The Seaforth News, 1927-06-16, Page 8PAGE EIGHT IMIsISALL. Mr. jack 'Carmichael di Detroit vis- ited over the week end iwith his Moth- er and sister, The anniveraary servIces in .Carniel Presbyterian church ;Sunday laat were largely a,ttended. The church ed to capacity both morning and ev- ening. Re vn as. Cordoner, B,D., of London, delivered excellent sermons. Special music was given by the choir, Mr. and, Mrs, L. 'Sullins +visited a few days with Mrand Mts. Geo. .` • • lIud- .THE SEAFORTH NEWS 'at Ilatr:. IC'dYill°aP10 tReeve Mr. W. Morris, d-Illabeeta have given, instiletions to have, 234 1155 df the road south of the highway aild the dividing dine between Tuekeesmith and Hibbert gravelled anc1 those tak- ing part sp far in the good, work are. Mr. J. Flanhery, Mr. S. Flaamery, ,Ttickersmithadffr, J. Murphy,. lurch road, 1[r. 3. Melady; Mr, A. Du-. charme, Mr. G. DoyleT and Mr..M. Dalton, Hibbent. Mr. M. Doyleis stipplying the gravel. Mr, and Mrs. Rey Welber visited inLondon Friday. . Mrs. L. Miller Of Windsor Visited over the .weelc end 'with relatives here. The 'Watkins and Wilsons iGedrgia Vaudeville shoW put on a concert in the town ball Wednesday evening to a crowded house whioh was greatly enjoyed. Services in the United Church Sun- day last were largely attended. Rev. Mr. Smith a Elimville preached at both services, while Rev. Mr. Sin- clair preached anniversary services at Council Meeting.—A special Meet- ing of the ICouncilaWas held Saturday evening to hear the report of the cora- .- mittee appointed June 2nd to inspect the 'water tanks at the mills and the King George Hotel, and also the raising of the sidewalk in front of Brown and Clark's blacksmith shop. Councillor ;Higgins reported that he had made an inspection of the tanks and sidewalk accompanied by Mr. Alf Taylor, and as Mr. Taylor was present at this .meeting he was called on to give his views and probable cost of the work. After Mr. Taylor had ad- dressed the 'council it was moved by Higgins and 'seconded by Priest that Mr. Taylor be given the job of raising the sidewalk in front of the Brown & Clark property, said Work to be done by day labor. It was then moved by Higgins, seconded by ICameron, that Geo. Hudson and Councillor Priest remove the old tap on the tank at the King George Hotel and have the tank cleaned and repaired and a new ce- ment top put on it. Reeve Geiger re- ported that the o,11 for the streets would be here soon and it was moved by Consitt, seconded by Cameron, that ,Councillor Higgins look after the putting on of the oil. The council then adjourned to meet again the 1st Tues- day df July, on motion of Cameron and Priest. Mrs. E. Murray, of Detroit, is visit- the week end at his home. ing relatives and friends in town. Miss Grant of Clinton is spending' Mr. Fred Steacy who spent last the summer with Mrs. M. Barley. week visiting his brother John in De- Dr. and Mrs. 'White of London trait, returned home Saturday even- spent the week end at their cottage. ing and left Tuesday morning for Bea -1 'Nit. and 'Mrs. Roht. Scotehmer verton where he is employed in the spent Saturday at Walton. Standard Bank. . 'Miss Maude Stirling of the General -Mr. and Mrs. J. Dick Of Orillia Nes- Marine hospital, Owen Sound, is vis- ‘ hien' 'her inother, Mrs. Wen. Stirling. Mr. Geo. Reid of lachnore, Sask., is visiting. relatives and friends in this vicinity. A very enjoya,ble afternoon was spent on Thursday last when Mrs. F. H. Paull entertained the ntentbers of the •Women's Auxiliary of the Mid- dletoil and Varna parishes. tToo late for last week.) ?sir. Jas. 