HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-08-04, Page 1WHOLE SERIES', VOL. 49, No. 31.
$I A YE/Or-
' " �" "-"'" '
Petrick; Pages, Marion and Jessie
Mrs. R. Norris and - Miss N. 'Mc-
�� � q�
DINNERS mid r,�� �A.d
Mt.; V canon Govenlack- is lying in
the St. Mary's hos�Fital in a serious
condition, 'having 'been ' in . a, semi-
The total Proceeds aiitounted to
something in 'the neighborhood of
1,200, <
,CIiTSIy,left on Ii rlday for a trip to the'
ithas .1:aura ,McLellan is risibing
with Miss Grace Free in 'Seaforth.
�. -- � , + 00 9 .� „
ik """ l�( t' Y�r" — a,, , to
- ,
• i
at all
' "
L N 11 ES
o —
conscious condition since
morning, when he feu fromra pole to
the street, while re,movtng, decora
tions niter the St, Marys reunion and
firemen's tournament. Ile was reach-
iug'to unfasten a rope at the top of
a pole, .when his spur slipped;- and
the strap for holding him tip not be-
ing fastened, he 'lost his balance, In
trying to save himself he grabbed an••
electric wit carr sn 440 an
a ,.. tarty -mg m 0 volts_. sl•
fell twenty feet, to the. roiitld land
ing.on his shoulder. :Owing.,to his
coltdthon;: it has been impossible to
discover tf-. there are any !broken
11 rcgutar•nseefrng of the Voting
I copies lI eague'of North side United
Cln ch was held 'Cuesda ''venin in
theSuuda school room; A la e
Y, g
0 mber enjoyed tire program. The
chair Was occupied by Miss Helen
Lane. 1r1+.. •boss iSavauge . read the
Scrq�ttn'e lesson, The tjpiC, °The
Contribution of th'e 'l, a•cigner to Ca-
1.adtan Life," was, s it:mildly taken b
l y Y
Mi•. Earle 'Webster of Eg'mondvflle
, r ' _
1 well
1Yfrs.fH. Kennedy, of (Clinton, is vis-
icing relatives and_frieud"s. .,-
Urs. W. Balfour, Miss Ethel and
1)r'• h• Balfour, of Ivlount Pleasant,
spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F.
1\fr. Henry 'Golding' attended the
Old Home Week in 'S�tY1 Marys.
n Mrs, J J Miller, of,Exeter,
and.Mrs, II: D'ayman, I5eafo'r#ti; vtsrk-.
eel with Mrs; J• Norris !Sunday. •
lir. and Mrs. W. Copp, London,
visited with Mr. and Mrs: Geo, But-
sou no 'Monday
G • i�
,lust tO remind golfers that
o$ golf bails, we are listing
Dunlop ` Makfli". .he best
A I, IdS Fr
we carry a good hue.
them below. l?'
ball on the market, . $fin,
rices Reasonable`
�% lit
bones. Latest"Word received h ere from
the ilno�pital reports. tram as still only
sent' c nscious, but that. his strong
vitality stands i0.. his favor for recov-
cry, which" `Nelson's many' friends
trust. may b4 soon. •
It is couaidertd miraculous that the
accident was not instantly fatal: ffn
it is thought he would havg
struck head first if a wire had not
.solos t MTh's- 1"li
r F , v 1 r _t omp
son and bliss Turnbull ai d a diolh,
selection by Mr, Artiur Galling, t,,,,,,:, is,
Gladys Holland gave a !b.} int read"
tug' A social half !heir 'was then en-
]eyed after .which the. Miipah bene-
diction was re eatul and
p the meeting
c.Uosed, • •.
;Rev, J. E, Jones is holidaying near
Dr. and Mrs, W. Bell of 'Sault Ste.
Marie, spent the week -end with Mr.
and +Mrs. 'M. G. Day's,
Mrs. Jn Sadler and sou Bobbie spent
the week -end ie Mitchell.
tveekw J.her sister -in law,sMtst Task
, Silver ging . ......... . ...:. , .. , .............85c
Dunlop:"Two Bob" .
