The Seaforth News, 1927-06-23, Page 7July 3rd, 1.9 27
pi' Sunday, July 3, at the hour of 2.30;in
the afternoon, tfirror the coasts of the Atlantic
ocean tofisc coasts of the Pacific ocean, . the
llkOrraih on. of Canada are invited
XD���D�e ®� t�ka2...
�, to 'assemble and •participate en an exppres, ,son
of 'Thanksgiving which will be enation -wide.
- The selectionsbrelow",have been made and issued, by the National Cont-
reitteerfor,the Celebratioiibr the Diamond Jubilee of Couledotatiou; with a
very{ to providiug an. order of proceedings which' may be, renewed in all
is of the Do pinion and whiclt•tviil permit of partici/jet'lon in the National.
tiksgivin ebY Lho'peoile as a whole.
' will be for provincial and loctl committees es to make the arranpom n
neee sai'y to the assembling of.• the people in their respective communities;
vend to the ensuring of due precision in the time and order of the proceed.
At the capital of the Dominion, Their Excellencies the Governor
cenerae and Viscountess Willingdon, the L'rimo.Minister and Meti:Omen of
the Cabinet, Members Of the Privy Council, tbe;local Members of ParIia-
morit and of the °uteric LegislLturce, the Mayor and Mombere of the Coun-
cli of the City of Ottawa, and other pnbitc, liereonage,, together with the
heads of all religious denominations, will be asked to take a central position
immedlately in front of the entrance to the Houses et Parliament. Ate
nouncentent of the several solecttons will be male by His Excellency The
Clovernor General, and participation In the singing or reoitgl thereof will be
aided by such facilities as the Local Celebration Committee may decide,
e At the dentals of the several Provinces it is proposed that gatherings
siitt!lar in character Lake place immediately in front of their respective
Legislative Buildings, Lhe Lieutenant Governors to 'be responsible tor the
order of proceedings.
In Canada the municipal systemlies at the very basis of its paella.'
mentary institutions, It is therefore proposed that in cities, towns acid vil-
lagos .other titan capitals elle National Thankrglving proceedings sheulci be
accorded a relationship to the Municipality similar to that given it- at the
several Capitals. No settlement or hamlet in the Dominion is too small or
too remote to participate °f!tcially in the National Thanksgiving.
Whilst the order of proceedings hero sot forth ie one which it is hoped
may bo followed in all parts of the Dominion, it Is recognized that•additions
thereto, or subtractions therefrom may bo deemed advisable by, local Com-
mittees; also that substitution of other numbers' lor'those printed may be
necessary, especially where translations are required. it ie therefore under-
stood that alteration of this kind may be made wbenever local Committees
so decide. .The person presiding shall announce the several numbers in the
order oe proceedings and road aloud the explanatory passages, With tete
exception of the .fleet and Iast numbers, the singing should, where possible,
bo. proceeded by the playing of the air ey accompanying, musical i,netrn-
ments as arranged -for by the- local Committees. To facilitate unisonein the
• rasseges to be read aloud, sada ntethodS shall be followed. as local Commit-
tees may arrange for in advance.
Order of Proceedings
Precisely at 2,10 in the afternoon, (local Lime) the proceedings shall
All present shall sing..
TUNE -pine HUNDREDTH. L.M. Key of G.
Praise God from whom all blessings flew;
Praise Tilos, nil rreatut'ss hero below;
Praise Him ;cbove, pe'heaviouly host;.
4 Prail:e Father, Son and IIoly 0:08. Amon.
To be road by the person presiding.
It is appropriate that tb0-firet note of. Thanksgiving should also bo
commemorative of the early pioneers and settlers who by their labors laid
the foundations of our nation: Thewoi'ds of the following hymn have been
Bung through - many, generattuns and in many lands. They acquire a new
sigulflcanca•-as-they e1Nl to -mine the trials and privations oe those heroic
men ant! women Who, in deep forest or lonely clearing, Made the "Mat Cate
than homes. Leas'btg behind meet' of :.heir owe kin audefx•teuds. end alto
lieeurities and comforts of civilization, they brought with thoma highcnui•-
u:gtkritrm endurance, and an abiding faith in the God tlteir't°athori.