'Reid and Mr, M. Ross at-. tended the Asseinbly at Stratford on Thursday last. Mrs. B. L. Monkhoese, Miss Helen and Bill Monkhouse, of Toronto; The concert put on in the town hall Friday evening last by ptipilS Of Miss Greta T,Laininie was well attended and enjoyed. by all preaent, The selectiona alven by each one shpwed the o a.reful training ,they were receiving from Miss I.gtnrnie. Mr, Ezra Willard will be the new superintendent on the -Provincial highway, ;London Road, between Kip - pen and Exeter North, 7)4, miles, Quite it lot elf work will be done on this division this stimtner preparing the road for paving, +which will be done in the near future. The conigregation'of St. Peels' An- glican church are having services of an unusual character 011 Sunday June 26th, when they will celebrate their 50th anniversary. Archbishop Wil- liams will Ibe present for the day, Rev. Mr. MeIlroy Caemel Pres- byterian church occupied the pulpit of ,Hamilton Rd, PreSbyterian church, Loedon last Sunday. 'The 'basdball !match at Zurich Mon- day evening Ibetween Hensall and Zurich, resulted in favor of Hensall, the score lbeing 9-3. Zurich plays at Hensall Thursday evening when a great game is mapected. SAYFIELD. !Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston of Sarnia visited With the .former's par- ents, lir. and Mrs. H. Weston Over the week end. Mrs. H. Weston re- turned with thorn for a week, when she intends to . visit with her daugh- ters in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kippen and imphew, Mr_ jack Brown, Of Detroit, are guests at the Albion hotel, Mr. and Mra. Robt,Heard of Loa - dun spent Sunday at their cottage. Tattle Jack .Balkwill accompanied them and is waiting his aunt, Miss N. Verguon. Mr. and Mrs. Geddes and children `Seaforth spent Senday with Mrs. Geddes sister, Mrs, M. Feiguson. Miss Lola Elliott and 'Mr. 5, Miney ca' Detroit apain the week end wl'h. Mrs. W. Elliott. Miss Elliott is re - miring for e two weeks' vacat:un. Mrs. F. V. Maatin and son retuned r) Detroit Sen.lay i•;..er spending a few days at their cottage, "Bouldr Lodge." Mrs. Drouin and friends from De- troit spent the week end at the form- er's cottage. Mr. William Parker af Sarnia spent , 11.1% and Mrs, Oliver PeltY,; Of,‘HaY, and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Gegen, Tuelc- erathith, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green, Hibbert. Mrs. J. D. Stewart, of Tncicersmith, left Tuesday for Battle Creek, Mich., where she wiil visit .for a short time.. Mr. and 1VIrs. Hetbert fortes and acceinpanied by Miss R. Mc- Ivot, visited 'the latter's louse in Port Elgin over the -,veelc-end, Mrs. (Rev.), McKibben, of Toronto, is ting at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred'RathWell and daughter Lois visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve, Cochrane ;Sunday. .Mrs. Alex. Melfurtrie was visited by many ,di her Hensall friends dur- ing the week. Mrs. Oliver 'Petty has returned home after a pleasant visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. .B. D. :Field and 'fam- ily motored to the home of her par- ents at Princeton, for the weelc-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClymont visit- ed at the home. of D. MeCowart oh Sunday, Miss B. MCCowan is now visiting Mr. and Mrs. las. McOly- wont. Mr. ,and .Mrs. ilienb. Glazier, of Stratford, were visitors at the hotrie of Mr. and Mrs. Thos..Butt. Mr.1Wm. Green had a very success- ful barn raising last week to replace the one destroyed by fire last 'winter. The structure was all up at six o'- clock and no accident. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGregor mo- tored to Flint, ,Mich., and !Spent fevv days visiting friends. Mr. Wm. Workman is moving the house he purchased on the London road, which is a contract. Messrs. Albe Forsyth and Jas, Mack took in the excursion to Detroit on the Greyhound and report a very` fine trip. Mr. R. J. Dayman is having a new foundation put under his harm this week ited for a few days with n, rs. Dick; Mr, A. \V. E. Hemphill attended a druggists' convention at Hamilton last week. The Oddifellows of Hensall Lodge intend holding a decoration service at the T.Tnion cemetery. Sunday, June 26th. Mr. John •Steacy and Mr. Joe Dow- ell of Detroit visited over