HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-16, Page 2r"ao.
Wkre be cosavtent with inferior tea.
To escape hanging on the charge
a, in:lit-ion, Andre -Louis Moreau flees
from his native town of Gavrillac
and hides his identity as a member of
a hand of strolling players in which
n +!:es a great success hi the char-
,:, of Scaramouche,
ilia flight has caused bimto delay
ee,.eeette on the great and powerful
to reeis de La Tour D'Azyr, wino
ere -ked Andres dearest friend. Phil -
:pee de Vilmorin, a divinity student,
into n duel and thenkilled him be-
be feared the idealist's"danger-
tea gift of eloquence." Over thedead
I errs of his friend,Andre-Louis swore
to ea• ry un his work of reforming
the lot t�f .,ie peasants.
Vcaremouche, as Andre -Louis is
tow celled, fails in love with Climene,
cineol c.r of the owner of the troupe,
rend tree to forget the beautiful
e el: de 1Lercadiou, whom, he thin'.cs,
1.•;eery the Marmite. Clintene
I, eto 'ere withcoldness.
c t 'toter into that urs airs
r•cr... tee was Canton to all the
I .. . -: ire-Lettis i'aand M. Binet
is y and vehemently. As
)10 01." t Einer broke oil shoe t. raid
t.. ''aaco
1 7 your eeplanetiom of the
d tee Beene ;en pre.r.•ked to -
i, fel? Is it elsgraceful
P ; , ,;elidie should applaud cele?"
"The rellie? The rabble. you
r• < _ , eel° the play to -night M. de
lin ;..1,-• 't1zyr came to 'me, arci
r,•uke 1^ :;:e in the severest terms
el- :eandalous outburst. 1
wee f : apologise and , . :
eee. fool you," said Arelre- •
Ineee .n who respected himrolf
c.t +,• shown that gentleman the
••-clt`m. ' . , 1'inet's face began to era-
h.' further," Andre -Louie
v,.,,. • • •. a man who respects
keine • •> : e other grounds; would
:Ili. 1(.0 ,: 1(.0 glad to have seized
11 tr ,how M. de La Tout
you mean by that?'
,r ;.amble of thunder in
tin tit :•t•'
I.! 6.770.T eyes swept round the
r ; cry •:led at the suppor-
t I• : 'r h f'lemene?" he asked,
e h: e r y.
t e :ire :c r.t ep to answer him,
At,' to r 1;r ,. , tense and quiver-
ii r, hi ant •ten- et.
• :l.e :e:t the theatre in the Mar-.
r;rt de T-nr d'Azyr's carriage
i t d ole a•to the performance.
We }reeve: 1 :Ter to drive her to
the. ;i n."
The: wee'..1 be an hour ago—
ls1.3we rein:. And she las not yet
No:. rc•t..'"
"f:).!!'' A,1: .'-1 • ,is sat down, and
rr.'i }.i<•. 1f r lee. There, was an
opt-, cc . 1e "3..111T ;n the room:
r 1t mashed toward him.
13< hr. ped hire -elf calmly to food,
and ate 1.r ere. re•-, a;parently with a
gaol nee,1
At 1, 1)`; l:• came 0 rumble of
whr,,,r. bpi( e s,1 :.t rett3e cif halting
hoof:,. The 1 ehe high, trilling
tangle of f ee • floating upwards.
, mint bA1 I,,in' 8
e oa
. fee.e
. s /Teary Meat
Calle 4\
1SuLE.No Seeed7,
Andre -Louis went on eating uncon-
She came in, .a leading lady taking
the stage, head high, chin thrust for-
ward', eyes dancing with laughter;
she expressed triumph and arrogance.
Her cheeks were flushed, and there
was some disorder in the . mass .of
nut' -brown hair that crowned her
head. In her left hand she carried an
enormous bouquet , of white camelias.
On its middle finger a diamond of
great price drew almost at once by
its efrulgencethe eyes of all.
Her father sprang to meet her with
an unusual display of paternal ten-
enderness. "At last, my child!"
Ho conducted her to the table. She
Eank into a chair, a little wearily, a
little nervelessly, but the smile did
ret leave her face, not even when
:he glanced acecres at Scaramouche.
