HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-08-18, Page 8mor, ;vvan. auneson,;'tot .Detroit, i. vtislttng fat' ,a;;weelc `vsttth relatives,,;lens in town. s 1, ' 41 1VIr,'Mervi't Brow t, of l,oC,. to, r., ii Mr an° vnstln 1 s arenta, , . d Mrs - g p Geo. 131)1, wo.: •t;2vLrs, . �Ienclersan , of•I'1aRt v,l,e, is vislt'rt rwith"Mrs:;'Mary Pope. 1 $, � ° 'asses G'e'ru de a'i'd 'Aljce H;iggi ,, M u 149'have been visitiig for the `past three weeks with their sister in De tt'ait returned, 'home; on Saturday. et' M"rss Glaiiys Luker is ynsiting oy n trot- • her holidays with relatives r S ford, c of hn T,Scott, c n -Mr•,, it'lr. a .d 3 r�,. mart: visited with : 'friends nn. Cro y, town on !Sa'turday; ri I "ohn Car ichael of 'Det o t, Mt J m e v ek-end' at'Jtis,home here, ,pent th t e Mr, and Mrs. A. 7. ,Switzer and little :daughter Lois 'visited over : the week -end with Mr. end 'Mrs. Robt. Higgins aid family,, MdDonell' o t .'' Mr. and Mrs, Allen. • e '-end Detrant, visited over the we 1•_ it Mrs. .Chas, McDo:re11, with Mr. and MissJe. ohhsont of : Clifford, ssie 3 . visited friends in town on Monday. Mrs. Randall, of Plettsvllle, is vdsilt- ing her sister, Airs, •Alex. McMnrteie. Mr, and ,Mrs. Wm. Moore and son < Billy, of Landon, visited .on Monday with Mrs. Thos. Simpson. Dr, R. Dougall attended the wed- ding of Dr. Fletcher, of Exeter, at Wallaceburg, on Monday. Mr. Earl Hedden, of Port. Huron, is visiting has brothers, Lee and Verne Hedden, herefor a few days, Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Rife, of Shel- don, North leak., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, W. J Dignan, of Hay. Rev, :Mr. and Mrs, McCadtney, of Iowa, are visiting Mr. Wm. Craig and Mr. John Craig. - Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and daugh- ters Jean and Dorothy, of Toronto, are visfing Mrs. Campbell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. rMurdock, Mrs Emma Thompson and sister, of Toronto, were in Hensel1 on Sat- urday renewing acquaintances. The services in the United Church on Sunday last were largely attended at both services, Rev. Mr. Wells, of London, delivered enthusiastic ser- mons in oonnectiou with the Lord's Day Alliance, At the morning service, besides the regular anthem by the choir, Mr, and Mrs. H. Phi1e sang a very pleasing duet, and at the evening service Mrs. Earl Drummond and Mrs. Thos. 'Simpson, members of the Anglican church choir , sang a duet, which was greatly enjoyed by the au- dience. Miss M. Tom, of Exeter, is visiting with Mrs. John Murdock and other friends in town. Mr, and Mrs. John Essery, of Centralia, visited friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. Beattie and Miss Harvey, of Seaforth, visited friends in town for a few days. Miss Nellie Carmichael is enjoying a week's vacation visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E Hemphill and family, who have been camping at the Bend for the last two months, have returned hone, Mr. Ed. Berry, of Detroit, visited over the week -end with her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Troyer and little son, of Glencoe, are visiting with Mrs. Geo, Troyer, Mrs, Robt. ,Bonthron, Mrs. T. C. Joynt, Mrs. Vair and Mr. 'Wm. Simp- son, left on Monday for a motor trip to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of London, visited over the week -end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson are spending a couple of weeks' vacation in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Wm, 'Henry is visiting rela- tives near Cromarty. Miss Doris Reynolds, of Port Dov- er, is spending the summer holidays with relatives in town. Mr. G. C. Petty is improving the appearance of his brick block on Main street, occupied by 'Messrs. Drummond, Geiger and Wren, by having it nicely painted. