HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-28, Page 5TIIURSJ W`r,'`, Y 2Q 1927 , PORK 'AND BEANS is an appetizing, dish, even for those who•are'not hungry. There is ne essential,., 'howeger, in raking an ideal dish of it.' The rk mustg ive it the right t r atulou w a pride ourselves that we know how 'to supply just the rightcut for the purpose, 'd'•Try it once. You'11 want it often. Phone 58 Seaforth; D` H STEW. A RT Your Butcher. e Vie' ite ...lain Stores SPEe1z4Ls for one week from dater P. & G. Naptha Soap 11 bars, 50e Corn Flakes, Quaker, 3 pkgs., 25e French Dressing, Servos . pint, 35c Certo Sure' Jell, bottle; ' 32c PACKAGE SAMPLE SOAP .f ACK.AGI:. 1 pkg. Lux, 1 Rinse, 1 Lifebuoy 1 Sunlight, 1 toilet soap Reg. 45c, now all for 30c RSsoSproat Phone 8 J. W. M.'Stewart Phone 77 e-R.B-14 M The Dairy Farmer • is assured of good markets the whole year for his Dairy Products, Increase your Dairy, Herd and enlarge your bank ac- count. They will not fail you. Produce only cream of the best quality and send your cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct. We will assure you of our very best services and highest prices. When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW 1lIELOTTI?, We can give ybu an attractive deal. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Prop. W, J. Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. .JUST J'() REMIND err Of "P1nkney's Family Loaf" The •wrapped bread fts worth your while to give it a trial Buns, Cakes, Pastries, Rte. • Phone • 70—Prompt Delivery Conte and inspect our Bakeiy at your own. convenience ROY S.. PINKNEY Dick B or.,k--•Seaforth D, H, McInnes chiropractor 411iCf Wingham, will be at the onnnercial 'Hotel, Seaforth Monday, -Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds ,success fully treated. Electricity used. a Watch Repairing WATCIIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ETC. REPAIRED All work guaranteed. Service satisfactory. Work promptly done J. A. Westcott Watchmaker and Jam 'lei Opposite W. A. Crich's Chas. A. Howey Teacher of Piano, Organ and Theory Summer Courses Starting New Residence—Church Street Make your store iThere are a lot: of 1 women' in small' j towns ' surrounding your store who can be,per- suaded to look on your store as their own. Calling them by Long Distance at the very low ratesforInterur- ban Service, to offer them some special bargain or to, invite them to a sale will help them form the habit of coming to you for any- thing. It doesn't require a large sto-ck. Whole- saler's and manufac- turers' warehouses are et your. elbow, By , Long Di'tance you can order and promptly receive any- thing your customers may have seen advertised in magazines or newspapers. This - trade can be yours, if you will go after it. Rub at in for'Lame ''. ack.—A brisk rubbing with Dr, Thomas'' Eclectric Oil will relieve lame 5iack, The skirt will immediately absorb the oil' and it ww iii penetrate the 'tissues and bring speedy. relief; Try it 'and 1?e•• con vancuh 'AS the liniment sulks in, the pain comes out and there are -ample grounds for 'saying that it is an :excel- lent article., THE, SEAFORTH ;NEWS: TOWN TOPICS Misr, Charlie Dickson left Tuesday to visit his aunt, 'Mt s. \f. B. Ca nipbell and Dr, Lan; ISatilt Ste. 'Maria, Ont. 'He accompanied 'Mr. Robert 'Dodds and Miss Mary (Dodds who are going an a' trip to the West. Tvliss !Agnes McMichael and her niece, IMiss,Mona Hass, of Fargo, North Dakota, are visiting relatives in town, Mr, and Mrs. George .Baird, of Stanley, and: Mr. 'and Mrs, John Baird,,ancl two daughters, of Moose - jaw, Sask., called on friends iii town on Saturday, Mr. Edward 7C,assidy,' Of Windsor, and'-tlfiss `Mary' ;Neville; of Sarnia, are visiting Mt. and Mrs. J.. M. "McMillan. • Miss Bertha Chesney. has returned front spending the winter- with ''her mint, Mrs. t M t.. I. uthe t Robbins,' in Flor- ida. Mrs. .F.-111 ,Larkin, 'Mrs. H. J. Gib- son, 'Airs. . J. C. 'Greig, Mrs. T. S -wan Smith and Miss H. T. 