HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-08-18, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 18,"1927, .1 PORK AND BEANS is an'appetizing dish, even for, those who are not hungry. There is: one essential, however, n making an ideal ish of it. The pork must . give ,it the right flavor and we pride ourselves that we know how to supply just the right cut' for the purpose, Try it once.You'll 0 1 ud want ' ct often: Phone 58 Seaforth. D,. H STEWART Your Butcher, ie & White ehain Stores SPECIALS for one week frorn• date 3 alis. Rice for 21c 10bars SotnineNapiha Soap 45c 2 lbsPru Prunes 25c Servus Corn Flakes;pkg, 10e Shirrs ff s Jell Powders, s 4for .25e S" , Good quality Black Tea, lb. 60e Pon (BSS J. Sproat hone 8 Phone 77 w.� m Stewart, eRETI The Dairy Farther is assured e of ' good markets the whole year for his Dairy Products. Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your hank ac- count. They will not fail you. Produce only cream m of the best quality and send your cream to us either through our Agents or- deliver: direct. We will assure you of our very best services -and highest prices. When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal, Seaforth Creamery Co. • Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. W. J� Walker Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horie Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. 'Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. JUST TO 'REMIND YOiJ • Q#.. (i ire �' kney's Ff am�l Loaf" The wrapped broad Its worth your while to give it a trial Buns, Cakes, Pastries, t Etc. Phone 70—Prompt Delivery Come and inspect est our Bakery y at your own convenience ROY S. PINKNEY Dick Block--Seaforth D1 N. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and ' Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success fully treated. Electricityused, Chas. A, Howe. Y Teacher of " Piano, Organ end Theory Summer Courses Starting Now Residence --Church Street McKILLOP, Mr. dames Simmons of Alma has hired with Mr. eeorge Campbell. Mr and Mrs; Simmons have moved to the house on Mr, Campbell's farm whioh was recently occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Webster. Mr. and Mrs, George B. D'orrance left' last week on a motor trip to the West. The services at Duff's Church on Sunday last were conducted by Rev. Mr. Lane, of Seaforth. HIBBERT. BE RT. Mr,t V1ii. Nigh, ft f 0 5 g , chalas 'c ti a4e Toronto, •n� , a trued lame on sat nilly flight to spend two weeks at •the home' of his parents, Mr, and Mrs; W. Nigh, Tucleerstnith, +Brother Augustine, of the Holy Redeemer Brothers, IMontreal, and his mother, ,Mrs, Jas, Cronin, Dublin, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jos. Cronin, and I[Ptl e salt Francis of Hibbert, visited on Thursday last at the hone of Mr, and 'Islrs. 'W. Nigh,, Tucker•snsith, Mrs. 'Dan Williams,.of Chicago, Mrs. Pat, Flannery, - St. Colutnban, and Mrs. John MdGratit, Hibbert, were visitors on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Plnos. Williams, Tuckersmith, IMr, Dennis rBarry spent 'Sunday afternoon at the .home of his qousins, Mr.and Mrs. Louis O'Reilly, Hib- bet t, ,Miss Margaret''Cleary, R.N.,'of Ro- chester,'N.Y., was a:guest fora couple of clays s la st Y week at,th e home of Mr, and Mrs. John Walsh, 'McKillop, Mr, Ed. Gallagher, .of Strathroy, spent the week end at the home of his cousins, • Mr. and Mrs, Jr J. Dalkon, Hibbert, Miss Catherine l is spending a few days in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly. and the 'latter s sister, Mrs, Powers, from • Eu- reka,California,visited on 'Wedttes Wednes- day of last. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. 