HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-07, Page 8PAGE RI&'W THE SEAFORTH NEWS TH1J S'D4'Y, JULY 7 1927.'' HESALL. ' en sat1 ibl"c, z t tr on pxantiiatto s, primary ipo'm- r, to Sr.IL-BillieGlenn II. 92 pm,, D'oro- •thy'N1eQttoen 88, Muriel Hoskin, 86, Har 0:1d'Bontltron 83, Edgar Wenn „81, Dorothy Deters 71, Nellie •Fee 69. Jr, IL -Leonard '.Hloggarth 91, 'Ronald Peck. 90, cin 83,,May Wolf 76, RothI !Bell Irene, Hos12, 'Sr, Le -Loretta Bell 95, 'Grace Worm 88, Jean, Foster BCi, r Alvin Lfndenfield 83,Bobby:Drysdale 7 . $, • Jr. I. -Agnes -es +aiib,rt•ii , 89, Her- bert Drum ier- bert'Druit mond 88, : 'David 'Sangster 775 r t Shepherd 77 Lloyd :tifarga e S p Brock 72, Priiiter,--Alvin Beeswax 90, Mona Glenn 87, jack Simmons 37, .Max Hudson 86, Keith ?Buchanan 85, Edith 'Warm, 85, Mary McKay 84, Herman Wolf 79, 'Kenneth Passmore. 78, Ray Poster 70. Jessie essie Bucltanait Sr, II!I.,-HaTeacher. Jr, III. to rrold Sher - rat 80, Lorne Elder 79,'Emma !Worm . 77, Helen Glenn 76, John Mackay 71, Viola ,Hiddelbrand 70, (Harvey. Hud- son 68, Mabel Fee 68, (R'o'bert Pass- more 67, Mary''Heinphill 67, Lloyd Lindenfreld 65, 3 vrnelis Ferier 63, John Farquhar 57, Edith Wolf 52, Ste- wart Bell 51, RaYe Patterson (recom- mended). Sr. II. to Jr. III. -,Norman Sinclair 87, Mildred Follick 86, Min- nie Sangster 84; Lillian 'Beeswax 82, Margaret Kennings 79, Dorothy Drummond 78, 'Irene Smale 77, Kath- ryn ,Drysdale 72, Harold Higgins 71, Olive Brock 68, Tom (Smile 60, Myrna Hudson 58, Mary Little 52, Kenneth Manns 43. M. A, Ellis,' Teacher. Mr. and Mrs, J. Thompson, who have been visiting Mrs,Thotnpson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, returned to their home at Toronto on Friday. Miss Irene Brigham, of Ford City, is visiting for a few weeks with Dr. and Mrs. G. Knapp. ' Mrs, D. MdLean is improving the appearance of her house by having it nicely painted. - Mr. Sheldon Coleman, Detroit, vis- ited over the week -end with relatives here. Mr, Arnold Bell, tof Toronto, visit- ed over the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Bell. Owing to the 4th being a holiday in the States a number from there spent the holiday in and around Hen - The services in the Presbyterian church were largely attended, Rev. Mr, Henderson preaching inspiring sermons both morning and evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott and family, of Toronto, are visiting friends and relatives in town. Miss Hattie McQueen, of New York, is visiting relatives in town, Mr, Allan McDonald, of Detroit, is visiting his parents, Mr. artd Mrs. C. McDonald. Miss Alice Dougall, ei Windsor, visited over the week -end with her parente, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Dougall. ,Mr. Carl Passmore, of Pontiac, vis- ited his parents over the week -end, Miss Mae Simpson, of Detroit, is spending her holidays with her atudtuot t A MN. Robert Bonthron, *r 1 et 'Miss Florence Welsh, of London, visited over the week -end with her parent,,• Alar. and Mrs. '!'hos. !Welsh. Wise Edith McEwan, of Kitchener, is spending her holidays at her home here. Miss Nellie •Boyle, who has spent a ' months' vacation at her home here, eturned 'o London on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Wnr, Penhale, of Ex- rter, visited Mr, and Mrs, Robert Riggin n Wednesday. 'Nfr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, visited over the week -end with relatives in town. Mr. Wm. Stone, Detroit, spent the week -end with his father and sisters. Miss Elva Bolton, of Kitchener, is spending the summer holidays at her h,mte east of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer, Wind- sor, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palmer, The League meetings of the United Church are withdrawn during the months of July and August. The church services on Sunday last in the United 'Church were largely at- tended both morning and evening, the Rev. Mr. `Sinclair preaching at both services. The choir rendered special music and solos were given by 'Miss Nellie Boyle, Mr, Sant Rennie and Mr. W. O. Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs,' Kaiser and sister, Mie Madaugh, of Detroit, visited over the .week -end with .Mr. and Mfrs, John Zuefle, 3rus'tees stepped in ahead of;chil- dre+n, and after the 'scholars passed,; the Council ltd the }Hydro `Commis sloe ' stepped .in, followed .by the Odd'. Fellows Ledge. As the procession c g (Church 'c r ter 70 passed the United.., o t of the villa e- choirs } all. (members g i... dressed in their vestments, swittig mto line, The procession proceeded no the (London . read and. then 'b'ack to the groundswhere the service was held, Reeve. 'Geiger -occupied the chair. The service . was divided into three parts: Rev. 'Mr. HendersonHendersonwho ' was'oecupying the pulpit of Carmel' Church for the day, Iobk the first part Of the ,servliee, with Mr's. Murdock at the piano,.,.TJte second part was taken. by Rev. Mr. 'Sinclair 'of the United Church, with Mrs, Earl Drummond at the piano, and the third part by Rev, Mr. Naylor, rector,of the tAngli- can Church, with Miss Eleanor Fisher at the' piano. The day was ideal for the occasion after the extremely hot weather we have had for the last few days, and the service, which was simple but im- pressive, was enjoyed by all. The pio- neers who were in the procession, and who were men and women' of '67; were: Wm. 'Caldwell, John Hudson, Thos. Murdjock, Robert 'Bonthron, Rev. Dr. .Fletcher, A. 'Bolton, Thos. Dixon, 'Nathan Peck, J. W. Ortwein, Alex. Buchanan, John Berry, Adam Reichert, Mr, Hill, 'Roland ICudmare, Ms. and Mrs, Jacob Lindenfitcld, Mr. Turnbull, Henry Pybus, Robert Mor- rison, 'Mr, and (MTs. 'E, 'Shaffer, J. C. Clawson and John MdDonald, The committee who were in charge of the celebration were Reeve Geiger, Coun- cillors Higgins, Cansitt, Cameron and Priest, 'Rev. Mr. Naylor, Rev, Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Wm. McKay, principal of the public school, Mr. 'Witt. Mc- Laren, leader of 'Carmel church choir, Mr. Houston, of the Anglican choir, and Mr. (Gloodwin df the United choir, Golden Wedding Anniversary. -An event of unusual interest took place in'Hensale on Wednesday afternoon last when Mr. and Mrs. 'George C. Petty celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding. 'They were married 50 years ago at the Methodist Parson- age at Kippen and became residents of Hensall, and have lived here con- tinuously since. 'Their only son 'Han- son, was killed in the late war, and daughter, iMrs. Donaldson, who was a nurse overseas, also died front the ef- fects of the war after her return home. Mrs. Scott, of Toronto, and Mrs. Smith, of St. Marys, were home for the occasion. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Petty here wish them many more years of happiness. Mr. and Mrs, George Brown spent the holidays with their daughter in Stratford, Mr. Ed. Berry, of Detroit, spent the holidays with his mother here. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin '\Vnrtn spent the holiday in Kitchener. (Messrs. John McDonald, Thos. Murdoch and Alec, Murdoch took in the races at Strathroy last week. "1'hc holiday passed off quietly here, the day being extremely (tot. Quite a number took i the celebration at Ex- eter n eter in the morning and the different lake side resorts were well patronized by (OUT young people. Mt and Mrs. John Elligson spent Sonia, at Mitchell. Mr. Allen McDonell, of Detroit, ;pent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell, Brawley-Beaver.---A pretty wedding was •oletttnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Beaver, Hensall, at high noon on Wednesday, June 29th, (when Rev. A. Sinclair united in marriage Miss Salina 'Beaver, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Deaver, to Mr. Charles Brawley, son eF Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Brawley, of t:uelph. The room was 'beautifully de- corated with pink and white peonies, the ceremony taking place in the drawing room in front of a bank of ferns and flowers: 'The 'bride looked ' charming in a gown of peach georg- ette with shoes and hose to snatch, while the bridesmaid, Miss Becker, of Kitchener, was daintily gowned in a dress of powder blue taffeta. The bride ware Sunburst roses and the bridesmaid, pink