HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-21, Page 1COAL IIAITIC SE Q . RVI •PHONCEE WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 49, No. 29. 'DINNERS, and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR (HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant CURED MEATS Get the best at flUTCHiSON'S- BROOMS-from 30e to $1.00 SCRUB' BRUSH -small, neat close filled good fibre 25c va: lue for 15c Paramatta fibre brush regular. 40e value for 20c Hand Brushes 'at 5,10;15, &25e ( Salmon.at 15, 18, 20, 23, 25efor halves and 20, 25, 35, 40'. 45 & 50 for 1 ib. tins BAKING SYRUP- We have the best thatis put up. It costs us morethan table syr - 4, but the difference of cost in wilt would be used '• in an ordinary baking, would be perhaps not more than a -cent. Get the best,. Per L 10e. English Dinner Ware • 97 iece sets plain white with gold line regular $20 for $17,50 Toilet Soap Special, au assort- ment of Albert Soaps. 6 cakes regular price 45c for 25e Castile Soap, 8 for 25c Dairy Butter, We have ample supply and guarantee the quality satisfactory or we cheerfully return the price F. DNUTCH iSON. Phone Phor Phood'166 -Real ;hoe, Values New Sample Shoes in Black Satin andLeather Patent . 1 . Strap Reg. $5.50 for 3,15 New .Blond Kid with Rose Blush trimming Covered Spike and Cuban Heels Reg. $6.00 for, $4,45 WVelvet civet (;strap $1.50 Women'z Sport Shoes with �m 5 CreP • e Stiles . �F 3 Chit d's Blonds 1 strap size 5 to 2',. for $ 1. °�5 Child's Blonds 1 strap size 8 to for $ 1,65 J.wlisses_ �,,r Blond Kid size 11 to '2 -.. Real Bargains in Real Shoes and Values Surpassed by no Shoe Store in Seafortkll CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church -Pastor, Rev; W. P. Lane, B.A. 'Sunday, July 24th. -10 a.m, stiff Bible classes. 111 a. m. -Subject, "Using Other People." . 7 p.m.-4Swbject, "The :Right Kind of Exercise." BOWLING NOTES. ILa'st Wednesday 3 rinks 'af bowlers took pact in the annual tournament in Goderich. Dr. Bechely ,(skip) ' had with hips Ed. Bright, Doc. tBurrows and ;Rufus !Winter, and .after some good luck.and much good bowling, they won first prize mthe reie t event -a fine set of •china dishes each and the trophy.- Joe McMillan (skip) gave the "foot tosJolinnie Best,' Bolt Devereaux and Billy ,Duncan, good steady bowlers every. one -and at midnight came thtough.with, a final win, first prize in second event, Rus- sel Sproat (skip) gave directions to Jack Beattie, Harry Stewart and Jack Oluff, {`tnod'est" ,;bowlers every man"- -and won a 'good afternoon's sport,' 'The Club is represented at Stratford Wednesday by 4 rinks. If you, are not a bowler join Seaforth's most popular pastime, GODERICH GOLFERS HERE. The ladies of Blue Water Golf Club of Goderich, played a return ' game with the ladies of Seaforth Golf Club Tuesday afternoon -on the. Seaforth course. AA very enjoyable afternoon was spent. The Seaforth ladies ens tertained their guests at the tea in the Presbyterian church, Seaforth ladies won !by three points, Goderich Seaforth Mrs. Lloyd , , , .0 Mrs. Smith s ...1 Mrs, Bruce. , .'iz Mrs. MdMurchie% Mrs. Ubelacker 1, Mrs. Greig 0 Mrs. J. Craigie 0 Mrs. Hovey , .1 'Mrs, tNaftel . , .0 Mrs. Best , Mrs . F, C•raig'ie 1 Miss V. Best ..0 Mrs. Reid 0 Mrs, McKenzie 1 Mrs. McKay 1 Mrs. Bell 0 Mrs. Brown ...4. MissBroadfoot 0 Mrs . Sturdy . , .0 Mrs, Sills „ 1 Mrs. Parsons , ,0 Miss : Laidlaw d Mrs. Hunter ...0 Mrs. Munn ., . ,1 NORMAL SCHOOL•,RESULTS Following are the names of students from this district who obtained certi ficaes from• the various Normal schools. r - Interim '1st class Certificates: Leon- ard T. Boyce, Margaret . E: Grieve, Eliza Godkin, Davis A. Moore, Doro- thy L. Reinke, Marzette S. Sadler, RenasE. J. !Simpson, - Lydia L. Reid, Annie McGrath. Interim 2nd class. Certificates: An- nie R. Brodie, Marguerite Brack, El- va M. Jefferson, Margaret M. Mc- Grath, Gladys R. Way, Edna L. -Thompson,,. Ruby E. Young, Viola j, Morrison, Monica Reynolds (Sister M. Cyril), 'Rosa 'Mc'Lean, Teresa Care peeler, Marie Benninger, Daisy. Spain, Jas. Lane, Thos. McQuaid, Helen J. Lane, Margaret Finlayson. Limited 3rd class Certificate: Annie J. McTaggart, Mabel L. l'reeter, Mary E.• Treideer, Ted Diechert. SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1927 Herman ............... Sept,; 8 Zurich Sept. 9 ,Ford'wichSept; 12 Wroxeter Sept,, 13 ll'Ethel - Sept. 14 LValton• Sept, 45 Belgrave Sept 16 Varna Sept •-19 Goderich Tp . Sept. 20 (Colborne Tp . Sept, , 21 'Ashfield Tp, Sept. .22 St. Helen's Sept, 23 ;Winchelsea 'Sept. 26 BlythSept. 28•, ?Crediton' Sept. 29 Grand Bend . ...........Sept. 30 !Dashwood „Oct; "3 !Clinton (town) Oct, 4 Clinton (rural) . . ., Oct. 5, Mother 'Graves' •Worm Eztermina- for will drive worms from the system svithotitinjury ito; the child because its action," while fully effective, ,ia maid:;• SEAFORTH, ONTARIO;. T1.1I.Tk�SDAY,: JULY 21 1927., AMIN•yonwer WOK 'MSS LIONS GARDEN PARTY. • • For two years children and 'grown ups have enjoyed to the utmost the swimining pool at the Lions Park, Huron road eastr and in completing it the Lions Club has 'transformed the eastern entrance to the town into one of the most•:beautifui spots on the Highway. That a more delightful place fora garden `party could not be found, seemed to be the thought .up- permost in the minds of the large and halip:ygathering Thursday evening last, . The recently installed lights, turned on for the 'Gest time, gave a most picturesgne effect with the re- -flection in the 'wafer. The excellent music of the Seaforth Bighlandcrs and The Night Hawk orchestra hada pleasing bass accompaniment, the Canadian Band !being present in, goodly numlbers, and .from. their hid- ing places in the pool kept up a con- tinual chorus: .Did the Lions import these deep-'throated+n'tusicians for the occasion, or bad they gathered from the swamps and creeks td witness the diving and' swimming exhibition by two of.