HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-28, Page 4?AGE POUR
Snowdon Bross Publishers.
, •
Rev.Y. W. aid Mrs. Mutton' and
childreu, of Florencevisited' their
'ielenels hi the village 'last week.
-MC. and 'Mrs. G. W. jaCkson, Ken -
aerie and Russell Marrows are leaving
Thursday maiming on a motor
Alin for the iWest, Mr. Jackson having
recently purchased a new oar. Mr,
Eackwell will look alter their farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Hackevell, Of
Grey, 'calledeon his. brother, Mr. Jos.
HackweII, on ;Suriday last.
Mr. Percy Taylor visited feiends, in
Blyth last week..
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Mantling speut
&today, in Brussels. '
The malty friends of Mrs. Jos,
Ilackwell are sokey to learn she has
been very low since Thursday last,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baker, of Go'cle-
-rich, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Ryan. -
Mr. Harvey Hewitt, of Btiffalo,
•ane.e to see- his old home, whidh was
one block east of the main road in -the
-village, and his many friend's on Sun-
day. Mr, Hewitt has not been . in
Viralton for 30 years. He is visiting
leis brother in Brussels during the re-
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Carter and
larnily, of Londesboro, visited Mrs.
:Robe Ferguson on !Sunday.
Miss Mabel Bateman is visiting at
H, Hoy's at present.'
- The people of Walton have enjoyed
the .011 !Boys at Brussels, .
Mr. Jas. ,Campbell has purchased
the old hall from the Orangemen,
Mrs. .E. ICIeek has been visiting
with Mrs. Earl Watson.
Miss Wit -mitred Drager is visiting
with Mrs. W. M. 'Sinclair, of 'Brus-
sels. She will leave for Burlington
Beach after the Reunion, with Mrs.
Sinclair's daughter.
'Mr. Wilfred Clark, of Guelph, spent
She week -end with Mr. aud Mrs. Geo.
Miss Ruby Young and Miss Gertie
Miller returned Saturday night after
an enjoyable time at the summer
A number of people in the sur-
-rounding district are motoring to the
'black cherry orchards near Benmitler
and report a plentiful crop.
A serious accident happened to
.Senges, daughter of Mr. Robe Dodds,
•on Tnesday of last week. She was
driving a team of horses ou a load of
'hay and part of the hay rack broke,
.letting her fall to the ground, -the
front wheel passing over her 'body.
She is M a serimis condition at latest
-The many friends of Mrs. Geo.
Ilibkirk will be sorry to learn she is
tinder the doctor's care at present.
Mrs. Habkirk has been in ill -health
Sor some time, and we trust her re-
.•overy may be speedy.
The former .Walton ,Methodist
ghurch which has been closed as a re-
tatIt of :Church union and has not 'been
use the past year or so, was re-
seently sold to the Walton L.O.L. fe:
;.4 ImIl and the official body is winding
am the affairs Of the organization.
The church has been interwoven with
tehe life of the etemmunity for 'half a
ttellttitY. having celebrated its golden
sjubilee four years ago, and while gie-
!trig place es the Marct. cei progress,
era eerie hieteiee it= interesting and
'euemoriee of the ,dti church will linger
wildly in the minds ef the congrega-
Hon. -Before the clench was or-genieit
ed services were 'held in Leadburvl t
echool houee by the New Connexion; t
feady, the preacher corning from Seas!
iorth. in 1873 this work wae linked
op. with &tier:eta the late Rev. Robei
Davey. fonewed by the I - E.
Stafford, being the pastors. During! e
the former's paetorate the preetem
building here wee erected on the cor-
Ater of tin: grieve) road mid c-oncession
seeesesee'eseesses"' —7-77
W. Q. Robinson, Slotthak, Sask.
Dr, Brown, London.
Some of the former youths of the
church who en!tered the ministry are
A MdKibbin, De Witt Cosens and J.
If, Young. Sidney Hewitt was a can-
didate for the ministry but lost his life
in the world war.
Mrs. Dan, Williams, of Chicago,
and her mother, Mrs. Michael Walsh,
'of 'AldKillop, spent Friday last at -the
home of the latter's daughter, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Patrick Williams, Hibbert.
