The Seaforth News, 1927-06-23, Page 3TUE MIMIF REACHED
Man Cannot Travel' Fater on
Land Than the Speed Re-
cord Now Standing
In the clou'd's, oI coinse, be can
move, and has ]slat cc , faster Still; Ont, ""My first -experience with this
but on terra firma it is dv:,laratl,esne- medicine was in my girlhood; When,
likely that a much greabur speed' can following all attack of scarlet fever,
be obtained' than that made recently I was lett in a.badly, run down condi-
by PIajer Segrave in his racing meter`- tion, and the pills restored me to'good
ear en Daytona Beach, leloxidet, when
health. Later• in my married life I
he made .203 miles an hour, and, with had a severe attack of rheumatism.
the wind, over 20'7 miles an Maur.. Irl T. Pain In my right arm and should
an Article contributed' to Le :Rrbgres er was'so bad that 'I could not dress
myself Without help, Again I"resort-
ed to Dr; Wi111ame' Pink Pills, and
again 'they .proved a blessing to me,
ae•soon the rheumatic pains and stiff-
ness disappeared and there has been
no return, or the trouble. Dr. Wi1-
Wane' 'Pin"k Pills have also been of
great benefit to my children. One of
my' boys was threatened with SK
Vitus dance. His limbs and 'face
Would ' twitch and jerk. I gave him
the pIlle, and (gain they did not tail,
as under the treatment the trouble
ceased: I have also given the pills
to my lattle girl, who was- anaemic,
and in this case also with the great-
est benefit. Naturally When I hear
anyone. complaining of not feeling
well -I recommend Dr. Wiliiame''Pink
Pills as I know of no other medicine
to •equal them in building up the
blood and restoring health.'
Take Dr. Williams' Pink hills for
anaemia, rheumatism, - 'indigestion,
neuralgia and other nervous troubles.
Take them as a tonic if yea are not in
the best physical condition, and cul-
vtiate a resistance that will keep you
well and strong. You can get these
A r:Welland Lady .Tells of the
Value of Dr. WIlliamils' Pink
Pills .in Her. Horne.
"I have many l easons•:for praising
Dr. aVillianls'. Pink Pills," says ' Vera
George L. Swick, 'R.R: No, 2, 'Welland,
Ciivique (Paris),; Jean Cabrerets dis-
easpas thee record-breaking perforin -
lee, and gives reason for his conelu-
n that it represents practically the
kLim of man's speed -power• an the.
earth's- surface. We translate aped
conelease as follows:
'Says Segrave:—
"'I have beaten the world's record'
for speed -
"'The kilometer at 326 per hour;
the five kilometers at 327, •
"'These figures represent the aver-
age of going and returning over the
same track. My greatest speed' was
reached while running- southward
" `l Lived in a vertigo... I had a
feeling as if my ear was getting away
-",`from lie. , Shackled to my wheel,
I pada the greatest ,efforts . to keep
in a straight course. . .
"'1 will add that 350 kilometers an
hour is the absolute limit at which an
automobile can run and keep on the
"Such was the spoken message
_broadcasted aver 'the tralisatlantie
radio on March 20 last- a ineos'age
worthy a the recently opened super-
tc'elhone. pills from any dealer in medicine, or
"This record, which Maj. 11. 0. D. by mail at 50 cents a box from The
fer•grave has establieheid on a machine Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brock
to which we .can scarcely venture to. vi11e, Ont.
give the name of vehicle,' touches,
we believe, the limit of achievement.
Thr, is for several reasons, of whish
the' principal is not mechanical, as
•,,;'niat he thought. but psychological.
TIM 'record depends as much on the
constitution of -the human brain as on
the ait,ietat•.e of pneumatic tires.
"Let us begin by examining the
"When the French engineer, Louis
4 Coatalcn, had finished building the
English `Sunbeam'; when he had in-
staP•cd on the huge chassis ouo meter.
of 600 ,.hares -power forward and an-
other like it in the rear, when this tires
specially made by Dunlop had been
,subjected in a closed vessel to the test
of the centrifugal forces that they,
were de tined to experience—in short,
xw -when all was ready, the celebrated'
driver S•egrave, who was to run the
car, went in search of a track,, No
rc-ad in E1 gland was found suitable,
"This supercar required a rtraig)it
track of at least 30 kilometers (19
miles). A si aight lime, fee' at the
speed of. 309 balomebers there was no
question of taking curves.