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Norris, of Mitch- ell, visited for a few days with Mrs. K. Bell, Mr. T. C. Joynt, who has been en- joying a few days' holidays in To- ronto and other points, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lambert, of Buf- falo, who have been visiting for the past two months with relatives in eights khat thetteople' of this dc's iat;•heve:;had for 'et eeastethe last 75 Y .eats as, free-piettic grounds, the Ontario Government will;.now assort its ownership,and :¢'reserve :tits bights curd privileges of 'the peopies: . ,t "til Mr. Roy Cook, lot merly of Itie is. but now -`df IRfdgetown "suffered a se.,•; r vers loss: last weels;by .fire the, vie - n. 'n inity of his bake shop, : Mr, Charles Wolfe o contract hail o has the , W , of .the : hrlck work on Laird Itdickle's now ho1? sKing e rn sltreetl"and is bus— ily engaged. int erecting the walls. Geiger t i r'.t Son have a''large st off of Indians . and other: employees pulling their big 'crop of flax in their Tiersail and Exeter districts. Miss Margaret' Fee oBuE ffa1o > is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs: W. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and son Donald of Brussels visited: over the week end at Mr, and Mrs. 3, A. Eleni ing's. Miss Elva Bolton spent the past week visiting friends at Kitchener. Mns. R.'J. Southern and daughter : June returned to their home at Galt. after spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Pope, Alex. Fraser and son Ivfr:and:: Mrs. Ale Jack, of Galt and Harvey Pope of Preston, spent the week end with Mrs Pope, Messrs. George Douglas, Fred Hess, Joe Hogan and Harry Howard left on'a fishing' trip to Tobernory on the Bruce peninsula. Mr. E. Ran'n•ie,_who is now visiting friends in the West, in writing to his fancily here, states that there has been considerable frost, doing great damage in the district where he is vis- iting. . Miss Mattie Ellis returned home after a very pleasant visit with.fniends at 'Goderieh, Mrs. Smyth and two sons has re- tnrned to town to spend a few days with relatives before they return to British Columbia. Mrs. G. Case has returned home after spending a week's vacation at Toronto, Mr. Dart of the Bank Of Motttroal staff has left to spend his holidays at his home at Haliburton, The baseball match played on the local diamond Tuesday evening re- sulted 4-2 in favor of HensalL The farmers .he this district are very busy between finishing harvest and threshing. Quite a number of :ma- chines are operating around 'here and there is quite a scarcity of labor, es- pecially 'for threshing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glenn of Tor- onto are visiting his sister Mrs. Lloyd Hudson and his grandmother, Mrs. McDougall. BAYFIELD, Mr, William Metcalf of Baden, North Carolina, is visiting his par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. W,,.F, Metcalf. Mr. Fred"Neelin spent the week end with his family who have been visit- ing with Mr. Neelin's father. Mrs. Neelin returned to Toronto with him cu 'Monday. 'efr. and 'Mrs, W. D. Butler, .who have been summering at Lakeside rnto London las Park returned k week. Mrs. F. H. Paull is enjoying a mo- tor trip to Kingston with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon. Rev. F. H. Paull left on Tuesday to join them at Toronto. Anniversary services were held in St, Andrew's United Church on Sun- day, August 14th, when 'beth services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. M. Gale, who spoke in the morn- ing from Ecc. 3.11, "God hath set et- ernity in their hearts" and in the evening, Luke 7;36, "The Imprison- ed Glory," Mr. Gale's addresses were very interesting and held the atten- tion of the large congregation, At the morning service the local choir had charge of the singing, rendering an anthem, "Open Ye:,the Gates;" with. pleasing effect. A duet, "Hold: Thou My Hand," by Misses Gale and Hor- ton and s. solo, "Holy City" by Eric Chapman of London. In the evening the Egmondville choir had charge of the singing and rendered several solos, duets and an anthem. The offering amounted to almost $210. (Miss J. 