Mr. Mat. J. Lynch and his sister,
Miss Kate ILyneb, -of ;AlcIcillop, were
visitors on Sunday last at the home of
their sister, Me, and Mrs. Henry Me-
N-er, Tuckersmith, -
Mrs. James O'Laughlin and her
daughter, Miss Bridget, of McKillop,
were guests on Sunday at the home
of their Ibrother and sister, Mr. John
Lavin and Miss ;Bridget Lavin, Hat-
;Mr. John Williams; of Detroit, dived home home on Saturday to spend a
week at the home of •his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Patrick 'Williams. Hibbert.
The Council met on Monday, July
1.8th. Members all present. Minutes
of last meeting read and confirmed.
The engineer's report of the Coyne
'drain was Teed, and Xelerred back to
the engtneer. It was decided by the
Council that in futureall work per-
formed on the township roads will be
_paid for when the patrolman's report
is handed in and certified by the
Road Superintendent. Patrick 'Feeney
ANas appointed 'Weed Inspector for
the township as required by the
Weeds Act, The Cook Drain by-law
\Vas read a first time and provisional-
ly adopted. Orders were issued o
he 'Treasurertamounting in the ag-
gregate to $2,613.85. The Council
then adjottrned to meet again on
Monday, the 15eh day of August at I
o'clock, pm.
J. Jordan. Clerk.
.11se and Mrs. Peter :Gardiner an
sou have goo, on a motor trip to th
e•eetern Provinces. ,
Mr. and . Mrs, Win, Nesbitt, a
Brucerield, and Mr. and Mrs.. Alfre
Nesbitt and children, of Anbure, attest
Sunday with Thos. and Mrs. Grasby
Mr. R. M. McKay Ilea purchased
new Essex.
Air. and Mrs. John Sands, of Van
senver. is visiting Mrs. Wm, :Bre-Wn
lellete and her sisters, Mrs. Bee
eel Mrs, Laschame, of Goderich.
Mr.'and Mrs. Joseph Johnston spen
Sunday With .Clarenee and Mrs. john
Miss Neagle, of Anbutn, is visiting
Nirs. Collinson.
,Ree, IV. 13. Hawkins is spending hi§
holidays at Port Albert. 'Mrs. Has*,
tine will spend the latter part of the
Need: with him at Meneeetung park
Mrs. E. Bell, of Londesboro, is
spendipg a few day e .with Mr, and
Mrs. P. Herrington.
Mr-. -LeRiche and Mavis, of To-
eme, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mr, Jno. McNichol.
The young 'ladies of Blyth are tak-
en -quite an interest in the Millinery
aid sewing courses beng puony
t b
l-a..Women's Institute.
Mr, Henry Young, who bought
Ililbore property on 'Dinsley ste
le,ved in en Tuesday.
Remeinber the Presbyterian garden
arty at Jahn 'Cuming's place on
ia• eorth gravel road.
the anniversary serviees on 'Seniday
Se. Andrew's -Chinch were taken by
ev. Mr. McIntosh, ef :King street
'0111,1 Church, London. Miss Mulch.
or :Submit, and ,Mise Mildred Brown,
Tongue. sang pleasing sol oe at the
evening service. Dr. Bentley .aesisted
et this service.
The special musk at the morning
serviee consisted of a solo .by Mr
14, township. the late
Andrew Morrison's farm. The late
Mr. Leatherland, of Seaforth, had the
•contract, for the sum rd. $2.000. In
1874 3.3.1111,11heranie the head of
Creel; and in 1905% during tile pastor-
ate of Rev. R. S. 'Baker, the church
was moved to its present site. The
firet Sunday school superintendent
%ea:, the late Gilbert Thomson. grand-
father of Rev, A. E. at, Thomson, ef
London; the organist wee Miss Mary
Pollard and the class leadere were
31 Morrison, CS Denise:. and W. Poi-
.-'1.itiong early menthers were Mr.
and Nfrs..1, Williamson. Mr. and Mre
T. Williamsen, Mr. and Mrs. T.
- . t. and Mrs. Dennison.
114'r. and Mrs. Geo. Thomson, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Pollard, Mr, and Mrs. R.
Pollard, Mrs, Jo. Pollard, Mr. and
Mrs. J. 'Berry, Mrs. anti Miss Mary
Stralion. If:. and Mrs. Reinhart.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Morrison, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs.
Porter. Mr. and Mrs. T. Delude, Mw,
E. Ingram, Mr. W. Bray, Mies Fanny
Bray, 31r. and Mrs. A. Huinerston.
