HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-28, Page 16ZY&1C1L1g`SERIES, VOL. 44, No: 30. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927. $1 A YEARe SILVER WEDDING, AND . eseeneeeseeeeeeeeseseseseeesseeset DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES ES at all hours RNlE .MA DE SPECIALTiES Prices Reasonable The Confectioner... and Restaurant aou>r°ant CURED MEATS Get the best at HUTCHISON'S BROOMS—from 30e to. $1.00 SCRUB BRUSH -small, neat close filled good"fibre 25e va- lue for 15c Paramatta fibre brush regular 40e value for 20e Rand Brushes at 5,10,15, &25c Salmon at 15, 7.8 -.2 2. 0 3 25cfor halve 2 s And 0 25 . 35. 40' 45 50 for 1 Ib. tins BAK1iNG'SYitUP— We have theo b st that isp P nt up. It costs us more than table cyr- txp, but the difference of cost in whatld oube used in •a vc� n ordinary baking would be perhaps not more than a cent. Get the best,. Per Ib. 10e. English Dinner Ware . 97 piece sets plain white with gold line regular. $20 for $17,50 Toilet Soap Special, an assort- ment of Albert Soaps. 6 cakes regular price 45e for 25e Castile Soap, . 8 for 25e Dairy ]Butter, We have ample 'supply and . guarantee the quality satisfactory or we cheerfully return the price F. D HUTCHISON. Phone Pbor Phood 166 CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church—Pastor, Rev, W. P. Lane, B,A., Sunday, July 31s1,-10 a.n],,SS. and (Bible classes, Il'1 a,m., Holy Communion 7 p•m.-1Subjeet, ]Some False 'Sup- positions of Life". ANNOUNCE1VIENT, Mr. Russell Hays announces 'the engagement of his sister Janet Agnes, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John 11. Hays, of Seaforth, Ont„ to Mr. ,Reginald IS, 'Reid, of Stratford, Ont., youngest son of Mrs. Reid and the late teirf r.Reid- , F. Reid; of Seaforth, Ont., the marriage to take place quiet- ly Aug. .. 16th. g S. S. PICNIC. St. Thomas' Church had a prize day foYh t en picnic to Grand 'Bend no Wednesday heat week.. Over 100 at- tended. Besides the usual good time and games, the children were treated. to merry-go-round rides, ice cream, chocolate and watermelon. Much credit is due tMr..H. Edge, superin ,tt:ndcnt, and Mr, J. R'Larniman, FELL FROM LOAD. - Mr. Elmer 'Fowler, Huron road west met with, an unfprtunate accid- ent Monday_afternoon, While draw- ing hay, one of the horses stepped into a ground -hog hole and stumbled, Mr. Fowler was thrown from the load. In order to protect' his head in the fail, he extended his arms which re- ceived the full force of .the shock, breaking bones in two places, HOG SHIPMENTS. For week ending July 21, 1927. 1Seaforth=-Tdtal,:107, select bacon, 23, thick smooth 72, 'heavies 6, extra heavies nil, shop hogs. 5. Huron County—Total 1101, select bacon 362, think smooth .594, heavies 50, extra heavies 7, shop 'hogs 35, lights and feeders 29 Beal Shoe Values _iew Sample Shoes in Black Satin.CAREJEN PARI'Y and Patent Leather 1 Strap Reg: 85.59 for 3.15 New Blond Kid with Rose Blush Winning Covered Spike and Cuban Heels Reg.. $6.00 for. 4.45 y: • Women's Velvet 1 strap : 1.50 Wornen's : Sport Shoes with Crepe. Soles $3.85 $3.85 Child's Blonds -1 strap size 5 to 7 for $ 1.45 'Child's Blonds 1 strap size S. to cl ' for 1..65 j Misses Blond laid size 11. to 2 5 6� 3.00 Real Bargains in' Real Shoes . and Values Surpassed by no - Shoe Store in Sea forth W. Wigg eareesseleweessamessaisiese EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Friday, July 2901 Supper Served • From 5.30 to 8 ip.m.. Historical Pageant "The Romance of Canada By Choir and P,+riends-Forty: Characters Seaforth Highlanders Dana I d it � G rldults50c Children -25'c tionwassasmaszows~menracrametsiessmasmataw FAMILY RE -UNION. On Friday, the 22nd'ins%t., M (Mrs. "W. M. ':Doig celebrated the anniversary of 'their married life' ly With a reupion of the Doig at the old (Doig homestead, ia ersmith township. A great many 'prevented froni