HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-07-07, Page 4PAGE FOLIR
Snowdon Bros, Publishers.
r. and .;Mrs. John, Laing, of
..were guests of 'MT. John CIA -
On Thursday. -
Mrs. A. Somerville and IVIisses
Amain and 'Minnie, Of ISeaforth, were
,...sts a .Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Somer-
„doe, ort ThursdaY.
Onite a number 'from the village
tee* in the .strawberry festival held at
filLarloces. bn Thursday night. -
11ss Grace Somerville spent a ifekv
ellz.ys last week the' guest of Miss
. Sheik.- Tomlinson.
r. Harry Tomlinson and two
ekaughteies, Ella and Helen, and son
rtfirarald, enent the holiday near Se
Strawberry season is here an with
elite recent rains the crop looks fay -
Mr, Harold 'Wheatley, of ,Ilarlock,
and. M. Gilbert Smith, of McKillop,
sesescea. t et 'few days •last week at the
rAAIMC,of Mr, Harry Tomlinson,
Mrs, Solder and 'family,. of Simcoe,
re visiliing• Mr. A..Solder.
Mrs. j. W. Morrison, of Toronto, is
citing Wm. lioy's.
&Tr. Peter !Mowbray, of Detroit;
s 'spent Sunday at 'WM. Clark's.
Miss. Hazel Drager, of Detroit,
--spent 'Sunday at 'her home with 'Mrs.
•eSeIr. Dick Drager is .lionie on his
WI-1'days. He is working tin Preston,
L•on Aghton,-of Gorrie, is visiting
• leiss: sister, Mrs, E. Radford.
Mrs. Jas. Harris, of Pres.
nese spent the holiday with friends in
..-elte village and at Ms 'brother's, John
Mr. and Mrs. Jiohn Meehan and
'Mabel took in the Meehan picnic at
.Rayfield on IMonday.
Quite a number of the people front
- the village took in the celebration at
eleioderich and Ba.yfielel on July 1st,
Xr. and Mrs. Robe Dundas are
':.iarne for the holidays. Mr, Dundas
. a teacher in a school in. Toronto.
Mr. W. G. !Neal and Mrs. R. H.
J...,'erguson and daughters spent the
;Lest at Port Albert,
Mr. Geo. Jackson has purchased a
new Essex coach,
Mr. C. Fingland spent the week-
,snd at London,
Mr. Jos. Johnston, of Blyth, spent
:he week-enl with his daughter. Mrs.
C. Finglaud.
Mr. Jos. 'Bolton and Miss Jane
Dickinson. of 'Rochester, N.Y., called
ea friends in the village over the
Mr. Albert Clark. of Detroit. spent
ss week -end with his parents, Mr.
End Mrs. A. ,Clark.
Mr. and Mrs., D. ,Sohier and Mass
oer Kenneth spent the week -end at
M. Solder's ,brother's in Siancoe.
Mr. AVes. Clark. a Palmerston.
spent July 1St with his parents, M.
...end Mrs. Thos. Glark.
Dr, D. Rackwell, of Holland, N.Y.,
'ess viSiting his mother and other
1,4r. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and
'amily of Toronto spent the week end
cisiting friends 111 the village.
Addie 'Love of Toronto is vis -
:ring her 'parentee "Mr. and Mrs. Jos -
ii -ph Love.
Mrs. Sohier and children of Sim -
...or are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. So -
:Mr. Connolly and men who are en-
gaged in cleaning The open ditch, are
-,laying at s1r. Aelbert Constable's.
Mr. Charlie MeGavin was a Sun-
-ley visitor with Brussels friends.
.Me. Harry .Rinn, who is engaged
'Dor the seasou with Mr. John Moo-
s:hall, spent .Friclae- at hisne on the
. Mr. a 'Cuff. Buffale, were
le" ee end visitors at 'Mrs. John Bar -
Mr. Garnet 'Ilarron of Buffalo has
,seen visiting friends here and leas re-
..nrned to hie work in litiffa.lo again.
'else AVtn. Toll is now sporting a
Ford tottring car.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Holmes of De -
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. DaVid Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Storey of De-
s:snit spent the week end with • Mr.
T'hoinas Storey and his mother.
Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Brown are InoV-
..tsg from .Waltou this week to Lon-
-km, where they are taking tip resi-
leoce in London soutb, In the months
August and September, Dr. Brown
,r?Ti have supply work at 'Colborne,
nt. Because of church union, Rev.
Dr. Brown, on account of a surplus
. ssf ministers, was left without a charge
met Dr. Brown'e loyaltyto his church
„them him true to his church. teat
Sundae- evening an appreciative au-
efiente listened to an inspiring and
erlifying address to -the Orange Order
.•.et Cal'en ChtIrCh. Winthrop, by Rev.
lGa Prown. Dr. Brown and Mrs,
P„rown have !the best wishes of many
erientls for the future.
^Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Jackson, Ken -
welt and Mrs. John jacksou, the for-
mer's mother, spent Dominion Day
inse Aeucknow.
Parke, George and Dorothi,
: attended the sale at Walton Tuesday
• sad called on friends
Ifrs. Johe • Heist and Vera and
Velma, 'Winthrop, visited at G. AV.
.Yecloson's Tuesday.
Wm. and Mrs..Sholdice took in the
eski boys' reunion in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. jedkins, and Mrs.
:Runes Camp.bell, of London, visited in
-paled around Walton over the holiday.
