The Seaforth News, 1927-08-25, Page 3Big . Flying Boats Will' -Make- Cruise,:: of ;25,000 Miles Royal Air Force Plans Expe- dition Into the Far East ALSO TO ' AUSTRALIA London—All ` summer preparations have been going forward for the great cruise to be made by officers and men of the Royal Air Force, in four huge super -marine Southampton flying boats, A start will probably be made in October on a flight that eventually will cover about 25,000 miles. The machines, whose equipment is being completed, will each carry 'a crew 00 foul; and the first objective of the expedition will be Singapore. Here they will be met by Royal Australian Air Force men in two similar ma- chines, and the six will continue to Australia -'and around the Australian lseaboard. To Test Aircraft The cruise is to test the capabilities of the metal hulls of which the ma- chines are conateructed; to reconnoitre the eastern route with a special eye to likely sites, dor seaplane bases, and gnera'lly show fihe R.A.F. ensign right acrose the world, The commander of the flight will be Captain Cave Browne -Cave, .D.S.O., D.F.C., one of Britain's most . distin- guished aces. Sgoiadran-leader G. E. Livoek will be second in command. The flying boats to be used are equipped• with two . Napier -Lion 00 horsepower engines each. Their met- al hulls, it is believed, will give them longer life in the water than wooden hulls, and the hulls are roomy enough to provide ample space br•a navigat- or's e'hart table and wireless operator's section, with directional wireless. Gunnery and control cockpits' are features of the machines, which con- tain collapsible bunks so that_the crew of four men each can sleep aboard. Speed Not Main Idea The serviceability and not speed is the main idea in the flight. Two spare machines of the same type will be first sent to Singapore as reserves for use if necessary. Two more boats of the sante type, but with wooden hulls, are being com- pleted here for the Auetralian govern- ment, and these are the ones which join tb'flight at Singapore. The bight will coast all round- India up to Calcutta, probably calling at Colombo en route.'A seaplane flight round the Indian coast has• never yet been made, Yor the seaplanes of COI- onel: de Pined° and Sir Alan. Cobhaf crossed India by means .2‘f,the rivers. Singapore will' be the next important post of call, and in view of the naval developments there the visit of this. fllghtawill certainly be- of considerable importance. Probably the Australian flight will meet the home flight there, rind both will thea proceed to Darwin aucl round the west and south coaste of Australia to Melbourne. The most difficult part of this last stage is crossing the Great Australian Bight. But Wing Commander Cyobie once flew across the Bight in a Fairey sea• plane, so the six Southamptons ought to be able to manage it, The whole cruise will cover some 25,000 miles, and in al,i probability !!' Group Captain Cave Browne -Cave and his party will be away from home for the best part of a year. MANNATO111 Opens Salm, Aug. 27 17,. L. Mackenzie King presses the but- ton thatsets in motion the most color- ful entertaining program in Exhibition History, 1L11,.15. the Prince of. Wales will dedicate The. Princes' Gate"—the new 0100,000 Eastern Entrance. - The massive new Live-. Stock Pavilion will be opened to the public for the first time—and countless other new features, new exhibits and new Entertainments such as the world championship $60,000 Swim Marathon will be resented this year. Byall means see the Confedera- tion Celebration at the 1927 Canadian National Exhibition, August 27 to Sep- tember 10. -Send for program to -day. 49th Year Celebrating of the Canada's C,.N. E. .i-7 Birthday Hunter Says That Gorillas Are Left,Handed,, .: Always:.: - Attacking With Arm Outstretched' ' London.