Aft. ancl Mrs. James, Mise
Elizabeth :Morrison, Miss Marie 'Mor-
rison, Mr. and Mre. Go Williamson,
Mr. and M.N. ;Clow and Mr. and Mrs
'Nesbitt: elso the 'Duntlas. Grigg,
' CaMpbell. Neal, Fulton, Crawford,
Jackson, Bennett, Marshall, Leeming;
For•bes, Hackwell, Barrows, NIeGavin,
Roe, Watson, Nicholson, Constable.
Holmes, and Johnston families.
The ministers were:
Robert .Darey*.
C. E. Stafford*
J*. G. Paths, D.D., Toronto.
Thos. Gee, Dunnville, Ont.
'Thos. 'Sabine*
147, Torrance*
Ottawell, Otterville,. Ont.
T. W. -Cosa's, Lynclen, Ont.
W. Pomeroy,
A. P. Westman, Victoria, B.C.
A. C. Tiffin, Wheatley, Ont.
:A. Dever*
C. R (Carseallen, China.
A. Andrews* '
12, S. Baker, Victonia, B.C.
R. J. Currie, 'Michigan.
H. Tyler*
33. Lackland,
S. C. Edtnutids*'
j. Young*
-Er, W. Crafts, Carrie:.
-14'. J. Beneley, Chating Cross,
3. IV. Button, Florence.
daughter Mildred, 01 Torontd, are
guestsof Mrs, Brawn's sisters, Mrs.
Logaa end Mrs. Sloan. .
Mi. and 'Mrs, ;Robert Ferris, of
Hullett, cellebreted their golden wed-
ding anniversary last Wednesday with
a num er o -relative, friende an
neighbors calling on them. .
Mr. and 'Mrs. ;Foster Brigham and
family, of Kaensack, Sask., motored
here, and are visiting the tormer s
father, Mr. john Bnighane
An enjoyable time was, Spent at the
home,of Mr. Rdbert Fairservide when
the brothers and sisters and their fam-
ilies 'met. to spend together a few
hours'in .the old home they love so
well. After ;partaking of a sumptuous
supper, the evening was taken up in
an interesting' program consisting of
vecitations, music and songs. A spe-
cial part in the program was a dance;
the sword dance given. 'by Miss -Effie
Jean George and other dencee equafly
as difficult; and Master Robert
George gave some ifine steps. "
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, of
Detroit, .spent The past week at the'
home of 1lc former's 'parents, Mr.. aed
Mrs. Wm. 'Ceder.
3>5 ere sorryto hear of the serious
illuess of Mrs. Wm, Jamieson, Who
is in the Clinton hospital. Her many
friends hope soon to. hear of . her
speedy recovery. • •
;Mrs. Frank George (nee Sarah Fair -
service) and fan:Illy, Wetaskiwin,
Alta., are.visiting relativet here.
Mrs. -Anne Jane McCully. The
(teeth occurred on Monday morning of
'Mrs. Anne Jane McCully, at the home
of her brother, Ma•William !Rims, on
the third concession. She was born in
Illanshard township, Perth county, in
the year '1852, and lived there for 25
years. For tr nuniber of years she
lived with her sore George MaCully,
Normal st., Stratford. Her husband
died as the result of an accident 47
years ago, and for 50 yearsthe de-
ceased woman had lived in the town -
Shit) of Hulleft, Mrs, 'McCully was a
member of the Kinburn United
church and was highly esteemed by
all her many friends and relations.
She had 'been in poor health for the
last six months and the end was not
unexpected by -her friends, Mrs. Me -
Cully is survived by tWO sistere, Mrs.
Mry a -Clark, Hullett, and Mrs. Wil-
liam McGavin, ,MoKillap township:
two- brothers, Joseph Rinn, of Wood-
ham, William Rinn, of Hullett;
three daughters. Mrs J. E. ItIdGreg-
or. Walkerton: Mrs. Isaac IMeGavin,
Walton: and Miss Belle McCully.
Ifullett; two sons. George and W. J.
McCully, of Stratford, The funeral
wee held on 'Wednesday and was
largely attended. The service was
conducted by the Rev, Mr. McLaugh-
lin, of Stratford. Her five-grandsonS.
