HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-28, Page 81
Mr. and 1141s. Lloyd Davis, .of T0-
ionto, are. visiting Mr. ',Davis' mother
and sister,''; )Mrs, 'W,:,IC...Da jp,;, and'
Mrs. A. W. 11', 'Hemplull. '
!Airs, Lee :I-ieddeli 'visited over the
weekend with relatives in ,St, 'Cath-'
Mr, and 'Mrs. Wm. Gallagher,
Gorrie, visited for a few with
days ''t
andY h
friends relatives- in town.
Mr. All'en;'McDonell of Detroit, vis-
ited over the week -end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.' 'Chas. !MdDonell.
Mr. Carr Passmore, of Pontiac,
Mich„ visited over 'the week -end with
his parents 'here.
pAmong those _from
spent the week-cr)with relatives
or at the Bend were John :Carmich-
ael, Ed. Berry, Wm. Simpson, Mae
:Simpson, Margaret Hopkirk, Mr, and
Mrs. A. J. S'weitzer and little laugh-
ter. '
Mr. W. R. Henry,
of Brucefield,
visited friends in town on (Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'John 'Reid,. of Lon -
dot: sent the w
+ p eek end with rela-
tives in town.
Mrs. Samuel Steacy and daughter
Lillian spent the week -end with relay
tives at the !Bend,
Mr, E. 'Rennie ;le'ft on Thursday
morning 'for a :two months' visit with
friends an'd relatives in the West,
Mrs, Paisley and two children, of
Montreal, are visiting with her ano-
ther, Mrs. E. Rennie.
Miss Stella Ingram left 'on :Sunda
it where g y
for Detroit, she will visit rela-
t'ives'fo i
r a time.
'Mr. and Mrs, Lou 'Smith and .fam-
ily, of Detroit, after a 'pleasant two
weeks' visit with relatives 'here, re-
turned home on Thursday.
Mr, .ansi Mrs, E'a'rl Palmer, of
Windsor, are spending their holidays
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
The services in the United Church
on Sunday last were largely attended,
Rev, Mr, Sinclair preached at 'both
services. At the evening service Mr.
W, O. Goodwin sang a pleasing solo.
'Mrs. Robt. IIiggins and son Harold,
who have been visiting ,for the past
three weeks in Detroit, returned home.
on Saturday evening.
Raspberry picking is now the order
of the day,
The Sunday school picnic of the
United Church was heli) at Bayfield
an Wednesday, July 27th.
;Miss Avis Lin'dentiield visited over
the week -end at the home of Miss
Margaret Douglas, of Blake..
r MissJean,' }3onithroti is, vi`sit'ing,
friends .and ;elatives'lti Detroit
Mias Gladys Passmore spent a•,few.
flays last 'week' visiting 'friends at
E limville.
A'„ number of t'laemembers of the
Salvation 'Army were here on Wed-
nesday" collecting Money for their
work, The objective was $75 from
Hensall, which they . secured.
Gertrude Misses' e - Higgins
.and Alice Iitggins
are visiting for a few' weeks with their
sister, Mrs. A, J..Sweitzer, of Detroit,
Mrs. Geo. W. Woods and Miss N
;Woods ate having an enjoyable mo
trip to •Nort'h Bay this week;
'The Golf and .Country'Club w
favored last Wednesday ;with spien
weather for their tea, which was gi
on Mrs. (Dr.) 'Metcalfe's lawn. Th
was a very good attendance. M
Ida Reid end Mrs:Dickson Glass row
'the euchre and bridge prizes. ICo
and ice; cream was served. On Ju
30th the Golf 'Clult have' a. spec
event which is open to visitors. Th
play, 18 holes 'handicap medal, f
men, will start at 2 :pm. sharp, T
will :be served by the ladies, Repli
of the cup will he presentted after pl
and the original cup will be present
to the winner at a later date. Since
is the Moffat cup, the cup will
presented at a, social gathering to
held at Dr. 'Lloyd M'offat's beautif
country home .at Varna,
The Trinity-' Church !Guild we
pleased with the results of the Jubil
Bazaar last Thursday. The' 'b'ooths
and tables were prettily • decorate
with red, white, blue and the war
resses looked charming in costumes o
white trimmed witli red, white an
blue, The orchestra added to the et
joyment of the afternoon. The ladle
realized $120 from the sale of wor
and tea.
