The Seaforth News, 1927-08-25, Page 4SW94TH, 44gWS-
iwacVart, 'Bt osa ublisher:6;
' (Composed by the late Michael Mc-
Quaid, of Egmondville, and taken
from the,,,Seaforth Sun Of the year
1,881, Mr. IvIcQuaid was lawell known
writer o'f early days, having also con-
tributed to , the „Farmer% Advocate
and Toronto journals. Many splen-
did `aeticles came from his pen),
. , , , • . r
„Yeaggenohle sons of noble :Sires just
• a .shont word .to yout
But cloa't arise hi frantic rage Ef
". • '..speate,plain and. true, , • •
'With shi lifets 'comforts, Wealth and
.tands, 'did you ever think, My boy
your eld Father toiled and
scratehed. for What you now enjoy;
Your Stately house of 'brick or stone,'
Shade trees to keep it dark.
Your .Father's first a lOw log hut—
covered with ,basswood bark;
Your pleasant home affords you
much,: :both eye and taste to
charm,' -
But. clanq forgeS the brave old man
• that bought mad cleared the farm.
Fast horses with your shining- rig you
drive So stylish smart;
Your Father, just as good a man, rode
in his oll ox -cart
And when he tells you how he lived
• or rode long years ago
Don't say they kept up fashioup then
e or old folks were too Moat;
You now tan look on well cleared
'fields you plough and sow with
Laid: back to your old Father's time
when they were clad with trees,
Clive him due honor for his toil; thanks
fulleat, -truest germ;
'Twas he that chopped apd cleared
for you that precious, pleasant
' You 'farm much with machinery,
with art and skill combined. .
With all those helps at your com-
mand, Still take a glance behind,
To days when your old Father farm-
ed, he no such help did know;
By hand lie :sowed and threshed his
grain, by hand did re.ap and mew.
Don't laugh at his old fashioned 'work,
though crooked he did plough.
The stumps and stones are alt re-
moved, you may plough straight-
er now;
Don't call him childish, When he
, boasts ,of his (MCC powerful arm.
Think on the suffering he endured
before he cleared the farm,
Don't snap and snanl at the old man
if with you he remains,
'Remenalier what you now posseaa
caused all his aches and pains;
Give him the best place in your homse.
no comforts' him- deny.
He surely had his share of trials in
the ;old days gone 'by.
As you behold, his tottering steps each
day, your have renew.
You :cannot do too much hina that
braved so much for you.
And while around his quivering knees
your own young offspring swarm,
' just tell to them, how thfir grandpa
had cleared for You the farm.
Look back, 0 think what he endured
since he chopped the ;first tree,
He bore it all to gain a home -a -that
home he gives to thee.
Peed, cheer and comfort your old sire
and strive him to repay;
lieetoW on him a rich reward before
lie pass away
And as his life's blood ebbs away,
hold tip his drooping head.
With gentle hand and loving heart, 0
soothe his dying bed
•And when the grave hides him from
view still keep his memory warm,
.and with it keep the old homestead
your father'e dear -bought farm.
..Nlisa Viola Wader has returned af-
ter visiting friends in London.
'fhe Anglican Sunday school held
0 picnic itt Baytielci on Wednesday.
Miss Edna Brown and ?,Ir. C. Fer-
guson of Stratford spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bennett,
Miss Marie Long spent Sunctas
with her sister, Mrs. Roy Benuett.
Miss Mary :McDonald 6 visiting
• her parents, M r. and Mrs. ,I 0111) Me.
Elsie and J ohn Miller motored to
Welton and Mrs. Charles Drager and
Non Jack returned with them to their
summer cottage at Port Elgin.
.Mr, Ed. Miller has engaged with T.'
Buchanan for the threshing season.' hese entertainments, Kate, and we
'Mr. and Mrs. W. Ivfilicr, Miochiell el that the 4th concession of Tuck -
visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Milier rsmith are gaining one of our young
on Sunday.
'Mr, J. Pryee has been helping air
Percy Taylor to harvest his oat:. for
the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston and Me
and Mrs. C. Johnston, Myth, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. 1', Fingland on
P. B. Gardiner is busy pressing hay
these days
Mr, and Mrs, J ohnston, Feltner -
mon, visited with Mr, and Mrs. W.
Anderson, last Sunday.
. Miss Addle Cardiff has beett visiting
Mr. mcI Mrs..W, \Voods.
