HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-16, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 49, No, 24, _DI.NNERS and SUPPERS Regulairly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR` HOME MADE -SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant TRY ll-u-tehison's :1�IGE CURED MEATS Su at. g Crisp and Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 for 296 'Washtubs, Cedar, hand made. very light and durable, regular .$2.25 for . -. $1.75. Aluminum Ware, special assort- ment of guaranteed quality at the very interesting price of 79e Coffees. at 5�' , 60e, 70e. All excellent values. Shredded Cocoanut, (Sehepps) per lb. 25c Seeded Raisins 18c for 15e Ripe Olives 9 oz, cans reg. 30e for 19e This price is less thane. Dost. Canned . Grape Fruit 1 lb, 4 oz P _ . cans 35e Washboards at 40e, 50e, & 60e • Tomato Plants, Cabbage, Cau- liflowers, Asters and several , other flowerP lants at 20cto 25e - Potatoes Wanted F.DHU .T CHISON. Phone Phor Phood 166 Real Shoe Values New Sample Shoes in Black Satin and Patent Leather 1 Strap e-.5.0' for � 3 New Blond Kid with Rose Blush trimming, Covered Spike and Cuban Heels' Reg. $6.00 for $4.45 Velvet s n omv Women's l strap 15 Women's $port Shoes with -a Crepe Soles 3.55 Child's Blonds 1: strap -size 5 to 71 -for $1.45 Childs Blonds 1 strap size 8 to 10;4 for $ 1.65 ;Misses Blond Kid size 11 to . 2 ,.-0 R7 Real Bargain. g in n Real Shoes and Values Surpassed by no Shoe A Store in Seaforth CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. IS.S. and Bible ,classes at 10 a.m. The 'services !both morning and even- ing will be conducted lby the Rev. G. Ch'idley, 'M,A,, B.D., of the Thames Road United Church. 'DHE CHICKS. ' Peep, peep, •'peep, PrettySussex d S s hickadcc, You can't sleep, .sleep, sleep, When there's anything to see, - You're as full of fun and 'pep, As a little bird can be. One day old 1 Did you ever see the dike ? For a non-stop trip They are planning or a hike On their winky, wobbly feet 'Through the garden to the dyke. PeeP, 'peep, 'peep. - Five wee fluffy 37ellaw heads !Pop right up and peep, peep, ,perp, Live as any Russian Reds, - When 'they all should be asleep In their 'little downy beds. - -H. Isabel Graham. MRS. FREEMA$I, Mrs. Jane Freeman passed away at her honte"on West Milani street at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Freeman was over 86 years of age. Mr, Wm. Freeman,' 'Seaforth; ' Paul; of Toronto; Misses Elizabeth and '!Carrie Freeman and 'Mrs. W. J. Bickel! 'are sons and daughters. MRS. ANDREW HAMILTON. The death took -place at her 'home, 36 Hunxbercrest ave., Humber Bay, on Saturday, June 911th, of Anna Ross IrPdNaiblb, beloved 'wife' , of Andrew Hamilton, aged 48 years. Mrs, 'Ha- •m.ilton had been in..failing 'health for about a year. She was born and grew to - womanhood on the 112th conces- sion Of IvfcfKillop, daughter of Arohi- bald and Mrs. ' f Nsbb, She had 'been a resident of Toronto for seven years, being married six years ago to her now 'bereaved husband,S'he is also survived by !three 'brot'hel's, Alex. Mc- Nabb, 'Seaforth; Duncan McNalbb,. Melfort, Sask., and !Harold McNabb, 'Kitchener. The ftineral took plaice Tuesday afternoon to Park Lawn cemetery, MRS. JOHN COATES. The funeral took place on June 12th of 'Mrs, John Coates, of Brussels, aged 80 years and 1 month.: 'Mrs. Coates' passed away at the .'home of her dattghter at Bent River, Mus- koka, on Friday, June '10th, having suffered a stroke erg elbo t eight u .weeks ago. Mrs. Coates was' born in York- shire, England, and came to Canada as a young girl, the family settling in Htllett township near Kinbttrn. ;Six- ,ty-'four years ago she was united in marriage to Mr. John Coates, who predeceased ben twelve years ago, and she had sihtce resided at •Brus- sels. For a et• If utirW b o years they had lived at Listowel and at titne of Mr. Coates' death lived at'Cratubrook. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, John, of M,anitdba; Rolbert E., of Seaforth; (Mary) Mrs, Buch- anan, 'Bellevue, Idaho; (Annie), Mrs, Nelson Askin, Bent : River, Muskoka. The remains were :brought to ,Brussels where the 'service was conducted by Rev, Mr. Barker of GUnited he church and interment took :place in 'Milburn cemetery. Inds Askin accptnpanied the remains and is visiting for a feW days in the vicinity. REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS. For week ending June 9th. 1Seiaforth=Tota4 101, select ,bacon 22, thick smooth 72, 'heavies '1, lights 5, i•Iuroit .county -Total hogs 1,953,; select bacon 520, thick smooth 1,157, heavies 73, 'extra heavies 3, shop hogs 130, lights and ,feeders 40. Recognized as- a 'leading specific for the 'destruction of'wotlnis, Mother Graves ' 'Worm Extetiminator. has 'proved a boon 'to suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails,, Seaforth SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1927. HELD Up IN TORONTO Miss Marjory Brown, ahead book- keeper df the United Press Co., Rich- mond str., Toronto, daughter of Rev. T. H. Brown, of town, and Horace Salvaneschi, guard, were held .up by motor lbandits 'inside the : door of- the. United.. Press )building as they return - cd 'from the !bank with the payroll, and were rdbbed of $3,780. The rob- bery took place about d5 minutes to twelve, last Saturday. 'Se+ many people were stand- ing around the entrance to the build- ing that there was some confusion about what man !Miss 'Brown meant when she chased one 'f the robbers across the !street oto car, calling, "They have stolen the payroll," MISS ASMAN LEAVING, 'In 'honor of Miss ;Kathleen Asinan, before 'her departure from Seaforth,, the choir of St, Thomas' Church was entertained Wednesday evening of this week, at the 'home of Mr. and' 'Mrs. J. R. •Areh'ilb'ald. -- 'Miss .Asntati was made the recipient o'f a !box of pretty handkerchiefs as a little re- membrance from the choir of wihteh she has been a valued hnendber during her four years' stay in Sealforth. The Welchers, students and residents re- gret Miss Asman leaving. Besides the good work she has done as a member of the Collegiate staff, as an accomplished violinist she has - lent. much 'to the enjoyment and success of social gatherings. Miss Asman will leave shortly to, spend a year of study in Switzerland. - H.O.B. PICNIC. The annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, is to be ;held in Areas 3 and 4, Exhibi- tion Grounds; south of the Transpor- tation Building, on Friday, June 24th, commencing at 4 p.m, Games at 5 p. m. snppe.^ at 6 'p.'nt:, ball game after supper. 'Brin'g all your - friends With you, Yu and dont 'forget the well-filled basket 'Hurona c okmg always counts par excellence 'Liberal prizes will be awarded and he sore and be in time to •see the grand scramble for 100 packages. of Lipton's famous tea. Jno. Moon, Presiden'.. E.' 'Moody, Secretary. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE. The mendbers of the Young Peo- ple's League o'f 'Northside United 'Church 'met on Tnesd'ny evening at 7:30 and enjoyed a game of softball. At 6:30 they convened in 'the Sunday School room. The 'meeting was its charge of the 2nd Vice President, Miss Annie Goivesalock, The Bible readings were given by Miss ;Mary slabber and- -LMiss'Margaret Ashton. Piss Ila Johnston gave a splendid paper onthe topic, "The Need of Ed- ucation for the People 61 India." Miss Margaret Rivers gave a pleasing read- ing and iA'I.rs.' Mex. MidGavin sang a very sweet solo. After ' the-Mizpah benediction was - ,repeated in 'concert, the meeting was ,closed. If the wea- ther permits, 'another game of soft hall will be played next Tuesday evening at 7:30 sharp. All the, young people df the congregation arc cordial- ly invited to come along and 'have a good time.' COUNCIL MEETING. 'Regular meeting of Seaforth 'coun- cil was held in the town hall at s?13! Monday evening. Present IMayor Golding, 'Reeve Beattie, 'Councillors G. 'P. Cardno, F. 1D. 