• Canada's champions;' If the frogs were not able to learn anything new in the art of diving !the half twist and the jacknife, the swan dive and the Lions dive, at least young Sea- forth did. The --youngsters didn't quit practising the fancy dives all evening and were at it again early next. morn- ing. Bill Hastings thought -the doc- tors would 'be needed after such'•.en-. tbus'iasm. The programme started about 6,30 in the evening, and-exh55bitions by Bill Hastings and Alf. Phillips were a'1- teruated with children's - swimming races and diving contests, continuing until dusk, An upright 'ladder with 'platform at the top, erected over 'the regular spring ;board; provided height for performing the high dives which won great applause from the fast - gathering, crowd lining •,both -sides of the pool. The swimming dentoustra- tions were most interesting, ease with which the champions glided through the water 'being . marvellous. The strokee.'were all variations of the "crawl." The breaststroke, so- popu- lar some years ago, seems to have vanished. The difference between the American crawl and the stroke used by George Young in swimming the Catalina Channel was shown, also various methods of life saying, with a bit of comedy. Bill Ha -stings' record •breaking stay under water by coming up under an inverted tub to 'breathe; recalled the money -snaking operations of s young chap who used to put up a .d'ol'lar with passengers on 'boats tied at dock that he could stay. under water 5 minutes, Ile always won the bet by coming u'p under the dock and waiting till time Was up. The Lions Klub •may well Feel proud pf the high class and exceed- ingly novel entertainment provided by bringing these two talented young then for the oc'casiort.. The ,girls' and 'boys' events caused muchexcitement and fun,'. and kept the spectators in an uproar. 'Following the pro- gramme given by' the Seaforth High- landers, who also provided music for Scotch and Irish dancing by little Flora /Murdoch, of Detroit, the Night- hawk- orchestra took the stand and played for 'the dancing, ;Bill iHastings and Alf. Phillips -led off with Missies. Anna ;Sutherlahsl and !Bertha -Beattie as partners and 'soon. the fine new dancing'plaltform was crowded, In spite of threatened rant'a large crowd remained till the early morning hours. Altogether it was a most successful garden party, the proceeds 'being 7.5.00. Following were the winners in the contests: !Boys Senior race -Leslie !Bateman, Lorne Pinkney. Juniors•=G, Rennie, C. Archibald. Raft race -(Rennie, Archibald, Mc- Lean, Hodgins, 'Sills, McLeod. Tub race, Calder,. John Cardno. Girls' tub race - Muriel Beattie, Mary Archibald. . Free for -all --Leslie Bateman, Jack Wright. Girls senior-Malbeh Bateman, Pearl Reeves, , (Girls' junior -Mabel Bateman, Mary'Archilbald, Kiddies wading race - Nellie Reeves, -Irene 'Eberh'art, Girls' raft race -Helen Rankin, Rose Blackburn, Edna ;Bateman, Irene E'b- erhart. Girls open diving -Marg. O'Hanley Helen Rankin. Special Diving -Grace Free, Rose Blackburn, Norma aHabkirk, NEW SHERIFF. (Goderich, July 16, --An important change of office took place at the Court House !Friday when Mr. has, G, Middleton, of (Clinton, took over his new duties as Sheriff of the County of Huron, succeedingR. G. Reynolds, ,who has been. superannuat- ed, Mr.1Reynolds has held the office of Sheriffor the past 30 years, and has discharged his duties faithfully, Mr, Middleton,' the new sheriff, has had an active career, having been a member of the council of the totwi of 'Clinton for a number of years. A minnber of the county officials tltered•in the ;Sheriff's office-and'pre- sented the retiring sheriff with a hand- some smoking set. Cotunty Treas.' William Lane read the address and County Clerk IGeorge'1'iohnan made the `presentation., LADIES AID TEA. The. 