Guests at the Albion Hotel over-ith
week -end were: ',Mr. and Mrs. R. G
VanEver, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. J
B. Anderson, Philadephia, Pa.; Mr
and Mrs. E. G. Byrne, 'Dayton, Ohio
Miss M..Fisher, Gordon Fisher, Detgait, Mic'h,; Frank King, London.
Mrs. Wm. Jowett spent last week
at Pt. Huron.
Miss Alice Stevenson and Miss Doti_
othy Carroll have returned to their
'Mr. Z;Tin, Thompson, who has spent homes iti'Hamilton after spending two
the last three weeks visiting his par -weeks at Mrs. Heath's cottage,
ents, Mr, and Mrs, G. W, Thompson, Misses jean and Mabel Wright, of
has returned to his home in Indiana. London, are enjoying,a holiday at Mr.
A heavy electrical storm passed McDona.gh's cottage.
over here on Thursday evening, ac- Messrs. 'Hertbert Davis and Dave
cam'panied by a heavy rain. The fine Finlayson, of London, and 'Wm,
barns of Mr. Harry Anderson were Nob'bs, of 'Brantford, are camping at
struck and burned to -the ground, the Mr, Tom Bailey's farm.
fire being plainly, visible from Hen- Miss Ada. L. Gower returned to
sail. On Friday and Friday night it London on Friday after spending a
rained continuously, being the heavi- few weeks at the Ritz and visiting Mrs
est rainfall in this district for years. J. H. McLeod, -
Mr. Wm, Sangster had a large num- Mrs. L. Harman and daughter, Miss
her of chickens drowned in his hen- Carrie Harmon of Port Stanley are
house and the low swamp lands to the spending a few days with Mrs, J. H.
west of the village are flooded with McLeod.
water. The haying will be consider- der-
delayed,h Mr. Norman Tomsreturned to De -
troit on Saturday'.having spent his
vacation with has mother, Mrs, 3,
Mr. Joe :Maley returned to Detroit
!Mrs. Leslie Sullins, who has been ! 'n Saturday having spent a week's va-
visiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.' cation in the village.
Geo. Hudson, returned to Detroit on Miss Mary 'Hilburn, who spent the
Sunday, accompanied by'her sister, past week with Miss Izetta Merner,
Miss Hazel Hudson, who will visit in returned to New Dundee on 'Sunday.
Detroit for a few weeks, Mrs J. H. McLeod and Miss Lucy
Miss Lin Ortwein, of Toronto, is Woods returned home Sunday after
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5. spending a few days with friends at
W. Ortwein, and other relatives here. Port Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet 'Cudmore, of Mr. Harold Stinson of the village,
Toronto, visited for a few days with and Mr. Alf Schuenan of Drysdale
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Cud- are touring the ,West, leaving on Thur.
more. eday last, They expect to be away
Ars, J. Campbell and little son, of feveral months.
W?t?dsor, are visiting her parents, Mr, Mist Mary McIntosh was the guest
and Mrs. Jas, A. Bell. hist week of Miss Ethel Jowett,
Mr. Thos. Sherritt, who recently Mr. Frank Cameron returned to
sold his dairy btts'iness to Mr, Archie Detroit on Monday morning. Miss
Rowcliffe, is going extensively into Grace 'Cameron of Chicago is visiting
mushroom growing and is preparing a her sister and father,
number of keds. !Messrs, William Norton of Strata
Mr. Alf, Smith has added to his al- ford and Sheldon Whittle of Welland
ready fine equipment by putting in a who were camping on the bank op -
Frigidaire 'for his ice-cream business. posite Miss Ferguson's,m returned to
Alf is working tip a splendid business, their homes on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dingwall and Mr. and 'Mrs. Mercer and children
family, of 'Streetsville, are.visiting re -'f Detroit are tenting at Sunset Point.
