HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-16, Page 7'1'
The peculiar religious ideas of
porne peoMtp,al e almost as bad'ae not
'having' any religion at all.
Some 0o. ..
Vaest:ioni time hill soon be here,
And you have canes to thank
1 onl lucky stars and things, my dear,
Per money to the. bank.
p'lfs alvn vacationhaving flew,
For what; shall he who sings
Ki''fhie r000T Veise be thankful to
t; "lIis lucky .stars—aud things!
url1 care and worry
money brings,
P,e glad that it is spent
tlianik your 1uckq stars and things
f , ;hat -you, my dear, have went.
ow out. vacation's came and Went,
3, .
forRotheyear, ea- settled a
lor all our rummy has been spent ,
i er1 Mollie le again, back hero, •
Scone folks can't work before talc -
gin;,; a vacption for thinking about it
it101ltl efterwards for talking about it.
A teaelicr asked the class with
•what weapon Saurson Slew the Phil-
i1tily s. , }lc, got no reply.
"What is this?". he asked, pointing
is his ;tawboue.
The jawbone of .an ass!" was 'the
prompt reply of a scholar.
Harrington --"Have you a blank
check?" -
Carrinst n—"No. I just used the
hisone -to overdraw ';my -own ac-
in Hot Weather.
he soldier boy sticks to hie guns
through the fray,
The y11 alter sticks to hie iast,
The la ., sticks to"his job the it's
The nailer boy sticks to the finest.
110. eines) hs sticks to the songs he
ran sing,
The hoofer—•he sticks to the dance,
But the man in the office can't do
any work;
So he just sits 'and `sticks to his
Civilization is improving. It' is no
°neer thought necessary to try to
each everpettle boy and girl to play
O piano..
Lot's wits has nothing much on
ars. Dave Kirk. The former looked
(hack and turned into a pilhir of salt;
Mrs. Dave looked back ana turned in-
Ito 4 telephone polo,
r'When She goes out with her young
man and eats a large dinner and -then
a enpper after the show 'they call her
a stuffed date.
Boy to Storekeeper—"Have you got
Our gnarters for a one?"
Storekeeper— "Yessir, hero you
Boys --"Thank you."
Storekeeper—"]ley, there, where's
Om one?"
NU gip Ks
The Toronto Hesnital' tor I neurablon, in
n911801100 ,with Cellovne anti Allied Hospitals,
ilt, York ORA. Offen a throe yearn' euursu
f Training to wiling. women Iisein0 the
required ''education, and el ,iron, of he000minn
nil acs. Tufo Hosnifol hat elduntod the eight-
' Imyr'systeni. The-pupila.rae,I,1o.. uniforms. of
.the Suhool, n mooUily..allownime god travel.
'Ina' :nxor,1,o, to and from.. 500 York. For
t0111ci'. Information write .the. Suporihite0d0nt,
The End of the German
1•rankfort Zeitung: .(The German
Republican Defence Act, by which the
German Government may take meas-
twee to prevent the return of the ex -
Kaiser, has become law.) Side by side
with the 9th November, 1918, and the
lith August, 1918, the 17th May, 1027,
will remain memorable in the history
of the decline of the Monarchtst Con-
Stttution in Gelniaily, On the first of
I�gg e �p�tpl�� ���•••aag these dates the monarchy gave itself
NGING TI€lt S up by means of abdication. On the
second' it was.. legally abolished by the
N'ati'onal Ass4m'btly. On the third it
Needed:y� A New�t''Bag of was timidly and feebly surrendered by
T1' CAs9�' for 'a;2usineSs. the old:P)'ussiat--IVIonarelhist party it-
Tho article in "System, 'PIie.Mager soli• - • ." HIe wlio has eYe lto see can
zine of Business," states that "g niter this day uo •longer behove that a
great deal is happening to -day in return of the monarchy is possible in
America 'that 18 not 'in the news' in Ge'rmany,'
any definite way. There is a sort of jP
undercurrent of feverish progress and 1111OI1IF11 WHO ARE WEAK
experimentation, The,motor Indus-
try seethes• with rumore; in the floor -
covering world we hear reports of
GainNew Vitality by Building
TIM type of carpet that may revolu-
tionize that industry; a naw' era of Up the Blood.
consolidator looms; motion pictures
are beginning to talk; chemical re- There are many women who pass
search is developing starting pond. their days in a .constant state 'of
bilities• the Secretary of Commerce weariness.' They have barely 'sum -
is seen and heard by wire through clent energy to enable them to per
the magic of television.Time apti form their manifold duties, Oaten
distance are being annihilated,- with they have an aching head, a .miser -
all that means in readjustment; AH -able pain in the back, and limbs that
of this movement, this undercurrent feel as heavy as lead. .' The whole.
