HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-08-04, Page 8'PAGE EIGI-t1 3ENSALL s' Mr. Joh,Vensati and' his d ,,ter: Miss Ethel, of 'Clinton guests over the week -enol' "frith and Mrs. John Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Buchanan, 1 a Tr,r to, are spending their liol' t here,the buests o Mrs. Wm.. I3 anat and ,Mrs:;' McDonald, Mr, and Ms Nei.( Sparks and c of 'Detroit are holidaying with fri �5 in town. Mr, 'Win. Reynolds, of Till ox b spent the week -end visiting his ters here. Owen Geiger Ss Son intend stat flax pulling his •}veek and are br ing in a large number -of Indian=s hoth Exeter and Iiensall. Our t for the next six weeks will look ilk Indian reserve. 'Air, and Airs. Israel :Lindenfieid • daughter of London spent the end visiting 'Mr. and Mrs, Jacob denifield and Mr. and Mrs. Ed, denifield, iMiss Jean Elder of London s the holiday at her home here. Mr. :Percy Gramm, 'of Lon tMich le' spending his holidays with his parents, Mr, and 3d:rs. ' Gramm, Mr, Alf Taylor has the. found Y a afl laid for Mr. Mickle's new 'home King street, Mr. Ed. 'Berry of Detroit spent week end at his' home here, Haying is about finished Y g in district and the farmers this w are busy cutting their wheat and. b ley, there being some splendid of wheat around Hensall. Mr. tSVitl Thompson, of Indiana here spending some time With father and mother, Mr. and George Thompson. Miss Doris .Chapman, of Pal sion, is spending her holidays h visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Scott. Miss 'Polite Moore, of London visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Si augt were Mr, of days ech- hild, ends urg, 'si5- ting hag: for own e an end week Lin- Lin - pent tiac; here Geo. tion on the this veek tar- nelds ,`is anis Mrs. nner- ere, Geo. is nnp- son. Misses Mae and •:llade'line 'Mc(M ran, of Lucknow. are visiting and Mrs. Robert Bonthron. Miss Mattie Ellis is visiting r tives in Goderich. 'Rev. :Mr, and _Mrs. Sinclair ,family are spending part of their h days at the Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sheffer, Toronto, are visiting the form parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sheffe Dr. and Mrs. Wilson and childr of Bay City, Mich., are here visiti Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and M Alex: vtunn, Mrs. Owen Geiger returned ho Thursday evening from an exten visit to the West, Dakota. and Nor ern Ontario. Mrs. Geiger was gre ly pleased with her trip 'but thin there is no place like Hensel!. Mr. Will and Miss 'ssIae Simpson, Detroit, spent the week -end w friends here Miss Jeanne Bonthron. who h been visiting friends in Detroit, turned home on Saturday. Micicle C Sons have purchased t grain storehouse at Brucefield fr the .Scott: Estate and will run it connection with their elevators Neilsen and Kippen. Mr, Wilson Berry visited over t e eek -end at his home here. Airs. Earl Drummond was in Win hi.m on Monday. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor and fa ily, who have been spending th holidays at Toronto and Montreal, turned home on Monday. At the UnitedChurch on Send the Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached large congregations both morning evening. In the morning he took his subject, "The Christian's Mi sion" and in the evening, "The Ga den of the 'Clutrch." At the even! service a duet was sung by all Pybus and Miss Laramie. Next Su day the Rev. Mr. Paton, of Tee water, will preach both morning an evening. 'Mr, John Mousseau and Mr. J, 'De jardine, of Grand Bend, were in tow Tuesday. The holiday passed quietly in t village. A. large number took in t celebrations at Goderich,_while othe spent the day' at the Bend. Hydro Rebate._Hensall is include an the list of places sent out by th Ontario Hydro Commission for low er Hydro rates and a rebate to th users of part of the big surplus o hand. This matter was taken up at 'Council meeting a short while ag a vigorous protest was put up b some members of the Council again the high rates charged here and th big surplus accumulating, A Tette was written to the local Hydro Co missio=n, giving the views of th 'Council .on the natter and the tette was sent to the Ontario Hydro 'Com mission. They replied, acknowledg receipt of the lettter and promise to putt Hensall in the list of ,glace getting reductions, and have recom mended the following rates: A substantial reduction in the rat per H.P. The fninimum charge to be .