HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-09, Page 8PAGE LldsH!J THE SEAF0BTI3 NEWS IIENS'ALL.' . coo rt for la -fir t h ,Z a M ., S. V,..,•-. '; eP Y, • Eldred Sanitb, 'iv kjred Stni914e,: Jean ell Opti e'"<2tief , ` Iidrold .;. er. Mt(n ,ioy e(Welsh; r on 'Sicls`i• -Lida 1-iidenfxedJoyce •-"'•S rizzie "SkL.uton, Ed. ' Li tt l e , V -La'ie1 Worinau ]3o'Ions= an Irene Daters,•)av Kenning, Bean; •Gr yce -Brock, Beryl D,rurmnontt;,'E1'eantor:•Skinner,'' Iio'w- ercl :Hemphill Albert Wolfe, Irene 'Hoggarth. :Sr, 'III arelixsel-•Hudson, r1+1i'ce Iliglins, Wi1Q;'iNicthoi,, Marion § a Win _ "IvTcI{;ay, Gladys :•Passmore; . Drummond, 'Roy )Bro:ck, Norman Mc i Alas, Florence McDonald, d, ,El eanor: 1Bc111, Isolbet SivaIe, !I-I1•trold 'Ap'pleton,, 'tfia•old. E'oster, A1don Appleton, • tMr,'Fersis''Cantelein and boy -friend, of 'Onatidaga .visited, over theweek- and :,with. t e. and'. Mrs., David 'Cali- kelon. • iss Florence "Welsh, ,.London, vis :de '. M , -ei `d With 'her ' r- ect over tie vveek t, K a t 1 P. entS here, Miss Plossie''1oss ',Toronto, isvis- iting her Parents; ` r:and Mrs, 'David Foss, Council Mceting 'Phe.village coun- cil ;(net onaThursday evening -fast, as. la'•t oust of iRevision Ifrdm 7-8;• andaif ter that .their regular: monthly- meet- ing. The: (Reeve ..and ..Councillors ,Higgins and Consittivere present, As theta •wad. no appeal against, the.As- • seesmdnt: roll; the pa�iers,were :signed 'by. the 'Reeveand ,Catinci1lors and 'the 'Ca i'rt 'closed As there 'were two, councttllers'absent; the actual itieetimg' 'Cool( (the for:na'af ti discussion of work to.tiie alone -by ItheaCouncil this season. Mr. Con•sitt thought that soine of the work intendedto be done, should +be laid -.out ,and .immediately started. Couitoi4'lors' 1Iiggies and>. Consitt were appointed a committee -to make. ar- rangeinent's for` fixing the drain• and .=sidewalk In front of Brogan & ,Clark's lil'acl mfbh 'Shop, and to repair the street water tanks at the,'Mills and at the King George 'hotel, fend' to re •oi't at the next 'meeting olf the Council on Saturday evenng, June '11th. 'Councillor Higgins reported that he •had ,placed safety signs, at each side of the School, for iprotedtion .orf school ,child'ren. At •the May meeting Of Council, Mr, Higgins brought up the matter of rates charged by the Hydro 'Commission and to the Hydro Board. Mr. Higgins presented a letter to the Council:.to be. endorsed by them and sent on by die Hydro •Board, ars tial - .lows Hens'all{hydro, Commission. 'Gentlemen:' The 'council 'of the village of iHensail aretaking this means to express,their' di'ssa'tisfaction• at the rates charged by your commission for street and domestic lighting, The idea of fIyvlro- was tosupply power to the people at cost, and . the first ' rates set were more of an experi- ment. Despite the additional cost of >pdwer charged the village, at various times by the Ontario Commission, the plant has accumulated a handsome surplus of over $11,000 on 1st June, 4927. As your ,Commission ,can make no arse of •this money, and there 'being no extra costs in way Of construction in 'view,we think you are taking money from the people of. far above dm g;rireinert of the P n • ire- auditor's`report for 1926 gives the recipes of th'a't year as $9,- 251.94, add •the expenses as $5,180.39, i - ,which included all debentures dui: that year, making a surplus over ex- • 'penditures df $4,071.55. There is also a balance in the savings bank account of $5,752.20, besides the profit of 'this asst five months. Taking into consid- eration