roses. Mr, John Seeder. of Kitchener, acted as best man. Following the wedding dinner, the happy couple left by motor for Cleveland, Ohio, the 'bride's travelling costume, being marsh rose taffeta dress and coat, with blonde hat and • ;hoes to catch. Guests for the wed- ding were from Guelph, 'London, Kit- chener, Nile, Michigan and other herisisteer, leftrs. Owen on.Mrr accompanied ia d e y places. f The and 1 until ltrecentir y - held a good position in Kitchener, and hosts of good wishes are extended to the young couple in their married life. Miss Eleanor Fisher presided at tended trip to the West, The Jubilee. Celebration: -On Sun- day afternoon the people of i'Iensall and vicinity held their Jubilee Service the piano in her usual pleasing man - as outlined 'by the Dominion Commit- tier, The happy couple will reside in tee and as we did not have any cele- Kitchener, where the gl'oo'm has built bration on the First of July some ;t pretty home, other fratnres were added to it. An Death of Miss Isabella Waddell. --- immense crowd gathered on the street The death of Miss. Isalbell Waddell to witness the parade and shortly be- fore two o'clock the scholars of the Public and Continuation schools, and. also a number from the schools from the surrounding districts gathered at the school and were each given a Medal and a small flag to commemor- ate this Jubilee occasion. The medals all hail a ribbon attached to them and with the flags were pinned on the 'breast Of the scholars by their teach- ers. Those taking part in the parade were massed in three places, the Zur- ich (Band, the War Veterans, some 20 in number, the pioneers and the school children formed at the school, the village council, the members _ of the hydro commission, the school trustees and the Odd Fellows lined up on the station square and the three village choirs with the clergymen of the village, tined up at the corner of the United Church. The parade left the school shortly: after, headed by Fire Chief }Bates, who was Marshall for the occasion, the Zurich hand was next, then came the war veterans cipfiimanded .by Sergeant McArfhui', the old pioneers of the town and dis- trict were hi 6 autos, and added a dig- , to 'the procession which was very Imposing. The 300 ehildrett came next, in charge of their ,teachers, As the parade swung down King street past' the station grounds, the :School practice. all pampers took itp use; of ttuearitis the many -smuttier visit- ors would 'he frightened away. People go to Chicago or ,Mexico when they want to be shot. Mrs, Gl eiclt'•s Mr. and Mrs parents Sons- of Bad ,Axe, Mich,, are visiting M•s. Ci rich' : part Mr. and !Mrs, t ,-„ r ge S f 5, td S. Cleaver ' David IAJiss AnnDewarand Mr, D a 7t'ewerJr,, left Sa 'tarday for Toronto where the former will take a' summer course ,in physical culture and •Miss, ` ' Arm will 'attend � a Un!rted'Church sttminer cam'p for ten days. Mr. and Mrs.' C. A. Martin of De- troit have taken the ((Dellis cottage for the summer. • Mrs. W. A, Stratton, Dorothy and George, of Toronto, are occupying Dr. G. A•tkinson's cottage, , Dr. 'S. 12: (Moore and family af 7rlan-, don, are in Mr. W. I3.: Robinson's cottage, 'M'iss Jean Woods of 'Orton arrived, home Friday to 'Spend her vacation. Misses Betty and Gwen Elliott and' Graham Elliott of Toronto came one Thursday to visa} their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, Elliott Miss 'Helen !Gerrie and Niiss 'Anna Woods barite been •e -engaged for an- other term as (Continuation and pubes' lie school 'teachers. (Miss Gerrie 'le'ft Friday for her hone near Ingersoll. Mr, and Mrs. Buchanan and family Mr. and Mrs. Main and family, Lon- don, and M'r. and 'Mrs. E. W. Garrett, and sons of 'Cleveland, Ohio, are oc- cupying the Heard cottage at Sunset Point. Senior Room -Jt•. IV. to Sr. IV. -- Mary Widcomibe 67, 'Berthena Stur- geon 64, Grafton Weston 61, Jahn Brown ('recom'mende'd). Sr, III. to Jr. 'IV Craig Herr 63, Harold Mc- Leod 60, Kenneth Merner (recom- mended). Prize to pupil making the best progress during the year, Mary Widcontlbe, Best all around pupil at work and play (by vote of pupils) - Girls, Jessie Lindsay, Sr. IV. 