4n'ir•e-Louis, however, still went on
t atinee stolidly, without so much as
look in her direction. Gradually.
the company came to realize that just
ttS surely as a scene "was brooding,
jnet so surely would there be no scene
es Iong as they remained. Within
"I how to your choice, mademoi-
Belle. I pray that you may not re-
gret it " '
"Regret it? cried M. Binet. De
was laughing; relieved to see his
daughter at last rid of this suitor of
whom he had never approved, if we
except those few hours when he real-
I'a ck, safe, sure relief"fron
painful calloused on the feet.
At nil drilc and sitgc ,zcc
..„„,Pa one on -the
#po,k� pain is gone
1y believed him to be an eccentric of
di t • "And whit shill she r e-
s ,rnc 1011.
Bret! hat she accepted the protec-
tion of a nobleman so powerful' and
wealthy that as a mere trinket he
gives her a jewel worth as much as
an actress earns in a year at the
Comedie Francaise?"
Andre -Louis looked at him in si-
lence for a long moment, Then he
laughed again, "Oh, you are fantas-
tic," he said. . "You are not real." 380
turned oil his heel and strode to the
Andre -Louis turned, his hand upon
the, door -handle. "No," he said, "3
was mistaken. You axe not fantas-
tic. ' You are just vile -both of you."
And went out.
Twenty-four hours with La Binet
had been more than enough for the
fastidious and discerning taste of M.
de La Tour d'Azyr. He looked back
upon the episode with nausea—mar-
veling at himself that until yesterday
he should have found her so desirable,
and cursing himself that for the.sake
of that ephemeral and worthless
gratification he should seriously have
imperiled his chances of winning
Mademoiselle de Kereadlou to wiee.
The Chevalier de Chabrillane sat
opposite to him in the enormous
traveling berline. As they were rat-
tling over the cobbles of Nantes'
streets he remembered a promise to
La Binet to witness her performance
that night in "The Faithless Lover."
He had led the 'mercenary 'little.
strumpet—it was thus he thought of
her at present, and with some justice
-to expect favors from him in addi-
tion `to the lavish awards which al-
ready he had made her. The baggage
hadalmost sought to drive a bargain
with hire as to her future. It become
necessary now to come to an under-
standing, since he was compelled to
choose between his trivial passion for
her -a passion quenched already—
and his deep, almost spiritual devotion
to Mademoiselle de Kercadiou.
two minutes none remained in the
room but M. Binet, lois daughter, and
Andre -Louis. And then, at last,
Andre -Louis set down knife and fork,
washed his throat with a draught of
Burgundy, and sat back in his chair
to consider Climene.
"I trust," said he, "that you bad
a pleasant ride, mademoiselle"
"Most pleasant, monsieur." Im-
pudently she strove to emulate his
coolness, but did- not completely suc-
"And not unprofitable. if I may
judge that jewel at this distance;
worth a formidable sum even to so
wealthy a nobleman as M. de La Tour
d'Azyr. Would it be impertinent in
one who has some notion of becoliiing
your husband, to ask you, mademoi-
selle, what you have given him in
M. Binet uttered a groes laugh, a
queer mixture of cynicism and con-
"I have. given nothing," said Cli-
mene, indignantly.
"Ah! Then the jewel is in the na-
ture of a payment in advance."
'My God mare you're not decent!"
M. Binet 1 -retested,
"Decent?" Andre -Louis' smoulder-
ing eyes turned to discharge upon M.
Binet such a filmination of contempt
that the oldecoundrel shifted uncom-
fortably in his chair. "Did you men-
tion decency, Binet? Almost you make
mo lose my tamper." . Slowly his
glance retueed to Climene. "Made-
moiselle," he said, slowly, "I desire
you .purely in your own interests to
consider: whither you are going."
"1 tin We11 able to consider for
i uystif, eel to decide without advice
from you, monsieur,"
"And now you've got your answer,"
chuckled Bind. "I hope yoe. like it."