the fact that the Bdard have no use for this money, we are asking that the Tates on-street'1ighting be re- duced to $12 per lamp per year, and that the rate (for domestic lighting be reduced leper kw. hoar, and the min- imum .charge for domestic lighting be $1, rates. to `commence July 1, 1927. Taking into consideration the rates charged 'last year and the profit made the rates suggested by the council for ,this year will show a substantial pro - Tat: Raping you will take this matter up with the Onta'ri'o Hydro Commis- sion immediately." This letter was signed by Reeve Geiger, Councillors Higgins,'Consitt, Cameron and Priest and sent on to the :local Hydro to be dealt with by them en 'Monday even- ing, June 6. Council then adjourned to meet again on Saturday evening, June Ilth. Mr, Clarence Shepherd is spending his holidays visiting his father and mother, Mr. and' Mrs, John 'Shepherd. Amongst those taking in the Grey- hound excursion to Detroit on Tues- day were Mrs. Geo. Petty and Mr, Fred Steacy. !While Miss 'Waddell, London, was visiting at the 'hone of Rev. Dr. Colin Fletcher, she was suddenly . thrown forward when caught -by a gust of wind, falling down some steps and fracturing her hip. The meeting of the Young People's League of the United Church was held Monday evening. Miss Mary McRaig presided, and Mr, Ortwein led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read ,byMiss Alma Sermon, and the minutes read by the secretary. The 'topic was given in a very able manner by Mrs, Sinclair. A solo was rendered by Miss Sells and in instru- mental by Miss Gladys Luker. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Lord's prayer. Services in the United Church Sun- day last were large attended, Rev: Mr. Sinclair preaching at both ser- vices. Rob', Higgins, who has been visiting in Detroit for the -past two weeks, returned home ,Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh, Ex- eter visi'te'd . Mr, and Mrs. ltdbt. Biggins and family on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. S•weitzer, De- troit, visited over the week -end with relatives in •town. Mr. and 'Mrs, Robt. Higgins, and Mr. and Mrs,' •A, J. 'Sweitzer visited' on :Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. 'Win Higgins, (Clinton. 'Miss 'Janet Smith,- St. Thdrnas, visited over the week -end with Miss Mattie Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. John McNeal, St, Tholtias, visited over .the week -end with Mrs, Jahn Murdock. Mr.Jack ,Scott, Toronto, spenh the eek-en'd with 'h' r w l �s g apd'parents, Moss Edna Butt, 'Toronto, .visited for a few Clays with Mrs. John Mina.' (lock, ars. J s, S arks who"' has been t visiting, fee same':tisb5 with her •della ghter an ,Bt o U'iord -hasreturned hbme .Anniversary services swilt be ae d Carmel Pres'by;terian 'Cliitrch • on Sunday, June 12th, '.Rev, Jas, Cord- oiler, London, will preach -.at. both services, Special }music will 'be given by the choir for the necasion, Tile violin and piano " pupils o is P P.P of Greta Laramie will give. a recital in' the ton hall. on Friday e'venin r, June: �lOrh, and a musical plagl'ntwill ,'be' presented 3twoacts. The ' t°" scenes'• Will be from .the Life of 'Ludwig van Beethoven, Mr. and Mrs, Wren and Thos. Mr, Wm, Eyre attended the %funeral of the late John Eyre in 'London. on, 'Wed- nesday afternoon ;last, .