« 50e
D nalO Warwick the new Dunlop •ball 'with the pp
fifty-fifty marking 50c
Ne'' Scott X 50e
turned him slightly so' that his shout-
der • received the force of the impact:
His fingers were -badly burned, by
. , ••
arr. acrd hits. E. Payne left for their
home inMoos
1 °Tya Jaw after visiting the
lady's .parents.
We are clearing
Confections y and Restaurant
contact With the high' -voltage wire.
The wort` of removing the decora-
tions began • at midnight and it was
early Tuesday morning at 3' o'clock
E 1
Exeter 2, Seaforth 2.
Exeter again trantpled.on Seaforth
tri the tune of 122 in the last meet-
0,fanitowan waning, visiteds.
g , S�Y
aunt. Mrs. C. Chubb,, recently.
('Intended for last week.)
,Miss 'Gt'ace smile, of !Simcoe, is
our pxesent' stock of golf Clubs,
regular value from `300 to $.5.00 at
$2 50
..� that the call came to his parents tit
tit e1' these teams in the
g ) Huron
County League.' Seaforth's
visiting with Mrs. Albert Smelt. .
, ;•
p i n�
Get ��e best �
I1UTC� i tI1 S
;Seaforth. The following have gone to
CHURGH CARD, St.. Marys''—his parents, Mr, and Mia
tor J' IM Goveniocl; his. wife, Mrs. Nel-
North Side United •Church-=Pasauge
, son Govenlock, his sisters Edith and
"Rev. W P. inane,•B,A. Mrs. M. D'orrttnce, and his brother„
Union IServtccs„Egmondville United Lester of Kincardine.
and North !Side United. -
,1.1 in E
.pitcher was an absentee from the
line-up auct,.;the duties of ljnlitig fell
on •Ted-'., Downs, shortstop, and
'South' (Brownlee, first baseman. As
).O1ild be expected both were bit hard
m spots, especially in .the ;third . and
Mr, and Mrs. H. Rix, ,Buffalo, Spent
st few days with the lady's brother,
'4Cr. Wm. Jeffrey.
Miss /Belle MycLellan 'and Mr. Har-
old McLellan„of Saskatoon are in
ten..• 'a, inhere Mr. 'McLellan, is at-
tending the World's' Poultry Con-
(* � 1.
re S.
*� as
"The Gift Store”
Jeweler' and Optometrist
BROOMS—from d0v to: $ 1 OO,yLimitless.
a.m. mondwflle United-
g —
Church. Subject: `.'Delimiting the- -:
7p;fn„ inNQrtlhSide Uiuted'Church • AND PAGEANT,
sixth. Exeter+s pitcher
struck out ld and allowed but 7 hits,
Brownlee Inc a pair of doubles. Hart
also `got a tong two base drive over
and Mrs, N. Mitchell, Centralia,
visited ted with ,Lis. Mitchells mother,
fir`' \orris. +Sunday.
O osi
pp te, Post Office
Phones 194. Res. 10 Ci
SCRUB ;BRUO.El.—small, „:.neat
Close 'filled good fibre 25c va-
- - •
—Subject, Age -Long Plea of '
Evil.,, A most successful garden party was
Rev, W. 1: , ,Carte will conduct ,these held on Thursday eveninglass on the
services, •' •Egmondvil'le +Church 'lawns. A !boon-
the short fence in right field. Litre -ups
Seaforth-:-iWillis: 3'b, Downs �'• ss'
Brownlee; ,Ib, p, Kerslake'• 2b, lb,
Gibb c, Hart of, Johnston 1f Ander-
•Tos. on
\j+'• Jas: Norris, of North 'Bay; is
'pending art of the vacation with his
'hrvther, lyfr. Robert Norris: •
r.>�y= �_- eat •,, iPi 7
nue ±os 15C •
10 a.ni.—S.S, and Bible 'Classes in ttfn! supper was served beginning at:
•United by Faces
son ss, Huiser rf,
Mrs. F. 1Htrnvbley visited her sister
Seaforth for few
i i>•t°! ,a.
