HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-21, Page 4f
319,• .kilt.
nvinrfdoR Brosai Pti191islters
frw4:. la'dys Day. and Frank are
5:A with 'Mr, 'acid Mrs, Neal.
, tai z led Young, of. Mitchell, is visit-
. )tfi:r. and 'lira, Thos. Young.
&fir_ Irnd Mr's.., Henry Sohher and
sifainakis motored home -to Simeoe Sat
mar ss:r; last,; after a lengthyvisit with
r1Gdlinit Sohier.
*Ziossell 'Ferguson has returned to
' ear4.vtwto:after his vacation with his
aae4t7as,e5 in the village,
'Murray :Johnson,' of rBlytls, is 'with
'lin. Flo -gland for his sutnmer vaca-
1I1i and: Mrs Alex M Mtimt;,
and Mrs.,.C. Finglend tnotorcd'
to Blyth on Sunday to attend Jubilee
Services '.t 1 1r the ,Ignited Church,
'Mrs, 'jos. li itbt feeling`
the best.. at •present but 'her manYs
friends hope' to' hear Of a' change for
'the better.
J. Watt was in Toronto over the
week -end:
car containing five ,nen was sud-
denly capsized while turning .the cor-
ner at a fast speed, The at was
somewhat damaged but -no one was
' The old boys' re -union will be the
attraction at Brussels on Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday of next week:
Miss jean Drager is not able •for her
e nUCS an Neal's store for the past
weeK. She has been under the doc-
tor's care but is improving at present.
Mr. V. Scarlett had a nurse struck
by ilghtning ,last Tuesday night.
:Mr, and A/1 -s. B., 1'Hoover, of :ivlount
'fits., and Mrs, b'recl 'Miller motored
$pr ,IsVirniltoh Saturday.
^ies Bateman.
Seaforth, is
Waling at R. W.HoY's.
iliiiss Vera Gardiner spent the week -
with Miss Helen MoKercher, •
£r. and Mrs. Lawrence 'Cummings
"igsewt Sunday at tl3rucefield.
Kiss 1Rulby Young visited her
'•iced, Mises Janet Finnigan, of Rg'-
�c p,
a zonalkille. • .n at
Jackie 'Craig, of ,Blyth, is visiting
]Elieiak Sholdices,
lean IKnox, of Detroit, is visiting
•gaiitias _:bt:r. and Mrs. William Wood's:
Mrs, Kenneth McLean and daugh-
of Tilson Man„ • and Miss
der jean, Sask.
`�'a!~ie. AMciCutcheon, of 'Regina,t
,ase =visiting theirsister, IMrs. Hugh
hThos, .Davidson
,d&li:-~-ouster,. and Mrs,
-med. old friends. and/Sts. Joe Ilotntes 'of Walton,
Miss Mary Shields, of Itenfrvu, spent
l+'iitest, spent Friday with the latter's
jiarcnts, Mr, and Mss. W. H, Shot-
'hiss .Littlejohn, of Galtr is vis'i,ting
her aunt; Mrs. IW. II. 'Sholdice, lark
Mr. D. Sohier. and Mr. G, .0
Spent the week -end with friends in.
Sintcoe. G. iMil
Miss Ruby Young and Miss
lee are attending the sunnier school
to `'Goderi'ch this week.
'Mr, R. Campbell, of (Brussels, ,pe.t
Sunday at Mr, Joseph Carter's.
Mr, _Harold Wheatley and Miss
Sadie ToMlinsois spent the week -end
visiting. the former's sister, ;Mrs. 'J.'
s n with friends m ii nos, of'Caledonia,
.33:alyfiel • aftetnlo
di'a 'ell, ! • Il4'a•. 'Wallace 'S'holdice, who has.
A. number from here went to Gode-• Leen junior in the Bank of Cord-
omx8eh fo"r the summer
school merce, is relieving in' Blyth. Mr..