Will, Jack and Bob MoCully and
Milton and George Ifc'Gregor, also
ler nephew Charles AfeGavin, were
pallbearers, Interment was in 'Meh-
l -end Bank cemetery. The floral tri-
butes were many and beautiful.
A happy eveut to place at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Robe Ferris
on 'Wednesday evening of Met week,
when about ninety friends and rela-
tives assembled to help celebrate the
occasion of their golden wedding an-
ni•vereary. Mr. :alit' Mrs. Ferris
were the recipients of a "nember of
lovely and useful gifts, a hundred
leillare in gold coins, also two hind-
'inc wicker easy chairs from the
family. All sat down to a bountiful.
dinner at eix o'clocl . after which ate
interesting programme was enjoyed
Ly all. -
t - The .fullowing evening about gts
-i.iteuls and neighbors gathered at the
Ferris . home .to offer congratulatione
tutd good -wishes, also to take the one
portenity of showing the. 'Sateeni in
which Mr. and Mrs. -Ferris are held
the eommunity bypresenting them
Stanley tsthitutrpe and at anthIn eoe
the cheir. centre table. After the address below.
n..11 tie 0 tiphalstered arm chaire and
Mr. and Mrs. Robe Wallace left on It" which Mr. Ferris very fittingly
eelee- foe Stratford. where thee ; replied. Mr. las, Watt attd Mr. Alex.
NicEwing gave short addresses. The
remainder ef the evening was spent
SI r. and M. S. Leslie.. end family
see, red se Guelph last week, where me.inging and dancing.
rhe address: "To Mr. aild Mw.and relatives for
Ferris. Dear Friends: We, your
;Holds and neighbors, have met here
:a -night ;for the purpose of congratul-
ating you ou thie, your fiftieth year
of married life. It is not given to
many to I.Lelebrate their golden wed-
ding. Therefore, we hear'tily con-
gratulate you wil0 hate bean 50 high -
privileged. We also wish to show
our appreciation of you as friends and
neighbors. Your ever kind and sym-
pathetic nature has won for you the
affection and respect of all who have
come in contact with yam To those
In adversity You were always true
friends, ever ready to lend a helping
hated and when friends opened their
!melee for e1tei1ajnmcnt yeti were
always the youngest of the young,
which may be one of the reasons vchy
you have been permitted to celebrate
3-0nr golden wedding day. Therefore
we could tem let this golden op-
portunity go by without showing 11,
snme degree otir appreciation of your
many excellent qualities. We would
/low ask you to accept these chairs as
a token -of our goodwill, and may you
find in your declining years, that re-
freehment width comes from reclin-
ing in a 'comfortable chair. Our ,'mish
for you this evening is thA you may
also lire to see your Diamond wed-
ding clay. Signed on 'behalf of the
Alex. MicEwill, Isaac Rapson, Jas.
Mr-. George McNeil. of Detroit, is
siene her daughtur, Airs. Wm.
I Hamm,
Mr. Irvine Wallace and Mr. Robert
Laidlaw left ten Tuesday on a motor
trip to Toronto and Ottawa.
Mr. and Wrs. James Pierce and dale-
ghter are visitirtg the formers moth-
te. Mrs. George Pierce and sisters,
Mrs. lohn Collinson, and Mrs. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ieaac Brown and
Mist: Mildred, Di Toronto, are visit-
ing friends and relatives in Blyth.
Sir. Leslie Hilbert' has purchased a
see le,sex Acetate
Mks Hazel Leslie and Miss Sadie
Howitt have returned home after at-
tending the summer school at Godes
rich. at which they were delegates for
Queen et. United Church Sunday
Mrs. John E. Taylor, of Londe -
ler. was the guest ‘sf Airs. S.
Creighton during the week.
Nfr. and Mrs. George McCall, of
Londeeboro, were .guests of Mr. and
Sfr,.. L. Fear Sunday afternoon.
A number of people from here are
ittending the Old Boys' Reunion at
Mr. and Mrs. Shoebottom, of
Belgrave, Mrs. Harry Brandon and
Nfise Freda, of London, were guests
,f Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Johnston
,riday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Wne McClure an,'
lrs.,Wm. Sturey, of McKillop, visit -
1 (Mr. and Mrs. jno. McNichol on
Mr. Bruce Br.own, of Neve LiSkeard,
in of Mr. and Mrs. jno Brown, is
mite for the -Brussels Old boys re-
Miss Cora Skelton was the guest of
er cousin, Mrs. Young, on Sunday,
Miss Vista Wyatt 'sent last week
iti het cousin, Mrs. L. Roe, Walton,
Ms. in -1 Mrs 2 H B rown end
It will Preveut Ulee.ratecl Throat.—
At the first symptoms or sore throat,
which Presages ulceration and inflam-
mation, take . a spoonful of Dr.