'cafeteria '.tea given' .by die Ladies' Aid 'Society in the basement of the Presbyterian church on. Tues- day evening was .a .decide tlsuecess in every way, The proceeds' amounted tq $82.30. GRAY-McMILLAN.. I:gmondville:United Church was the Scene of a very pretty wedding. Sat- urday, July 16th, at one o'clock, when _Jessie 'McIntosh elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wnr F..'MclMillan, Eg- inondvilie, was united in marriage to Stanley Morr'so'-n Gray, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Gray, 'Stratford. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, -Rev. W. D. IMeDoneld. The church was beautifully decorated with shasta daisies, larkspur and pink roses. Roses and grange blossoms caught in tulle bows marked the guest pews. The bride, who was given away by her father, ,looked charming -10 a gown of georgette in' parchment' shade, with hittand shoes to match. Her bouquet was aphelia roses and illy -of -the -valley, ',She was attended by her only sister 'Laura as brides- mnaid, who wore a becoming frock of coral. georgette over ,crepe,, with cor- al -velvet girdle caught in a graceful bow. Her hat •bore streamers of niafching velvet ribbon. 'She carried a 'bouquet of Sunset'roses; The bride- groom was attended by Stewart .13if- fiis of Stratford. The ushers were Fenn 'Walker and Chester :Hill, both of 'Stratford. During the signing• of the register Miss' Irene- Knight of Toronto sang "Until" in a delightful manner. Immediately after. the cere- mony a reception was held at the. home of the stride's I parents, The bride's mother received in a becoming gown of gra3' georgette over delicate rose with hat and shoes to thatch. She carried; a' wnisticf of sweet pews and baby'sebreath. Bhe,was assisted by Mrs. W. W. 'Gray, mother of the bridegroom, who wore a smartgo'wn of navy .Swiss embroidery over rose- woods- Her corsage was premier roses and sweet peas. A dainty luncheon was served after which the happy-' couple. -left on a. motor trip to Lake Placid and through the Adiron- slacks. The 'bride, da ned for travel- ling, a smart two-piece frdck o'f grey corded silk with small grey hat of crocheted straw trimmed with cut- outs of blue felt. Her! coat was navy and she wore the gift of the bride- groom, a plaeinum fox fur. Grey shoes co m completed the p smart ensemble After the honeymoon Mr. ad Mrs. Gray' Will reside at 246 William street, 'Stratford, The .guests from a' distance were: Dr. and Mrs. S, B. Gray, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Jas, A. Gray, Stratford; Ib1P; and Mrs. Hugh 'Richmond, At- wood; Mr. ansi Mrs. iChas. NIcIM ' ague,, \twood; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mor- Bison, Atwood; Mr. +Harry Morrison, Morro; Mr. and Mrs, Chester Hill, Stratford; Mr. and Mas_'^Las. Burdge, Hamilton;' Miss Florence McKay, To- ronto, and Miss E. Donaldson, Strat- ford. • EAST HURON ENTRANCE, BILYTiH. Marjorie Bahnton Annie Barr (:H), Edythe ,Beacom, Velma, Craig, Hlugh