Mr. Jonathan TCirlcb55 •of • Brussels, Myers, of Mitchell, is the ,new teller;
IS. 'VisitingMr. and Mrs. H. 13. Kirk- Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell. and
Icy,;Misses ':meta and Cora agent Sunday
fore\\'a few days. L :
The .3'f;S: and Ladies'' Aid of with 1'!r; and !Mrs. F. Hack'tvel•i,' of
.United Church met at the Ethel:
a�tn:e of Mrs. Rob's Reid, gravel road, Mr. Charles McGavin and Arthur-
-Ian iYr ly 13th.. There were 65 ladies ars now .busily engaged helping .Rus
aaresent. .Mrs, Ed. Bryans .presided. sell Barrows off with his bay
Mrs. John ,Hyslop opened the meet- '11r. and Mrs. Clarence Hudie and.
km with prayer. A gratifying re- :nn Ilarold spent Sunday with. friends.
sort was given by the Treasurer, in Seaforth.
Ras. Walton, and
rs. Walter 'Davidson, $93.30 -being Mr. Hugh Kinn,
--sa.ken in during the 3 months. The hiss Mildred Collis, of ,,Atwood,
Secretary of the supply department, ,pent Sunday with friends in Strat-
itrrought a request to the meeting for fora.
•e5athing for a little girl in one of our Mr, Andrew Coutts has just finish-
. s'rnool homes, The ladies decided.in , •' having a well drilled on his place.
Ph or of this project. The topic was Mr. Will Blake, who is engaged for
vat, taken by :tors. Herb. Manning i ,:- season with Isaac McGavin, is
•cl"ascribing the conditions of living not in very good health at present.
vend of working under which, women \\'e wish for his speedy., recovery.
were einployed fu China and Japan :Nits and Mrs. F. A. 'Flanibley, Vera
t: rsrrent Events were gigen by Mrs :.ad d l at vey, of Staffa, and• Miss Floc -
31'S +13, Gardiner, The meeting closed i, ace Cooper, Seaforth, spent Sunday
, prayer by Mrs. Wm. 'Neal. The 1. i'. Campbell's.
nrllection amounted to $12. Mr.. J. Barrows, of McKillop, is
The Ladies' Aid of Bethel het ....-cling a few days with friends at
t teir monthly meeting for July at the iVaiton. \fcTrcr, Lloyd McCarthy, 1+.dward
` aerie of Mrs. Leonard Leerhing Mrs. W. C. McEachern, of Grey, i ',Cummings, Lloyd
Norman 01Counor, and
There was a large attendance of called on friends on Tuesday. ' nes m nonnor. Connor, fAg-
t +lies and it 'vas decided' that the of Miss Maude Ferguson+ar.'d, Mr. Wm nes O'Connor.
ers would be re-elected till the end Neal returned Tuesday after a visit Junes Dillon; i , Jo d h Mulligan,, Egan
sifi the year: Mrs, Sam McPherson with friends at Port Albert, - James
Feeney, Leonar Dillon, ene-
lrresident; Mrs. George Dundas, Sec.; 1\'e are glad to ace Mr. Thos. Clark r sieve enyjr.Second John
'aLrs. Edgerton .Roe, Treas. A vote ethle to be out again after his recent ,r "ce npl, Dillon. . Second
thanks was given to Mrs. Leen- illness. ,Flanigan, :Mar Bean, Mary sula
cg by the ladies present. for her Miss Annie Harris of Preston is Grata Margaret lkBenti, f3M-dc-
- ,.ittriness. visiting Mr, John Harris and friends
n' Walton United here, Looby, 'Sr, Primary.—J•oseph Donnel-.
Rev. Mr, Maines, t \\ al 1 D 1 e Fergus Statile-
twill reach each Sunday lira, ''Marg. Scott of Ilderton re
p +.nrued home Sa'turda after visitinga
.:re:nfug for the nest three months at �" �
,:ether at 7.30, in place of Rev. J. A. mouth with relatives.
.'orguaon, who, we are sorry to say, Mr. Batten of Monkton left for
not improving in his health as Myth Thursday, 3fr. Geo. Badley re-
. ,is many friends would like. 'nrning from his holidays.
Mr. Ross and Mr. George Stewart, :Miss Mary •Shnrtrced was in Tor-
. %' Paris,Ont„ motored here and c ntv Friday.
•:ere guests on Sunday at the home of 'Miss Addie Love returned to Tor-
ea homefrom a fileasant visit at Way',
saga Beach,
• M. and ; Mrs, Max.( Kelly .left Sat=
ur s 1 tY foi+;+Lakefield;neat Peterhoro,
vv'here they will reside
Mips Beatrice Mcitay of `Hamilton
is visiting -:her uncle, Mr. John Mc
Cowan, 2nd of 'Stanley. -
Mr, and Mts. Jantes Burdge, of
'Hamilton visited his mother, !Mrs,..