.Andre -Louis had paled a little;
there was incredulity in his greet
sorebee ares as I hey -continued st,ead-
rly to rrr Lill 11r:r, Of 141. Binet rte
took 110•
•C newe •- vette Mine'd'e ¶a 111 you.
He pulled the cord• The carriage
• rolled to a standstill; a footman ap-
peared at the door.
"To the Theatre Feydau," said he.
The great traveling carriage drew
up at the lighted portals of the Fey-
dau, and M. le Marquis stepped out.
Ile entered the theatre with Chabril-
lane, all unconsciously to deliver him-
self into the hands of Andre -Louis.
In the interval after the second
act, Andre -Louis sought the dressing -
room shared by Polichinelle and Rho-
domont. Polichinelle was in the act
of changing.
"I shouldn't trouble to change," he
said. "The piece isn't likely to go
beyond my opening scene of the next
act with Leandre."
He was gone. Rhodomont stared
at Polichinelle. Polichinelle stared at
As they approached the wings a
roar of applause met them coming
from the audience. It was applause
and something else; applause on an
unusual note. As it faded away they
heard the voice of Scaramouche ring-
ing clear as a bell:
"And so you see; my dear M.
Leandre,-that when you speak of the
Third Estate, it is necessary to be
more explicit. What precisely is the
Third Estate?"
"Nothing," said Leandre.
There' was a gasp from the audi-
ence, audible in the wigns, and then
swiftly followed Scaramouche's next
"True. Alas! But what should it
"Everything," said Leandre..
The audience roared its acclama-
"True ' again,", said Scaramouche.
"And what is more, that is what it
will be. Do you doubt it?"
'1 hope it," said the schooled Le -
"You may believe it," said Scara-
reenc'he, and again the acclamations
rolled into thunder,
To be continued,'
Love of History and Composi-
tion Helps Ruth Gaw, of •
Palmerston, Win Win a Place.
Dear Sirs:
I received' your letter elating that 1
had won one of the $5,00 prizes in the
Essay Contest and was very pleased to
hear it.
I am sorry to spay that I have not a
good p'hotograph of myself, at p'r'esent.
I was born in Granby, Quebec, and
received ' my public school education
and also niy first year of high school
in Siaskatnh'e'wan. Tile pasttwo years
have been spent here in Ontario. I
am now in my fourth year of high
We attend' the United Church and I
belong to the Wofalo C.G,I.T. group.
As for sports', I `ant very fond of
basketball but do not go in much for
any other outdoor games.
Composition is one of my best sub-
jects', Next to history. I believe I en-
joy it the moat.
As yet I have not fully made up any
mind . what I Till do when I finish
school, ... .
Yours 'sincerely,
We Canadians may well be proud of
our country. Leas than four hundred -
years ago Jacques Cartier raised the
Pleur -de -lis at Gaspe, thus claiming
the land in the name of the Icing of
France; but he little dreamed of the
vast teynitory that stretched away to
the Pacific. Until the coming of the
English tho St. Lawrence valley and
the Maritimes were the only settled
parts of Canada. To -day she occupies
more than half a continent. It has
been said that she covers so much sue -
fee that all the climates of Europe are
found within her borders. True, only a
narrow strip along the southern edge
has been brought under cultivation
but each year this etr•Ip grows wider
and wider.
In Ontario and Quebec where the
fertile soil ends the rich mineral lands
begin. This source of wealth has been
lying for centuries just beneath the
barren surface yet its discovery is
comparatively recent. Canada now
supplies ninety per cent. of the nickel
and cobalt naevi in the rvorid, as well
as eighty-five per cent. of the asbestos.
She has been known to Europeans
Dor almost four hundred years yet the
most of her growth "has been made
during the last fifteen decades. With
they coming they United! Empire
Loyalists her era of progress dawn-
ed- These people, loyal to their king,
left comfortable 'homes in tho re-
volted colonies to come to Canada,
then an almost unknown wilderness.
Ontario owes its beginning to them.
Under the early British rule the Gov-
ernment of Canada was quite as dee-
patio as ft was during the French
regime. The "new subjects" as the
French Canadians: were called were
well satisfied with this system, having
known nothing better; but the "old
subjects" complained` continually, for
they had absolutely no share in the
government.. However, with the
Loyalists there oame'a change. Owing
to their agitation the Constitutional
Aot, which gave a measure of self-
government, was passed la 1791. .
