HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-30, Page 3IT WONT' BE LONGNOW
The N.Y. Sun Ofers"the• Pole
lowing :as Likely to Appear
Soon in Our Papers
GENTLEMAN going to Moscow by
airplane will consider taking party of
two willing to, Share expenses. No
children. Write; giving business and
references. P. G. J., box 456.
COUPLE flying from Chicago to
Naples during first week in July will-
ing to take another young couple;
must be congenial and furnish own
sandwiches and letters of introduc-
tion to American ambassadors. Phone
Megglethorpe 8236—Party J,
PARTY of four business men, hop-
ping from Kansas City to Vienna,
-can accommodate` two other gentle-
men accustomed to flying through
gleet storms; •men with some know-
ledge of i. dead reckoning preferred,
Write Mr. Wo'ofie, 265 Spruce avenue.
UNIVERSITY man. taking off from,
Morningside Heights for Madrid in
two passenger biplane "The Spirit o8
116th Street" would be glad to take
Barnard girl for companionship; must
be a young lady whe is not afraid in:
the dark and who will not insist upon
special . midnight lunch while 800.
miles e frost Halifax 1n
a thick fog.
Phone Aristophanes, Morningside
LADY going byhydroplane from
Newport to:•Monte Carlo with her
mother would consider taking along
young woman oj; social distinction
willing to share cost of gasoline and
oil. Write Mrs. K., box 466.
WILL witness who saw .elderly man
driving small it enplane on the Great
Circle 676 miles from.. -Nova Scotia
struck by large eight passenger air
cruisette kindly communicate with
Mr. Shoots, General Delivery.
TO ARTHUR-aleFOOGLE, who hop-
ped from his ?lone in Cleveland, Ohio,
to Pekin, China, June 16; Please come
home; the children are crying for
you; all is forgiven. Gwendolyn.
FOR SALE: Practically new one -pas.
senger airplane; has made but one
round trip between the United States
and Asia; equipment includes paja-
mas and an electric tqaster for use
in making toasted -bread sandwiches.
Address Casper Pollywog, Woolworth
PLANE flying New York to Paris
loaded is returning empty; will con-
sider prophsition. Phone Eclipse
Transportation Corporation.
WHY go to Europe without your
piano? Let us move it over fpr you
In 39 hours 52 minutes 11 Seconds.
Quick Service N. Y. -Paris Moving
Entire Trans -Continental
Highway 3,220 Miles,
Open to Traffic
T Boston.—Tourists of 1927 will be
agreeably surprised at the improve-
ments in American highways since
last year, according to a report made
by the national touring board or the
American Automobile Association, ac-
cording to a Washington dispatch to
the Christian ScienceMonitor.
During the last` year,' according to
the statement, additions to the Fed-
eral Aid System alone total 9,400
miles, bringing the aggregate federal
aid, improved highways to 55,903
miles. Equally important , extensions
leave been made to the state primary,
systems and, in particular, to the
iamntenance• of east and west and
north and south roads. .
"An outstanding route because of
its significance as a mid -continental
connected highway front Atlantic City
N.J., to San Francisco," says the re-
port, is U.S. Highway No. 40, This
touches such Important cities as Bal-
ainore, Wheeling, Columbus, Indiana-
polis, St, Louis, Kansas City, Denver,
Salt Lake City and Reno. The entire
length is 3,220 utiles and the route is
paved throughout, from Atlantic City
to St. Mary's, Iiau., a distance of
1,302. West of St. Mary's the road-
way is chiefly graded earth or gravel,
except" between Auburn and San
Fraecisco, where there is a cantina.
ous stretch of pavement. This route
creases the Great Salt Lake Desert
over the Wendover cut-off.