John Burdge, over the week end.'
Mr. Jack:MdEwan• was inPetrone
one day last week.
Mr, Leonard :Boyce, son of Mr
James. Boyce, has been engagedas
teaCher of.IS.S. No. 3, Tuekersmith.
The-Odcllfellows decoration service.
was held,i$undaywlten a large crowd
gathered;at Baird's cemetery. A num-
-'y sent
'ber -of visitors were ire from
Mr Earl Ha'bkitk-
• •- �• were born, at the 'loran of ,
,Two pairs of twin: t.ahes-
rseently, Above is a shot of the youngsters at the "caifetei•ia:"
TOURSDAY,'JULY 21; 1927.'.
onto Sunday. BRUCEFIELD.
Here is
• rt bus • again Berry's is the cheap store.
.Chicken thieves o ) g y "•`;'t at :tie right
around here. ''Mr. John -Taylor, save- vo,herc you get, quali Y lb.
rat miles west of Walton on the 9th price, Climax'Rug ;Killer 8c 'per
line of'Ivtarris;lost forty chickens one gest quality paint,. reg. -$1;40'a quart,
1•st'week, That many plump at $1,19 a'pt, cash, ;Salt 'for salting
night a
bircis is no small loss. hay and stock, 60c per cwt.
Mrs s. 'Ryan visited Ear'brother;- , Death of liars. W. L. Forrest. -Our
I.Mrs. Jos. Y
Mr. Ge . 'Baker, 01 'Cran!b'rook, over village and. community was startled
\L �y
the week end. - last Friday morning to hear of -the
McLaughlin has return- i t of Mrs, W. L. Forrest; Mrs.
Miss Eileen. 3MuLaug Passinglilt
ed home after visiting friends in Iona Forrest 'had not enjoyed good 'hes
'nbilee services in -St. `nd- li\Mts;::Forster and•'datIghter fay: of J'
33vdWp;-13th dritesston Hwldett, The q t t
er rs..; G ,.Ghia g,•a sou- rel' and MFs..H. Fear attdMa nand .•
sto,od s, Mrs , d "lc and a num- ter Dorothy werd guests of
bet of "friends a ,Sas a old a Mis," VC? tG5,Laldlaw on Sunday
bet• of a amends ;and re'S Tuesday -.u. ide>'of :Godertch ail
. : .af= 'kilt:^Thos. tBtirns . , ..;, . , Jt;
telly reunion at ling. s Mrs!
. time resident of the vicinity, a ,
ternoon and evening. 'Mrs, Cuming� old-time
is: visiting tier sister 'Mrs. Jno. tended the juibilee service: is Frank`
Cao„ ees a treat Many improve'- Mr, : John Metcalfe and' M rt'ratak
Car -ter, s 8.
changes , in':' our village ' NL t If and son John. of 'Fo
:menu. and 8
since she,left here 17 years ago. e'
Mr. Basil Wallace, of Newark, 'N.
J,, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Irvine
Wallace. •
Mr. Jirn 'Newcolttibe, Newark,
is visiting his brother, Jdr, Robert
Newcombe, .
A .two -weeks' course in millinery
Monday,July '16th'. tinder the
auspices of the Women's Institute
classes are being held in Memor
11 1
ial ball. Miss4,1cLaughlin of Toron-
to -is in charge.
to Loretto . Healy
�- +Congi•attilations.
and Fergus Kelly on obtaining their
second-class certificates, r and Mr_. and Mrs. Nelson 'Nicholson Con-
family visited. Mr and Mrs. C.
Sunday. Mr,
Mer: and :Mrs. John Grssby and
and Mrs,' 'Clarence Johnston were
guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MdCal-
lutn, Mozkton, Friday'
- Miss ',Elizabeth Hollinger, Strat-
ford, is visiting her parents, Louis
and Mrs. iHollisger,, IMGK111op is
'Miss Tilly Storey of p
spending a- few 'days with her co . ,
Mrs. John McNicholl:
lir. and Mrs, <CharlcslNichoison and
Gordon 'were =gtiests of Miss Jessie
Is.irkconnedl Sunday.,
r Younghas 'bought the
Mrs. Henry Hillborn.
property. of the late Mrs.: E.
