HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-09, Page 3"CK. AND FOG I NO MEDICINE LIKE AE CHANGVICTORY BABY'S OR TABLETS Chang Reveals Story of How For Either till Newborna•Balle or 1 -lis Armored Cars Captured the Growing CIIiid. Those. of Cantonese After Collision. There is no: other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones-- Peiting-The tale of how a mistywh'ether it be for the newborn babe morning and a train coupling which or tlto growing chile! the Tablets al- , inizaculous•ly held turned the settle ways do good, They are absolutely against the Cantonese in Notion Prov- tree from opiates or ether harmful ince and made possible Marshal Chang: drugs and the mother con always feel '1so,Linamel id advance southward has f sate in using them. just been brought'baelrto Peking byI Concerning the' Tablets, Mrs. John the Marshal's soar, General, Chang Armour, R. It. 1, South Monaghan, 14ssao•liang. IOnt.; ,says;—"We have three tine, Marshal Chang's troops held Cheng-, healthy 'children, to whom, when a . chow, but their hold upon that lin- medicine is needed, we have given'only •jltatlt railway junction wets` precari-Bahy's Own Tablets. The Tablets are 'They had been unable to get their 1 the best. mediciao you can beep in any lsaa ay aeroes the Yellow ' home wh'e're there are young children," River, end Ctintone„;o•helJ the railway I Baby's Own Tablets are a ui•ild but A/elem.-ling southward. Moreover, the 'thorcugh.laxative which regulate the i(.'art•on•eee had an armored train, alld stomach and bowels;' banish con5tipa- nanxy tunes daily, this train, which car- tion, and indigestion; break 'up colds' ,Tied a -big Krupp gun, would roll up and simple fever and melte teething Ibe tracks almost,- to the gates of easy. They are sold by medicine Ileal (Ibetig-choir, spray machine -61M fire ors or direct by mallet 26 cents a bole eves -the landscape, and bombard Mar -Keens The Dr. Williams' .Me•dieine•Co., sisal Chang's hearquat tors in the City ;Brockville, Ont, of s 1 4•ngcltow itself. • The Northerners hyad ail armored Toronto Doctors trams tae, bat as the Cantonese well Enjoy Privilege y.,taisva:s in a reseal' yard 0n the special markers have been issued to 't t]7 de of the rives, and, besides,: the railway bridge across the river Wasdoctors and surgeons in the city for isa.d y damaged.•their motor ca's'e,, the aeries. being na- 41tur four days, of this situation the der the numbers twelve thousand or th to iit,en tio D:en Lh ',!cis I sanage�d to repair.both r usand.' It dose Hort appear theba.dga and their Own armored that the physicians have expressed a train--htt this the C ssloneea slid riot preference for the tbirteen series; If i:t)ow r a doctor is wanted, however, it is only The mornin necessary to stop a car with a 12 or ed ()old and foggy. Objects even forty' gofthe fifthdal'dawnl . 13 eerie marker. necessary po.itce have instruptions about such cars, so that in einergenry cases' they may not be delayed. The privil- ege, however, most net be taken priv- ate advantage orf. feet 'away v re • blurred :by the mist, Elsa ante this dense fog' the Northern armored tr€ain-•slowly railed out of ehengokop anti southward along the tracks toward the Canteneae lines; lacking dowse the track, ilut the. Cautouese train sale also on the same line—banking its wayslowly u15 rsodthward toward Chengelsow, with the hope of opening a stu'griae attack. T o trains were approaching: one tusr,nel DO SlCa1•y'that when they ' collide:! In the fog no damage was Slone to either One, hut the.'eeuplirig ea the two .rear tars of each train naught and bell. The Nm'thersi engine then reversed es tried-Lo drag the Southern train unto Chengohow. The Cantonese train rove sed and tried todrag its oppon- ent southward. But the Northern en- gine was lilt lsCa{'ler and. mere.,,,pow- erf0l an tithe Uig of -was SATS going in ceTOT of the Chenechow, crowd, 4Mull-i i ;:e machine guns on each 1,;pin wee used, without effect, and