'Hutchison, R. G. Parke, H. C. Box, Wtn. liic'kell, Min- utes of last meeting read and 'con- firmed. Beattie -Box: 'r'hat motion' re agreement with Highway Dept for construction of cement highway on Goderich street east be amended to read la's follows: 'net an agreement be entered into with the 'Highway Dept. to construct a cement highway 20 feet wide on Goderich street east. from Coleman st. to east side of Vic- toria iatoria street, and 42 'feet wide with curb and gutter from East side of Victoria st. to Main st. Beattie - Parke: That the Mayor and Treas- urer be 'authorized tosign the •dis- charge of the Southgate mortgage. !Cardno-;Hutchison: That this council i; in, favor Of the resolution of the .City of Brantford !pla•cing the Bell 'Telephone .Co, under public owner- ship and operated on a service at cost rather than a profit making basis. That the Pro4incial 'Government be 'asked to take steps to secure such public ownership, Beattie -Box: That this',Council adjourn to .meet at the call of the Mayor. The following accounts were pass- ed: Wm. -Gillespie $60,'Jno. A, Wilson $75, John ,'{night $65,.Pub. Utility Com. $29.74, Wilson Hawkins $87.75, C. N. Rys. $3.43; •_ London Health Assn, $9; 'Bell Tel, Co. 33.65, Robt. Bell E. & T. 'Co. $7, Jas. F. Welsh $339.50, John,lannery '$6; Wen. Venus $11125,' Robert d?inlcney;$3.76; Dan. Barry $6, Jas, V. -Ryan $90. W. M. AUR. - The June meeting of the W. M. Auxiliary o'f the United Ohnreh was held in the school -room, Thursday, June 91h. The President, Mrs. Lane, took dltarge of :the !business • part, the Secretary arid Treasurer giving .very gratifying reports; also a letter from Mrs. McGillivray` was read.. 'by 'Mrs. Finlayson. Quite a number answered to the roll call, Circle No. 3 gave a ver - interesting 'progratnm, tvit'h !Miss Gladys Holland 'presiding, The programme consisted of the 'follow ing numbers: (Prayer, .Mrs, Harburn; 43ilble reading, Mrs. Wm, ,Dickson; devotional leaflet on ''Faith and Its Obstacles," .'b'y -Mrs. 'Chapman, . Mrs. Announcing Our Second Fourteen Day Selling Event Over 17 Years of business integrity back of every Purchase $1AYEA'' - Just T tirUp Business Finest and larg- est Jewelry Store in Huron County Endre Stock of Quality Jewelry Released to the Public Sale Starts Thursday, June 16th, at 9.30 a.m. Those who - know the great Bargains we offer when we put on a Sale will take 'fullest _Advantage of every opportunity we give them. Absolutely no junk. Nothing brought in to sell quickly etc, See our big bill posted to you this week. Spectacular Cuts on Every- Piece of Merchandise in This Large Jewelry Stock Store Open livery Evening For Fourteen Days Fred. S. Savaoge, Seaforth Watch Our Window Each Day for Morn- ing Specials R Archibald gave a' report of the London ;conference 'branch meeting held in Welkerville. Solo, "The Gar- den of Prayer," and also a -reading•;-r was given by Mrs. Howard, and a palper • on Canada and Missions by Mrs. Jas, Johnston'. :Another: valued member in -the person of Mrs. Daley, being made a life -member by, her lnts- liand, Mr. ;Peter. ,Da1ej1 ' The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, •CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICE. Children's Day service was observ- ed in Northside United 'Church Sun- day morning when a choir of 35 voices from the 'Sunday school led in the singing, The 'church was 'beauti- fully decorated with spirea. Rev. Mr. Lane gave a very. interesting •talk to the young people, taking for his text, I, King 1:2, `Let me, I. pray thee, give thee council," The four' 'chief points emphasized were: "Be'.obed- ient," "Be thoughtful, "Be patient and "Be cheerful," The musical num :hers were well in keeping y'ith the oc- nasion: Chorus, "Building, Daily Building''; violin selection; Master Arthur Golding, and solo, "I_fHeard the Voice of Jesus Say," Miss Elva' Wheatley, These numbers were well rendered and appreciated by all. At the evening service Mr. Lane gave a most il'lu'minating and 'inspiring ad- dress on the subject, "The Spirit and Outlook of the United Church as Il- lustrated in the London 'Conference." A sweet solo was rendered by 'Mrs. Alex. MoGavin. BASEBALL,' Seaforth 7, Goderich 4. 