'Grah'am were in Clinton on 'Monday ,attending an exe- cutive meeting of the Huron Presby- terial ,Society..,._ Mr.,Dalton Reid sang a beautiful solo, "Must Jesus bear the 'Cross alone" in the Presbyterian Church, that was greatly appreciated by the oongregat!on. - Mr,- and Mrs, Glen ,Hohnes and children,of'Toronto, are visiting Mr, S. T, 'Holmes, Miss Belle Watson; of Port Ar-' thur, is spending her vacation • at the hon ier brother, lv[r, aures � 1t James' � Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fletcher and children of .iMontreal, are guests at the hone of Mrs, !Fletcher's grand, ntother,'Mrs. IS. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs, '1 L. -Box and chil- dren spent the week -end in London. IMrs, ,Bnyans and children, of T5Tin- nipeg, are guests at the horse :of Mr. anis Mrs, W. M, !Stewart. 41Ir, Arthur Deem, of Toronto, is spending his holidays with his father, Mr. Wim D'cem. (Mrs. 'Baylis, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs Fred'Ieswick, of Saskatche- wan; paid a•vis'lt t0 their cousin, Mrs. S. 'Deem, Mr, and Mrs. John Devereaux spent a week with friends in London. 'bar. \V. G. Willis' many friends are glad,- see him able• to be. down'towvn again after receiving severe injuries to his knee when struck by a car three weeks ago. Mr. 'Willis still requires a cane. me. and Mts. '11. Reynard and son Nelson, of 'Lucknow, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W,. Webster. -- Mr. \V.m. Bristow and son Russell, motored 'from Sarnia and spent the week -end in town. Mr. end Mrs. C. L. Bristow and daughter Joan, return- ed with them to Detroit after a pleas- ant visit with her parents, Ur. and Mrs, W. 'Webster. Mr, and Mrs. Will Whitney and son Ednnmd, of Bay 1Gity, fllic'h., are visitors at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs, R. II:I, Modeland, Mrs. Ac'han!bah, of Rochester, Minn and (Miss Poemke, of Pipestonc, S.D,, spent a couple of days at the home of MT. and Mrs. Geo. A, Sills, 'Mr, and firs. Reg. Carter and fam- ily, of Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Patterson, Mr, and Mrs. 'Will Carter, Mr, and Mrs, (Russell (Carter, and' Mr. David Carter, all of Westfield, were visitors at the home of Mr. and ;Mrs, Wilson Allen, Egmondvil'le, Miss Winnifred •Savauge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S, Savauge and pupil of Miss If I. 1'. Graham success- fully passed the introductory exam, in piano at the Toronto Conservatory of !Music. Mr, and Mrs. S. L. Wright and Jack, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of M•r and Mrs R. Mnr- ltss Jones Mrs, James 'Reid and Miss Marg- uerite, of London, are visiting Mrs. R. P. Bell- Mrand Mrs Norman Ha'bkirk mo- tored from Grosse Isle to visit rela- tives, Mr, and Mrs, Robert T7ab- i irk returned •with then',: Mt Bert Archibald and children motored from Oakville and spent the Week -end. Mrs, James Archibald re- turned with them, , Mr. and Mrs. E. C Arriistroctg and children, of Philadelphia, Pa., are visiting Mr. and' Mrs. Andrew Archi- bald. Miss 'Mildred Johnstone, of Hamil- ton, is a visitor at the 'home of her brother, 1'Ir. Thomas Johnstone, Mr. Ind Mrs. Frank Sills and ch!l- dten are visiting 1Ir. and Mrs. Oscar Neil .at Turkey 'Point. Miss Margaret'Beattie, of Hamilton, is visiting friends in town. 11r. an'cl i1•Irs, !Robert (McGee and sen lack, 51 Wingham, visitcd Mr. and Mts. George 'Seip 1851 George 'Jackson, oFIMontreal, i•. 1. visitor at his home here, Miss Rena''S'itnpson has been en- gaged as teacher` in S,S.`No, 10, Tuck- er tnith''(neat''C'ltlselhurst). Mrs. Armstrong, o'f Clinton, is vis- iting, her 'niece, Mrs Richard Peck,,. Miss 'Marguerite IBl rck• has been engaged as teacher in SS. No. 6, Fullarton, • 511r. Gerald •McIntosh, of 'Detroit. was a guest at the home of 'Me. and ,•;'its. J, J._Huggard, Jack, the fine Airedale "dtelonging to Dr. ,L.,arkin, looks very embarrassed • these days,- 'having, had his Bair bobbed. lfiss .Helstrop, of ilvleaford, who has been the guest of'Rev. T 11, and 'Mrs, Brown at the 'Rectory, left for l.C,itcliener on ,Wednesday with Mr; and Mrs. Munery, of 'MKitchener._ 'Misses 'Gtierra Brown and Verda Best and Mrs. Geo,, ID. IForguson visit- ed in IMcaford last week. Mrand Mrs, Milton Pfaff and Mr, and 'WS: 'Wm. Pfaff. of ..Exeter, Were. "nests of'MrS Geo.: Sillery on Sun- • airs. Chas.. Broadfoot°has gone on to, Ardmore, Pa., to visit her sister, :illi s Gerald Case, for seine time. .Miss 1311iy,Broatlfoot will tenanin ,in 'Sea, fo1 th with her grandmother, 'Mr. Jack Hinckley , has returned from a'busincss trip to Toronto. Mr, and .Mfrs Thos. Ferguson and; Edith were Sunday visitors with Mir. and Mrs '''.rank Bean, Ciensall. ,IJI4t man/friend r'ate 'pleased see Mrs. 