'Clement of Toronto is the guest of Miss Ann Dewar.. Mr. Graham Taylor of Toronto spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. D. Dewar. Messrs. Samuel Kellar. Quinion Vi - ford and Styler Viford of Philadelphia were week end guests at the Albion town, have returned home. hotel, Mr, J. McDoneii attended the ban- Dr. and Mrs, Peter McDonald of Edmonton, Alta„ have taken a cot- tage itl Jowett's grove. Mr, and Mrs. J. 11.'Cobb, Miss Min- ion Pinning and Mrs, Minnie Ross returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending a few days at the latter's cottage. Mrs. Robert Ross and son spent ten days as the guests of Mrs, W. J. Foster, Dr. and. Mrs. Platt of Woodstock ersy raging at Grand Bend as to who ,pent the week end with Mr, and Mrs owns the beach. Chap. Gibbs, of h, e, Ncelin. Parkhill, or the Ontario Govern- ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Barr, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs, A. Jones, Detroit ment ? Amongst others -contesting I are guests at Miss Ferguson's. Mr, Ciioownership John Mous-Mrs, Forrest and Miss Phyllis Er - "merry -mix-up' off Hensel!, who placed his is ` I "merry -mix-up" on the beach, on the nest o Montreal spent a few days last property claimed by Mr. Gi'bbs. week with their cousin, Miss Maude Things 'began to get interesting im- McGregor. r mediately, Mr. Gibbs taking action to i Miss S. M Ross returned to Wood - eject Mr. Ivfousseau. They tore his I tock on Monday, having spent her machine all to' pieces and threw it off vacation at her home. Mr. and ,Mrs. Wilfred McDonald and daughter of Kitchener were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Foster. quet at. the new London (douse, at London, on Wednesday. Mr. Robert I•Iiggins was it Toronto on Monday introducing a delegation from Grand Bend to the Deputy Minister of Crown Lands, The Crown Lands department is having a survey made of the beach at Grand Bend and looking up ,the original deeds of sale, so as to establish the ownership of the beach. There is quite a controv- the property, while Provincial police front Sarnia were standing by watch- ing. After a great deal of trouble Mr. Mousseau got his machine to tether again and in working order, Mr. F. V. troitn and Miss Norma and has had to keep it constantly Brown of Detroit are Holidaying at t int 'lSti+s, *H..'Ratielings ;have retrirnet to 'Stratford after spending a mouth in Percy Weston's cottage - lb• 312iss:'VVinnifred T:,lhatt.of Luekr'u,w is vts'iting her 'parents, Mr. and . Mrs, T:. Elliott' and her etin?t Mrs.:J,' Free Mr. David Dewar who, has been taking w summer , course in Toropta, for the: past five weeks, returped home Saturday., Mrs. Flowers, h Mr, and M s. A. R. w o spent the past two week as: , esfs'`at p sgu the Albion ,hotel, returned to Wind- sor on'F riday. Toronto arrived Mr.. Robertson of T . r r, on Monday to relieve Mr. ' E. I3. Johns of the Standard 'Bank, :'wh'o started on'his holidays Tuesday. ..Rev. F. H. Paull accosn'panied; his- mether who has. spent the past six weeks at the 'Rectory, ho' Londoli' on Thursday. Mr. Pauli returned to the vtllage'on Friday. Izetta ern r ' visiting•with Miss t a M e as and Syracuse, N.Y. fri nes in Toronto e Mr,. and Mrs -W. R. Jowett, -Ethel and Grace motored to Port Huron ore a m. Thursday„ ;Ethel remained to Mr, and Mrs;' W. A. Jowett.. Mr. Sid Castle who epent his -vaca- tion with his mother, returned"to Stratford on Saturday. • Mrs, rD, Prentice of Toronto arrived. 01 Saturday to visit witli.his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Guests at the Ritz hotel are:;lvFr, and Mrs, A. .H„ Frost,;'; Detroit, `;Mr and Mrs. Chas. : G. Stalker, and ;eon, Saginaw, .Mich.;, Ernest Higgins, London; Mr. aitd Mrs. I13.C. Higgins, London; Alex. ,Dickie, Woodson, Tex, Harold,. Dickie, !Detroit; Mr. and Mrs Phoenix, Thelma and Ruth, Saginaw; Win. Judd, London;. C. Weston,, TI• Sturgeon, Port Il-luron; M. R. Ma- honey, Detroit; A. ' C. Carruthers, Windsor,' L. M. Gibson, B, 0. Salis- bury, Detroit; X. Boggert, Port Hope Mr. and Mrs. E. Etherinpton and son Neil, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs: Neilan and daughter, Toronto, Boulder Lodge with