Paramatta fibre brush regular
North Sitle 'Church. *30 p.m and. judging the of
those emerging from the supper-
.':Exeter=Aledd rf, L. Tiernan .ss,
'Hind 2b, 3'b, Bcapeirs
m a days:
M. Ashworth, Jamestown, N.
nue for 20C
everyone wellpleased
;1QCeb 1b; Yule
I is visiting her 'nephew, Mr. LloydcoAL
40e vi
Hand Brushes at 5, 10 15 &25c
: ,
Salmon at 15, 18, 20, 23,25efor
Y was, with
that part of the evening's entertain-
CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC, • rttentl 'During the interval ibetween
Between two hundred and three the supper and the programme music
if;'c, yf.:Tiei an cf, 'Taylor 6 ]f, Law -
son p.
Mrs. III. Golding left Sunday for
St. Marys where she ,vitt visit fo:
2 r 35 , 45,,
halves and 0,20,
50 for 1 lb, Gins
lit u , It
' the best that is p p
hundred members and adherents of tsas supplied by the Seaforth High-
North SideUnited'Church found their Landers Band and as usual their mu-
sic was greatly enjoyed, �,,.
way tri the congregational, picnic held •
at Bayfield on the afternoon of Wed- The programme' consisted of a pa--
nesday, July 27th, This was the first geant entitled, . "The Romance of
time the congregation attempted to 'Canada.” This pageant was a review
Sather in a body in a united picnic of Canada's past history with •a
A delighhful" ntiscellane?us shower
utas held at the home of Mrs. E. G.
'Chamberlain Friday -evening o honor-
several weeks.
i,Liss,ivtargarek'Wilson, Seaforth, is
holidaying at the hone of her broth-
er, G. G. Wilson.
- �,,(r. G. Kidd, of Wmntpeg, visited
with A'lr. Robert Sadler over the
week -end.
r 1'BOHE` j
E■ 1,.� ®X: 1��
-nests us more than table syr-
lim'pse into oho r
and the result justified,„ the carrying h g eat things stilt in
r sultprojsst. Tk
the bride-to-be,'Miss Ma Modeland,
whose marriage to 'Mr, J, R, +Mo-
Mr. and lits. George .Suhr and Miss
Lorena 'Sunday Mr.
RA cEs.
up, but the difference of cost
in what would be used in an
ordinary baking would bt
perhaps not more than a cent,
Get the best,. Per lb.. 10e.
Rn lish,Dinner Ware 97
piece `sets lain white With
gold line regular $20 for $1?,50
Toilet Special, an assort-
ment of Albert Soaps. 6 cakes
regular price 45c -fol • 25e
2 C
Castile Soap, $fol 5
ofde store, was staged by the members
Everyoneseeaned toice in the ;p cnic of •clue choir assisted by a few friends,
spirit ,and nu3nerous expressions of and the who, was under the excel-
delight have been heard at the, pleas- Itttt leadership of Mrs. 'Ben .Johnson,
urs it afforded those who attended. he organist and choir leader.
The success was larThe night was ideal for.such an
gels due to- theand
faithful work of the various comm • it-, ciitdoor •performance' anti the settmg
tees, Mr, Chas Barber and his coin; added greatly to the charm, The ;t_
Ilia a had the work of transportation feet was 'heightened owing to the
we in 'Band, Mr, Savin e, anon • with splendid stage erected by Mr, Jehn
the` other members o$ Sport commit- \IdCaa, assisted by Mr. Donald Mc-
tee put on a s len.did prograin .Donald. This stage was tastefully
place foroldand young, with a atttl appropriately decorated with Bri-
y ng, little and
big fat and: lean, Mrs, 'Archibaid had tisk and Canadian flags and red, white
efficient assistance in planning for and and blue bunting, making altogether
carrying out without a hitch the a 'charm background for the per-
slipper : ro am. Altogether fonnance. In u very few words the
c1 , p b'r t gether the oc
sten was.an outstanding one and all Pastor • md'icated the •• nature 'of. the
shall look forward to repeating the pageant and acknowledged gratefully
Pt+elft next year. the assistance, of those friends who
had joined with the choir acid those
'Cres, of New Lislecarci, •takes Plage
al.iout the, middle o'f August, : There
.were 3p young ladies present, Little
°T-Ielen Chainlbertain, ,in a •pretty dress
of pale -pink crepe de ohne, with veil
orange blossoms, represeutcd a
bride, and Miss Katherine Luckhart'
N05t' 7lamhurg m a white silk suit, thr
room. Miss Beatrice ICatzeisme er.