Miss !Marie Long is visiting cher
...e.4ters Mrs. .Roy Bennett,
- :Mrs. John :M'cDonald presided itt
-elle Endeavor meeting and Mr; Maines
•sesoke on Patriotism,
The W. M. S. of the United Church
'field a meeting on Wednesday eVening
"Stet Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. 'Pafford, of
Ie1i-411, grtre a splendid address on
...asiesions,e Missions -in various court -
safes" m -ere takes by Misses 'Rose and
elfantet Simpson, Maude Ferguson,
'XeIrs. John McDonald, Mrs, Walter
"Davidson, Mrs. Ark :McCall and !Mrs.
Verb. Kirkby. 'Mrs. Hugh Campbell
' .presided, A Children's chorus sang
seeseeal pattstiotic songs. The base-
inent of the church was very nicely
lesperated. - •
Aft& H. AV, Allen, of Saskatoon, is
. eriefeing Mrs. R'ollst. Fergeeon and
letarer.f elands this week.
Mrs. Jepsoa and children, of Fer- ly 71, Jack Siemon dO Promloted from '
gus, came Friday to spend a week or 'Jr. M. to Sr. III. -Pearl Johnston
so with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. "Munn. 75, Verna iBennewies 74, 'Mary Mur -
Mr. Jas. Dennison, of Preston, for- ray 72, Laura IBennewies, 78, Loretta
needy of this -vicinity, is •confined • to. Rapien, 62, Marie Koehler* Promoted
his bedfor ta 'time. • horn Hnd to Jr, III.--s4Ruby Benne-
Miss ILaura • .Manning 'is visiting wies 86, Feegus, MecKay 85, ,RI -mer
friend's in 'Clinton, Koehler 84, Auston ,Kappler 84; Ray--
Miss Eileen McLaughlin is visiting mond .Murray, 77, Jloseph Manley 75,
her uncle, Mr. Eli IVIcLaughtin, Of James Eckert 73, Annie Siernon •
lona. Lorn Sieneen*, 'Pro'moted from 1st
Mr. R. 'W. •IVIdGregor, Wingham, class to 2nd clase-Oliver Fischer 88,
visited at R. W. Hoy's over Sunday. Mary Eckert 87, Gertie Simon 86,
• Mr, Thos. Clark, df the village, is Edgar Elligsoe 85, Velma Scherboth
very poorly at present. He took sud- 82, Mervin lelanley 81, Harvey Koch.
denly ill Monday 'morning while at ler 75, Mildred tRapien 74. Promoted
work and is not improving as quickly friom Primer to First Class -Harry
as his many friends -wield like to see. Regale, 'Edna ,Leonhardt, Clement
Mr. Clark is our blacksmith. VicKay,• Oscar 'Elligson, Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Shortreed Murray, Mervin Kahle, Adeline Sie-
and 'Mae, Mrs. R. G. MoGovean, mon, Don Manley'''. Promoted from
Blyth, and Mr. !Shortreed's sister, Jr. Printer to Ste' ,Primer ---Nelson
Mr's. Scott, Of Ilderton, motored to Kahle, Mildred Bennewies, Marry
Guelph, 'Milton and Hamiftion last Fiennewies, Iris Kleber, Gereld Mc -
Wednesday and returaed home Saturs Kay, Joseph !Eckart, Vera Lconhardt,
day. • Gordon Benermann. Number on eon
-Miss Addle Love, of Toronto, is 47, average attendance 42.7.
holidaying at the parental home, Teacher, Helen M. 'Delaney.
'Don't forget the garden panty un-
der the auspices of !Melville Presby-
terian Church, Brussels, to 'be held at Address and Presentation, - On
the home of W. M. Sinclair, on Thurs.. Tuesday afternoon of last week, at
day evening, July 1411i, • the close of the school terrn, the pup -
Owing to the hot weather on Jule' lis of S. 'S. No. 10, MdKillop, pre -
15t, most of our citizens spent the seeted their teacher Mi -s Edna Tam-
day at the lake. ieson, edth a handsome clteb-bag, an
G. LI •Batiley, •C.P.R. agent, is hob- ivory clock and a jewel case. •Master
cloying at Elneira, Elora, Cohourg, Wilson Little read the addreas and
Toronto and lvfontreal, Garnet „Bat- Miss Margaret Montgomery made
ten, of Monkton, is relieving. • the presentation. "Dear Teacher,-
• We come this afternoon to express
our sncere regret at learning o'f your
Late Patrick Maloney. - A well resignation 'from S.S. Oa. 10. Duping
known and highey respected resident the past seven years, you have en -
of McKillop •passed „away Sunday de,ared yourself to us es a "teacher and
morning lin. the persoti of Patrick as a friend. You have at all times
Maloney, aged 63 years. The deceas- been a most efficient guide -in both
ed was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. our school work and in our moral
John Maloney, who were among The and religious life. In bidding you
,pioneers ef this district, He was farewell we ,wish you a happy and
born on the farm on which hd 'died prosperous future cord' every success
and had resided 'there throughout his in your new school, and, as a slight
whole life. He was honest and in- token of our esteem, we lbeg you to
dustrious and was held in high es- accept this 'club -bag, and ivory clock,
teem by many friends. Thirty-three and jewel case, not for their intrinsic
years ago he was united in marriage value, but simply as an expression of
to Ellen Hollis, of Dairra.scus, Who -our good -will end kindly- feelings to -
predeceased 'him five years ago, •wards you. Signed on behalf of the
There are left to mourn tilts loss a pupils end ratepayers of S. S. No. 10,
famile- of five sons and one (laugh- McKillop." Miss Jamieson express -
ter, also three brothers and four sis- ed her heartfelt thanks to her pupils
ters, James of Hibbert, Michael of and the ratepayers for their kively
Weinberg, Wm, of Manitoba, 'Mrs. gifts, •
Grisbrook and Bridget of Toronto, 'Mr. Melvin Blanchard completed
Mary A. of London, and Mrs. Walsh bus fine new driving shed_ Tuesday.