Mr. and Mrs, I. 'Brown of Toronto
are visiting friends here.
Mr• and Mrs, R. Wallace and Miss
M. Hilborn spent Friday evening,with
Mr, and Mrs. J. Yeo.'
Fear of Clinton 'visited his
Vfr: Ray I'ea
brother,ibir. L.' Fear, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace were
Stratford visitors Sunday• ,liatn
Jean and Irene Miller of Rita
are: guests of Doris and. Miriam Ro-
gerson. + ,
Miss Vera tl3arnhy is home for the
Miss Jean Barnby has been engag-
ed as teacher at Tottenham.
Mr, Risden of !Granton was a week
end visitor at the parsonage.
Mr, and Mrs. Foster Brigham and
family of Kantsack, 'Sask, are visiting
Mr. James Richmond.
Mr. and ..Mrs.' -Wm. Mason and
daughter of Seaforth were guests of
Mr. Albert 'Brigham.
'We are pleased to report that Mr,
Jas, Richmond is improving.
rug the 1. BiC„ .are renewing rew -and Visiting RMT- and' -Mrs to Victoria,
ua'n' ances.
liam,', spent the week ,end with rela-
tives, Mrs, F. Metcalfe and Mr. and
3- Rei, Yeo on Harry of .
Rev. H. Metcalfe• and s
Newington and Me. W. Metcalfe of
London were guests of Mrs. tu F. MeV
•caffesand Mrs. John Yeo Saturday..--
a F y .-”
Mr,';.and Mrs:' J, T. McCaughey
spent the weep end '1•n Toronto. Mr:
load of
da ca
jVTclCaughey sliippe ,
to Toronto Friday. -
Mr. Redmond and the Misses..
mond of St°:Au ustiite visited at:,the'
home of
Peter Healy during the:
Little Miss Miriam Rogerson gave
a 'birthday party to her friends Mon-
day and all enjoyed themselves.
115r. and, Mrs. T. E. ;Kelly. visited
in'\Ningham-during the week.
'The funeral of the late Mrs. John
Kelly of Detroit and formerly of Go
derich and Blyth, took place at St.
Michael's church, Blyth, thence to
St. 'Michael's cemetery, the pallbear-
ers being Wtn. Kelly, Dan Kelly, P.
J. Kelly, J. B. Kelly, J. J, Kelly, P J: ..
Heal.. I hose ••attending the funeral_
from a distance were Win. Kelly, Mrs.
\M. 'Farr, 35Lrs. IDewan and John We
and Mrs. Foran•^olf !Detroit and Mr.
and Mrs. J. ;B. I' ally and son of Go-.
derieh, . Rev, Fr. Gaffney'celebrated
Requiem !High Mass at. 10 o'clock and
read the .prayers at the grave, and just,
before thr,`coffin was lowered, t.
dertaker gave each one a flower from
the: wreath sand asked them to place
them on the'coffin. Sundaywith
Mr. -John Nesbit spent
Itis 'brother, Alfred Nesbit, Auburn.
We congratulate Misses Margaret
Johnston, .tEffie Laidlaw and. Rose
!Cunningham on passing their en
trance :examination, Margaret Johns-
ton taking honors. We also congra-
tulate 3Mise Snowdon on the success
of her entire entrance class.
Mr.. Christopher 'Nesbit has gone, to-,
St. Thomas where he has ,accepted a
position as operator at the C.P,R.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Messer and
two children of, 'Palmerston visited
Mr. add Mrs: John McNicol on Sun- •
day. •, 1.
Mr,�.and Mrs. Hill and:Miss
Calwili Spent Saturday in Stratfot"d,
Mr, Sam Hendrick of Grand =Bend
was a .Sunday visitor -at the home of
Mr, John'Pepper..'