—That every gorilla, :unlike his, supposed relative, Mian, is a left- handed' animal, is the theory of Colonel If. P. Fenn, :who has just, re. turned .to civilization after obtaining tine gorilla specimens for the British Museum in the Kivu district of the Belgian Congo. - Whenever the gorilla attacks, Gays Colonel Fenn, he always runs on his two feet assisted by hie right Band witlr.liis left hand outstretched. The Kiva . bush is intersected by gorilla tunnels three and four feet high. Colonel Fenn had just entered one of the -tunnels following the sound of ,a bark when a gorilla, mighty left arm outstretched, rushed at him, mouth open, and he was only seven feet away. Colonel Fenn fired from the hip and wounded the animal,I which dasher? away. The explorer found that female gorillas never attack, but disappear when' In danger. One old male, who appeared about to attack the patty, was shot in the lung but kept. going more than two hours. He then charged' again and despite another bullet in the chest continued his fight •for-lialf 'areliour`'more before he'was 'finally treed .and shot'• Measurements showed his chest to 'be sixty-two inches; ins biceps eigh- teen inches around, his middle finger four inches around and his height five feet eight inches.: The gorilla eats bamboo shoots, wild carrots, a small yellow` flower called "eenecios;' .and the hark of a bush, White•Fatbers at Luben ,a declared that several mis- sion natives have been killed by ani- mals whichtear the limbs from their victims. She Knew. Firet Actress -,"Yes, when I came out the audience simply sat there open-mouthed." Second 'Actress — "OIs, nonsense! They .never yawn all at ousel' -Ohio ptoto Sundial -^.I TOI5NS.1)I:XON President • 11-1V.WATLrRS GeneralManager OWL: LAFFS O.W.L. L. (Op With Laughter) titer Mr. Potato was all eye for Mies Spinach and they were to be married, but the parson didn't Turnip. to -day," observed th,e rat, as it bur- rowed intothe box of matches., "Give no a pound of animal crack- ers, please—no .lions or tigers; they 0rig':tenthe baby." A small, henpecked, worried -looking man was about to take an examina- tion for life insterance. "You don't dissipate, do you?" ask- ed the physician, as he made ready for tests. "Not a fast liver, or any- thing of that sort?" The 'little man hesitated a moment, looking orbit frightened, then replied, in a small, piping *Moe; 'r1 some- times chew a little gum." "This hurts the horse than it 'nuts you," said the, Siamese twin, as her sister swallowed the medicine. The Preacher who preaches at his congregation soon hasno congrega- tion to preach to. L°otters for air snail might appropri- ately be written on fly paper. When a bride coives down" to broalc- Met wearing her regular fare You can lay dollars to cup cakes that the honeymoon is over., He—Darling, you aro the, eighth wonder of the world." She (indignantly)—"And who, may I ask, are the other seven?" Constantinople Poor After Kemal's Visit Conetautinople,-With more than a million Turkish pounds spent in cele- brating the recent visit to Constantin- ople of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, Pre- sident' of the Turkish republic, the majority of the. population of the metropolis is prepared to live for the rest of the summer on bread and cheese, flavored with gala memories of the spectacular and costly show. The municipality drained its trea- sury to such an extent that it has not yet been able to pay 'salaries or pen- sions for June, and those not depend- ent on the municipal' budget are not much better off, as the greater part of thei rpersbnal "luxury allowance" went into subscriptions collected for the celebration. The money was used for triumphal arches, flags, pictures of the "ghazi," as wel las an $8,000 American-made automobile and a high. powered motor:boat, which were pre- sented to the President," The four great destructive agencies are wind, water, fire and boys. A Woman's Troubles. A woman's always on the jump, Her troubles make a mere man grin; Tf she's not trying to get plump, You'll find she's trying to get, thin. One of the things »moat needed in the eregei1t collegiate -world ,is a mo:. tormeter for sofas. "Where ignorance is bliss—'1 began the , rearlymailo • philosopher. "'Tis folly," answered Gladys, "for girls to wear short skirts and reveal bowlegs." • A cat and dog will often associate wth each other in perfect peace an - til they'r'e• tied. together. And it's that way \with some men and women. Willie—"Pa, what is an optimist?" Pa—"A man who thinks that lie won't have to buy his wife a new fur coat because the man next door did. Ids!" "I went to a lot of trouble borrow- ing five dollars frons that fellow." "Well, you can put him to a lot of trouble getting it back." Hubby—"Your check to the grocery came back with 'no funds' on it," Wifie-"That's funny, 5 saw an ad in the paper yesterday which said the bank had a surplus of more than three million. • ,B It ,isn't necessary to drink to drown troubles. A CGhicago .woman drown- ed -hers by pitslitng her husband off the kMMunicipal Fier. • "I guess 5''11 have Just a light lunch `Use S0 ODS SAWS mal Machine Knives SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTREAL VANCOUVER, er. JOHN, N;n., TORONTO B Y u/ tl1 21 ,4i" ...