, Stook threshing is the order of the
day. Good weather has permitted
many to thresh in the field instead of
hauling the ,grain to the. barns;
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilsou of Saginaw,
Mich, called on friends*in the village
on Tuesday. Mn. Wilson was fon-
nicely Miss Janet Mc'Kiin.
Mrs. Jas. Baillie and Miss Bailley
and Mack Baillie spent Sunday at
W. .1. Humphries.
Miss Margaret Alexander of Me-
Killop is visiting her friend, Miss
Jean Drager.
Leave the evening of Friday, Sept.
2nd open for the dance in the ACLU.
W. hall, Walton The Redwing Ser-
enaders of Blyth will supply the fun,
Miss Gertrude :VW:11er motored to
Preston for 0 rant an I re' urne.1 ott
M e adaY. •
Mr. and Mr's, Roaert MeLaughan
all& 000 Will Of Seattle, Wash., who
•nre on a motor tr0 Of a'botit 15,000
Miles, called on their cousins, Mraand
Mrs, J. 0. McLaughlin, Mr. Law-
rence Cumings and Mrs. Thomas
ivtiss Vera Gardineris moilia to
Toronte, the end of the week.
.Miss Wainiffred. DMgerevisitedelvliSs, „ nine
,Gertracie TutilaefiofaBlyth on Wed- aadaMiaaeMe Qaassaaisa, tsigotaye,,
'IVIrw,lainea'Walleeeespent the week -
w: Possum 'ancia'family :Vent 'e0d'antith Mr, Meats W2BAee.,-... •
theweelc end with afr: Pred,Enatta. Mr and 19ItsaDalayinple, a Moose-
, 'Was. Helen Steiste is with jaw, Sage., were holidaYing with her.
Mr, Jahn Steiss, son, My Et Walters, lust week.
Mr. Leonard 13olton apent Sunday 'We are .glad to know that Mr. Alex.
with Joho Buchanan of the village. BoYes, of the ship !Lundabary,'. has
Miss Addie Gledhill, of Toronto, already been promoted to -a higher'
visited her'dousln, Mrs: I. B.. -Kirk- position, , • ,
by, 'over the week -end. ,. Mrs, Sandy .Charters, Mr, Klein
IVars. Wm. ,Murraye and children and her daughter, of Idaho, are hen -
visited with frienda at Winthrop oil (laying at the ehonae . of Mrs. Robt.
Sunday. ' Charters, Mill road, •
'IMr. and Mrs. Wiltse and 'baby LQ1S Mr. Sam 'Laidlaw, Of Climax,
visited with Mrs. Kirkby ou Sunday. Sas., hat returned home .after a two
Thn ladles ate sisters. month's:visit with her. fathei, Mr. gno.
Mrs. Robison Ifis been visiting with
her .daughter, Mrs. jno. Taylor, of Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace and
the 9th line, Morris, dattgMer 'Now; of Saufli Woodstock,
We are glad to report that spent a few days with Mr. and Mts.
Mrs, Peter 111cArthivie is somewhat Aleic; Wallace,
improv,ed in health since last week. Mrs. James McIntosh was a Sun -
Mrs. R. H. Ferguson and Misses day visitor at the home of her Mother
Maud, Annie and Jean Ferguson have apd sister, Mrs. MdCloy and Miss F.
returned after spending two weeks at MdCloy of Egmopdville.
their cottage at Port Atbert, Miss V. Leatherland called on Mrs.
The framers are busy at j. .1, Mc- F., 'Walters Sunday last,
Gavin's repairing the damage done to Miss L Graham 'of, Seaforth has
the house by fire some time ago. been. viaitMg Mr: and Mrs. William
Mr. Albert MeGavin had the inis- iLandgborough foi' the past week.
fortune to Ball off a load of grain the Mie and Mrs: 'Clayton Martin of
other day. '1"he trip rope broke, let- Krugeedorf, Ont., who have been ',tas-
ting Mr. MeGavin fall. His many iting his mother, Mrs. Martin of town,
friends hope for a speedy recovery. were calling on several friends in their
Master Tomany McFadzean'Brim- old neighborhood Sundhy last,
sets, has 'been visiting at his father's Mreand ,MG.: Handley and little
for the past two weeks. child of ILOnddri. are 'holidaying with
Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland, of Wind- her parents, Ur; and Mrs. j. D. Gam -
sur, called on Mrs, ISusita Smith on men. '
Saturday of last week. Mrs. Slither- Mr. and 'Mrs. Cater- of ;Hamilton
land is a nie'ee. were guests of Mr, and Mrs. James
'Messrs. Lewis, John and Charlie Allen 01.1.51111day last,
McDonald motored to Sarnia on Miss. May MeIvor, of aTdronto,
Tuesday to meet their Mater, Miss spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mary McDonald, who is training for Mrs. jas. Carnochan, Jr,
a nurse in Ann Arbor and is return- 'Mt. and Mrs. Adam Wallace and
ing borne to spend her holidays. daughters, Dorothy and Edna, of
The store of Hunaphries & Co. has Windsor, spent a fevv•days with Mr.