Mrs, Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Kaiser left on Friday for Pittsburg having visited the le't- ter's parent's; Mr. :and Mrs. M. Ross. Mrs. Clayton Guest and babe, who .have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C Johnston for the past two weeks, .left for her home at 'Sault Ste, Marie on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Harold Pollock of Toronto is t%isftin•g his :brother Mr. Glerence Pol- loclt, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ramsay and lvliss Ethel Ramsay of Rochester, Y,, ar- rived on Monday and are viLY„ Mr and ,Mr's. Wm Heard. Mr. A. Goodhue. Mrs, D. Brooks, watched since. Mr, Gibbs endeavor- ed to secure an injunction against Mr. Mouseau, preventing him from operating on the property and asking for his ejection. The court at Toron- to would not grant the injunction to Mr. 'Gibbs and he theft entered a suit in the high court at London for da- mages against Mr. Mousseau, a case to be tried this fall at. London. It looks to us that as long as the beach was open to the public, every, one having its free use, the Ontario Gov- ernment did not show its hand, but now as oneor two individuate at Grand Send have laid claim to the beach and put up signs restricting KIPPEN. Mrs. IvloConnell and son Miller have returned 'home to Detroit after visiting her father, Mr. John White- man. Mr, and Mr's. J. Reid and daughter have returned home after visiting friends around Kippen. Misses (Margaret and. Grace Cooper are camping at . Grand Bend for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ivison are visit- ing friends in Toronto. Mr. Glazier, of 'Clinton, was calling en Mr. and Mrs, T. Butts. Mr. Harvey McClymont is on the sick dist. We' hope to see him around again soon, Miss Warrener, of London, is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs, Thos. Daymas. Miss Elsie Lake, of Cleveland, es visiting at her uncle's John Mc- Naughton. Mrs. Thomas Dayamn visited at London over the week -end. Miss Grace Coleman, of Hillsgreen, visited Misses Katie and Annie Me- Naughton over the week -end. Miss V. Franklin and Miss Bisse'tt, of 'Brantford, were visitors of Misses Olive and. Elva Anderson for some time. Miss Doris Graham is visiting her friend, Miss Jean Ivison. A very pleasant time was spent at the Thompson picnic on Wednesday last at Drysdale. About seventy were present and the afternoon ,was spent verypleasantly in ball and games, after which a'bountiful supper was served, -BRUCEFIELD. Miss Dorothy Welsh, of Detroit, is the guest of the Misses Eleanor and I%a'thleet Snider this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Forrest and Miss Stewart, of London, visited at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. Laurence Forrest this 'week. Rev, H. G. E. end 'MIS. Crosby, of Otterville, were guests at the home of Mrs. St. IDavidson this (week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and family spent Sunday with her brother at'tGrand'Bend. Mrs. Bullock and daughter Dorothy and Mrs. Woolly and daughter, spent Saturday at Grand Bend. Miss Edna McCowan, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home at present. Wedding bells are ringing in• this vicinity. Miss Grace McCowan, of London, spent the week -end with friends here. .Bud 'Baird spent Sunday with friends in Tuckersmilth. Bud says it's a treat to drive a horse after pushing the old wheel all summer, Mr. Wes, Hayter was in London Friday on business. Muscular Rheumatism Subdued.— When one is a sufferer from muscul- ar rheumatism he cannot do better than to have the region rubbed with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, Let the rubbing he brisk and +continue until ease is secured. There is more virtue in a bottle of it than can be estimated. T OUSE- '. (GIN SALE:DE kT ,, T', , 0 O U RF D O & F RN U > G I L � The Ad'lti nistrater Of the Estate of •the late J. ere -'Best bee instructed T. BroWee eucti ne r nee) offer ' for sale re ,by. publrc suction- at "the f amity s . 