� . vs.w..,��. vn .•awe. wuum�.w RETAIN YOUR VIGOR This Can Only be Done by Keep- • ing the Blood Rich and Red. If you would regain your vigor and ambition, keep your blood and nerves in good condition. Anaemia, or thin blood lowers the vitality, starves the nerves and causes a general run-down condition. When the blood is thin the skin loses its color, the shoulders droop and weight is,lost. The victim of anaemia loses appetite, suffers from Indigestion, headaches and sleep- lessness, and is nervous and exhaust- ed after slight exertion. If you have any of these symptoms do not delay but begin treatment now with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and you will be gratified . with the prompt improve• ment in ,your condition. • Among the thousands who have found now health through the use of this medicine is Mrs. Herbert Nagle, Ludlow, N,B„ who says:—"/ had not .been 'feeling well for some time and was gradually growing weaker-.. I would take dizzy spells 'and often 'faint: 'T Ive-s subject to severe headaches and fouud it hard to do my` work. I took doctor's medi- cine for some time, but it slid nie no good,. and I was still.growing weaker. 3n this condition T. began the else of Dr`:. Williams' 'Pink Pills, and in a short time found they were helping me. I continued the use of the pills for a while longer, and found tharthe trouble that had bothered me was. gone and I was' once more a well wo- Get Dr Williams' Pink Pills at your druggist's or write The Dr. Willams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville; Ont., and the pills will be sent post paid at 50 cents, a box. The Bank Magician. "Hear you're . studying sleight of band. Aren't you going to hold your job -in the bank?" "Sure: Only it don't pay enough." • Space at Premium Spade at the British Industries Fair to be held simultaneously in London and Birmingham next year promises soon to ,be at a premium. To date twice as much space r has been re' served for displays as was reserved last year. The fair will run from Feb. 20 to March 2. Man at-Shoreditch—"As wives go 1 suppose I am lucky, for she buys her owu :clothes." 33: • Now packed in]Alrxrreanum. Bucking Horse Champion "Bring 'eta on" Bays Pete Knight of Crossfield, Alberta, and Canadian" North American Bucking Horse Champion. He gained this title at the Calgary Stampede held in the west recently against competitors from all' parts of • Canada and the United States, and in doing'. so proved himself master of anything the western plains could produce in the way of equine fury. The elaborate saddle that Knight is photographed holding is one of the trophies he won through his skill; another, symbolic' of his cherished championship, is seen in the inset and was presented by Edward F. Albee, theatrical magnate. The Calgary Stampede which has become an annual event is regarded as the finest of its kind • held on the continent. Radio and . Fire Sets in Country Need Extra Care in Proper Grounding as Protection Against' Lightning - In installing a radio receiving sat in the country, that is en the farms and In villages and towns where there are few 'street wires -and pipes to•ear ry away lightning charges, a little ex- tra care is advisable. Lightning may be attracted by the aerial and travel- ing down this may not only demolish. the set but destroy the house as well But by the addition of a simple grounding device the lightning will be deflected harmlessly into the earth. The Ontario Fire Marshal's Depart- ment advise keeping, all aerials, if mounted on the roof, below the term- inals of the ,regular lightning rod masts. It is better' to place the aerial away from buildings altogether,, using poles for this special purpose only. _There should be' -a good sized, single pole knife switch between the aerial and the set. The -middle .of this switch is connected' to the aerial and, one end to the set and the other to the ground. When the set is not in use the aerial should be directly' connected to the grotind and there' should. always be a tag attaching to the set warning people,aga'nst using the same during an electridal.stoi'm. Iflightning should strike the aerial it will then travel down the wire' through the knife switch and into the ground, connection without going. through the receiving apparatus. But, I warns Deputy