"And besides, it road without trees
cr P inkvag ditches was necessary—at
ee lcn.d 12 it were act 260 feet wide. No
r° rand in old England or in Europe ful-
filled these conditions, and sea -beaches
were next .examined. Some beaches
have sand that is so sola, that it may
verve' as a race -course with .D in12i4-
of preparation. In Europe
straight beaches are interrupted by
chum. It Was therftre nzce'Esaty for
Segrare to go to Florida to try his
coil•, cal the famous Daytona Beach,
long devoted to this form af' apart.
His oar, when ha left, was cf.a cents --
what elaborate. shape, worked oat in
thee course of tests at moderate speed.
When he reached 300-kiltometca's. an
hour, this proved to be dangerous and
had to be changed., When the. paper's
published the picture of the victorious
car, they showed its original English
shape, act the American shape, used
in the races.
"What, then, is the exact impor-
tanclo of this shaper Here itis, In a
..?"'s few words
"Of the 1,000 horse -power that the
hi ;c steed machine was capable- of
generating, machinists agree that at
leeast 060 are employed somely in over-
coming ar-resistance. That it, the
ether flay ,could be enough, in a
'a sutnu, to make the record establish
cd .:: Daytona. •
eel "But if air -resistance is se import-
ant, we tea how important nluDt' be
olmee of the. projectile.
'T] driver's problem is in many
way:, similar to that of a tramway
moteeman; it depends on a psyche -
logical reaction,
Ala •'FIew long dc,.s it take for an order
l.i o; : the brain to reach the muscics
and contract them? American psycho-
logists chink that in a trained 111551
. like &grave it take., ..'gout fou* tnntba
of a. econd,. New in this tulle the
v a
rim overhand ed
feet—far enereh Cu it t, leave the
-l,rack aR ee'r:
"I doubt wile.lea a man can keep
hie attention thus c0 the stretch for Frreatone
Imported direct from the Orient
in metal, lined chests. Blended
and packed into 11"Cdr, %ib., % lb.
bright Aluminum piaekages1.
To -Morrow.
I know that, winter's coming,
Summers almost done,•
The autumn breeze is 'sighing,
There's less of glaring sun.
I know that winter's coming .
Not very far away,
For I saw a Christmas number
Of a magazine today.
Judging from the size of the
crowds at a bathing girl revue, or a
bathtub party, men aren't much in-
nterested. in :what women wear.
"Oh, doctor, I forgot to ask you
about that eye medicine."
"What about it?"
"Do I drop it in my eye before or
atter meals?
Camels Once Roamed Over.
Camels are commonly understood'
to belong exclusively to the Old World.
It was not always so, however, as a
specimen recently acquired by Can-
ada's National Museum at Ottawa
amply demonstrates. This is the fos-
Billed frame of a camel which a few
million years ago roamed over the
western plains of North America
which were then dry. This curious
specimen has been placed on exhibi-
tion in the Hall of Palaeontology,
' Grandma (looking up from paper)
—"It says here that young women
are abandoning all restrictions. Now
mind, - don't let me catch you sofa'
out ewithout yours, Ethel"
Grabbing the buck instead of pass-
ing it is one sure way to win promo.
If sometimes the tea you are
using does not taste as good
as it usedto—just see what
kind of a package it is in.
If it is in paper that is probab-
ly the reason. No chances
aro taken • with Red Rose.
It is packed in clean, bright
Aluminum. o'
Extra Mileage
No Extr
• Phipps' Chips.
Here lies a young salesman named
Who married on one of his trips,
A widow named Block,
Then died of a shock,
When he saw there were six little
chips. .
Fools rush in where wise men re-
serve abeir seats long before they're
all taken.