being present o to the excessive rain' that day, bit pite this fact,'a Marge number of tives and friends assembled from ious parts o'f Canada and the U States, and the programme was b in the afterngon by James Ste the famous piper of Sarniia, p1. The Lock of the North','- and stirring Scottish airs. Mr, W. Doig was chairman and, gave a hi ical'account of the Dig family a their settlement in 'Canada, The of them left .Scotland in 1818 and tied near Montreal, but the anee of the majority of those present Scotland in 1836, consisting of fam'il'ies, viz., the Doigs, Bells Peterson',s and were 'closely , rel coining from gear Thornhill, _ Pe shire, Part of them settled at chole, near Montreal,' and the ren der came to near where Hensali stands and 'their descendants are there solid as a rock and'still ow the old original farms that their [hers and grandfathers cleared the [forest many years ago. The ch man then read letters of 'regret not being alble to be present from Howard Ferguson, 'Premier o'f On io;. J, +H, 'Stecre,. Chief Justice of Supreme Court of IMichigan;Johti gin Tom, Inspector. of Schools West Huron; G.. W. Holman, Cot Clerk; W, 'G, Medd, M.L.A,, many others. One of these from 13e11, Sr„ of Exeter, who was an fent when his parents left .Scotland 1836 and who is still hale and hea and stands straight as an arrow has resided all Incilife in this nei borhood, is given as 'follows: Exeter, July 21. 1927 Mr. W. M. Doig, Kip'pen, Dear Friend, ---I received your ki invitation to be with you at your vere w dding"end re -union on the 22 but ,I regret g et very much to saytha ant unable to be present thaday. have not beent even and a afraid the clay would 4be too stret nto for rte. However, I wish -you a Mrs., Doig many more years of hap ed led life. 1 remember et well the day your Cher cadre on that farm] and the days spent logging up the first fallow years ,ago, where you will all standing on the g22nd. d I helped raise the old log house that on stood near the present one and a jol time the all had that night, and T thi the house where you were (born. Yo father played the music for the co pany. I have seen many a one cot and. go since that' and our good Lo has spared me to see 91 4 years. two old friends that were with m four years ago have passed aw since that and many others have to With this I will close, wishing you merry afternoon, 1 remain, you friend, John Bell :Sr, and Family. The programme, which consisted 'o addresses, dancing, vocai .and instru ental music,• was then begun an rried on rapidly. Able and seita'bl dresses were made Eby John M aughton, ex -Reeve; ,Roland Kerne , 'Reeve; Peter F, Doig, ex -Warden enry Horton, ex -'Reeve; Archi slop, the Reform eandidate o rth Huron; George Suthei'lan stmaster of Heusall; judge Fred .'George, W. A. Reoch, Clerk of ort; C C. McGregor and Lawye hn A. Currie, all of Pott Huron olin selections were given by 'Willi 11, accompanied by his sister Mis to Bell, 'William Hyde and Thoma rdock accompanied by ,Mrs, The s Welsh on the (piano; vocal solo re well rendered d! of Hensall; a by rd er of Dun k, and Miss Janet DoigofRippen Irs: C. W. Mulholland, of Toronto o was'Mrs: Doig's bridesmad City -five years ago, was. presen her daughter, a beautiful and ac- neplished young lady, danced the ghland Fling much to the pleasure entertainment of all those present the music of the 'bagpipes rendered Mr. Ste'cvart, At the conchtsio]t of "Go antnte all joined in singing Save the Ring,""America," and old Lang Syneafter which, all i¢ad to the lawk tvhere supper was ed to-nearly.two hundred guests Mr. Sutherland invoked' the Di- bleseing, 1 the evening a dance was held in Kiplpen hall at. which a. -large vd was present, -and dancing, was inued'^until nearly daylight,' the lc 'beingfurnished b . ](Villi' • Hyde, John Doig and A. McGreg- This brought to a close a splen day and evening's entertainment.; r. and 