HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-14, Page 8F tc1E EIGHT
evils :Alair•garet- SIavin left for• Lon-
lion .-. -tt ci _S.
nr a-'
y, wli'ere'S1a"e will .spend a
few weeks. -
Mr, .and Mrs, Fred. Bonthron o
New" York arc visiting the former's
.parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bon-
Mr. •i
) Iand Mrs, L. S, � �'S Smith and chil-
dren of Detroit are visiting friends and
relatives in town:
/Miss Annie Latnmie and girl friend
of Toronto are visiting Mrs'. William
Laramie and Miss Greta iLartue.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hemphill of
Wroxeter visited friends and relatives.
in town,
A number from 1I'ensall attended
the cervices in the Northside United
Church, 'Seaforth, this week,,. Dr, W.
•;Poole, o:f London, Eng., one of
England's greatest preachers and
president of the World's Sunday
School Association, delivered fine ad-
dresses for the occasion.
Miss Mary. Hoggarth of Toronto is
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas.
O ur
nite,a few of oresidents 'have
Ieft for Grand Bend for the summer
•Master Bobby Drysdale is in a Lon-
don hospital, taking treatment from
an eye specialist. His many friends
hope, for a speedy recovery,
Miss Hattie McQueen, of Albany,
EY., visited for a few days with rel-
atives in town.
The choir and minister of the Uni
ted Church will take . charge of the
services. of Egmondville Church on
Sunday evening, .July 17th. Rev. W. D.
McDonald will take the set•vices here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hunt of St.
Louis are spending a few weeks vac
anon with Mr. Hunt's mother, Mrs. 1
'Robert Runt.
The services in the United Church
Sunday last, were largely attended.
Rev, Mr, Sinclair preached at both
services. Special parts in the singing
were taken at the morning service by
Mr, and Mrs. Piffle and Miss Irma
Higgins, and at the evening service
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield sang a.
(Miss Mattis Ellis is visiting friends
in St. Marys this week.
Mr. Harry Caldwell of Winnipeg is
spending the summer here visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vero. Caldwell.
'Miss Mildred McDonell attended
the convention at Alma Ladies' 'Col-
lege last week.
A meeting of the Womens Missieu
ary Society and t1'rission Circle of th
United Church was held on the law
-of Mr, T. Sherritt's farm Friday e
ening. Meeting opened by the sing
ing of a hymn, after which Mrs. Hen
ry led in prayer, followed by a chore
at Moir•'•s':Malarial park, T entall, asr'
llrednesday, fuly';20th, A street par
ado will'' be heild 'at 12.30, -and the.
games start at 1 p.m 'Four fast teams,
will compete at aganse of baseball:
Exeter, Zurich, Fullarton and iHen-
aH.' There will also be a clown soft
ball game and a firemen's waterfight.
Public school children from Hens Il
and community_ carrying a flag in the
parade will Se admitted to the ground:
free. Evening program: A street
dance will be held and an excellent.
orchestra will supply the music, An
old time dance will be held in the hall
u-ith real old time music, Music for
the Scotch reels supplied by Kincar-
dine Highland Pipe (band,
School Report.-ePromoted to Sr.
IV,--d-Ionors, ,Bot IIIouston. Pass,
Irene 'Deters, Howard Hemphill, El-
eanor Skinner, 'Beryl Drummond,
-Grace Brock, Lizzie Bean, May Ken-
nings. To Jr. IV.—i ionors--.Alice
Higgins, 'Florence McDonald, (Marion
McKay, Pass — Wm, Drummond,
Gladys Passmore, Hazel Hudson. -
Wm, 'McKay, Teacher.