the week end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Richard 131atchford are spending a couple df weeks visit - 10 relatives in Datroit and Windsor. o What might have 'been a serious at- Miss Tambling, London, Mr. and cident occurred Sunday afternoon airs, King and Maurice King, of when Mr. Alex. Hildebrandt, accent- Stratford, pentsthe week -end in parded by three Haman young ladies, jowett's 'Grove. failed to snake the turn on the Lon- improvements ate. being made on don road at Centralia and the car took some of the cottages in Jowett's to the ditch. Luckily no one was hurt Grove; also Mr. MeConkey, of 'Strat- i:an the car was badly damaged, the ford, is having bis cottage improved. tap being torn off, windshield ,broken, The house occupied by H. Darrow, and one wheel smas rec. The Conservatives of South Huron will 'hold their animal meeting at the town hall, ,Hensall, on ,Wednesday af- ternoon, June 22nd. Officers will he elected for the coming year, and del- egates selected for the Winnipeg con- vention. Amongst the speakers ex- pected to be present will ,be the Hon. John S. Martin, Ontario's 'brilliant young Minister if Agriculture. As Wednesday afternoon is a holiday it belonging to the Parsons 'estate, is being- painted by A. E. Erwin and A. M cGregor, ' Improvements are being inade to the Orange Hall by William Heard. apt. and Mrs. Cook, .Mr. and Mrs. Filenthnor, London, were guests on Sunday with Miss N. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Sparks and son, of Cochrane, are visiting with Mrs. 'Sparks' parents, Mr. and Mrs, 5. D. 'Woods TUCKERSMITH Mr. Alexander Cowan, of the Amer- ican Sault, is home visiting his neph- ew, Mr. John Nicholson, of the Mill Road, and other old acquaintances. Ma. Cowan is a very exceptional rrnan, as Ile is 94 years of age and travels alone. Mrs. Sam, Laidlaw, - df Climax, Sask., is home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nicholsoo. Mrs. Nicholson still continues ill. Mrs. 'Win, Cameron, Mr. and Mrs, Crawford, of 'Seaforth, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cameron's. Miss I. IGraham, of Seaforth,viSit- ed Mrs. James McIntosh on Monday last. : • . , . .. AUCTION SALE • FOR SALN :01.40;A!c'q 'Faa'at, ImPletteritsa Taia..i., liMaadwell Touring Car, ,good 'inech- uitiare, aStie. Tilos, 13-roWit, auetioneer, anical condition, new ,tiresi ' has lbeen ,vaill effee dor sale at I„ot 26,Con. 1:4; driven 12,000 miles. "'Come and. Make '1\fleKillop, on -Friday, June 24ith, at 2 Your offer,' or what hbve yon to deal. Veleck, the folloaying: Firetri consist- E, IL -BOX. ing df 40 acres, 1 mile east of the ------a ' ' village of Walton, On the farm is a ' BUGGY FOR SALE Mr- A. DartMinAgNhaLsEbYeen busy press- ing the surplus hay in our burg of late Iv1r, Elelcart has returned from visiting Detroit friends, He motored to` the city with his car and was ac- companied by his brother Con, and wife and their daughter, Mrs. IH. Des- boura, who had been visiting her friends here of late. They report times are tpicicing up in the city. They visited the Ford plant, ,where 'produea tion will begin in July on the new ano- del car, which is reported to,stand isp to any make for a'peed and wear. 'But we_have to admit the speed is already too fast for the good of the commune ity. They also report that nowhere on the trip did the craps look as good at an average as in this vicinity. Mr. F. Eckert is at present busy roofing his house in Dublin. It alp - Pears as if Fred !means business. A large number from here attended the, Holy ;Name 'Rally in St. Colum - ban last (Sunday, BLUEVALE. The opening services the new Presbyterian church in Bluevale ,was largely attended on Sunday, Supper was served in 'the basement of the church on Tuesday evening, large crowd is expected. le Rev. and tlIrs. Will Townshend, lit- als of South :Huron will hold their tie Eleanor and Elliott Townshend, meeting on the ,following day, Thurs- of Bervie, spent a 'few days with Mrs. day. Tawnshend's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. .Cliff, of ,London, is taking Dr. 