g y
also of New. Hamburg, in frock of pink
'crepe de chine, trade a sweet brides-
maid. The gifts, which were placed
do a basket decorated with ink and
white ivero handed to' Miss Mode-
land by these srtiall daintily attired at_
tendants, The evening was pleasant-
ly s tent 311 music and contests. ,Ada-
.. i
1tcious lunch was served by the host-
spent with and
\lrs. G. Tnffm,
Berry t
p'cking • i, the' r rde:. of the
.._.-....�_-_.._ w
\fi's.'Duffy, Sr., has taken a relapse.
Old a •e is "the cause 'but her ratan
g Y
friends visit her a.speedy recovery, :
Mr, and airs. 'Gordon Hays, Of De-
croft, arcompanfed by 'bits. Con, Eck-
ai•t and 'Mrs. 'Tos. Eckait, were visit-
'urs at the ]Homes of Mrs. W. Manley
and Mrs. Thos are
The farmers are busy •cutting their,
wheat: and barle and ,if the fine
weather continues threshing will soon
Rev. Fr. Ceice, of Kitchener, was' a
1l c_Altirtrie; 3 'Rev, Mr, Conner, Jack
Feeding dh,g contest, 1. Ross Love, Mrs.
W. Caldwell.
Driving •nails, 1 Mrs. T. Butt, 2
�IThreadla arid needle race, 1 John
Boil, ,Merle 'Carlile; 2 John Jarrett,
'Mildred. Johnston; 3 ,:Andrew 'Bell,
Elva Anderson,
Clothespin race, 1 'Walker Carlile,,
'-' Russel Cousin, 3 Arthur Finlayson,
after the sports a bountiful supperX1030
was served,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ivison and
tiliss Jean Ivison attended the da
of the .corner stone and garden laying
g party
at the new9United Church at Porter's
Hill Wednesday. last,
l ilder the susiticeLof Hamilton T1r6-',.
ing and Athletic Association.
WE3 , a,
I j
lI J T 0.
2:14 Trot or Pace, Purse .,15391,',,
2:I8 Trot or race Purse �+
30 liter or Pace, Purse7•
Colt Race, four year -old and under
Dairy -Butter, _ We have ample
and uarantee the
supply • g
qua( ty' satasfaetor or we.
'cheerfully return theprice
- - •
who were patronizing the play. Miss
IViUSIC EXAIVII Vera Hudson as the Goddess of Fame
NASIONS had the major part of the speaking to
!pupils tried their do and she did her part exceedingly
exams at. St. 1Joseph'shConvent, Sea- well. Neither time nor space would
forth, were all successful. `Mr. Alex- ntrmit of elaboration on the various
,Mr. and !bits, Arthur O'Conntor ,of
Detroit are visiting the former's fa-
titer, Mr. James O'Connor. _
Mrs, T. 'Ryan Scott,
visitor at the home of Me. and Mrs.
Mr. and rt last Sunday.
Thos. 'Floilaud' of
Windsor, called nn friends here las as,.
`•bfoncla ,
on' .
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Horne and
-family, of Stratford, visited with iMr.
bits, Wm. Horney last week.
`Mrs, (Rev,) McKi'bbon and Miss
-Edna llicKbbon, of London,- visited
the home
$')Euu >
Al! mile heats,
First Race 2 O'clock Sharp •
No waits between hearts..
Parking for
E. D HU TCH [SO1V: "'
Phone Phor Phood 166
antler .of the Toronto Conservatory. . -u tors 'but it is' speaking very - on-
presided, ereativelyto say that without ex-
The following were the results: -, ceptlon all the parts were well done.