of engineering and scientific pro• trouble is due to. bloodlessness. No
gross is'a' threat to the security of woman need suffer in this way. It is
the man who sits snugly by, feeling easy to obtain a supply - of rich . red
sate in his business or his industry. blood by taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Andit is matched by as much under- Pills. The new blood created .by
cover progress in the public mind, these pills rapidly builds up, the sys
which also has a definite bearing on tem; headaches and backaches dis-
business. appear, enorgy.returns and the joy of
•"It is going to require more ingenu- living is felt once more.
ity in the ' future to keep them in. Proof of these statements is given
terested, to keep a bueiuess prosper- by Mrs. Ed. Lanore, Stoney Point,
ing, than ever, was needed before, Ont., who says: -"For a long time I
Any -man who thinks he has found a had been in a very miserable condi-
royal road to success and rests-on`ilis tion, always feeling tired, out, sleepy
discovery is very likely to find his and weak. The least work about the
royal road abruply turning into a house would leave me helplessly tired
dead-end street. Any business ex- and nothing that I did seemed to give
ecntive' who, does not closely follow relief. Believeing that a rest might
the news of science, . engineering, do mo good, we moved to town, but,
economics, and business these days, contrary to expectations, instead of
and keep constant watch of social getting better I was growing steadily
developments, relating, them in his weaker. One day while talking to a
mind constantly to his own -burliness, neighbor, she urged my taking Dr.
is liable suddenly to find himself over Williams'` Pink Pills, telling me that
in a backwater eddy. On the other her daughter had been in a condition
hand, alert, business management, much like mine. This persuaded me.
watchful' of trends, quick to grasp to try this medicine, and I have much
new ideas and test them on a Tabora- reason to be grateful that I followed
tory scale as possible additions to it her adivice. After the use of a few
'bag ,of Hicks,' will find the America boxes of the pills, there could be no
and the Canada of the next few years doubt that they were helping me, and
mighty fine places in which to do as I continued their. use my health
business." aud strength came back and now T
am doing all mywork and feeling
Safety Notes from Quebec. in the best of health. For this splen-
did condition I must give my thanks
Points brought out at the recent to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
meeting of the Quebec Safety League The pills are sold by all druggists,
are well worth publishing for the edi- or you can get them by mail at 60e
fication of Ontario motorists. a box froni The Dr, Williams' Medi -
A few of the many types of law cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
infractions and violations of the laws
ast"Craft Takes Up Preven-
i'ye Work in Bay of Fundy.
Otla,ra.---Another fast cruiser has
ibeen purchased for the use of the
,Customs Pre-rentive Services in the
ay of Fuljt'.
,The new clntsem, formerly known
is the "Tillicum" will 'be renamed the
ayhoitnd and will be commissioned
mediately and shipped from Mont-
eal to either Saint John, NjrJ3.1 80
igby,N 3. , The Bayhound will be
arable df 1'taining a Speed of 17
'gate l)retiefitive service, will Have
arse fast creasers the Vib8'.ilante,
ayfield tinct ;.5B yhcund, in eommis-
tkon within ,'tE' go weeks_ The Bay -field,
;rhich has been out of service for
ome time, is boing re -conditioned.
The Fight Against Bolshevism.
of common sense which were brought
before the meeting, presided over by
Edward Quinn, were:
"Hogging the road, i.e., driving
slowly and to the left of the right side
of the road.
Failure to slow down at intersec-
tions and'sueh places.
Passing, another • machine on its
right and overtaking another machine
on the right side.
Leaving the curb, having lust peek-
ed or stopped, without regard for and
signals to passing traffic. .'
All simple mistakes and common in
bntario. Paste them on your wind-
shields whe�re. you can see them if yon
are an offender,
Germany and Austria.
