HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-08-04, Page 7Conditions Improve Trade Disputes Are Less arid' "Poor -Law Relief Shows Tide Has Turned The number of trac92 disputes 10 - volving a stoppage o8 work, reported as beginning in May iii: Great Britain! ,anda54orththn Ireland, was 38 aa tom - , pared With '16 in April and 10 in May, 1926. A total of appoxlmately 11,'000 workpeoplewee lnvolVed in these dia- put'ee, including those thrown cbt o work at the establlehnienha wheir the disputes occurred though n themsell ens parties• to' the disputes. • 1 addition to this number about :.6 00 persons were involved, either .directly or indirectly, in 45 disliutes which be gan,bef tl May and were ,still in pro gress it the beginning:.of.the.montl Ti s the number of new and old die es ' a involving' ut w s 63,in all 16,00 •rk o 1 Y 'e 0 o e and resulting ' in. a 10�s o p s ,. n g , u 73 b0 o • -in t bot ,0 Working g Laysr Of the 39 disputes beginning in Ma i there were 11 directly Involving 3,00 workpeople which arose out of propos: ed reductiohs.in wages; 12 involving 2,000 workers arose -on other wag . grrestipns. Thane were 7 dIepeite directly involving. 4,000 worltpeopl which arose from qudstions reapectin the employment of particular clesse or persons, and the balance, 8;-ar•os frank various outer questions. ` Settlements were effected 'in T'ihe case of 22 new disputes- and '5 old Ole- -W pates, Of the settlements 4 Were made iv favor of the workers, 15 in favor of the employers, and 8 were cdmpromises. In the case of twa dis- putes'. work was resumed. pending negotiations. _,- ... , The number of persons receiving poor law relierin Great Britain 'on one . day le May, covering -31 selected areas, was 777,045 or 3.8 per cent less than in April and 34 per omit. less than in May of last year. The numbers re- lieved at these three dates were equivalent respectively to rates of 434, 452 and 660 per• 10,000 of the eatimat- ed population. Of this total of 777,045 received, 654,- �' 502 received relief In districts"of Eng- land and Wales, 115,789 receiving in - dor relief and 518,713 receiving out• door relief. The total receiving relief -,Warks out at 401 per 10,000 of ese'iinat- e4 population- In Wales there were 142,543 persons in receipt of poor law. relief, 10,173 indoor cases and 132,- 870 "outdoor cases. The. rte in Wales for every 10,000 of estimated .. population was `694, month e $ e g' s e Mangroves and Coral Reefs We ran In subsequently to what is TTarge"Dugong Bay," Awing to. tare arge number of these sea mammals we met there. It is a very Unique ' 'harbor and extremely picturesque, be- ing surrounded by islands and smaller 1'. bays and inter -Woven with coral reefs. , , The bay is almost entirely fringed -with mangroves, and it Is not unusual to see two el• three crocodile§ in the distance with their eyes and about six feet of back showing above the water, while several dugong will be•'sparting about in the' hey at the same time., The latter come up to the surface to breathe, but they are only up for about a second. . All around this little 'bay • are muddy creeks and mapgroves, 'with sandy spits- running out into the 'water, and in the mud and ander the mangroves there is a limited supply of cockles as .large as 'a closed fist, which are .excellent ,eating. While Walkingabout in the mangroves a sharp look -out has to be kept for crocodiles, as they look like logs !s- ing in the mud. On one occasion, also, I was chasing a big crab, and on looking up I saw thousands of flying foxes hanging in 'the mangroves over- bead. Dugong Bay is the beginning of an area teeming with fish, ..including a member of well-known varieties, and others that were not familiar to me. white -fish are very plentiful, and acres of them can be seen at a time jump- ing in the water, and followed by flocks of screaming gulls. Some of these dell weigh up to twenty-five ?grounds,' The 'titles are out for six hours twicee en the twenty-four, and 'daring this period the coral reefs are exposed, . - Ie. Is impossible for me to adequately describe the gorgeous coloring and beauty generally of these reefs, and prevailing colors being -blue, purple, red, green and brown, with floating material attached which le as s.seft and fine-. as gossemer • All this reef when the watetyis over its surface •is swarming with rock -cod, parrot -fish, and other varieties.. . I have seen mars beautiful flower gardens, but they are tawdry in comparison with *the dedicate bee vie es Nature has pro- �Yided''in these interesting waters. --P% J'. Stuart, J.P.; •i0 'A Land of Oppor- ee' 'tnliities;': . .. - t Science and Agriculture' Calcutta Liiglishlnan; There is hardly'one' single day be the Year in which it is not possible to take ILO one'e daily paper and learn of some instance in which science is benefici- ally affecting 'agriculture, both soil dud crops. A century ago the law of. _diminishing returns was elevated to the dignity almost of a religious dog ala, But improvements in soil chem 4stry, mycology, eutomology, ,;and. other branches of egricnttutal science havebrought' about iii the hinds -nil economists a serious modification o f• this law. Sir A. D. Hall Writes: "Soils: do not get 'exhausted if they are properIC handled:• if they are. farmed undci"a,sconservative rotation tnstead of being plundered." 