$1.0 instead of $1.25,_ 3T/ac a kw. hr, up to 50 hours, in stead of 4c. l•Yac per kw. hr. over 50 hours, in stead of 2c; Street lights,' $12 per lamp instea of $15. $600 to be refunded to the- Counci en street lighting. One-sixth of the amount paid in b each user of light or power durin ' 1926 will.'be refunded to them. This reduction will be welcomed by the people of the village and the local commission should 'still show quite ,a surplus each year. There is some twelve thousand dollars in cash stand - Mg to the credit of our local commis- sion in one of the basics. ,Mr, and Mrs. Harry 'Smith, of Lon don, visited over the week -end with relatives in town. Master Keith Campbell, of Toronto, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murdoch: Miss 'Thelma iHadson has taken a position in Sernna, Ms. Thos, Murdoch visited' rela• '^ fives in 'Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. .Drysdale and children are camping at Grand Bend for: a fel' Weeks. or - Mr, cla- and oli- Mai, and Mrs. J. 1\Vreti of Toronto, are visiting relatives in town, \lrs' J McKnight, of Detroit; is visiting for a' few days with Mr. and /Airs, As lis Case. a number Ti'ensal] atte`sided the ,Centerfnial celebration at •Gode- rich; Mr. Ir. andlli's. D. lfc'Martln visited in Galt last week, Mrs, 'Langoid and daughter of Streefsville is visiting her.. mother, Mrs.John Ke s...• y. Miss Helen McArthur and neice, Carrol IMc'Arthur of London arc vis- iting''Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold. Mrs. Eric. Kennedy and little eon left Monday for ,their home at Ford City. tMise May Waghorne,of Toronto: visited over the week end - with Mr. and Airs. Wm. McLaren. Arr. Dave Thompson who has been visiting friends. and relatives in 2 -len sail, has returned to Toronto, Mr, A. Lyons and Mr.'W. Dick of Brantford visited over tate week end with Mrs. James Sparks, Mr. . Buchanan of Chicago risked rver the e week end With his mother here, Rev, Mr. Mc71roy of Carmel Pres- byterian church is spending his Vaca• tion visiting relatives at Toronto, Mr. Arnold Bell of Toronto visited over the week end with, his 'another, Mrs. Bell, who returned to. Toronto with 'him, Mr, and Mrs, Jas,-aBonthron visited relatives in Auburn Sunday: The regtilar meeting of the council, will be held 'Tuesday evening next. Mr. Orville Twitchell who has been etnpfoyed in iMcbonalds garage se head; mechanic for this last number :ol years has severed his connection with that firm and has taken a position with John McEwen at 'Gotlerich. He left for Goderich Monday, The base'b'all game played here -ons Tuesday evening, Hensall v, Slaffa, resulted in a win for the former, 4e3. BAYFIELD. Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Carty and sofa Junior, and Mrs. J. Rich, of De- troit, are visiting their mother, Mrs. M..Green. Fred. Ritchie, of •Elmvale, motored to the village on Friday and spent of a couple of days with Mr, and Mrs. er's George King. He was accompanied r• on his return on Sunday by his wife en, and little daughter. Muriel, who have ng spent the past month ,with her rs. parents, Mrs. Robt. Scotcluner returned on Friday after 'having visited friends in Collingwood and Port Elgin. 'Mr. Scntchmer motored to Kincardine to meet her. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church' held quite a successful ,bazaar and afternoon tea on the pretty lawn of Mrs,''Lloyd Makins on Thursday, when about $75 was realized'. The as homemade baking and produce was re- all sold early so that many who had hoped to stake purchases from these tables were disappointed. The orches- tra supplied music from the neighbor- ing home of Mrs. Chas. Toms, which was much appreciated, 'Airs. L. Clark and son -Clifford left ':un 'Friday morning on a motor trip to Ridgeway where they will visit ge her daughter, Mrs. Ephriant Howes. Mrs. G. W. Woods, Miss Anna ni- Woods and Keith ,Gemienhardt re- eir turned to the village on Friday after re- having visited in Langford Mills and enjoyed a motor trip through the ay Muskoka district and as far as North to Ray, and Mrs. A. Thompson, of Toronto, is for visiting her brother, Robt. W. Dei- s- gaty. r- Mr, and 'Airs. J. H. Baker, Eugene ug ,,rd Kenneth Baker motored from 'To- ss rc iito on Friday to visit Mrs, Baker's n- n'e'ther, Mrs, A. Biggart. s- The organist Henry Easson, mem. d 'hers of Knox church choir and friends of Stratford, had a delightful outing s- nn Monday'when they spent the day n at 'Sunset", the pretty summer home of Mr•.'and iMrs. Harry J. Peters. The grounds were beautifully decorated with flags and bunting, Long tables rs were set on the lawn at which about 60 people sat down to' enjoy the eats d ,hiss Ruth Higgins, of London, spent the week -end with her parents. Fred. W. Baker, who is employed in Goderich, spent the week -end at his home, Mr. ane! ;Mrs. Chris. Howard, Misses 'Margaret and Shirley and Glen Henry and Walter Howard, of \•Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and family, were 'week -end and holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred P1. Baker, Miss Agnes Kerr ac- coanpanied Mrs, Burt on her return to London on Monday. evening and will spend a. week there, Mfrs, C, Widcombe and =Miss Mary 1Whlconthe left on Friday to visit' Mrs, Pye, the former's daughter near Chatltale. Mr. and Mrs, L• B, Smith and babe, of London, and William E. Parker,' of Sarnia, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Parker, Mrs. Smith and babe remain- ed for a longer visit. Airs. Harry W. 'Brandon and little e daughter' Frieda, of •London, . are visiting 'Mas; Catherine ,Brandon, d Mr, and 'Mrs. E. V. Buchanan and family returned to London, on Mon - 1 day after having spent the month Rohert rFleard's cottage at ;Sunset Point, 31r, and Mrs, Wilbur Erwin, Miss .Schulte, Miss Pearl Millet and Frank Erwin, of Kitchener, camped on Th.omson's flats over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Sauder and Bab 'Sauder, of Kitchener, were guests of :Mr. and Mrs. ''F. A. Edward over the' week -end, Miss Ruby Fisher,. who has been visiting' her aunt for the past \veek. accompanied them to Kitcheaver oat (Monday evening, Mi'. and Mrs, 'W', Ord and Fred' Phelps have returned to, their home in Windsor after having spent July in Mrs. Ross' cottage, ISunRInn. M'r. and Mrs. Leslie Gray, of Lon- don, spent the week -end and civic holiday with Mrs, Gray's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Hassey Lawson. Miss Northcott. of London, is the guest of Mr,., W.J. Elliott, 'Blue I '1(T ter- Highway, 'Goderich township, me dee th- at- kg of ith he om in at he he he e e 0 a go y st e r Com a s e n y g TH7.�i SEAI+QR1Pi ;AIF Ski _Armand 3lanners and R. Hunt, of Lo: ttithe sliest 'the week-en.a` With (heir pai'ente. Laurence and i kred:'•Z'owlie motored from London antispent the week -end. kind 'holiday under" the Brenta( 'obf. George Scotchnier of Kitchener, e ei, is visitig his aunt, ;Mrs. Wiliam: Heard. M. and !Mrs, Peach, " of London, are occupying A. j: Steven's cottage, g �Ir' e r ti 'Mr. and ' Mrs. M s. C. 'A. Limb and. fam- ily have :returned' to London and Mr. and•„Jetrs, ,Colton and Joan are . again occupying :their cottage,' Exeter. Hydro users on the Grand' Bend rural section have received a reduc- tion in ,rates by the Ontario Hydro Electric Power ,Commission now. 'paying the same rates as Exeter sec- tion. 'The cominissioti has also made' a reelection in • cost of ppwer to Exeter from $48 to $42 per li.