been freshened up with a fresh cat and Mrs. Alex. Wallace.
of paint,
Miss Margaret Love. assistant ma-
tron at Hanover hospital, spent the
past week at the home of her parents,
Ntr. and Mrs, Jos. Love.
Miss Grace iFinnigan, Seaforth, is
visiting with Miss Ruby Young.
Mr. Neal, Sen., is not enjoying his
usual good health.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm, MdGavin, Mrs,
Lena McGavin and son Jack, Mr.
Charles IMeGavin and Miss Florence
were at Bayfield on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. MeGavin and
Gordon McGavin spent Stinday at
Mr, Hugh Rinn visited on Sanday
with friends near ,Henfryra.
Mr, 'Tom Storey apent Sunday at
Grand Bend,
The Misses Fulton, who were visit-
ing she past two weeks with their
cousin, Miss Effie 13alfour, have re -
owned to their home in Toronto.
Sala and Mrs. E. Constable, of St.
Marys, called on friends on the 12th
of McKillop at the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Manning visited
Iran ds in Clinton on Sunday lat.
:Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sholdice visited
friends in Brussels over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gavin Davidson, Wroxeter.
Rev, W. Smith, of Molesworth,
took the service % in the 'United
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson and
son Stanley and :Mrs, -Hudson and
granddaughter, of Marlette, Mick,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman,
Mr. .Andre•w Kirk svaa laid up
Mat week With lumbago. 1,Ve hope to
Ace him back 00 work soon, as it is a
very busy time to .be laid off work.
The Indians who have 'been pulling
Hex at Mr. G. C. Dale's • on the 2nd
con., I-LR:S., have finished.
Address and Presentation. -- On
Tuesday evening, Aug. 23rd, almost
forty^ people of the sixth and seventh
concessions gathered at the home of
).1a., and Mrs. ,Robt. Doig, Sr., to
meet' the newly inarried couple, Mr.
;lad Mrs. James iBrown, and to pre-
sent them with a wicker set consist-
ing. of a rocker a table and fernery.,
afre. M. 'Patrick road the following
iddeessi "To Mr. and Mrs, 'sines
lteown. . Dear Kate and Jim:—We,
sour neighbors and friends of 'the
ith and 7th concessions and members
,f the Ladies' Aid 'Society 'have gath-
•red here to -night to :greet you and
visli you every joy and happiness
hat married life may -have in stone
or you. We think of all our social
gatherings and how willingly you
have helped in the musical part of
lidies who he an asset to then
eighborhood, To you Jim, the suc-
(essful young man who has captured
this young lady for your wife, we ex-
tend our hearty congratulations. We
are pleased to know that you are not
making a our home at any great dis-
tance from ta; fhat we 'shall still
he able to enjoy your fellowship. As
o token of the esteem in which you
Meth are 'held, we ask you to accept
this wicker table. chair and fernery,
with our hest wishes for 'your future
happineas." The groom made a very
:glitable reply, and the 'balance of the
evening was enjoyably spent in danc-
Miss Mary Taylor, of Stratford, is
sneliding her holidays at the home
her aunt, Mos -john Taylor.
Mr, William Bell, of Detroit., is
spending his, holidays at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr, Andrew Houston is sporting a
Miss R. Patrick has returned hone
Meer spending her holidays in Orillia.
Miss Margaret ;OSHanley and Mr.
John "ildolyneaux visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgert on'
Monday evening.
Miss Maay McKenzie spott Sunday
with her . aunt, Mes. Alex. Ross,
Miss Mary Kling, of Egmondville,
k at present on a motor triple) North
Bay and several points north,
Mrs. Geo. Eider, of :Boston, and
her.aunt, Mrs. Alex. Ross, visited Mr.
and 'Mrs, A. -NicholSon 'Tuesday last,
*Mrs. Jaak .Balley', of Stnatford, vis-
ited friends in town and called on Mr.
jrm. Nicholson ;Sunday last.