"Another United. States route of im-
portance to the tourist Is No. 30, from
Atlantic City to Portland, Ore., coin
t ctding with the Lincoln Highway be -
s• tween Philadelphia and Granger,
Wyo. At ranger, Wyo., Route No. 80
divides into 30 North and 80 South,
the southern branch going through
Evanston to Ogden, Utah, while the
northern division continues ' into
Idaho. through Montpelier and. Bodo
Springs. At Pocatello the route fol.
lows the Snake River rather -closely
and in Nebraska, Idaho, and Oregon
it coincides with the old Oregon
Trail. -
"Route No. 20 will, carry the motor-
otorist from Buffalo and :then over a high-
1y improved Canadian road to De-
troit, The motorist .who ,seeks a
route to follow, still farther westward
may take No.. 10, through Saginaw to
Ludington, where Lake Michigan is
crossed byferry, to Manitowoc, Wis„
and then , touching Minneapolis, Far-
go, 'Bismarck, Billings, Missoula, to
Now Gives All the Credit to Dr.
Williams' fink Pills.
When 'a young girl becomes pale,
coiaiiis of 'exhaustion at the least
exertion,has, dizzy spells; headaches
or stomach trouble, she sleeted. know
that these are some of the many
symptoms 06 anaenmia,which means
that herblood is thin and weak. In
such conditions there is the.most ur-
gent need for, \a tonic that • will
promptly restore the missing ' quali-
ties to the blood and thee bring back
health and strength. or this purpose
there' is no tonic can equal Dr, Wil -
hams' Pink Pills. Thousands or weak
end, ailing girls have found new
strength and happiness through this
medicine, Mies Gladys y. Bond, leest-
ville, N.S,, used this treatment suc-
cessfully, and says:—"I cannot praise
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills too highly.
for the good they have none me. I
was in a condition of very poor
'health, suffered from severe head-
aches and nervousness, My appetite
was .poor, and very little exertion
would leave me tired out. On the ad-
vise of ,a friend I decided to try Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. In a few weeks
I began to feel better, my appetite
improved, and the headaches were
less frequent, I continued the use of
the pills until I had taken six boxes,
by which time I felt as well as ever,
and I gained in weight from 98
pounds to 114 pounds. For this rea-
eon I advise all weak girls to try this
Spry Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills for
anaemia; rheumatism, neuralgia, ner-
vousness and stomach trouble. , Take
them as a tonic and cultivate a resist-
ance that will keep you well and
strong. - You can get these pills
through any medicine dealer- or by
mail at 50c a box from The Dr, Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
WEAF Shows Loss
"The National Broadcasting Co. will
show a deficit of $800,000 in first year's
operation," said President Aylesworth
at hearing before Federal Radio Cam
mission. "The National Broadcasting
Co. is owned 50 per cent. ]ay Rario
Corp. of America, 80 per cent. by Gen-
eral Electric Co. and 20 per cent.. by
Westing Electric Co. Mr. Aylesworth
has declared reads `Barron's Weekly'
that eventually the company hopes to
earn something and also plans to'ex-
tend its network to. Pacific Coast and
Northwest. He estimated that on days
that Colonel Lindbergh was in Wash-
ington a hookup arranged by the Na-
tional Be. adcasting Co. made it pos-
sible for 60,000,090 people to hear him.
This company pays American Tele-
phone s Telegraph Co, $1,60.0,00 yearly
This company pays American Tele.1
for use of its land wires,, Price paid
by National Broadcastinv Co. for sta-
tion WEAF, New York, formerly own-
ed ` by American Telephone & Tele-
graph Co`'wae $1,000,000:'
Red Rose Tea, now packed
in the bright, clean Alumi-
num package, is completely
guaranteed. You can try, it
without any risk. Order a
package from your grocer.
Use any portion of it and if
you are not entirely pleased
return it and no charge will
be rnade. d
• (On With laughter)
The price of some marked down
goods seems to indicate that the
merchant was standing on his head
when li•8+-marked then down,
( You know how to ••approach a
girl with a past?
