The Seaforth News, 1927-06-23, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 23r 1927. •' PORK ':AND BEANS is an appetizing dish, even. ,for thosewho are mot hungry. There is one essential, .•' however,- - :in • king;;an ideal dish,of: it. The right rk:, must- ave tit the 0 g vor r aid we pride_ Ourselves s tlisit weknow how to supply just the right cut for tliepur'pose, Try it mice, You'll want it often. Phone 58 Seaforth, STER WA T YoUP Btftcher.' ' hate hainrStore :toes Our Prices for:. One Week Soap Chips is 3 for 5c Raspberry and Strawberry Jam certified pure 3s in;glass 58c Tiger Catsup, pints, 2 for 25e Waxed Paper, 50 sheetsin pack- age 3' for. 25e RedPitted Cherries, Tin 25c -PURITY FL'OT7'R - One 98 lb. obitg'for=e '� 4,80 and b P g o1 1 20 a ,e 'Cook `'Bdok worth 30e foe (Only one book to each family) Ross-.po . J•:S•.w at Phane 8 W • phone 77 ' t art Sew The• Dairy Farmer is assured of good markets the whole yearfor his Dairy Products. Increaseour Dairy Herd: and enlarge your batik ac- count: _... g count, . •They will not fail you. ,:.. Produce onlycream ,of the best quality and send your a Y cream to us either through our Agent's or deliver direct. We will assure you'of our very best services and highest prices. ` wCream• When you need a neSeparator see the.(NEW NIELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal. Seaforth Creamery Co. ,Seaforth; Ont. C. A. BARBER,, Prop. ; . Et Vii . J. Walker & Son UNDERTAKING -and-- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma ank license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. JUST TO REItIND. YOU., of "Pinkney's family Loaf' The. wrapped bread • Its worth your while • to give it a trial, Buns, Cakes, Pastries. Etc. Phone 70 -Prompt Delivery Come and inspect our Bakery at your • own convenince ROY S, PINKNEY Dick Block-Seaforth. D. H McInnes chiropractor Of'Wingham, will be at the ~'Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday . Afternoons Diseases. of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used,. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ETC. REPAIRED ALL WORK GUARANTEED Service Satisfactory Work Promptly Done. J. A. Wegtcoit Watclila.taker and Jewi•ler Opposite W. A., Crich'S Chas. A. Iiowey J Teacher of Piano, Organ and Theory Summer 'Courses • Starting Now Residence ---Church Street This ny �ai'A �� .8. '4iJ.,i ,rpt► tear If you motor, remem- berto look;":on the ]3e11 Telephone office' in any: town or ;city of Ontario or Quebec ' as. a .fine: place to get reliable information' about roads, road conditions, detours, hotel accommodations, etc. The nature ' of- his - ' i business.compels the Bell Telephone Man- ager to know his surround- ing territory thoroughly. He has recently received a supply of roadmaps, book- lets, etc., Called upon quite fre- quently to answer all ' kinds of questions for vacationists and tour- ists, he has an almost unique ability to help them, and thus to make their 'trips more enjoyable:. 451 A Remedy '£or Earache, -To have the earache is to endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it,considering it worlc for a. doctor. Dr. Thomas' tEciectaic Oil offers a simple remedy; ,A few drops upon 'a 1piece of lint or medicat- ed 'cottoh •and plalced in the ear will do touch in relieving pain. ,TOWN TOPICS ,Government engineers have been placing stakes to -reduce the 'sharp curves df jog in the highway we st of . iHa ur rp hey, in preparation for Paving, which work will be completed this year, it is understood. The high- way paving, 'the "extending of the pavement on Ibot'h•rnds of Main street by the county, and the 'widening of the north road to Grieve's bridge, 'makes al big road program•in Seaforth. vicinity this year. Mr. Arnold .Turnbull, B,A.,left last week to take a position With the Im- perial Life Assurance 'Cotnpany in Toronto. lMr, Malcolm J. Armstrong is pre- siding at departmental exams at 'Tees - water this week,I before leaving for Queen's 'Un'iversity, Kingston, for, the summer !course,: and will attend, ` un i - versit next term. 