'Nigh, Tuckerstnith, A very impressive ceremony took. place in S. Joseph's Convent Chapel, a • a' London, on Tuesday morning when WatchRepairing 600 sisters of that community Repan in ese were< g assembled ,hero to bc reser at the retention of the younger sisters WATCHES, CLOCKS, • who received their vows • Horne JEWELRY ETC. wes'e their Drat, others their second RE+PAIBED and still others their finals Rela- tives from Tuckersinith, .. McKillop, All work guaranteed. Service Hibbert and Dublin attended satisfactory.,Work prolnptly done Th F.Nend of fail iSt.fi'erers,•-•1Dr. J( 1 Tliij�nsas' :E',clectrrc Oil is a valuable' .' A. We'steott remedy IED all those twin) svi o suffer pain. It.holds•out'hope to everyone and 'Watchmaker and Jeweler realizes it by stilling .stilTering every where. It: is a linimentthat has the Opposite:;, W. A. Or'ioh's blessing of half a continent, It is on side everywilfore and, oan .be found Wit ereve t• enquired .for, TOWN TOPICS ivlisses Best have sold ''their house ort Church street . to Mr, Robert Scarlett'' and will sell the ci5ntents by public auction early next month, This 'following Seaforth girls took part in the historical pageant on: Monday, Tuesday. and - Wednesday evenings ofIGederich centennial week: Misses Mary Stewart, Sarah Sheffer, Norma IHabkirk, Evelyn . Golding, Anna Hanna, Bertha Grieve Anna Ed- munds, ,,Mary Barber, Mary Bell, Margaret Cardno, d Beatrice •Merner, Mary Neville, Mona Hughes, I-Ielen, Heffernan, Muriel Beattie, Margaret. Cudnlorc, Mary Haigh, Mabel Bate- man, Alma Nichols. Mrs, Connor and sons 'Donald and Frank, of Brash), or are holidaying iaYi 6 with Mr. and c Mrs. Peter c er Lindsay, and !her. brother, Jno. Millson, N. Main street, Miss Margaret and Mr. Frank Mero, ofoGoderich, are holidaying at the home;o'f their grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mero, N. Main Street. Mrs. Jas. H"h 7 eti fe i y visited "friends. in Stratford this week. • Judge Jackson, of Lethbridge, AIta, was a guest with his sister, to IVIiss Margaret Jackson,. •Egmondville, He has gone to join Mrs. Jackson at Grand \Talley, where she is visiting her brother, Mr, Eanigh, Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Dickson and Mr. snit ,Mrs, S. Spencer .returned Monday from a three weeks' trip .to. Kincardine, . dote Tiverton and Port Al- bert. ML Frank Jackson, of Montreal, is visiting his sister, Miss Jackson, • 'Mrs. John Robb and Miss Nina are visiting friends in Kincardine. The ladies and gentlemen of Sea - forth Golf Glib went to Listowel on Wednesday for a friendly game with: the •Listowei:Club; The ladies of Seaforth Golf are holding an afternoon of and' fat golf the club -house wb h Dose -ort day. x E3'E SEAFORTH NEWS. r. • ,Brine has returned to To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Douglas, 'len- sail, visited • Mr. and Mrs, W. L, Keys on Thursday last, ,Rev. Capt, Edwards, of Tavistock, formerly pastor of Northside United Church, was in town on Monday;re- newing old acquaintances. His many friends were glad' to see him, Miss Annie Kennedy and Miss Margaret Kennedy, who • have ;been spending the past week with their 'sis- ter.'in- Stratford, have returned theism. 'Rev, and Mrs. J Melvin Keys, of Niagara iFalis. are visiting their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys, this week. Mr, Leslie iiMcKay s his home here. Pent Sunday at Mr. Sam. Jackson, ou of Chesley, spent eri t p the - week end with his sister here. Mrs. Harry stewart and family,' who have. been :visiting her father, Mr. Robt. (McKay, returned to 'their hotite in Toronto -rot. Sunday, Mrs's Erma Bro'adfoot, of Bruce- field, spent the week -end with Laura McMillan. Miss Mr, Ross. McGonigle of Kitchener, spent Sunday da y a't the ,parental hone, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finniganare vis'iting'friends in Hamilton this week. • Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Beattie ,and Miss Bertha. !Beagle, Miss Harvey and Mrs. John Henderson visited friends its St. Marys on Tuesday, Miss Fannie. • �K em of Mi PMitchell was thestue' g last week of Miss Evelyn Mrs A. Charters and granddaugh- ter Miss Margaret' Klein, of Cleve- land, Ohio, are visiting at the Char- ters home, Mill road. 