'rhos, Elliott, Rev. Towitshend was Dougall's practise while the doctor is ordained priest on Sunday last at away on his ,wedding trip. Dr. Dou- Windsor, gall was married on Tuesday at Lon- Mr. land Mrs. Frank Heitey.- of • don to Miss Brown of Eddy's lvfills. Whitechurch, Nurse A. Henry and The bride is also a graduate of the Mrs. Ply -mown, of New York, were London :Medical School. visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Mr. John Mousseau has his roller \V. j, Foster, Mr. F. Henry being a coaster going and on 'Saturday even- ihroilier of Mrs, Foster. 'ing treated quite an excitement, large I a,frs. Wightmae, of Detroit, arrived crowds enjoying the rides. Again on on the Greyhound Monday and is *Tuesday evening he entertained a big .:itetiding, a few days in the village, crowd. 'Mr. liotisseau has severAl el -1 having ',purchased the property of the fers front summer resort proprietors •Mr.S. W. P. Clement and Miss ,Betty asknig him to move his coaster to late Mrs. Cowie. their resorts for the sumemr. Clement, of Kitchener, spent the 'holi- Misa Eliza Newell, mrho was in Vic- day wcelc-end at their cottage in toria hospital, London, for a eeliPle Jewett's Grove, of weeks, has returned home muieh ! Miss Maud ',McGregor, who .spent improved in health. the past week in Detroit, arrived on. The pupils Of the continuation the Greyhound on Monday. Mrs. M. school are writing on their examina- 'McGregor, of Detroit, accompanied tions this week. Mr. Donald McKinnon and Miss Jessie Parks were married at London on Thursday afternoon last and are away nova on a ,weciding trip. On their return to Hansel! they will live in the Neilancis house on Oxford Mr. and Mrs. 'McKienon are -very po- pular in tHensall and their many friends here extend warmest congra- tulations. The meeting <if the Young Peop'le's League of the United Church was held Monday evening with Miss J. Johnson presiding. After singing Of a hymn, Miss Grace !Stone led in prayer followed by all repeating the 23rd Psalm. Scripture lesson was read re- sponsively After wh'ich the secretary read the artintates of last meeting. The topic was very ably taken by Miss Py - bus on China: Miss Slay favored the League with a httmorous reading, af- ter which the 'meeting closed by tall repeating .the Mizipah benediction; Dr, James Bell.of Harrisburg spent the ,past week visiting relatives and friends in town. The members (if the Anglican Chtnich are improving the appearance of the rectory by laving it siec'Iy painted, the work being clone by the BRUSSELS. The Plough.man's Association are giving a picnic and dance at -the grove of Mr, Somerville, 5th line Morris, on Thursday, June 16th, It Bids Pain 'Begone.--IVIThee neur- algia racks the nerves or lumbago cripples the hack is the time to test the -virtues of Dr. Thaintas' Belectrit Well rubbed in it will still the pain and produce 'a sensation of ease And rest. A trial of it will establish faith in it, four -roomed .eottage with cellar., a. Ctteltioo tire ,huggy,. in 'first class stable and hen house. Farrn is in a icoeditiorn, Priced at $75.00 for quiets high state Al cultivation and it, Self- sale. Can ibe seen at (WM, AIKEN- draining. Also ia 5-9iece parlor suite, HEAD'S: Phone 639 r 2, or Box 43, 1 stove 6 .'kitchen chairs 1 sideboard Brucefield. 24 1. kitchen cupboard 4 bedrodm suite, 1 dini tg room table, 1 kitchen table, 1 ;horse rake 1 walking plow, 1 big- , , gy, '1 mower, 2 'window casittga, doer casings and numerous' ',other articles. Terms for real estate made known on day of sale. 