'Before -.leaving, 'Malcolm was presented with a beau- tiful 'croc with leather case by his in pupils L,uck now continuation school, and a volutne - of Words - worth's Works by the ILucktiow pub- lic school ;pupils, last Friday. The Provincial Savings Office:Wjn (1ow ' e 1t ' o ralns''a handsome tis la of P y prizes:for the ib'o"ler ' •torn w s u aanen't P to b.e (held. Wednesday, June 29th, Itfr.. and Mrs. A.: D•. Aiimstrong• and Mr. and heirs, Robert MciKinley :at- tended the 'funeral of their - Ibrotlter- in-law, near IBaylfield;on Tuesday. • '.Mr, and ]Mrs R. E. 'Nicholson and their daughter, Mr -s. Farrar, of (Hali- fax, Ingland, acid Mr. and' Mrs, G. A. Ainslie' Of ILeamingtoh, are guests of their neice and cousin, Mrs, J, B. Ty-. erman.' - Mr: and skis. Frank: •Burns;' Mrs. Pelton and Miss T. Kilgour •of Listo- wel; visited relatives in town on San- -day. 'Mr. and las. R. E,i'Caates are visit• ing in Guelph -this week..., - B Miss ppoi(Mollyntefiddelperto•tire ,•oE TSeaforthoronto,'C, hoasleen a- legiate staff' as specialist in Mod- erns, Miss Helper hold a Prince of Wales scholarship and also ..a First Edwarir.B'lake !Scholarship and comes highly recommended: 'Miss Hazel Elcoat sails' this week for a vacation trip to Europe. Miss Elcoat, who has been a nnentlbcr of Woodstock 'Collegiate staff, has just received, appointment to the staff of the Eastern !High School of 'Cora - coerce, Toronto commencing in, Sep- tember.. ' Mr. and lMrs. Irving Sutherland and children of Owen Sound, are guests at the home of Mrs. Suther- land's father, Mr. J. M: Wilson. Miss Mary !Laing is home- from Milverton for the vacation. Mrs. (:Rev.) Marshall and Miss He- len Marshall, of :Hamilton, are .guests at the home orf, Mr. and Mrs, P, M. Chesney. Miss Beth ]Hood and Miss Ella Mitchell of Grand Forks, North Da- kdta, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Holbert 'Porterfield. Mrs. A. ID. Sutherland is visiting friends in Toronto, Mrs. Kimberly and Miss Davina Johustpne, of !Buffalo, are guests df Mr, and Mrs, A, .Barton-. „ „ Mrs. H. Little, and 'Mrs. S. Strach- an, and little daughter June, of Wing - ham, visited last eek with Mrs. Geo. !Brownlee and are visiting in Goder- ich and IBayifield'this week.,'Mrs. Stra- chan and Mrs.•Brownlee spent Friday in Exeter. The ladies of St. Thomas' Church are holding'a, sale' , of (tome -trade cooking on Friday at 3 o'efock; in the vacant store north of Box's ice-cream parlor. noir, and Mrs, Martin .'Thornton and children, of Henlfryn, visited Mrs. Robt, Ritchie and. family arid.Mr, and \'frs,•E. J. Humbey on Sunday, Mr, and Mns. •Saint. Swan and 'fanc- ily, Messrs, Dave and James, Sproul, James McIntyre, 'Herb. Stothers, Jas. Cameron, of Dungannon, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Barlow on Wednesday 'last and attended -.the races. Mrs, G. Wade and Mrs. Wm. Mac- Donald, of aStratford, were guests of 'Miss Jennie MdBride over- the week- end. ' AJeanette Wilson, of London, was a guest.at the home of her father, Mr. J. A. Wilson. (Miss Jessie +Bethune leaves this week to sepnd the summer 'with her sister in .Vernon, IBC. ]Bliss Cuthill left on Monday to spend the summer with her brother in Seattle, .W!ash Sirs W, tAnteut is visiting friends !n ::Detroit. Mt•, and 'Mrs. Jaanes Harris, Pres- ton; Mr, and Mrs, Will Corp, H+amil- ton; and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Cleve- land, were wgekend guests df Mr. and 'Mrs,'. John .Love, Mrs, !Corp is Mrs. Love's sister, - Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and Miss ;Jeanette Wilson spent Sunday In St. Marys. lsfiss Dorothy 'Wilson returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. E. Chamberlain am on a amotor trip to Niagara. Miss ,FJt'inalbeth Smith, of Ottawa, is a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W, E. Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Wright andMasterJack Wright, of Toronto, and Mr. J. Hodskin,.df Ottawa, were weekacnd guests of Mr, and Mrs, R. Murless. Jones. Mrs. Mdlougall, of -Toronto, is the guest of the ,Misses !Stephens. ,Mrs. I. Modeland and Miss rMarY Modeland are visiting friends in Stratford. : 'Miss Asinan, df the Collegiate staff, left onSaturday for her home in Toronto, from whence she will sail in company with her, mother on July 2nd for Europe. They intend spend- ing a pending`a year with relatives in "Switzer- land, where 'Mis Asnian intends tak- ing a spelcial ,course in languages. ''Miss Margaret Cltittenden, of To- ronto, is .visiting relatives in town. Dr, 'arid Mrs, Lane, of (Sault 'Ste, Marie were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs: Thomas 'Dickson. •Mrs Moiler(, o'f'Toronto, is a 'guest at the hoarse of Mr. and lobs. I. G. Holden. •Mr. DaItou; Reid spent the week - "coil at his hone here. • THE SEAFORTH :NEWS The Se'alfortlt stores •have 'decided to, 34r•. and Mrs, Wim, Rattentbury: this remain - week. en •i open on Saturday , July 2nd • for Ate convenience of the`; public, al- Mr. IRobt diothan has returned to thotig'h it has' been declared a Gov- his home in Brucefield after an_alli- f 1 t uce'of " few•m non account f eminent Hent holid' se a the ac of t o d0 Y Dr. add Mrs, HarburnnissEvCl t illness. Harburnand Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Jas. Moodie spent the week- ' +L. Porteous ;motored to Brantford and end with friends in Goderich. Waterford to visit friends .:and iota- The -,marriage took place at Bruce- tives over the week -end. field 'manse, on June 15th, by Rev. W, Mrs. Balfour, gf Sault Ste. Marie, A,113remner, of Lorna Isabel, daughter is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, of Mr. Win. Aikenhcad, Brucefield, to J, Muir. Maxwell James Kelly, son of. Mr. J, Mrs. James Cameron, of Regina, is D. Kelly, Pf Lakeside, a visitor at the home of her parents,. Mr: Robt. Marks, of Oberlin,'Kan- Mr. and !Mrs. W. J. Walker. sis, spent the week -end with Miss Mrs. J. R. IHabkirkwas in Hensall visiting 'friends. Mrs, Clen. Colbert, of London, is a visitor at her :home ' here. The jubilee service entitled "Can- ada forhrist" i c l !i C , n e ebration of the sixtieth anniversary olf (confederation' I will be held in ' the Presbyterian, rest kerion 5a_ Y b bathch S ool on Sunda 'morningun 26th, at 9:45 sharp, Short (patriotic ad- dresses will be given by the ;pastor, Dr. IF. H, Larkin, Thos. McMillan, ,James •i52ullen, suint., aind Mr. Willkam'Knechtel.• Visitors are cord- ially invited to attend: 14i C. ..� rs, �I. 'Else, orf Detroit is spending a few weks at -the hoirie of her .parents, Mr., and Mrs. Robert ..Archibald, 'James street, (before join- ing her husband at French River and !Georgian 'Eay, 'where they mill spend the sulmnier Mr. 'Fed Aiicbibald, of Jarvis, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and 'Mrs, Andrew Archibald. Af- ter presiding at examinations in Hag- ersville,, (Fred will go to .Toronto to stark papers. . . Margaret Marks and Mr. and Mrs. 17tm, Rattenlbury, He' lefft for his home on Monday and was to 'meet his son in Detroit, •Miss Mayne Swan has returtied home after spending the past month with her sister, Mrs. 'Chas. Hand„ of Toronto: (Mrs.'