'Don't forget the tea at Northside United 'Church on Friday evening. Miss Clara Pinkney left Wednesday to visit friends in Toronto. Club 1 Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Brown left bridge Wednesday y an a boat tripthe upt e S t. ' La wrt Thurs ice to ontreal: i Mr.e and Mrs,T�IJ, ,Rest and Misses Verdi and Leila Best ' and Miss Guerra Brown motored to Bruce Beach to visit Mr. and Mrs. j. F. Ross on Wednesday. Miss Anona,Dale has returned home from a visit to Detroit, accompanied. by Mrs. Raymond Glinske and daugh- ter Janet, who will visit 'her mother, Mrs. John Sproat, , They spent a few days at U-Needn-Rest cottage, at Grand Bend. - Mr, and 'Mrs, Richard Dawson, of Detroit, are guests at the home of Mrs 5. IF. Reid, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Billet,, of Vic- toria, .B.IC., sail from Montreal on Thursday for Europe. tlteMW;issFE convention inToro a Elder o last week and returned on Monday. ie MclGrath 1 .orvee ire o urnekn d fronerd a ntwo weeks: visit to Montreal and St. Anise de IBeaupre._ Mr. Gordon Reynolds returned 'tome Friday after visiting his 'brother in Brockville. Mr, and 'Mrs. Geo. Vanggnsoitd, of Cleveland, are visiting at the home of Mr. John. GovenIock, Egmondville, Miss Rena McLaren, Cromarty, is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. A. McLaren, Mr, Borden :Verner is 'visiting his father, Mr. J- J Merner, in.iWindsor. Mrs .James Hays left 'Wednesday on a motor trip for Leamington, Walkerville and other points. - Mr. Gleh Hays has returned from a three weeks' visit in Walkerville, Miss ;Nara Hodgins, of Toronto, who has been with the Girl Guides at Jubilee Camp, Victoria, ,B.C., is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs, L. T, DeLacey. At the T Drat to Conservatory- examt- iaations held here on July 7th,Miss Violet Tyndall was successful in passing, her Primary Piano -,with first - rill class hnors, She is a pupil of Mrs. of Al R. Rennie, Mr. Malcolm Armstrong returned home Wednesday 'after attendling sic summer school at Queen's Univer- sit Kingston, Yr Stat g 7 which lie will II attend in the fall, Rev, and Mrs. W. P. Lane and Helen Left Tuesday' on a motor trip to Georgian Bay. Mr. Robert'V'Viinter, of Goderich, was in town 'Friday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. William ,Win- ter Mr, and :Mrs, S..Go t t sc balk h• returned home from Port have where they spent their 'holidays, nand were accompanied by Mrs, 'Gotts- chalk's grandson, Mr. Donald ,Hop- kins, who will spend a week or so with them, 'In a local .garden •t delphiniusn. of royal blue with black'centre attained a height 9 ft..5 in, There were four stalks all within a few inches of the tallest, • trout, sper. nt the week-enos. disvitls Dr and Mrs, IWm, Anent: Ur. and Mrs, David .Acheson and daughter, of Toronto. o to are visiting friends itown: Mrs. Robert Bell is spending a week in Goderich, 'Rev. Dr, ,Larkin leaves this week' to visit relatives in Boston, Mr. Peter Daley, who is suffering tram a stroke of paralysis, is fill.. iprovfng•, , •Mrs. Thos. iMcliroy and her sister, Mrs. G. F. S. Garden, leave this week on a trip •to,the .West to -visit relatives. Mises (Agnes and Kate McLellan were in Afeaford visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J F.'Rosas and;.citil- dren, of 'Guelph, were guests at