Thomas' F,electric OIL .Add -a little
sugar to it to make it palatable. It
will allay the irritation and prevent
the ulceration and swelling that, are
so ,painful, Those who' were periodi:
cally subject to quinsy- heve time
mad; themselves itmuune to attack.
A meeting of representative: people
who' haVe relatives ,buried in the Troy-
er cethetery at Hillsgieen, was held
at Zurich on July 4th: Mr. Thos.
Coleman acted as chairfiTan and Mr.
Joseph Forrest as secretary, ,A reso-
lution was passed ' have .the Hay
townehip council teSke over the ceme-
tery under provisions of the ;Cerne-
tery Act. The meeting then went be-
fore the ICeuncil, which was in sess-,
sion, and Mr. Forrest acted as spokes -
nun. The Reeve prorifised consider-
ation fdr the cane and to act according
to the request and the ,Provincial
Act, which provides that where the
owners of a cemetery cannot be found
or are una'ble to care for the cemetery
in ,question, the local inunitipall coun-
cil shall net.
On July I5th 'the gathering again
assembled at .1-Iillsgreen to held a
bee to 11)6E' the grounds in shape and
to consider certain metters. Lizzie
AfeAllister and Mrs. Sam ;Walker had
a map Of the plots prepared, showing
where each one 'was buried, whether
marked by grave stone or not. Jahn
Cochrane was appointed to confer
with Hay council at its next meeting.
It was agreed to gravel the driveway
and to make two walks, using lake
shore gravel. Besides prowing the
unoccupied ground, the weeds and
poplar suckers growing abotit the
fences and among -the graves were
The following extnact from the deed
to this cemetery is interesting. It is
dated .011 t!le 2nd day of April, 1857,
and says, in part, 4between John
Troyer of 'Township of Hay, County
of !Huron, etc:, df the ,first part, and
Sarah Ann -Troyer, wife of the said
party of the first part of the second
part. and John G. Smith & James
Jarrott of the township of Stanley
and William Gram of the township of
Hay, etc, trustees of the Methodist
Eniscopal ;Church in Canada, etc., 'Of
Ilia Third part it •was witnessed
that the said john Troyer for and in
consMeration of the sum of fiVe
pounds currency to him in hand paid
by the said Trustees clid give,
grant, bargain, sell, etc., all thaf
certain tract:, • .containing by ad-
measurement half an acre be the same
more less." The property described
is at the southeast lcorner of lot 28.
Con. 7, I -Tay township.
iNlissee Agues -Purcell of Toronto
and iMaisie Purcell of Seaforth Spent
Ile week end at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. 'T. Flannery.
Mr. and Mrs P. A O'Sullivan spent
Simday in •Bayfield,
Mw. Mike McQuaid of IStratford is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs:
1'. Morris, Hibbert.
Mr. end Mrs. L. Landry, of Detroit
were 'isitors at the home Of Mr. and
Mrs. P, Feeney and Mr. and Mrs. P.
H. 'McGrath.
'We are sorry to learn that !Miss
Gertrude McGrath 0, on the sick list.
afiss Marjorie Queenan, who s-isit-
Lei with Miss S. Queenan, has return-
ed to her home in London.
Ale Joseph Moyle's, who spent the
Peet Week here, returned to Windsor.
Miss S. Queenan is spending the
summer vacation in Detroit.
- Miss Evelyn McGrath who spent a
eek's holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, P. E. McGrath, has return-
ed to Detroit.
?Miss Mary O'Sullivan spent a few
days last week with Miss Mary Will
" TI3haeYfilieelady mius of last week have
held up the finishing of haying, but
the spring grailt and root and potato
crops have benefited by the rains.
(Intended for last week:I
IMiss Evelyn NfeGrath, of Detroit, is
vieiting with. her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. P. H. McGrath. "
JoSePh Moylan, of Fort Erie.
;mein the week -end at the home of his
parentsmr. and Mee. Thos, Moylan.