"How?" «;
"With a present." -
Rayon Popular
Artificial -Silk Trade Boomed
by Process; Even Furs arid
Velvets Are Success-
fully Imitated
London—Artificial sine is displacing
the genuine article In England to such
an extentthat artificial sulk -making is
now one of the leading and, most pro-
fitable industries iniiie country,
The secret of the recent boom in ar-
tificial silk is the feet that manufac-
,turers have succeeded in taking the'
'peculiar sheen out of their product
which formerly brandmarked it as
"Imitation:,,. The second annual Artificial Silk
Show, now arousing .great attention
here, proved that the new processes
have eliminated this feature success -
'fully, and many of the satins and
crepes shown there are mistaken for
natural dike.
London 'Women of all classes are
now wearing artificial• silk stockings,
which are indistinguishable from the
THREE YEAR MMICRANT "natural" kind and .cost.lees 'than half
This is little Janes McLecd not much more than three years old, who the price for natural- ones of similar
journeyed all the way from Coseley, Etaflordshire, England, to Rainy' River, durability.
Man., a distance of some 4,000 miles. He avail d don and Joined hie An innovation at this year s show ie
to e alone i the artificial silk furs which success-
parents. in Raiji River h not f and half ars
Rainy who have seen; him o1 two a a Ye fully imitate anything from fox to
The photo shows him being Iooke
mud if you Idea the bride, unless you Cunard liner Andania" which brought the little fellow to Canada.
Grooms are queer. They don't get d atter by Captain M. Doyle, Master of the leopard skin; Velvets, :pdushea and the
nest lingerie erie a 1
g alike are now w ma a r0
t d f m
a Year
r so bef
THIS CHILD KNOWS THEThis year's exhibition also sees thePa
paper withthe help of chemicals.
it elusion of "imitation" glass printing
Negro Sheik — ".Al, you sho' ie a ANSWER. ---DO YOU? on artificial silk, but in the form of
scream." -- lcrushed glass, embossalg and •beading,
Sweet Young Iii h -faller -Black BoyTHE LITTLE ONES "Give me the next li of r: o
g ne to Sh ot, The eearet. of "imitation" glass be,
—"You don't 'zantly remind me of if, yo reuser this old gray bear.'" longs to Dr. Pollak, of Czecho-Slova-
sllenca yo' oivnself." 1 "'Shoot, 1f you must'—what?" Ikia, who is now the director of an
Mothers, do' you thick it fart" to tor- "'Shoot, if you must, this old gray English company turni,ig out the glass -
Dost thou love life? Then do not tura your little ones by forcing them bear.' What's the next line?" printed fabrics.
squander time; for that's the stuff o take 111 -tasting ells when they need
that the child's dread of these meds- Laura:.. , Shoot, if you must—shoot, w ' crushed glass form
a laxative medicine? Don't you find "Oh. Yes. Now wait just a second, Maekintotdtea oP waterproofed art
lice is made oP, silk embossed with
1E,ycu- must—' I know it has something one of the serrations of the mann
It sweet to see fathers trying to eines often do.more harm than good? -quint' parade,
Baby's Own -Tablets are the mod•: to do with the war. Now,' just let me
give their. children pleasure no mat- ern . stibet2tute for these nauseous think a second I can't quite place it,
ter at what personal sacri$o:e, and we You say Edward Hope got 78 on this
:off doses. They are the very medicine
saw one Friday evening touching
one torpedo after another that ex -
child requires and are so .pleasant one? Oh! 01 course: 'and never
How to Avoid Cancer
ploded with a deafening sound while to talcs that they are as easy to ad• brought to mind,' it was right on the That 'celebrated British surgeon and
his little daughter sat near with her minister as'a glass of water. They kip of my tongue all the time! No? , . , cancer authority, Dr. Robert Bell, M.D.,
lingers in her ears. are the perfect remedy. for all the How;stupid of me! But I know what 'b'•R.P,P.S., &c., voluntarily taeri$ced
minor ailments of little ones; being 'and never brought to mind' is from,
absolutely guaranteed from injurious ?hat's a line from. Tnvectus, What
drugs. was it again, Laura?"