'Boys - Fred Wallis, Jr. IV, -M. H. 'Gerrie, Principal. Junior 'Room. -'Jr. III. to Sr. I'II.- Parker, Thelma (h); Mustard, Sandy (h), Osmond, Isalbel (It), V,rild, John (h),. Johns, 'Lawrence, Sturgeon, Eosma, Lindsay, John, Merner, Edith, Sr. II to Jr. •ITIS: =Castle, 'Dean, Mc- Leod, Louise, Parker, Maud, Gemein- hard, Keith; 3,indsay, 'Brown; 'Castle, Tont; Sturgeon, James; McLeod, Hugh; Johns, 'Carson; Wild, Louis; Elliott, }Mervin. Sr. I. to Jr. IL -Dunn, Jean; 'Feath- erston, DorisGemeinhard, Evelyn; Holm, Etta; 'Holm, Leona; Parker, Clara; Parker, Charles; Osmond, William; Weston, 'Dickie, Jr. L!Wild, Vera; (Elliott, Jean; Lindsay, Pearl; Murray, Mae; Mus- tard, Jean; Osmond, Albert. Pi'ineary,-Elliott, Francis; Brand- on, Harry; 'Brandon, Charles. Anna W. Woods, Teacher. • Mrs. G. W. 'Woods and Miss Nan left for Orillia and the MuskoTca Lakes on Thursday morning, occurred on Thursday afternoon at t'he residence of .Rev. Dr. Fletcher. !Liss Waddell carne up about a month ago to visit at the home of Dr. 'Flet- cher, and falling one day, :she suffered a broken hip and despite the best medical skill and nursing, she grad- tially grew weaker until she passed away. She was born in Ingersoll 80 years ago and received her education there, and when a young woman, moved to (Selkirk, Man., where she re- mained until about 10 years ago. She then came to .London, where she made her home with her sister, Mrs. A, H. Mosley 'Williams, Princess ave - nee. She was a member of 5't, An- drew's Church. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Mosley Williams, Airs J. R. Staples, Lorne ave., Lon- don and Mrs, C. Pr'iden, North Kam- loops, and two }brothers, William of London and James of Saskatchewan: A short service was held at the 'home of Dr. Fletcher, when 'the body was taken to London for interment, the funeral taking place .on Friday ,i,n ,nailer, BAYFIELD. Would Scare Away Swatter Visit- ors. - On 'July '1st a partyof campers pors. south of 'Bayfield with a number of visiting under the parental root Miss 'Ahria IMolpneaux; of I.i'tchet7- el', spent the week -end .alt,the Bonne of her parents, Mr, and MTS., T. -J,. M'olyenaux, �. Bob \f r. \� . J, 'B alti; Jr„ and Mr.. o Byme Y to.spend I.ytne .motored from Detroit the week end with their parents here. A member 'from: here ''attendednded the Jubilee sports inMitchell. oda and Saturday, 1 Miss Aileen Jordan, of New York t, is holidaying at. the home of her fath- er, Mr. Jas, Jordan. 'Mr. Francis Dill and bride arrived home Teusday to spend a'holiday with, the former's parents. Many from here attended the foot ball match in St, Colut a anaTuesday evening.. Miss Mary Hastings, of 'Detroit, is holidaying with her friends, Miss Theresa Judge. Mr. D. 'Costel'la is wearing a very broad senile. It's a boy. Mr. Carl Stapleton and IMr. Harold Pierce, of .Detroit, spent the week- end with friends here, .: IMr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf'and 6''rs. John Kra .i'skopf, of Detroit, vis- ited with Mrs. Walter Carpenter on Sunday. Mr. D'art,, Williams, of Chicago, has returned to his home after spending his vacation with relatives: diere, Miss Isalbel Jordan 'has gone' to To- ronto to spend tier holidays. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Patrick Maloney, of 'MeKiI- lop, who died at his home Sunday, 'Air. James Feeney, Jr., has treated himself to a new (Ford coupe. Miss Evelyn Delaney and Miss Elizabeth 'Murray have gone to Guelph Ito take an agricultural course. Miss 'Mamie (McGrath entertained a nutdber o'f her friends last Sunday. 'Miss .H'anna+h Downey, of 'Saginaw, Mich., is visiting 'friends here. Mr. Ferg. Kenny and family, and Mr. Jos. Kenny and farnily, of Detroit, are spending a fe'w holidays ,at the honte of their parents, , Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Kenny. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Kenny and sort Ion ,motored to Detroit to spend their holidays wi't'h their son Jack, KIPPEN. induction of 'Pher Rev. Mr, Connor, ' o1 Springfield, took place last Thurs- day at St. Andrew's United Church. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Connor to Kipper. lfiss Margaret Johnston, of Lon- don, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. Alex. McMurtrie, of Toronto spent the week end with his relatives around Kippen and Hensel], Mr and Mrs, Clarence Johnston of London accompanied by 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston of Kip - pen, motored to Owen Sound and spent several days. That was Mr. Johnston's former home and he has not visited there for some forty-six year's. 34:r. Robert Dayman had a dirt bee Monday last when his neighbors and friends turned out in goodly numbers and helped him put up his gangway. .Hiss Mary McNaughton of Sault Ste Marie is home for the summer holidays. Mr, Warren Schilbe is erecting a drive shed and will soon have it fin- ished, Mr. Thos. Kay is busy putting in cement stabling these days. Mr, Robert McNaughton, principal of Thamesford public school and 'Mr. Webster McNaughton of Murillo Spent the week end at The home of their parents and left Monday for (Melt* to take a summer course, Mr. Jas. Darman, who has 'been amending some months at 'the home of his sister, Mrs. John Moore, of if Lenian, Algoma, has returned home. . Vfr. Jolut Warrener• of London vis- ited his aunt, Mrs. Thos. Dayman, over the week end. Mr. R. Grieve and son of Buffalo, Mr. Pearson and two daughters ,of London, 'Mr. and 'Mrs, R. V. MdC'ly- mont of Detroit, Mrs. R. R..Geoghe- gan and son of London, Mrs. D. Mc- Cowan and Family of Seaforth, and \'[r. and Mrs. V. Terryberry ad fam- ily of Tuekersmith were visitors at the home of !Air, and MTrs, Jas. 'Me- Clyntont over Ithe week end, Mr, and 'Mrs, Thos. 'Butt visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. Sales, Exeter. Mr, Jas. Jarrott of Ailsa 'Craig and Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto were visitors with their parents here.. Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Watson returned to Detroit 'after spending a few weeks here but expect to return in a week or so and start in 'business again, At present there is no ice cream, when it is needed most. Many friends of Mr, Thos, Butt are sorry to hear ,that he lost his best cow, just freshened a few weeks pre- vious. Mr. W. Meths is putting in a Su pertest gasoline penile. There will soon :be enough pu'tnps in 'the village. 'Mr. McGregor of Brucefteld was calling on 4w'is 'friend, Mr. Deitz on Stmday. Miss Mabel Johns has gone to Tor- onto on a titsit, MN. Glazier of. .Clinton .was catling on some of her friends this week.. DUBLIN. Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Jordan and fain - rifles kept people on the beach un- tier of Toronto; spent the week -end easy all, day by firing along the ,brow with Iver. James Jordan. 1 of the hill. This is a dangerous Mr, .Martin 'Melody, of Detroit, is HIBBERT. ,Results of June 'Promotional exam- inations at S,S. No. 7, Hibbert. Front Jr. IV. to Sr. IV, (Total 920, pass 552.) -Janet Ohappel 728 '(h), Maude Bolton* 629, Clayton Horton* 605, Mildred Robins* 563. From Sr. I'II. to Jr. TV. (Total 820, pass 492) - Grace Couch 721 (h), Doris Sararas* .599, Bernice 'Harris* 593, Orval Coop- er* 546. 'Prom Jr. II+I. to Sr. IHT. (Total 820, pass 492). --:Beatrice 'Drov- er* 569. From Sr. II. to Jr.- III. (To- tal 560, pass 392). -=Ross Hoggarth 489 (h), William 'Chambers 356. From First to Jr. IL --Earl Drover* and Benson Stoneman* (equal, John Cha- ppel, Lorne 'Chambers, Primer -Rae Chambers. Highest marks dbtained in each su>Jetl are as fo ow : PANDORA RANGE motic;tJanet 'Ohs >lte1 98;mental arit -hcoalt,' r,Woo_,. teser t r• a,.nd ( netie GraceCouch, Bernice Harris, water front;:Good condition. .WM, D f,s Sarara (equal)' '100, Spelling-- GOVE gK Eg ondorlle. •28' Llayton Hotton 98. 'Literature; Grace Couch_ 97. Grammar, Maude Bolton 62. Composition, Grace 'Couch, 90„ History, Mande Maude BbPtoi, 75. Geo- graphy, .Grace eo-grapiy,GraceCouch '78. 'Writing, Janet Chaplp'e1 88. 