the ('antonrse tried to bring- their I{rupps gnto play,: but becaase-of'their eleva• tion, were unable to damage' the 013 - Position train, The stella sailed high in the air. ,At this Isclat the Northerners got kite action with these -inch field guns mounted on their rear car. They sent sex shells mashin • through the whole length of the Southern train, and the • "batt1•e” was over. The third shell disabled the Canton- fee engine, and the six exploded ill the hc.atiquarters armored car with fright- ful effete, killing General S. Y. Yen, 'the chief of staff, aetianore t.ha:nseven- ty of the 100 men who were In the car. The erlppsed Southern train was then battled into Chengclsowr, • the wended were seat to 'hospitals, and the Northern train, which had not sus- tained a scratch ver a casualty, sallied. 001 and made a surprise run into the ''.antouess line which caused a burg tied ret teat of lase whole oppo log army southward to Ycncheng, and gave the l'elang faction control of the province. ".and the bestof it alt," says Gen- eral Chang, "is that our train cosi 08 110111:02, We captured it at Nanitow Pass last spring from Man-s,ha:1 -Peng "fislang." The Sense of Humor. Katharine ill. Wilson in the London C'Sistemp•orary Review: A sense of bunter purges away bitterness .by Idit-. iu,g our Miragsl evpexiealces to a plena ,tiaen e they deliglit our minds instead of harassing them; by it we can enjoy. our dk.comforts, cel>ecia111y in retros- ie'ot, 155 fact, this makes. the whole 5lgniflcanco of lsunn•os, its origin and raise» d'etre. !!sines aro not funny, in4t1ttaneelvee, only as wo think them so; humor depends mere onan alta -.i. tutd.e of mind than on sonietising en -1 beetically ludicrous in the thing 01' situation. And it is not an emotion so much as a.pmnt of view, the, ex arcs- e'or+s a sense of humor" recognizes for we do nottalk of a sense of grail ' etietiall 135 dIS fef 'Albert. . `46,1g.ry, Aliu. ..n.gomeats are h"l:.d made to 1 use ,.v1raa now •r e - fCie tf c s > to Ib' rtl slid iu- esit:it_ 1 1 ,,.1; 511c.:5 1011 ,he a e pale 01. 3u .sirn "c :,'_ of the lid" from the het n C n rn0;m1 The Cal- i i; and Came ASOCIEOLICD x1111 c t plc a1 s .01 bulb-1:111,toquail' -.ng.:__1. The few so0re o•1 .Hun - f ..r cl ]s' '^tel in Alberta 20 1' n5 5 t101 1 1 . n1 10 i 1 Iasi! c cf to' i :> and bt is ex- Lt.�s,;li the game 151rd•S )?;,;nig secur- ed from the Esteni: n Gr- crn.ment wi91 tare as wza •lu v e,'bes n Cunae;a as h.eve the 71'ui2 Q$3l,ui paSCiilges, The.idea of the necessity of for.n1L; en Eennom r Onion of Europe, 1n order pie s ire 'European industry, has Mede et _n gra a. ter headway than I had hula;o,_ d. air Alfred !!tend. l lieDISINO from the fathomless depths of the mystic. Sag- uenay Canyon rocky giants tower 2000 feet toward the sky. Tito world -famed. Saguenay form the climax of that famous NIAGARA -TO - TRE -SEA cruise which includes the fairy -aloe 1000 Islands—Om rushing St. Lawrence Rapids—easmopoatan Mon- treal and Old Quebec. ..For booklets, rates snd full information apply - CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LTD., 46 Yon90 •Street, Torontot',' or 9 Victoria Sq., Montreal ly;TEil),,MSHIP LINES atennas=netssamcnsuzzosasoseas=snisenersa • • L • LA F$ Nowadays, when a local boy hits the grit he may be burning us) 'a -.gravel highway or he may be working on his daily assignment of spinach. A perpetual stable means leas than nophtng. The secret of health ie the eating of onions, But the trouble is to keep it secret. Economy. 7n Fashion's cares We still are lost; -f The less she wears, This more the coati Many a brunette is bight iiea,tled enough to get married.