Primary• Violin—Norma Bolton, Much thanks is due to Mr, Lainiman,
p J the leader of the band, for'his•able as-
Elementary Vrohn IDoris Bolton:Toledo,
Primary Plano Catherine he
J. and sons of
cask., are spending the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs.,J,ghn-Delaney, Mc-Ki1-
Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Phomas Sta Teton of
Ohio, are visiting
, visiting Mr. and
Mrs, J. A. Douglas, of Hyde Park;
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr: and Mrs.'IR N. Douglas.
at of Mr. and • Mrs, Henry
Ivison during the past week.
Blaster Harold Jones and Miss
Margaret Jones had their tonsils re -
Moved at lits. l atterson s hospital
Tuesday. -
cars --Drive right i.;a•
Gates open at noon.
J i try list is die 'largest on rectee-g
and spectators are assured `a 'ban -,i
a r-
afterndon's sport.
l -
h - a�jj -, ;
�Gal Shoe Yaines
• •
Murray,, sistance which added much hto
Elementary Piano—'Elizabeth Carlin, success of the whole: The .'it•usof
Gertrude 'Matthews, and'congratulations of the congre,;a-
z y --~'Jean McLachlan, Ha- doer should also be tendered to Mrs
el M°Lachlan; 'Jean .Stewart, Helen Johnson, on whose shoulders- fell theMr.
Rankin, Grace Kreuter and Junior whole +birden of training and direct-
Piano; 'Marie +Baechler,, St Joseph's Mg The music, both. vocal and in-
Mrs. Jerry Stapleton and' Mr,' and
Mrs. Patrick Stapleton.
Mr, Clarence McQuaid, who spent
the vacation with'his potents, Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph 'McQuaid, returned
to DeLaSalle College, Aurora, on
Miss Susie and Miss Edna Walters,
Kitchener, are s pending the.boli-
days with Mrs: E. 'Clarke and other
friends in the vicinity.
and Mrs. John Bspenerman
and family, of Detroit spent the
week -end at the home Mr.
The funeral of- the late Alex_ Mc-'
Beath was very large attended.
. Miss !Margaret Johnston is visiting
her parents, .Mr, and bits. Jas. John-
sten. <
Seaforth Turf Association
tree. 12.'Mat.artne y' R. H. res.z:::.
President. 'vice -Pres,
R M. Jones, A. D. SutherYa ';
Treasurer Secretary -
New Sam le'Shoes m Black.,Sati11
Patent Leather --1 Strap
,Convent, 'Goderich. strumental,' and the recitative arum-
bets, just served with the pageant it-
trust. •
Brother Francis and Brother Jo_
Presentation "Brothers, Mon-
of and
Mrs. Pete Brennerman.
4Ir, and Mrs. Wm. Finlay attended
!, 6�
Reg. $5,50 for eeta.15
New Blond Kid with Rose Blush
trimming Covered Spike and
vaban Heels Reg. $6.00 for
Q+j f/� _
Women's Velvet,1 strap • 411.50
self to form a wnllabalanced pro-
BOWLING; NOTES. - •gramme, and jud•ging 'by the, many
l expressions .of appreciation heard on
The local tournament. held Friday, all sides, the audience was exceeding-
evening of last week was the most ly well !leased:. The_cast of stint-
of the season •both in 'asters was as follows:
• Points of :ittendance and ,in enthus- 'Herald, Bobby ,McDonald Goddess,
nam shown.• There were 48 members Vera Hudson; ;pages,' 'Fay "Johnson
present •to for the sweater
competeand Marjory Mc!D'onald; Fathers of
coats donated as prizes by Stewart •'Confederation—?Sir Jiohn A. 'Mac-
Bros. At the conclusion of the three donald (W., Godenlock); Sir 'George
games.'it was found that' the rinlc 'Brown •(D,: Gemmell); 'Sir Etienne
composed Rev"Thompson);
seph, of ,
treat, are visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, •
John Dalt on, H•ibbert.