of McKillop. The funeral -took place Report Of S:S. No. 10, McKillop, for
On Tuesday morning to St. Columban June. Promotions based on the year's
Church, Where Requiem High Mass t,ork and the promotion examinations.
was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Dantzer, The names are arranged in order of
interment being made in St. Colum- merle Honor (h), 75 p.c. or more.
ban cemetery. The pallbearers were Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Wilson Lietle (h),
Messrs. Ed. Horan, John Shea, John From Sr. Ill. to Jr. IV. - Harold
Delaney, Wm. O'Reilly, Louis Me- Pethick (h), Margaret Montgomery
Grath and Albert Krauskopf. Those !hi, ,Russell Dolmage, Willie Camp-,
from a distance who attended The 'bell, Roy Dolmage, Willie ,Dolmage.
funeral were Mrs. Grisbrook and Miss From Jr. III. to Sr. III -Evelyn
B. Maloney, of Toronto, Mrs, T. j. Spalding and Blanche Pethick
Drake of Hamilton. 'Mre. Frank Hof- (equal), Isobel Betties, Leslie Dol -
lis .of Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs. mage,- Elva Pryce. From Sr. H. to
Maloney, of Wartburg. Jr. ILI.- Kenneth Betties, Reggie
Mrs. Percy 'Smith and Mi', William Pryce. From Jr. 11, to Sr.
Beattie left on Tuesday to visit Maudie Spading, Olive Pryce add
friends in Buffalo. Oliver Pryce (equal). From .Sr.
We are &act to report that Mr. Jr. Pryce.
Alex. Macdonaldewho was kicked by Edna 31, Jamieson, Teacher,
a horse while working 'on the County Mr. :Nntirew Montgomery, Windsor.
Highway, is improving. 51 visiting at Ids home here.
Rev. Mr. Carswell, Jean, Helen and Miss Lydia ;Reid, of Hatiock. has
(echelon...A Toronto, spent the holiday been engaged as teecher of Winthrop
with Mr. and Mrs, John E. Daley, sehuol, SS, No. 10, for next year.
ese, moans Hogg ig :busy jacking The members of L.O.L. No. 13
up his hose and will put a• cellar marched to .Caven , Church Sunday
under it and add a kitchen, also other evening, An appropriate sermon was
improvements.delivered bee elteeseare.Bilev-07-Vergliseel.
.Reetilt of the PssonsestionesexamineeL !kik Mrs. Jobe Campbell,
;,1211.3.0efefe...F,'" McKillore Irontirs and Mrs. J. Broo;rne motored to To -
/5 p.c., .pass 60 lee, Sr. ree,-Rtith ronto and spent the week -end with
Se.,tt 75, Arnold Scott 67, Sam Mc- friends.
(lure 112, Jr. TV. --Mary Macdonald
Mr. and 'Mra. S. Shannon Motored
7,1, •Alaek erereariane es, Jame, ase. 1,, Norwich on Sunday and spent the
Cline 68, Margaret Storey 67, Jr. ess. „ley with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stone.
--Edna 'llacdonalti 80, Robert
Milian 78, Verna "McFarlane 76, Jean
Mc- 'Mr. and Mrs. Theron I3ettles spent
the holiday with friends .in Goderich.
Macdonald 68, Nelson McClure 60. Sr,
Mr. Geo. Eaton wears a smile these
I I. --Eddie Storey 60, Jr. II.--MIta baby boy, born Sunday,
re' McClure, Orville Storey. Edith
McMillan, Primer. -Isabel Anderson, July 3rd.
Miss Velma Heist spent the holiday
Ermer Scott, Arthur Anderson, i" Ste
t. harlie Storey, Bert McClure. The 'Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett spent
-ollowing students have been award- Sunday with 'Mrs. Bone, of Belgrave.
ql certificates for the correct memor- Mr. 'Fem. !Bullard wears a smile
i/ati,-in of Scripture verses: 'Mack Mc- theee .days, lte a baby boy too, born
1-1aile. Ruth Scott, Mary Macdon- Monday, July 4th.
aid, Arnold Scott and Margaret Stor- Mr. and 'Mr'3. .1)°Image. Mr' and
Olive V. 'Nledd. Teacher. Mrs. Nelson Govenlock, Misses Nor -
mita; Report of s. 5.No. leo_ Me Armstrong and Jean Rolland
K Mop. Total marks 725, honors 545, spent Sunday in Grand 'Bend.
lass 290. Sr. IV. -Mary Dodds 606, Miss Hazel Shannon, of Ford City.
e,ant ...AleSpadden 597. Jr. IIV.--Jade e vacationing at her honie here.
Halley 484, John Adams 423. Sr. III.
-Gretta 'Hu I ley 549, Agnes Dodds
547, Jr. ITL -Agnes Case 464, Eliza-
beth NlacFarlane 459. Jr. IL -Bert
MeSparlden 548, 'Lillie Finney 546,
Arthur AfeChire 290. Primer. -Mar-
garet Iiabkirk, George .liabltirk. The
winners for the spelling contests
mere Mary 'Dodds, 'Gretta Rnliey
and Agnes Case,
Annie E. -Strong, Teacher.