the .Rectory, ID�r, IAulbrey IC. rich, .of Toronto, is spending a week with his parents. Miss Pearl Beaton, of Detroit, .is visiting her parents, Mr. and; Mrs. M. Beaton, ss Miss Beth 'Govenlock, 'of Detroit, spent the week -end at"tlie" home of her parents, -Mr, and: Mrs,'J. M . Govenlock, The many friends of Mr, Bill if -fart, who has been confined to his 'hotite fdr,several Months by illness, are pleased to see him able to be around again. ,Miss Ethel McDougall, : who been •'speii,dir her vacation o has g` u ' home of mer mother, abort at the Hoggarth, returns this week tocire suite her duties at (Ford hospital, be - i14r. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson attended the wedding in Goderich on"Wednes- day_of the latter's cousin, Dr. H. R. Hall, and Miss Florence Durnin. Miss Dorothy Wilson has returned #ram Toronto and Muskoka. • Mr. and Mrs, Harold Best and sons Stanley and Jack, , returned ort" Wed- nesday after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, t3Tnt. Gillespie. Ma. and Mrs. Naylor, of !Chat'ham,. called' on Air, and Mrs. Charles Brodie on Friday last, Mrs, ,Ann Ritchie, of Brussels, is spending a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs, IC, Brodie, Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Caldwell, Earl and Ella, of Blyth, were Sunday visit- ors at ,the home•: of "Mr, and Mrs, J. Pollard. Master Stewart Bell, of Hensel!, was holidaying with his cousin, ,Dou'g- Doug- las Stewart North Main street. Mr, and 'Mrs. Charlie (Burton, of London, and Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Nor- ris and 'Harry, of'Brncefield, called on Mr. and Mrs, Jno.. MoPherson on. Sunday, .. Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Dunnage, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Forbes and Miss Jean, Qf Shakespeare, Mr. and Mrs, A. Edler and ohildren and Mrs. Hugh Wright, of town, spent Sunday at Grand Betad, Airs. Adam Klein is very ill at her [tante, North Main street, Mr, 'Romani 'McKay returned from Bested, Gowgancla mining ,district, on Wednesday last. Ran•ald will return to the north again ,text year. Mr. and Mrs, Frank 'Wright, of Detroit, are visiting his sister, Mrs. Ro'bt, Dalton. A'Iiss Hattie Dalton is visiting her uncle in Detroit, 'Miss 'Irene .Bartley and her sister, Mrs. Ed. Cooper and husband, of Toronto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs Ellen Sntith . and :cousin, Marsf Smith and the Misses McK'ay,. Tnckersmi'th, Miss Irene Cluff spent the week Goderich. Mrs. Jas. J Reid and two sons, of Goderich, arev'ti si� . n Mrs, g .Wm, Reid, -Miss Margaret Stewart d on .Wednesday after 'visiting with,' Mrs, E. Utn'bach, of Toronto, and Miss Enie Stewart, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs: Robt,''Ross, of Kin- cardine, have been visiting Mrs; 'H, J. Gibson this week' and attended the Silverihorne-Freeman wedding. l,V� 8 Irs. C. i G. Fletcher and children, of urday following theirfontreal, left for s r n visit with e on the foomer's grandmother, Mrs, S. Boyd, Miss Helen Sclater returned Wed- nesday morning with Miss Oughton, of Toronto, for a two weeks' visit in the city. Mr. and •Mrs. Walter Murray and children Walter and ,Betty, of Ottawa, weekspent a few y with ,theirsu at act i stint, Mr. and Mrs. J. 5, 1Gluff, The Collegiate gymnasium looks the better .for •a new spread of asci • g n1 cs. Mr, and Mrs. Wnc, Fowler and daughter Miss ,Agnes, of Leamington, are visiting at the ho'mes of Messrs. Adam and James :Hays. Mr: and Mrs. tBranstaler lard fain- il Y, of Chicago, returned on Wednes- day last after visiting their relatives, the Devereaux's; Miss Mary Crosby, of Toronto, is visiting with 'Mr, and Mrs, Aam in Dodds 'and 'Miss Margaret McMil'lan, and Miss Ruby Taylor (Varna). Miss Jessie Stobie, of •Portage la Prairie, Man„ is the guest of Mrs• Alex, Sto'bre this week, ,Mr, slid Mrs, T. J. McKinney, of Guelph, ,spent the week -end with Mrs. Wats McMichael. Mrs. McMlic'hael re- turned with them to Guelph. 