Vienna Nentes Tagebiatt: ,(Tice de-
pressed economic condition of Austria
is furnishing an impetus to the Cam-
paign for union with Germany: Paris
would do well not to lose sight of the
feet that tbere is an Austrain problem
and that this problem is constantly in-
cr'eaeiug' in importonee through the
misery of the working population and
the still greater misery of those who
eo'e unemployed. Tills is'why, if Paris
looks with Weaver on the meeement
fol'` union with Germany, oho should
not couflnt Herself to an' inflexible
negetive, but should sound the political
and economic sentiments which are
in evidence in Central lOuropo, ' We
(Austria) have been advised to adopt
the remedy of a strict economic anion
with the other countries remain deaf
to all prolOellls. In the meanwhile, we
cannot even' exist like human beings;,
Ile (between the acts): "'Just gelng
for alittle 21011) air dear," She: "A
little draught you Mean, I' suppose,"
Paris Tempa Democratic cmmlries
o solid in the struggle against Bo1s-
1-evie113, the dcsbroyer of all civilize -
vilizetion. ft to a. question of life b) death
fit tile -western world.,. Even the fact
hat the Soviets. are .taking part in the:
Ec,onorni0` Conference at Geneva, in
onditions which uniquely reveal their
eeeeetl0gtion in fnd rm credits which
v1.11 Permit Diem to continue their
engereus propaganda, could not
arcate new and easy illusions in tills
.cop'eet. Having failed in China, Mos -
e 1, anxionely, looking .rain to-
Experiments of morevthan 36
years have proven that Alu.mi-
nuilit is the best container
for ten, and paper the poorest.
Red Rose Tea is now packed
only in Alurrlis urn, and every
package is guaranteed to be
isn perfect concl°tiOf.
Hc- "Marry me and 1'11 be your
Slto— For ,,a week, maybe, then
you'd' remember that elavery'e been
etre Wee
First- Candy Hotel
An hotel within fah hotel was made'
possible recently by JohnMeyer,
pastry chef of the Chateau 'Lake,
Louise, who produced the model of
the new Canadian Pacific "Hotel Sas
katchewan" seen above and which
was an unusual table ornament at the
banquet attending the opening of the
new hotel at Regina by President
Beatty in the presence of Lieutenant
Governor H. W. Newlands of Sas-
katchewan and other prominent per-
sons, on May 24.
The model is made 'entirely of
sugar and closely resembles the new
hotel that is regarded as one of the
finest buildings in the west.
The chef found out that building
hotels, especially out of sugar, was a
bigger task than expected. Had it
been a wedding oaks to adorn the'
task for him would have been simPie.,
However he proved his versatility, in
sugar moulding when he produced
the model above.
The Movies and the Home.
Tae' Monde Ouvrier (Ind.) : ' Since
the birth of the cinematograph, the
cinema Ilss been accused of every int-
aignable and imaginary evil. It has
been described as the destroyer of
family and social life..:. The: de-
truction of family and social life is
due to other causes vastly more com-
plex and .more deeply -rooted. Can
one honestly affirm that society, would
be better without the cinema? It is
evidently not the case, for the re-
proaches which we heap on society
were addressed to it a hundredyears
ago, two 'hundred years ago, `.red ever
since. In . the country, where there
is nocinema, are the younger genera-
tion relatively better than they are
in the towns? They are 'just as
greedy for .pleasure and entertain-
niinistor—"I hear, Paddle, they've
gone dry in the village where your
brother liven." Paddle -"Dry, mon!
They're parched. I just had a letter
from Mike and the postage_ stamp
was stuck on with a Rin.-Bagology,
A decor says lazy people have no
sense Of humor. IIo who laughs least
• loafs longest.,
;aids Eorope, 110 order 10i 1'01ul-ne on a
n:l.V ba.r'a 11 r revolalionary.eforts. y"° ` "` " "` WieXi"
Kills 17,iesq4osquitoe„
Roaches -Bed ' e '..
Has No Rep Yet.
"You've . heard of Sally Twinkle,
haven't you? The great movie star."
"Why no indeed, I haven't heard
of her. alas' 'ell's ever been di-
Keep Him Well With the Aid of
Baby's Own Tablets.
No matter how strong and rosy
your child may be he requires a Iaxa-
titre sometimes so that the stomach
may be kept sweet, and the system
Formerly the laxative medicines
given to children' were disagreeable
ones—castor oil, senna tea, powders
and son oh. But now Baby's Own Tab-
lets, easily administered and pleasant
to take, havesuperseded these. The
a p ors e
children like Baby's Own Tablets.
Not only as 0 laxative but in many
other ways these Tablets are an ideal
remedy for little ones. They quickly
reduce feverishness, relieve indigest-
tion, colic and vomiting, prevent con-
stipation, check diarrhoea, allay teeth-
ing pains and promote healthful,
natural Sleep.
You can get Baby's Own Tablets at
any dealer in medicine or at 25 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Spear Throwing by Aborigin-
als in Beaudesert Amuses
Brisbane, Queensl.—No more dis-
tinctively Australian scene was wit-
nessed by the Duke and Duchess of
York during their recently conclpded
tour of the Continent than the b'uah-
man's carnival and native corroberee
at Beaudesert, Queens). The royal
car was escorted by a detachment of
mounted troops from the wayside rail-
way station to the field, 'where a troop
of 60 stalwart mounted bushmen in
blue shirts and slouched hats gave a
remarkable exhibition of bareback
riding and cattle drafting.