Council Meeting -The Council held
their regular monthly meeting on
Tuesday evening, 'July 4th, Alt mem
fibers present, with the -Reeve in the
chair. A communication was read
from the Ontario Hydro -Commission,
stating that they' had received the let-
ter sent by t'he ,Council asking for a
reduction on 'both street and -com
mercial lighting. They'. stated they
would take the natter up immediately'
and we would no doubt have a sub-
stantial reduction. 'This will be good
news for the 'people of 'IIensall as our.
rates have been too high. A delega-
tion of residents from the West side
of the town was present and asked the
council to have one or two water
tanks constructed at the 'West end of
the town to give them better fire pro-
tection. The Council decided to meet
Thursday evening with the delegation
and go over -the West side and see
where to place the tanks. Reeve
Geiger and Councillor 'Higgins gave a
report on the work done during 'the
last two months, oiling the streets,
repairing sidewalks and water tanks,
etc. A nuniber of accounts were pre-
sented and ordered paid and the
Reeve was instructed to appoint a
man to cut the weeds, The Council
then adjourned to meet again at the
call of the Reeve. After theCouncil
adjourned a representative of the'Cat-
erpillar Tractor 'Co., of London, gave
1- osine moving pictures showing -what
e the tractor could do on road con-
struction and agriculture work,
The baseball match on Monday
evening, July 4th, 'between Hensel]
- and the Thames road resulted in favor
he Maple Leaf," 'by the Mission
Band, Addresses were given by dif-
ferent members of the W.M.S. telling
the progress of the Missionary Soci-
ety since Confederation in 1867. A
thorns. "0 Canada," was sung by the
Mission Circle, after which hymn 292
was sung. A pageant, "The Birthday
of Miss 'Canada," was well rendered
by the Circle girls, followed by a cor-
net solo by 'Bruce +Hoggarth. Meeting
closed by singing "God ;Save the
Xing," after which a dainty lunch
was served.
Mrs. Vincent 'Wood and son Jac
of Santa ,Barbara, Calif-, are spendin
a few weeks visiting with Mrs. Wood
mother, Mrs. John D'insdale and oth
er relatives. They were eight days
tnotoring over, having made gond
The Orangemen of the village, ac-
companied by a large number of
friends, motored to Mitchell on the
12th of July and took in the celebra-
tion there. The fife and drum band
played a number of selections before
they left on the morning with True
man Brintnell on the drum, Dave
Beeswax the fife and Win. Welsh the
kettle drum,
Council Meeting. ---The council held
a special meeting on Saturday even-
ing to hear the report of the commit-
tees which were appointed to look
over the ground with a view to plac-
ing more water tanks in the village
fox ibetter fire protection. It was de-
cided to place three tanks on the
west side of the railway track and
six more on the east side, and also
buy 200 feet more hose, which with
the splendid equipment we now have
should give the village ample' protec-
Haying is in full swing in this dis-
trict and is a splendid orop, with ideal
weather. The fall wheat, which is al-
so a good crop, is turning fast and
Sam gMersier and ready'for
Coopee rsnder.
their threshing machines and engines
at Moore Bros,' repair shop, giving
thein an overhauling and preparing
for a Iong fall's threshing•
Mr. Robert Higgins is making large
shipments offowl daily and a great
amount of .fowl is being marketed,
Mrs. Shortt and daughter, Mrs
I orrester of Windsor and niece, Miss
Ferguson ofMinneapolis, are visiting
Misses Mary and Emma Johnston,
of the annual Sundasci
he United iCharchYwillllbelheldsat
Bayfield on July 27th. Fuller particu-
lars next week,
Mrs, A. J. ,Rummell and daughter'
of 'Pennsylvania visited a few days
with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bolton
Misses Tory and Doris Bolton return
ed .home with them Saturday.
Mr, Fred Berry and son of +Wind
sor visited over the week end at Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. 'Consitt's.
'Mr, and Mrs, George Troyer and
family of Courtland visited friends
and relatives in town Sunday, Mrs,
Ellen Troyer returned home with
Mrs. W. Magnall and Mr, igen-
net'-Magnall of Beachville and Mrs.
A. W. Carroll and Mrs. G. F. Scott
of Woodstock visited with Mrs, Suth-
erland. -
Miss Audrey Kew of Toronto is
visiting at Mr. Earl 'Drummond's.'
Mrs. C. J. Rumba of Goderich is
visiting her sister, Miss Mary Mc-
MiesGracePepper is taking a spe-
cial course at McDonald Hall, Guelph,
The manse friends of Mrs, 'William
Buchanan will bepleased to hear she
is recovering from her recent illness.
A monster baee'ba11 tournament and I
firemen's' rle*nonstretion will be held'
of Hensel' 8-4,
(Intended for last week.)