Then obeli be sung by all present.
, TUNE—MARTYRDOM. C:fl. • Five Time.
:-No. '2.
0 God of'Bethel! by whor) hand '
Thy people still aro !'ed;.
Who through tilts weary Pilgrimage
Hast' all our fathers loci:
Our vows,' aur prayers, we now present
Before Thy throne -of grace: "
God .01 our fathers! be the God
Of their succeeding nice,
Through each perplexing path of lite
Our wandering ;footsteps guide;
.Give us each day, our daily, broad,
And raiment itt provide.
0 spread, Thy covering wiegs around,
Tin all our wanderings cease.
And at our Father's loved aboJe
Our 80019 "arrive - in peace.
Ther. -shall he read 'aloud 'b'y all presetit.
No o.
O be" jn; fnl to the . orcl all ye lands;'.
• Serve :the. Lord. with gladuoso and' conic b: forci.1^.Iis presence we k a; -song,
Be yea suee teat..the Lora He is God; .
it is Ho that hetee eriede ne,-anci ,not" we our ielyes;
'We are Iee people, -aud . the sheep of Hie pasture,
O go jeour way into His gates evltit thanksgiving and into Iris .Courts with
Be thankful unto Hem and speak good of.Slis name:
For the. Loid Is 'gracious, His Mercy :is everlasting
'And )lis" truth'-ouduretli from generation etc geneeation.
,To be read by the person presiding.
The text of the Lords Prayer as here sot f011.11 15 as used at the open-
ing of each day's proosedings in the Parliament of Canada by tIte Speaker
of the Commons and the speaker a• the Senate.
Then shall be said by all present.
No. 4.
Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed ho Thy name. Thy King-
dom come. Thywill be cion in Flartb, me it is in heaven. Give us this clay
,our. daily, bored.- And forgive - us our trespasses, no we forgive themthat
trespass against os. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from
evil, --Amen,
To be read by the person presiding.
Tho value and interest of history are derived ihtoflyfrom the lives and
services of the :nen whom it commemorates. Without these the progress
of the nation would be little worth recording. - Upon this day of Nationrel
Thauitsgiving it is fitting to recall' the entiuent services of the fathers of
Confederation, through whose efforts the scattered Provinces of Canada
have been united under one constitution, Our appreciation of their great-
ness increases with the, passing years. To follow in thoir-L'ootsteps in de-
voted service to oer country is the highest tribute we owl pay to their
Memory. Expression is -given to this tribute in the words o1 the following
No. G.
Then stall bocung by all present.
TUNE -T, ANNE. C.M. Third Tune,
Lord. while for all- mankind we pray
Of every clime and coast,
0 hear us for our native land,
Tho Iand we love the most:
Our fathers' sepulchres are hero,
And here our kindred dwelt,
Our children too;—how should we love
Another land so well?
O guard our shores from every foe;
With peace our borders bless,
With-preapeI'nus times our cities crown,
Our leads with. plenteousness.
Unite us in the sacred love
ct1 knowledge, ,truth,. and Thee;
.r .! Ie1 our hills andvalleys shout
The songs of liberty.
Lord of the nations, thus to Thee
Our country we commend;
Be Thou our refuge and our trust,
Our everlasting Friend. :Amen.
Then shall be read aloud by all present.
No, 6. r
f Therefore tlsou shalt keep the Commandments of the Lord thy God, to
walk in His ways and to fear. atm.
For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land; a land of brooks
of water, of fountains, and depths that spring out of the valleys and .
A land or wheat, and barley and vines, and lig trees, and pomegranates;
a land of oil, olive and honey;
A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not
lack anything iu it; a laird whose stones are re.,,aud out of whose hills
thou mayest dig brass;
When thou hast eaten and; alt tell, thou thou shalt bless the Lord thy
Cod tor the good which He hath given thee. Beware that thou
forgot tot the Lord tby God, in notkeepingHie 'Commandments, and
Hie Judgment; and Ills Statutes.—Deet. viii. 6-11. -'
B. Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be My people; and
',walleye In all Lhe ways that have commandsd'you, that it may be web
unto you,—,lora vii„ 23.
lit honour thy rather anti thy mother, as the Lord thy God Bath command-
ed thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and •that it may go well with .