Mr, Peter Matthews, Detroit is
friends intle
visiting friends St. Columhan and
, Mr. and Mrs, E. .O O'Halloran of To-.
roo.to visited with Mr, and Mrs. P. A,
O'Sullivan this week,
Mr, and 'Mrs Thomas Holland and
Family of Detroit spent the week end
with friends iu-t'his vicinity, •
the regent. wedding of their niece near
Ripley. `,,
4Ir, and Mrs. '.1 If •.Mattson and Sit-
of Toronto -are vision
friends daughter,u the 'Goshen tine, g
bliss Blanche'effre of Kitchener
, . .-.J .. , Y,
us s cndtn the holidays with her
is spending
Mr, and Mrs, Morgan :Brown, of
'Toronto; are visiting friends in this
\ "st of the village people attended.
;the 0:11 Boys' reunion at Goderich
os Monday, horse •racing bei•ng the
of attraction. Do not forget
•Thursday, as a large crowd is expect-
ori •there that ria Y• To-
Mi. and Mrs. Roy Barnett ox
sacro, are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Barnett's brother, Mr, Rob!,
All farmers
�,T �yr t;
EA R A~ E,lv �RT
�iTYtdor the auspices O "l;'i,16ne-
Rill be bald onll2r. lIu h Alke L:a-
heads lawn on
Women's Sport .,,`Shoes with
lt'epe• Soles $3,
' Blonds 1 strapsize. 5 to
C1111d S
q .
y for 1 •
' Blonds 1 Stl'a Size $ to
Child's B10 p
Y0 for —
of 'tl. Dr, Larkin,nf. Cartier ('W. 'Sir Charles
Winter, Frank Sills and Jack Grieve Tupper (Ivan Henderson); Sir Leon-
was hi
high with three -wins with a plus aid'Tilley, (iA. D'oney);•On•tario.(Ber-
of 1.5, gust nosing out Joe McMillan nice Joynt)„ Laura Seoord,. (Mae
with Angus MdCrae,•.'John Ilei and +Iludson • solo "I love ort Canada"
incl .Charlie Barber wlto had •_ 6gttree (B. Toynt) Quebec, (Margaret For-
wins phis:l4. A ,Op ecial:prize, an uTn- rest); Habitant, W, Strong, tvho read
brella, went to Jacl:'Gallagher•for tlhe. Little. Baptiste",- Moittcaltn, (Mr.
n10af Fifty {eucllers th.> •,Ghartears'' •Wolfe ( : 'F'a •rest •• selec-
leads. • • . , among )' ai )'
kion, "The 1Marsellaise"; New Bruns-
'The. Friday evening tournament i*;iek, Jean +Webster; river driver, A.
'which, seams to be- very' popular Scott; chorus; `'Canadian .Boat Song";
Mi'. and Mia Ivy Allen and tam-
tly; of 'Brantford; spent the week -end
/' yes !here.
crib relict
r21'• and 'Mrs. Will Howe, of To-
ionto, is s pentTmg his holidays 'under
the parental' roof,
The Misses, Laura and Greta Sar -Same
areas, of Toronto, spent the past two
weeks at their home here,
Picnic. Kippen and Hillsgrecn
.United Churches held their annual
picnic to Bayfield on 'Tuesday, July
'26th. A very large crowd. was present
and ,the afternoon was s ent in s
P Forts
and races: A very special feature
was a Confederaton 'ball with
(Hills teen dressed ti the •ancient
garb of long ago against Kippen in
the around are busy
cutting their wheat: A few have a1-
ready got their barley cut and stook-
\li•ss Phoebe Wakefield visited
friends in Brussels this week,
Shame on you fellows wh°
are a#raid ,to run a •car, when our
venerable friend, 1[r.' James 'Mann,
aged S3; bought a runabout las{ week
at Goderich and is learningto run it,.
Supper served from 6 to $' stti
Attx'aetion ; Two games of sollt-
ball will be played; ondeS Al
girls vtg, BruCefielLl •girls at ,5.�itt
followed b Bnckl aid boy: t 5,,
•Brucefield' boys. Seaforth Hies-
land,�rs band in attendance.