Result of promotion tests in U.S.S.
No. 1, MoKillop. Jr. IV. ----Catherine
Lane, Arnold Murray, William Nigh.
Sr. IN,-Malbel Nigh, Jr. II'I.--
rrances Fortune (hon.), Dorene Nigh
(hon.), Adelaide Murray, Peter Mur-
ray (rec.)Sr. Pr. ---John Teortune,
.1 inb rose Neigh. Jr. Pr. --Margaret
Murray. Number on roll, 11; aver-
age attendance 10.2,
'efary Reynolds, Teacher,
S.S. No. 7 Report. --:The following
the report •of the final examinations
of S.S. Ni,. 7, ,McKillop.: Jr. IV. to
Sr, TV.-- George Taylore84 (5), Ei-
leen "efeLatighlin 81 (51, Helen Sotn-
erville 77 (b), Croce Perdue 67, Dor-
othy Somerville 58, Art Balfour 53
Sr. 111. to Jr. 1V,.tWallace 'Shannon
8.1 (h). Jr. to Sr. .III,-,efeivine
Shannon 69, Helen. Tomlinson 63, Ev-
erett Perdue 54, AValter S'omerville 41.
fr. 71, to Sr, II. --:Boyd Driscoll 76
*(11), Tom Thornton -68, Helen -Jack-
son 63. jr. T. to Sr. L -Jimmie Bel -
four (h), Ivin Shannon 77 (It).
fl1S'.,3ath!ecn Leerning, Harold 7 -Tu -
die. Teacher, -A, Lonise
S.S. No. 8, IVIcKillop. -June 1t
"o -
motion examinations. Names placed
in order of merit. Those not promo-
ted, names are marked with an .ester -
isle. Promoted from jr. TV'. So Sr.
1V. -Irene ,Koehler 85 per cent., Lu-
cy Eeleaet 81. r 'Promoted from Sr,
IVGordott Kldb • (IC*
.1.1.0 OW n".110 Mann On 'kW
" -A large nuneber irdni -this -neighbor-
hood spent Dominion day at Bayfield.
Hattie 'Turner, of 'Toronto
spending' the,,,hoticSys at her ' horne
Miss Gawley, of Ripley, who hes
taught' No. 6 school fior the past two
years, has resigned and will be .sue-
ceeded by Miss Edna Jamieson, of the
Ituron Road.,
Mn, A. Te Siikison spent the week-
end at his home in Tuckersenith.
Mr. Leslie )Bell,. of IDetroit, spent
the week -end at ithe home of 'his par-
ents, ,Mie ara Mrs, George 'Bell.
'Miss 'Frances 'Houston of Brant-
ford, is spending her holi'clays at. the
home of her iparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel tHouston.
'Mn. and 'Mrs. George Greenwood
and family, of Detroit, spent the
week -end at the licime of Mr. and Mrs.
George Bell, in Tuckeremith.
Mr. Edward Andrews spent the
week -end at the 'home of his brother,
Mn. Andre'w, of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. George 11-1.andley and
danghter, of Londen, spent the week-
end at the home of Mn. aucl Mrs. Jas.
Mn. and Mrs. I), McLachlan and
family, of ISaskatoliewan, visited at
the lueme of 'Mr. and MrS. Jahn Mc-
Lachlan on Theasday.
Miss Emily KEnnedy, eeof -Detroit,
spent the week -end at the home of
her parents, 'Mn. and Mrs. Roland
Kennedy. -
Mn. mid Mrs. Hugh I-Itonitton, of
Toronto, spent the ,week -end at ..t),Ie
Sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Love.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas liodgert and , EG1V1ONDVILLE.
family spent Sunda'Y in Exeter.
Mr. James 'Brewster, of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs.
John Taylor.
Miss Elizalboth 'Taylor visited in
Stratford last week.
Mn; Jack Molyncaux, of Chicago, is
visiting at the home of Mn. and Mrs.
Mn. and Mre. John McIntosh, of
town, visited :Mrs. James MeIntosh
last Tueday.
Miss Loretta 'Lane, of Maynooth, is
home for the suntner Vacation.
'Miss Louise Allan, of Hamiltoneeis
et home for her vacation.
Messrs. James and Dave McIntosh
and lady friends spent the 1st at May-
• We are sorry to know that Mn. 'Wil-
son 'Metartney is still ill.
Mr. John Fotheringham is still con-
fmed to 'bed.
Mn. Alex. Souter, of Detroit, -and
son Jack, Of Flint, Mich., are home for
the week -end.
Ross Broadfoot, of the 4th conces-
sion, has purthased a 'McLaughlin
car. •
'Miss Agnes Ilroadfoot is at present
very .with inflammatory rheamat-
Mrs. Hevenor, of Highland Park,
was up visiting her daughter, Miss
Norma, over the holiday.
'Mr. and Mn, David Papple visited
St. Thomas friends over the week -end.
pathy, of Ithe 'community is extended
ehe widow and children in this, the
hour of' their bereavement,
eMr. John Lane, Sr. while operating-
a.eircular eave,eutting wood; ,met with
an accident by having three. fingers on
his left •hand badly •cut. It Was found
necessary to have the, tops of the fin-
gers autputated Mn.Lane is in Sea -
forth hospital and we• hope to hear of
his early recovery. •
{Stratford "Classics" football ' team
came ttp Tuesday evening to play St.