25th joint- fanlily Tuck - were wing t des- rela- var-j nited egun wart, dying other M, stor- nd of •first set- stors eft three and ated rth-' La- ]ain- }I ping fa - from air- then] up anti offer th toth public for G. tar - the El for tn'ty and John in - in rty and legit- ad sit- nd, tI m' us nd fa - 74 a 74 be to ce ly ur cot rd M ay o. a e Mc a f d, e e s s Toronto, nl d N sly 111 No 90 W Co Jo Vi 'Be, Tit Mu ma WC c On, dal 1 wh twe and co Hi and to by the `'G repa sery and trine ' It the CrOl. cont flus W. or. did SEAFORTH NIQHT. The Seaforth 'Council has agreed tb assist in making Seaforth night dur- ing the Godeeich 'Centennial a success and plans are now under way.,Thurs- day, Aug. 4th, is the day that Gode- rich will be given over to •.Seaforth people and it is hoped that a very large crowd will be there, 'A number of girls from 'hersare taking part in the pageant. A decorated float, or- chestra, troub'adours,' jazz band; etc are some of the other projects. De- corate your car and -join the ,preces- sion on August 4th. All, your friends will be there. Arrangements for tbe. distrilbution of pennants evict be an iiotntced later., "� 9 9• The: Jackdaw, :knowing his own ugliness, searched through the woods° and fields, and collected the feathers which had' fallen from the wings of his companions, and ,stuck them in all artt p sof his body, hoping thereby to make himself more 'beautiful, When the birds assembled'- 'before Jupiter, the Jaekdaw also made his appear- ance in his menyifeathered ^•finery. The birds indignantly protested, and eacl •pluckingg from him his own feathers, the Jackdaw was again noth- ing but a- +Jackdaw, ,lEsop, There is a 'bird" in Seaforth fbnd of picking up acrd, wearing other pe'ople's !feathers. Week after week he. appropriates columns of country correspondence and local .items from The News,` 'For 'the'last two weeks the entire (Walton and most of the Bruce6eld, betides 'much- local mat - 'ter, were copied Word for word from' The (News and added 'to hip plumage. These feathers. are. the re- sult of hours -of work by The News, a good part 'being written in tine of- fice, and lit reminds one of the ack: /neck - deer to see The'Huron Expositor :lick em . e pu is at his subscriptiotiprice of $2,00' a, Tear. t . GOLDEN WEDDING.' Mr, and 'ars, Rodent Ferris cel bratect the fiftieth an4iversary of the wedding ate their home in Hullrtt T on July 20'113], when a large gatheri of relatives and friends were presen The clay was lovely' and the afte nao11 was spent in playing games an ,oeial intercourse. t e course, The hotne'was beautifully decorate for the occasion laud a sumptuous r past was serveeeeo ninety gcuests five o'clock. After all had.dieed, t Rev. Mr.. Abery, of `Loiidesboro, pr posed a toast P o st to the bride and roc g of fifty years ago, which wasrespon cruor ed to by Mr, Jack Sturdy, a nephe Happy little , 1 speeches were made b Mr. Giles Jenkins, Claes. Wallis an Harry Saticeld, .after which little Jea \'olden and Ernest 'Salkeld, dresse es n]iniat ' Ule bride' and r g cam ,Q reser ed it![ r, and 'Mrs. Ferris .with a lovel basket of roses which also eiantaine a hundred dollars in gold •pieces,' Th was followed by all singing "Fo They're •, to 'b Y of Good I" J e((o Yws. The four daughters :and.younges son Reese presented their 35areuts wit two easy theirs, the sons in Albert sending pieces of gold. Numerou ether gifts were received,-eltowing th esteem in which the couple are held Telegrams of congratulations an greetings were read from Tomato Grand Rapids, Chicago and othe places. Guests were present 'front Goderich Seaforth, Clinton, Blyth, ' London Poston, New York, Calgary and Qu Apelle, Sesk. In the evening a very pleasant program 'vas given ;lay some of the guests end was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris were , married fifty years ago at "'Woodlands Farm Huron