Old. Frank Atwin's-$our score years do not hinder hien from turning out
some of the finest models'bf the Indian canoes. made by the Indians of New
Brunswick, Thie trail -hardened Malecite, photographed above, is holding a
finished model of.a canoe. of which very little is known, being that of one of
the sea -going vessels used by the Indians, In them they need •to scout the
shores of the Atlantic and according to oldtimers some exceedingly daring
trips were made. St. Andrew's -by -the -Sea where this old Indian lives with,
many, of his tribe -members has an attachment of Indian romance and.
adv ent re that always anneals to the tourists. to the part of New _Brunswick.
v u
Bordeaux—The Old Reliable
Many 'other .fungicides have been in-
troduced in recent years and some of
them have proved excellent for cer-
tain purposes, but•there are still many
fields where nothing takes the place'
of the old reliable Bordeaux, careful parent is to know just what
In the apple orchard ire place hoe medicine to give the little onus. When
been only partly taken by the commer- tha hili fa11s 111 withgriping pains;
tial limeaulphur solution. This new- c g
er material has proved to be excellent is seized with cold or fever, refuses
for the early apple sprays and is prob- food or vomits; what he has taken,
Bordeaux when he cries a great deal and can -
ably, just es effective as
wben it comes to keeping apple scab not ,get ills sleep so necessary to the
in check. Also, fruit sprayed with growing child, the parent is in a
Bordeaux during cool weather is apt quandary. What is to be dose on.
to be ruseeted. Later in the season, such occasions? As often as ;not
there is not a suitable medicino in
when very hot weather tWEIRD along,the house.' The puzzle is what to
the lini'e-swlphur is inclined to burn give him to set him right quickly;
both foliage and. fruit. It is to meet such emergencies that
As a result of those conditions most Baby's Own Tablets were designed.
apples gnawers use the lime -sulphur These pleasant little Tgblets quickly
solution for the erearlyt apple sprays' reduce fever, breakup colds, relieve
and then change over to Bordeaux -for constipation and indigestion and al -
the hot -weather applications. In this lay teething pains. Thye quiet the
way the greatest good le accomplished nerves and promote restful health'-
with the least risk of disfiguring the
fruit. d f
Many cherry growers still prefer.
Bordeaux to dilute limo -sulphur.
Nothing has ever been found that
equals Bordeaux as a potato spray.
In the garden there are many uses
for Bordeaux. It,makes an excellent
spray for tomat0ese melons, beans,
eggplants and other crops, acting booth
as a fungicide ants as a mild repellent
for some insects.
After some experiments we worked
out a simple plan of making. Bordeaux.
A stock solution' is prepared by dis-
-solving 'copper sulphate at the rate
of one pound to the gallon. Oureetock
tanks bold about. 200 gallons, but a
tight barrel would serve just as well.
for smaller quantities.
The copper sulphate is a hard blue.
crystal and does -not dissolve readily.
However, the propose can be speeded
up by placing the' copper in. an, old gun-
ny sack— use several of them if you
have a large tank -and then:hanging
this sack in the water near the top,
of the tank. Fifty pounds of copper
sulphate will dissolve in a barrel of
water in about twelve hours if it is
treated in this; way.
Truth in Advertising "Big Sale
Now On.' Don't :GO.I]lsewhere to Be
Clieatod--Come In Here." •
A good deal is said about June
brides. Ever hear anything about
June Grooms? If the grooms really
want a date they might adopt April:
Straws show which way the wind
blows and knees show when the wind
One of the greatest puzzles to the
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good.
Pear Grit Now Proved to be an
Insect—French Entomolo-
gist Explains
"These larvae feed up the sap of
the young leaves in the buds, no vis-
ible injury, however, being caused by
this. But` as soon as the blossoms
have fail -tied, the larvae attack the � it Fou ILEOVIRR 5ANri�lltr 11unllen 000.0s,
Classified Advertisements
diART' 1111,'50, ADVERTISING JtoLnnon5's
.1001, 1,041( 4180 d 1155,: 45)15,, sand, renin
UUtlyury nnlwl,Ile, Dei il0lbrrul,'rl 'Dean'.