Colurnbee !Shamrocks, but when they
came defaulted the game, having only
six men. They !filled in and played
an exhibition game, St. Columban win-
ning ,by 3 to 0. ,.
St. ColuMban play Tavistock in 'the
latter village Friday evening. G,opci
luck, -boys.
Reselts df promotion examinations
in LI. S. S. 'No. 1, McKillope" Names
in order of Imerit, Jr, IV. to Sr. IV
--Elizabeth !Carlin, Leota 'Ryan. Sr.
III. to Jr. IV. ---Annie Ryan, John O'-
Reilly, Calista Kelly, Irene O'Rourke,
Edith Krauskopf, Angela Horan. Jr,
III. to ISr. -- Jeseph. Downey,
Mary Maloney, !Htthert O'Reilly,
Marie 'Bunts, Basil ICelly. II to Jr.
TII. - Mary Downey (h), Albert
Krauslcopf (5), Clarence Ryan, Mich-
ael :Walsh, 'Loretto O'Rourke, Peter
Austin. I. to II. -Barbara ,Carlin,
Clarence .01Reilly, Clement Krauss
kopf, Mi'ry !Walsh, Billie 'Flanagan,
Richard Downey. Pr. to ist.-Ce-
celia Krauskopf, Margaret Walsh,
Dorothy Nolan.
'S. Queenan, Teacher.
Mrs. P. •°Sullivan was visiting
friends' in Stratford and vicinity dur-
ing the past week.
Messrs. James and John Melady,
of Detroit.. spent the week -end and
holiday at the home of -their father,
Mr. Jos, Melady, tHibbert.
Mr. Wm. Maloney, of Toronto, is
visiting at his home in McKillop.
MisS Mary MaQuaid, of !McGregor,
is holidaying at .the home a her par-
ent' 31'1's-aIHI 'Frank McQuaid.
Mr. Ferens Ftannerje of Detroit,
spent the week -end with Ins parents,
Alr. and Mrs, P.Plannery.
`Mr. Thomas 'Dane, of Toronto,
spent the holidays at the home of his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Lane, Me-
:Misses Monica' and Irene O'Sulli-
van, hale returned to Toronto this
this week.
Mn. George 'Malone of Detroit
spent the week end and holiday at the
home of Isis parents, 'Mn, and Mrs.
Jito. IMelone,
Miss Mary McGeath left far Tor-
onto this week.
Mr. joseph Moylam left for Fort
Erie last week.
IMisses Mildred .McGraeh of St'
Clements and Gertrude 'McGrath of
Linwood are spending the holidays
vith their parents, 'Mr. and 'Alm. P.
V. 'MeGrath.
-Mn. Martin 'Melt* of Detroit is
daiting at the home of his 'father, Mn.
Mr, I-Itigh Ross is spendieg a few ,. Aidady. .
lays in Tobermory. Miss Annie Hart -of Windsor was
Mks Edna CamPhall• teacher at home this week attending, the 'funeral
lertmiller, is taking a sulmner of her brether, Mn'. John Hart.
course at Queen's University. Kingi- Mr, Mike IsIcQuald of !Stratford,
on, clut•ing the holiclay-s. „..,. spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. P.
Noreen Little spent the weelc-end 7-1 McGra.th,
with her grandmother. Mrs. W. Day- 'Miss Mary Downey is visiting her
if;8011, SeafOrth. parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jno. Downey,
Huron road west
'Miss Gertrude Stapleton of Pictort,
'The many friends of Mrs. Duffy. -k 'spending the holidays with her
Sr., were sorry to hear of her illness parents, Mn, and .Mrs. P. Stapleton,
and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Louis Stapleton of 'Coiling -
'11r. and Airs. John Murray, Mn. and wood is visiting at 'the home of 'his
Mrs. Peter Eckert and Mn. Fred visit- parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jerry 'Staple-
rsi at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Con. ton.
Eckert, .Seaforth. last Sunday. Mr. Carl .Stapletun of Detroit spent
Miss Elizabeth Murray, who taught the holiday at She home of his par -
school the past year in Win,clsor, left ems herd.
last Monday to take a course ' in the Miss Marjottri Qtmenan of London
Agricultural College, ,Guelph. is visiting 'Miss S. Queenan,
Miss Agnes Ecicart, who was teach- Death of John Hart. -There passed
. .
Mg in Arnherstburg, is spending her at Ins home in McKellop on June 30th
vacation under the parental roof of inst., John I-Iart in. his fifty-seventla
Mr. Fred Eeleart. • year. He bad been in poor health -for
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Manley and two years and a year ago underwent
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. -C. an Operation for cancer, This gave
Eckert, of Seaforth, last Suuday, him temporary relief but this spring.
She trouble grew worse until he pass-
, HULLETT. ed 'peacefully away e He hid been I
'Miss Irene Carter, of Toronto. great sufferer but bere- Incsufferings
spent a few days with her. Patents, with pattence ene a resignation to
. . .