- Hand and son are now visiting at her home . t o ghere g a The Y. P. meeting held Sunday, +June: 1 th 'wasunder the leadership of the Citizenship convener,, ,Miss Kathleen Snider. ,Avery _interesting discussion on the Leaguo of,Vations was led Iby Alex. Addison and; Mr.; (Bremner. Others `taking part werc Miss' mid n 'Steak - ',mute. Aline' 'Mustard a d ffr a house. Next Sunday . evening ';fhere 'Will. •a song service under tlie•lead= ership of (Miss 'Eleanor.'Snider; old and new hymns will be sung and vio- lin and vocal selections will make this a worth -while meeting. • Mrs, Thompson, pf Whitby - and' Miss Ormiston, of Coluittbus, were, visitors', ` at ,theh Amine of •Mrs. J. Watson. Miss 'Irene Snider, of London( Ii' 'Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Neil have been hone for a week's' vacation. visiting:. in Detroit and Ingersoll. 'Miss Isabel Souter, teacher of They also attended the' Neil reunion Sioux Look -out contintiation school, held at •London on Tuesday, • is home for a short vacation. Mr. William Blair, a former Stan- leylboy, now of 'Fair Grove, Mich:; called on a number of .his friends and relatives last week, A number of boys attended +Guelph Farrar on Tuesday as it was Farmer's Day for (Huron County, itrucefield U.F,O. unloaded two carloads r of coal at ;Brucefield station this week. ' Miss Anna M. Haugh left for Mus- kolca last Friday. 'Oo'me and see'. the exciting game of softballtbetween Brucefield and Varna Friday night at 6:30. • ' • Miss' (Mary. Stewart has resigned her school in Stanley tp. , •Miss':Barlbara McKeever spent, Sun day with Mrs. Goldie !Graham. Mr.. and Mrs, Thomas Campbell, and daughter, (Miss Jean, spent Sun- day in Bayfield. Mr, and Mrs. James Thompson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar - !tents: ;Of news always welcome. • McHILLOP.. Quite a number of sports in the surrounding country took in the !circus held in London on Wednesday of last week. They report having an All time. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, MacKay and. family. of Tuckerstnith, motored to the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Clark, near Winthrop, ,and spent Sunday.• The many friends of Mr.' and Mrs. John .Beattie will. be sorry to hear of their recent illness but hope to hear of a speedy recovery BRUCEFIELD. Stanley Pioneer Passes. -Quite a number from !Brucefield attended the fuaerai df Mr. Duncan`McEwan, end concession Stanley, Tuesday after- thur McEwen.; noon. Mr. MdEwan passed away on Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson spent Sunday morning after a. 'week's ill-Mr. with Miss and Mr. John Mc- mess. Be was born eighty years ago Ewen, of Bayfield road. in Beckwith township, Lanark Com- !Miss •Edna Thompson, of •Stratford' Normal school, is spending the holi- days at her home here. Mr, Leonard Boyce, who has :been attending London Normai school, is home for the 'holidays. • Will those not having done so, who wish to order fall !bulbs, kindly send in their order by June 30th to the secretary n' of the Horticultural So- ciety. ciety The fall bulb shipment is sent directly from (Holland and must be away early. • Mr, H. Vine and Mr, F. Aldridge, of 'London, were week -end guests with 'Mr. Murray and Miss Mary Gib- son, Soft. Ball Notes. Brucefield has now •'brought to life another softball team which retakes the, total 'number of teams, five, Tills new team con- sists of older gentlemen, who in order to liven up the younger group, or- ganized and challenged the Young People's team for a game on 'Friday night. Shortly after six.o'clock the crowd began to collect at Hugh Aik- enhesul's new ball stadium where spa- cious parking space is always at your disposal, but when the time drew near ty, and the family annved to Stanley while he was a young boy„ Over fifty years ago he was married to Miss (Mary Innis, of Stanley„who died five years ago: 'He leaves two sons and two daughters, John x31, and Alex= ander, Stanley; Mrs. L. Paisley, (Clin- ton, and Mit, Will E. 