Blond Kid size 11 to 2
aiatongsl the botylens will, tie con-, :Nova 'Scolia, .Earl +Webster; 'Evangel-
timed throughout the Season iii id- ins; A. McNay; '.Manitoba, Keitit' Weir
ditfon to the regular 'W°dnesday af- stet; reading, "Men of the North' ;
Iternoon tournamept,
Miss 'Sarah MdICellar ns visiting
her aunt, Mrs, Nesmith, at S'taffoid-
modern dress. Following is a list of
the sports:
Stately walk, Mr: F. Stelck, Mrs.
! Turner, •
Adults 40c ` Children ,,2i
Real Bar>;ains-in-Real •Shoes and
Values Surpassed by no Shoe
Store in Seaforth
Saikatchewan, Mrs., A. Boyce;;;North-
iR; J: ,Sproat • `and J^. M. west It?tounted Police„ B. 'Johnson;
M'cMi•ll;an were successful •ZAlberta, ,
ssfttl _tn winning tlllierta, J, Henry;I$enryBritish iColumbta,
as 'first prize the iLilberty 'Tro li and Broadfoot' 'Pauline John-.
P y'Dorothy Jcr,
acco'tnpahying Prizes of edacks at the stone QE1va Wheatley); , Prmee Ed
aunuaf 'Western Ontario .Bowling varix Island Mae Wallace' milktitaid ;enjoyable
Association tournament in 'London 'Grace lC.asienieti; Yukon territory,
W, M. S. of the Presbyterian
Church held their annual quilting on
the ".3d'i lawn2
use . on Thursday ,last. A
i7tiirnher -of," the ladies,of Exeter'
"num ary were +present and la' very
afternoon was spent:
Girls under six, •1 Stewart 'Turner,
Ruth IM'oAllister, 3 Russel [Ferguson.•
Girls under eight, 1 Doreen 'Coop-
2 Anme 'Carlile 3 Ruth Reil
Girls under twelve, 1 Helen Ander-
son, '2. Margery Stewart, 3 Irene
hay. Crop, which has been extra
heavy, is now finished. ''Most of the
fail wheat ;Was harvested last.week,
and is avegood cro ,
very P
A •
few of xe farmers here put.
•swee:t 'clover In their s•tl'os last', week.
Ivlts. V. Terryberry has •been laid
. � . '
of 1'L. David Anderson, before leahr4.
ing for Vancouver , to ., spend setae
•months• •with her •sister,
. Ref' i ' �•
Vlras•Ellen Me tlaster, of .Hertsat,,,,
is visiting on'tfie' Parr tin
g e with bay
174 w,won
® vif i
week. ''Thompson; Q en Mfrs,
Che local 'tournament AliceSnow Queen
held last Wednesday afternoon 'was W. iGovenlock; Pages; Irene and Edna
by `Messrs. Franik,+S'il s and. John Doney; fish wife, 1vIrs. A. P. Joynt;
Grieve and 'the• runner were 'Pearson
groins in children,' if; the be not
attended: to, cause; convulsions and.
Girls under sixteen, 1 Nellie Tay-
]sir, 2 Annie Taylor, 3'Martha Carlile,,
Game of catch, L Doreen Cooper, ;2.
up with a severe attack quinsy. Y•
Mtss>Ball, of Byron, spent Sunda y
last at'teehome here,
sister, Mrs. W. McAllister:
Mrs, Ann Hudson, Mrs, A. Harvey,.
Ki en• ;Air, and 'Mrs, �.
iPP , M ,James T ogar t,
-u' soldier and nursing'sister,
iMessrs. Ireara P
Y Jeffery and Gerald; Charters and Mr's. .Charters; Sailor
Stewart• flwn anal.,Nancy Let McKay
often death, •"'Mother Graves ~Worm
Exterminator will - protect children
Mar er. Stewart.
1'1 g' y
le race, (Lloyd :Cooper,
i, g'ged
Mia Sheridan and 'Miss •Peai1 E1gied
of +Windsor 'called:at the •hbme•5.. t
.(W. and
A s Adants) Britannia, Margaret
from. these distressing afflictions,
Jack fCons+tt, 2 Jack (Cooper, Alex:
11iss Annie Toote,.of S%ictoria hos-
pita(. l'.mtdon, is visiting at the hemi
Mr. James Jai•rott and Mr;.'WIIs: sir
"Carni le an'Sunday., ' o