Mr. ansi Mrs. , Arctic McGregor
Mr. Weaver; of Toron-to, accOmphn-
ied by Miss R'oberton, Miss Levan
and Miss Grainger, spent the week-
end with friends :here.
The Misses RichmOnd, of Blyth,
visited their cousin, Mrs. M. Mc-
Cool, part of last week, -
'Mr. and Mrs. 'Lawrence and Mr. T.
Aiteheson, Of Walkerville, spent Sat-
urday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mr. and Mrs. MdGrea are at Kings-
ville in attendanee at a wedding this
Ildr. Joe Shecldick spell's Sunday at
his home here, • ,
Mr. and Mrs. Beet Beacom return-
ed to their home in Stratford on Sun-
day last after a pleasant visit -with
ei\frs, Beacosn's Mother,, Mrs. Mary
Ma'and Mrs. T. Mittel:and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Ro'bt. Scott spent
Sunday with Goderidh friends.
Mrs. John Scott -entertained a num-
(her of her young friends Wednesday
afternoon to softball and other games.
Seriously Injured. — Mt. Charles
'Wakefield had it nasty accident on
Tuesday when he fell from a load and
landed on a fork Which pierced Ina
side, He was working at Thos. Mc-
Millan's, and was removed to Seaforth
hospital where he is doing nicely.
Scalp Wounds, -----Mr, Arnold Col-
clough was struck on the head by a
Pulley which broke while he was 05. -
loading in the barn on Saturday. Sev-
eral stitches were required and he
was laid up for a day or two, but
ytni can't keep a good matt down For
Arnold is around again.
Idr. and Mrs. Wesley Stevensotaand
son and daughter of Brussels, visited
friends about here over the week end.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Dale and fam-
ily spent Stmday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Dale.
Rev. H. Snell of Londesboro took
the services here on Sunday,
The Ladies' Aid meets at the home
(r1 Mrs, Thos, Livingstone Thursday
afternoon, August 251h.
Miss MacDonald, of Staffa, is visit -
ug her aunt, Mrs, Erpest Adams,
Master 'Willie Farquharson, Wal-
ton, spent a week with Inc aunt, Mrs
'Wm. Britton.
Miss Nellie Medd, Exeter, visited
her Moeller fames here this week,
' 11r and,Mis; Allan i,MaaKenzie,,of
.411.0,eciliigiig.l,lOtUn,r4rttde:,w1„14;rdee.::..st4ort:nivio'tuAed,ti.ogr„,USIttl,hie,el'51qlota111.4' Ctilaa, v.isifitig. Parenta,,, Ma. anti
Allimenallita.asteSent. ilgbiultessof'last •MiaeKenzie, pi the village,
1927' County 'rate 5.785'm -ills 6n the Se' 'VVaiit "ance For .Sale; .4. ata;,.. a,naa. gs
gettetal 'township rate mins,
toventhip:road .rate 2.5 mills, " •
Village of Dublin ratea2.56 RLYTIL
ice Village Street lighting, rate 5.8106 Mr, and Mrs. Charles (Wight-
mills.- All otther rates are 'fixed either man, df Whitechurch azinbunce the
by By-law' or in accordance With engagement of their eldest daughtter,
Schisol , Trustees requisitions and Elsie Agnes, to lames Ralph Brig-
therefage is not necessary to give :ham` of Blyth,son of John Brigham
them ha .detail. A grant of $75 was of atiliallt .township. The anarriage
made to the Stratford !General HosPi-i will take Place quietly the letter part
tal Treat. The lCoyne Drain report of Atiest. '
was adopted and the 113y -law read a Mrs. Charles Smith, of London;'an-
,tirst time and Paa'sed provisionally. nounces the .engagement Of her niece,
Bylaws wereapasseoleadthorizing the Mildred Goldie, to Rey. James Got-
levyinge.of, rates for.' all. purposes for don Gorwill, B.A.,''B.D.,
the year 1927. ,The ',Clerk was M- Timiskanaing, Quebec, son , of Mr.
'structed to write the Contrantor f and Mrs S. 13. 'Gorwill of London
the GearYDraM and urge the crimple-
thesweddang,to take place in Septem-
float of the -contract 'without furtherrS Mr.a_e_by and, family
delaY..-Orders. 'were issued oi • th ' """ "`""
- 1 e are spending their vacation at 'New
Treasurer amounting , to $8,352.5°. ,Glasgaiw 'on Lalce Erie.
i.lttih:aceacidp'jcoicar„pn.eirid,,t0,...,i,ne,,e.t a.g`ain 14,11/4/:fliis.osov1VIeur.rie11 ,I-Too:ie13
:r„ of '., etro.;it„ is
.on Monday thealgth day 0f ,.Septetn- -visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. 3.