• Mr, Wm. Thom son left Tuesday morning for his 'home •in•.I•ndianu; 'af- ter a pleasant visit .with his mother aitd father, Mr. and 'Mrs...Geo, T'hdm+pson. ' The baseball match 1Monday even- ing (between 'T eiisa9'1 and''Crediton at Crediton' resulted in favor of 'Credi-, ton6to'2 Mrs, E. Renhie and son Sam. visit-, ed over the week -end' with 'relatives in Detrpi't.. • • • • Reeves Geiger, Ilen'sal•l; Klapp, •Hlay• and'Mlansom, Stanley, -are at- tending' the county council at.Gode rich. • Cote r ul f' and,' g at a tons to Mr. and• Mrs: McLaren on the arrival of a young daughter on Monday. Mr, Edgar McQueen has'instai'led a new •Mason-tRisch piano in his lioine. The W. M. S. nt the United church. met on Thursday, June' 2nd; with Mrs, •_MeD•onell' in the chair, The. meeting was opened by singing hymn 113, after which Mrs. Wm. Buchanan led in prayer, followed by a solo by Miss Slay, The offering was then taken, amoun'tin'g to $13.75, The min- utes of the last meeting were read and ado'p'ted, after which the roll was called, 'Hymn 97 was sung, after which arrangements were made for quilting Missionary quilts. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Hopkirk. Letters from The Fields were then read by Mrs. Merner and Mrs, John •Elder. Leaflets on tYkhing were read by Mrs. Charles McDon- nell, and the meeting closed by sing- ing hymn 109. KIPPEN. Mr. and Mrs: E. Stafford; of Vienna spent the week• end with 'friends •'at Kipper'. , Mr, and Mrs. Cooper of the West are now. nicely settled in their new I home above Mr. IBowey's store. He. will prove a great help -to busy 'far- mers. The Young People's Anniversary was a fine success. Very +large con- gregations were present and Rev. Mr. McIntosh's sermons were an inspira- tion. tion, The-B'lyth Choral Society pleas- ed everybody. Proceeds $267. 'Miss Macdonald and 'the 1vL•isses Crystea',.•:tf ,`:. iv Zealand- J. Sa' eataitine 'their many friends at Kippcn., Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Petrie, , of Toronto, 'motored. up and visited at Mrs, A. McGregor's over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs.. Alf. 'Watson and fam- ily, of Detroit, arrived here during the past week and are now ready- for trade in the confectionery business. Mr. Upshot!, Of Cromarty, was a visitor at the home. of Mr, and Mrs, \\'es, French 'luring the 'past week, Mr, and Mrs. A. Grazier and son, of Clinton, visited,'at the 'Monte of Mr. anti 'Mrs. 'Thais. Butts." ' The students`" • attending'. Eketer thigh School are home •'this week - studying for the final- exams which begin shortly. . • lir. Norman Jones suffered •the'loss of a valuable cow this week. Mr, and Mrs, Reid Torrance, .anti family, of Baylield, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Rico,. Mr. J. Finkbeiner, ,oil Crediton, visited his dbughtcr, Mrs. 'Herbert Jones, last week. • Mr, and Mrs, Walter Moffat and daughter, of 'Bruce'fteld, and Mrs. Peter Fisher, of Hensel!, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh \fclvlurtrie. Miss Audrey Cochrane, who had her tonsils removed at •Mrs. Pat- terson's hospital, is making a good recovery. Thomson-Neeb. -- A quiet wedding took place at the Maanse, Kippen, on ' Friday, june 3rd, by Rev. R. A. Lundy, of Samuel Warren Thomson, son of Mr, and Mns, Geo. E. Thom- son, Kippen, to Miss -Alice Mary Neeb, daughter of 'Mr, and Mrs. Alex, H. Neeb, Dashwood, Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomson will make their home nn the groom's farts, a mile north of laippon on the London road, Miss Mildred McGregor, of Kip - pen, is -visiting friends in Detroit. Mr. 'Wm, Doig and son, Mr, John Doig, of Port 'Huron accompanied by Mfr. and Mrs. Wm. Roach, of 'ort Huron, and Miss Roach, of Sarnia, were week -end visitors at the Doig home, Mr. and ivl'rs. \1'm. Fairbairn and children, of i-Iensall, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Green on Sunday, Mr. 