Afterward a number of aboriginals
from the Baarmbah settlement, fan-
tastically garbed and painted for the
occasion, rushed into the ring with
spears, boomerangs and woomeras
and began a spear -throwing competi-
tion. The spears were thrown a great
height and quivering in the air, land-
ed point first in the gaound around
one of the performers who constitut-
ed himself the target. The spears fell
in showers almost at his feet as he
moved away at various distances. The
boomerang -throwing: was no less in-
teresting, and, their Royal Highnesses
were ,amazed at the natives' skill. '
After various other demonstrations
of agility and ingenuity, including
the natiye method of making fire by
rubbing sticks, the performers assem-
bled infront of the royal stand, pre-
sented two`boomerairgs, a nulla nulla
arid'. a woomerato the 1'oyal visitors,
and sang a native song of farewell.
,after 1:.ng tests we re .
winced Alarm' um s the
best container for tea.
Now packed only in. Aluminum.
ONTARIO READY Classified Advertisements i'
F YOU 11110010013 15>.241T4n1 ltlntnlin 000112.
Write for catalogue and oris. flat Safe
Proposes to Advertise Apples
in Great Britain.
Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of
Agriculture, states that the Ontario
Government is prepared to co-operate
with the Dominion Government` in
establishing a fund for the advertis-
ing of Canadian apples on British
markets. P. W. Hodgetts, head of the
Fruits Branch of the Dept., will go to
Ottawa on July 6 to attend a confer-
ence of fruit growers, apple shippers'
and various Provincial Government'
representatives on the whole advertis-
ing question.
It will be recalled that the last ses-
sion of the Federal Parliament an
amount of 9100,000 was appropriated
for advertising purposes, Hon. James
Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Com-
merce, explaining that to the limit of
that sum, on a dollar for dollar basis, CA 1V1 P E
the Federal Treasury would assist
organized bodies of producers of food
products in placing their commodities
before the British buying public.
Suggestions have been made to Mr.
Malcolm that at least $20,000 of the
appropriation bespent on advertising
of Canadian apples. The proposal will
be thoroughly threshed out at the
coming Ottawa conference.
Not N oessary.
Company Promoter—"I want 6000
stock certificates printed."
Printer — "Something distinctive
and elaborate?" ,
Promoter—"Oh, no, this is a legiti-
mate proposition."
Minard'e Liniment is reliable.
A colored agent was summoned be-
fore the insurance commissioner,.
"Don't you know," said the commis -
stoner, "that you can't sell life insur-
ance without a State license?"
"Bose," said the colored man, "you
aualt said a -mouthful, I knowed I
couldn't sell it, but I didn't know the
reason why."
A Tributary Nation.
Quebec Evenemewt (Cone.) : The
economic advantage enjoyed by the
United States as compared with Can
ada rests in the formidable tactics em-
ployed by them to acquire protection
against our competition,' whilst we,
leave them free to invade oua•`terrl-
tory to the detriment of bur own work -
people. The American nation floods
the Canadlian market with its 'pro-
&tete, but it is impossible for Dur
articles, with the exception of a very
few, to compete upon the American
market, The American worker thus
has the advantage of selling at home
and in Canada, :while we can only sell
in Canada. The day this unequal sit-
uation ' is changed to our advantage,
we shall. see the beet American work-
men demanding entrance into Canada.
In the meanwhile we are and shall re-
main a tributary country to the Tint -
ted States, Our political liberty is of
comparatively little importance to
them; they are satisfied with thele
commercial eupremaey :end our eeon-
omlc dependence.
Britain and C
Hongkong Press: No one has dons.
more to assist China to re -habilitate
herself than Great Britain, no one has
been more anxious •tie encourage a true
national spirit among the Chinese.
Our statesmen have been patient en-
ough in all conscience. They have con-
tinued to .ptit their faith in promisee
and to wait with dwindling hope for
their filllilment. When they have been
smittenupon one cheek they have
turned the. other to the emiter only to
receive, a resounding smack on that
also as a reward foe their meedcaese
A true Australian touch was given and humidity. Bitter experience seems
to the proceedings by an outburst of to teach ;that the scriptural doctrine
hearty laughter from a kookoo-burra
) - e applied' with setisfaclory re -
(laughing jackass) up in a neighbor- sults to the followers of Confucius.
gum tree, which added much to
the merriment of their Royal High-
nesses and the 12,000 spectators pros -
As their Royal Highnesses boarded
the train again they found all the
stations decorated eking the route,
The school children thronged the plat-'
(forms and threw white roses hitorthe
royal ear as it passed. At Brisbane'
the royal party was met by William -
Lennon, Lieutenant-Goverilol-, of
Queensland, who accompanied them;
to Government House, dense crowds
lining the street throughout the route.