. ... James 'Jordan; Cleek. Mr.:Ernest' and: ilienrY Sanderaoll.
' - ,, ' ' ' sand Miss Learmant spent. Suoday at
Items of,
_. news always 'we1rome. Mr' - Wm s
Y . Ta lar' .
i ' .
11,1r. and Mrs. 'Leopatd .MaDonald,
of Detroit, spent the week -end with
• BBUCEFIELD, the latter's mother,•Mrs.-S. Pollard.
Mr. and Mes. 3 Weldon of Wiad- Mrs, 'Berry, of 'Walton, -is the
• sor are visiting friends ia _the 'village guest of Mrs, ,l-lenrY Young.
Mr, iittel, mociinynny :Of PaiSl.eY Dr. and Mrs. Ryan and son 'Joseph,
spent'Sunday at the home oa Ma. M. of Saginaw, were Blyth visitors dur-
MeGregor in Stanley and visited oth- Mg the week -end. ,
sr friends in the village. , !Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Kelly arid Mrs.
M. Saiitlf, , Who has„been vis- •Craigie, Of Godericha visited Mr. and
itipg at the.home of Mi. Hugh Aikr Mrs. jas. Kelly during the week.
enhead is•Sitiending a few days with 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Healy visited
Miss Beth,: Forrest in Heiman. • Brussels friends on Sunday. • ,
The flower show on'Tuesday, Sep- Mr, Tom Phelan'' and Mr. 'Louis 6th, wilt be held in the base- sPhetan, of Saginaw, are visiting at
ment of ,the United Church during the the parental home here.
afternoon and evening. Prizes will 'Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Kelly and Mas.
he given for menabers competing. A ter James spent Sunday with Bru,s-
Programme will be given in the even- sels friends.
Mr. and Mrs. ,I. E. Brown and
Miss' Mildred have returned to their
home in Toronto after spending a
month's vacetion with Blyth friends.
and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson
spent Sunday with 'Seaforth friends.
Rev. I. B. Kaine and Mrs. .Kaine, of
Orangeville; Miss Mildred Brown, of
Toronto; Mrs. MdGill and MiaseMar-
garet, of Landon, have been visitors
at the home of Mr.. j.
Miss Iva Langton, of Watenclown,
has been in town for a couple of
days coaching the Girls' njtidging team
for the. competition at 'Toronto.
-Miss Margaret' Btosan visited her
btothar James at New•Liskdahdt and
friends in Toronto. She wilt- Yeturn
this week. '
Rev. R., J. and Mrs. McCormick
dad Muriele of Zion 'Tabernacle, Ha-
milton, were renewing old acquaint-
ances on their way to their cottage at
Mr. and Mrs. Yule, of Belgrave,
were in town on Saturday last visit-
ing their friends.
Mrs. Hammon and sons Donald
and Miss Fovaler,, of • Newark; N.J.,
spent a few days et.the:home,of Mn.
and Mrs. Irvine WaIlace
Miss Betty ,Boyd, of Chicago, is
staying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Adams.
,Mrs. Ellen Wallace was called to
Staatford oOThursd.ay 'owing to t'se
illness of Mrs. Robert Wallace,
Mn. and .Mrs. Austin .Spafford, of
London', are visiting with Mrs. Chas..
Adam Elliott.—On Tuesday Morn-
ing a well kitoWn and respected citi-
zen died in the person of Adam El-
liott, at his home on Dinsley street,
after :an illness :of 'a year, Mn, El-
liott was born 73 years ago, sot of
the late Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott,
of Lanark county, near Smith's Falls.
Wheli lie was 3 years of age the
family moved to Hallett, lot 16,scon.
13. Forty-six years ago he was mar-
ried to Annie Reid, of I-lul,lett.
Elliott was always an active Member
of Burns `Church and was an elder of
that church .for a number 'of years. He
lived on the homestead till 13 years
ago. when lm came to Blyth, He was
the youngest of a family . of nine,
Mrs, Cuming, 1311yth, and James, in
Seattle .being the last surviving meth
: -
hers. There remains to mourn this
.sad loss, his wife and a datigter, Mrs,
Bert Allen, Harlock. Another daugh-
ter Isabelle, died 10 years .ago. The
futieral was held on Thursday, Aug-
ust 25011 to Burns cemetery at 1 p.m.;
Rev. Geo. Telford conducting the ser -
ice. The pallbearers were Dave
Cowan, R. 13. McGowan, Louis Wile
hams, Will Watson, SAM Popiestone
and Chaa, Taylor. • -
Mr, Earl and the Misses Mary and
Loretta Healy and Me. Leo Kelly and
.Mr. Will Phelan spent Sunday with
Kinkora friends, .