•p,_. ' Exeter had a miniature flood :Sat urday morning of last week when,the creek which': runs through the south part of the town overflowed.and flood- ed the property east of Main st, At' the river, water was running over the dam about two feet d'ee'p and in the country many fields were flooded, 'Mr, James Dignan carried off the prize for the oldest working black= smith in Western Ontario at. a black- smiths' picnic at 'fort Stanley.,. He' -is 82 years of age and has been in tbusi- ness in Exeter 'continuous ly for 53 years. He carne to Exeter 68 years ago from a 'farm in I•Iay township three miles west of Hensall. • A Corrector of PulmonaryTrou- bles.—Many, testimonials . could be presented showing the` great efficacy of ;Dr. 'Thomas Eclectric 'Oil in cor- recting disorders o'f t'he respiratory processes, but the best testimonial is experience and the Oil is recommend- ed to all who stiffer from these dis- orders with the certainty that they will land relief.•It will allay inflam- mation in the bronchial!tubes. SPRING AND SUMMER CARE OF THE ORCHARD During the last three or four years there has been a marked :revival in interest in apple growing in' the County of Huron. Farmers are real- izing that in order to 'have market- able fruit, the orchard should re- ceive at least tlae same care and time as any other farm crop. As' a re- sult, 'we notice all through the county a large number of orchards from which the dead wood, surplus branches and sucker growth are being thoroughly pruned. It is a very good plan' in the early. spring to scrape off the loose bark of the trunks' and larger 'branches with a hoe, as the coddling worths and other insects spend a part of their lives fu such sheltered places. Where rrchards are cultivated, it is advis- able to 'begin cultivation as soon as rossi'ble in the spring so that moist- ure will be retained and an early start for quick early growth assisted. It is economy to use the disc where the land is not too heavy or stony, or where a thick crop has not to be worked in. Cultivation should cease not than the middle of June to pre- vent danger of late growth. In this county where we are not bothered with the San Jose scale, the' early dormant spray of Lime Sulphur 1-7 is now generally omitted exc:pt in orchards where the Oyster scale is very abundant. ft has been found that spray should be applied a=bout the time when the buds on most varieties have'clearly burst if scab is to be controlled. This is called the Early Leaf or Pre -Prink spray. It is applied at the tate of Lime Sulphur 1-40 or Bordeaux 3-6- 40. The object of this spray is to cover the tips of the 'blossoms and the young leaves thoroughly, to pre- vent sca=b spores from the old leaves in the orchard atta'c'king this year's growth. This is often the most im- portant spray for the prevention m scab. :Vlore men are applying Sodium Ni- trate to the apple trees than previous- ly as it stimulates the trees into rapid growth and aids in the develop- ment of fruit. \Vhen most of the 'blossoms are showing :pink, the trees should 'be thoroughly covered with Lime. Sul - plies .1-40, taking care to cover the top and outer tips of the -branches thoroughly, A poison is added to this spray to control biting insects. Either 1% lbs, of Arsenate of Lead or '1 1b. of Arsenate of 'Lime (Cal- cium Arsenate) may be.used to every .10 gallons of spray. In either case, 3 lbs. of Hydrated Lime should be /if to this amount of poison.'” In >easous of rapid growth, the blos- soms may sometimes open 'before this spray is completed. In such •cases. the poison should be omitted. In. order to obtain clean, marketable flint, it is necessary to spray careful- ly and thoroughly to combat the nu- merous insects and diseases to which the fruit is subject, When most of the blossoms have fallen, the trees are ready fax the -Calyx Spray. 