Mr. and Mrs. VArm. Carter. hCriosd'%svicilloov.iyalnA;iiilseixiLeilidsresitLrytyleedelibdy.,
Miss Knox. .of 'Toronto, visited her
parents., Mn. and Mrs. W. Knox, s est being twelve years and the young -
Mr. and !Mrs. IMain and family est three; also by two 'brothers, Owen,
spent the week -end at the home el and James Hart, McKillop, and t
Mr, and 'Mrs: Wra, ,Fairservice.
sistdrs, Mrs. Frank ;McQuaid,
Nfr. and Mrs, Camaro, of Seaforth, 1°P, An"i-e H'brIe Windsar: 'The fune-
spent Sunday with friends in this vi- rat was heicl 'Sattirclay 'to St. IColutn-
cinity, ban chuech, 'Rev. Father Dantzer .cele-
NfrS. Wo, Pethick, of Seafor tit, boating Requiem 'Ma:Ss for the repose
eeent Sunday at the 'hotne of her pa,._ .of his soul, and the remains were in -
1155, Mn. and ,Mrs. M. Armstrong, terred in St. Coltemben' cemetery. The
IMI., ja.S. B. Fairservice, who recent_ pallbearers were Messrs. 'Peter O'Sul-
livan, Johe Lane, Thos, Feeney, Mich-
aei .
attiewe, a errenee Flannery, .
'Peter Krausko,pf. The hearefelt sytn-
ly. along with a company of others,
BelitieWitS (equal) 78, .,\Jmt, Af.ardey visited the gold fields in Quebec, has
77, Vincent 1.11cleert 75, Peter Connol. returned home.
Results of promotion examinations.
at Egrnondville ,public school, Sr.
1V, -Morris Wolsh, Rody McLean,
Rebetea 191rinan, Jr, CV.-Margardt
Smith, Jessie Stnith, Margaret Fins
nigan, Irene Strong, Jack Dony, Mar-
garet Case, George Keuse, Harold
Finnigan. Sr. III. --Bill Dony, Viv-
ian Townsend. fr. I -IL -James Sher-
wood, Hilda Wolsh, Palmer CooMbs,
Mary ICase,. Grace. 'Finnigan, Ethel
Milian. IL -Janet 'Townsend, Nor-
man McLean, Edna Donn Betty
Smith, Fletcher Ritchie. I. -Cleve
Conibe, Bmiterson Ritchie, Ida Ho-
ward, Annie Howard, Ruth -Smith,
Helen McKenzie, Mary Pretty. Prim -
en -Angus 'McLean, Helen Powell,
Shirley Pretty-, Garnet Allan, Hazel
Earle, Irene Dony, Arthur !Hender-
son, Allan Townsend, *Gordon Fin-
nigan, George Case, Grant Finnigan,
Iva Allan, Eliza 'Howard, Clayton
Earle Webster, Teacher.
Monday evening, July 4th, the
Young People's Society Of Egmoted-
ville, held their weekly meeting. The
C. 'G. I. T. Groups were in charge of
the evening and their President,
Idiss itfildeed Wallace, .o'ccupied the
chair. After prayer by the -pastor, the
Scripture reading was taken thy Miss
Jeannette Finnigan, In place of the
ttsual topic, a patriotic pageaut was
given by members of the group. It
was entitled, "Miss !Canada Comes of
Age," and represented "Miss Caltada",
plies Alice 'Totnpson), and her prov-
inces. The former 'was dressed in
fitting robes of white, and, the latter
wore the unifprin of tile Group. At
the close all rose and j'oined insthe
singing of “0 Canada.' The pageant
itself was excellent and won a hearty
clap, Misses :Margaret and Isabel
Forrest gave suitable 'patriotic read-
ings. The 'basement had been taste-,
fully decorated irrfiags, maple leaves,
and ilowers. Following this a few
minutes% intermission were lodulgecl
in. The minutes and ,business were
dispensed with, 'Then Rev. W. D.
McDonald spoke an appreciative word
to *the Group and was sorry there was
not a large attendance to enjoy it.
The clbsing -hymn was sung ancl the
medting closed in the usual way.
Mr. T, 'McCaughey had a valu-
able animal killed by lightning in 'the
SeVere electrical storm on Saturday.
The loss was valued at $100.
'Miss Marguerite Phelan and Miss
elary Kelly, of Toronto, spent the
sveek-end at their home here.
and Mrs. J, T. MoCaughey vis-
ited over the week -end in 'Walkerton.
A bus load people, captained by
Mis:s Viola Fraser. left Blyth early
Monday morning for Niagara ITalls.
After a six hour stay at the Falls, they
returned to town early Tuesday
Confirmation service was held in
Trinity Anglican Church Monday af-
ternoon at 3 o'clock. His Grace Arch-
bishop Williams confirmed the fol -
owing class of 11 which was present-
ed by Rev, W. B. Hawkins: Mary
Lockhart, Annie Barr • Audry 'Hawk-
ins, Lois IRoblinson. IMay
jun !McCrea, Raymond Cartwright,
Rete I-Iarrison, 'Gladys Taylor, -Al-
berta lfcMurMy, Valetta Shamney,
The animal service in Memorial
Hall was held on Sunday, evening at
7.30 with the united...choirs of 'Myth
.churches. Rev. W. R. Alp, of Au-
burn, gars an , address oonienemora-
tive of the sacrifice of the Canadian
soldiers. Rev. Geo. Telford, M.A.,
DZ., presided and had charge of the
inusidal park of the service. The mem-
bers of the Choral socie'ty rendered
two very fine anthems. Rev, Dr.
Senility and -Rev. W. B. !Hawkins as-
sisted in the service. The 'hall was
crowded to -capacity. The service was
considered one of the best in the his-
tory of the The collection am-
ounting to $43.52, was 'donated to lthe
Bible Society.
Mn. and Mrs. 'Gordon !McKay, of
Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited at the
home of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. R. '31'. MeKay.
Ur. Lyle ,Robinson. of Welland, is
home for the' holidays.