Grudgingly the unbroken forests
gave way to tiny clearings. By slow -
degrees good waggon roads were built
and schools and churc'hes were opened
up. These were few and far between+
and many people grew up' with only
the rudiments of education. Large
numbers could not even read or write.
To -day there are fine school systems.
In alt the provinces and education is
free to every one.
The Constitutional Act did not end
the struggle for self-gover7nment. In
1837 a rebellion broke out in both
Upper and Lower Canada. This was
easily put down but it had the desired
effect of arousing the 'British Gov-
overprnvent $b the needs of Canada and,
on the advice of Lord Durham the
Union Aot was Passed in 1840, 5t111
the slimmg!lo Dar x05113' Depnocratic
Government event on until a scheme
evolved in the Inirrcle of far-seeing
statesmen. The BeitiR,:h North America
Act wasepassed in 1867 and four prov-
inces, Quebec, Ontario, ;Nova Scotia
and New Beuirswiek were'united under.
the n'amo of Canada. From that time
on the growth of our country has been
almost miraculous. At the time of Con-
federation the population was, about
three and a half mielious.' On this our
Sixtieth Anniversary there* are more
than time and a half mi'll'ion people.
The population has been almost tripled
in little more than half at century:
Canada hies always haul an abund-
anee of raw materials but it is only
ing the fast' few years'. that her manu-
facturing ineuetries have : been de•
veioped. Since 1900 her industrial out-
put hats' •been increased six -times.
Not so very manyyears, ago all the
s Western, wheat lands were in-
habited onlyby wanderinggndians and
a few Hadeon Bay trader's, "To -day
Canada supplies ten per •cent, of the
wheat c0n4,1141e4 in the whole world.
Lumberis also one of her intp'ortent.'
products, • She 'supplies twenty-two
per cent. cE the lumber isel in the
world. lu the old days this was not
considered a valuable product; It
was quite customary to clear a piece
of land and then burn the,tinhber,take'n
from it. J
The pulp anti ,eaper industry is also
inlpor•lant, the largest paper mill in
the wor'id Is at Three Rivers.
At the time of Confederation British
Coi ienbia was separated from -the rest
of Canadaby mountain and plain and
in this way her trade was hampered.
She entered the Union in 1871 on con -
ellen that a railway ehould be built
across the continent.
Tho Canadian, Pacific Railway was
the direct result of Confederation. INo
oiee province could have engineered'
such a gigantic'seaieme, alone, The
raiilread was• finished in 1385 and Can-
ada was -linked from coast to coast
with a line of steel: • Almost immedl:.
ate•1•y settlers began to flock from alit
over to the fertile: farm lands of the
In 1873 Prince Edward Island en-
tered Confederation Manitoba had
been admitted in 1870 but, Alberta and
Saskatchewan did not come in as full -
pledged provinces until 1905.
The Grand Trunk' wan built parallel
to the Canadian Pacific and in this way
hereeed to optsif'up still more new terri-
Canadian writers are steadily climb -
tog icerci to; the top ,in the }world `of
Excellent motor highways are uni-
versal throughout the
ug conn' r
t Y•. A tr p
across the continent which once took
many weary months, is now Made in
a tow weeks with an automobile os- in
a few days • on one at the fast trans-
continental, trains. _
Easy -transportation, telegraph line's,
tole3ibones and radios are daily draw-
ing Halifax. and Vancouver closer and
closes together.
,To-day-Monerc-al is one of Canada's
greatest 'ports. Scarcely half a cen-
tury ago it possessed only a crowded,
dirty harbor which could only accom—
modate from two hundred and fifty to
three hundred tons in wei'gh't.