'Win, :Green, of Tuckersmith, is having a barn raising on 'Wednesday. McKILLOP, Hogg - Smith, - A elu'iet ,marriage took place at the United Churc'h par- sonage, -Mitchell, on Monday .after- noon, when Miss Irene 'Smit'h, daugh- ter of Janes Smith, was married to Adrian Hogg, of ,M',c'Ki1lop. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. H. D. Moyer. 'Mr. and Mrs, •IIogg w'al'l re-, side% on -the groom's farm in Mc- Ki'liop, Miss Nellie Medd, Exeter, sister to Mr, F. Bruce. Medd, of iMcKillop 'has' won the honor of having her pageant, "The Crowning of Canada," publish- ed 'by Department of Education of Ontario, as the Jubilee Confederation Pageant, Copies :have been received. by the teachers of this neighborhood, every teacher in the province :'bein'g sent one, Miss Medd has received a personal messagefrom the Premier, ex'pressin'g h'is a'ppreeciation . of her work and .assuring her of his 'pleasure • THURSI)AY,`JUN'E 9,.1927:, iiS..hearing.a1 fexpenses connected With itsptdblica:tion. Report Re R., � P for S.S.N 2. . o' clivi' M iloP, for the "month •of May. Jr, IV. -Ruth Scott 7$; Arnold Scott 70, Sam, Mb, Clure 65. Sr, I'IL-'Mask 'McFarlane 80, e80 aary Ma'cdonald 76;IMangaet Storey 68, JamesMCClure 60, Sr. II. '-Robert M'dMililau' 87 Verna' Ala- Farlane 80, 'Edna Macdonald 73, :Jean Macdonald 60;,IQelsott 'McClure 55, Jr. II, --Eddie Storey 60. Sr., T. -Marg- aret :McClure, Orville Store . • Edith r, Elmer McMillan, Primer -- E'Isrxer :Scott, Charles Storey, '' Isabel` Anderson, Bert MdClure,: ,Arth'r Anderson. Number on roll 21, average attend- ance 20: Olive: V. Medd, Teacher. Report of U.S.S: No.. 1 "M�ciKill for'May..-'op. Sr. ITT. C.. Lane 70 p.c. Jr. PIT. -=A. Murray 85, W. Nigh 79, M. Nigh 67. Sr. i'I,-aF. Fortune'. _g9, D. Nigh 76, A. 'Murray 70, P.. Mut.- ray usray 50. Sr. Pr, -A. Nigh 72, J.x For - 'tune 68,, Jr. Pr. -M. Murray 64. Best spellers -'C. Lane, •Ar Murray, W. Nigh, F. •Fortune. No, on roll, 11. Average attendance, 10;9: • • :M: C. Reynolds, Teacher.- Y 'C - The. services at 'Duffs Ciitireh • • an Sunday.last were conducted ..by Mr. John McNay. • Rev. J. A. Ferguson's many friends -are pleased. to see him alble to. be out again after his recent illness. Miss 'Mae Faber:bant 'was . in Gode- rich on 'Monday attending the rived- ding of her uncle, 2bLr. Reginald Mc- Gee, to -Miss Della Dennis, of Dun- gannon, at which she was '• bridesmaid. Mr: and Mrs. Johnstone and sons, and Mr...George lDberhart, of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.s•George tE'berhart.. BLYTH. Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Bowen, of Hensall, Spent :Sunday alt Mr. iCharles Rou'se's. -Mr. and Mrs. N. lSundencock, df Clinton, spent Sunday at Blyth. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Wilford were guests of fMr. and Mrs. A. B. Carr Sunday, Mr. Norman Sanderson had the misfortune to lose a valuabble horse one day fast week. Mrs. Russell Bradshaw, Jamestown is visiting her sister, Mrs, 'Chas. Nicholson, who is quite ill. ,Mrs, Jas. Phelan returned to 'Clin- ton, where she is undergoing treat- ment, after•'ypend'ing; the week at, her helve here. , Mr,. r,. and• Mrs. W W m. Nesbit; 13rtice- l field, Mr. and Mrs. 