Mr. 'Wm. White is having a new
roof' put on his. large barn .this week.
• Mr. J. C. HeffrVit shipped a carload
of cattle to Toronto on. Saturday,
Miss Gamic Sims, of the Toronto
teaching sta If, is home for the holi-
days, -
Mr. and kfrs. Vaulker, of London,
visited .at the home bf Mrs. J. D.
ieloody, on Sunday,.
Mn, Thos, ‘Blake, of Chicago, is vis-
iting friends here.
July it was spent by InoSt Of our
citizens in the various summer re-
'Mr. Ross Robinson, who has been
i ha ve been with us, as our teacher,
le.teartcchhieniferi.0 Keewatin' is visitillg la -e dane your dutiee faithfully
51,51 Np.-io,-.1rorris is holding a re -
union on. Thursday,,Ijuly 21st, at., the
school. A good program will be pre-
sented both afternoon and evening. A
band from Mt. Forest wit," be there.
Everybody welcome. Picnic in the
afternoon. -
Miss Mildred iHillsorn, Who hes
been visiting at ThameOille, returned
on Tuesday.
Mr. Cloyd Johnston is visiting his
uncle, Mr. Cliff Yeo, and Mrs. Yeo,
'Mrs. Henry Pierce returtsed on Fou -
day iroen visiting her mdther, Mrs.
Stuart, in Toronto, who wasesorne-
what improved afMr an attack of
Isirs. Wm. Conninehain was in
Gdderich 'Tuesday evening, for the
graduation of the nurses in Goderich
hospital. 'Mrs. Cunningham's niece,
Miss Bertha tFoster, of Sheppacdaon,
was a member of the claps. * -
'Miss Maey Healy is holidaying
front her Lucan, with her
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Reale'.
Me, Gordon Isfanson, fotimer prin-
cipal of IBlyth public -school, is taking
a summer course at Hamilton.
'Miss Patience Stott, !assistant tea-
cher of the Continuation school, is
taking a course in Toronto.
Mr, Wm.- Bisbee, of Ethel public
school, has lbeen engaged to succeed
Mn. Gordon Maneon, who has taken a
Posittion in DlindaS.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie Burling, To-
ronto, visited his parents, Mt. and
Mrs. Chas, !Burling.
tarn 'from Welton lodge initiated
some members of the Ladies' True
Mee lodge on Moeday evening.
Mn. Rdbert Brown, of Toronto,
visited friedds and relatives in town,
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Perkins and the -
:Misses Winslows, • ol London, were
guests at the 'home of Mr: Robert
!Miss Da Bell is visiting her mothee,
Mrs. A. Bell.
'Phe Blyth L. 0. L. degree teani
wont to Atwood on 'Tuesday for tan
Mrs. John Yeo attended the golden
wedding of Mn, and Mrs. James
Switzer at the home of their daught-
er, Mrs. ,Geo. ITeindsay, T3eyfield, on
Mr, Hanold Wallace, of Newark, al,
J„ visiting Mr. and Mrs. Irvine
Mr. and 1Mrs. 'Richard Newcombe,
London, visited Mr. Irvine Wallace's
and )Mr. Robert Netvcombe's.
'Mn. Arthur LeBeau spent the week-
end et his home in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. joheston attended
Browirtown pierilic on 'Friday.
Mr. and MA'S. J. Riley, Jamestown,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Grasby. Miss Eileen Riley is speed-
ing a week with her grandmother.
Mn. and.Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and
family visited air. and Mrs. Joseph
Storey, Seaforth, on iSunday. --
Mr. and :Mrs. Wilfred Cameron, of
13russels, were guests of Mr, and
Mrs. hue McNichol on Sunday.
Miss...Margaret Brown, teacher at
Jamestown, is home for the holidays.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas: 'Nicholson and
Cionlott spent Sunday in Seaforth.
(Intended for last week,)
Messrs, Ernest and Henry Seeder -
son and Miss Learmont, Mn, and
Mrs, Wm. Taylor and Mr. arid IMrS.
John Xoung were guests of Mr. and
-Mrs. S. 1...m13i:is-on dadada:iv,"
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart, of
Guelph, were renewing acquaintances
hi Blyth and vicinity over the week-
er El.
Mn, and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, John
Taylor and :Nil.. and Mrs. S. Forbes
and Mn, 'John Sanderson were Guelph
visitors last week.
• Mrs. Murray Cole, ef Toronto, who
has been visiting her parents, Dr. and
Mts. Milne, returned home on Mon-
day, accompanied by her sister, Miss
Mary Milne. ,
. 'Rev. Dr. and Mrs. ,Barnby returned
from a visit to their daughter, Mrs.
Cade, at St. Marys, on Monday.
' Mr. and Mrs, J. 'C. McCaughey
spent Sunday in Formosa, visiting
Mr. Alvin Fitzpatrick and Mr.
Johnson, of Fergus, spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. P. j. Kelly's.
Mr. Wm. Phelan is spending hie
holidays at his home here. -
Presentation to Miss Gwen Snow-
don. -The school section of No. 1,
Morris, gathered at the sdhool house
00 Tuesday afternoon to say farewell
to Miss Gwen Snowdon, who is leav-
ing to attend University in the au-
tumn. James Kelly. presented Miss
Snowdon with a silver cream and
sugar service and box of chocolates.