'Mr. Alfred IKe s and son A11eu, of Yale, Mich„ were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, L. Keys on Stid'ay last. Dr, and 'Mrs. Hossack, of Innenfcip, visited .Mrs. Geo, Henderson and 'Mrs. W. IBroad'foot on. Wednesday, of last week, Mr, -and Mi•s, Sant, Hanks motored to London on Friday to attend the ;Derry day celebration of ;the Royal B ick Knights, whioh was ' held Bi Queen's Park, •London. Miss Emma Thompson and sister, Mrs. Ferguson, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors et ,,lie home of Mr, and Mrs, W:. L. ICeys, Miss Miss Mabel Turnbull sang a beauti- ful solo in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday nn6 y ntorrtiug. Mr, and Mrs, JamesGillespie -and little son, of Toronto, .are guests at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil -Gillespie. Mr. and "Mrs. 12, C. Anderson, of Hamilton, are visitilog Air. and Mrs. Robert (Bell. - Mr, Russel Hays,.of Detroit, is here attending the wedding of his sister, Miss Janet Hays, to Mr, Reginald Paid, Mr. and Airs. J. ,F , 'Daly and fam- ily' Were in Hamilton and; Niagara Falls on 'Sunday on a motor trip. Misses Violet Rankin and Violet slick 'are holidaying at 'Grand Bend. AI,[s s Evelyn Cu -du -tore, . re of Welles- ley W le s lc Hospital, Y ,tai Toronto, rout , o, is visiting her parents;Mr. and Mrs. R3', Cudmore, Mrs. David Armstrong, sof Pilot Mound, Man,, and Mrs. Ralplc Stev- enson, of Stanley, spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. R. Peck. Major and Mrs. Edward E. Rata, of Kitchener, were guests . at the house of Mr. and Mrs. F. S, Savauge. Mi. W m.f . Smithh o' Watford Watfor' and Son John of Kitchener were home over the week end, Sister Clavor from Toronto has telt to resettle her duties alter' i' v Sdkin her brothers and ,sisters in this vicinity: Messrs. Phillip and Frank Kenny, Mrs, C. Eckart and Mrs. J. Noise, She was accompanied byISist er Gre- gory who name to visit her mother, Mrs. Armstrong, near Walton, who is very poorly,. - Mr. and Mrs; J. Kenny, who were visitingfriends' here; have returned to their 'home in Detroit, Miss Gladys Cousins of Toronto is visiting her uncle, M. William Wil- son, Market street, Mrs, Jas. Edgar and children of London are visiting Mrs, William Smith, Market t Str ee t. . Master Jack Hotham has returned home after spending a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Davis, of Us- berne, Mr. and Mrs. Sandford and fancily, of town, have moved into Mrs, G. D. C. Hare's apartments on James street. Misses Madeline and Corinne Hoth- ant are holidaying in Delaware, Mrs. Reid and daughter' Ola, of Ex- eter, are visiting Mrs, John Hotham, CLASS ENTERTAINED LastFriday afternoon Mrs. A. L Porteous entertained her Sunday, school class, the "Plus Ultra." The afternoon' was spent in playing a champion game of croquet on their stu 'was served by' Mrs,SPocious lawn. A.rtrteoussandpper tthe passersby only wished they belong- ed to the class for once when they saw the good tftnc the girls were hav- ing. The evening was spent in ;musk, after' winch they ell thanked the hostess and departed. EGMONDVILLE, I The regular monthly meeting. the tW,M:S: was held in Egmondy United Church, Wednesday, A 10th, and opened by a 'hyalin prayer by Mrs. McKenzie, Sr, In absence of Mrs. McDonald, 'Miss Tavish took the chair and regular votional exercises were taken. McMillan- took the topic and as questions on mission work done different parts of the land, each me ber taking .part by answering a qu tion Miss McTavish presented