1Seaforth turned on 'Goderich and surprised the fans with a nice 'brand of'loat! to win 7-4. on Monday night, .Aberhart'Pitched well settling downn after an 'unsteady start, while several of the C4th boys got . to :Goldthorpe, the'Goderic'h twirler. The infield :was switched and gave a good adcount of itself, Dungey worked ht first, 'Bro'wnlee`at short, with Muir at sec- ond and Willis at third. .in a 'fe'w clays the boys will be at a regular po- sition, and if this game is a 'gunn- a tee Of the class of dball to be played, 'C4th will be very mach in the run- ning for +the Huron -County leadership. Exeter 20, Seaforth 4. Exeter soundly . trounced • 'Seaforth 1 Y last ;Friday evening in a 'Huron (Coun- ty orkm ty league game. '4V, ,-rn was start- ed' in the absence of:Alberhart, arid • did well until errors, base hits and bad luck got under' his collar. Then Brownlee, the regular ,first -sacker,' stepped in and held the visitors fairly well until ,Atberhbrt was noticed among the ,spectators and sent in for the !balance of the' game. The boys are all set now 'to revenge themselves on 'both !Goderich and 'Exeter for the two defeats this season. A Friendly Genie at Hensel!. On 'Saturday Sealforth' and Hen -sail' boys played a friendly gave.. Hen - salt won ottt finally, !but Sea'fortb _put up a 'good gameand'for six innings. held Henslail to a 2-1 score (but -in the - seventh iINensa'll got three runs and put, thein in the lead, 4-2. 'The return game will be 'played .at';Sea'forth on Saturday, M. Joynt pitched for Hen. salt, He fanned six men and walked five; While G. Rennie, Seaforth ;walk- edtwo and fanned nine, 'The ,teams: Hensail--111, Foster c, C. Zuefle rf, T. 'Brintnell ,lib,'B. Joynt p, E. Little lf, .R. Welsh as, - 'C, 'Horton 2b, L, 'Chapman 3b, J. Mackay ,cf, • Seaforth-RR [Coward lf, .. G. !Hays 3b, - J. Purcell lib, G. Rennie p, D. Sills ss, 'R. 'Rennie nf, .A. !Calder 'cf, E. Rermie'c, A. McLeod 2b. Umpire -•-Harold Munn. SOFTBALL. Seaforth 'Girls defeated Londeshoro isa Seaforth by 9-8 and the boys' team also carried off a victory., Both boys girls' teams played in Clinton on Wednesday night, EGMONDVILLE. The Y1P.SiC.E, of Egmondville held. their weekly ;meeting on June 14th. Miss Mae 'Wallace conducted the de- votional exercises slid Miss 'Sadie Ho- watt acted as pianist. Rev. W. D, :McDonald led in prayer after Hymn 109 was sung. 3lymn 242 was then sung and Miss Mae Wallace read the Scripture lesson, Miss Alice Thomp- sonrtook the, topic for the evening, en- titled, ;Petbli•shing the ,Good Tidings." The subject 'was based on Hinduism in India and gave some remarkable facts about the betterment of Indian life.. During discussion, Miss Mildred Wallace, (Miss Gertie Webster and the pastor took part. Miss ;Bernice Joynt then rendered a lovely solo, entitled, "Little Mother of Mine," accompan- ied 'by_ Miss Billy Chesney. During intermission a 'contest was solved and a knife relay played. The meeting: carie to order and the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. Bus- iness was discussed and 'the anniver- sary summer school delegates, and .a picnic were in tarn. dispensed with, Rev. Mr, Hogg of Clinton' has been asked to officiate at the anniversary. The meetingclosed with Mizp'fh ben- ediction. r The regular meet;;'th t ofeW,M; . 6S of Egrsco hville Udited Church Was held on Wednesday, June 8th, and. conducted 'hy 'the vice 'president, Mrs. Eyre. The devotional exercises were taken by different nnermbers of the So- ciety. A letter wkas., read by Mrs. Brown stating the allocation to the end of the year was $225. A very pleasing solo was rendered by Miss Sadie Howatt. The Building olf the Christian Community in '.India was read by Mrs, McDonald, Miss lThotu and 'Mrs. McKenzie, Sr, The meet- ing was closed . by repeating the Lord's prayer in unison, „ accompanied 'by ..Cf)AL. r ERI�II;�' PHONE EC Sunday last. - 1i4Ir, and Mrs. Will Kerr have re- turned home after visiting a week in (D, Boltoln-Johnston:--A quiet wedding wasetroitsoemnized at the manse, McKil- lop on Monday, June ,13th, at 2.Ipen. Rev. J. A. Ferguson during month of Sara Edna Johnston, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. 