rel., Goderich tp., Mrs. Ferris Pring Lydia Jenkins, youngest daugh- ter of the late Wm. Jenkins. They First resided on the 9th con. of Gode- rich fp., later moving to "Hullett, whets they have since resided, except for three years when Mr. Ferris homesteaded in Aiberta, and. was the 'first'•R,xesident of the Eastern .Al- berta Agricultural Society. For some years Mr, Ferris was prominent in .public affairs, being a member of the council, Reeve of the township, . and also a County Commissioner, At pre- setrt• he is a director of the McItillop Fire Insurance Co. To 1 tiir. and Mrs. Ferris rrrs were born a family of seven, four girls and three boys, who were all home for the tele- braltion except°the two oidest sons in Alberta who were unable to come. 'The following evening, July 21st, the ncighbers gathered to honor Mr, and Mrs. Ferris and presented thein with an address, two upholstered chairs and a table. The evening, was spent in music and dancing, and was brought to a close by all singing "Auld Lang Syne." e- ir 9•, ng t. a+ d e a t' he o - m d - w. an it d t y Ib h a s • e an( WILLIAM L. STEELE• i,., - The death occurred in Seafo"rth on Thursday, July 2.lst,',of Mr. William Logan • Steele, aged 69 years. Mr. Steele came to Scaforth about a year ago to svisit his sister, 'Miss Jennie Steele, and brother, Mr. .John Steele, S cele but became iii end .had: been confined to bed ever since, He wasr'born in Tuekerstiitth in '1858, sou of the late Robert Steele,` Going to Carberry, 2fin, forty years ago, helater moved -to Oxbow, Sask., where he had lived for thirty years. He is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Flora Mc ' Lean,; of iBelgrave,. and 'three sons and fpur daughters: John and Leonard, Spokane, Wash,; Mrs,' Glazier, Ha - warden, Sask , Mrs. Graham, Maxim, Sask.; Mrs. Pickard, .N.apgnka, (Man.; Mrs. (Carswell, near Oxbow, Sasic,, and the youngest, George, at home. The' funeral, which wasP r' ro t place 'Friday a e, took y afternoon, service being conducted by Rev„ V,'H.,Larkin, D,D and interment was made in Maitland Bank cemetery, The pallbearers were. Messrs, John Finlayson, William Morrison, J,"'Gil'les'pis, W. 'Wilson; Nell 'Gillespie and W, Mete., PUT FIRST GRAVEL -ON THE HURON ROAD, Paving the Huron road between Seaforthand Dublin is now within a mile and a quarter of completion, hav- ingrreached the Tuekersmith-tHibberi ,boundary. A most interesting .link with the past is 'Inctfact that Mr. Ro- bert (Devereaux, who lives with his son John on lot 1, concession 1,Tu,< - ersmith, has the distinction of having laid the first, gravel on the Huron road in the.vicinity,'about seventy -.three years ago. That was the fall before he saw the 'first train on the 'Godericti lint, and he now witnesses the con- verting of this artery along which ca'nte pioneers "for all the northwest- ern portion of the peninsula, into a modern paved highway. eMr. I)eveareaux`is in his ninetieth year, is stili quite hale and hearty and has possession of all his 'faculties. He stands perfectly erect anis[ is over six feet tall, Belwears a full beard.Born at Guyslboro, 10 milts from Halifax, N.S., son of the late. John ,Devereaux, Inc came to'Ontario with the family when .four years .old, : His ' 'father bought the lots on the 'Hureb road now owned by Mr. Louis Devereame and Mr. S. F. Carton, from the Van- Egmonds, 'He Inas lived on the prf;s- en't farm for 65 years. Mr, Dever- eaux vividly recalls . 'gravelling this trip ¢E road the first time. He was' ixteen years of age, and it was during Inc first month . he had worked for -ho'mes' Downey—his first employ- ment away from home, Isar. Downey id the contract from the council of 1clKillop. 