'Alfred Nesbit, Auburn,, and Mr. and' 3ifrs. • Thos. Gras'by'"spent Sunday 'with Mr.'John Nesbit. A barn raising.was 'held at Mr. Wm, Fear's on Friday and Monday. The barn is being remodelled - and enlarged. Mr, and Mrs. David Laidlaw spent Monday at Auburn. St. Andrew's congregations enjoy- ed a quartette by Misses 'M. Cole and V. Fraser and Messrs. D. Leith and J. McArthur' on Sunday evening, •Rev. ',Vail 'Le"kie,,, of Mother'ivell, will preach at ,both ser,vtces Tri" St. Andrew's on Sunday, June 12th, •Rev, G. Telford will take the services in Motherwell. The cantata will be given in Ethel -an Friday, June 10; in 'Bru'cefield on Monday, June 13th and in Blyth on June 17111. Wingham htas asked for the Cantata for second evening but no date has been arranged. Mrs, Scrimegeour was the guest of Mr, and Mrs., Jas. Scott . en Thurs- day,. Mr: and Mrs.'Jas. Do.het'ty are tak- ing up residence on Qiteen- `sf; -"this 'lila :and Mrs,. 'Clarence - Johnston. 'and Mrs. Colin Fingland- and 'Mrs. John Jolts'tbn visited in Sea'forth on Saturday. Mr. F. Garrison,-of.Br-idgeburg, had his ankle and nose broken. Friday w.lien be while painting a new steel tower in the 'C.F.-R. yards here. He was removed 'to Goderi'oh hospital on - Sunday, Dr, 'Milne attended him. Mr. attd Mrs. John 14TdNichol and Mr. and Mrs, C. Johnston were in (ioderich Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Colin Fiuglan'd mov- ed last week to the farm purchased fsan Mr. J. Johnston, Walton, The little daughter of Mr. Wm. Nedherby, Bclgrave, stepped' on a broken bottle, severing an artery in her 'foot on Friday. Bleeding •was checked after same difficulty. A fire which might -have resulted seriously, was narrowly averted on F, idlay afternoon when the roof of Mr. Chas. Nicholson's house •caught tire from the chimney. The blaze was well started when noticed by Mr. Gerald Snowdon, •of Seaforth, who extinguished it with several pails of water. A pretty wedding tools place in King st, United Church, London, on Saturday afternoon, when Effie, youngest daughter of Mr, ;and 2,frs. James M. Wilson,' London, was unit- ed in marriage to iDr. T. Toison Barnby, son of Rev. Dr, and Mrs. R. H, Barnby, ,Blyth. On their return from a honeymoon trip:to New York they will reside at Rodney. HILLSGREEN. Mr. and Mrs. (Webster 'Turner and :fancily spent Sunday at the home of Mie and Mrs. Edgar Allan, Tucker. smith. Mr. Wilson Carlile attended the conference in London during the week. Mr. and Mrs, T; N. Forsyth, of Kippen, were visiting at the ho -me of Mr, and Mrs. 'Thomas 'Consitt on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. jarrott and Mrs. B. 'W. Carlile spent Thursday in London, combining business `with pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Love spent Sunday at •thehome of his sister, M1•. anti IMrs. Lorne Luker, near Hensel.: STANLEY. Mr, and Mrs, Floyd H. Schell and son, accompanied by the former's .mo - tiler, Mrs,! I. Schell, of Detroit, spent the weekend at the borne of Mrs. Floyd Schell's parents, Mr, and Mrs,= Alfred Austin, Mr. Schell and his mother returned to the city Sunday, Mrs, Floyd Schell ' • tonrn mg Coxevisit, 7 foNloo.,wil$ ( tfre.Schoal revert' olt 13,,StanfeY for tre.notrtr df,:iMlay. 'V.L4vferVyn Kaye ..64:'::' Per ,... cent Sr IV;;dBe'tlx Mutdock:.60,, Willie Murdock 56. sr, IUI,-,Nerves; ICeys;•64 .(Promoted .from. Jr. 11I ), Audrey Murdbck 52 Glenn Dowsono n 50; Jr. DIT,-Geor e;n sbn''60;.(rd- 'noted frontSr. DS;)' Sr II.=''Allan Keys 70 (ppotuoted•'frofxi..J'r, IL) Jr, II, -John Keys 66,..