'Reading, " Grace Couch, Maude Bolton, Ross 'Hoggarth (equal) 88. Pupil's' names marked by an 'a'terisk, have taken two classes during the school year. Most perfect attendance during the year, 'Clayton Horton. Victoria E. Bolton ,"Teacher, CARD' OF THA I wish 'to'conve to the many friends did neighbors'+1htoti Bout this `'dis- trict my sincere thanks for 'the' .great - kindness and' many favors shown us during the long serious illness and subsequent death of my husband, also for t'he spiritual offering's and loan of cars for furleral. MRJS. JOHN HART. ' PAINTING • .Nash Bros.. have just completed painting houses for the 'following owners: Mr. Harry IClub/tore, 'Miss Scott, Mr. 'Geo. Stewart, Mr. Wm. Smi't'h. Paper banging and decorating are also promptly and neatly done. Phone' 251-31, 'Seaforth, or Mr. John Nash, Scnfort'h. 27 FOR SALE. Forty-five acres of mixed hay, to be sold 'in the field, Lot '17, .Con. 9, Mc- Killop. Apply 'FRANK FINiN'IGAN, 28, HAY FOR SALE. About 20 acres of mixed •clover and timothy hay, for sale standing. Apply to DONALD 'CALDER, 1 mile north of Winthrop. 27 TEACHER WANTED. For S. S. No. 4, McKillop, 'teacher holding first or second class certifi- cates, duties to commence 'Septemlber 1st, Apply, stating qualifications and salary expected, to ROBERT G!IB- SOrN, .Sec., 'Seaforth, ,RJR. No. 5. TENDERS WANTED. - Tenders for construction work on concession Road 14, opposite Lots 1 and 2 in the Township of. 'icKillop, a distance Of 160 rods, will be received by the undersigned up till Saturday, July 16th, 1927. Tenders will 'be opened at the Car- negie Library Hall, Seaforth, at 2.30 p.m. on said date. A deposit of 1Q p.c. of contract to accompany tender, Lowest tor- any tender not necessarily accepted.' Work to be done according to plans and specifications of engineer in charge. Plans, etc., at Lot 35, Con. 3, Mc - Tp. 27 JOHN McNAY,Cly mommommeseamiaimemmorr WANTE We Want Your Egg's We Want Fresh Gathered Stock It will Pay you big to gather your eggs Twice Daily and bring them to Egmondville W. J. Finnigan Egmondville "1 have valued this farm $1,000 less than 1 would if clean of this weed" The actual evidence of loss in value of weed -infested farm land is shown in the extract from the report of an inspector valuing a certain farm for loaning purposes. Here is the evidence: "It is badly infested with sow thistle -as are all the farms in the neighborhood. I have valued $1,000 less than I would if clean of this weed." This $1,000 represented 12% of the value of the farm. Many inspectors would dis- count the value to an even greater extent. What is your weed crop costing you? Fight weeds as you would fight fire. Help your neighbor -help yourself. Every occupant of land and every owner of unoccupied land is required to destroy all noxious weeds before their seeds ripen. Municipal councils are required to destroy all noxious weeds growing upon the highways. The Department of • Agriculture Province of Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto MON. JOHN S. A RTIY W B. ROADHOUSE H Minister Deputy Minister is FARM FOR SALE." Gadd ,fifty I acre farm 'for sale on the', Mill road; (county road)Tuckersmith,: ( part lot 29, con, 5, L, 'R, S., 'situated miles 'west of Seaforth and 234 miles east ;of IBrucefield, 134 miles from school: ,Ther'e are on 'the proper- ty a good frame house, 9 rooms and cellar and woodsheds Bank barn 36x 60, drive 's'hed and hen 'house, two good wells' and 4 acres of 'maple bush, rar acre of young orchard, also plum, cherry, pear ,trees and other small, Etna, The remainder in a goad Sate. o'f cultivation. Rural mail and tele- phone, Also 27 'acres of pasture land 'with -creek running through, part of lot 32, con. 4, Tn'ckersntith, on which is a good barn, 26x56, and orchard. Will be sold together or separately. Apply to ARCHI'E 'M,cGEEG'OR, RJR. No. 3, Seafortti,_Onb ttf FARM FOR SALE. 107 acres, 'farm lot 16 pt. '17, con. 1, IIulllett, 134 miles east 6f Clinton on Pravinoial lHigh'way.:.9-room brick house with furnace. Bank (barn 40x74, and other outbuildings. Well watered, water in stable, also well }fenced. 100 acres under cultivation. Will •sell crop witch the farm if desired. Will sell cheap and on easy term's. Apply to JOHN R. NOBLE, R. R. ` No. 4, Clinton. Phone 5 on 617. 