Mrs, Beverley Beaton, of Detroit,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jonah Green,
Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Sweitzer and
little daughter left for their home In
Detroit on Tuesday. Mrs, Higgins
and son Harold accompanied them.
Mr. -Will Thompson, of Chicago, is
spending a few days in town visiting
his father and mother, 'Mr. and +Mrs.
G. 5. Thompson,
Writ over Alleged Trespass, --Chas.
Gibbs, of Parkhill, has issued a sil-
k prente court writ against John Mous-
g ..eau, of Hensal(, for damages for en-
s tering the the plaintiff's lands and
- buikiings and for an injunction to re-
train the defendant from entering
the plaintiff's land in the Township of
liesangnet in the County of Lainbton.
Miss Emily Rankin of Detroit is
i,.iting her sisters at their cottage,
” 1-Tillcrest,"
Miss Dorothy Robinson of London
is the guest of Miss Florence MaDon
agli at their summer "Morrie Lodge."
The following guests are at Lland-
udno (Misys Nora Ferguson's summer
residence), Mr. and Mrs, O'Dell
Snaith and two children, Mr. and Mrs.
W\'m, Smith, of Pt. Huron, Mich.; Mr.
and Mrs. Alex, Barr, Windsor;
George Oxford, Olaf Oxford, Alfred
Jones and blvliss Bertie Carmichael,
Detroit; Misses Jean and Edna Sang-
ang•ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Eberhard,
Rudolph and Kenneth Eberaltrd, Mrs.
1). R. reasdale, Bob .and Helen Teas-
dale, London; Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Lance and son, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs, Lester, Bob Lester, Mrs. Pres-
ton and iMrs. McMillan, Kitchener;
W. Throop and family, Detroit; Mrs
Willis Baker, Detroit; Mrs, Eva Bar-
raclottgh, North Platte, Nebraska;
11 r. and Mrs, W. A. Balkwill arid.
family, London.
:Master Stewart Geddes, of 'Sea -
forth, is visiting his aunt, Mrs, M.
Mrs. George Holman and son Har-
old, of Goderieh, and Miss Evelyn
Pollock, of Sault Ste. Marie, are visit-
ing their parents Mr. and Mrs, John
Mr. and Mrs, J. A, Trethewey and
family and Mr, and Mrs, G. E. Tre-
thewey. of Detroit, were recent visit -
ore for a week with 'Mrs. A. J. Car -
T. Partridge, of London, is staying
at their cottage in Lakeside Park,
Rev. J, Foote, Exeter, will take
charge of the Presbyterian service
twat Sunday morning.
Mrs, Paul. Doig and family and
\,fisses A. and F. Clarke, of London,
ire. at the former's cottage in Lake-
side Park,
The Guilds of Trinity Church have
planned r to
d t
1 ohave a Bazaar on '!'hors
y, July 21st; on the Rectory Lawn.
Mrs. (Dr,) Clias, Gray, who has
been with her parents, Rev. and Mrs,
J. Abery at their cottage in'Lakeside
Park, returned to her borne et Walk-
ervile on 'Friday.
IMr, and Mrs, A, Ford King, son
Douglas of Toronto, and Mrs, Fred
Ritchie and little Muriel, of Elnivale,
are guests with Mr, and "Mrs. George
Mrs. Mohr and family, of Detroit,
are occupying Mrs. Schae11's cottage,
Miss Betty Kendall, of Detroit, is a
guest with Miss Jean Day at their
summer hone, $unset Cottage.
.Mrse Harry 'Weston has returned
from Detroit and Sarnia, having spent
a month there, She was accompanied
by Mr. and !Mrs, Archie Agnew, Mas-
ter Orval Agnew and little 'Bobby
a number. i
er ,r
o e`t
b .i C the
b '
1y calla
o ty given by the. Y•P,S, on Friday
last, It was' decided to have a picnic
Gaderich on August 5th;
- Mrs, D. Prentice t aceanti Miss Alice
Stinson, R,N., of Toronto, arrived on
Saturday to visit their: parents, , Mr
and Mrs: W. J. Stinson.
Sa and Mrs, MleGrath and Mrs.