•Mre. Reis and children, •of Detroit,
are visiting with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, James !Morris, Halbert.
Mr. Clarence McQuaid. of De La
Salle College. Aurora, is spending a
two weeks' vacation with his 'parents.
Ma and Mrs. Joseph1McQuaid,
Sister Alma and Sister Thereete cif
Si. Joseph's ',Convene London, were
home attending the funeral of their
father, the date Mr. Peter Torden
Next' Sunday the service will be
withchiwn on account of the W'MeS,
anniversary services being held, sts
Zion appointmeut. Stitiday -School Will
be held a5 usual at 2 p,m. The,Cons
gregation is cordially invited to at-.
tend the set•vice at Zion church 'at II'
;Mrs. John Allison and three chil-
dren of !Springfield are visiting rela-
tives in the neighborhood. -
Mr. and Mrs. Meld, O'Reilly and
"family have gone to their farm near
Shelburne to assist with the haying
opeeations. '
nvIr. LeW 011iteilly motored to Shel-
lturne for the week end. His wife and
family eeturned_with him after epend-
Mg two weeks visiting relatives ;there.
/qr. S. 113, Taylor of Exeter was
present at the anoiming service last
Sunday and gave an interesting talk
Misses 'tele); Cfark and Verna Brock
read the ,Scripture lessons. Mrs: Chas,
jelms, who occupied the chair, read
the Live Oak IMission Circle Itreasur-
er's report:- The choir sang a coulple
of selections., A collection was taken
in aid of the Mission ;circle.
Mr, and NUS. Edgar Allen of Tuck-
ersmith visited at the home of 'Mr.
Webster 'Turner on Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Park of
Blake spent ;Sunday at 'Ala Robin Mc-
!Mr, and Mrs, Russell “Ceoiier and
datiglitere, of .London visited at the
home of Mr; 'W. learnt° the week end.
Mr; and IMrs. Rbhert Cochrane left
on IVIontlay for their home at Peace
River. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarrott of Brig -
den Spent Thursday with her unither,
Itfrs, E. Troyer,' Mrs. 'Troy& return-
ing with them .to spend a Week at
Miss Louisa Turner, nurse, of Chu -
ten hospital, is spending a we'ek visit-
ing her -old neighbors and. friends in
the commanity.
Mr. Lloyd .IVIbBricle spent Sunday
with his cousin, Clarence Stephenson.
•• Missionaand was held •Sunday af-
•ternoon with the President, , Muriel
Carlile, presiding. The ,meeting was
opened by singing hymn 590. Mr.
Carlile led in prayer. The Scripture
lesson was from 23rd •Psalin and read
by Nellie Taylor'. The. roll was call-
ed, with thirteen present. 721
was sung and then they separated for
their lesson, Mr. Carlile leading the
senior girls and 'Mrs. ,Connor the
juniors. After the collection was
taken, hymn 794 was sung, and Mrs.
Connev closed in 'prayer.
'Ari- Austin Wheeler has returned to
Detroit -to resume his duties. He was
,accompanied lby,bis sister, Miss Viola
,Wheeler .who will Visit for a. copple
of weeks in the city, returning with
her !brother 'Normen When he ,comes
home for his holidays.
" Mrs, Cole of Toronto is visiting, at
Mr.,' Alex. 'Smith's, 5th concession of
A garden party will be held on Mr.
Hugh Aikenhead's lawn under the
auspices of the United Church on.
Tuesday. August 161h., -
Miss Alice Davidson is spending a
neck .with the Rev', and Mrs, H. 0, E.
Crovby, at Otterville, Ont.
Airs. 'Welsh. of Detroit,. is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Modteith and
children have returned to -London af-
ter. spending their vacation with the
latter'e mother, Mrs. Janet Ross.
Mr. end ;Mrs. Wm. Foster and
daughter, Mrs. Fleck, of Fairgrove
Mich., visited relatives here last week:
Miss Mary Martin, who is home on
furlough from India, is a visitor at
the Manse elik: week.
The Sunday schools of 13rucefield
are holding their annual picnic to Bay-
field on Friday, July 296, The truck
will leave the church at 8 o'clock.
Ales. 13tyant and family, of Winni-
peg, who is sa niece of arr. James
Walker, visiteel at his !tame last" week,
'Airs. Wm. Scott returned home
11151 AN•eek after spending a couple of
weeks with her sister, Mrs. Douglass
and her brothers M London and
"Mr. and Mrs. John McCowan and
M15s Tena MdKay, are visiting
with friends in Detroit.