701 010M14 bill:SIAM At. 110SPITA.L. NMI/
LONDON, (bnnletlnnt. Offers , a i111 mond,
.101)1x1 .or Imdrttothin, Ineludlnu U ,month, 0fnlp,tIon
In Atedloina. and P«tll, rl,, 1a. 3's. ma •5010en 514)4
IDS, 'netulend„4rcnmlunht. telurnllun Who) aro, d,•nb'm,,.
or Ue000000 . norms tilnd,uite i, trMnlny 1* 4)l
.a-,nenthh allowance ter . unaoo,l, b0,1, and 141114
1/env/nal U3uiiielaain,
- Sunset.
The sun sinks in the mountains
When evening comes around,
The sun sinks In the ocean,
The sun sinks in the town:
The sun sinks in the blazing sky,
The sun sinks in the -West
But on a patch of tender skin
The sun sinks on the best.
The difference between the impos
aible and the'possfble merely consists
in knowing how.
Coos."A picture," says a Chinese pro
Iii s. verb, "is . worth a . thousand words.
How fast we've been "talked" a
Gum -lipping is awe ex- since the advent of the movies.
restoring. sleep. They are guaran-
teed absolutely harmless an sate
for even the youngest and most deli-
cate baby.
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
medicine Co, 'Brockville, Ont.
Well -Tested, Formulas
'Phe stock solution will keep inde-
- finitely, and when we are ready to
, make up a spray tank full of Bordeaux
t we fill it nearly full of water. To this
water we add the proper number of
pounds of hydrated' lime and start.. the
ti— --- engine on the spraying outfit. With
the engine running, the water and wipe
Treaty Mooted for France and are thoroughly mixed by the mechan
England foal agitator.
After the lime is thoroughly mixed
London. -"Z -should like to we the we add the coriect number of gallons
e of stock solution, each gallon of which.
said represents one pound of Dopper eul'
dor phate. The engine on the outfit is
rce kept running a1.1 the time. In this
b- way the copper is almost instantly web&
ie ed with the dilute lime solution and
ala very perfect Bordeaux mixture re
ther shits.
is I have avoided mentioning the exact
Firestone Dealers are in a e quantities of copper and: lime used be-
ds cause they vary according to the crop
it exports, Fr'anee,clings to a tariff on which the material Is to be used.
elusive Firestone process.g
It insulates. and impre
nates every strand of every
cord with rubber. Internal
friction and heat are reduced Sormatioin of a treaty of co/Tonere
..,to a minimum—the side! between England anti France,"
walls are greatly strength -M. de Florian, French Ambassa
• in Britain, ata Chamber of Oemme
ened. FirestoneFuII.Biro dinner im London. The chief 0
Balloons absorb read irregu- staeles too Angle -French ` trade, 1
larities--making driving eao- 'added, -were differences in the fi
words, the crux of the 'situation
that, while Britain wants.- free tro
t'dace duce the edit of making the -goo
position to save you money in order to retain the •horn. market
and serve you better. See its goods."
Sir Philip Cunliffe Lister, paeside
your nearest dealer to -day.
ay. the British Board of Tracie, w
FIRESTONE TIRE Ea RUBBER CO. responded, brought this out when
OF CANADA, LIMITED - said: +`If' it be the-desire''ef •Franc
I3ernliton,; Ont. to make the ;proportion: a httbe irai
MOST MILES PER DOLLAR between do two couetri $, you w
ier and riding more colts ort -
systems o, f the two
nations. In'o
fol' For apples the usual mixture is.
known as the 4.4.50 formula, This
at means' that four pounds of copper and
ho four of lime aro used for each fifty
he gallons of solution.
e On stone fruits a 3.3-60or even a
rer 2-2-60 formula Is preferred, owing to
ill the greater tenderness of the stone-
- T
P +
a .
•�'s�ent uS59 OOO,O�O:D worth, anis of .-
.ur:adn the oniyG*rm-Dirp.d x'uen two-thirds came' in free ca duty
any 10
find me very ready to 1,b business wi
. you. In the year 1925, however, wh
r once over e31,000,0
n' to a
we sent k
bh fruit 'toliage. For theusual garden
kle sprays th 4-4-50 fomula usually all
+that is required,
b P -R 0 for a few crops.