Crow v 'ind daughter,
of Detroit, were
guests at the Albion 1Hetel-for a sou-
ple'°p5 days last week,
W. C. Stirlingal
'anDot' laid
left fol' their home at Hanna, Alta„
on Saturday, having visited Mrs. Wm.
Stirling and other relatives, Miss
Maud Stirling returned to Owen
Sound on Monday,
Misses Anna, Betty, Florence,
Gwen and lefargaret Elliott motored
to Bei -vie and spent Satdrday with
their sister, Wes. (Rev.) W. A. Town-
THURSDAY;; JULY 14, 1927. >;
clads -`GladYs".i3LtSo
ferowii, Blanche iEdi 'ho fer - Harold
Gal -deer, .r T srbii
ac , a\ota�i.in iH•ar�burn, Gordon
Hopper, Aileen 'Litt, 'Donalda Moe.
Lagaz ,,, Auetta iMc1L•agan, Irene Mill -
son, ' J:)orothy?i\Iitehell, Ewart Morris,
Amelia .Nairn, Reta :Pridham, Edward
Westacott, Gertrude Wolfe. •
]Pass—!Siegfried Alberti. :pearl Aik-
ens; 'Vera Allen, 'I3arry-Baggs, Odella
Bach; Verna Balfour, Rudolph Bau-
er, Gladys Blacklock, Mary Brennan,
Florence Campbell, Robert Campbell,
Cyril Couch, Bruce 'Davidson, 'Rdbert
Davis, Frank Doyle, Margaret -Drake,
Wilmer Eizerman, Ilarold Faust,rHu-
bert^ Feeney, Marry Feeney, Lttcine
Gilck, \Vilfred' Grant, Leslie Hack-
ney, Lloyd Hackney, Jack (Hanson,
Mary Harburn, Gertrude Heath, IGer-
trude'.Hetaberts, 'Henry Hutt, 'Gladys
Kay, Alvin Kern, iMarjorie Kle'inlfel'dt
Carrie Krauskopf, Francis Krauskopf
'Mr, and 'Ivies. W. -F. St>elgroye, of n P
Windsor, are guests at 'the Albion Joseph Krauskopf, John Lamont, Mar -
hotel. garet Leake, Frank (Leake, Jean Lea-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carty - ry, Mabel McDonald, Rena'McLaren,
at ty and . ;son
Junior, returned to Detroit on `Thurs- Angela Mulligan, Gerald Murray, He -
ay, after having spent a week with len -Morris', Mime. Matt, Madeline Nt-
Mrs, M. Green. cholson, John Norris, Margaret Park, •
Lenore Parrott, 'Harold Pethick,Tont
Mrs, W. J. CampI,bell, Miss Minnie
and Leonard Camptbell and Mr. and Ullman, 'E'thelena ..Rohrer; " Lloyd
Mrs, T. "B, Campbell, of Toronto are Sawyer, Adeline Scher'borth, Edwin
at Mrs. Trebilcock'e cottage in Lake- `Scherbortlt, Jack Skinner, Alex.
side Park, Walker, Irene Walkont, Aria, 'Weft
Miss 1Winnifred Elliott, of Luck -Laufer.-
now, is the guest of her 'aunt, Mrs. 3,
Fraser. Items of news always welcome.
Mr.. and iMrs. J. L, Dixon and Miss
Carrie .Dixon, of Galt, were week -end
guests with Mrs, F. IL Paull at the
Rectory. _
Mr. Jas, Ferguson, of London, is
visiting his mother, Mrs M. Fergu-
The following are guests at the
Ritz Hotel, Mr. and Met -W, 5. Fowl/
er, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs,
Allen: Klein and Miss Dorothy Klein,
of Evanston, II; 'Mr. Bert Levis,
Montreal; Miss Evelyn Ellis, Mon-
treal; Mr. Herb. Watson, Toronto;
Mr, L. S. Moore, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Writ. Housley, Detroit; :Misses
M. and D. Housley; 'Mr. and Mrs,
Adams, London; Mrs. T. Williams,
London; John Doyle, Detroit.
(Intended for last 'week,)
Mrs. Bingley and Miss Ada Bing-
ley motored from Detroit on Wed-
nesday to visit Miss R Rathwell, and
R. Taylor. Mrs. Rich accompanied
them and visited her 'mother, 'Hag.