Fire. Marshal George IP. Lewis; this devise 'should not be confused with a lightningrod; it will not protect the house but simply takes the charge away from the radio set. IIISTAKFS MOTHERS MAKE 1111 CARE OF LITTLE OAS Many mothers give their children solid foods at too early an age and say proudly that their babies "eat everything that grown-up people do." Such a course is almost certain to bring on indigestion and lay the- foun- dation of much i11 -health for the lit- tie one. Other mothers administer harsh, nauseating purgatives which in real- ity irritate and injure the delicate stomach and bowels and at the same time cause the children to dread all medicine. Absolutely no meat should' be given to a child until it reaches the ago of 18 months, and then only if approved by the doctor. For medicine, all strong, disagreeable oils and: powders should be abandoned and Babys' Own Tablets given instead.. Baby's Own Tablets are especially made for little ones. They are eleg- ant to take and can be given with ab- solute safety to even the new-born babe. They quickly banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and • simple fevers and make the cut- ting of teeth easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr- Wlllams' Medicine CCo., Brockville, Ont. The Real Drawing Card. The moving -picture exhibitors are trying everything to keep up attend- ance in the summer—cooling plants, free lemonade, souvenirs. Someone should suggest that they try good plc- tures.—Outlook. Blames Flimsy Modern Dress For Increase in Tuberculosis Milwaukee—Scantiness in modern woman's dress is partly responsible for the tuberculosds problem, accord- ing to Dr, Hoye 1J, Dearholt, Nebo re- ported that for the first time in the history of the Wisconsin Tuberculosis Association all of the, Slate's twenty sanatoria are filled with patients, with long waiting lists at many of. them. Girls between 16 and 25, striving fir a boyish figure and, wearing Scanty clothing,' have 'lowered their rasis- Canoe to a polnt-where' they aro easy prey of the disease, Dr'. Dearhoit said,. "7 believe we can cut down tuber- culosis among young women ` if we eesh: dress reform," be declared, "There Is a point in the .race for 1 scanty Clothing at which a girl must stop feat the body be ehillec1 too much and weakened." Very True. Teacher — 'What is an island, Charles?" Charles—"A place where the bot- tom of the sea sticks up through the, water:"—Denison Flamingo., Many thermometers have been get- ting their high degrees recently: Minard's L,Iniment for burns. It Itutnan beings would stop being human, democracy would be .perfect. —Ernest Boyd. Your grocer knows when you order, RED, ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you are a judge of fine_ tea. Motor Bus Figures Reveal BigGrowth Motor bus statistics just com- piled by the American Automobile Asso01at1on contain the following. outstanding facts for 1920: Total number of motor buses in use, about 80,000. 32,425 buses were used In corp.-, mon carrier service, 32,800 buses were used in carry- ing school children back and forth from home to school. Total . passengers carried by buses were 2,395,000,000, Of the passengers, 2,100,000,000 were transported by common car- riers'- Investm'ent in rolling stock, ter- minals, garages, etc.,. were approxi- mately $455,000,000. Gross revenue of common carrier bus lines was nearly $000,000,000. Taxes paid by motor vehicle oper- ators are estimated at $712,000,000. Cannibal Ideas Undergo Change Some are Capable of Intel- ligent Conversation, • Says Lecturer I London.—We trust that before long trial by red-hot iron, boiling water, and mwaxi poison . will be things of 'the past. ' This hope was expressed by W. F. 1'. Burton, a missionary, who lectured to the Royal Geographical Society on the march of civilization -in Central Katanga, a strip of Darkest Africa ly ing to the north of Northern Rhode- sia. Sines the, days of the war • this strange country, inhabited by the Bal- uba, a people 'endowed with intent- gence and industry, and,- In some parte, with cannibalistic habits, has developed swiftly with the advent of the missionary and the trader. At present 1,000 natives are work- ing orking on tin. Thereis also coal, and the then extract .sufficient iron In some districts to make their own spears hoes, axes` and knives. ' Good Farmers. They have their fisheries and cul- tivate, among other things: Tobacco, tree -lentils, pumpkins, cucumbers, ground -nuts, bananas, sweet potatoes, spring onions, Mr. Burton said that, while in 1914 scarcely a native could read or write, thousands now possess both accom- plishments. Almost every chief now has his secretary. "Of the three secret eociettes," said Mr. Burton, "tlre'leakasandji are far the most sinister. "No one is allowed to be initiated among them until he has eaten part --generally a bone—of some other human being on the principle, 'I am now a super -man, for I am myself and the other man as well:' " Carulibalism, Mr. Burton emphas.' iced, is practically confined to the neighborhood of the Luvidyo water: - shed. "One finds among these cannibals, Ile said, "credible Iron -workers living in fairly decentsurroundings and adopting much of present day civili- zation," How can a stabilized dollar contri- bute to a fluid currency? Minard's Liniment 'relieves Backache. Ma Buzz went to the country, Hooray! LIT spray clears your home of flies and mos- quitoes. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Di,lrr5uied;n Canada by Fred J. Whitlow N Ca., Lindtcd,.Toronta DESTROYS Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches "The yellow aim w&h the black i'sed" Classified Advertisements tIITIIATIONS VACANT T ADX OR GENTLEMAN WANTED JJ in every city, town and village In Ontario, to act as exclusive represen- tative In distribution of the Bible Prayer; whole or part time'. position 00 importance; do business at home; pleas- ant and profitable occupation. Applyby letter only. Bible Prayer Assocation, 618 Ontario Street, Toronto. ,t GENTS—EITHER SEX—$76.00 weekly easy selling PALCO CLEANERS,WASHO, POLISHRITH. Cleans everything right. Removes Road. Tar without Inlury to paint. Sells on demons tra0lon, Samples free. P. A. LEP'EBVRE & CO„ Alexandria, Ont._ Trust Shnlla^J' to Rhodes Foundation Formed be Britain London.—A trust, resembling the famous Cecil Rhodes Foundation -in• volving less money but with a wider outlook, in that its scholarship will be held in American as wel las British universities --is created by the will of the late Dame Julia Lewisohn Henry published to -day. She was the widow of Sir Charles Henry, Shropshire, England, and a daughter of the late Leonard Lewisohn of New York. Her estate amounts to £ 245,000.. The testament gives some £20,000 to charities and dependents, and leaves the whole residue in perpetuity to provide scholarships for British and American students. It will be known as the Charles and Julia Henry Fund. The trustees will be "12 competent persons" appointed In equal proportion by Oxford, Cam- bridge, Harvard and Yale- This ar- rangement, the testament says,..is "in the earnest hope and desire of ce- menting the friendship between the British Empire and the United States," Preserving Canterbury To preserve the treasures and keep the historic building in condition the society of Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, in London, has been .form- ed by the Dean. The cathedral is fa- mous fort its numerous monuments and tombs, and is known as the cradle '. of -English Christianity. CER ASC FREE BOOK i SENTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding,, odor, etc. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad.. dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. Sprained Ligiments. Gentle massaging with Min- ard's will quickly relieve the pain and stiffness, SICK ABED 1' EIGHT MONTHS After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's' Vegetable Compound Could Do 1 All Her Work and Gained in Weight Melfort, Saskatchewan. "I had nward troubles, headaches and severe pains m My back and sides. I was so sick generally that I could not sit up and T was in bed mostof the time for eight months. An aunt cantle to visit and help me as T was unable to attend to my baby and could not do my ;,work She told me to try Lydia E,•Pinkham'e Vege- • table Compound, and after taking two bottles I could get up and dress my- self. I also took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Blood 'Medi cine. When 1 first took the medicine I only weighed seventy- eight pounds. Now I weigh twice as much. If I get out of sorts or weary and can't sleep I always take another bottle of the Vegetable Compound. I find it wonderfuily good for fe- male troubles,'. and have recom- mended it to my neighbors. ' I will be only too glad to answer any letters I receive asking .about it.' Mrs. WILLIAM RITCHIE, Box 486, Melfe'rt,1 Saskatchewan. C J ISSUE No. 35-•''27