'Chattels cash, Robert Holland, prop:'T. Spawn, mitt, 'AUCTION SALE Rod and Gun. tSimiler to the ,Dominiou Tourist issue of lust month but specially broadcasting the attractions of the province of Ontario, the June number off 'Rod .and Gun is published in the shape of a special Ontario Tourist issue. A Special feature is a tinted, il- lustrated section which descr'hes some 'of the splendid suantner resorts that Ontario offers the tourist. In ad- dition a personal message of welcome to tourists by the Hon. 0. Howard IFerguson is published in place of the editorial. The regular contents tare made tip in this issue of' stories and articles dealing for the most part especially with Ontaro.,An important change is made in the appointment Of IC, G. Hopton, internationally famous breeder ,and judge, to be editor of the Kennel Department, associated wit,11 Dr. L. E. L. Taylor. He commence,s his duties in the June issue, The mici-summer examinations nfor the continuation school -start on Tues- day, June 7th, and will be concluded by the 17th. FARMERS' WEEK, 0. A. C. • GUELPH. Arrangements have been completed for the holding of the annual fariners' week at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege from june 2,0-23 inclusive, So many counties are asked each day acrd Huron °County people are ex- pected 'to attend on Tuesday, June 21, along with 'Halton, Waterloo, Dufferin, Perth, Grey and 'Bruce Counties. In the old days—and not so long ago either --the farmens' Dane excursions to 'Guelph were 'looked forward to with a great deal of antici- pation. In these days of the motor car there should be the sante en- ilitisiaam shown in attending. A holi- day full of interest and wherein some- thing of value about your own busi- nese may be -learned is unusual and should not call for any hesitancy, While no definite plans of making a 'motor cavalcade for the day have been mg•cle, as several ways from this county lead to Guelph, yet there is .no real reason why communities cannot form touring parties. ,Anyway, let us have a goodly representation from Huron. If you have .never visit - al the College by all means do so this year; if you have been there thelfere why not visit old friends and learn some newer ideas, Remember the date, Tuesday, true 2 it. Fill up yotte car and go STAFFA, Mr. and Mrs. Durward Elliott, of Windsor, spent the week -end the former's parents. Miss Willa Sillery is spending a couple df weeks with her sister, Miss Marie Sillery, at ,Batchavvana. Rev. J. E. Jones is wearing a broad smile these days over the arrival of a baby boy. Miss Flo McDonald, of London is visiting at 'her home here.. Mr. R. Hoggarth, 'Stratford, called on frieeds on Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. J. 0. Miller is under the doctor's tare. Miss Eva Verner, of Stratford, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs, 0. Butson, London. visited with IMr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Domild 'Sunday, 'alr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien, Mr, and Mrs. L. O'Brien and Miss 0. 0'- T3rien, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, F. O'Brien. Staff -a WW1 at Thames Road 8-4 in the South ,Huron Baseball Leave on Tuesday night. Crediton will play here again on June 24th. membera off the church. Rev. H, F, Kennedy and E. V. Meitner attended the conference at London last week. )Jr. and Mrs. R. Heard, ef London, apant Saturday at their cottage. Miss R. Kennedy, of Stratford, is spending a few days at 'her cottage. bit. Ortl, of Windsor, spent the week -end at Mrs, RoSscottage, which he has rented for the month of July. Missea Rankin, of Detroit, are spending a few days at their cottage. Miss Ruth Hueston, of London, spent the 'week -end with her ipatents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Huest'on. Quite a number from there took in the ,Greyhound intoonlight excursion itt Goderich on Monday. Mrs. R. :McLean and children, of Montreal, are spending the sulmrner in Miss Simpson's cottage. IMr. and Mrs, Victor IBunt ,o,f 'London, ,spent the .week -end with Mr, and Mrs. F. W. lBaker. Miss ',Phyllis .13ea.coan, of