.. thee, in the laud When' the Lord thy God givoth thee,—Dent, v., 16.
iv. - And what cloth the L,orcl require o1 thee, .but to do justly and to love
• mercy, and to,walk humbly with thy God. -Micah v -t., 8.
v, if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul;
then shall thy Llght,iiee in obscurity, and thy darkness bo as noon day;
and the Lord Khali guide thea •continually.--lsa. lviii•, 10=11.
vl. Those are the Statutes and Judgments, which ye shall observe to do in
the land, which the Lord God o1 thy fathers giveth thee lo possess it,
all the days that ye live upon the earth. -Dont. xii,, 1.
To be read by the person presiding.
' Ali this day of National Thanksgiving it ie especially appropriate that
wo should peep: in remembrance those brave men and women who have
made the Supreme Sacrifice Meth°,service of our country. ice cannot more
worthily commemorate -their memory than in prayer that we, the living,
may: derive strength and courage to hold fast the principles or service and
freedom for which they died.
Here shall bo,eounded
To be followed by.' a minute of complete silence, .a.t4 the conclusion of tho
minute of eilertce
"—Sean Shall: be sung by alt present
ELDERS., Second Tune,
No. 7-.
Tb.rough dust of conflict and through battle -flame;
Tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved,
Your memory hallowed in the Land you loved."
Proudly you gathered, rank on rank to war,
As ti -ho had heard God's message from afar;
All you had hoped for; all you had, you gave
To save Mankind—yourselvee you scorned to :Ave.
Splendid you passed, tho groat surrender made,
Into the light that nevermoreshall fade;
Deep your contentment in that blest abode,
Who wait the last clear trumpet -call of God.
To be read by the person presleing.
On February 11, 1027, a Select Committee of the Canadian house of
Commons reported "that it ie desirable' that the business of the House be
opened, each clay, by prayer to Almighty God to invoke His blessings upon
its deliberations," Save as to the italicized parts, rendered necessary
through its adaptation to the present occasion, the text of the. following
prayer is that of a portion of the prayer as since road by the Honourable
the Speaker of the House of Commoots.
Then shall be sald by all present.;
No. 8.
"lelost Gracious God, we humbly beseech Thee
especially for. this Dominion, and herein more particularly for the Governor
General, the Senate, and the House of Commons, in their legislative
capacity, as also toe alt legislatlye and municipal bodies in the discharge
of their public duties; that Thou wouldst be pleased to 'direct and prosper
all their consultations, to the advancement of Thy: glory,' the safety, honour
and welfare of our Sovereign' and Elis Dominions, that all things may be
eo ordered and settled by their endeavors, upon the best and surest founda-
tions, that peace and happiness, truth, a••9 justice, religion and piety, may
beestablished among us for all general s a Amen.
Then -shall be read aloud by all present.
No, 9.
No. 10.
No. 11.
No. 12.
God be merciful unto us, and bless us;
Andecause His face to shine upon us;
That Tlty way may be known upon earth,
Thy saving health among all nations.
Let the people praise Thee, 0 God;
Let all the people praise Thee.
0 let the nations be glad and sing for joy:
For Thou shalt judgethe people righteously,
And govern the 'nations upon earth.
Lot the people praise Thee, 0 God;
Let all the people praise Thee.
Then shall the earth yield tier increase;
And God, even our own God,'shail bless us.
God shall bless us;
And all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.
Then shall be sung by all present.
MORNING LIGHT. G. J. Webb, 1803.37,
From ocean unto ocean
Our land shall;own Thee Lord,
And Tilled 'With -tree d'ev'otion,
Obey Thy sovereign word^
Our prairies and our .mountains,
Forest• and fertile doll,
Our rivers, lakes and fountains,
To Thee shall tribute yield. Amen.
Then shall be sung by; all present.
O Canada! Our. Home and Native Lanai
True in all thy sons eommaud.