latives and friends in town, Mrs, J. Hunter and Robin Hunter
Mr. Alf. Taylor has started excavat- or 'Clinton are camping on the river
Mg the cellar for Mr, Laud, Mickle's Mr and Mrs. Nelson McConkey of
house on King street. .Montreal are visiting the former's
Baseball Tournament—On Wednes- parents at their cottage.
day afternoon last some 2,000 to 3,000 Mrs, W. Harding of London is the
people gathered at Hensel! to !witness guest of Mrs, P7..Bong.
Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Martin, who
spent the month of July'camping at
the ICullis cottage and at Jowett's
Grove, has returned home,
Mr. John Young and son Jack, of
London, spent a few days in the vil-
lage last week visiting friends,
the base'ball and , Firemen's -tourna-
ment. A parade was formed at the
hotel corner and headed by Mr. Earl
Drummond and Mr. Flemming, who
were dressed to represent an Irish
couple wheeling: a baby carriage, and
their antics caused a great deal of Miss Izetta Merner ' has returned
amusement, Mr. Flemming made a from New Dundee where she attend -
handsome Irish lady and Mr, Drum- ed the wedding of her friend, Miss
mond made a fascinating Irishman, 'Nellie [Iilburn, last Thursday: 'Miss
The Kincardine Kilty 'Band came
next with Ernest Bates in the kilts,
acting as rnarshall. The four -baseball
teams canoe next, Exeter, Zurich,
Hensel] and Fullarton; than came the
school children, followed by the Hen-
sall fire depat-tment. The parade
marched to the baseball grounds when
the baseball matches started In tl
(Intended for last week.)
Mary Hilburn returned home :with
Mrs. Gerald Hulley, who has spent
everal weeks visiting her mother,
Mrs, Agnes >Currie, returned to Ha-
milton on Monday.
Mr, and Mr
C nceh t
C ar ton
Mrs. John Hall, Mrs, Clair Hall, Miss
Addle ' Martin and Mrs. Wilfred
first game Zurich played Exeter, Zur- Watts, of Ilderton, are enjoying their
ich winning 3 to 2. The second vacation at Cottage No, 11, Jowett's
rnatc'h between Hensel] and Fullarton, trove.
Hensel] won 7 to 6. The two winning Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead and daugh-
teams, Hensall and Zurich then play- ter Lillian of London are spending a
ed •off,-''Hensall winning 21 to 11 A two weeks' holiday in Mr. Doig's.
cottage at '.Lakeside Park,
Mr, Fred Hanley and daughter
Louise, of 'Clinton, and :Mr, George
Green, of Drayton, visited.tMrs,'hlarg-
aret Green, last Sunday; also Mr.
Loftus Miller, wife and family, of
Drayton. Mr, 'Miller is a nephew of
Mrs: Green,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart Gordon, Bob.
and Rollin Gordon and Stewart Bali,
of Midland, Mich., are guests at the
Albion' Hotel.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Peck and
daughter, of Akron, Ohio; are visiting
friends in this vicinitty.
clowns game of baseball was 'then
played, causing a great deal of amuse-
ment. 'In the . evening an immense
crowd gathered in town. The water
fight 'between the :firemen came off
first. Ernest; Bates and Orville Twit-
chell on one side and Charlie !Moore
and ,Herb. Hoggarth on the other.