LondOn, is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. W. Hall. HILLSGREEN. Of 'Threshing Outfit and Machin- ery. 0: W. Reed, auctioneer, has re- ceived .instructions from the. ender - signed to sell by pu'blic-, auction on Lot 25, 'Concession S, Hibbert tbwe- Ship, on 'Saturday, June 25th, at two o'clock, the following: 'McDonald, Steam Engine, 22-20 Ih.p,; Sarnia sep- arator with cutting' attachment arid grain elevator; waggon and tank 'with maw and hose; Gilson tutting box; 2 Massey -Harris .corn binders; new drive-lbelt. Terms—Threshing Outfit, cash 25 per cent., with approved se- curity for the Ibalarice bearing interest at 5 per cent. Time arranged to suit, the purchaser. 0. W. Reed, Atte:Aim-leen H. W. Tetnpleman, secretary, Staffa Syndi- cate. AUCTION SALE. Of Household 'Furniture and fur- nishings, at the residence df the late Rdbert 'Willis, ,Goderich street West, Sealforth, on !Saturday, June 25th, at 2 p.m. The tExecutors of the 'Estate have instructed 'Thomas Brown, atm- tioneer, to .sell by 'public auction on the 'above date the entire contents of the house, comprising the ;following ar- ticles, all in good !condition: Walnut sideboard, oak secretary, leather co- vered couch, mahogany upholstered settee, .mahogany table, 2 oak tables, 4 upholstered chaina, upholstered easy .chain, oak rocker, Ibireh rocker, oak pedestal, 3 Small tables, hall mirror, electric table lamp, electric light fix- tures, set of 6 oak diners with leather scats, dining table, carpet square, 9 by .12,living room .carpet, stair car- pet, iledraolm suite, quantity of lino- leum'. Davis sewing machine, one green bedroom rug, lace curtains, 'cur- tain poke, framed 'pictures, 4 kitchen chairs, kitchen chest, dishes, china- ware, glassavare, flatware and other articles roo numerous to mention. No- thing reserved as the house is sold. Terms—iGash. W. G. Willis and William Black Executors. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. lir. and .Mrs. Win, jarrott, of 8 r igden, s pen t Sun clay with her mother, 'Mrs, E. Troyer. Quite a number of the mernibers of the Webtser family attended the re- lation picnic which was held at Luck - now on .Saturclay and allreport hav- ing a good time, Picnics are now the order of the day. The 'Troyer reunion picnic was held on Monday of this week at Grand Bend. Mrs. J. illumphreys and daughter, also Miss Margaret S,mith, of London, visited at the home of iMr. and Mrs, Orville ISmith, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hudson and Mr. and 'Mrs. Kelvin Hudson and daughter Emma, of Marlette, Mich., were here over Monda-y attending the 'Proyer picnic and visiting friends. Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallioh CYPRESS KING Enrolment No, 01i16: . Approved, F.ortn I. Will 'stand in his awn stable, lot 29, Con. '12, MdKillolp, -Terms.-'47 foal, $10 'living Ifoal, Rhin Bros., Managers BUCKWHEAT. A limited quantity -of Butkwheat, fit for seed, CON E'OKART, Seaforth. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, dark red:16 months old,.grandson of iGainford Marotta. MELVIN 0110011, Sealforth R. R. 3. Phone 21-615, 'Clinton. 26 Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion "CARBROOK FLASHLIGHT' Enrolment No, 1958. Approved. THURI,SPAY,iJUNE 16; • • PROFESSIONAL CARDS, :DR. H.HUI2H ROSS, P.Ityrdeittio and Surgeon. Late of London Hirt. pital, London; England, Specete , attention to idieeases of the eye, eate nose end throat. , Office and resi- ence behind Dominion Bank. Offiete Phalle No, 5; Residence Phone 1015.' pat F, 5, JBURROWS,' Seaforth, Office and residence, ICaotlerich street,. eiret of'th'e Methodist IChttrch, Coe. over 'for ithe County of Huron. Tsete-' phone No. 40. e7. -.DIR.- C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay; . honor graduate of Trinity Univeraa ity and gold ntedalliat of, Trinitja Medical College; merit -bey of the Ciae: legeif, PhYsicians .