'Chas, Brodie out again ad her o- recent dues 1 S. The tournament for the members the Seafoi^flt,'Golf'Club is hi :progc at present,'the women having' play Saturday :and the men oa.5Wednesda On' Friday the Seaforth ladies will to Goderich. for a 'friendly :game wi the ladies Of ,Maitland Golf (Club..;. Mr.Eos, Eckart is busy, repairi liis threshing outfit in 'his spare hou Mr. and Mrs. Frank' McMicica left Tuesday to visit In Guelph, a to visit Mr, McMichael's sister, /Mr `Chittendeil in Toronto, be, ore re'fur ing to Cleveland. and 'Mrs. T. J•. McKinney -an family, of ,Guelph, were week-ei guest, of his atilt, Mrs. "Wm, M Michalel. At the morning, service in"'Nott s:de United e C1tu•clt iVfis s Mab Turnbull sang,"The Voice 'Crying the Wilderness," iPrindle; and in tl evening Miss Grace Scarlett san "Face to Face,.'' Johnson, 'both nuts hers being much ap'precia'ted, Miss Ina Kenny left for her hent i,, Duibhn a'b•ter spending her holiday with her sisters, 'Mrs. C. 'Eckat•t an Mrs. 1 Nolan. While Mr, Norman Nicholls' ca was 'parked !in;Brussels Tuesday nigh, the windshield and spare . tire wer stolen. Mrs, James 'Stewart, of .Egmond rille, spent last week in London visit ing her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. 'M:. 'Gray have re turned (tam • front e �tonl their honeymoon. Miss Orilla ISmallaconibe, 'Guelph visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 'Chest Cott, the latter (part of this week. Mr: and Mrs, Will ,Brownlee an 'Mrs. III. Little, of Windsor, are visit ing Mrs, 'Geo, 'Brownlee, Mr, and :Mrs. F. D. Hutchison and fancily attended the wedding of their niece in .Ayliner'on Wednesday, July 27th, 'Miss Dorothy Hutchison was bridesmaid, Mrs. 'Jake Wurnt visited friends in London during the week. Mr. Glenn Hays left Tuesday morn- ing for Windsor, to visit at the home of his 'brother, Mr, 'Howard 'flays, customs officer at'Walkerville. The pavement succi 1 tent befween Clinton and 'Goderich was opened -on Saturday and a number from town have been up to see it. A great deal of _work and time has !been necessary to pre- pare this Toad for paving, operations having started about six years ago. Many residents along the highway are beautifying their properties by new fences, flowers and shrubs, and paint- ing 'the'buildings. Miss ;Cora 'Strong spent the week- end in 'Toronto. t5lr. Herbert Peterson is learning shoe repairing with 1'Ir. 'Fred Barlow. 'Mrs, T. Rush and .family, of Toron- to, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Barlow. 1•5r, Lawrence Webster has, secured a position in Eaton's, Toronto, for the S 11111105 r, to. ter of ess ed y. go th ng el nd s, it - d ld c- el in to g Ye d to t, d Mr. Sant, Hanna, who moved to Seaforth several 'months ago from cllowvgrass, Sasl.,. has bought John M. 'Wilson's house, Church street M•. and Mrs. 'Hanna intend going out West to sell their farm but will erect a garage and add -a few conveniences to the house .r, be Fm a leaving, Miss Mabel 'Riley underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in Seaforth • Menorial, hospital last Thursday, She is ,i -‘greasing favorably. Mrs, Wilson Allen leaves this week 10 spend a few."days.with her cousins in Auburn, Mrs. -Andrew 'Henderson, of IMc- Killop, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Henderson, Egmondville. The choir of Seaforth Presbyterian 'Churc'h went for alpicnic to Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon, The congregation of Northside United 'Church also picnicked the same af- ternoon, going to Bayfield. 'Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Talbot, 2n5 con., Stanley, visited Mr, and Mrs. 5. Pw. Govenlock on Sunday. Mr: and 'Mrs: W. L. Keys, spent Sunday at Varna, guests of Mr. and Mrs, John AxcAsh, iilr, and Mrs, Sant Hanna, who have been visiting friends' at Orillia et1v1uaupngst wee. returned ted home IMonia Miss Mary I•lall, of Hanover, is the guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. 