'ids epee, oepoeito tiro +Ptrblie School, Seaforth on • Saturday, Septern7er 3rd, 59q at tette o'clocic, the:complete cdntente of the hoese;''consisting of the follow- ing arrticles Walnut se ttee; a cotch, s. wal e t chairs; toorrlain ; 'table lamps;: oak desk ane, sec o el'boo -ea e(old , English finish); • oalc couch a' with Spanish rleather cushions, 'lib'rary table, sneakier table, (bench and smoke i ing-stand • (lmissioit 'finrsh), quarter- eutoak sec€'etary, hall rack, and 3 tables; several' odd chairs; walnut sideebdard, a; diming -room table and six.dining-room chairs; quarter -cut cele : 'corner cupboard; cherry : bed- room set, quarter -cut ''oak ;bed-roem set;Mahoganyfirnisi ` chiffonier; 2 i clressing tables 2 chests tof drawers, 2 ;ward -Tabes„ single iron bed, mat- tresses; china -ware, portieres, carpets, pictures, books; stretcher; kitchen range, 2 kitchen tables, kitchen • chairs, k n e itche and ut nsiis; laundrytitles; , s, clothes 'horse, quart : sealers; lawn- molwer, gar.de'ii hose, tools, etc. Terms, cash. ''phos,, (Brows, auctioneer. ,iIO :IIN I el _i BEST, '' Administrator,• NOTICE,TO CREDITORS. THE BANKRUPTCY "4T. In the matter of Duncan Fergus Buck, authorized assignor'; Notice is hereby given that. Dun- can Fergus Buck, of the Town of $ea'forth in the County of Huron, Photographer, .Debtor,, did on the 4Th• day Of August, 1927, make an authorized assignment of all his pro- perty for 'the benefit of his creditors, and 'that Edmund Weld, of the City of London, County of Middlesex, Of- ficial Receiver; has appointed me to be custodian of., the ' estate of the debtor until the ereditors at their first meeting shall elect a trustee to administer the estate of the debtor. Notice is further given that the first mewling of creditors in the above estate will be held at the law offices of John H. Best, Seaforth, Ontario, on Monday, the 22nd day of August, 1927, at ,two o'clock in the afternoon. To entitle . you to vote thereat, proof of your claim mast be lodged with me before the meeting is held, together with the proxies to be used at such meeting. tAlN'D further take notice that if you have any c'la'm again's't the debtor for which you are entitled to rank; proof pf such claim must be, filed with me or the trustee that will be appointed, within 'thirty days from the date of the present notice for, from and after the expiration of the time fixed by subsection 8 of section 37 of, the said Act, the proceeds of the debtor's estate shall be distribut- ed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which shall have been then received. DATED ateSer:atford, this 10th day of August, 1927, JOHN STEVENSON, Custodian. Box 403, Stratford, Ontario, Canada., IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Elizabeth Jane Gales, who departed this 'life August '19th, 1924. When at last we fall asleep, Nor heart shall throb, nor eye shall weep, Then blessed Saviour let it be That Thou shalt write, : "They Rest in Mee' --Her Loving Husband. AUCTION SALE ',Elliott G. I3, Clltotk; has been.•in'strixct.. ed by Mr: M, Wilson 'of,church street, Seaforth, to sell ley pulylte a}ic' tion at hits -;iekid'Of ence, op •.Saturday, Atfgtitt 2711, all oflits hottselipld ef... footss' corisi ting of „iWaInut parlorfor ettite, 2 centrere fables', 1 m'ahogany ,table, rocking"chairs 1 oak exteztsGon table, 6 dining room chairs, 1:: arra chair, secretary ,and book' case combined, cltlarter.o oak; 1 , sG sideboard, 1 ouch,.1 stretcher, new; . goon Wdnte'sewing;naehine, '1 oak dresserand wash stand, '1, iron bed,, 2:`wooden: beds, 3 bed `springs, 2 mat resses, one new; 2 featherr mat- tresses, three,wash stands (one oak), 3'''mirrorst e dressers' '(one !oak),• .1. wardrobe 1 blanket cup'boeted, rats exon fur :coat se hall rack (oak), pic- tures and :picture frames, ' 'tapest'ry parlor 'carli'et, 1 'bedroom carpet, 2 bedroom rugs, curtains ,and curtain poles, window shades, mats; 1 'large •ch irs '2 kitchen catrboard,.6kitchen a , , kitchen tables, linoleum, Happy Thought range, 1 new Perfection coal oil stove;, 5' gallon -coal-Oil .c'an; y -inch :Hotpoint' electric., stove