'This is the same as the Pink Spray, but great care should 'be taken to drive the mist right :into the calyx or eye of the apple so that there is sufficient poison to kill the young Codling worm when it attempts to Wet- the fruit at this point. In this spray a special effort should 'be made to cover the tree well from both sides This .is the most important spray for the control of the Codling Moth and a day or two snakes all the difference between failure and success. About twelve days later, the Small Apple Spray is given, 'Liine Sulphur 1-40, with 1. pound o'f Lead Arsenate, or pound of 'Calcivan Arsenate as a poison. Use 3 pounds, of Hydrated Lime to every 40 gallons of spray. The lime should be added .before"puts ting in the poison. In cases Where :a special spray is given for Sideworms, the 'poison may be omitted from the Small Apple Spray. in a year when .June. is elty,:.. the Small tipple Spray is oftetr .,emitted except on varieties 'very subject to. scab, as =Snow, Mcfntos'h; Graven- steins and Early Harvest, The 'above ,sprays thoroughly put on will tis'ualfy control 'scab success= 'fully.. Occasionally when the weather is wet in early August and promises to remain so an application of Lime 'Spiel -Mr, '1-'50 not tater than aiid- August will act as an insurance against late infections of scab. REPORT OF Ii'OG SHIPMENTS For week ending July28t1i. Seaforth--Total 41, select bacon 10, thick smooth 27; heavies 3. 1Bruccfield—'Ibta1 52, select bacon. 13, thick, smooth 25, .heavies', 9, extra heavies ;1, shopp hogs 4: Walton=T 129,ta1'?elect t tiacon 44;thick smooth 74, eavies 1, shop hogs 5. Huron 'County—Total 841, select bacon 294, thick smooth 4-3, heavies 50, extra, heavies 6, , shop hogs 28, lights and feeders' 22. Rod and Gun. ,Containing a varied assortment of stories of outdoor features, the Au- gust nu'm'ber of Rod and Crtin and iCa- ' adian Silver Fax News,' well-known Canadian sporting magazine, has-been received. A more i Unusual 'feature is included -thi ;month in •the story "Midwinter 'Fights Dreams," an in teresting collection Boit 'reminiscences of the little known (Hudson's Bay country. Samuel ,Alexander White contributes another.stirring yarn of the old time fur traders, 'Convoys Courageous," while Bonnycastle Dale this m pnth has his subject the -At- lantic Salmon. :Among the other interesting stor- ies is one 05 'fishing for rainbow trout an' iB 'C. 'by Justin Wilson, ,and an 'ar- ticle on photographing 'bird nests by H. H. Pittman, Notes of especial in- terest to hunters and anglers are con- tained in the regular 'Guns and 'Am- munition, 'Fishing Notes, Outdoor Talk and Kennel 'Departments Rod and Gun and 'Canadian !Silver Fox News is published monthly by 1V. J; 'Taylor ',Dimited, Woodstook, Ontario... CARD OF TI3ANI{S.- \We wish -to extend heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for malty kind 'word;; and deeds of sympathy during the illness and death : of (Mrs. Joseph IHackwell - and also for the many beautiful flowers and the loan of cars at the funeral. --Husband and Family, Father> a n Mother, 'Sisters and. Brother. d NEW POTATOES. ;Best home grown new potatoes for sale, Reasonable price at the garden. JAMES I..rOIINSTON, 3 blocks east of Library, 31 Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1927. FA 1VI AUCTION SALE _: Of 'Choice �'Iias.a NIe,i rk•Doi, W mage; has instructed the undersigned. to -sell by •public auction; at Lot 30, Concession 8,- McKillop Township, 5 miles+north of ;Seaforth' and d .anile 'west 'of. 'Winthrotr, on'„Wednesday,' August 'loth, at` 2 p.m. sharp, con- sisting o'f the following:' Pure (bred Registered York hog, bacon type, 20 months old; 3 'choice sows due Aug- ust 17th and 11'8t1i; sow with 12 pigs, due .to 'wean ,tinne of sale; 70 shoats froth 60 to 100 !pounds each, The above }togs are a choice 'lot, all rais- ed oat owners 'Farm and are all of 'the bacon type. Everything to be sold without ,.reserve., Any person pur- chesing hogs at this sale can have same delivered free of 'ei ierge 'within .a radius of 30 miles. Terms—Allsums of $10,00 and under, cash; over that amount,?8 months' credit will given on furnishing s ng 'Uankaible-=paper, J. W. D1OiLMAGE, Proprietor; G. 