The nozzles were turned on and the
boys stood the pressure :pretty well,
but finally Dinty, not being used to
water, fell over, which ended the
Dancing took place on the street,'
and also old time dances in the hall,
The Kincardine Kilty band gave the
music in 'the hall' and the Lucan or-
chestra`on the street, The big crowd
present were orderly and all seemed
to enjoy themselves,
Worms sap the strength and under-
mine the vitality of children, Streng-
then theist by taring Mother Graves',
Worm •]Exteyntinator to drive out the
Mrs i,tleury :.ivison is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. -:Reid. Tet'rance;�+vthis
-r,„aid b
s. Ac
Cgnnell and '�
Mt1 o ,:i f Detroit, , are visiting Mr.
nd M'r's t obi Dinsdale:,
!Miss 'II
eleir !D'irtsdal -
e spent a few
days in Detroit last weele, returnin
with her uncle and aunt,•Mr, and''Mrs.
McConnell, of that city.
Mr, and iMr•s,, Robt, Coe of
' left ` Cochrane,
Peace' River, -for Their }tome y by
motor an..Monday.
AIMr, and Mrs. H. ,H
Hubbard; rd' iMelw-
,itedOlyanon4' and 'Mrs,George eTrielle;Mr. and Mrs. J. B. .Grieves
and Mrs.
R. R. Geohegan of London
were visiltors at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. James MciClyrn'ont over ,the•
ti -eek end.
Miss Sarah
Daymant is vision
friends in Detroit. g
Mr: and 'Mrs, R. Crozier
of :London and winty
Sunday,'` were visiting friends here
Mr. and Mrs: McConnell
of Detroit,`a and son
t, are visitors for a :few days.
'Miss 'Helen iDinsdale, who has been
spending a few holidays in Detroit,
has returned home.
, A num
of men front around here
are employed' in raising !the' grain -
elevator at iBrucefield,
THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927.
The recent heavy rains have - been
very detrimental to the hay crop and
many farmers 'have a good deal of hay
still uncut
Ar it
no '
S n 'Gingerich met,with
severe accident on 'Monday, a
while- haying, when heaccidently 8t
leaped from the load upon a fork an
-received serious injuries to his body.
He -is now recovering nicely' and is
past the danger points - -
'Mr. Mose Gerber returned.
to •the.
Bronson line for a -few days to har-
vest the crop on his farm, which . he
has sold. He is living near --Baden.
Mr. Laurence 'Talbot spent : the
week -end at St. Thomas,
More than the ordinary share of
relations is the unique' distinction of
little Dorothy, daughter. of Mr,' and
Mrs. Emmerson Wright, Huron
street, Stratford. Dorothy is now two
months old. Whenshe came into the
world, a grandmother, a great-
grandmother, and a great -great-grand-
mother gathered to pay tribute to her
for she .is the second child of ,the fifth
generation of Wrights now living.
Her great -great-grandmother is
Airs. Joseph Hudson, aged 86 years,
a much esteemed and respected resi
dent of Hensel]. Mrs. Hudson is the
daughter of the late Thomas Walker, '
a staunch son of old Ireland, who
came out to this country away, back
in 183'1,
In -Eastern
Ontario he cleared a
piece of land and settled with his
family, 'Succeeding generations
likewise pioneered Ontario and to-
day descendants of this old pioneer
are proud of the part he played in
the early development of thin coun-
'Stirring stories of the early days
are told by Mrs. Hudson. Although
at the advanced age of 86 years sh
is remarkably active, has a very
retentive memory and delights in dis-
cussing current political events, hav-
ing a very comprehensive grasp of
political affairs, :She takes a keen
interest in flowers and gardening and
is a great lover of. children.
Born in South:Mountain, Dundas
township, she removed with her par-
ents to Varna, at the age of five years
and experienced all the hardships of
pioneer days in a district covered with.
woods and sparsley settled: Many
tunes in those days keeping the wolf
from the door was a reality. The
nearest church was 12 miles away.
Firewood was plentiful.