fiuming, Roselle Cunningham, Iiar- vey Davis, Audrey Hawkins (H), Margaret Johnston ('FI), Effie Laid- law, Georgina Lockhart, Norman Lockhart (H)., Helen Miller, Velma Naylor, Hazel Richards (H), Pauline. Robinson (H), Murray (Scrimgeour, Glenn Smith, Edith Stoltz, Kenneth Strang, Gladys Taylor, Edna 'Walden, Helen Yung!blut ('I1). WEST HURON ENTRANCE. First class honors require 562 marks and are. marked (A). Second class honors need 525 and are spark- ed (B). Exeter centres are (E) and Goderich centres (G). Highest totals in each su'bject:'IReading-(E) Marg- aret Martin 49; (G) Walter ;Lindsay and Lottie !Higgies, 43.. Spelling --A large number were perfect in spell- ing. Writing -(E) Hazel Woodhall, 42; '(G) Elsie !Smith and Ethel Whiteside, 39. Literature -(E) Jos. Creech and Olive Lawsoh, 84; (G) Mabel Foster, 96. Composition -1(C) (Lottie Waghorn; 84; (G) Madeline Acheson 81. Geography -(E) Edna Beaver, (G) Herbert Graham, 89. Arithmetic -(E)' Clara Lewis, 100; (G) Audrey Johnston, 97.- His- tory -(E) Clara Lewis and Hazel, Woodhall, 88; (G) Jean Price, 94. 'Grammar -(E) Joseph Creech, 98;. (G) Nancye 'Clarke, 96. Totals -4(E) Joseph Creech, 647, (age 12 years); (G) Jean Webster, 638, age' 12 years The. marks of those that failed are being �mailed to them. Unsuccessful candidates shall notify, the Public School Inspector before Aug. 16th in appealing for a re -reading of their answer papers as specified in the Re- gulations. The certificates of suc- cessful candid„tes will be sent to the teacher or the secretary of the School Board about August 16th. High school entrance subjects of, .group 1 'will be accepted' for 1928 as specified in "Exam Form 14," fttl'ly filled in and certified by the teacher. 'GOJDERI'CiH:.iCentral school,-Acche- son, Madeline, (A); !howler, Norman (A)Graham, 'Herbert (A); Graham, Joseph; Henderson, Dorothy' (B); Larder, Wilfred (B); McCreath, De- lena; MciDouald, -Marguerite '(A); Sanderson, MargaretiB Sandy, Pearl (B); Sheardown, Metas y; 1Warnoch, "Stanley; McVicar, Alex. (A). Victoria School -Anderson, Norv- al . (13); SBannister, Nellie (IB) ; 'Black, Evelyn; Claris, 'Nanoye (A) Clark, Lola ,'•(A);.Cook, Harry; 'Craddock, Lena; Edwards, ' 'Mabel; Ervine, May; Howard, 'Jack (A); Johnston, Alice. (13); (Knight, Edna (A); ILeg- gitt, Lillian' (A); MacKay, Jessie; Mat/Lead, Nona; McConnell, Mur- ray; McLean, Margaret (B); , ,Mc- Mehen, James; • ;Price, Jean (A); Priddle, Edith; Reddit, James 03); Salkeld, Sylvia (A);• Shore, Gladys; •Sm'i'th, Elsie (A); Thomas, Willie . }('raB) n• iWli133):itesi.des, Ethel; Young, k; Separate school - Babb, Harry;. Barrow, Billy; Chisholm, Teresa;' Geromette,; Lawrence (B); Page, Augns tine, EXETER - Backwell, Ruth (i8); Christie, Grace„ (B); Cochrane, Graf- ton (A) ; Cole, Harry; Cox, 'Dbrothy- (A); •Creech, Joseph (A); Davis, Do- -rothy; Davis, (Marion; Dearing, Ed- ward (A); Ellerington, Margaret, Fraser, Allan; Hamblin, Oswald: Hutchinson, Gladys; . Jackson, Jos. (A); Jennings, Constance; Jennings, Rosie (A); Kay, Muriel; Kestle, Ilene; Kuhn. Justin (A); Laing, Cecil; Lawson, Olive (A); Lewis,. Thelma '(!A); Martin, Margaret (A); Payne, .Lillian (IB); Penhalet° Jean (13); Pryde, Raymond (A); Seldon, Wallace (A); Sheere, Jean; Sims, Marna (113); • Simmons, Melville; Slcinner, Gerald (B); Snell, Mabel (A); 'Stewart, Madeline (03); Stone, Ruby (A); Waiper, Lorna. BAYIFIELID: ' Elliott,'Margaret, Genseinhard, 'Doris; Higgins, Lottie; Kerr, Agnes; Lindsay, Jessie; Sturg- eon, George; Weston, Fred. IOR'EiDITON: Beaver, Edna (A) Fin'kbeiner, Russel; Kuhn, Margaret (A); Lewis, !Clara (A); Lewis,, Enter (B); Richard, Marion (B); Waghorn, Lottie (A) Woodhall, .Hazel (A). iDAS'HIWOODf Fassold, Nelda; Heid, Sadie; Kraft, Elda; Meyer, Ruth (B); Nadiger, Zeta; Wein, Wallace, !HIED'SA:LL: Bell, Jean; Linden - field, Lulu Munn, Harold•, Scruton, Joyce; Sinclair, Marion; .Smillie, Mil- dred; Smith, Eldred; Welsh, Royce; Zuefie, Clare, GRAND .BIFON:D: Bassenlbury, Ail- een; DesJardine, Wallace; Hort, Beu- lah (A) ; Webb, Milton (3). WINOHELSEA: ,Bell, Florence; Heywood, !Hazel; Heywood, Lille; Johns, Leola (13); John, Allen (A); Murch, Helen; Prance, Audrey. ZURICH: 1Halberer, Carl; Koehler, Greta; Lielbolt, Rose; Schwalm,"Lau- rine; Willert, !Zeeland. AISIIITI'E'UD: No. 1 -Hay. Jessie (1); Quaid, Henrietta. No. 2 -Court- ney, Fay; Dalton, S Sulli- van, van, Leon (A). No. 3-Cllinson, John; MacGregor, Jean; .Simpson, Margaret (B). No. 4-(Finlayson,F. (A); Finlayson, R. (8); MacDonald. Finlay-; 'Ross, Kenneth. No. 5 --And- erson. Norma; Gardner. Beryl (13)-. No. 6-'Culibe rt, Evelyn; Marsh, Isa- 'het (A). No, 7 'Hogan; Lorena OE); Johnstone, Harriett (A); Ritchie,•Ma- tilda. No. 9 -Anderson, Thos.; Web- ster, Harold, N'o, 10-Felce, Edna. No, 1.1 -Eby, Roy (B); Foster, Clay- ton; roster, Mabel (A); Foster, 'Mar- garet; Vrooman, Teddy, No. 12- Boyd, Gordon: Campbell, William. No. 13 -•:Henry, Thos, (331; Menaty, Phillip (B); Vint, Elsie. No. 17 - Johnston, John. 'COILIBORNE: No. 2 -McWhinney, Isobel; Pfrimmer, Russell (13). No, 4 -Blick, Franklin OB); Flick, Laur- ette; Hill, Olive; !Milian, Duncan, No. 5 -Freeman, Aileen; Freeman, Bert (B). No. 6 -Bisset, Fred; 'Cald- well, Ruth; Shields, Marie; Steels, Greta. No. 7 -Fisher, Rata; Lee, Verna, No, 8=Allin,e Frank; Feag- an, Douglas (13); Robertson, 'Christ- ine; Thom, Fern., No. 9 -Jewell Lulu (113), •GODERIIOH TP.: No. 1--McMich aei, Isabel (B). No, 5, --Bond, Ber- nice; Cox, Raymond; 'Gardner,. John. No. 6-sCalwell, Marion; Meliwain, Esther (A), No. 8 -(Stirling, John (A), Young, Kenneth. No. 9 -Grigg, Mary; 'Pearson, Frances. No. 10- Cluff, Bessie; 'Cuff, John; Middleton. Hugh (B). ;BAY: No. 2-Greb, Gordon (A). No. 4 -Erb, ;Rena; Gabel, Eldon. No. 6 -(Farwell, Beatrice. No. 12 -Adams Beatrice. No. 15=Turn'bull, Jane (A); Walper, Otilla. STANLEY: No. l --(Sep, School) -Bedard, Lloyd. Na. 3--Chuter, Mairgaret; !Scotchmer, Eleanor (B); Taylor, (Harvey, No. 4 (South)- Caritie, Marilbell; .Etue, Mabel (B). No. 6--Chuter, Mary, Durrant, Al- bert C13); ; Elliott, Ruth; Johnston, Audrey (3). No, 7 -Reichert, Al- fred ('B). No. 9-1Gelinas, Phoebe; Manson, Sara; Manson, Donald, No. 19. 41-1-yde, Howard; Ketchen. Ro land;',MdGowan, Frank; Snider, Mel- vin; Wheeler, Viola.