with cord at- tached, dishes, glas'sware,. fruit jars, crockery, -,cutlery, docking' :utensils, electric iron, small flower ,pots, -Wash- ing machine, wringer, clothes :horse, step ladder, clothes:. basket, curtain stretchers, set of counter scales oa paciity 240 ,Jibs,, lawn .mower, plane, brace and bits, bucksaw, band saw, square, spirit level, pruning clippers, axe,. shovels, digging fork, '.hoes, ash sifter and other articles "'too numer- ous to mention. Terms, .:c'ash,• •. iNo reserve as the proprietor has. sold his residence. Sale to com- mence at 1.30 sharp, J. M. Wilson, proprietor; G. H. El- liott, auctioneer. ROOMERS WANTEP.. 11:Iigh-school girls' pyefetred, Com - :fellable 'home with all mo'de'rn con- 'vellteneeS. "A+plrly` to :MRS 't �7. .KKEVS, box 61. Phone 180.; ROOMS FOR STUDENTS Confor.table 'rooms Jar High. school ghee Convenient to school. Moder- ate, charges. Apply et ,TJte News. O flies. • 33 ' FO` ES FOR ,.SALE. !Puns '.oproven rover'`+breeders from the most prolific .stra'in's of heavily furred P.E,I, stock, -A registered pedigree .furnished with every fox. Prices most moderate, assuring` you "a square end honest deal., ID'A'V5D G. MacFARiI.- AlNE, Winthrop, owner and, manager of .Ma'itlend Silver (Slade Fox Ranch: HOUSE FOR SALE. Convfortalbfe frame dwelleek: on g, James street, !Seaforth. Two :lois with frame 'barn' suitable for garage. Will' he sold 'dhea -to close, Estate.Ip Apply to W. G. -.WI'I1I TS;' ' Executor of •R,abt. Willis Esltate. . 36 LOST. Baby'sold white8 .'- ; rilg,engrave • d , on North Mnin street, Finder please return to Dr, F. J. IBechely. Reward. 33. e-. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for many kind words and deeds of sympathy during our sad bereavement; also for the many 'beautiful flowers and the loan of ears at the funeral. Peter Daley and Family. • CARD OF THANKS. Mr, and 'Mrs. H. Worden wish to thank the Seaforth Fire Brigade and 'friends and neighbors for help in saving their house and garage during the recent fire and loss of their barn. CRESSY'S GUARANTEED . PRODUCTS Special for August 1 tube Shaving Cream val. 35c 1 tube Antesiptic Tooth Paste value ' 35e 1 - can . Arbutus Talcum. Powder, value 25e 1 Bottle Pure Hydrogen Peroxide, value 25e Total Value $1.20 for $1.00 Orders by mail promptly at- tended to.- The o. The John Hooper Agency Sole Distributor for Seaforth, Clinton and' Mitchell Seaforth, Ont. WANTED Eggs that are gathered twice daily. Eggs that are kept in a cool place. For eggs that are strictly fresh and that will grade extras, we will pay 38c per doz. in trade W. _.I® Finnigan E mnondville 1 ESTERS! WANTED Plus ball a cent per mile beyond to all pointsin Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, --Edmonton, Tamils, Ii Calgary, Macleod and Fast. te. -' '� RETURNING—Half' a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 to destination. AUG!. 30th—Froth Toronto, Caledon East, Becton, Meaford, Collingwood, P to tang, Midland, Capreol, and South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St,•Andaews and Zachute. SEPT. 7th—From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jet. and West and South thereof,1�; Special Trains for WinnipegviaCanadian National Railways: From TORONTO (Union Station)—Aug. 30th— From OTTAWA—Aug. 30th -12.01 a.in. (Mid - 12.01 a.nt. Mid12.Qla,m,(Midnight Aug.29th)12.80pan. ;10.40p.m. night Aug. 29th); 12.01 noon. Sol t.7th-2.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. From PETERBOliO-- Aug. From WINDSOR --Sept. 7th From PAL,IyIERSTOr-Eopt, 80th —12,01 a.m. (Midnight —12.30 a,m. (Midnight Sept 6th) 7th — 9.00 a.m. via Guelph,' Aug, 29th) via I,indsay, Black- via Chatham, London, Hamilton Georgetown and; Inglewood. water and Atherley. and Inglewood,' hroagh cars front other principal points connecting with. above special trtins.. For details eonsalt, local CanadianNational Agen 'through Trains --Comfortable Colonist Cars—Bpnoiest Cara for Women and Children Timm'CANADIAN •'FARM F:OR SALE. (Choice, 100,'farm Lot.1 'Concession 4, Hallett, all under cultivation, a new frame house and bank barn; 454 miles from Seaforth. For particulars appy to RIOBEiR'I' /CCOATES, Seaforth. FOR SALE. (Ford. coupe and Ford sedan, will sell either, cheap. . Both in good run- ning shape. WM. C..G'OVENLOOK, Egmondville. 