In 1856 she was married' to Joseph
Hudson, .They moved to Hillsgreen
and hewed out a 'homestead. Some
20 years ago they took tip residence
in Hensall where her husband died in
1912. -
of the young men .slid women of the
countybut, nevertheless, e s, the a tervd-
innes a iii idterest shown at so' busy a
season of the year would indicate a'
'great future for:this work, ,
WJtitle "the: number of boys taking
Part in the cotnpetition'was contpnra-
tively small .dne' to the good 'haying
weather, yet the Twenty that Itnrned
out, did excellent work and it is to'be
hoped that next year a more:.favor-
a"ble season will be chosen and that a
larger, attendance may ,be-recorde'd.,
The I e itea'utifil. cup and silver' medal
donated by Messrs, C. A. Robertson
°and W Gt, Medd for first and'second
boys in all classes of live stock were
won ,hy Eldon Stoltz, Auburn and Or-
val McGowan, Blyth, both members
of the Blyth Junior 'Farmers' Associa-
tion. Eldon'made the fine score of
433 points out of a :possible 500 While
Orval, followed' closely with 430.
Two brothers,' • 'Robert and William
Archibald of'ISeaforth, tied for third
place with 4-14' points: each. Fifth
place went to Edwin .Woods, Blyth,
sixth to Stewart Mid'dlelton, Clinton;
and seventh to Win, IMc71waine, IGor-
rie. >The standing' in each class of
live stock is shown !bellow:'
lf-leavy Horses --Orval McGowan
Richard Proctor; (:Edwin - Woods,
Joseph IHoggart, Wm: IMcElwaine,
and Wtn. Archibald) equal,
Beef. ,Cattle --Root. Archibald Or -
val MoGotvanEldon !Stoltz;• (W
'McElwain, Jack :Denholm) equal
(Dairy Cattle-Stewa•rt 'Middlet
Harry Waynvutln, (Eldon Stoltz,
Joseph IHoggart, equal), ,Geor
(Sheep — Robt. Archibald, Eld
Stoltz, .Wnt..:Atbhibald, Joseph 'H
gait, Wnt, Mc'Elwaine,.
Swine —Robt. Archibald, !Harold
Wightntan; ((Orval McGowan . and
'Edwin Woods, equal); Harty :Way -
The 'household science judging
competition was one of the best that
has ever_ been ,held in any: of the
the-copnties. This was not due to 'the
fact that it .had the largest attendance
of any of the counties because in all
only twenty-seven girls turned out.
Nevertheless, the judges and Miss
Langton, the coach, •remarked that the
quality of the work done has -never-
been' excelled in their experience.
Over. twenty of 'the girls trade a
aco're of 500 or better out ofa pos-
sible 600. Miss IMelda "McElroy,
Blyth, carried_ off top honors with a
total score- of 559.•She was followed
by Miss Edna McCall, 'Brussels, with
552, Florence Stewart, Brussels 551,
Louise Mills, :Blyth '543, May Wood,
Blyth 536. The results on the vari-
ous, classes were as follows:
'Nutrition—Nelda McElroy, Mary
Cartwright, 'Louise Mills, Edna IMc-
Call, Annie !Garrett, Grace ,Slidrtreed.'
House Furnishings—Edna McCall
Florence Stewart, Mary Wood, '(Meld
McElroy, Grace Shortreed can
Hal'tzhauer. '
Good . Dressing—Louise Mills, Met
da McElroy,
Elizabeth :Mills, b I s -Ann e
Mcllwaine, Bertha 'fioggart,� Gladys
Gould ul Wal o k
but Restored"
we h
Natural .:
t of of
� tl i
I?ear ,lit,
1 mast Wrii(• and le,
you ]cij'ov','' bora'
'our on, who ,had creeping paralysis,
is iiuproving, 'I -Ie -'had taken 'our
a't?edicine'a'liout a week only -when he
could walk, and. in three weeks had
gained 1.3 lbs, 'I --le helped ..his father
with seeding and is working every
'day and is feeling fine. Our slaughter
is also making an improvement, is
gaining nicely, 'but is still taking your
medicine., IWe certainly cannot praise
your medicine 'to'o 'highly for: wh'a't it
has clone for us all.
We do not think is.auy,tnedi-
cine sold on the market so effective as
Mr,' A,turifin's Natural Herb Medicine
and we highly recommend it to our_
neighbors and friends.