'Telbbutt, Gode intheiter a•ich One ester United !States s alsurvives. The funeral vices sose • h t were conducted "by Rev. J. E. Hogg, sof 'Clinton, assisted by Rev, A. Mac- farlane, and interment was made in Baird's cemetery, The :pallbearers were four nephews, Messrs. John and Bert Cluff,'Seaforth; 'Harold Initis, Toronto; John Innis, Stanley, dud two sons-in-law, L. Paisley and W. E. Tebtbutt, iMr:' and Mrs: Legg and Mr. and Mrs. Dougall, of Belmont, old neighbors, were present for the 'ftdteral. • Mr. W. C. Landdborough,: of 'Port Credit, attended the ;funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. George Stanbury, and visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McQueen and other friends last week. 1fr and Mrs. J. Ratenbury. and family, of Burlington; and Mr. R. for the starting of the garde almost Marks, of Kansas, were the guests iof all the parking space was taken .u.p. BUY Tennis and Outing Shoes r --at— Economy Boot Shop and Save Money! Women's Tennis and Outing Shoes, in the new Sunburn color, with crepe rubber soles, one strap and oxford late styles. Also white canvass one strap style with heavy crepe rubber soles and heels. 1st Quality -Sizes 21 to 6 $1,45 a pair ; Men's Tennis and Bowling Oxfords -White Canvass with crepe rubber soles.- 1st Quality - Sizes 6 to 914, $1:35 a pair Misses Sunburn and "Brown Canvass strap and oxford lace. styles -Crepe' rubber soles-lst Quality -Sizes 11 to 2 90c aind $1.00 a pair • ,Child's same styles as Misses -est Quality -Sizes 6 to 101 75c to 90c a pair Boys` Brown or White Canvsss-Blucher .lace or Oxford. styles -Crepe Rubber Soles - ist Quality Sizes 11- to 5 $1,20 to $1.50 a pair • Youth's, Same Styles as Boys 1st Quality Sizes 11 to 13' $1 10 to 1.35 a 'pair. ECONOMY BOOT SHOP e PAY . CASH --PAY LESS • Directly „Opposite Commercial Hotel The box seats :were all occupied and several more had to be a'rranged.:; Jack (Cornish, master pitcher dor .the sen- ior team, c rhmenc o ed toati w nd•u P a'bo nt ' :30 and 6 h 7 o'clock a ' Y L w s in ex- cellent shape, He even pitched some of the balls up into an apple tree at the rear of the diamond ;but, however, they didn't all go there, Some of em came in reach: of the catcher. The score cards are all signed nand the crowd heard these words shouted through a 'megaphone, "Play Sall.” The referee had to use this instrument in order to make himself heard above the clatter of the eni'husiastic spec- tators. Once the 'audience 'was 'brought to order the ,roegapldone was no longer necessary, The younger 'fellows took their places ,in the Geld, their knees trembling with fright: George Swan, the umpire in chief, takes .his .position behind the catcher, while Harr y Jackson strf des stately to his pobrtiaid as field umpire, The game commences fast'and continues so forsome titre. The first batter was somewhat weak, but 'Stan "Dutra now takes his position at the plate. One swing on the part of Stan and the 'ball is sent soaring far into the upper pp r art', taking some time to conte -a doterJ again- By thi bus Stan is steaming in .fdr, 'home plate, closely - following the first batter, who is .not so nimble as Stan. One marc run is scored and the younger gang settle dos's to busiides3 and shut off the runs for the evening. Now the 'bat- ting changes, the order is reversed and the young colts• are up to bat. `Well, we cannot deal with .each ]bat- ter separately, because` 'time- will .not permit, but the..ball ,got very : •little rest until Jack Snider started some af,his famous grandstand' fly catching. S•naring•off flies which were thought far 'beyond hint, saved the game for the seniors, or at any rate saved : th"em