33 Want -and For "Sale ad's, 1 week 25c THE ' McKILLOP Mutual Are Insurance Co, FARM AND IISOL4TED 'TOWN PROPERTY 0 N'L Y, INSURED Officers :James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex?' James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec, -Treasurer. (Directors—Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea - forth, John:IBennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. -Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James (Connolly, God- erich; Alex. 'Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J G. Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, 'Brucefield. • ` Agents—Alex. Leitch; r.r. 1, 'Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No, 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Goveniock, Seaford -a.; auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act otheru ' b sines will wt 1 ber t tl Popp y attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices, PROI` $ ,E SIUN AL'' CARDS. R c"in ,. DR,UCS OSS , h a f IR : Y . And Surgeon. Late of London'Il* nal '' Lond ti England. S ec al pr 4 , g _ .,P t attention to°li. seas. es of the ahn ao,dyne'err ..e.,9ear, , PnohaoeneanNd'o.th5rl•oatt. esidOl4ifBe mice behind rear inion aulr. .Office DR. k. J.BURROWS,. Seaforth. th. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the elethod'lat 1Chueoh.. 'Cor- oner f ' aper for the Cott n'ty o Herten. Tele, phone No. 40. DIR. C. MAOKAT. -°C. Mackay, honor 'graduate of Trinity Unive r s - ftY andgold medallist of .croty : (Medical College; member of'the lege of Physicians and 'Surgeons ` of Ontario., r. ' R -i F. : IR. FOR61iER E e E'er, 1 x, Nose and "Throat. Graduate in, Media - eine?, eine,LIni er 't ofToronto 1897. 'Late X sry. O" hiihel• nal AS`sistatit New Xork.p moue, a Institute; Moorefieid's Eye, antt'- Golden iSquare throat hospitals,;' Lon- don., on don, ; England. At Combiercial 'hotels. . Seaforth, 3rd Monday in' each mont6x,. from 111 a.m, to 3 p.m. Next visit in September, DR: W. 'C. S:PRIOAT.-Graduate oi< Fctculty of 'Medicine; University' of Western Ontario,'London., litetnber of 'Oollege of Physicians and Sur- geons of 'Ontario. Office in Atbedall d Drug Store, l(Main 'SIt., Seaforth. phone' 90. Dental, DR. 3. A. iMUNIN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu- ate of 'Northwe'stern University, Chi- co go, Ill. Licentiate 'Royal 'College of Dental 'Surgeo'ns, Toronto. Office' over Sills' hardware, Main street, 'Seaforth. Phone 1'51. DR. F. J. B'FJCIH•ELY, graduate Royal 'Col'lege' of ,'Dental Surgeons; Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, 'office '185W, residence 1855. Auctioneer, GEORGE ELLIOTT,'Licenseud Aaotioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Satre Date at The 'Seaforth News. 'Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY • ((Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SE/WORTH, ONT All: kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in FirsteCiasra 'Companies.. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, August 17th. Wheat, per bus. $1.25. Barley, per bus. it c ' Oats, per bus. 50e Shorts, per cwt. Bran, per cwt, ` $1,95 Butter, per ib. 12e Eggs, .per doz. 21C-3dc New potatoes, per bag $1.75 Hogs, per cwt.. $1025 E.W., ;BATEMAN Ladies''Tailor Gentlemen's invites you to look over The New Fall Suitings Upstairs Over Keating's Drug Store MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Thursday, Friday and Saturday ZANE- GREY'S m The Mysterious Rider featuring Jack bit produced in "The Valley of Fire", one of nature's most astounding phenomena located at the conjunction of Ars zona; Nevada and Utah Monday- Tuesday and Wednesday A Slice of Real Life THE FAMILY l' � LY UPSTAIRS `r �y with and t�.. Farrel MacDonald' tl See It: All the World Loves a Laugh. ' 5►•