WIth.;:glnwiug.huarts wa:!sste thete'rise,
The'., True 'North, strong '•aiitr tree,
And stand ele guard, 0 Canada,
We: stand on guard for thee,
G Canada, glorious and tree!
• Wo stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee!
0 Canada, we stand on guard fol` thee!
Then shall bo sung by all present.
God save our gracious King,
Long live our . noble King,
Gocceave the King: - -
Send: .Hint victorious,
Happy and: glorious,
Long to reign' over us;
God save the King.
Let -Nothing Intefere With Your Arrangements
for Joining hi Canada's Birthday
Party Festivities.
e On Friday, July lot, Canada cele- In the 'smaller centres lacrosse,
les iter sixtieth Birthday. Every' baseball and competitive sports have
'eand loyal banal i,an should trove, been arranged,,,while many prominent
sons aro v :shin; he scenes of their
and Ito clonb has, plane for participa- chilabeed to plant trees and to par
ing in that glad event. From Sidney,
i pe Breton, to Dawson," Yukon, true
Canadians are entering inti the spirit
of theday aed aro either• actively en-
gaged in promoting the celebration
through workon one or mooe of the.
many entertainment committees , or
else planning to participate' us n
cheering onlooker.
Pageants, . unveiling of commemor-
ative ;tablets and memorials, public
speeches, folk dances, old -onto re-
unions will be the order of ;the day.
Every band in thecountry will'. be,
doing its utmost to stir the patriotic
sentiment of our people.In the large
centres, well organized' parades with
floats representative of :present pro-
gress or rominieeent of bygone days
aro all ready to make their appear-
ticiptite in aha celebration ceremonies.
Don fires and fireworks ace allready
for the night of July let and granted
good weather it is anticipated' that
beacon fires' will flash from headland
to headland across our country from,
coast to coast. The revival of this odd
time custom of flashing news by bee,
coil is expected to add 7uite a':spec-
tacular appearance to ,the night . of
July 1st,
Duo to the efforts of..tho committee
in charge of the Diamond Jubilee
Celebration, the suggestions they have
Made and the whole -hearted support
they, have received,.froin all quarters,
we feel surto that the commemoration
of July 1st, -1927, will go down in
history as'ateinspiretion to the patrl
otism of our people, espeolally the
Let the ihiidren Color Canada's Einblem,
young, so that they will .appreciate
a consciousness of. healthy Can
adianisnr, ;and while joining in a na-
tional celebration may they join in a
spirit of uatiorual' unity arising,
above and ; beyond party affilia-
tion and the narow confines of race
or creed, making our country's birth-
day the symbol of a closer -knit, kind-
lier Canadian people rejoicing in: the
heritage of, Ganadlaniem and all for
which it stands.
r. , !
(Passed Unanimously by the House otE; Commons and
the Senate, Ottawa, April 14, 1927.)
"Resolved, that as Canada is approaching the sixtieth
anniversary of her founding as a Dominion, the Parliament
of "Canada place on 'record its deep appreciation of the
achievements of the Fathers of Confederation, and with
united voice express its faith and confidence in the future of
this our country, and its development as a member of the
British Commonwealth of. Nations, owing allegiande to His
Majesty the King.
"It is the earnest wish of Parliament that the Diamond
Jubilee Celebration for which plans are now being rapidly
:natured shall commemorate appropriately and enthusiastic-
ally the accomplishment' of Confederation and the ,subsequ-
ent progress of the Dominion. We trust that this cotnmem-
Oration will lend added inspiration to the patriotic fervsar
of our people, and afford a clearer vision of our aspirations
and .icleals; to the end that from sea to sea there may be
developed a robust Canadian spirit, and -in all things Cana-
dian profounder national unity."
Port Chalnbly, Quebec
Fort Chansbly, twenty miles south-
west of Montreal 011 a conepicuou1,
headland of the Richelieu river, is
a most picturesque and inteiesting
ruin. ' The first Feet .Chambly was
erected by the French in 1666 and thp.
building of the:prosant structure wag
begun in 1709. In 1881 the fort was
I abandoned as a military post and in p
1921 was placed under v tierthec
are of the
Canadiaan. National Parks Branch of
the. Department of the Interior to be
preserved as a valuable memorial of
the early nijlitary history of Canada.