Miss Gladys MclLean' of Kippen has
been engaged aa teacher, at S.S. No,
10, Stanley. Tu¢lc-
Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Taylor,
ersmith, spent (Sunday with Mr, Hen-
ry.Walker, Parr line, - -
firs; 'John Taylor, 2nd of (Stanley,
was called to Sarnia Sunday `by the
death of her -nephew's wife, Mrs, Wm,
l3-[ Rennie MoKenzie of Detroit is;,
visiting his parents,` Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. McKenzie. Mr Austin Zap'fe,
who --came up from Detroit with him
has engaged :with IChas.'Farquhar for
the, season:
Mr, Hugh McGregor„ Jr., Detroit,
is visiting his fattier, Mr. Hugh Mc-
Gregor, Sr.
!Miss Aggie iBeattie, a --former resi-
dent of our village, died ini:London on
Thursday, July 14th, after an illness
extending over a period, ' of nearly
two years. litsS ;Beattie was born in
Westminster Tp„ Middlesex Co., and
had made her home for many years
With her sister, Mrs Wm. Scott here.
She was always a willing worker in
the church and the Kelly Circle of
Brucefield United Church placed a
wreath, on her casket. The funeral
was held on Saturda'y,July-16th from
the home of Mr, Anus Beattie. (the
old home), 'and, was largely attended.
The pallbearers were 6 nephews of
deceased. 'Rev. James MacKay, , of
New St. James. Presbyterian Church,
London, had charge of the serve.
ibfrs. Wm. Scott; Mr`s. A. T. Scott,
Mr. and Mrs: Ross'Secaf, 'Airs. `Ham
and Mamie Swan attended the fumy
r trotJble
and London. for years, Suffering with heart r
'Mr, Louis `Woods, Mrs. -Aikens and but the end carte suddenly. On!\3ed
Miss Viola,sTrott .o'nd lvir. Norman, nesday she took a stroke and never
Finch of London visited•-Mr..and 'Mrs rallied: Mt's, F•orreSt=s maiden -- name
Ili 1
J. I3. MdLaughlin 'Stiirday last, was Magdlcna Wolfe and she was a
Miss Madeline Ryan,.who has ,been native of --Stanley township and Was
teaching .in Saskatchewan, • has re- married to -her - bereaved hpsband in
turned home for the holidays. •the year 1887. Of her three children
Mrs, Tena McGavin and .children ttvo_ are' left. to Momat her io s '!Laps-
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. enee of tBrucefield, and Miss..IBeth at -
Wm 'McG'avi-n Last Week. home. Their son, Henderson, gave his
Mr. acid Mrs, E. +Consta'ble and life for his country in the:great war.
family- of St. •Marys visited at G: W. She was a meinber of Pres!byteriatt
Jackson's on Stutday. - Church Brucefield, for a number of
':\ rr and '.Mrs.:j. Bairns and family, pears .and was a woman of sterling
hiss Carter and Mn Medd. of .Luck- Christian character. To know lei'
now, called on G. 13r-. • and: Mrs. Jack- was to love her, and those who knew
sone -Sunday last. her best loved tier most. The (tine--
rat was held On :Saturday, July 16th
DUBLIN.. from the family residence and was
Promotions for the Dublin Sep- largely 'attended; friends being there
urate School,—To Sr, Fourth,: --•Mary from London, Chesley and Detroit:
Dorrestyn, . Ethlyn O1Hearn,, -Mary, Interment was made •in Baird's cent
Dillon, Gertrttdc illnLligan, .Dan Mc etety. •
r f Seaforth is
'Carthy, Elizabeth ICatnp,bell.. Jr. Miss Alice _'Mum o 0
Fourth --Monica Roach, John Moly- visiting friends: in Kitchener .• this
neaux, Frances Delaney, Mary Mc- week. -
Keever, Ursula. Krauskopf, Clare • Mr. and Mrs. T. Pierson. and son
Gormley„Joseph Delaney, Irene Don- 'Leslie of Clinton also Mr. and Mrs.
nelly, Elizabeth !Cummings, Gordon+:Rothwell of Toronto, visited at- the
Dill, 'Tlorence Brennan, 'Genevieve home of Mr, .and Mrs. Rattenbury`�tltis
McCarthy: • Sr. Third --Catharine week. .
Kenny; J. 'Cummings, B. Dillon, C. '\[iSs Gladys Addison nurse -in -train-
(Penn, M. Dorrestyn. Jr. Third—'Dor- ing, has returned to her duties at Or -
only Donnelly, Gerald Donnelly, Ed- illia She was accompanied by her mo -
win :Stapleton. Rita Stapleton, Jean they. Mrs. J. Addison, also little •D'ora
Addison of Oriliia, who has 'been
here for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler are
visiting at the home of the former's
parents, \'L•,. and IMrs. G. !Wheeler,,
Hiss Ina - Scott of London visited al
tier home Sunday.