Hoping' to see you soon, we remain,
'Sincerely yours,
Mr. and 'Mrs. !Win, Leafso.
Elm. • I
wood, IR,R. 2, Ont.
The above is one .of the
many let-
tern we receive daily from -people who
have used the Natural ;Herbs for their
complaints, and we are sure that there
is a herb for. your •trouble, which if
used,' will give some results 'as this
letter states this boy got, after being
carried to the: hotel in Hanover' to 'Mr.
Mullin. He used the herbs and above
is the letter 'front the parents. '-
III you are at
y all troubled oubl
ed •wikh any
co'niplain , and you wish to get.results
call and 'see Mr. 'Muffin, the ,Herbalist
of the Canadian Herb Gardena of 1.10
Dundas st;, London, Ont„ whit; will
be at the Commercial Hotel, Seafot•!th,
ori Wed., Aug.,3rd”, (one day only) all
day and evening, and . he 'will :be glad
to tell you' what hetibs, we use for
your troubles, "- There -are over 1,000'
different diseases and Mr. Murfin, be-
ing an expert on_herbs, will tell you
what you should use for your 'com-
plaint, He will have sometwith him,
and no !natter what the complaint is,
or how long. tsanding ,it is, 'there is a
herb that grows for it that • will get
you the a•esults like the above letter
states this boy -got. Remember the
date, and come early Nature's Remedy
will be there.specially for, your com-
plaint. -
t One New Williams . sewing mach-
ine one' buffet et Due
oak bedroom room
complete, 1 to one e ru
-I , and
g .other articles
at the residence of the late !Mrs. A.
I1. !Campbell, North Main st.,. or
phone 262.. 30
+Hard and soft corns both yield to
Holloway's Corn Remoter, which is
entirely Safe to use, and certain and
satisfactory in its action,
.\diss Belle (McCully and :Mr. Wil-
liam Rinn wish to extend their thanks
to 'friends and neighbors for kindness
and sympathy shown -during their re-
cent sad bereavement. . • -
The girls' team for the Inter -
County household science judging
competition will likely be - composed
of Misses McElroy, McCall and Mills,
e Miss Stewart not being eligible due to
t'he fact that she has spent one year
at Macdonald Institute at Guelph. It
is expected that something good will
be heard from this team of girls when
they compete with the other counties
for high honors.
Great credit for the results of this
first competition is due to Mr, J.' R.
Ostler, Assist, Agricultural 'Represen-
tative, who arranged for the classes
of live stock and for the halls and
other things necessary for the suc-
cess of a contest of this kind."' ,Miss
Iva Langton, of the Institutes' branch,
Toronto, spent 'the better part of two
weeks in the county coaching the var-
ious groups of girls in household sci-
ence judging. 'That she has received
a good response is clearly indicated.
by the results obtained.
In the evening a supper wa's -.held
at the hotel in Blyth, attended by
about 70 young people, as well as the
judges and others wh6 assisted at the
contest. An excellent: address was
given by W, K. Riddell, Agricultural
Representative, Bruce County, who
had previously assisted in judging°
the live stock. Mr. 'Riddell's remark
were not only filled with humor !but
contained a good deal -of-advice per-
taining to the organization and ac-
complishments of ;Junior Farmers' as-
sociations and Junior Institutes, Mr.
C. A. Robertson presented the ,tro-
phies on behalf of himself and 'Mr.
Medd ' and also added a few remarks
of interest to the young people. Ad-
dresses were also given by Mr, Ostler
and Mr, F. A. Wiggins, Clinton. The
chair was occupied by Agricultural
Representative Paterson. Miss 'Lang-
ton announced the results of the girls'
competition, She wassupported in
the judging work by Misses Slitter,.
Elliott and Rowe, of the 'Institutes
It to 'be hoped that in future.
years greater numbers ofour
Y g men
and young women will turn' out and
take pant: in these contests
She is the proud mother of eleven
children, Thomas and John of Mar-
lette _Mich.; Mrs. J. Troyer, Seaforth;
Mrs.. J. T. Jarrott, ,Hillsgren; Mrs,'
John Consitt, Seaforth; George, Hen-
sall; Mrs, A, Harvey, Kip'pen; 'Mrs..