M. Green and returned with P4i1ss
,Dingley on Friday. '
'Miss Ize'tta Merner; principal of
New Dundee continuation school, is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Merrier.
Mr. Jos. (Cameron„'Isobel :and Evan, . 'Mr. W. Carlile and Rev. M
arrived on Saturday to spend the sum- Conner, of Kippen, attended the Pres
with his sister, 'Mus Grace 'Cameron, : bytery meeting held 111 Seaforth
Mr, E. L. Brown motored to 'spend Monday.o
the holiday with his parents. 'Mrs.
Kiug'accourpanied Juin to Toronto to VARNA.
visit her clatterer, Mrs. M. Hart. Don't forget to come Friday even
Mr, and lvlrs, R. Lord, Mr. G. ing, the 15th, to the open air concert
Mailet and Miss Gladys Davidson, of to 'be given 'in Dr, Lloyd 'Moffatt's
-London spent the holiday with Mrs. lawn at his 'beautiful summer home
J. Davidson. Miss G, Davidson is east of Varna. A good program is
spending a two weeks vacation at promised, Note the ad in anothei
home, column.
Dr. T. and Mrs. Gray of St. Tho- Mr, J. W. Reid has purchased th
Inas called on friends in the village on property and residence of the lat
Monday. James ljranless. We will be pleased
Rev, and Mrs. Abery of Landes- to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Reid to 'our
hero and daughter Mi.rs,(Dr•,) Gray village.
of 1Valkervil]e, are in Mrs. S. B. Sto- In spite o'f.the , very warm da a
thers' cottage at Lakeside Park for good representation of the Orange or-
the season. der, as well as spectators, attended
Mrs. Agnes -Biggart returned home the celebration of the Battle of the
on Thursday, having spent l'he winter Boyne in Mitchell on Tuesday.
is Toronto, Her daughter, Mrs.
Welsh, and Mr. and Mrs. MoRobert,'
motored from'Toronto nn Friday to
visit Mrs. Biggart.
-Mrti J. Earnshaw, Barry and Violet
l:rn nehntt• and Violet Ornand, of
Striae -eel, are camping on the river
Mr. and Mrs, Keith 'McKay and
Mrs, McKay !Sr., of Detroit, left on
Monday, having visited Mrs. Mc -
Kay's sister, Mrs. J. A. Fergusone for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Boyd and Mr. and
Mgrs. Johnston, of Detroit, called in
the village on 'Monday on their -way
to Oliphant,
Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Chris. .Howard and
fancily, of 'Windsor, spent the week-
end, and Mr. Eric York and Miss M.
Baker, of Toronto, spent Dominion
Day, Mr. and Mrs, Victor 'Burt and
family, of London, spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
T•', W. Baker.
Miss A. L. Grover is a guest at the
!Tbitz Hotel,
Mrs. Paull, of London, returned on
Saturday with Rev. F. H. and Mrs.
Paull. who spent the holiday in the
Mr. and 'Mrs. T. W. Oates and
family, of. London, are occupying
Mrs. Shannon's cottage at Lakeside
Mr, Hugh .!Lave, accompanied by
his father and mother, spent a few
days last week. In 'Toronto,
.Mr, t\,Vm, Jarrott'\speltt the mast
week in tStratfot'ei and different places,
combining business with pleasure.
Miss Pearl =Broderick of London. is
visiting et the Houle of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, E. Broderick.
(Rev, Mr. Conner spent a couple of
days visiting in'Hillsgreen congrega-
tion and getting acquainted with"his
The annual Sunday school picnic of
Kippen and +Hillsgreen will 'be 'held
at Bayfield of 'Wednesday afternoon,
July 20th, •
Quite a number took in the Coch-
rane picnic to 1Bayfield on Wednesday
last and report having a fine time,
Miss Ellen McAllister of 'Hensall
is visiting with her sister, -Mrs. Wm,
1-f e Alli9ter,
Mfrs, Webster of Lucknow is visit-
ing her daughter,' ,Mrs. Geo. 'Cole-
Quite a number from this neighbor-
hood took in the 12th of Julycelelira-
tion at Mitchell Tuesday.