The inland waterways are being de-
veloped and in the ftiture we may wit-
ness the seeming impossible sight of:
European vessels loading grain from
the elevators at Fort William,
•Our country lies in thee great path-
way of commerce; her transcontin-
ental lines furnish the shortest routes
around the world. She has the great-
est natural resources of any nation in
the world and as those are developed
she will take her place among the fore-
most nations of the earth,
in 1867 we first obtained truly Demo-
cratic Government, that is, Govern-
ment by the- people for the people.
in this our Diamond Jubilee Year we
have sent our first ambassador to a
foreign country, :the Ho'noiabie Vin-
cent Massey, Canada's representative
in Washington. Canada may well say
"Daughter I am in my Mother's house
but Mistress in my own."
She has no desire to break away
from the great empire of which she
forms such an important part. In the
boor of danger she gave unstintingly
of her men and money. Canadians
have proved their loyalty to the
:Motherland, over and over, during the
American Revolution, in the war of
1812-14, on the veldts .of South Aprica.
and in the trenches in Flanders.,
Aur forefathers bequeatheh us the
fairest and most Democratic form of
Government in the world and its up to
us to preserve it for those who' are
to tome after :us.
"So in the long hereafter- this Can-
ada Shall be the worthy heir of British
power and British liberty."
Ease sunburn with Minard's Liniment.
L'Entente Cordiale.
Paris Journal: Questions of great
importance must be settled. There
is 7n the first place the defence of the
West, No 'power surely has , had so
many iilu Ions as Britain about the
possibility of finding a,eommon ground
upon which capitalist society and the
Soviets could meet; no power has been
more rudely shaken from her' dream.
1t is in London that the "Stand To"
has sounded, a call which is begin-
ning to echo in other quarters, .
We cannot estimate the danger in Mos-
cow without remembering that there
is a strict entente -between Moscow
5110 Berlin. The German problem is
inseparable from the Russian problem
and the German problem has not been
conrirletely solved at Locarno. .
Since L'ocarno, these has been a cam
paign to set a Franco -Garman rap-
prochesauent against the Entente,Cordi-
ale, Is this not precisely the:cause
of all the misunderstandings which
have arisen during the last few
Some women grow old before. their
time trying; to look young after their
I)isqualified The man who boasted
that he had won the walking race
0I1 what is se rare as a full day's
work in, June!
Wilson Publishing Company
Xb ,' 4.1.071.; s-r�L. '.vas
o;Ast t ft,
This charming: frock is exceedingly
smart and shower to advantage the 000
Of two materials. The skirt is gath-
ered at the sides and joined to the
bodice having points at the front.
View A shows the frock Svith a
square neck and short kimono sleeves,
While View 13 has a high neck- with
round collar and long sleeves gather -
?d to narrow wrist -bands. No, 1597
is in'81zes 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Size
8 requires % yard 89 -inch plain Ma-
terial; 134 yards 89 -inch figured ma-
terial for View A; 1% yards figured
for. View B. Price 20c the pattern.
Home sewing brings nice clothes
within the reach of all, and to follow
the mode is delightful when itcan
be done so easily and economically by
following' the styles pictured in our
new Fashion Book. A chart accom-
panying --each pattern shows the ma-
terial as it appears when cut out.
Every ,detail is explained so that the
inexperienced sewer can make without
difficulty an attractive dress. Price'
of the book 10c the copy. ,
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and ;size' of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c.`in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co:, 78 West Ade-
laide St.,_ Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail..
Park Speaker—"Ali mon aro born
equal." Heckler—"Yes; it's what they
aro born equal to that makes the dif-
Electrifying Scotland...
Scotland s 'great electrical sebemo,
by which it is proposed to coneenirate
generating plants within ten, and
eventually six, st -pions, instead : of
forty-two, .,•, at present, is regarded
as one et' the most important develop-
ments siece'the industrial revolution:
The project takes in practically the
whole of the industrial belt; covering
an area 01, about 5,000 "'square nrilcs
antd'affecting shore than 3,0,'000 of
the total population of 5,00070;000, It
will take ten years to complete it, and
the cost will be in the ie_gliborbood
of £6,000,000.
The shutting down of the smaller
and less efficient stations and . the
inter!eonneetion of those better locat-
ed and better equipped should react .
to the benefit of the consumer in Pro-
viding' cheaper power, in ether -
countries, and particularly in the Un-
ited 'States, this •policy has yielded '
highly satisfactory results, so that
there is no reason why it should not
prove equally beneficial to Scotland.