(atoi' oted ft om Sr. Sr. Pr, -Bobbie Peck, The foJl'dwing had Perlfect attendance for May,t Mervyn Keys, Bobbie Peck, John -Keys. e Janet 'Hogg, Teacher, r " IN 141EMORI'AM• ICTS„'i T ER. -In, sad but loving inetn-. ory-o1f'our ('dear, son` dll!d brothdr Barber, tvlto7:departedfliis life, De'c. 10th; 1926. Six - in nth's ' has • a'Ssed our ' hearts stip Acoria, p As tine des o vs amiss hunt nior Hos welcome smile, his;, loving face, N,o:one on earth can take place 4 Sa'd1p', missiid. 'by' : his . Fai'her, IvIo'her, Sisters• and iBrothers, SALE : OF FURNITURE. ,Certain articles of furniture ;inclatd- ing 1 oak bedroom suite, a reed chaise" longue, dining tabl'e;' buffet; • •odd chains, kitchen :stove,kitchen "eleva- tor (dumb waiter), alio so on will be sold privately at The Manse, Kippen, any time before June 25th. • NOTICE.' • Aril outstatn•diig accounts•' at 1 St. 'Coluntban 'Store must the settled' 'art once, - If cash is not at hand -we will accept a short term note, J. J,. HOLLAND. HEN TROUGHS, TILE, ETC. Hen troughs, size 2' 8", light and easy -to handle, suitable for chic'ken's, etc. See them at R. Frost's any time. Also larger troughs for pigs, etc. 4-inc'h and 6 -inch ti -le on hand, and larger . ones made to order. R. MOST, Seaforth. 25 FOR SALE. tMaxlweli Touring Car, 'good mech- anical condition, new :tires, has been driven 12,000 miles. 'Colne and snake your offer, or what hhve you to deal,. E 'L: BIOX. :_ 25 FA;RMFOE SALE;. Good fifty acre farm lin sale on the Mill road ('county road) Tuckersinith, part lot 29, con, 5, L.'R. S., ,situated 35d miles .west of Seaford' ..and • 2% 'tiles east of IBrucefield, 1%, miles from school. There are on the proper- ty a good frame house, 9 roosts and cellar and woodshed. Bank barn 36x 60, drive 's'hed and hen 'house, two good wells and 4 acres of maple bush, acre of young orchard, also plum, cherry, pear trees and other small rani, t_iaiIt e,T 1 sre sncl r tg 1 std to of. 0-n41'0416m, Rutal;nail •id tele- AIso 27 _a.e s With, creek running through, hrou$h, Part n nodf 101;32 cUn. '9 Titrekersmith on which good 'barn, 26x 6and or:chard. W7'11 ,be sold together-, ,or . separately. ,Apii 'to' Ai1tOHI'E ' 'e ' 11 Y M, G+REGOR, R,Rt •• No, ,1, Seaforth, Qnt, . • • fif: FA �.'-; RM FOR R SALE 1137 ' re' I ' a f, umei' C, v, 1 lot16 t, 17 eon.'1'- P I,1'ivhlett, 1'6 Anti '`'ag't • orf• Clinton on . fie,. Pro'vin'cial:'Illiglr'wsy 9-rogin house, witlr' furnace/Banklbarn'; 40x74, and ether 'outbttildings..Well;' ' t d•• rvaera., water in Stable also well lfeneed, 100 acres tinder,cu'Itivatihn Will ,sell tick' with the faint ilf desired:. Will "sell cheap• ajnlL•on easy termly, Apply ing JOHN •t2 ;'001JIIL'E; :,R. ,R. -'No. ,.,4, Cl'fnton : Phone Soon 617.29, FARM -FOR SALE.' 100 'acres ht Milled, .all under cul- tvation • iCninfortable frame house.' igank bars(:, - x , ,,shed. Srttalll or elttrd :, Would• sell With this year"s crap_ art at pur- chaser; Apply at Tite'News'Office, HOUSE FOR_ SALE. • House on 'James -street _sixroom aiud complete.bath. 'Hot and, cold; taps ii. the kitchen, 'Electric 'lights.• Cellar with gement floor. 'Stable d!!, 'property. Apply on the premises 'or to W. D. BIRfGH;'I',. Seaforth.: -•tf DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE, IN SEAFORTH:. Solid brick, nine room ,house with furnace, bath -room, tliwn water and every convenience. 'Centrally located and convenient to schools, chivalries and business 'section,-' two fine tats, good barn and garden.' House ..has small annex suitable for an. office. Bargain for quick sale. Apply. to JOHN H. BEST, Barrister,` Seaforth, Ont. -Baby Chicks-= 1 • o,000 BABY CHICKS FOR JUNE Hatched from. carefully culled, _.high: producing ;winter' layers, ' Special ' Price • •-Rocks ;15e Leghorns'12C 4Lrill fie ready June 14th; and every Tuesday after,_ that. ' Place your order now to•be sure of delivery. JAMES M. SCOTT. R. R. 2, SEAFORTH Phone 32 on 251. 