d']r "o
rdet '
of merit; Sr. IlI t0
Jr; IV,:G1enDows'on, 111-Iarvey Keys;
-Air.Muik. , Il to Jr;
AllaidneyICeys,rdoc''GeorgSre '�Dowsor (iPra-
hinted iu. May). Sr.' 1. to Jr, II.:
John Heys (promoted' in May): Sr:
Pr. to Jr; I.: 'Bobby Peck Those
narked with an asterisk have taken
two clauses in one year. "The follow-
ing had
in''t perfect ,atferidance for the
,month of June: Mervyn Keys, Allan
Keys, 'Bobby Peck. ' The 'following -
have cont'pleted Their Star Memory
Certificates for mentoriaing'the ,Lords
Prayer, 23rd Psalm, ten command-
ments, books of Bible, beatitudes:
Mervyn Keys, Audrey Murdock, Glen
Dawson, HarveyKeys,. George Dot-
son, Allan Keys. •
r, S. Hogg, Teacher.
The johns connections held
picnic in Mr. Win. Johns' orchard on
Tuesday of last week, The weather
was ideal and a very enjoyable after-
noon was spent by •
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Francis and Mr,
and Mrs,:Win. Butler of London 'at-
tended the Johns' picnic last week.
Mr, and Mrs, 'W]Ij Johns and Mrs.
(Will. Pyabus of Chiselhurst attended
the Miller picnic held hear Sarnia on
Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. H. Ford, Misses Joy. and Ev
elyn Whitlock, -and /Mr. F. Horn vis-
ited Mre and Mrs. A. 'Sgariglia -in St,
Marys last Sunday.-
Mr. Wilfred Jphns returned home
from the hospital last 'Wednesday.,
His eye,is 'healed but the sight will
never he normal again, we are sorry
to report, -although it might ..:,-easily
have been .much worse.
Last 'SSunday morning the sacra-
ment was administered to a large
number. Three babies were also
'hapfized'at the service.
Mr, and Mrs. Banes and two 'chil
(ren of near St. Marys were visitors
at Mr. W. Elford's one day last -week.
Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock
of St. Thomas are holidaying in the
Mr,. and 'Mrs. 'Lew O'Reilly and
children .visited near Shellburne over
the week end,
Master Roy IHodgeist from near
Seaforth is visiting at MME'. B. Coo'p-
'lir, H. Ford has 'some very tall
barley in his 'field this year. One stalk
measured 5 ft. 4 ins, anti many mea-
sure over 5 feet.
tWe, Mrs, John 'Lane and family,
wish to express our sincere thanks to
the people of the district for their
r generosity, leindness and sympathy
_ shown in our recent sad 'bereavement
n in the loss of a kind and loving hus-
band and father. Also to those who
sent . spiritual 'bouquets and many'
Mass cards,
- Mrs, John Lane and,Famiiy,
All accounts owing the late Rich -
ed Peck mist be settled at once,
Martha Ann Peck
Executrix, Estate ;Richard Peck 29
Nearly all children are subject to
worms, and many are born with
them, Spare theta suffering by using
Mother Graves Worm Exterminator,
an excellent remedy.
.lits. James Holland passed away at
the hone of her sister, 'Miss Fanny
Whitely, Clinton, on Wednesday last,
She had been in failing health for
some years' but death came very sud-
denly. '1'Irs, 'IIolland was a daughter
of the late William Whitely and spent
her early life in Tuckcrsmith town-
n. In 1885
Holland of. alt Ihu•ori she rod ' le James oh road near Clin-
ton' and bad lived there ever since.
She is survived by Iter husband and
one son, Noble, alsothree sisters,.
Mrs. Charlesworth, of California, Mrs;
'Lawrence, Ottawa, and Miss 'Fanny
Whitely, 'Clinton. Another sister,
Elizabeth Whitely,' passed away s
few weeks ago. She had been for
many year a member of Ontarl$ st,
United 'Church, The funeral -took
place Friday afternoon.