'Clay, which 1n', the (vet easgns was a quagmire, withya bit if orduroy across the swamp was an heretwas on the original pioneer mat. Inc pit 'vas located about where St. ames' cemetery is', there being a bili ]ere at that time. Oxen were almost ntirely used to haul the wagons: Mr. ev r e eanx' actually placed the gravel n the road,,as he had the honor of weeping and. spreading 'the loads, 4 or learns . at a time, and remembers Ir. Downey father coming along nd :,telling him not to spare the gra- el 'but to la it on Ygood - and thick. c The next sprang he worked 21 daye fitting up the board fences along the tits on th r ' e , ailw a tanning Y n mg through. e neighboring farms,' In those dr ee there was no. Dublin, :sept an hotel owned by a Mr. Dun- n; St. C' ohim ban was I •' ti hto its a'lo s wn church; h, Sea'forth was sira- y a house on the corner owned by ndrew Stein; Harpurhey was a thriv- g vitlage,K'bnasting two large stores, ui o nlorks and• Edw rd 'c a .Cash t doctor was Dr. Challc. The Mr, Devereaux's 'neighbors " then ere; the Dorsey's living on the farm tv owned by William Devereaux Sr.. e McCanns where Peter McGrath es now; the Carlins on the 2nd of cKillop and also a'• family at Irish wll, and the Downeys also at .Iris'h- wn, and Robert Hays, of Roxboro,: councillor of McKillop and father Mr. Thos. E, Hays of Seaforth. He arly remembers his school days at tog school on the present site of 5.S,No, 1, McKillop, The first tea- er Mr. Devereaux had was 34r. Cm- , later Mr. 'Cantelon and for a t time Mr. O'Connell of near blin. Mr, Devereaux is the only. viving member of the family. ree of the boys, John, Robert and , married three Shannon . sisters, Ma Y, Catherine and Ellen. The late is shill living at the home of Wm. vereaux Jr., 'Tuckersmith. There re three other toys in the family, os,, Ned, and the eldest, William. e of the 'brothers was killed when sect by a horse while attending a at Dickson's in Egmondville to a few years ago. Mr, •D'ever- x's children are: John, Mrs. Ed- d Burns, Mrs. Pat. )McGrath, Mrs. Carpenter of this district and Mrs s, Kelly, 'Blyth, s T m u, :l c T tl e D d a r 0.5 c th e. ca 1 PIA in 0 fir ] r. no 111 liv M to to a of cle the ch ner sho sur Th Jim M ter De we Th On kith sale qui eau *war Jos. Tho BROTHER' DIES, Mrs. R. J. French was' called to Brussels last week owing to the ill- ness and death of her 'bro'ther, Mr. Adam 'Somers- Mr, Somers suffered a stroke and only lived a few days He ran 'a garage and livery business and his sudden death came as a great shock to his family and community; Mr, San], Somers, formettly of town. 'but now of !Detroit, is a brother of the deceased, The Brussels Post refers tc his dea4h as follows: "Adam J. Somers, who, Inas been a residen't of this locality nearly all his life, was seized with a stroke of paralysis last Wednesday night while attending the i_istowel4Bressels foot'ba_I.1 match on the park here; passed away early Monday morning, having gradually weakened"ever since ;the attack. The deceased was' in his 581the y ar. •Be - .x e', is • d . his widow,, whose Malden -name tt4•ts Mary..(Elhort, he.;is survived by two sons, Earl-aiid William, at home. Another son, Cecil, died about sive years ago. • The funeral takes place on +Wedaiesday afternoon to B'rttssels cemetery and will Inclunder the direc- tion of Wes'ternStar Lodge, of which order deceased was a mem- ber," • SECOND RACE MEET. The Seaforth Turf Association will hold their second race mete on.'Wetf- nesday, Auggst loth; whet] $1050 will be offered in prizes. es. 11' 1 addition dltio n r 0 t(i ' e usual three races the directors have added a race for colts four years old and under, which promises to create as mutts excitement as any of the races, !there being a Siege animber of 'three and ;four year old' colts in the country, every rine ;considered the "h see*, GOLF BALLS Just to remind golfers that we carry agood line otl golf brills, we are listing them below. Dunlop °°IViaxfii". The best ball on. the market, .85e SiIver King: ... $Sc Dunlop }'Two,, Bob' 50e Dunlop "Warwick" the new Dunlop