Shoot it you must,this old gray 's Own Tablets accomplish -all
that castor nit and other bad -tasting head.' 'Old gray head—old gray head.'
remedies can do. In fact they accom• Now let me think.... Funny, it's right
push more as they do not leave the 'an the tip of my tongue ... Ohl I be
child exhausted from its struggle
Bove ii a from 'The Charge of the Light
his highly lucrative surgical practice
The trouble with committee `work
e that nobody body does any work.
- An early vacation is advised 1n or-
der to give one plenty of time to 're-
cuperate from it before going to
work. gg Brigade's The next line is:'soma l nor radium has ever cured or will GENTS TO INTRgDVCLr OL1R IInt•
against taking med'iciue: They re -PROVED uUll ty garnient l,lothlns
There is one good thing about a bun dyed. Just iv Cancer. From in knowledge Of the E00se �Bay St1 2oroatotima R. B. young,
horse. You can buy one of 'em with- tion and constipation, break up colds 8 e mea hint.
out any fear that the dealer will and simple Peters and promote health- "'Shoot, if you must, this' 010 gray disease I affirm that the knife has
Theyhead, butspare—," never aired Cancer In a sin ire IRTIiDATE 'WITH 2ep. BRING,
Hood the market with a new mo el fur, refreshing sleep. are sold g1e in- Moon Table Analysis. Alexander,
by medicine dealers or by mail at l6 "Oh, my dear! How perfectly dumb stance; but, on the contrary, has only,.60s 6th Ave„ Room 001,New York,
the next day. cents a box' from The Dr. Williams' of me! Of course—by Francis Scott succeeded in aggravating the dieeaisei GENTS, EITHER 8806, $i6 �L
Somegirls Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Key' 'Shoot, if you must, this old gray and adding o the suffering's of rho' week easy selling Palen rl .,a,..,
g r e will gothrough anythingload, but spare the six him -tired.' Ipoor patienL"
for the right fellow, particularly an - --"
where, after long years of exhaustive
research and practical experience, he
nobly published the following wing state-
ments of vital import to the cancer -
stricken civilized world;—"Cancer is
a blood disease and . its breeding-
ground is the colon. Neither X
Grei•"t' Success Of •
Cantaesium Treatment
A. well-known London Surgeon
and recognises] authority on Can.,
eer has created worldlwid0 inter-
est In the discovery that Canner
is due to' a. deficiency or potassium
"sults" in the body;. which' eanse0
the cells to break down and: be-
come malignant.
In order that; every one may learn
The Real Cause of ,
a remarkable book has been. ape-
daily written.
This book will be sent free to
patients or any ono who is inter-
ested in the most sueoessrul me-
thod of fighting "TEE CANCER
The following is a list of the
1. The Limitations of Surgery. 2.
Soma Doctors Oppose Operations.
8. What
5, Injurious Cooking Methods 0,
Common Errors in Diet, 7, Vital
Elements of Food, 0. Medical Eh
dorseinents of Our Claim. 9. The
Chief Minerals of the Body, 10,
The Thymus Gland. 11. Age When
Lime Begins to Accumulate 12,
Potassium Causes Lime Exoretioq.
13. Great Value or Potassium, 1},
Parts of the Body Liable to
Cancer. 16. Parts Which Are:.8e2-
dom Affected.. 16. How a Doctor
Ca Het
n 17. Ifo
n .f to Avoid eer.
o Death Rate From Can e.
19. Rheumatism,
, GO and -Old Age.