1. R. Goven- Inek 1. iss Annie tl3rodie has accepted S. S. No. 8, 'Grey school for the coin - big year.. Miss Nellie 'McDougall is visiting her cousins, the Elliotts, tit Goderich fp., for a'few days, 'Mr, and iMrs, Geo, Hills and .Ria and Miss Rena Simpson are on a motor trip by way of Toronto, to Montreal and other points in Quebec. Mrs. Jas. (Stewart, Egtnondville, and Miss Dorothy Charlesworth, visit- ed with her daughter, Iter hLrs, Za I g e of Zaple, London, for a few days this y week; 'Mr, and Mrs, Z.tiplt London, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Stewart last week A stalk of timothy, in The News. office window, was grown on the farm of Mr. Thos. Ferguson. 'Huron road west, and treasures 63 inches. Pretty, good ! Asthma is Torture. No one who hasn't gasped for' breath in the power of asthma knows what suc'li suffering is. Thousands do know, however, from experience, how immeasurable is the relief provided by that marvel- lous preparation, Dr. T. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. For years it has been relievingthe most est severe cases. I1 you are a sufferer do not delay a day in securing this remedy from your druggist. GODERICH CENTENNIAL JULY 31—AUGUST 6. The 'Centennial celebration at Gode- rich -takes place next week. Great interest is 'being shown in the grand historical 'pageant, in which some Seaforth talent is taking part. This •calces place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Other out- standing eveu'ts of the week are the 'baseball game, Toronto Osiers v, Detroit'R'isdolts, on 'Wednesday; two great •days of -horse racing, Monday and Thursday; band tattoo and fire- works, Friday night; Provincial ath- letic meet and ladies' soft -ball match- ed game, Saturday. Each nig'ht's .program will conclude with a grand street carnival, Thurs- day will be Seaforith night and the twcnt -f r prizes 'wild be distributed among Seaforth competitors. -Goderich will have many visitors from this town next week, You an Be Well IF YOU WILL ®BEY TJ4E LPsWS OF NATURE, DISEASE eANNOT EXIST 'PHE HUMAN 1301D1- WAS NOT MADE TO SUFFDR FROM DISEASE FOR THIS REASON NATURE HAS PROVIDED Herbs, Roots, Barks, Berries, Leaves and Blossoms for the Healing of the Nation, and if you will use them m their natural state instead of drugs and pills you will soon be on the road to HEA'LT,II, HA'PP'INES'S and PRO'SPER'ITY Mr. Murfin, the Proprietor of the !Canadian Herb Gardens. Expert in Herbs, wwiil be at Commercial hotel, Seaforth ONE DAY ONLY --ALL DAY AND EVENING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3rd. CONSULTATION FREE Gall Stones removed without an operation, Goitre removed without an operation, Asthma, Piles, 'Heart troubles, 'High Blood 'Pressure; Stom- ach Troubles. Skin Diseases, Bedwetting, Worms, Nerve Troulbles, 'Constipation and ,Appendicitis. Kidney Troubles, Paralysis, Diabetes. :Bright's Disease, Lung and Bronchial Troubles, Anaemia, Catarrh, Dropsy, ;Gravel, Over ,Fatness: Female Troubles, Arthritis, 'Rheumat- idm, Neuritis and all Diseases. HERB DOCTOR BOOK 'FREE To all our customers taking !Herb Treatments, this .book contains (250 old time Herb Formulas) the long -cherished secrets of our forefathers and .gr eat )Herbalists' 'dike Nicholas 'Culpeper and'Pastor Knipp, who lived many years ago and used them with great success., There is an Herb for Every Disease REMEMBER THE DATE Wednesday,' August 3rd, , Candi a ars Herb .Gard Gardens :. ir�t7 BOX 513, LONDON, ONTARIO WE SELL the HERBS the J'UDOE comes from. CONSTANCE, Mr•s. George Waugh' and 14f Christena Wangli, of Teesivater, spent a week at the home of Mr.. and Mrs, Roh't. Gritnoldby: Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wakefield and fancily spent Sunday at Grand 'Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Riley spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Mann. - !Mrs, !