Miller's . Worm Powdersprove their
value They do not cause any violent
distuebances in the stomach,. any 'pain
or griping, but do their work quietly
and painlessly, so 'that the destruction
of the worths is imperceptible. - Yet
they are thorough, and from the first
dose there is iimprovement in the''con-
diti.on of the sufferer and a cessation
of manifestations of internal trouble,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Grimoldby
spent Sunday with relatives at Tees
The football 'match played between
hin'burn and •rt]stowel last Friday
night ended with one score for each
Mfr, and Mrs, Lorne Dale, of 'Strat-
ford, are visiting the former's 'par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dale, of 'Con-
Mrs, Stanley Kerr and son Gordon,
of British Columbia, are spending a
week with Mr, and ;Mrs, Robert
Miss Edith 'Riley spent a few days
with her sister, Mrs. 'Fred Stephen-
son, of Brussels.
Mrs, Con, Cotter, of Hanover, and
tbir s, Philip Cotter, of Owen Sound,
are here at present looking after the
interests of the estate of their father,
the late Michael Wall,
Mr. and Mrs: Wen, Manley and
family visited at the home of Mr. J,
M. Eckert last Sunday.
The many friends of Mrs. Duffy
are 'pleased to learn that :she is im-
proving from her late illness:.
PETIHT^C[C.—'In McKillop, on Tues-
day, July 12th, Henrietta Elizabeth
' Pethick, aged 1 year and 3 'months,
The funeral took place from the
residence of her father, Winthrop,
Wednesday, July 13th:
The following is lthe report of the
promotion examinations held h, ;4 S
Stanley The
The Musical Instrument and Cream
Separator !business of the late !Richard
Peck, Well assorted stock of sup-
plies, repairs and accessories on 'hand,
May 'be inspected at any time. Pur-
chaser will have the privilege of rent-
ing`Ithe •store or 'buying the building.
'Comfortable dwelling over the' store
with all modern conveniences. Ann nn Peck, -
'Executrix Estate Richard Peck, or
A. D. Sutherland,
29 Real Estate Agent.
At the residence of the late Mrs:A.
M. Cannebe11, North (Main street: 1
oak bedroom suite, complete; 1' white
enamel bed, ` 'speings',and mattress;
Quebec heater,' almost new; Pandora,
range; 1 oven, for Perfection -coal oil
stove: new Williams sewing 'machine;
Doherty organ; 2 arinchairs, mission;
buffet; carpenter's tools and other
articles. - Terms cash, May be seen
Friday and .Saturday, July 22nd and
23rd, Or plume 262,
Two young sows with 9 pigs each.,
Apply to CON, ECKAIRT, Seaforth.
Hen troughs, 'size 2' 8", light and
easy to handle, sellable for chickens,
etc, ,See them at :R Frost's at any
time. Also larger troughs for pigs,
etc, 4-inc'h and 6 -incl, tile on hand,'
and larger ones made Ito order. R.
FROST,-Seaforth. 31
Forty-five acres of mixed hay, to be
old in -the field, (Lot 17, Con, 9, Mc-
Killop. Apply 'p'RANI( FINNIGAN,
For S. ' b '
S. No , 4, McKillop, teacher
holding Srat or second class certifi-
cates, duties bo commence 'September.
1st, Apply, stating qualifica't'ions and
salary expected, to .ROIBERT GIB -
SON, names are ar- SQL, 'Sec., Seaforth, RJR. No, 5.
We Want Your Eggs
- We Want Fresh Gathered Stock
It will Pay you big to gather your eggs
Twice Daily and bring them to Egmondville -
ria dvj 11e
'Cont /
£o •t''ble� -
w a .frame house, good
barn and; 474 acres land. Good or='
chard and small. fruits, See A, D.
SUT VEJR]IJAND, Insurance and Real
Good fifty acre farm 'forsale on the
Mill e
M I road (county road) Titelcersmth,'
part .lot 29, con, 5, L, "R. S., situated
334 miles, west of Seaforth and 2%
miles east of bBrueefield' 17 miles,
from sellout. 'There are oil 'tilero er-
ty a good frame house, 9: rooms and
cellar and woodshe : Bank barn 36x
60; drive 'shed'. and hen 'hoose, two
good wells and 4 acres of maple bush,
34 acre of young ,orchard, also plum,
cherry, pear trees and other small
fruit. The remainder in a good state
of cultivation, Rural mail and tele-
phone. Also 27 acres of pas'ture land
creek running through, fart of
lot 32, con. 4, Tnckersmith, on whibc'h.
is a good barn, 26s56, and orchard.