- No. 13-MYSur- doch, 'Christina (B); Murdoch, Wil- liam. Wil- 1iam. No. 14 --Knight, Irene, STEPHEN -Union No. 6-Couglt- lin, ,Helen (A) Mahoney, Mary (B); Regan, !Huberta (B). •No. 3 -Dear- ing, ' Ella; Dearing, Greta; Jory, Le- land (B); Sanders, ,Bernice (B), No. 4 -Becker, Gordon; Martene, Olga. No. 7 -Schroeder, Fred; 'Sweitzer, Evelyn No, 10-+13rown, Maude; Hayter, Willis. No. 12 :Baker, Greta, No, 14 -Hay, Mabel; Hicks, Gwen- dolyn TJSBORNE: No, 1 -Horton, John; Miller, James; Moir, Pearl; Oke, Reta. No, 2 -Rohde, Marguerite; Stewart, Lyda. No. 3 --Ballantyne,. Roy (B); Clarke, Ella; Gardiner, Mary (B), No. 4 -Coates, Jean (A);. Hunter, Ila.' No. 7 -;Brock, Flor- ence (B); Brock, Norman; Jacques, Norman, No. 10--Sterslake, Mary: MacQueen, Margaret (B), E. WA1WA+NOS,Ht No, 3 -Fear, Bert; Walsh, ala'roIC Young, Mar- jorie. No, 6 -Rodger, Norman. No. 7- Robinson' IRoss QB). No. :8 -John- ston, 'Clark;Logan, Murray, No. 9 -- Arbuckle, Robert; James, '.Leonard, No. 11 -Deacon, Marie (3). No. 13 - Cook, Mary M.; McDowell, Harvey (A); McDowell, 'Graeme (B). No. 17 -iConbett, Evelyn; Mclelnrray, Al- berta. W. WiAWetN!OSH: No. 1-BBoyle, Bernardette; Boyle, Henry; Ket- $1 A YEA:it;, GULF BALLS Just to remind golfers that we carry a good line of golf •balls, we are. b listing them low. � e Dunlop "Maxfli". Tia best ball on the market ..85e Silver 'King 85c; Dunlop "Two Bob" 500 Dunlop "Warwick" the new Dunlop ball with the fifty-fifty. marking 50e �. New Scotty 50c SPECIAL We are clearing our present stock of golf clubs, regular value from $3,00 to $5.00 at $2.50 Fred S. Sa va uge "The Gift Store" Jeweler and Optometrist Opposite Post Office :+ Phones 194. Res. 10, Goderich Centennial July a1-7tugnst GRAND HISTORICAL PAGEANT, 600 PEOPLE Depicting 300 years of life in the '•Huron tract. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Evenings TWO AFTERNOONS OF HORSE RACING Monday and Thursday GREAT EVENT IN SEMI -PRO BASEBALL Oslers, champions of Ontario, v, ,Risdons, champions of Mi- chigan, for international championship purse of $700. Wednesday afternoon, BAND TATTOO AND FIREWORKS Seven bands, including the famous Band of 48th High- landers, Toronto, Followed ,by magnificent Fireworks display. Friday evening PROVINCIAL ATHLETIC MEET Many noted Athleteswill be present. Girls' Soft -ball Game London Ladies v. Toronto Ladies, Saturday Afternoon Each day's program will con- clude with a grand ,Street 'Carni- vl: Carni- val, for which 24 prizes will be given ' each night. See detailed Program for other events of the week. ly, William; Redmond, Theodore (B)•� No. '2 -Finnigan, Mary; Finnigan, Herber #, No. 12 --McGee, Nellie; Neale, Barbara; Rintoul, Euphetnia; St, Marie, Mylis; Webster, Jean (A), No. 17 -;Bare, Bessie; McNee, Char - lee (B), Morris Tp.-Garnss, Edith (13); Mickie, George; Noble, George, TUCKERSMITH: No. 1 -Wilkin- son, Rune. (is); Pepper, Stewart; Pep- per, Ethel. VARNA, Garden Party,_Tbe Brunswielc trio will 'entertain at a garden party to be held on Dr. Lloyd Moffatt's beautiful lawn under the auspices of the United Church, Varna, on Friday evening, July 29th. Tea served from 6 to 8. Admission,, adults 40c. children 25c. Everybody welcome. 