25 appeals ' to Y0U for support:.:' S' INCE the War; the Red `Crosi has disbursed 'over Seven Million Dollars for the Soldiers, Women. • Children and Frontier Families of Canada: About half of this has been spent for disabled soldiers --half in the other ser -vices of the Society: about which you have been told. The Treasury is almost empty. $1,000,000 Needed Now for Red. Cross Work The Red Cross brings cheer to our disabled warriors and their families. It stimulates the children of -Canada to healthy living and good citizenship. It -relieves suffering, and brings skilled` attention to Canada's frontier district remote from other aid. Its work is indispensable. It now appeals to YOU, as a patriotic and humane Canadian citizen, to contribute generously to its need for fiords. Nation -Wide Appeal Canadian Red Cross Society SendContributions tot' - ` Ontario Division, Canadian Red Cross Society, 410 Sleerbout is Street, Toronto S, Ontario •P TC ITY Opportunity is a Caller who seems to have a habit -of rapping,. Only on'the doors of busy men FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY, CASH 5 Bars P. and G. Soap 20c 5 Bars Somme Soap 20c 5 Bars Lux Soap 20c 5 Bars Palm Olive 20c 2 Tins Tomatoes • 20c 2 . Tins Peas 20c 2 Tins . Campbell - Soup, 20c W. %I, Finnigan Egmondvi'lle BULL FOR •l lti SALE.,: •- sae 5iortii ra'bI,dual t , stir- halse X0.:168877: Age '3,;(4,• years,Apply -to.''G.`!,LAUR- AN'OE; -R R. 1, Lottlesboro, Ont .BUGGY G Y OR SALE, Cushion nia Mire 'buggy, in :)list class'. ,condition• : Rrieed at, $ 75,00 for gntli'ck, sale. Can 'be gee', at 6M-3-.'•AITKEN 'H'EAiIVS. Phone.6i29-r 2, or Box '13,, 73rucefield, -24 BABY CHICKS AND D STOM CU _ . • ', HATCHING, S,C,W.Leg t.i orns chicks $15,00 per 100; Barred Reek chicks, $16.00, per 100, : Custom hatching 5c per'. egg. individual machines, 100 eggo 600 egg,sir t es, The:•best 'of attention paid to custom hatching: No order, too small or too large. Get your chivies early so they will, develop into, good sized birds to get the early mar- kets. Early hatched pullets make the best winder , layers. E..3. RIE- WARI#AHolnesviile P,O, PSose El,r22 Clinto n central, - 23' „ Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion' CYPRESS KING -Enrolment , No..' a 21116. . ,Approved - Win stand in, -b'rs . awn stabile lot• Con. •12 , 29, IYI!dICi11oIP: Terms, --$7 foal, $10 ving'foisl..;'Rinn Bras :, Managers 25 'Pure Bred Clydesdale _. Stallion , "CARBROOK FLASHLIGHT" Enrolment 'No. 1958, Approved Form I. • •Willst nd at his own a t n s'ta8lc,'Lot 3, 'Con. -3, 'Huilett • Terms $15... Pure Bred,tGlydesdaia Stallion' _ '�GLENRAE" . Ennoltnen'.t No •12 j9 .. ; ..Approved; Form 1. Will stand at bis''own stable, Lot 3, Con. 3, Hulled. Terms, $10.00, T. J. McMichael, Prop, and Manager. • 24 • THE McKILLOP . Mu fuel Fire Insurance ce Co, FARRM,,.AND .DSOI ATED,.•T'OiWN, PROPERTY,. 0 N 'L Y, . INS'UR'ED' ,:Officers,. Jamea.Connolly; -Goder,. icli Alex, Jathes•;Evans ,Beechwood, Wee • President; .. D. F, • McGregor," Seaforth, "Sec, -Treasurer. , - • ,Directors-,1Vm,` Rinn, No. 2 Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, 'Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- crich; Alex, •Broedfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, 'Brucefield. Agents -Alex,, Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; • J.! A. Murray, r,r. No. 3, Seaforth; 3. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, 13. ritholm. Janata herr anal •_Intim Go6e-nlock, Seaforth, auditors: Parties desirous to effect insurance •or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named' officers addressed to their respective postoffices.• - PROF•ESS•IONAL CARDS Medical. - 'D'R`. H. IWGH RO'S'S P h si: "ass• ,-.. Y ei an lir d .S geon. , Late :of'Loixdon Hras•- pital, `Lo don England: "'' 'S eebe6 '1 . , p attention " •s'dtsea s' o ' bh .. -., tP Se e e e•...ear• to1 so aid-, thitoat,-: Oflfice and resid- •en'ce'' behind h t Domiiiian .B •' anlc.. Office P Bone;:No. 5< l2risi ence`1'ho erl d n 0,6 i . j is i.. RIR. .t,. J. BTIRIRlO'WIS;' iSeaEortlt, Office c c. an d re i'n s tie .ce Goderich street ,, east of•'th'e Mothedist (Church, ='Cor 0 ser for;'the.Couti't of H• Y utbn. `Te1�- enegaf'No 40 ,' .. R i Ill,c• A AY' ' M •OTC -C. • t �lacka; Yr honor radu 't a e of T " g Tr UrinvetY- its and gold medallist of Trig iy Medical ;C glia e- member : ofh - lege of g Physicians and 'Srgeons •:;o&• it, , Ontario: .F O RS TE. R .' Et y e`•M, Ear • Nose and, Throat., Graduate.:cuteuni,eratY of,;�Tor nra'18 .-QaEideAssistant New,: YOr,Oph#lal'sc'anQ - ' AualIns6ttune Mo rafield'$Lye; Golden Square'throaf hosiitafsLo - ... ton; Etigland.•'Alt£omtiiercrat hotel; Seaford, 3rd -Monday -fir -each ixienth front Nm1t.mt' l•.a', to'3' t- • DRQ: W. 'C. S'PROAT, ,Graduate of Faculty -.of Medicine.. sotniy, Ucc y, o , vf Western Ontario,5London.. • •Me.mber• of !College , of , Phytsirians. and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office In :Aberb'at't:3•' Drug `Store Main: 5t„ $t'afortit: Phone 90: Renta;- DR. 3. A IMTJN14 'Sticcessor to`}Dr, R. R. Ross, grade ate of Northwestern University" Chi- cago, III,;Licentiate- iRoyal College •cif Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office- over fficeover Sills' hardware, Mafn street, Seaforth. Phone 151. DR. F. J. ,B,ROH'DLY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office over W. R Stkrit'h's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, 'office 185W, residence 1853.- Auctioneer. 853: Auctioneer. 'GEORGE ELLIOTT,. . Licensed Auotioneer for. the County, of Huron. Ayrangements .can. ;be,made-.tat Sate Date at. The Seaford',. News, Charges' ,igoiferate;'and ,satisfaetlog ,guars teed. , r n. WATSON 'AND' :REID'S • REAL 'ESTATE AND 'INSURANCE AGENCY • (Successors to James Watson)' MAIN S -T., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of •Insuran'ce risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. • SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday June 8th. Wheat,' per bus; , , a. $1.30 Barley, per bus. 70c Oats, per 'bus. • 50c 13uclapvheat, per .bus. 65c 'Starts,• per ewt. , ...,$1.85 Bran, per cwt. $L75 Butter, per ib. Eggs, per doz. 20c -24c -27c Potatoes, per bag-... ; . ,, 50 Hogs, per cwt. 9.25 B E. Lades';and' Men's Tailor i:• :` •a l0C Suits from $25.00' u • P. Bring your own Cloth and Have it made up here. Over Keating's Drug g Store.. SEAFORTH 'BIG LAUGHTER PROGRAM The Comedy. Duo of Behind The Front" fame_ -VCS L A E 7 1 M a,,lN ND BEERY • HAT'TON in their now equally well known comedy scream WE'RE IN THE NARY N0W-: and CHARLIE • CHAP .IN' famous old Classic SHOULDER ARMS Probably the most genuinelyfunnypieturehehasevermade Separately each of these productions have always been shown at increased admission prices. We're putting them:- together to knock the lid off, so Don't Risk Being Disappointed First "Showing Thursday -Afternoon Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings . Also Saturday Matinee PRINe t