marton.
Miss E. Wilson, of Detroit, is the
guest of her sister, 'Mrs, W. G,
Willis. '
'Misses Margaret1YCt and Jessie Smith
Ore visiting their aunt ,Mrs, Le Roy
ke, in 'Toronto..
The annual conference of Huron
Presbyterial 'Women's Missionary So-
cie'ty will be held in Knox church,
Goderich, on Tuesday, Sept. 13th.
There trill be a morning and after-
noon session. ` .
Mrs. H, R. -.Scott 'and children
,Jeave..this- week to:visit her 'brother
in Fort Colborne.
Mrs. S. Johnston 'and daughter
Miss Ila Johnston, are 3'isiting in Ex-
eter and London.
Mr, D. F.:Buck has gene .to Rouyn,
Quebec. •
Miss- Davina Anderson is visiting
friends' in'Toronto.
Mrs, 3.'11. iKeating has retuned
after spending several weeks at her
home in IIamilton. ,
Mrs. W. J Walker is visiting 'mem-
bers of her family in Timmins.
Miss 'E'lizabeth,•Charters is visiting
friends in Cleveland.
Mr. Clyde Rankin, of Detroit. spent
Sunday at his hone here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Beckett, of Strath -
toy, spent a few days this week with
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. l3ox.
Mrs. Sydney Deem .is visiting her
sister, Mrs, C. Masters, of Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Miller, Angus,
were guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. Gil-
Mr. W. Morron, of Hamilton, who
has been taking a special course at
Queen's !University this summer, is
visiting his mother, Mrs. W. Morrow.•
Mrs. Leslie Scott and children Bet-
ty and Billy, have returned from
spending, several weeks with Mrs.
Scbtt's Barents, Mr, and Mrs. J. F,
McMann, in Chicago,
Mrs. S. Carnochan and .. daughter,
Miss Agnes, spent a week in 'Luck -
now, with Mrs. Carnochan's son, Mr.
S, Carnochan,
Mfrs. H. 'C, Box spent the week -end
in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McIntosh
nand daughter Marguerite, and Mr.
and Mrs. Moran, of Detroit, were
week -end, guests at the borne of Mrs,
W. Scott. '
Miss Helen Larkin has accepted a
oosition as pdblic 'health nurse at
ICirkland- Lake,
Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Earner and Mr.
and Mrs, R. G. Murdie and Eldon, of
Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs; Sam.
Jeffry' on Sunday.
Miss Norma and John Muir, Misses
Mary Kling and Annie Smith motor-
ed to North Bay on Sunday, where
they will spend' a couple of weeks
with Norma's sister, Mrs. Gordon
Balfour. -
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. I-Iills, Miss Ria,
and Miss Rena Siinps'on visited,' in
I,.ondon and Delaware fast .week,
Mr, Robert and Miss Mae Smith,
of" Harlock, visited fi•ietid's in town
on Sitnel'ay, •
Miss Cora Sherwood leaves this
weele'for Toronto where she will take
a course' in Shaw school.
Mrs.-.Robt, • McKay .18 visiting at
Brucefieid. •
Mr, Don - Ebel -hart is recovering
.from a minor operation on his foot.
Mrs. Orval Weston, of Detroit, is a
visitor at her home here, while here
sister, Miss` Alva 'Graves, is in 'De -
Mr. and M-rs. E. L. Box and chil-
dren are kr-London' this week, where
Mr. Box is attending the convention
of the A.O.F.
Mrs. W. J. 'Bickel! is recovering
from an operation .for appendicitis.
Mr.and Mrs: 5. H. Clancy and
A!Carg'aret, of 'Detroit, are spending
their venation with Mr: and Iv[rs.
Charles iS'te''wert. •
Miss Edith Davidson has returned
from spending several .months in
California. •
'1vlr, and Mrs. 'R Williams,'or
Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs.' S.
'Boyd; who returnect'to 'Stratford with
Mr. J.' W. Beattie has engaged Mr.
Wan- Dietrich, of Zurich; to manage
his Farm.
Mrs A. 'Brereton, :Mass .Martin
Miss Kidd, of Toronto, ' and;
Sherman, of Chicago, were guest
the home of Mrs,;J: 'Elliott, Will
1Rev, R, C. McDermid occupied
pulpit of the d'res'byterian Church
Sunday, Mr. John McDermid,
Goderioh, sang well rendered solos
the morning and evening servi
that were much appreciated,
Miss Grace'Kerr has accepted
position as teacher at Port Burw
Lake Erie,
Miss Edith' Govenlock acted
bridesmaid at the Mollenhauer-H
erington wedding, in Trinity tJni
Church, Toronto, ori Saturday.