„.and tStirit7; ns el! , DIR. F. J. IR, FORSTER-, . ye, Ear, Nose an.d 'Throat. Graduate in Media eine University of Toronto 1897S4a4e Assistant New York Ophthalmic anti Aural InStatuite, Moorefields Eye, and iwili stand at ohis owl; stablo, Lot 3, tGolden ISquare throat hosnitalse'Lote- com 3, i,itittet,t. don., England. At Contimercial 'hotel, 'Terms $15. Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month, front 11 a.tri. to 3 Pm. • Pure Bred 'Clydesdale Stallion DR. W. iC. ISPROAT.—Graduate "GLENRAE" Faculty of 'Medicine, University s8 Enntment No. 1219 , Approved: 'stand at,1 F°rt: own stable, Lot 3, Con. 3, fflullett. Tenms, $10.00. T. J. McMichael, Prop. and Manager. 24 TEA CHER WANTED. 'Teacher wanted for 'S.S. No. 10, Stanley. Applications received till June 30th. 'Apply stating qualifica- tions to Hugh Aikenhead, 'Sec,-Treas., Brucefield, Ont. -25 TEACHER WANTED. ... Winthrop, for S. S. No. 10, 'Mc- Killop, teacher holding '1st or 2nd class certificate, duties 'to commence September • term. State expeiience, salary and qualifications. J. MON'TOOMERY, Set., RJR. 1, Sea - forth. , tf HURON NEWS. Brussels, Edgar Lowry has returned to To- ronto after visiting his .parents. He 11 purser on the Steamer Cayuga. Miss, Alice Jewett, Gratrcl Rapids, Mich., is s.pending a few weeks with - her sister, 'Mrs. tWin, Hall, David Roe, wife and youngest son ni Dannelbrog, Nebraska, were visit- ors last !week with Isis cousins, Alex. Roe and Mrs. E. 'Odell, He is a son of the late Henry Roe of 10th conces- sion of Grey and left hereliti 1872 and this is his first visit since. 11e owns 600 acres in .Nebraska, where corn and wheat are grown extensively. Exeter. Mrs, Enoch Follicle .celebrated her 90th tbirthday recently. She is bale and hearty and still enjoys all her fa'eulties. Mary Adeline ;Harrison, widow of• the late John [Gosling, died at 'Lon- don, May 15111,. aged 70 years. One sister, Mrs, Robt, 'Taylor, of Granton, and 'two lbrothers, 'Rd. 'Harrison, St. Joseph's Island, and iWilliam Har- rison, Toronto, 'survive. Mr, C. 'H. Sanders has been ap- pointed issuer ,of liquor permits for 'Exeter. Caven Presbyterian Church will celebrate its 50th anniversary on June 5,th. lTbe wedding took place in Winni- peg on May 7th, of Lulu 11„, eldest daughter of Rev. and ,Mrs, S. W. il-lauch, to Foster Johnson, of 'Brandon, Man, The 'ceremony as performed by the bride's father. Zurich. lMiss 'Lillian VVeseloh, ,daughter .of Mr. ancltiMrs. F. Weseloh, of Zurich, has Ibsen .appointed first savings teller in the new banking hoesof the First HIBBERT. .Mrs. M. J. iMcMillan, Miss Cather- ine Murray, Mrs, C. Atkinson, Mr. Lotus Atkinson and little son Jimmie, Seaforth, and Miss Anna Atkinson, Detroit, were guests on 'Sunday last at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. W, 3,f, Nigh, Tuckersmith. fReeve Roland Kennedy, Mrs, Kennedy and family and Mr. and' Mri, Thos. O'Laughlin, Tuckersmith, were visitors nn Sunday last at the home of the former's daughter, •Mr. and Mrs. August Ducharme, Hibibert. Miss Agnes Murphy returned to Regina on Monday after spending three weeks' holidays with aunts, uncles and cousins in this district. IMiss A. Maloney, London, is visit - at the home of her nephew, tlktfr Sand us the names. of your visitors. ng --Baby Chicks - 10,000 BABY CHICKS FOR JUNE Hatched from carefully culled, high producing winter layers. Special Price: Rocks 15c, Lcghorns 12c. Will be ready June 14th and every Tuesday after that. Place your order now to be sure - of delivery. , JAMES m.seoTT R. R. 2, SEAFORTH. Phone 32 on 251. 