11 i o. TiLIZERS' oc oij Fa Wheat ,For plumper, heavier, higher -grade: grain—use` 'National Fertilizer this season. You'll -be surprised at 1row early your crop will mature with a good dressing of this superior fertilizer, National Fertilizers are properly -balanced fertilizers, "Nlade"in Canada" from formula: iNhas taken years to perfect. Every bag is uniformly, mixed with gueran- teed analysis attached to each bag. Good fertilizereis aninvelstlnent no' an expense. t p. Order yoairs,now. We ship anywhere in Ontario. Ask about • r National x Stock Foods S they get-.46,hk s+ results! AGENTS WANTED in `districts where we are not repre- sented. NATIONAL FERTILIZERS,' LTD. Wet Toronto 9, Ontario WL-LAFFS "Yoe say you were present when this man and his wife were engaged' in a very violent' quarrel?" inquired the magistrate of the witness. "Yoe, your honor," replied the man on the stand. "What was he saying?" • "He wasn't saying anything, your honor" Little' Walter—"Dict our new baby come rightdown from heaven, mam- ma?" Mother—"Yes, dear, right straight down," his —"I guess he must' have lit enale i eet anti that's what makes him so bow-legged," "Because, If they ran they'd hick 15 too much dust." Ever notice how a handsome iroznan usually marries a man who looks like something the eat brought in? Next to reputation the °easiest thing to lose is an umbrella. • There, little janitor; Don't you cry. You'll own the building—by and by, Stude (at box oiflee)—"Two tickets, ,please," Ticket Seller= -"For what date?" Studo (aboently)—"Oh, the one I had with Marion." "Mama, is it wrong to kiss girls because it's fun or is It fun to kiss them because- it's wrong? Yoe oughts know, mama." He—"Can't you forgive the past?"` She—"if you give me a nice enough present" "If you were walking along a dark road' at night, how would you protect yourself?" whistle 'Hall,- Hail, the Gang's All Here." • - Two' negroes ware discussing their Wives' culinary abilities, '8.4" bnastod the first, "dat wife. o' mine am so good dat when she tine..•, co n punt bit ,taste, fes' like augelfood cake." "Flesh ye' moue!" retorted the other, "You ani' nevah et . notllln! When man wife, Iodine, coott& up a passel o' beans Alr feels jos like gofn' oat an' Inuitin' me a roti." "Are yon the man Wlio saved my Forming good habits is little boy from drowning wben'Ile fell to break bad ones. off the dock?" „Yes," "Well, where's his "cap?". The griickest way for a doctor to lose a patient is to tell her it was only a minor operation. No building,perrnits are ever, issued for air castles.' "Reading maltotlr 'a Plan 'Y8u11,". s0 readers should be careful in selection of filling. One has to be raised to it in order to enjoy loafing.. Harold—"Your sunburn Is very be- coming:' • Gladys-"So's your old tan-" "Why do blushes creep over girls' faces?" good way, 1 No one man can win a relay race,' but one man can lose it - Wilms become of gills with freck- led noses? Economy Economy implies getting the most tosults with least expenditure epf money and effort. It does not imply deprivation and niggardliness When buyers •quit buying—that is not economy but a false notion of what economy is and does. Buyers' strikes arethemost oostly stupidities in the buslne]s world. May the nation be spared from them for- evermore. A man with a clean collar and a toothbrush can oto the seashdrn and have 'a better time than a woman with six trunks. aro the 73athr°oom.:. EDDY.' fwy Toilet Tissue NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent and, like all Eddy tissues, is manufactured under the most exacting sanitary conditions. Each toll ' of NAVY" Tis- sue _ 'is guar- anteed to con- tain 700 sheets. Quality a I1 d Econoin;-y combined, - heettiefa, Hi) f.L,CANADA \ WI sro SE'1t1G'J 7: Much Criticism io Uwe/arrant ed, Says Premier Coates \\'elltnf tall" -'New e Hand. — Troubl which has been brewing ing` in Sumo since 1921, when On9O pf the ehief petitlonod the Xing,' praying that th mandate be transferred (190111 Ne Leaiand to Great; !Britain, la now:ca 4iclorod-to have, reached serious, pro portions because of the agitatio againet.