Mr. Oliver Siegrist, Centre st.,,
added a -coat of asphalt shin.glei.
his fine residence,
Mr, Henderson Smith and nep}r
Master Jimmie Scott, leave Mond
to visit relatives in Toronto.
'1Ir. A. Wankel and Miss LAIN
Wankel 'leave Friday for Toron
where Lillianiwilt n a enter 'business busine
ss e
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Crich'a
Mrs. Gilbert Brown, of Ponti
Mich„ visited at the home of Mr. a
Mrs, A. Wankel last week.
Mr. and Mrs. ?Hilton Stewart spe
the week -end in Sarnia,
Mr. Arthur Reid and little` s
Bruce, of 'Toronto, were visitors and
the parental roof on Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Webster, of Gra
hospital, Toronto, is home this wee
Dr, Garnet Chapman, Bridgdbu'
is "spending a few days at his home.
The of Power.—"It is not claim
eel for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil'th
it will remedy every ill, but its 'us
are so various that it may he looke
upon as a general pain killer. It h
achieved that greatness for itself an
its excellence is known to all wh
have tested its virtues and learned Ib
experience. •
a at.
Sister Florence and Sister Joseph-
ine of. St, Joseph's Convent, Toronto,
were guests last 'Thursday at the
home of the former's sister, Mr, and
Mrs. W. M. Flannery, Tuckersmith.
Mr. Jos. Nigh, Seaforth, Mr. W. M.
Nigh, Tuckersmith, and his son; Mr,
Wm, Nigh, Toronto, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Walsh, McKillop, spent Sun-
day afternoonat the home, of the
foriner''s sister, Mrs. J. A. King, of
(Miss Minnie Dalton, Miss Annie
and Miss Margaret McGrath,
klibibert, spent the week end at the
home of the 'foremr's sister, Mr, and
Mrs. F. Pope. Kitchener.
Mrs. F. Murphy,,blib'bert, was the
guest on Thursday last at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Flannery, of
'Mrs. Jos. Connolly, McKillop, and
her sister, Miss Kate Murray, Kiiikora
were.visitors'oi :Sunday'last at the
Retire: of Mr. and Mrs. P. McCann,
I li3bert•
Mrs,:t'Itos:-'Becliiey and -little dart-
gh r, of Windsor, spent a couple of
days last week at the home of her
cousins, Mr., and Mrs. A. Ducharme,
Hibbert, ' `
Me. and Mrs. Pete Lafranier and
family of Stratford wereguests on
Sunday, last at the hone o fthe Tat-
ter's brother, Mr, and Mrs, Mike Mur-
ray, Tuckersmith.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flannery spent
Wednesday evening last at the home
of the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, O'Rourke;. Dub lin.
Mr. Joe K'litikhaminer spent Sun-
day at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Leo Krauslcopf.
Miss Mary McQuaid spent the week
edn at the home of her uncle, James.
Mr, Thomas Corcoran of Chicago,
who leas been visiting old friends here
has returned home. It is thirty-five
years since Tar. Corcoran visited Du-
blin before.
1t1Ir, J. MSI Connell has returned to
Chicago after spending holidays at
the hone of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs.: P. F. Fenn are holi-
olmdaying in Pefferlaw.
Mr, P. Dill Jr. of Detroit is visiting
under the parental roof.
Misses Veronica and Mary Moly
acme are visiting in Goderich and
Miss Marie Nevin of Toronto is
visiting with friends here.
Mr. and Mil, J, Kiinkhammer- of
Detroit are holidaying with friends
Sister Angeline of St. Joseph's Con-
vent, Toronto, who spent a few days'
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas.
Cronin, has returned to Toronto.
Mr. \Vm..Stapleton has installed an
up-to-date grain cleaner in his 'eleva-
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Walter Carpenter is not iftproving Ju
Mor. Robert Byrne of Detroit has re-
turned home to help with the harvest
:alar. and Mrs.,McLcer and fa-,
mils,. of Detroit have been visiting
their daughter, Mrs, Patrick Ryan, lir
Hibbert, and .returned to Detroit on
The community Was shocked to
hear of the death of Rev. Father Nor-
man O'iConitor who •died in Chicago
on Saturday last, following an opera:•
tion for appendicitis: The funeral
was held in .St. Cahill -than church on
\Wddnesd'ay morning.
'Mrs. Daniel O'+Contior went to De-
troit last week to see her daughter,
Mary, who was operated on for ap-
pendicitis, -
mfr, and Mrs, David Crawford of
Clinton and formerly of Dublin, have
moved to Toronto.
Miss Flossie Mero of Seaforth, w'ho
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jo-
seph Hic't sy. Ribbert, returned home
Sunday evening-
,BevsrBusatn ss.—At. the sale of -the
business of the' late F, a, Marphy-• on
Wednesday the purchaser Ivan Mr. T.