Eo, Rheumatism, Gout and Kindred
W1th this book are a number of
interesting ease -reports, proving
the great value of "Cantassium
Treatment" in various cases. The
treatment is simple and inexpon,
sive, and can be easily taken in
one's own home. Apply for free
book to. Charles Walter, 61 Bruns-
wick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
The great adventure wasn't when
Lindbergh or Columbus crossed the At-
lantic, but.when a 1lttle child locking
up a Hight of stairs decided to olimb
it.—Dean Howard Chandler Robbins,
Alcohol preserves most things, but
tot confidential information,
Classified Advertisements
S, ED to 0011 for the 010 Reliable Fon
hill Nurseries (Eetableshed 90 years
New and special 1 e
P 101 1n big sellers,
si e
elusive e t
errl to
Y. o0mmi s
paid, handsome free octet. Experience
not necessary. Write for full particu-
lars, Toronto 2.
Neve teething Pains, banish indiges• thing, something, d•e-da, de -la, six ever prove of service as a cure for e%Perience unnecessary—demonatrattien
Small boys are a nuisance to the
neighbors. But then, .neighbors are
a. nuisance• to small boys.
Canadian Coke for Canada
Saint John Times -Globe and.):
word, Laura? Don't give It away --just depriving the Public of the abundantly Tells Cause of cancer and what to do
Since the last anthracite 'coal strike //. r.�\ the next :word."
provided organic tolls essential to
the use of coke in Massachusetts has `' tl ;• _ fon pain; bleeding, odor, etc. Write for
increased by to per cent. Already Mora Than She Thought. "'Fla u' country'&—"' health preservation and the aubstitn-lit to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad.
there are rumors of another disagree -g Yoar country a Sag, Ol of what have been. truly described dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital
meet iu the anthracite region, Tho She—"I don't believe you know j 00I'ee—now I've got it! Well- If that ae. "foodless foods" which create a Indianapolis, Ind.
extension of the coke industry in Can- anything about a wonderful extinct s t perfectly ridiculous! 'Shoot, iY superabundance of acids in the human
ada, which' should soon be going for -bird of New Zealand." You must, this old gray head, but spare body, resulting in the new practiealiy
ward upon et great scale should keep He—"I know mere than you think: your country's Hag.' It's one of my'universal complaint of constipation
... ow per-.
featly stupid not to remember it at
on outside fuel resources that are Johnson—"I hear you are about to "That's not all! You left out: 'she • The active irritants contained in
lj' y eco "
knew it all the time. , .. It's not right! 1 Countless thankful patients living
it's by Whittier? Oh, well, Whittier, to -day mourn the pleasing In 1926 of
that's different," Ithe author of the above quoted words
"'Shoot, it you must, this old gray and if Dr. Robert Bell's profoundly
head, but spare—'", I considered warning is no* heeded, it
"Isn't that aggravating, and I know is possible for the public to render
the devastating Cancer Scourge a
mere matter of history
Civilization's diet is responsible :for
it. just as well? 'Da, de -de, da, de -da,
da, da, but spare.' }tin, hm. 'Old gray
head, but spare—' What's the next
0,20 on sight. -Cleans everything like
0910010 Free samples. P. A. Lefebvre &
Co„ Alexandria, Ont.
HOROSCOPE. Your name, your birth- •
date, and $1—will bring complete anal-
ysis. Write today; INSTITUTE OF
ASTROLOGY, P.O. Box 149, Times
Square Station. NEW .YORK.
a great' many. millions of Canadian - - favorite war poems too,H ' that Is the inevitable forerunner of
money at Immo, besides delivering Minard's Liniment for insect bites.
this country from the dependence rup-
Cancer and also of ninety per *suture;
of all civilization's physical maladies.
both costly and uncertain- marry Miss Simpkins, Now tell me said; " ) pills, purgatives and laxatives con• i
—I am. asking for my own guidance— ; "Let's see . , . Did I? 'Da, de -de, da,
It depends largely on the flour you use. We believe
yoil'll welcome this suggestion-- try Purity, the rich, vi
r gorous
Flour from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of
cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread.