'William A, Johnston, be- came the bride of Mr, Russell,T'ho- mas Bolton, eldest son of : Mr. and Mrs.' Scott Bolton, all of 'MrI(illop. Alter the .ceremony, Mr, and ;Mrs. Bolton left' by motor on a honeymoon trip to 'Toronto and tepon their return will take up their residenceon the groom's farm, 9th concession of Mc- Killop. A reception will be 'held Fri- day night at 'the home of the groom's parents. A host of :friends of the young couple join in extending heartiest con- gratulations on- tui t' t gr1 tons a and best wishes. Mrs. Melvin Blanshard gave a kit- chen shower on Thursday, June .10th, at her home ie honor of Miss Edna Johnston, previous to her marriage to Mr. Russell Bolton, 'The afternoon was pleasantly spent by the 25 young ladies present in nitisic, games and 'the taking of piqtures, followed 'by a de- licious lunch. ST. COLUMBAN, Mrs. P. J. Kelly, of ,Blyth, spent the week -enol at the home of her sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McGrath.. Mr. Joseph Lane, youngest son of. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane, McKillop, is seriously 111 with pneumonia. Brother Ret. Blotter i � Sm, n, of De La Salle 'College, Aurora, spent a few days last week withRe ' �. Father Dantzer, St, Coltimban. Mr, 'John. Jordan, of St. Peter's Seminary, 'London, is visiting art the 'home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Jordan, Hibbert. Mr. Patrick Curtin, of 'Detroit, is visiting at the home of his 'sister, Mr. and Mrs, James Evans. - Misses Emily Downey and Helen, 'Downey, of Detroit, -spent a few days 'last ,week with Mr, and ;Mrs, M. Downey. Ihcy returned on Friday on the Greyhound' Miss Annie Downey,. of St. 'Oo'luin- ban. The Rally of the. !Holy Name So- ciety, which was 'held on Sunday last in 1St.. Cohttn'ben Church and grounds, was greeted with a. large attendance, over 650 Holy Name men tieing in line. Service was held in the church. at 3 p.m., Rev. Father Sciaoiley lbeing the preacher of the day. He gave a powerful it sermon 'on the reverence that should he given 'God's Holy Name. After solerit 'benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the end of the service; .the visiting members of the different +parishes were treated to an excellent lunch by the ladies of the McKILLOP. Rev. Dr. Brown is supplying for J. A. Ferguson during the month iolf June, at the (Duff's, Bethel and Ca'ven churches on the McKillop change. Mrs. A. IHicknell had a pleasant visit with .friends in 'Kitchener on Sunday, :The regular meeting - of 'Duff's Young People's Society was held on Sunday. evening, June' 12th. The topic, "The Larger 'Fellowship, 'was given by 'Guy Dorrance, The meeting' was 'conducted by Grace lirerr. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Macdonald and fancily visited friends in 'Staffa on ANNUAL MEETING__ iThe Annual IMeetin'g of the berabC a>nservati ren - or South Huron Will beppgheld .t�t,�pin�the Town Hall:. HENSALL Wednesday, Jude 24. AT2P.m O8B!tcers will be elected for the corsz.. ing year and delegates 'selected foe - the !Winnipeg 'convention. As tfss. meeting is very important, let eve ,polling division be 'wel'I represented,, A. number of .prominent speak; will be present and Address the meet- ing. - God Save tIse 3(ing1 Robt: Higgins, gr Wm. Cons*,„ Secretary. President. .esus, ANIIMMINIMMIIMMIONIMINMINDIVime THE ANNUAL CONVENTION:, N N, of the - HURON'COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICE COUNCIL. , will be held in SERF �D O.rLa+TIEL.. UNITED CHURCH Wed, Sessions 'begin at 2 .p,in, and 7.45 'p.m. ('Banquet at 6 gi,in,) Prominent Speakers THE PUBLIC LIC IS INVITED E. B'END'ER, BLYTH, . Pres' tdeat!t:: C.W,L, ofSt.--Colt .tur' ban parish. St. 'Columban Shamrocks and T stockmeton'the' home •grounds tn,8 R: Columbttn, on Friday evening The gaine ended in Ise:. refereed the t a tie, gf Melt' of all. game to the satisfactiynt; ORN. . AGAR. --On Thursday, Mr. , s ses June •9, to ' and 'Mrs. 'Wesley ;Agar,' Mc- Q(i'llo'P, a daughter. B1JRN!5.- In 'MaIKillop, on •Weitrt w• day,•June 8, 1927, to Mr.' e` 'Dan. Barns, of +3li•hher and $Ins, ter. t, a daugE-.. DEATHS. - S'iIANIBUiR.Y,-On Tuesday, ' atne •1927, George 'Stanlbury, :o1 J wry,- aged '95 years a Clitttaa,,r: , and S anotikhs.