It, is near^'some 'f Quebec's main high-
ways; and is vis! ed by many motorists
every year.
'. WarSCar+e Resting
Europe Breathes Again. A
Boiling Pot Cools Down
Relations between Poland and Rus -
ria appear from despatches. to have
1 been, temporal•ily at least, patched
up by Poland's acceptance of Russia's
three demands. .Jugo-Siavia and Al-
bania still leek "at ..each .other askance
while Italy and. France watch the
situation with interest: Europe does
not seem even yet to have learned
its lesson: that it is impossible to
carry lighted matches into powder
magazines: ' Pseudo statesmen will
"monkey with the buzz -saw" of na-
tional dignities, and sooner or later
drastic action , will be taken by the
came hotheads that may cause an-
other Armageddon. On the League of
Nations rests the, hope of,•a peaceful 1
future. Mussolini talks of:building
a future Italian war machine, hie 1
authority having apparently •gooseto
his:. head when hepicturesItaly bak-/
ing a foremost place in the Europeani
arena by the strength of her arnta-•I
Ireland is rapidly' assuming norm -1
alcy as Cosgravc's (Government) ma-.
JoritY gradually y becomes stronger as
the intricate election return; are inter-
Still more rnurders are reportoi 1
(or "executions" as they are called in
that land•of liberty). Some 46 have.
been done to death 'as enemies of the.
Soviets. ..
Canada's Minister of Trade, Hon.
Jas. Malcolm, made an excellent ins-
pression in his recent address in Lon- ,
don. Unemploymteutcontinues to lin- 1
prove. The Anglo-Egyptian crisis ,
has apparently been averted. '
Lindebergh, while having passel ,
from the headlines, will livelong in ;
the memory of this generation as a
sterling national character, Even the `
great ovation accorded him failed• to
dispel his inherent modesty. Hio fu -
'cure 'will be watched with great in- '
terest by all. It is hoped he will
accept an invitation to visit Ottawa
during our July 1st celebrations.
Washington.—U.S. Treasurer Mel-
lon is reported to have had .a rather
busy . day Thursday - last when the
treasury turn -over was about $1,138,-
1,138;000,000." About $378,000,000 was paid
out on matured certificates of itidebt-
edness and $70,000,000 interest dis-
bursed. More than balancing these
outputs were receipts of approximate-
pproximat -ly $100,000,000 of tax payments, $200,-
000,000 subscriptions to the new bond
issue announced early this moth. and
$89,000,000 due from ford:re govern-
ments on account of debts,
The Treasury's b-alanoe will an -
proximate 240,000;040. Did Mr. Mal-
lon work overtime, wo wonder?
Winnipeg, ,A maniac supposed sed t'.
have left a trail of brutally murdered
wotnen across the United States. did
two iancoent victims to death 111 W ia-
nipeg. After a four-day hunt, he is
behind the 'bars, The question now
naterapy arises what to ;do-wiah;lum:
If hopolossly'mentally deranged should
he be exwuted or iuoarcerated for
life, and if the latter, should Canada
or. the United States (his native coun-
try)' shoulder the .expellee of his fu-
ture. Eighteen victims aro credited
his mania in the States., extendiit✓;
from the,"Cpast to Detroit over a per-
iod of two years.' '
Rumor still holds out hope that
Nungesser and Coli'mny still be alive
in North.Quebee. Searcbl,perties are
scouring the section from whence the
rumor eminated. 'Everyone hopes
against hope these French heroes may
be found alive and unharmed.
Miss SSin'lense Cartier; only surviv
lug daughter of Sir George lOtiet ne
Cari-let, cue of the Fathers ' -of Gonted-
eiraltion, n'ht came to Canada 'a few
dstys ago as tate &nea.t of the White
Star Line to attend the ceremonies in
Ganda in commotion with the jubilee
of Confederation,
"7Dleotrieit," Would have :been tie•
taunted a' are In tho Middle
Ages," says a writer, In other wocrde,
awl lchoral t,
The Bore—"And what ate your
Views on suicide?" itis VicUra
"foo danOrous."