A great many attended the softball
game here between Brucefield and
Blyth girls on Tuesday evening.
elyths. won.
According to latest reports Tesence
Tierney, who .figueed in an accident Landoll last avd-ek Will be able
to the liespital encl of the week.
"Mr. Geo. Mc'Taggart, of Bothwell.
former C. N. R. agent lice, epent sev-
eral days with friends in the village,
Rev. Geo. Telford will preitch, bit
farewell sermon' on -September 4th.
Rev. and Mrs. Telford expect to be in
Frederittoe 'by Sunday, September
'Miss Ii/fariBroWit:las: 'returned to
her position in Brampton.
'The Presbytery of Hume meets in
St. Andrew's 'Church - on Thursday;
Aug, 25111 at 3 p.m. :
Miss Mary Milne .and ,Mrs. Robt.
MdKay left on Sunday by motor to
Join Mr. ;and Mrs. Murray Cole in 'To-
ronto,from whence the parity will
motor through Quebec.
_IAliss Margaret Cowan, who has
been visiaing her father, Mr. David
Coi.waAniailicastes oil Thurad,ay for Bran-
,trMos, Harwood,: of Stratford, was in '
town this week representing else
Lord's Day
Norman Nicholson and Ella Brawn,
Pupils of Miss Gwen Snowdon, who
have been taking the complete first
forth high achool comae clueing Wile
year, were successful in all the 'de-
partinental examinations-aarts zoo-
logy, history and geography,
, Mrs. Alex. McCall Dies ,at Age of
•ttic Sipe age. of 90 'year's, Elia-
Mt. Laurier Hyde ha.s been engag-
ed as principal of the eight -roomed
enblic school at Ridgeway, Ont., at a
:substantial increase in salary, .
Owing to the 'cord evening the
night of the Garden Party, the crowd
was not as large as in previdus years.
Seaforth Band was over and enter-
tained those present With their splen-
did music. Another attraction was
the two softball games, between the
Londesborough teem and. Brucefield
girls, score 16-40 in favor pf our own'
girls; Brucefield 'boys also Won the
game played with the 'Beickyard boys,
score 9-5'.
IBrinteadtd."-gials are - now playing off
the setai-finals. Ott Friday evening
the firsa game was played with BSyth
team, score 1440 in favor -o'f Bruce -
field girls. ,Return gaine was played
at Blasth"Tuesday evening, the -score
being 1745 for Blyth.
Mr. and: Mrs. Dan. Wit'wer, Miss
Sarah Witwer ancl their father, all of
Detroit, visited at the homes of Mr.
Robt. Allan and Mr. C. 'Haugh last
Mrs. W. 'Robb, of Brussels, and
Mrs'. Geo. Robb and daughter, visited.
at the Marne- of Mr, and-Mra. Jas.
Moodie and other:, freedis in the vil-
lage last week, .
Miss Ida Taylor, of Motherwelt;
and Miss Isabel' Glen, of Stanley,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Forrest last week.
Mrs. Elder (formerly Carrie Ross)
of Boston, are gasiting at the home
of her aunt, Mrs. Alex, Ross, Sr., this
Mr. and Mrs, A, johns and son, of
Vineland, Mrs, G. Stanbury and Miss
A. Landsborough, of •Clinton: wert
the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas, M&
Queen, this week.
Mrs. Janet Ross is visiting friends.
in 'Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. 'VVrii. McQueen and
baby Sheila, of Toronto, spent the
week -end at the home of the formee's
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. jas. 'McQueen.
Miss Flo Stewart, of Winnipeg,
spent the week -end with Mr. arid Mrs.
James Walker, Btucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. .Tayle Norris, from
Detroit, are spending- :their vacation
at the home of the former's parents,.
Mr. John Norris.
Mr. Neil Etder, of Boston, and' Mrs.
Janet Ross, of lirucefield, motored to
Toronto Monday last to bring back
11Is father aud sister, Ma. Geo, Elder
Mrs.. Leo Stevenson spent the wesk and Miss Ruth Elder, who will join
end with friends in Sarnia and De -J their mother here, who is visiting her
Mr. and Mee. ,folins and lentils, of
Vineland were visiting his sister, Mrs.