Senri30c in .stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook. Book= 261
Western Canada Plots Mille Co. Limited... Toronto, Moatreai; Ottawa, Seat Soho.
Canadian R -ed Cross Society
needs your support of its work for
Soldiers in Hospital
Mothers and Infants
Children in School
TheSickin the Home
Sufferers through Disaster.
Picase Send Your Contributions to
410 S'herbourne St., Toronto'5
biped with their only partial relief,
what did you say to her when she
this old gray ra, but da, re, da -da flag,' caused Dr. Robert Bell to soundly;
mentioned the subject of marrying?" .she said,' 'You're quite right, Laura.' condemn their use as being injurious
Biggs—"I simply said 'Yes, dear.' 1Don't look It up—I know it perfectly. ! and dangerous. The method of cur
,Only givemehalf on that one, 7 took Mg constipation without drugs is Ns-
I believe that the meet important too long to deserve full credit... Ask closed In the Tats book preserved to the
day to a child's Zile is the first.—Dr. me another." , writer by Dr. Belt, whose advice is'
W. A. Potts.
—Jack Cluett. 'quoted In the writer's copyrighted
dietary which is mailed without charge',
1 to every Canadian end American pur-
chaser of the English home Cancer;
treatment. Detailed information con-' 'AV
cerndng tine treatment la also freely
mailed on application to Charles:
Walter at 61 Brunswick Avenue, To-
ronto 4, Ontario, Canada.-(Advt,) f
Something, Anyway
Kingston Whig -Standard (Lib.):
Much as the ways of the girls of to- Mrs. Dayman Gives Lydia
day are• criticized as 1hersior to the E. Pinkham's Vegetable
standards of their mothers' girlhood,
it must be conceded that in at least { ,Compound the Credit
one important respect they have eE-)
fected a marked improvement: They
wear prettier and more sensible Colborne, Ontario. -"'When I was
clothes, first married I was very thin and
Eager to file on certain blocks. of land in the Burnt Land district, west of
Red Deer, Alberta, these three men, John Pohaneon, Sorgus Jorgenson and
C. W. Long who already have farms in that diatriot, took up their positions
on the stepe.of the land oilice Monday morning, May 23, and remained the e
until the morning of June 8 when Hie land wee thrown open for filing. A
chilly north-east wind making them shiver, they erected a shelter made been
a carpet within which they placed their bed roils. C. W. Long was caught
by the eamora es • he occupied the chair by the door on his tour of sentry.go.
They were not after' (be SOME piece of land and 'therefore worked in co-
operation, delioving each other for, meals and during sleep hours. The photo-
graph shows the eagerness with which land is snapped up along the lines of
the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Spread Minard'e on brown paper
and apply to the throat. Also in-
hale. Quick relief assured,
Keep Minard's Liniment near at hand.;
I do not mind saying "damn" me
self, for one has to 'call a seeds a
spade sometimes. --The Arebdeacon of
l Bedford.
I I'd rather have a big fellow any day
;in the week than one of these sardine
ball players, — Wilbert Robinson,
Brooklyn Nationals, . 1.
weak. The doctor
said I was weak
and would never.
he able to have a .
child' but I did,
and from the time
my baby came
I suffered all Mg
ti' time and doctored
and took medi-
cine. Life became
a burden and doc-
tors said an oper-
ation could help
Tae, but my husband was opposed to
that. I had seen Lydia E. •'inkham's
medicine advertised so I told my hus-
band that I thought I would try it,
that I might get some relief. I
had not, taken one bottle when 1
could feel it: helping me. -.I took
live bottles and had better health.
Now I' have three girls and ahoy and •
have done my' work up to confine-
went. I am now at the Change of
Life and owe my good health to Lydia'
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I
take a bottle when I think i need it." -
Mrs. SUSAN DAYMAN, R. R. No, 5,
Colborne, Ontario.
Sold by druggists everywhere. 0
ISSUE No. 27—'27.