Miss Lillian Knox is spending the
holidays with- her grandmother, Mrs.
Misses Jessie and 'Mary Cameron
ry-, ,aures e ant )', , of 'Clinton, who have been visiting at
tori, Dalton Burns. Caynilta Donnel- the hone of their auuti .Mrs H,
in Silk, Rayon'; anti Vujlet-
to nlear froth
Ladies' Art
Sill{ Hose
Sale Price
35c pr.
Ladies' Lisle Tose
Reg, 50c Sale Price
29c pr.
Ladies' Underwear
Cotton silk stripe Vests
and Bloomers
ReBrtFtt t9
price half in all
kiuds of dress goods
iVleo's Fine Dress
to Clear at,
EVleu's , Fancy Bose
Best quality. a pair
Work Shirts
sale price from
79c to 95c
Men's Combinations
sale price each
Boys' Khaki Blouses
Boys' Khaki Shirrs
ELF ..
dy. _'uudrew Maloney Primary 'B.—
Ma'cella Dillon, John Maloney, Fer-
gus Cummings, Thos. Dorsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Burns and
family of Detroit visited with the for-
uuv's mother, Mrs, T. Burns, of the
village. Also at the homes of his bro=
Chet, Mr. John Burns, and his sister,
Mrs. \\'m. Flanagan, McKillop.
:\ number of St. Columba parish-
ioners attended service here Sunday
on account of the road being closed
during paving.
lir. and Mrs. Theo. Jordan of De-
troit visited with the formers father,
Mr. James Jordan.
3(r• E. 3. Molyneaux, of Barberton,
Ohio. is spending holidays with his
mother, Mrs C. Molyneaux.
Rev. Father Norman O'Connor, of
:New York, Spent week end with his
sister, Mrs. \W -alter 'Carpenter, en 1
brother, Mr. Dan, O'Connor
:the death of Mr. Peter. Jordan from
heart trouble on last 'Satfirday was a
Sadden $110d• to his many friends and
neighbors. Mr. Jordan had :been ail-
ing for some time and although the
end came unexpectedly, he was well
prepared and fortified '-by all the rites
of the Catholic Church. Funeral was
held on Monday to St. Patric -k's
Church, Dublin, where Solemn -High
Mass was sung +by his parish priest,
-Rev, Father Dantzer, with Rev. Fa-
ther-Bricklin as deacon, and his son,
Mr. John Jordan, 13,A.,- who was or-
dained to the deaconate this summer,
was sub deacon. Miss Beale, the or-
ganist presided. and the choir render-
ed appropriate music effectively. Bur-
ial was in St. Col urban cemetery and
, the largest.
enc. of
funeral was
survived by a sorrowing wife, five
daughters, Sister Alma and Sister
Theresa, of St. Joseph's; Mrs •Me -
'Co Deward.
Parkhill, 1[r„s
Cormack of Pr
of Lucan; Mrs. P. Fitzpatrick, of
Dublin; also three sons, Michael, of
London; Frances of Ibib'bert, and
John, of St. Augustine's 'Seminary, of
Toronto. Four of Mr. Jordan's ibro-
tilers are living, Frank, 'Duluth; Mi-
chael, Seattle 'Williatn, Dawson;'and
Thomas, of Londbn.
+Master Jack Molyneaux of 'Chica-
mr, is holidaying with friends in Dub-
Miss Flossy Mero who has just re-
turned -from :Kitchener, spent the
week end with her sister, Mrs, Joseph
Hickey, south
of the Village.
Miss Dorothy Mela'dy entertained
company Sunday night.
Miss Gertrude Stapleton is visiting
at her parents here west of the vil-
A•L'. Ralph- Dill of Detroit spent a
few days vacation with his parents.
\r• James Feeney, Jt 'Spent t• Sun-
day at the home of Patrick Williams
and family. ` -
Miss Eiieen Mulligan has returned
to De•troi't after spending her holidays
with her mother in Dii+bliu
Mr. Joseph 'Carpenter has ,treated
himself. to a new Essex coach.