Will he sold together or separately.
MR. No. 3,, Seaforth, Ont tf'
DR, 11. IIUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of Lond'o
n Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear„
nose end theoat, Office' and `resi -'
cute behind d
ehmd Domiision Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 1061
D12, 'r, J. ' IB'URIRIOWiS Seaforth;
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist !Church. Cor-
oner for the 'County of •Hur;on. Te
phone, No. 40.
DIR, , C. MACK -AY. -C, Mackay,
honor graduate of 'Trinity Univ
it and Y nity
y :gold ',medallist ',of Trinity
!Medical- Cgllege; member of the lCed-
lege of Physicians and 'Surgeot ` .of
DIR. F. J. IR, PORSTER-'Eye, Ear,
Nose andThroat,. Graduate in,
M �i;
cine, Universityof Toronto 1397.,E t'
'Assistant, New York Ophthalmic and
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye,' and
Golden Square throat hospitals,, Lon -
FARM FOR SALE. don; England. Af 'Com'merc•
(, .tat hotel
127 acres, farm lot 16 t, •1 See r'h a
p 7, con. 1, fo t , 3rd Moirday in each month
s east of Clinton on from 1+1 a,nt, to 3 tn,
Hallett .17 mile
Pro'vinoial'''Highway. 9 -room brick
house with furnace. Bank ibarn 40,.74
DR, w, 'C. IS:PiROAT.—'Graduate of
and other outbuildings. Well watered, Faculty of 'Medicine University
water in stable, also well !fenced. 100 Western Ontario, London,' 'Member
acres under cultivation. Will -sell trot)
with the farm 11 desired, Will .sell
cheaai: and on easy term's. Apply to
JOHN N R. NOIBLE, R. R. . No, 4,
Clinton. Phone 5 -on 617. - 29
Solid brick, nine room house with
furnace, 'bath -room, town water " and
every convenience, 'Centrally located
and convenient to. schools,churches
and business -section, two fine lots,
good,barn and garden. House has
small "'annex suitable for an office.
Bargain for quick sale. Apply to
Seaforth, Ont,
Mutual Fire ns
i urance Co,
Officers James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D.-- F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer,
.Directors_JWm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John 'Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, 'Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. 'Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No, 4, Walton;
Robert 'Ferris, Hartock; 'George' Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm, James Kerr and ' John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by applioation to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postofiices,
of 'College •of Iliyeicians. and ' Sur-
geons of Ontario, 'Office in Atberh' f't'a
Drug Dru gMain 5t.
Phone 90. ,
'Successor to Dr.. R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate 'of'Northwestern University, 'Chi-
cago, Ill. Licentiate tRoya1 College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 1'51.•
DR. F. 5. 'BiEOHFJLY, , graduate,
Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto, Office over W. R, Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth,
Phones, ,office 185W, residence 1853.
Auctioneer for the County. of Huron .
Arrangements can be made for Sale.
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
. Wednesday, July 13tLf,' 1
Wheat, per bus. .; .,...,.... $1.30
Barley, per 'bus.(
Oats, per bus. 50c
Buckwheat, per bus, 65e
Shorts, per cwt. ..... .
Bran, per cwt." $1.75
Butter, per 1b. $
Eggs, per doz. 20c -26c -29e
Potatoes, per bag $1,50
Hogs, per cwt, , ,, ,,,,,;,,, $8,75
E. W.
Ladies' and Men's T
Suits froom25.00 a-1 �i
Bain • our
� own Cloth
and '
Have it made
•.up dere.
Over Keatin 's Drug g Sure
A story of the great land rush into the Black Hills section of
the Daeekmotasen init 1877a,
w h on their
heads, '
, a lone orphan girl,
bandits, card sharps and 10000 people gathered in a frontier
town eager to stake their homesteads.
Civilisation's progress in the great far west, its storms, its
rigors, its utter depravity and its heroisms.
A Magnificent Spectacle
Marked by splendid character drawing, tense action and
' elaborate detail ,
Here Thursday,, Friday . and Saturday
Saturday Matinee '
Evenings 1$c and 25c Afternoon 10c and 25c