Robert Lawson and other friends.
Mrs. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs,
William Wilson and Mr. J. M. Wil-
son of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs, Su-
therland of °Well Sound visited Mrs.
Stewart's daughter, Mrs. Roy Law-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. 'Riley', Frank
Riley and Geo. Riley visited friends in
Teeswater Sunday.
Mrs. Tlarwick and family of Gode-
lath visited friends in rhe village cm
IM.r. R. T. Dale of Chicago called on
Thos. Dale On Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mr.
and ?qrs. Howard Armstrong visited
'Mr. Cleric's sister, Mrs, S. Pollard,
Mrs. R. Anderson and granddaugh-
ter Jean are visiting relatives at Staf-
fs and Fullarton,
Mr. and' Mrs -Geo.' Wheatley and
Misses P,tanclid and Elva spent 'Mon-
day in Strtaford, •
Ma encl. Mrs. Pierce- spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Riley.
Mrs. Leo .Stdplienson spent the
week -end in Detroit. -
Mrs. Mary Cook, of Goderich twea,
spent a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Jos. Riley. •
l\frs. Ialleureux and her daughtera,
Miss Eva and Sister St. Agnes, of et.
Arthur, and her niece, Mother Editha,
of Sault Ste. Marie, were visitors at
the linme 61 her mother, 'Mrs, T, O'-
Hara, and her brother, Mi. Jerry O'-
!Miss Eliz'allyeth Murray has return-
ed home from 'Guelph where she took
a course in Agriculture.
Mr, and Mrs. Con. Eclaart and Mr,
mad Mrs, jos. Eckert were visitors in
nur 'burg last ;Sunday.
aunt, Mrs. Alex. ROSA, of Brbutsl:
The local showmen arc „
now fitting their horse 'and. cattle for
the fall fairs.
Mr. H. Dalrymple and family were
11 1.011600 last weelc.
A tourist was complimenting a
local farmer on his fine crop of oats.
The farmer admitted they were good,
but, to let him knaw his nationality,
said-. "You know a crop like that is
unco hard on the lancl.' However
they are all pleased with their fine
ccoroyieasr: which are !marls' all 1111der
'The giole of the 2116 con., Stanley,
holding, a linen shower on Friday
at the home of Miss Ruth Caldwell'S
for one of their old friends, Miss
Edna MdCowan,
Miss Mary Stewart, the teacher of
No. 10, Stanley, for the ast two terms,
has secured a school near Sticilbury
for the coming 'term. Miss Edna
Thompson has secured -a sehool on
the Goshen Inc. We •. wish ' both
teachers every success,
• Mrs. Bullock and daughter Dorothy.
have returned to their home 00 Lan-
r. Wes. Hayter and Mr. Charles
Holstead spent Sunday with friends
hi London.
Mr. aed Alas. Harry Taylor spent
Stinclay with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
'John MeGowan is out again atter
his reeeet illness.
Miss Clete Pepper *spent Sunday
with Miss Helen Hay at the• Red
Mr. and Mos. Tehos. Delwin, Mrs.
Jas. McDonald and Miss Mary_aMe-
D'ogalel, spent the week -end at St.
Miss Ina Scott, of London,is
spending a week at her home in aha
Mr. :and Mrs. J, A, Andrews, mid
daughter Evelyn, of London, spent
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. James
TglitR"\lit AUGUST- 2$09
" Of the'slafe: Aiex,
cCall, Passed away at ld Oldiockaon
iiesdayi morning, Aug. 23rd, at the
home,' of -her on, SitinpsOnJeelylcCall,
labt lele"ar'
San. 17,
titere till.
her' marhage in a8'65'r ThW bride and
, .
grdom of 62 years agq cams to their
fartn, lot 18, con, 8,, Mrri,as one
of the earlyeploneers, 'district,
Ahotst 30 years later they ,moved to
lot 18, con. 7. Mrs.,1VIcOall aril! ever
trd nfaotrhetioere%cbv
eeodieall kinddl
for her piolieer generosity when ne-
cessity called, She Was a' Presbyter-
ian in religion. Mts. ilvIdCall outliv-
ed every one of her brothers, and sis-
Theresurvives a family of eight
Geo, E. and Thos., of Brussels; Wil-
liameand A.I. Melealle. of Chatham;
Same Tonto; and iSimpson, on the
Iminestead, Mrs.' ' VValter Perry,
(Belle), Connecticut; Mrs. in. Gib-
son (Mabel), Morris. Mr. MdCall pre-
Meceased her. 22 years, ago and also 2
daughters, Mrs. Jos Bewley (Marg-
aret) and Mrs. Geo, Speiran (Mary
Jane), The funeral was held to
Brussels cemetery on Thursday, Aug-
ust 215th. Rev. Ir. G. Fowler conduct-
ed the service. The whole family,
with the exCeption Of Mrs. Perry who
is ill, were
,Idiss Elizabeth Downing, of Brus-
sels, spent a few days with her friend,
Mrs. Fred. Oster.