:Corns are painful growth. Hallo-
way'a Corn Remover will remove
Icenl!cad, have returned hone.
Mr. and Mrs:- lf, S, Mkenhead of
London, called on friends near' the,
village Saturday on their wily to their
suninter home, Bayfield:
Miss .Grace 'Itoss of Windsor is
pending her summer vacation at her
home in Stanley.
Mr. Jack Baird who has been vis-
iting friends here, has returned to his
bonne in Moosejaw. I-Iis daughters,
Janet and Mary,' are staying at the
Monte of Mr. George Baird,
Mts. 3-1. Smith, of Detroit, is visit-
ing friends in and ;around Brucefield,
Mr. Austin Zapfe of Detroit visited
his old friends here over the week
Misses Kathleen Snider and .
Mustard are attending - the summer
school in Goderich- this week. .
Softball Notes. — Brttcetield and
Clinton girl's league teams played a
tie game inVarna Saturday night,
Roth teams went into the game de-
termined to Break the tie, 'Clinton
went to bat first, securing one hit and
no runs. In '13rucefield's first inning
they were successful in snaking one
run. All through -The game Brttce-
field:managed to keep on top, rill the
sixth inning Clinton crept up -and
tied. Seven innia.gs were all agreed
upon but being a tie, then both teams
wished to play nine innings and break
the tie. The nine innings 'were played
but neither team succeeded in making
a run, the result being 3-8, which
tied •n
hives the teams Ytul t ec and will
I l ely mean another game in the near
future. Both teams played an excel-
lent game of ball, very few errors be✓
rug trade by either team. Linc -up:.
r e+ hr Ball
Clinton, M. St set, . pitcher; R. ,
1st 'base; M. Thompson, catcher; D.
humball, left field; R. Shdh'brook, 3rd
base; R. Dale, sentare field; J. Levis,
r d, M
fief M. iCudmore 2nd base; C.
Evans, short stop, Brucefield, 'II.
Haigh, catcher; D. Fargifhar, lst
lase; O. IIIarr•.ison, 3rd base; C. Pep-
per, short stop; M. (Chapman, centre
field; M. Stewart, 2nd
base; V. Whee-
ler. left field; E. Stackhose right
field; J. Ail enhead, pitcher. Umpires,
Pilgrim, Varna; Workman, Idills-
Mr. and ilirs. Edgar J. Swan of
Stratford spent the week' end with
Mr. and fMrs. Jas. Walker.. 2nd con-
There was a big crowd at the court
held in 'Walker's hall Monday.
hearing lasted ted seveno hours, urs quite a.
number of witnesses being heard. in
the case arising from a collision at
I?ruce.field recently. Millman broth-
ers, of !Stratloed, who had been call -
est home Froin _Bag^'fiekl to their
ti r sfuneral vvere Proceeding along
the ,Bayfield toad :id a I-Iudson and
Col. Reason and friend of 'London, iu
a Chevrolet, collided at the . London
road' corner, It understood the case
went against the (London party, but
may go to a.higher court. •
Miss Vera Cha'pasu, London, on, Alas_
-sten visiting at the home of Mrs.
Thos. Cafwill the past week, return-
ing g home Tuesday.
Miss Fmnria •MeDnnaid has return-,
With the "weatherman decidedly, in
their favor the congregation `of St.
Andrew's 'United Church have had a
most successful Jubilee celebration of
'their church, and truly an old boys
and old girls reunion as well. -Many
former members returned to celebrate
the 50th year since the church was
built. The large chureh was com-
pletely ifidled both morning and even-
ing, Rev. J. L. Small, of ,St..Gcorge,
Ont., preaching reminiscent sermons.
The church was prettily and neatly,
decorated with blue and white flags,
a .monster blue' St. Andrew's flag be-
ing draped above the entrance. The
many friends of Mrs. 'Leigch (nee
Miss Jennie 'Phillips) now of Detroit,
were pleased to see her again at her
post, she !raving been one of tate earl-
iest organists of the church. At the
evening service 'r well remembered
:former choir leader.' Mrs. Murray
Cole (nee Miss 'Sara Ivfilne) of To-
ronto, sang a beautiful solo. In the
afternoon, the pastor of St. An'drew's,
Rev. Geo. Telford, gave an address at
the grave of Rev, Dr. McLean. A
group of two classes of the .Sunday
school marched around the grave and
laid`flowers, (blue being placed at the
outside and white to the centre, 'sym-
bolical of St. Andrew's cross. The
only surviving, ii ing, unainben of Dr, Mo -
Le ut's session, e\Ir, John 'Brigham,
assisted by Mr. R 13. McGowan, laid
a shield of flowers, blue and white.
on the grave. Mrs, I•Ienry Richmond,
the oldest surviving ,member of his
congregation, placed a sheaf of roses
on the grave.