-the administration.' The present agitation, says Premie 3. G. Costas, ie due to a Bntai_ ___ who seek to destroy the confidence o th . natives e staves itl the hew 7ealand ernnlent and the Samoan. Adriinistra tion. The agitation is conducted b offtclal meelbers of the Legislative Council; three Apia merchants an several natives, ane 8t whom' 1s t sate to •i d b a.notor Ou i bad 'rd . char ,o Y atter. ' Premier Coates added that the ma a 'stomach and banish indigestion. Here a• is a bit of convincing proof gii•en by ° Mr•0 Chas. Ladner, Morello, P.10,1,, o who says: --"For some years I was a ° sufferer from stomach trouble. Every.- n thing I ato caused distress, sour stem - ash and belching,' I' could not eat meat or potatoes, and I grew weeks and nervous. No medicine seemed' to help me until I was persuaded to take a Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these 'c simply worked wonders,' I took the TR C°I:J 1. E 'IN "SAMOA BECOMES' - Carl be Stres;gthesied Through the Use of'.Dr. Williams'. . n I ilial, l?iils. a, Wonderful is the process by which ' the. •ehornistry. of the body- changes 1V. the food we eat into blood, And the 11' whole of our well-being dopondd. upon ' this "being maintained day after day, q year ill and year out. Sometimes. the process becomes faulty, and then food e begins to poison the blood instead of feeding it. 'Thio .is followed by all the pangs of lndigestlon, such: as gas on the stomach. palm; around the heart, often. nausea after eatlug, and y I a dislike for all kinds' of food. 0 The only way to overcome these , troubles le to tone up the digestion so that you -can asehnilate all your food,; To (10 this o have tl a mil to taker yY D. Williams' Pink Pills, A short course of these pills ..will quickly toile up the jority of the natives and European regard,tl the action of the. agitators u. unwarranted interference with n'ativ affairs, and the leading chiefs, wh Const:,itute talo native Parliament, ar of the opinion that the dissetisfactio of the whites with the prohibition' o liquor law, which is considered es sential for the natives, is partly re sponsiblo for the trouble, One chief has been deprived of hi title, two halve been sentenced to sl months; imprisonment and anothe has been sentenced to four months The Government is supporting Si George Richardson; Administrator of Samoa, who is regarded as an excel lent official for ;the position, and a big has just been introduced in the New Zealand House of . Representative giving . the administration 'wider Powers for' dealing with persona ,11111 - tiering the functions and dirties of the New Zealand Government, under the terns of the League of Nations man - elate. .The penalties for• offences in- clude deportatioh for five years in the case of Europeans, and two years for Samoans, Premier Coates admitted that the situation was serious. While the government Is fully supporting the Administrator, its opponents describe. his government as militaristic. The strongest criticism has been made by Sir' Joseph Carruthers, former Pre- mier of New South Wales, who has just visited Samoa. He states that the island was beinggoverned by "sornetliing worse than martial law, indeed, something resembling Mos- cow 1ethods-" While expressing no opinion regarding the facts in dispute, he. denounced the deportation of heriditary elreits .without trial, which he said had nearly provoked an arm- ed uprising. "Surely someone in Samoa has biundered in taking this high-handed attitude,!' he concluded. r. pine faithfully for a couple of months • by which time every symptom of the r trouble disappeared, and there has not eince been the slightest symptom e of stomach trouble. No wonder I • praise Dr, Williams' Pink Fills." You, can get those pills through any ae medicine dealer or by mall at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. SAVE THE CHI REN In Summer When Childhood Ail- ments Are Most' Dangerous. 'Mothers who keep a box of Baby's' Own Tablets in the housemay feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably sato during the hot weath- er,. Stomach troubles, cholera' in - tenth= and diarrhoea carry off thou- sands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve these troubles, or it given•oc- casionally' to the well child they will prevent their :coming on, The Tab- ets are guaranteed by a government analyst 'to be absollitely harmless even to the newborn babe. They are especially good in summer' . because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure, They are sold by medicine dealers or by Plata' a.t 25 cents a box from The Dr. W11 - tams' Medicine CO„ Brockville,,•Ont, Canada's Carilloneur Has a Strenuous