1V. Douglas, 'Brucefield; Mrs. James
Logan, Windsor; Isaac, Seaforth, and
Mrs. W. 'Carlile, Hillsgreen. In . the
third generation are 35 grandchildren`
and in the fourth generation 37 great
Now she has two great-grandchil-
dren in the .fifth generation, Little
Dorothy is the second. Robert, two-
year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, A. Cook
Mitchell, was the first. Their grand-
mother is Mrs, James H, Wright, of
Mitchell, and their great-grandmother,
Mrs. Janes Troyer, aged 64, Seaforth.
Incidentally, too, Mrs, Troyer enjoys
remarkable health and she is just as
proud as the parents of the two little
Mrs. Wright, mother of Dorothy,
was formerly
Miss Effie
ghter of Mn.' and Mrs. George'Near,,
75 BBirminghani street,, Stratford.
It is believed that the unique re-
cord of two fifth generations stands
tmparalleled in 'Canada, --Beacon,
It is usually safe to say that when a
child is pale, sickly, peevish and rest-
less, the cause IS worms. 'These para-
sites range the stomach and bites -
!Mee, causing serious disorders ;of the
digestion and preventing the infant
from ,deriving sustenance from food.
Miller's 'Worm Powders, Iby destroy-
ing the worms, correct these faults of
"-the digestion and serve to restore the
organs to healthy action,
The above conitpeti'tions were heli:
for the first time in'Huron County': on
July 20th at 'Blyth: These competi-
tions organized by the Agricultural
Representative's dept., Clintons and
ably assisted Iby the Institutes'
branth, Toronto, were new to many'
A monster tournament, including
baseball and softball games, etc., will
be .held at Statlla, 'Wednesday, Aug-
ust 10th!. Remember the date. 30
Comfortable frame dwelling on
James street, Seaforth. 'Two lots
with frame barn suitable for garage.
Will be sold cheap to close Estate.
Apply to W. G. WI'L'T TS, Executor
of Robt, Willis Estate, ' 36
Notice is hereby given that I hav,e
transmitted or delivered to the .per-
sons mentioned in Section 9, of the
Ontario Voters' !Lists !Act, the copies
required 'by said sections, to be so
transmitted or delivered -of the list
made pursuant to said 'Act of all per-
sons appearing by the last revised As-
sessment Roll of the said municipali-
ty, to be entitled to vote in the said
municipality at elections for 'the
members of the Legislative Assembly
and at :Municipal 'Elections, and 'the
said list was 'first posted in my office
in !McKillop, on the '16th day of July,
1927, and remains there for inspection,
f hereby call upon all voters to.exa-
mine t'he said list and if any errors
cr omissions are (found therein to take
immediate proceedings to have same
corrected according to law. Dated at
MoKillop this 21st day of July, 1927.
31 JOHN MoNAY, Clerk.
Representative Wanted
Responsible man wanted 'to repre-
sent responsible ; .'brokerage' house,
members of tete Exchange, in :Seaforth
and vic'inity. 'Experience not neces-
sary as 'we will -train the right party.
Good opportunity, 'Write,
512 Metropolitan Building, Toronto,
All kinds of Live Poultry and strictly new
laid gggs.
When you bring your produce•_to Egmond-
ville you get the top prices and a square deal
Poultry taken every Tuesday morning
W. J. Finnigan
Married man wants work on farm,:
Have -
v Inas life i e long 'experience. Wife
good eookt, Apply tq News 'Office,.
A,framc' building i
b suitable for sta'1>le'.
and 'garage, with about % acre land,
Apply . to MR'S, MARGARET- E.