0f mnnnforfil*rPi n France er�voss Melt n 0 r0 r P
oat Tl ore is ust ons inose thing aiioui'
of Bordeaux tisk every grower ought to
ind" remember•• It is the archenemy of
ttewl 'set fruit, perforating it and 1''110 ror rnt.legua and• 11441 xt. sate' xod
y' g Banitary nttUUlr iVotk. 'nnet N L, a1.U1 `'00'104
feeding upon the juices. slrnll'MapunaL
"By the month of June they have �YAL4;:,.. ;N or lrrree111Tr—amees io
ceased to attack the fruits, attacking l5 an 1'er Om ••old Reliable Dentin!! Melarle/I"
the young shoots exclusively; by wild- I>r.rnbu,a ed un 1•rnrx>, N,tir •and x41"41 1 tinea, bit
0 11 Ir ,unix •lop �� Ul-
•lnerx, ez0lgel,0 ,1111) r3. , U � 0t u h J Pa
July the Calocorishas reached the it.nd.on,e fro, 001111 101,4(nmM not n*10n.ai1•.
adult stage and disappears. At first welts car 1,4tenth:Man. 11 tentMa. 111,4100 W01111,01014Toronto 9.
the fruits 'which have been -pricked mum TO errnanucJ. mn Innn
exhibit, wherever the puncture has A r<a+m,nt cloudnU eSnerlen n minr+'rvnnry--•
occurred, pustules having raised !10nondrauon roue It -4011 nr hart time, ik P.
edges with white granulations in the Yenns, 100 nal 91:, Toronto:
centre.. 'In this manner there areD D IAIIONTI JUBIID.E €NldinitA'1 t0\--0.11Cn
211 • er da prllin xaun,nUUuO ,nmr,� err
Orme Inq o Z..1:1, a a,;, • .1nm 0 +
sue, at whose level and immediate twee. , fur rinu,lnr u, 1 n - 1 a„'
neighborhood the pulpundergoes art san1)de poste>td Jbe. Inbu.r
epos,, West. TnnmtO.
scarcely perceptible growth, although
A North American nei ro,-
ting the worst of it in a fight with a
lascar on the quayside. Suddenly an-
other North American 'negro leaped
out of the darkness and vanquished.
the lascar. The first negro approach
ed and held out his hand. "Brudder,"
he said, "you' shore done mo a good
turn to -night." "Data all light," said
the other. We Anglo -Salons' we les'
gotta stick togedder."
Alfalfa can be grown near the wid-
est range of climatic condrt.crri of any
legume yet grown in :Canada. It is
now being produced in every province
:from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Y d littleislands of hardened tis- i ni iu 4r a a t + li * K *5au
t I 1 1 1.
it grows very rapidly all around them.
Little by little these islets appear to
be burying themselves within the
fruit, though in reality it Is the flesh
of the fruit which grows and sur-
rounds them. They begin to exhibit
the aspect of little cupules - whose
cavity grows deeper day. by day. At
maturity a punctured fruit will have
from three to ten of these pits within
which are heaped little stony nodules,
and with a diameter of about one-
fourth of an inch.
"By patient reaeareh, M. Touvelot
has learned not only the"habits of
this destructive insect, but that it is
particularly sensitive to'insecticides
containing nicotine. He, therefore,'
recommends treatment with. tit solu-
tion tion of soap and nicotsprayed up -
OS the budding leaves. and the newly
set fruit.
In experiments in. 1920, four appli-
cations were April and - May,
to lots of from 10 to 100 trees. Thee
liquid was sprayed plentifully so as
to thoroughly moisten net only the
young leaves and fruit. but the old
bark surrounding them.
"The results were quite interesting.
The lots treated on April 22 and May
2 produced 50 per cent of uninjured
fruit, while 'the control trees, sprayed
at the same ,fine, had hardly 10 per,
cent. The lots treated on April 16
and May IS• gave mediocre results,
the first date beftlg somewhat too
early, and'the.Iatter too late.—Le Cor-
respondent, Paris.
A Kind of Musician.
"Why do you call her a kind of
"Oh, she's always fiddling with
something ;about her dress."
Ease sunburn with Minard's Liniment,
Husband—"I have just been seeing
poor Mrs. Blackedged. How captivat-
ing she.looks in widow's weeds!"