25 SALM OF FURNITURE. .Cerfaia articles of furniture induct- ing 1. oak bedroont suite, a reed :chaise longue,' dining table, buffet, .odd chairs, kitchen stove, kitchen eleva- tor (durnh waiter), and so on will be sold .privately at The Muse, KipPen, any time before June 25th. FARM FOR SALE Good fifty acre farm for sale on the Mill road (county road) Tuckersmith, Part lot 29, con. 5, L. IR. S., 'situated 3T4' miles west ,af Seaforth and 2)4 miles east of tBrucefield, 1)4 miles from school. There are on 'the proper- ty it good frame house, 9 rooms and cellar and woodshed. Bank barn 36x 60, drive 'shed and hen house, two good wag and 4 acres of maple bash, i acre of young orchard, also plum, cherry, pear trees and other fruit. The remainder in a goad state of cultivation. .Rural ,mail and tele- phone. Also 27 acres of pasture land with ,reek' running through, part of lot 32, con, 4, Tuckersinith, on which is a good barn, 26x56, and orchard, Will 'be sold together ,or separately. Apply , to ARCHIE M,eGREGOIS, RR. No, 3, Seafereh, Oast, t:f THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sear- _geons of Ontario. Office in Abe_thare:1 ' Drug Store, iMain Sit., SSTs -for*. Phone 90. FARM ANID 'ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0NLY,' INSURED Officers—James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans,Beechwood, Vice President; D. . McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. \ Directors---IWm. Rinn, No, 2 Sea - forth, John 'Berinewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beachwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alest iBroadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above _named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. National Bank of Dearborn M' h •••••••••••••••• Dental. DrR, J. A. 1MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu- ate of 'Northwestern University, Chi cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, Main strides',, Seaforth. Phone 151. • '1' .t rj- . • 1 DR. P. j. RECHELY, graduate_ aa Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R, Smitleat Grocery, Main street, Seaforttrs Phones, office .185W, 'residence 185i. ' ' Auctioneer. - GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auotioneer for the County of, Huron, Arrangements can be inade far Sale Date at The Seaforth News, 'Chargea moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE -41 AND INSURANCE AGENCY (ISuccessors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORMIL ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effeck- ed at lowest rates in FirstaClaaa 'Companies. • SEAFORTH MARKET ....- Wednesday, June 1 . Wheat, per bus. .., , „ .. .... :-.` Barley, per bus. :11._ 70c. Oats, per !bits. 'Buckwheat, per bus65c Shorts, per cwt, .......... $1,85 Bran, per cwt. $L75 . as Butter, per lb. 32e Eggs, per doz. 20-24-26 Potatoes, per bag gko° Hogs, per cwt, . 0, HEN TROUGHS, TILE, ETC. Hen'troughs, size 2' 8", hell& and easy to handle, suitable 'for chis7aetta, etc. 'See them at :R. Fitost"s any tline. Also larger 'troughs for pigs, s -Ale. 4-iiith and 6-inclt file on hand, and larger ones inade to order. Fe FROST, Seaforth. 25 FARM FOR SALE. 127 acres, farm lot 16 pt, 17, ton, 1, HuMett, 1)4 miles east df Clinton on Pravincial 1Highavay. 9 -room brick house With furnace. Bank ;barb 40x74, and other outbuildings. Well watered, water in stable, also well !fenced.„100 acres under cultivation. Will sell crop with the farm if desired, Will sell cheap and on easy terins. Apply to JOHN R. NOBLE, R. R. No. '4, Clinton, Phone 5 on 617, 29 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH Solid brick, nine room house with furnace, hath -room, town water and every convenience. .Centnally located and convenient to Ischools, -churches and business section, two fine lots, good barn and garden. House has small annex suitable for an office. Bargain for quick sale. Apply to JOHN H. BEST, • Barrister, Seaforth, Ont. L swimewaneareweenneeeeweinwie dimmer:maw' magi' 1!111, NTE We Want Your Eggs We Want Fresh Gathered Stock It will Pay you big to gather your eggs Twice Daily and bring them to Egmondville or • Finnigan Egmondville E. W. liATEMAN Ladies' and Men's Tailor Suits from $25.00 up or Bring your own Cloth and Have it made up here. Over Keating's Drug Store SEAFORTII . '44