On Monday afternoon at 1.30, Mrs.
Henry Richmond and Mr. and Mrs
fel ford planted on the church
grouncls an emblematic maple tree,
"the symbol of the life and growth of
the church as \-U. Telford said in
his address,
M•. Alex, McGowan delighted the
crowd with his spacious and beautiful
property in East \Vaw-anosh on Mon-
on •clay when an exceedingly enjoyable
turd social garden party or reunion in
connection with the. Jubilee was :held,..
Rev. Mr.
Hogg., Clinton, brought
,greetings from :Huron' Presbytery.
Short speeches were given by Dr. J.
S. Laidlaw; of Chicago; Dr. Tait, of
Toronto, 0 o and Rcv, J. L. Small. Mr.
Peter Gardiner, chairman, read a
.great many letters and telegrams
from old friends. 'Rev, 'W. D. '1Mc-
1utoslt, London, will preach at next
Su nl y•'s Jubilee services.
,Ir. and Mrs. Paul, of Kirkland.
visited i\ir, and Mrs. 12. 'fl 73obin-
son and at J. D, Moo'die'r this 'week.
Mr. \\', R. Urlin and Sons Jack'ani
Tom, of London ondon visited Re r
Rev. and Mrs.
W. B. Hawkins during the week.: ,`
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McKinnon and
Mary, of Toronto, visited with Dr.
and Mrs. Milne for a few days.
!Rev.- 3.-L. and Mrs. Small left on
Mondor for the Endeavor Society
sunimer school at Goder'ictt, having
been thii guests of 'Rev. -Geo. and Mrs.
Telford while in
v e 1B 1 lh
y ,
Dr, J. S. Laidlaw, of . Chicago, and
Dr. and Mrs. fait, Toronto, are
•guests of !Mr: and hers. David Laid -
Queen ,trees-Clrui•ch was closed on
Sunday as Rev.: Dr. fliaraby Was as-
'sis'tingin the services in St, An-
drew's. •
Five sisters stet together. its 1Blyth
this week,, united for` the first time in
many years, the eldest being 82 and
tlic youngest 73: The sisters.are Ivlrs.
Collinson Blyth; Mrs. Dave. Nicoll,.
trio is living with her dauglater, Mrs„
John 'Carter --co ncessipn 2, Hallett;
Mrs, Legg, London MPs: heti: Cun-
ninghant, Detroit, and Islrs, John
Dehohn, Blyth. They are here attenct-
'Vant and For Sale ads, 3 tines 50c ,
Fresh Groceries
Straw Hats
and. Work Shirts
Now is the time topioh up all kinds o.t repair-
ing, such as Tin ware, Harness, Shoes, Auto.
Sides: - Auto 't'il'es Stitched.
Bring in your Binder Osu -u-aes forNew Straps
armed Strips. -
414/ A
Exterminate Weeds
Many million , dollars worth of
farm products are ruined annually
by weeds. -The loss in 'rental and
salea e incurred lu by weed -infested
farms is incalculable. The weed
pestilence has become intolerable.
Exterminate weeds on every
square foot . of laud on your own
propt'erty, on unoccupied lots and
farm lands, on every highway and
lane, in city, town or country.
Under the provisions of The Weed Con-
trol Act 1927, now in force, the destruc-
tion of noxious weeds is no longer optional.
The destruction of noxious weeds is now
Every e
u ant
Y oCC R of land and every owner.
of unoccupied is required to destroy
all noxious weeds before their seeds ripen.
Municipal councils are required to destroy
all noxious weeds growing upon, the high-
ways.. Let everyone co-operate to end
weed nuisance.
The Department - -
- of Agriculture
Province of Ontario -
Parliament Buildings, Toronto
Minister Deputy Minister r