'H, El- liott, Auctioneer. FOXES FOR SALE. Pups or proven breeders from the most prolific strains o'f heavily furred stock. A registered pedigree furnished with every fox, Prices most moderate; assuring you a •square and honest deal. 'DiAV1IID 'G, MabFARJL ANE, Winthrop, owner and manager of .Maitland Silver IBlack Fox Ranch. HOUSE FOR SALE. .Comfortable frame dwelling on James street, 'Seaforth. Two lots With fraise barn suitable for garage. will be sold cheap to close 'Estate. Apply to 'W. 'Gs IWIILLIS, Executor of Robe !Willis Estate.. 36 McKILT QP VOTERS' LIST. Notice is heaeby given that I hale transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9,_of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said sections, to be so trans'mitte'd or delivered of the 'list nta'de pursuant to said 'Act 65 all per- sons a'p'pearing lby the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said municipali- ty, to be entitled td vote in. the said municipality at elections for - the members of the ,Legislative Assembly and at ;Municipal Elections, and 'the said list was first posted ih my office in.JMcKillo'p, on the '16th day of 7u'ly, 1927, and remains there for inspection. I hereby call upon all voters to exa- mine the 'said list and if any errors or omissions are Sound thereinto take immediate proceedings to have same corrected according to law. 'Dated at MoXillop this 221st day of July, 1927.. 31 JOHN.MdNAY, Clerk. LD MEDIAL TWINE 6660 feet to the pound. 115e Cash with Order. It Pays to buy the Best. W. J. Finnigan E mondvill 9 e ONTARIO $10,000 worth of weeds. on ten. farms in oneneighborhood That is what an inspector valuing farm lands for loaning purposes re- ported. His report read: "It is badly infested with sow thistle, as are all the farms in the neighborhood. I have valued $i,000 less than I would if clean of this weed.” ,And he only discounted the fare value 12%. Many inspectors would go much higher. United action will exterminate the weed scourge. Destroy weeds wherever ' found. Under the pro- visions of the Weed . Control Act, 1927,. now in force, 'the destr c uC t1021 of weeds is no longer optional. It is .compulsory.' Youri{s co -o eration p needed to end the weed nuisance. The ;Department of Agriculture Province of Ontario Parliament Bnildiril;s,; Toronto I=ON., JOHN S. MARTIN • W. 13.•ROADF310CJSE. Deputy Mfnleter7tl Foal SALE. R. (Choice 100`'farm' Lot .1 .a (Con iyessi n , 4 4,'Hullett, al'1 under i:uitivatioii,-a n'ew' fraise house and bank 'barn, 4% -miles from '.Seaforth. For particulars appy to ROBERT ,OGA'TES, Seaforth, FOR SALE, , ol iF > 1. d coupe :and Ford ;sedan, will sell either, cheap. Both in good run- ning shape; Vl M. C 'GO VIEINL'OgK, Egmondville. '33 WORK WANTED. Married man wants work on farip. Hive had life .long experience,' 'Wife. 'good cook.,..pply to News Office, 31 FOR SALE. A fraise buildin . suitable for or stable and garage, with about 54 acre land. APnI y to RS . A R GARET HARN, Seaforth. 331 HEN TROUGHS, TILE, ETC. • Hen troughs, size 2'.,8", light and.. easy to handle, suitable for chickens, etc,_ 1.See them at .R Frost's at any time. Also larger troughs 'for pigs, ete. 4 -inch and 6 -inch tile ou...hand, and larger ones made tto- order. R. FROST, Seaforth. ', 31 F -OR SALE a".Comfortable frame house;ood barn and 4r/, acres''' land. Good Or- chard and 'small fruits. See A. D. SUTiHEJRLA+ND, Insurance and Real Estate: . DESIRABLE : RESIDENCE FOR "LE IN SEAFQRT'II Solid brick, nine. room house with furnace, 'bath -room, town water and every convenience. 