ITAItN, ;Seaforth: 31
All accounts -owing the
g estate of
•tlielate E. 3, Murphy, must be paid
by.July flirt, 1927, at the Standard
Bank, Dublin, 30
20 pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Willi
Kruse R.R.P Y rani
.R. 4, Seaforth, or phone
Two' young sows with 9 pigs, each.
Apply to OQN, ECK'ART, Seaforth.
Hen troughs, 'size 2' 8", fight and
easy to ,'handle, suita'ble'•for, chickens,
etc. See 'them! at .R. Frost's at any
time. Also larger )troughs for pigs,
etc. 4 -inch- and 6 -inch tile on hand,
and larger' ones made to order. R.
FROST,'' Seaforth. 31
Comfortable r frame house; good
and 454 acres -land. Good or-
chard and small fruits. !See A. D;
SUTHERLAND, Insurance and Real
Solid brick, nine room house with
furnace, bath -room, town water and
every convenience. •Centrally located
an& convenient to schools, churches
and business section, two fine lota,
good barn and garden. 'House has
"small annex suitable for an office.
Bargain for quick sale. Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
Are Insurance Co,
Officers—James. Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex.Jaines Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth,- Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors—Wm. Rinn, -No. 2 Sea -
forth, John iBennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, !Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James' Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. 'Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea-
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Harlock; 'George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth;
Gibson, Brucefiel. hMurray
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r,r, 1, 'Clin-
, Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r, No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm, James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth,' auditors, Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attetsded to by appliratfon to any of
the a'bo've named officers addressed
to their respective .postoffices.
R S,
IDE, H. I-IUGGH RO'SS, . Physiciaia
and Surgeon. Late of -London Hos-
London, ,England. ' Specie!
attention to diseases of the eye, ea
nose and throat,Y ' r'
Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion.Bank,, Office
Phone No, 5; Residence Ph -ane 106.
J. BURROWS, Seafort4t .'
Office and residence, o
herich street, of the Methodist
Church. 'cor-
oner for the JCounty of Hmmn. Tele-
phone No. 40.
AY,C. Macka`"'a'`
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinit
y e; me 1
Medical College; , moor cif the tt�op- `.
lege of Physicians and -'Surgeon's of
Ontario. .
DIR. F. J. t11. FORSTER--.Eye a r,
Nose C ol
S t
cine, University of Toronto 1' 8dn
Assistant Assistant New -York Ophthalmic and
Aural.Insltitute, Moorefield's Eye, it4
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England. At Com'mercial4i
Seaforth 3rd 'Mon'day in each month. 1'1'
to 3 p.m.
Next visit in September,
DR, W, C. !SPR'OAT,--Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, - University of
'Western, Ontario, London.. :Member
of -G'ollege of. Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhazrfa
Drug , Store, Main St., Seat It
Phone 90.
•DentnL -
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate 'of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ill, Licentiate 'Royal 'College ,of
Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto: Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 151.
D'R. - F. 5. •B'EICHELY,radtrat
Royal 'College of 'Dental Surgeons,
Toro'n'to, Office over W. R. 'Sni;th'a
Grocery, ' Main street, s Seaforth,
Phones, office .185'W, residence 18SJ,
Auctioneer for the County, of Huron.
Arrangements Can -be made for Sale
Date at The :Seaforth. News. Charges
moderate ,and satisfaction guaranteed'.
Successors to James Watson) '
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at fowest rates in First -Class
Companies. •
'Wednesday, July 27th.
Wheat, per bus, L3
Y perb
ToeOats, prbus.
Buckwheat, per bus. 65s,,
Shorts, per cwt. $1;8s
Bran, ,per cwt.his
Butter, per lb,
Eggs, per 25c -29c'
potatoes, per bag $2.50
Hogs, per cwt $9125
E. W
Ladies'" and
Men's Tailor
Suits from $25.00 n
Erin ownt
� your Cloth'
Have it made
up here.
Over Keatin 's Drug g Siot e
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Novel of Broadway and the Great North West
filmed in Jasper National Park, Canada's Mountain Play-
ground on the Transcontinental, and featuring
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
A Great Irish -Jewish Comedy for the Holiday