Indeed, herd haa.been in recent, years,
a decided trend towar.1 a closer inter-
connection of electric power systems.
What effect this electrical develop-
ment will have upon the future' in-
dustrial situation is a matter of eolr-
jecture, . People of authority are
credited with the belief that it is upon
such development that the prosperity
of British indust -a will mat. While
this statement is porhap; farther.
;than many people would cart- to go,
the possibilities of electrical energy in•
helping to remove the depression
which has marked shipbuilding, coal
mining and enginereing'in'the.past
few years are conceded to be immense:
There is also the additional consid-
eration that the project will tend to
disperse the popelation rather than
Congregate itin the towns, in con-
trast with the opening up of coaI
mines, around wh :.,r largeurtories
England and Wales will watch the
Scheme with great interest, for it is
the first of the projects which Great
Britain has formulated. It will be
followed at the end of the year by
five other plans for eleretrificaticn in
various parts o England: With such
developments in cictiv, great changes
are certain to take place in the even-
nmlc sitaatica--changes that may
have far -ranching effects' not only
upon the mother country but also upon
outer pints of the Empire.—(C11rie-
t,aai235to tta-)
Heroism erred the Flood.
L'hiladelphia Inquirer: Acts: , of
sact-ince and lrcrorun shine like Bright
stars amid the .. , M.ssi aippi flood.
The newspaper correrpondente stum-
ble on them here and there, but there
met be thousands which have not
been brought to geenral attention.
Sorely there ehould be some recogni-
tion of acts like that of the veteran
of the World War at Alexandria, La,
who single-handed has rescued 103
persons with his small motorboat
within a week.
No, medal of, valor could fully re-
ward the splendid sacrifice of the
Coast Guard officer who plunged into
n tossing whirlpool of water hurtling
through a break in the levee' and
"proved" that the rescue boats could
go safely through it. `if I don't get
through, don't follow," he told his
men. 1 -le did come through andthey
followed in the wake of the torrent.
to fescue people perched in trees or
on the rooftops. Hundreds, yes thou-
sands of deeds like that call to the
American people for roeognition in rho
Amer of the nation's greatest disaster
in time of peace.
. {Mich a N"n s Drake.
1'11 go out and buy 1(10 0 gat
1 Plant nue I don't care where at,
For I know that my wife,
Though ohe values ay Mee
She tln,nle; ,11101'0 of 11 eew i 111ter
The Harley-Davidson Sinnlc Cylinder
Motorcycle is the greatest littlo .ma-
chine that has been made, Safo to
ride, . easy to control, and most econ-
omical. Stands without a -;rival. 100
Miles to Gallon of Gasoline. Price'
$300. Down Payment $100, Balancel
$22 per month. ;:Waiter Andrews,
Limited, 346 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.
It is the selection of rich, western wheats -- the finest
grown' on the prairies. ---' that gives extra flavour t0 bread• and.
buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from
Send;30c r ; sta i?ps for o :r 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook .Hook. 261
$9rcarc:a Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toronto, l,lentrcal, Ottawa, Saint John.
The Little Entente.
Prague Presse: The Little Entonle
was originally formed` for defcnsiv:a
purposes- " tlulisequeiitiy it pr„ coeded
towards Economic, as well as hnliiieal
oollabore tion between he three SM,ites
and this development has eollbribul0d
not a little to tightening i11e bonds'
which melte the States. 'flint Ilea -
mania, Lugo -Slavin and c echo-t3ln-
vakia'are ready' to stand together in
the affairs of Cnr,ltral l0urope Is an rig:-
v1olle reality ' and 0110 1.1101 not"plug
could affect itt-the future.
Carry Go.
IIe ,1l ,n ale I met 305ll U r 1 ,
only of malting nrouey."
She+ --'Well don't slop erre. ,rether
'hasn't ae Much as co r t rrug,rt."
De—When 101 0o1l1i10l to obey at
the altar lore1071111 17780111 1r••nty,
the- 'Y1•, but 1 11 ,t.-:1: t ,r 901010)1• ' .
out waive."