.1. Molyneaux, who has been, associ-
nted with Mr Murphy for the past
fifteen years and is wen `and favorably
known throughout the comtuttnity
and his ' many .f'riends• bespeak for
m unt; es, 211-
ill be Kindsuccto weslcom71Ire tholye
store's old customers again anci many
new ones. He is announcing a big
ten-day sale with slashed prices
Miss Lillian Shea, of Chicago, is
spending a couple of weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs: James Shea.
Mr, and. Mrs. Joseph Glynn, of
McKillop, sipent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. 'Miles McMillan,
Mr. add Mrs. Mack Feeney, of.
Hibbert, spent Sunday with Mrs,
James Burns. -
Miss Minnie Maloney is visiting
with her another, Mrs. Nona Maloney.
Mr, Edward •Galagher, of Strath=
roy, is spending a week's holidays at,
the home of Mr. James Delaney.
Mr. Smillie is spending the week-
end at 'the home of Mr, Jacob Bruxer,
'Mr. and. Mrs, Dan. O'Connor spent
Sunday at the !tome of Philip Kenny.
Miss 'Evelyn.IDelaney and Miss
Anna Delaney spent Sunday in the
Mr. Pat. Woods, Sr.,Accompanied'
Mr. Pat. Woods,- Jr.,. spent Tues-
in London,
Mrs, \i al
tonZe 'I r
e and sister
-Iiss Lillian. Ballantyne, are visiting
their brother, Will Ballantyne, at
Fort William,
Mr and • i
Mrs, Peter McLachlan, of
Brantford, spent the past week visit
ing.relativcs in this vicinity,
Mrs. (Rev,) R. G. McKay and chil-
dren, o'f Walkerton,' are visiting at
the ,home of Mrs,. McKay's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas,. Scott,
Mfr. and Mrs, A. C. Russell, of Carl-
ingford, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. Thos. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. rDennys entertained
the young people a o# the congregation
at the Manse on 'Friday evening last.
Mr. and Mrs, Aitcheson,- accom-
panied by her sister, of Avonton,
sprs, ent Sunday
ErnieGatraham. the home of Mr. and
Mr, and Mrs, 'George Oliver and
daughter, . from near tWindthorst,
Sask., paid a flying.vis'it to many of
their old friends and neighbors,
'Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Thompson and
fsn,ily, of Windsor, called on some
of their old friends here.
Mrs. McDonald, who has been vis-
iting with her mother Mrs.,Speare, for
a 'couple of weeks, has returned to -
her home in 'Toronto, accompanied
by her son Clive, who spent his vaca-
tion here.
Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm McKellar
and family, and 'Mr. and Mrs. H.
Fowler, of (,Seaforth, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy. Mc-
Kellar, oh !Sunday.
Quite a number of the Dalrymple
family spent Wednesday at the Bend,
where they held 'their ,family reunion.
All report an enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dalrymple, of
Moose Jaw., 'Sask., are visiting their
many friends here.
Mr. ,Robt. Young of Port . Huron
• tl
a d Mrs. •5arr
ds:gf Vari•cauver visited
Mr, and Mrs:: Will. BrOwn, hth con.
this week,
Mr. Henry Cotvan of Kipling, Sask.
is ' visiting his many friends . an the
12th con. this week. It is 27 years
since he has been in his home dis-
trict. _
Mrs. Wm. Carter spent a few days
visiting friends in Lncknow, y
IMr, '.Earl Stewart, of Detroit, is
spending a few days at the home 'of
his uncle, Mr, 713ei Crittenden.
.A very pleasant time was spent at
the home of Mr. aitd Mrs. D. Stevens,
when a number of invited relatives
and 'friends met in honor of Mrs, F.
B. 'George and family, who are leav-
ing for their home in. 'Wetaskiwin,
Alta., shortly, The evening was spent.
in social chat, music and recitations,
Miss Effie Jean ''George and Master
'Robert George alsb gave a number of
dances, among which were the High-
land fling, the sword dance, Irish jig,
Spanish dance and several other fancy
steps. We congratulate the little ones
on being gracefuland artistic in their
movements, and 'being able 40 keep
accurate time. We must also thank
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens for their kind.
hospitality and the good time • they
gave us m th home,
Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Weymouth and
family, it
y, of Wtdsor,
visited s relatives
here. .
Miss Annie Crittenden, who recent.-
ly secured her diploma from a ,busi-
noss college, 'has secured ao itf '
p s on in
We t wish
Miss Crittenden.
I success.
As a'vermifuge an effective prepar-
ation is Mother 'Graves' 'Worm Ex-
terminator, and it can be given to the
most delicate child without 'fear of
injury to the constitution,
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