Air. and IMrs. Geo. .krmstrong and
fionily spent !Sunday at the home of
'Mr, femme Taylor's.
Mr. jemes NreDonald is busy re-
modelling his house and d -rive shed,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hart are sport-.
mg a new Ford coupe. ,
Miss •Cleta Pepper has accepted a
position with Scott & Co. for th
summer months,
Mr. Stan, Reid, Brucelield's cattle
drover, has engaged a new stenog-
rapher for the fall rush,
'Congratulations are extended to itfr. Schlott Ross reports the roads
the successful Normal student§ find te be in fairly good shape to Brussels,
ciso to the 'Entrance Dtipils. tor his high powered speed wagon.
Sirs. James :McConnell and grand-
son, of Toront,. are visiting with Mr
and Mre• P. A. O'Sullivan,
Miss lleatrice Hodgert, of :Regina.
is visiting her friends and relatives itt
this vicinity.
Ate and Mrs, Dune, McLachlan
and family, who have spent tbe IPast
month l•isiting old a amain fences left
for their, home lei the West on Tues-
. Mrs. Duncan Hay, of Stratford, is
visiting with her. sister, Miss Polly
Mm's. M. Davis, of Seaforth, .and
Niiss ,Lillian Ballantyne
nurse of New
York, are the guests of Mrs. W. Kers-
;Wise Mary Melcaig, of Hensall, is
spending her hotidays with her consin,
Miss Christina McKeig.
A number front here picnicked at
Grand Bend on Saturday,
Mrs Joseph Nagle entertained cons-
rany on Sunday night.
Afr. and ...Mrs. Leo Murray spent
Sunday afternoon with lerr, and 'Mrs.
Jas. Hogg. .
Arr. Joseph Nagle spent Sunday af-
ternoon with friends in Lqncion.
Miss Kathleen Bierman has re-
turned home, from, the Stratford hos-
pial after being operated an for ap-
Aries Angels, Eckert ie epending a
clays With her granddaughter, 3,1r, and
Mi, Michael 0"Coenor
De speaks or 'taking it West for the
harvest this fall, -
Swah & Chapman are busy fixing
tip their threshing out -fit this wet
‘seather. Chap, says there's going to
be a big run.
telee Wes Hayter is sporting a new
Ford conpe, so girls, get your halm
curled, look snappier,
Mr. and •Mrs. James ,Broaelfoot and
family and Mr, anti A.Irs. John Graham
spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
Miaa Goldie Uetley of Zurich ie
helping 'Airs-Win..Ross at present.
The grain elevator at Brucefield,
recently 'purchased 'by Mickle & Son
of 15cnsall, is, 'being raised up and put
hi shape for receiving grain this fall.
It is seven years since this elevator
was used and was formerly owned by
Mn, Scott.
fMr, Clarence Armstrong, who is
working in Exeter, visited 'his parents
over the week end.
Ilvir. 'Will Chapman and family were
in Stratford ,Saturclay.
Rev. W. A. 'Bremner is laying the
corner -Stone of a new church in Ben -
miller oh Thursday, He also has the
honor of being elected president •of
Goderich summer school for 1928.
Mr. Sam ,Cudmorc is ibuiy tractor -
plowing for Mr. D. .Fotheringham on
the 4th concession.
A•fr. Alex, AloBeath, Stanley, Is very
poorly at present, his znany friends
are sorryeto know. Mr. Wm. Henry
is out helpieg ltioi for the summer.
Miss Dorothy Swan, youngest dau-
ghter of Static:in Agenf Geo, Swan.
has been visiting- her grandparente,
Mr. and 1Mrs. Wilson, in Toronto. She
also visited feiefids in Buffalo and De-
troit while away.
'The Henry Echrernan family, of
+Cleveland, Ohio, intend motoring to
Stanley township to visit with rela-
tives, "
;Ala Hugh 'McGregor his returned
to ,his duties in Detroit.
Mr. Frank McGregor is improving
nicely ,after his repent illness.