Time Ottawa -0f the performance of the parliamentary carillon, whose music has been wafted'suceessfully across the whole continent, much has been said, and been written but little is known of the lamer workings of the bells which produce such a volumin- ons melody, - A visit to the tower shows the ar- rangement to be comparatively simple. The fifty-three: bells are hung in a steel "gantry," in rows. They are stationary` and, differing from com- mon conception, do not swank at 1111, In the upper part of the gatry, 1n tiers,. are forty-seven belly while, below, are the six big ones, Right in the centre of the cluster of bells—between the upper and lower. Sections ---is the keyboard. It is 5Kcee by a seat, seven feet bila, - Tie. carie lonllef111 slides hack and forth on this moveable seat playing the wooden •atey5 which are like those, of a piano but Target' and longer With prolUcline' ' ends. The player bits on these with his hands er upon'pedals; like those of a pipe organ -with his feet and; both keys and pedals are conueeted with •wires that lead to the clappers ns.de the bells. The "blow" is only nu- inch and e hall In length. The laying Is all by hand or foot and not y lnachiery. The keyboard and edals each embrace two rows. So trenuous is the exercise that the Calilionneur has to weara sweater while a. special shower bath pee been installed. to enable him to cool off. I The. bells of the cheek chimes as well. as. the mechanism:0e the clock' ise1f are boar operated by•electric ma- chinery, Minard's Liniment relieves Backache. 5 1 I�hosphos'escellt : Deers At La Libertad, the •Teoueille of Salvador, lay our 'vessel, loading sugar,, and .when the dusk dv w' it'9 veil over Rada do rep. agora, the Sap Juan was once more heading south It was a wonderfully beautiful night that followed, There was a new moon,., and the dgalmess brooded silently, only the " � �stars twinkling through a'thin film ' ' of watery nnet. Then sedge/11S, it11; ul L , seemed' asif a flash of lightning shot Ccleb arm through the water. Faintly at first, as if hesitating, -Hien again, and yet again„ clearer now and more pro- nounced. And goon- the whole surface waslig ht ' a g with a silvery -violet 'sheen, with the crests of waves gleaming one behind the -other. A thousand sparks shone out and faded, to reappear again elsewhere. It was as if the vessel were cutting her way through a mays 1 s of molten metal... Now and again a shoal would leap right out of the water, splashing the silver about like handfuls of coin, and presenting at a distance exactly the effect of breakers Somuch so, lndee.d,.that the engines were slowed down and the soundings taken, for it really looked ES if Uia water were breaking on a reef ahead.' The lead, however, show- ed a hundred meters, and the reckon- ing ten miles from the Iand; so it was merely an effect of the phosphores- cence. Tho incident,' however, was enough to make several of the pas- sengers swear the vessel had touched ground; they came.a1 deck with anx- ious £sees and took up their positions near the lifeboats, to see if they were ready to lower away. The,phenomenon lasted only -a little while, but for the time its power and intensity were of a degree unusual even in thesewater's, which are re- nowned for almost fabulous displays of the sort. Soon the Pacific lay once more calm and dark, with only a faint silvery glitter nowand again in the. thrash of our propeller. And over the horizon hung the pale sickle of the new moan, sharp and curved like the bent bow of Montezuma. -Prince; William of Sweden, in "Between Two 1 A road -mender has submitted a pie- Continentse" tune to the Royal Academy. If accept- ed, he will be the drat M`acadeniician- Bert—"Are fashions less extreme this year?" Bob—"Not a bit—ex- tremely less." caTiatikstki mathilay test , MAPr � dNATIONII � LGIG O ally. f 4C r nfc Imo Ee� � .aeiit� �{. ah t6 A N entirely r e iY , new .L�nd awe-inspir- ing nspir- ing Grand Stand$pec tacle "CANADA" presented by 1,500 performers. Now Agricultural Pavillon -an $ acre extension to theC.N.E'.Coliseum: ' New$160,000Diamond;. Jubilee of Confedera- tionEntrance,and the $50,000 World Champ- ionship Swim, Wed- nesday, August 31st. These are only a few featuxes of the great Confederation Year Programme. Write Deii'rtment of Pobiicity, Canadian Nananaf Exhibition, Toronto 2, One, for pictorial booklets, JOHN J-D1r05 .ae,m 49th ear iteiteeeseeelesebew JOHN O. KENT Manning Director In Shakespeare's' Werke. "Ethel is always delving in Shake- speare's works:'. Didn't know you'd associate with a factory girl, May," Minard's Liniment for burns. Czech Literature Czech literature developed only gradually,- and acquired a high artis- tic standard only