Mrs., Isaac Brown and Miss Mil-
dred, of Toronto''also Mies ' Elizabeth
Downing of Brussels, were guests at
the home of Mr. .Albcart Sanderson on
Monday afternoon. '
'Messrs. Thos and Louis Phelan
spent the week -end at the home of
their brother, Mr. Jas, Phelan.
Mr; and !Mrs, Wesley Jermyn, of
Jamestown; were guests of Mr. and
Mrs.' Christopher'iRogerson on Mon-
day evening.
and Mrs. Clarence Johnston
were guests of Mrs. Colin Fingland,
on Saturday.
We are glad to see the jovial face
of Mr. R. C. Collison about our vil-
lage again. He.arrived home at noon
on Monday fro'm St. Paul. He has
been conductor on one of the crack
trains on 'the Northern Pacific R. R.
for years. Mr. Collison has 42 years
of railway experience. He was on the
:\Visconson Central for four years
when he first went west, 'being the
yweagesgeamtployeeeat, that,. time.
claims that over half the NPR' offia
cials are ;Canadian and that to say you
it Canadian is a recoMmendatitirS
allnost allYWhere let the United States.
Qnthe cornet of his veteran's 'card
of the IST.P.R.e which requires thirty
years contiiiumis service, is the as-
sociation emblem, It is a circular fi-
gure representing the time When the
'first surveYifig PastY s'et put' to select
the course of the NPR ..ta.the Paci-
fic coast and were lost for six years
,when throtigli a blunder' their colt*
passes and instruments were left be-
hind. foOetunatelf the party had suf-
ficient supplies,
_ Mr. Henry Claming 0 Whiteside,
'Sask., is visiting relativehere, this
Miss Mildred Tinhorn, was the guest
of Miss Minnie Yeo one ThursdaYr
Mrs, F. Carr and' children of Ing-
ersoll are visiting ifriends, in town,
;Miss L, 'Wilson was the guest of
IMiss Lily Tayfor over the week end.
Rev, R. J. IVIOCormick ands wif of
I -fat -ninon vvere renewing 'old acquai '” -
lances during the week end. •
Misses Annie and Jessie Richanian
haVe returned home from visiting
friends !at Clinton and Londestboro.
,Mids Nellie Fear iseapending, a feW `10"
days this week at her wide's, Mr. L.
'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Jackson and
-family of Mimic° ,were guests at the
home of Mrs. Jackson's brother, Mr,
L. Fear, last week,
i Mr. Christopher 'Nesbit of Si. Tho-
mas spent the weelc mid with his cis- .
ter, Mrs. Thos. Grasby and his bro-
thers, John and Alfred Nesbit.
.Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlie Nicholson vis-
ited Mn, and Mrs. James WilliameOna
of Brussels on Sunday, ..
Mr. and Mrs. Jaines McNichol of
MoKillop and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Clarke and Janice of Walton, also
Me. and Mrs. Jno. Riley of James-
town were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,
lobi Grasby 01 S
Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ;Clarence
Mrs. Chadic Nicholson and Gord-
on are spending a few days with her
sister, Mrs. Russel Bradshaw, James- I
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Grasby visited
iNfr. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit of Au-
burn on' Sunday.
Remants in all :kinds of
dress goods,helf price
Ladies' Silk
Rayon Dresses
Girls' Fugi Dresses
Children's all wool
wind -breakers
Ladies' Vests and
Regular 50e
Ladies' Art
LADIES' 1. Hats
to clear
and Children's
Men's Combinations
Best quality
°Men s Fancy Hose
Sale Price
Men's Overalls
in very best make's
Men's Fine Dregs
Silk Hose 1 Shirts
Sale Price to dear at
35c pr.
98c and 75c
Fresh Groceries
Straw Hats
n&Work Shirts
Now is the time topiek up all kinds of repair-
ing, spell as Tin ware, Harness. Shoes, Auto
Sides.;. Auto Tires Stitched,
Bring in your Binder Canvass for New Straps
and 'Strips.
9 .1