Auxiliary with $25 from Miss A. Gemmell, making, Mrs, James Stew a life member,' It was the desire the meeting that special menti might t b t e S made of this. ` closed by repeating the Lorld's -pay in unison led by Mrs. Allen, IIILLSGREEN, Airs. Sain, Stacey and daught Llilian, of Hensel!, spent Sand with her sister, Mrs, Wnt, Jarrott, Isiss. Cole, of Toronto, nl0 is s endo P a few weeks V S 8 t the ane oEb tr. I A! Smith. Ale Miss Eleanor Bell, of Hensel], spending her holidays with Mrs. Troyer. Mrs. John McNaughton and .daugl ter Mary, of Tuckersinith, are visi iicg among friends in this neighiio hood doting the week -end. Mrs, John McKinley, Ittnle 5, of Clintoi was ssisitiitg her daughter, Mrs, Hat vey Coleman, 'the past week. Mr. Walker Carlile ;spent the week end visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. John iConsitt, Seaforth, his'. 'arid. Mrs, ISainuei McBride, of Blalce, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas, 'Stephenson,' Mr. 'Bert McBride, of the Goshen line, is visiting with his cousin, Mas- ter Geortge Stephenson. ST..COLUM-BAN. Mrs. John Coyne and song of De- troit, visited friends in this vicinity. Miss Mary Downey, of London, spent the week -end , at the 'home of her, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Downey. Miss Margaret Doyle, of Hibbert„ daughter h tet g oft. Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Doyle; left on Thursday last to join, the Ur suline sisters at "The Pines", Cha- tham. • A•f'. Denis Downey left on Monday for Chicago, where he secured a posi- tion... Miss Antra McGrath, who spent her holidays in St. Anne de lBeau, re, re- turned home Friday. Mrs, Joseph Krauskopf spent Suis- day last in London. Protect the child from the ravages Of worms' lby using Mother ;Graves' Worn; Exterminator: It is a stand- 'ard remedy, and years of use have enhanced its reputation.. of ille ug and the Mc- de - M15. ked in es - the art of on ng er er ay it g x is E t- 1 t- r - t, Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50e BULLET.Miss Margaret' Grieve, .of Seafoi}th, has been engaged as teacher in S.S. No. 4, :Ifullett (,Bandon) school, 254 mules west of>Constance, 'for the com- ing g Year, Mi'. John Melville is repainting the outside of S.S. No. 8, ',Huliett, -op- posite Nelson Fear's, on the 12th, Miss Jean Stevens, 'Harlotk: pupil of Miss Marjorie Bickell, s sue cessful on her Lower school exams passing in grammer, geography, his- tory and botany. Mr. L. J. !Looby,' Dublin, completed on Friday two bridges on con. , one at, John Shanahan Sr.'s ,On the side- line between lots 20 and 21; the other just west of John Reynolds. M. Bert Irwin is completing his rine new garage and with the coat of paint le• gave the house this summer, has added nnuch tothe'appearance of itis home, Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Watson and family, of Londesboro, spent Sunday, with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack ;Pepper and son George, of Delr�raine, Man,, were nest K s of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dal this week e' PAGE FIVE wa CONSTANCE, Mrs, Chandler and. daughter Ella inotored from Buffalo and spent Fri- day with Mrs. P. Lindsay, returning Saturday,, Mr. andd Mrs.Thos. Riley, of Cl' t - ton. and Ir. N ,and rs .G Geo. 