30 A pretty ,wedding took place at the home of 'Mr, and Mrs, W. 5, Taylor,' Varna, on 'Wedne'sday, July 20th, at high noon, when their 'eldest daugh- ter, Pearl .May, teas „united. riage to Joseph Stanley (Wilton, sok: of Mr. n and to the late:- Mrs. Wilton,, Brussels. Rev. i1(is`.. Fowler, of Brussels, performed' the - ceremony in the (presence of immedi- ate �. ate relatives and friends. The bride store a handsome gown of blue geor- gette. They were unattended. rh wedding dinner was served at the, home of the bride's parents. In t'izco• a fternoun the bride and groom left 'hlr_ motor for Detroit, Toronto and otiw' points, the bride wearing a sane;... dress, beige hat aid navy coat with' . shoes. to match. On their return and Mrs. Wilton will reside in Brae - sets. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Keyes, we" Nashville. Tennessee, have been here spending a few days with their rata,» Lives, Misses Emily and Annie Keyes,: and Mr, and Miss Logan. Miss Emily Beatty, of London, ha;t: a short vacation last `week. Miss Gladys Beatty accompanied Mr, ars5 Mrs. +McAsh, of London, who motor- ed up on Sunday to spend the day. with Mrs. McAsh's mother, Mr • Weekes, 'We are pleased to know the ecr trance class have all passed. Miss Welsh, of Ripley, and sister;; spent the week -end In our burg:. The open air concert put.on by die,' Anglican 'Church in Dr. Lloyd Mol•- fatt's lawn on Friday night was is success. The weather was fair asssf, the Eveready entertainers of Strat- ford gave a good program. Proceeds• amounted to $200. The many friends of Miss Pear, Taylor met at her home on Saturday when Miss Taylor was made the re- cipient of -a miscellaneous shower prior to her marriage. McKILLOP. Mr. and Mrs, D. Lowry and ttyt:t. children, of Toronto, were guests at. the home of Mr, and Mrs. George. E'berhart, Miss' Gladys Way, daughter of Mr and M rs. Alva 'Way,' Tuckersmit&e;-. has been engaged as teacher for 5.5 No. 4, lateKiliop, at Duff's Church: Mrs. Isabelle Atcheson, of Ortora- ville, Mich., and Mrs, W. C. Murdl and daughter Marjorie, of Ottawa visited at the home of Mr. M.'Murdio.. Mrs. LaRiche and daughter, ,e Goderich, are visiting Mr, and Mrs._ Jos. Hogg. MANLEY. Mr, Ed, Steurnagle, who arrivee- Ihotise from New York last week was. mel, with his :American bride, by his associates and given a right hearty re- ception. Last Friday evening the. friends and neighbors called at thei s h oma to give the young couples kit- chen shower and an address. Singing and dancing followed and ,:all wished the young people a smooth journey • through life. Mrs. Con, Cotter and Mrs: P. Cos- ter, who are here visiting friends, mo- tored to Seaforth and Hensall lase Sunday to visit their friends, IME, Peter Eckart met with a pare - fel accident a few days ago when he slipped and fell off .the manure spreader, spraining his arm, The fine weather this week wr 1. making it easy to save the 'hay, which is a 'bumper crop. The wait - weather last week caused a dot of damage .to hay that was cut, Much sympathy is extended to Mir. and Mrs, 'W, 'Bennewiesin the loss off' their oldest son, -who died from dipees theria after one day's illness, The epidemic bas 'been checked as far as, we can learn and it is to be hoped it will retnain so, as it has caused unite;