Norman Nicholson read the following
address on behalf 65 -the section: --
'Dear Miss Snowdon, --The flight elf I
titne has brought tie to the end of I
your st..:.11,1 year. here in this SCEniOn. '
the relatiOns between us are about
to it ,everial we assure you
During the past two years that you I
highest esteem apd sincere gratitude, .
youi 0» arid' eonseienliouely, tend if at any
time weI have .grieved you end not
nate the progress we should, wn are
ieartily sorry. We 'have „ adarieed
your pleasant aud agteeablecharacter
which has been an example 10 -tit
which will not be fot‘gotten. 'We ask
you to accdpt this silver sesugarebovel
and cream pitcher, also this box of
chocolates as a small token of our
esteem, IWe hope it will prove in
days to come a reminder of the tWo
years spent in school 5entio11 No.; 1,
Morris. We all join in wishing,'you
joy and abundant success in your -he -
Inc career. Signed on behalf of S.S.
No, 1, Morris, jamas ,Kelly, Nor-
man Nicholson."
Mn, and Mrs. Wm. 'McClure were, -
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Nichol on Sunday,
,,M.r. mid Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and --
Norman and 'Leslie spent Sunday at
Ethel visiting Mn, and IIVIrs, R. Me,
Mn, and Mrs. John Mustard and
Mr. and .Mrs. Wes. Jermyn were •
Sunday visitors , with Mn. and Mrs,
John. Graeby.
'Mn, and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, lekr.
Kit Nesbit, Auburn, 'visited Mn. -and
Mts. Thos.iGrasby,Supdaye.
Mr, Jas. Riehmorid undervvent an
operation for appendicitis Seaforth
hospital -on Monday afternoon and is,
doing wells .-Taken ill ISaturday even-
ing, ,Mr, aiehmond was removed to
the -hospital that night.
Rev. Geo. Telford and' 'Mr. David
Laidlaw motored to Seaforth Sunday
night to visit My. Richmond in the
bospital there. e
Mrs. Joseph Johnston has been
visiting 'her daughter, Mrs. !Colin
Fingland, Walton, for a while. Mrs.
Johnston is not in thesbest of health.;
large crowd attended the Pr-
ange service in Memorial Hall on
Sunday afternoon. 'Mn. Gosse, the
provincial organizer,- conducted the •
service and held the attention of the
audience with a splendid address. Dr.
Senility was on the -platform and also
spoke. 1Special music was given by
a quartette composed of Messrs, L.
Hilborn, S. Leslie, I. Wallace and
Harold 'Wightman. Representatives
from other lodges were present, -mak-
ing 180 ,Orangemett ptesent. Goder-
ich Orange Fife iDrurn Eland' headed
the procession to the hall. -
Mrs. Henry Pierce was called to
Toronto last week owing to the seri- e
ous illness of her mother, Mrs. 'Stu-
Mn, and Mrs, John Brown have re-
ceived word from their son, Mr. )'as.
Brown, who lives in New Liskeard,
that he was lit a railway wreck near
Winnipeg. Ile was returning ,from
the West with a carload of horses,
The train -left the track going at 40
miles an hour. 'rite car containing
the horses stood 00 end, causing the
horses..to crush one another. Nine-
teen of them were killed. A nurnber
of the men on the tmin were injured.
Mn, 13rown escaped injury and re-
turned to purchase another load of
The -funeral was held to .Brandon
cemetery, on .Sunday afternoon of
Mr. Robert Owens. Mr. Owens died
on Thursday alter a lengthy illness.
Rev. 'W. B. 'Hawkins conducted the •
service, which was in charge of the
Orange lodge, of which SMr.. Owens
was a member. The son of )Mn. and
Mrs. Joint Owens, 'he was born On
the larrn on which he died. ;Besides
his widow. there Survive one sister, es,*
Miss Emily Owens in the West, and '
four brothers, Charles, Henry, 'George
and John Owens in the 'West. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry 0 -wens and Mr.
Chas. Owens attended the funeral.
The pallbearers were six nephews:
Earl and Ernest Noble, Elwood .
Nichol, Jas, Wightman,. Will Van -
camp, -Melville Mather.
Itlidstintemr report for S,S. No. 6,
Rullett, Sr, TV.--JOIlive -Knox 70.6. Jr.
IV. -Gladys 'Leiper 78.5, Alvin Ste-
vens 65, John Rapson 63.3. Jr. 171. -
Helen McGregor 81.1 jlack McEveing
75, ,Margaret 'Beattie 64.6. Jr. 11. -
May Lyddiatt 54.1, Harry Rapson 50.
Jr. L. -Willie Taylor, Ida Leiper, Wat- •
eon Reid. ISr, Pr.--Jimeny MeEwing.
J. Bickell, Teather. •
(Intended 'for last week.)
' 'Mrs H. W. Allen has retin•ited to
her home here after a lengthy trip
to ;Smith's Palls and Perth.
Miss. Marjorie IBickell entertained
at lter home over this week -end,. Miss
Louise Mills, of ,Leadbury, and the
Misses 'Myrtle and Bessie Sicken, of
St. Iviarys.
Mrs. H. 'Fisher has returned to her
"rim!: nzar T.-.r.onto after ti short visit
with 'friend!. in the .
If one the troubled with coens, he
ill find in Holloway's Corn Retriov-
u an application that, will entirely re-
ieve suffering.
Fresh Groceries
Straw Hats
and Work Shirts
Now is the tithe topick up all kinds of repair-
ing:, such as Tin ware, Harness, Shoes, Auto
Sides. Auto Tires Stitched.
Bring in your Binder Canvass forNew Straps
and Strips.