'Cook, o k, ofGoderich Ti).,were visitors at Mr. .Geo. R1iley,s on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, ,Fred 'Wakefield and' son and daughter spent Thursday in,, Goderich. Mr, and Mrs, John Pepper and son, of Deloraine, Maze., were calling on old f Tien ds•a 1ste w ek Air, and nd 'Mrs, Wm. tBrittou and Mrs, Ed. Britton spent the week -end in Forest. Mrs. Evans' and son, of , Detroit, are visiting her cousins, the Misses Willison,. Miss Margaret Love, of 1Hanover, is visfting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Brit- ton and Mrs. E. McGregor, Mrs. AleLean, of Detroit, is visit- ing Cher 'brother, David Wilson. Mr, andMrs. Ro b t, Gni maidY and nd daughter are 1'ecswafer-•for a while, Mrs. Wm, Logan and Kathleen, of Blyth, are visiting Mr, and Mrs, Leo Stevenson, 'Mrmentlsovern- job on the tan th ofg MGode- rfcli, r. and Mrs, Wellington Clarke and daughter Marie, of ,Hollywood, Calif., and Mrs, Baker, of London, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Bert Stev- enson, Miss McEwan, of Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Wm. ,Carnochan, Misses Helen and Edith Britton re- turned home on Sunday after their three weeks' visit with relatives at Watford and Forest. Kinburt 2, Chesley 2. ---The tie is not 'broken yet in the Junior W.F.A. semi-Ifinai. In fifteen minutes of play Alvin Dale and Willis Dundas landed two counters for Kin'burn. Through- out the game Kin'burn had the best of the play. Just by a flukedid'Ches- ley get their last goal just before dark.' The 'Chesley goalie, Monk, de- serves credit for the wonderful saves during the last period. The play-off will he in Listowel' at 4.30 Wednesday, Aug, 24th, A. gate of $13 was taken, Quite a number went on Friday night toListowelto see and cheer. for 1s t e successful essf 1 u Listowel sues team Jesting Guelph 2-0. m in de- Mr. Oscar Reed of Staffs visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson Tiles - day. • Mr. anti Mrs. William Unison arid daughter Jean of Cleveland visited with Mi'. and Mrs. PeterLindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Millson. Seaforth, WINTHROP. Mr, and Mrs, W, C; Bennett visited Mr, and Mrs, Win. Kelly, of Blyth, last week. '• Mrs, Robt. Sheridan, of Toronto, visited her niece, Mrs. George Eaton, last week. g ton, Mrs. Fergus u• s B g' ullar d Betty Jack, have returned home after, s end- in'g' a month with Mr, and Mrs. John Artnstroisg, of Win !calci g Quite a timber from here. attend ed the annual gathering of the Royal Black-preCeptory in London on Fri- dayY, _Miss Margaret :Caton is visiting friends sal Wn&'harn, We are sorry to hear that Mr. Alex, MdDonald is on the sick List, Aa D. SUT iI3RLAND General 'Insurance Agency Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds 'and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth; Ontario, \OTICE Why be without a marcel when you can have it done any day at DeIJIJiSan Pullman Barber Shop Just phone 125 for appointment Specialist 'in ' Marcelling, Shampooing, Manicuring, and Massaging FILED ALINE If you phone will call any place you want. Also Junk and Wool, �l MAX WOLSH t Phone 178, Seaforth" 33 EN4I[J .rthe Special Milverton Flour We have it- .Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds CrOE THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 . our Auto Needs GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PREST-O..LITE BATTERIES Repairs and charging on all makes, A good litre of New and Used .Parts. A FEW USED CARS LISTED . Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75.00 with License Ford Touring •' n• u � I n� 1915 .. . . .... . . . . . $75.00 with License Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, like new '.,5375 with License Regiers Garage PHONE 167W DRESSES NO MATTER ROW DELICATE MAY BE ENTRUSTED STED TO OUR CARE We claim that no dress is too dainty nty at' expensive to be entrusted to us for cleaning wi'th perfect confidence. The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes bonnie to study and achieve, Ladies' and Gent's Telt Ham cleaned, It only costs a dollar and will souk like new. S•IFPii1.=@RTX; 'O RR MEiVT eatiE Sydney COMMERCIAL BLOCK. - NE 227 or PHONE 23p or 2 • ?,10