considerable running. After consid- eralble laborious efforts -the 'Seniors are now arranging themselves to bat again, and taking their much needed rest, which was very short. However. NOTICE Why he without a marcel when you can have it done any day at Dennison & Pullman Barber Shop Just phone 125 fora ppointment Specialist r Morcelling, Shampooing. Manicuring and Massaging - PAGE FIVE the younger fellows through sym- pathy eased off on the batting after they got tired running and made it much •'i 1 easier for C ornisa w I 'by this time was almost er}austec,but no more 50 than was his cats. r, Stan Dutof played an`exeelleuta eStan. first, and so' did Qin.McJDonlilil and (Welty Elliott. on send and third„ Mr. !Bremner, in position of shortstop, had a real hard place to 'fill as some the youngsters' took a 'deliberate spite at driving the !ball, interlfering with his feet. ,However, this will not, ;happen again as he was told of method which will prevent any more such catastrophes, John (Snider played an excellent gaime in centre (field, ably assisted -;by Lisle (Hill and Basil {'- Rourke. The t+wo busiest men an the team were :Cornish in. the .pitcher's !box, and Lorne Wilson catching, who ,played a real defensiveg ame. The score is being withheld, d but Lever mind this is their first workout. The second d 1 will be in;the near future, when the challenge, of the girls Will be taken tip. :''George 'Snider refereed the''ga'ate to the entire satisfaction of all, having 'to call the. game to a halt only once,' when, by some tnistalce, the ' juniors had four. fldera ' marcid of three. HarryJackson, 7 ,'field umpire, also refereed his part to the entire satisfaction of all (the Seniors). Automobile. Insurance Every car owner needs this protec- tion, With heavier road traffic you cannot afford to take chances. 1927. RATES Chevrolet,.,Chrysler. 4, ;:Dodge, :"Dur- ant 4, Essex, Ford, Gray Dort, Star, Maxwell, Overland, Pontiac, etc. Public Liability $5.00. Property Damage $4.00 Chrysler 6, Chalmers, Durant' 6, Hud- son, Jewett, McLaughlin, Nash, Oak- land, Studebaker, Paige, Wiilys- Knight, Oldsmobile, etc, Public Liability $6.00. Property Damage $5.00 Six months' policy at 70 per cent: of above rates. Gives $11,000.00 protection to the car, owner against injuries or death of any person or persons and damage to other cars, vehicles or other property. Legal expenses and doctor's bill are also included. Rates for Collision, Fire and: Theft on application. Everybody's Auto Accident Policy Premium $5.00, Policy $1,500,00.-$25.00 per week for total disability. $12.50 for partial dis- ability. The biggest. Five Dollars' worth you ever got :for your money. Take no chances -Accidents happen no matter how careful you are. Carl, Write or Phone A. D. SUTHERLAND Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 152; The SPecial Milverton Flour We have it—Give it,a Trial, . Alyn Grain .Screenings Chop of All KindsC. a TIIOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 ff Your Auto Need.s GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES • Repairs and charging on all snakes. ' A good line of New and Used Parts. A FEW USED CARS LISTED Chevrolet Touring, 1021 $75.00 with License Ford Touring 1918 $75.00 with License Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, like new ..$375 with License Regier's ®arae PHONE 167W DRESSES NO MATTER ,'IOW DELICATE MAY BE ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive to be entrusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence. The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time to study and achieve. . Ladies' and Gent's Felt Hats cleaned. it only costs a dollar and will look like new. SE WORTH GARMENT @ARE SydneyDu .e .Proprieort COMMZ R.CIAL-BI BLOCK. PHONE E 227 or 210