29 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. !Medical, DR "H HUGH'; ROSS, Physician and Surgeon, Late of'L'ondon Hos- pital, pita!, :London, 'England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, -ea;',` nose end 'zthtioat, - Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bark. „Office Phone No, 5; ResidencePhone106. . ! l 'BIRO( tSeaCorth. DR, F. BU W1S J. . ere Office and residence, Grodertc'h street, east of, the Methodist (Church. Cor- otter for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No 40. DESIRABLE RHSIDENCE FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH Solid brick, nine room house with furnace, bath -room, town water and every convenience. 'Centrally located and convenient to 'schools, churches and business section, two fine lots. good barn and garden. House has_ small annex suitable for an office. Bargain for quick sale. Apply to JOHN H. BEST, --Barrister, • Seaforth, Ont. THE McKILLOP Mutual FireInsurance In u ante Co. FARM AND -II'SOLATRD TOWN -PROPERTY 0 N 'L Y, INS'URED Officers --James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex., -James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. 'F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2 Sear forth, John Benatewies, Brodhagen; Janes Evans, Beechwood; M. Me - Ewen, Clinton; James 'Connolly, God- erich; Alex. 'leroadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, 'Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; j. V. Yeo,1 of 1 • .R arnt tli H nes I e G. ou 0 J Bonholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Saforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act • other business will 'be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers 'addressed to their respective postoffices. DR. C. ,MACICAY.-C. Mackay, honor 'gradua'te -of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity' Medical College; member of the Doi - lege and !S r ea _ o} lege ; o f Physicians t 1Y g tario Ontario, DiR. F. J. R. FORSTER•-EEy+ ,Ear; Nose and Throat. -Graduate in Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1897. Leta tate' Assis t ' Yorkp Ophthalmic a ,t. New Aural Institute, Mooreleld'e Eye, add , l Golden 'Square throat hospitals, itas, Lon- don, Epglartd. Ah Co'ntntercial 'hotel, :., Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in each month, from 11 arm, to 3 pan. DR. W. 'C. !SPR'OAT.-Graduate of Faculty of 'Medicine, University of Western Ontario; London, Member of 'C'ollege of Physicians and Sur- geons of .Ontario. Office in Aberdare's • Drug Store, (Ma'in St., Seafbr8h. Phone 90. • Dental DR. J A. IMUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu- ate of 'Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Til. Licentiate 'Royal 'College .of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, Main street, Seaforth, Phone 1'M1. DR. F. J. BRAMBLY, graduate Royal 'Co'l'lege of -Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, office 185W, residence 1857. Auctioneer. . GEORGE ELLIOTT,'Licensed ' Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. 'Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REJD!S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY ((Successors tE James Wats n) MAIN ST., 5 ORIDH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH MARKETS. IP Wheat, per bus. ..,, '$1,30 'Barley, per 'bus. 70c Oats,bus. �. per Buckwheat, per bus. 65c Shorts, per cwt, $1.85 Bran, per cwt, 82.75 Butter, per lb. 32c Eggs, per doz. 25-28c Potatoes, per, hag 1.50 Hogs, per cwt., $(6.25 E. W. BATEMAN Ladies' and Men's Tailor Suits from $25.00 up oa. Bring your own Cloth and Have it made up. here. Over Keating's Drug Store SEAFORTH Thursday, Friday and Saturday ZINE GREY'S Roaring Action Story .' The Man Of The Forest featuring JACK -HOLT Zane Grey says "Paramount makes my pictures the I write them". Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday «i- way Raymond Griffith' in Wedding Bills A. modern "Billgrim's Progress in a land of lovely ladies and lively laughter NEX4.° WEEK END Fox's Big Superspecial THREE BAD MEN Centring around the great rush that opened Dakota for settlement, in which thousands of people in every form: of conveyance raced to stake the best homesteads. RINeBS