at the end of the nineteenth century, During the whole first half of the nineteenth century Czech poetry lay under the spell of romanticism and produced compar-' atively little of permanent value. It lacked and dreaded :that enthusiasm,' that . unbridled 'imagination, lofty 1 irony, and Lyric eniotionalisin which, constituted the magnetic charm of Western romanticism. .It often lack -1 ed also in artistic beauty and in wealth and diversity of ideas, and adhered generally to those tendencies which it considered useful for patri- otic propaganda, for the promotion of culture of the language and of na- tonalism. The chief ideas of Czech romanticism were: nationalism, pen- Slavisni, Old Slav mythology, lan- guage and folklore culture. The greatest talents which it produced were Vlachs, Erben, and Celakovsky. —Vladimir Nosek, in "The Spirit of Bohemia." Ile Thad been knocked down by a motor .ear, which had not troubled to stop. "Did' you, get his number? asked the policeman, "No," said the maxi, "but -1'd recognize his laugh. any- where." "Why do they always give a show- er to a girl who is going to be mar- ried?" "Merely a quaint old custom to eymboltze the beginning of a reign." Things Worth Knowing About fir. .tt Gunk -Dipped Tires Firestone pioneered, developed, tested and placed on the market the Balloon Gum -Dipped Tire—the genuine FULL- SIZED Balloon Tire. With but half the usual air pressure, these tires are very soft and yielding. They absorb the holes, ruts and bumps in the road. They cushion the car and and passengers from shocks, and vi- bration. Firestone Gum-Dipping—by which each fibre and strand of cord in the tire is impregnated and coated with pure gum—adds the extraordinary strength and flexibility which makes the Balloon construction practical Firestone Dealers are kept up-to-date on tire development andservice—con- tinually progressing and improving their ability to serve you better and save your money. Seethe nearest Fire- stone Dealer and let him handle your requirements. - FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO, OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Firestone Builds the Only Com -Dipped Tires Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago_ Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" package which contains ---proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets 1 Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists, Asnlrin to the trade mork,(xegistercd In Canada) of Sayer Mannfnchne et eteenneetlo- nriacator of 5alleylfeacld'.(Acetvl .Salicylic Aold, "A. S. A."), 'While it is: watt known that Aspirin means nnyer munutaotnre, to assist the publle against initiations, the Tablets et Barg cowpony will be stamped .with their soloed trade plank, tee 'Buyer Grease' - CIassiffed Advertisements A abler g 1I''55ICR SEX-- 575.00 ..f� e EEIMLX EASY. Selling I'ALCO CLEANERS. ' Cleaveeverything !lice Magic. Removes ROAD TAU without injury to Faint Selly on demonstrodon- Free -m1i1cs. l?, A. LL•c'EfiVitll i Alesandria, : tint. {)Ri.11'S I3Lris rOWDEit CLEATS nu to traps. upholstery, rugs, blinds, tapestries, caps like magic. Benieves stone tram clothes, .Liberal commis- sion it you act 115 Dur agent. Every Itauvehold d:.prospect. :Send 2910 for Package; Owen, 321 Day, Toronto. Use Cutictara Soap, Ai -d Ointment To Heal Sore Ha rids' CANCLSENTonRE4UEST Tells cause of cancel and what to ,do for pain, bleedir g, odor, etc. Write for t to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad. dress Indianapolis Cancer Ilospital Clndiatapolis, Ind. Sunburn. Mix Minarsi s with sweet nil or cream, and apply. Quick and permanent relief. RESTORED T OOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience` Buckingham, Quebec. -"I am the mother of eleven living children, and my baby is five months old. I am only 80. years. old and I have taken Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vego- table: Compound for weakness and my nerves.I knew of it from my. sister, Dame Ed- ouard Bellefeuille of Aameayville. For five years I was in misery and was always ready to cry. Now I am' so happy to have good health. Ply daughter, who is 18 e cars old, has also taken it and will be happy to recommend it to all young f;i'•le."—Dame.WILLIAM PAR - r y'r, Dux 414, Buckingham, Quebec, I Why sutler for yearswith back- ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women from early life to middle age, when Lydia E. Pinkham's' Vegetable Compound will give you relief? Ina recent country -wide canvass ofpu cheeers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound, over 250,000 replies were received, and 98 out of every 100 reported they were bene- fitod by its use. 0 - i ISSUE No. 32-'27