'Centrally located and convenient. to schools, churches and business 'section;.' two 'fine lots. good barn and garden. House has small annex- suitable for an office. Bargain 'for quick sale. Apply to JOHN H. BEST, , Barrister, Seaforth, Ont. THE McKILLOP Mutual a Eiru1nsurance. Co, FARM- AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0 N 'L Y, INSURED Officers --James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evansr Beechwood, Vice President; ,D. F. McGregor,. Seaforth, 'Sec. -Treasurer.. Directors -Mm. Rini; -No. 2 Sea-, forth, John ,Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Bnoadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. -Grieve, No. 4r -Walton; Robert Ferris, 'Harlock; 'George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, :Brueefield. ••Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, 'Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, 'Seaforth, Murray, r.r. 'No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarinouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govonlock, Seaforth, auditors: Parties desirous to effectinsurance or trans- act other business • will 'be promptly attended to by applieation to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. PROFESSIONAL, CARDS, Medical, DR.', HUGH ROSS, S, ,Physician' and Sur , td gcon., Late London Hos-' pital, London, England, Special attention. to ,diseases, of the eye,ear nose and throat, Office and esid- ace resid- ence behind Dorrnmon 'Bank.. Office Phone No.- 5; Residence Phone 106, DIR. F. J;: 'BU'RIR'OWS,` Seaforth, Office and residence, Goderich_stree55, east of the .Methodist (Church. Cor- oner for the -County of Huron. Tele- phone No, 40. DR. C. "MACIK'AY.—C, Mackay, honor graduate -of Trinity niver s- itYand gold medallist of 'rinftC . Medical College; member of the 'Coit- lege of Phiesicians.,and Surgeons 'Ontario. DIR. F. R. F • -.-, ar, Nose J� ORSTER Eye,.Ear; Dose and Throat.' Graduate in 'Medi, -eine, University of Toronto 1897. !Late K!' Assistant New York Opht,halmid and Arural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and: Golden Square throat t hospitals, Lonr doll;: England, At Commercial hotel. Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month,; from Til: a.m. to -1 p.m. Next -visit in. September. DR W. C. SPTOAT.—Graduate o= Faculty of Medicine, University of Western' Ontario, London'. Member of 'College of Physicians . and Sur -.m geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhae't i Drug Store, (Main St„ Seaforth. Phone 90. .; Dental. DR: J. A, IMUNN Successor to Dr. 'R. R. 'Ross, gradu- ate of Northwestern -University; C'hii<• cago, Ill. Licentiate 'Royal 'College of Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto; Office over Sills' hardware, Main street, Seaforth. 'Phone 1181.' DR. F. J B'EIOH1•JLY, graduate Royal 'Cyol'lege of Dental Surgeona, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, 'office 1851W, residence 1853: Auction'eer,. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensad - Auctioneer for, the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaotion guaranteed•, WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James 'Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORITIH, ONT. All. kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -.Class Companies. -:. • ' SEAFORTH. MARKETS. j Wheat, per bus. 'Wad.n.esday.. ,, Aug.•3rd..30 _ . $1 'Barley, per bus. 70c .fir Oats, per bus. 50c Buckwheat, per bus. ' 65c Shorts, per cwt. • ..... . ..:',$1.85 Bran, per cwt. • Butter, per ib.. , 32` Eggs,. per doz. 25c 30c New potatoes; per bag $2.00 5'Iogs, per cwt. . , , .. ...$9.75 For 50 cent- s You. can $ et your Suit Pressed by W. BATE1'IAN Practical Tailor Over Keating's Drug Store SEAFOIZTH Thursday, Friday and Saturday The marvellously intelligent police dog -PETE THE R GREAT ,in - 'WILD -USTICE A story of the snow -clad north -country written byC. -Gardner Sullivan and produced by Chester M. Frankli- The great dog performs marvels of strength and o d - ance and demonstratesg n ur amazing intelligence in this thrill- ing out door picture. - Monday, , Tuesday and Wednesday BELLEE LST 1 -THE L.:ILY`. from the play by David Belaseo NEXT WEEK END Harold ' in : "The KidBrother" Lloyd