Wife.—"It is unfortunate, my dear,
that we can't all be widows,"
Percival—I' have always wanted to
live the wild, free life of a cowbOS,
like 1'Ve seen on the pictures,
Cowboy: So have I'
A Clear
e of C
$ealtbyr Skin
]neared by, Evei4-d15
Tells cause of cancer and what to do
for pais, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for
't to -day, mentioni nF, this paper. Ata, '
dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital
Indianapolis, Ind. _
Minard's has been a household
remedy f '0 r generations.
Doctors recommend it.
Read Mrs. Menard's Letter,' ,
Her Experience May Help I
i Chatham, Ontario. — "I want to ,
you how much good your "medieir-
has done me. )?3
fere my bah„
came I felt s4-:
weak and rune
down that I coup
hardly do ne,.
wor. My heat
ached contmual
and I was so 4
courage"ic ,halt
could cry from
morning ttillnight.
had another
grid a half odand tgavemealotto
o.. So 1 thought I woul try Lydia
Pinkhain's Vegetable . *rug,
much ha
as m
I d
dR right
found* e11C
ka, ori
�ayvay. as my head was relieved ante
sty tired feelings gone. My s�
had been doing my washmg and1j i
Continued doing it,. as she said it
might set me b'ack's.if l' started to Ile 1
it again. It sure did help me and %i 0
bad taken Inst two bottles, when=my
baby calve. He is a fine big boy,, a,
now neatly five months oldi I am
{king your rdedicmo again and I am .
able to do my work allbymys elf now .
I always recommend the vegetable
1 Compound to women, and especially ,.
1 to expectant mothers, as I believe
they -need help at these times.' —
Mrs. OLIVER MENARD, 24llarvey St ,
Chatham, Onturlor_
12605 No. c6-•'2.7.
very. lane. The mechanical eased
1 iy 1n<. ealee, but that of the psycho-
leseic rcaetiotl call not. Orslimibs, "" rli*'' `,`"'"'""may
1.1;:e other and v:.11 bring the 'record -I 71 �,�POs
1:realting' bneinees to an en<1 foe good,
"It is a pity roT the mechanic
doubtless has not said his last word,
wo might; for instance, add two more
meters to the My cry or replace'each
6.3C -h lower motor by e:+: of
1,000 Nox hires mcuh inically im; os-
s,l;le 1111 Ibis. -�
No, Phol lee it Is not cermet to de-
ecribe yourself es a grasS widower be -
0010e yells ivife..bas hay fever.
Ki Plies,Mosquitoes
Roa rs s a &d(..ileas
heti,' •
Coniequently, in buying any spray
machine, regardless of size, see that
the, working parts ale of brass or
bronze, and after using Bordeaux mix -
tare, be sure to wash out the tank and
the pump.
For. garden use onlythe small brass-,
tank spraying should be used. Alight
galvanized iron tank will cost less but
it will stand about one trip thrcugh
the tomato patch. The brass tank on
the other hand will cost about double,
but it will last for years -
Mina;d's Liniment is reliable.
by Ste.
ri014IE ] Cruise down the
are ce_ to
blue Si. La n
Italia old cites sit the b
toitin�sT wfiere 'Caimans—g-
omade. See this wnque
cwitity h w the erenew. t{oe old world mingles
Qpueeuc fIoe0f justdon. o tof e mmAy
TO-TSEel curnlsenwhich incase;
ibo 1000 I§tande—tinoe Rapids
ot.hie St.
Lawrence—Montreal—Quebec and We
tar -famed Saguenay. - For Lookletc, rates and frill
infoa•anation apply
46 Your,'; Street, Toroattoa
or 9 Victoria Sq., Montreal
sTl,ADAS11'ilP i INE Z:
;You see it everywhere- the
pearly gray enameled ware
that spells long service and
real, old-fashioned satisfaction.
()This splendid ktitciien. ware,
SNP Pearl bnnelgl1, Ware,
defies wear anti tear and '
surface, like all Si4IPlnamel
;Ware, is so china -smooth and
dean it harbors no taints os
o i need no steel wool or spcdal
eanSers to keep SMP Pearl W all
ing clean. Soa t and bot er
Ole trick in t} AY- M, idR
every new handy shapegrid sail
by an old established Canadian iw
• 281