ball with the fifty-ffty marking 50e New Scotty 50e , SPECIAL We are clearing .our present stook of golf clubs, regular value from $3.09 to $5.00 at $2.50 Fred S. S fi vauge "The Gift Store" Jeweler and Optometrist Opposite Post Office Phones 194. Res. 10, COAL' QUALITY4ERuoc PNON 1Lry� E Immuisraceminaulrausollanwriserauesstassor 6o erlch Geuieuulal July 3E— 11agust 6 GRAND HISTORICAL PAGEANT, 600 PEOPLE Depicting 100 years of life in the Huron tract, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Evenings TWO AFTERNOONS OF HORSE RACING Monday and Thursday GREAT EVENT IN SEMI -PRO BASEBALL Osiers, champions of Ontario. v. Risdons, champions of Mi chigan, for international'', champ1onship purse of $700. Wednesday afternoon BAND TATTOO AND FIREWORKS Seven bands, 'including the famous: Band of 48th High- landers, Toronto. tn. Followed by agnificent Fireworks display. Friday evening PROVINCIAL ATHLETIC MEET Many noted Athletes will be present, Girls' Soft -bald Game —London Ladies v, Toronto Ladies. Saturday Afternoon Each day's program will con- clude with a grand Street Carni- val, for which 24 prizes will be given each night. See detailed Program for other events of the week, fastest by their respective owners and the opportunity to see them fight it our will be something worth while, With four races carded and the larg- est entry list on record it will be nec- essary to start at 2 o'clock sharp. The races will be under the auspices of the Hamilton Driving and Athletic Association which permits the placing of bets. The directors are a unit for clean racing and have provided a good program. Your attendance will be ap- preciated and any surplus will go into a new fence and the improvements of. t'he grounds, UNI'T'ED CHURCH LEAGUE, The Young People's g League of Northside United IC^htirclr met on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Sunday school roor]t. The meeting was under the social and literary com- mittee with 'Miss II.illian Wankel pre- siding. A very interesting pregnant SEAFORTIf ORSE ACES rider the auspices of Hamilton Driv- ing and Athletic Association,: WEDNESDAY' 9t AUGUST lOtft' $1050 IN PURSES, 2.14 Trot or Pace, Purse $309 2.18 'Trot or Pace, Purse $300 2:30 Trot or Pace, Purse $300 Colt Race, four year old and under Purse $150; All mile heats. First Race 2 O'Clock Sharp No waits •between heats. Parking for ears—Drive right Gates open at noon. Entry list is the largest on record and spectators are assured a 'bang-up. afternoon's sport. ; Seaforth Turf Association Geo. R. iMcCarkney, R, H.:Sproax President. VecaePres. R.'M M.nes o 7 A. D. Sutherland, Treasurer Secretary.` was presented, the Bible reading "be- ing given by Miss Fee. Miss • Marion Scarlett spoke on the topic, "The'Con- tribution of Lord Strathcona to Can- ada." This part of the program was so arranged that all the-enembere:. present assisted; Miss Grace Scarlett tendered 4 very pleasing solo. Messrs., Howey and 'Sco'tt played a piano duet in [brilliant. style. Three of the young ladies were appointed to prepare a special program for next Tuesday. evening: Come and .etjoy yourself, ' MANLEY. Mrs. Con, . Curter and Mrs, .i': Cotter, of Hanover and Owen Sound, have returned to their homes; Mr. and Mrs,ohn Murray ray #roin here, and M'r, :Eel: Roland and .his. sister Ellie -and his "father, were. Sun- day visitors at the hone of Mr. ' Johns Nolan, .Huron road east, 'Mr. Fred 'Eckert macre an extet sive tour to various places last Sunday. WINTHROP. The Lasdiee Aid and yr M. S. will+: Bold their next meetting at the borne• of Mrs. Stanley Carols, 1x51 on W ednes w. da u Y afternoon, Aug. 31 . d 'Mr. Ross 'Burns, of Detroit, visited} Mr, and Mrs. W, IC. Bennett this.. week. FWe were sorry to hear that little Agnes Dodds, ,daughter of Mr. Rob- ert Dodds, was seriously litirt last week by flling off a' load of bay. 'Wee: wish her a speedy recovery.