'Misses Mary ;Stewed!. and Janet
Aikenhead have returned Amine after
spending a delightful week -end in
Mr. and Mrs. T. 13, Baird spent
Sunday at Mr. M. S. Aikenhead's 'cot-
tage, Bayfield,
Many from here went to London to
attend the ;C. IN, R. picnic, at Spring -
bank on 'Saturday. in
Owing to the ra
the 'picnic was pastopned till later.
All in the community are cordially
invited to the annual Sundey school
picnic in Bayfield on Friday. The
.committee in charge plao to make this
year.more successful than ever.
Nil's. 'T. Baird, Sr:, is visiting her
sister, 3..frs.,GorOon, in Port Albert,
Senday among friends., and relativee
" MisS 'Annie Foote of VictOria hos-
pitatl, London, is visiting her brether,,
Mr. A, Foote t their old home,
Nlise 'Francis Mossop is spending'
a feW days with her aunt, . Miss E.
(Miss Bertha Nott„s'pent 'Sunday 'with
Brussels friends, '
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cowan sipent
-Sunday at Mayfield. •
Miss Myrtle (Grainger of Toronto is
spending her holidays at the home Of
her mother here. ' ' •
IMiss Alice Fingland returned &fon).
Torientalast week alter it pleasant vi-
sit with, friends there. -
and iMrs. D, D Roberton spent
the week end' -at ;Bruce Beach. •
A number from here attended',1he
railroad 'picnic which Was held at
Springbank on 'Saturday
Miss Lancly—gOeing is holklaying at
Bruce Beach.
Mr. Hcsveard (Cowan of Clinton ,eaLt-
ed on friende here Friday last. • •
Mr. Ted Pickett of Clinton is
spending a few days at the home -of
Mr. Geo. Coevals: • •
'The Misses !Caldwell of ,Wa.wanosh
are guests of their cousin, Miss 'Mary
Caldwell • .
!Me and Mrs. Earl Ross, Mrs 'IW,
Bell and children ol Detroit sPent
Garden Party. — The 1Brunswick, RMoosnsday alt.the 'home of Mr. 'Murdock
trio will entertain at a garden Party Mrs. Cook and Miss Norma of Bay -
to be held on Dir. Lloyd Moffat's beau- field spent part of, the week with
tiful lawn under the auspices of ,the friends here.
United Church,. Varna, ,on Friday (We are pleased to see Miss Olivetta
evening, July 29th. Tea served from Brigham able to In out again, after
6 to 8. . Admission, adults 40e, chil- her operation at Clinton hosnital. .
dred 25e. Everybody Welcome. 30 Mr J G, Roberton Spent the week
The malty friends of Mr, and Mrs, end 'with London friends. • .
Win. Reid, Mies Jean and Grandpa Nfrs. Dr. Grierson will address the
Wiley are pleased to see their s'miling Mission Band in Knox Chudeh on
faces in our midst again. They have Saturday afternoon
been Mint, Mich, for several Miss Myrtle Emmerton returtied.to
irionths 'and all look halcand hearty. her home 'Friday night after a few
Atr. and -Mrs. Schell are at pregent days with friends in the -village.
holidaying. with the latter's parents, 'IVIr Thos. 1Vrillar unleaded a car of
3d),eand IMrs, Austin. Mr. and Mrs. cliesnut coal last -week.
Schell and little Ler-Scheel motored Mr ;Carman Moon spent Monday in
(tone Detroit Monday. London.
Mr. Eris Reid and Miss Pearl Reid, IMrs, W. Brunsdost spent Monday
in company with Misses •Gladys and thc guest of her daughter, Mr> Dick
Emily Beatty, all •of London spent Vodden of the eighth concession.
in Silk, Rayons and Voiles
to clear from
98c to Si 49
Ladies' Art
Silk Hose
Sale Price
35c pr.
Ladies' Lisle Hose
Reg, 50c Sale Prices
29c pro
Ladies' Underwear
Cotton silk stripe Vests
and Bloomers
Remants .half price in all
' kinds of dross goods.
Men's Fine Mess
to clear at
Men's Fancy Hose
Best quality. a pair
Work Shirts
sale price from
79c to 95c
Men's Combinations
sale price each
Boys' Khaki Blouses
Boys' Khaki Shirts
Fresh Groceries
Straw Mats
and Work Shirts
NOW s the time topic') up all kinds of repair-
- ing, such as Tin ware, Harness, Shoes, Auto
Sides. Auto Tires Stitched.
Bring in your Binder Canvass forNew Straps
and Strips