Sanitary Rubber SVorka, 1/opt. W.L. sr-Ol ltoxel'
Street Alonln01.
enNTS TO INT1t(1DUVFl .our lmprot d 1041)1{y
01111.00. Clothing 0020010nce ash .usanl
emonatratfon sells it -2,01 or part time. IL n.
Young, 200 Ilay St:,- Toronto.
1A110r011 30001.00 OFL6nnemroN-4ln1l3P
*20 per day Felling -0tomebna owners stir
Flag 0101der With Soo nags, Ag"Rte, Garages. Moro.
keepers. etc., send for ,Ireular end wholesale prt•ss
list. Semple postpaid 730, Jublleo Flag Ce„ Ld
queen Wool Toronto.
ADDS -UDR DR OFA I705305111105 \VANTpn TO
tit see for th "01,1 7tellable Foothill Nursolcn"
('Eslabllnhed 00 years). New and npeolul 01110,, ing
sellers, exclusive territory,. blahrnt comminstOnn paid;
h0ndsoma - free outfit, : Exlxah!n0e 1103 neeesasry.
lt'rlto for Tull particulars. Steno- is Wallington.
Toronto 2.
�] 100I STRIt10D ,CI01N11I100,A - RO13IW'9. 1
Afarhg0 001,0110,1 To, :,11101011),3; }ronng rg,0 ra lqa
from our stock. Prlso ,hr ,ntallty, slit er
medal at Toronto e000 many older sward 10,Il 00
raise. Mach mors-. profitablethan Haul y, Illus-
trated book 81030 2,011 information, To Grey Dawn
Fur Fame, 1300 41, woodrURe, Ontario.
klinard'e Liniment for insect bites.,
4/1), VANC.CiiS
There's only one advantage in put-
ting off until to -morrow what should
be done to -day, and that is you may
be sacked to -morrow andwont have It
to do.
'Fake Minard's in your kit.
Good for cuts
Spralpe, mime,
and insect bites. -
The, Charm of A Velrrl. Skin --and the
Pure,Dlood Under 13
The effectiveness of that.
popular touch of "make-up"
will be greatly enhanced if the
skin has the velvety smooth-
ness and 'cicarness that result
from tile use of TRU-BLOOD.
This much -prescribed Blood
Tonic corrects the coarsening
tendency of "complexion aids'
and makes theshin clear,
smooth and colorful.
Your Druggist now Las TRU-
BLOOD, Test its Lealth-and-Laeitty-
Vingqualities. Got n bottle today.:
Tires Are
One of the outstanding
developments by Firestone
Engineers is the Gum -Dipping
process which impregnates and
insulates every fibre of every,
cord with rubber—adding
strength to the cords and re-
ducing internal friction and
heat so destructive to tire life.
The Firestone Dealer
your locality will gladly explain
to you the extra value of Guru -
Dipping. He is prepared to
demonstrate how the cords of
the carcass are saturated in a
rubber which makes motoring
Irtore economical with added
comfort and safety.
Hamilton, Ontario
i .
Firestone Euiida the Only Gum -Dipped Tires
'Pelle cause of cancer and what to do
for pain,' bleed ir, g,; odor, etc.' Write for
ft to,ilev, lnenticn,..c, this paper: Ad-
' Indianapolis Cance • 1
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's `Vegetable
Coniston, Ontario. -"After a see
vera operation and a three weeks'
stay in a hospitaj
I returned horns.
so weak that 'was
unable' to move a '
chair. For four
months I was al-''
most frantic with
pains and suffer -
mg until Ithou ght
sure there'could
not be any help 1
for Ise. I hadvery
severe pains in my
left aide and suf..
aerod agony every month. - One day
when I was not able to get up my '
mother begged ms to try your med-
icine. My. husban t got me a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at once and
1 took it. I started a second bottle.
and to my surprise and joy the pains
in ley side left me completely and
am able to do all my work without
help,. I am a farmer's wife so you
see'I can't be idle long. In all, I have
taken six bottles of Lydia E: Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, five
boxes of the Compound Tablets, two)
bottles of Lydia P. Pinkha)n a Blood
Medicine, and have also used 1 h Sen-
ative Wash." --Mrs. L. l.,AJt,tUNws8r,
'Box 103, Coniston, Ontario, e
r Hospital — l3EUE No. 25—'27. —
lndiar.`ugolis, led.