• Family jars won't do for preserving peace. Never try to buck the multiplication table of the Teen Commandments. A good many girls are willing to be some mass's "little dumrpili g" provided he furnishes plenty of doftgh. Slim's girl is too d'um'b. She thinks snakes are found on the limbs of trees. There's economy in two -pants suits —give one pair to the wife. Th.olambs that follow Mary around these days are euro to get a thrill. Theold-fashioned maiden's blush Is now painted ;on unblushingly. Tests show muse will not soothe a wild -bull. We always thought it bet- tor to run than sing. Jeffrey --"So your son has been in- jured and is coming haute from cal- Briggs—"Yes, he sprained hie uku- lele. finger. The Fool Thinks he could eave money if he got a raise. Thinks a big Neuse makes a happy home.. Believes that rouge foals the public. Blames all his misfortunes on other people. Beli•evee the ohanoe makes the man. Tbinks loud talk is strong argu- ment. Never suspects himself of foolish- ness, "Man vrants but little hero below"— some people are even satisfied with themselves. a,:'s. , .1?35•,'U,;��'CA n a �. +. n,.,cy..5 s. J -✓: YAi KillLase_yt .r rtt„rxtrh K°Q Kies 41csquitoes Roaches -Bedi,y en v,,sser,ci,1fs,R+,cltfa `r F:2WSW C11Cta e•,..t•2NOtt:dA,...i ,... >n•,,tss4 0410i',ttt,Y«a' the ?athroor-. EDDY ay .ile Tissue NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent and; like all Eddy tissues, is manufactured under the most exacting sanitary conditions. Each roll of ,NAVY"Tis- i - - 'Qu• i:- •� - a >�- 's e - is U anteed to con- tain700sheets. Quality . a n d Economy 'combined, TMS` C. n co. 1.1 Ni Ira- a 11tE,CJ 1649ADA WI ;tay, rn al4 al:, atelea hi the Beautiful Miteekokea !..sakes The steamer Sagamo arriving at Royal Muskoka wharf, in the Muskoka. e Lakes., with :passengers who are planning a delightful holiday its this beautiE. - ful .lakelend of Ontario.—Oanadian National Railways photograph, FOUND A HEALTHbowls and flower pots, as well as the" plants, afford a• chance for color. e In the mater of pictures, sculpture BUILDING TNTC and rsoor:tion, allow the 'child to TONIC eboc-ae bra favorites from several ex, envies selected by the parent. If the child draws well incl even if he doesn't A Nova' Scotia Lady Was in an Anaemic Condition. Ma not sleep Men and women who do e d p well and ,are not refreshed arid strengthened by a night's rest, are generally suffering dram t'h'in, watery blood. The nerves fail to get the nourishment they demand and head- achesand, a worn-out feeling is the result. Building up the blood is the one sure: step to .renewed health and strength, and for this purpose northing else can equal Dr. Williams' Pink P111e. From the first dose to last they enrich and purify the blood, and in this way promote better appetite, better rest at night; and renewed strength. Mrs. Mary E. Uhlman, Williamstown, N.S.; writers—"I have received so much benefit from Dr. Williams' Pink Pilia,,that I would feel myself ungrate- eat if I did not let you know. "I was in a very poor state of health, and reached the stage where I had to remain in. bed. A doctor was called in and he told me I had no organic trouble, but was simply run down from overwork, I had been left with a family to support, which I did by de'essmaking. The doctor eald my blood had almost turned'to water, and advised a rest cure. I did not Cee how it was possible for me to take a very long zest, so I` decided to try Dr, Wil Mind' Pink Pills, Soon, I found my. strength returning and before very long I was able to go about my duties as usual again. This was a few years ago, and my health remained good un- til about a ye. r ago, when I broke out with humor of the blood'. Again I con - salted the doctor,who said my blood bad become se thin that It had really poisoned itself. I told him.I head bought several boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and he told me to go on taking then as he thought they were just what I needed. I toots eight boxes, and again was in good ire-aith. I can there fore recommend these plies to odt in a weak or i'un down condition." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price, 60 cents, a box. Try bier to clay, Color in Children's Rooms. Children are delightfully responsive to color. They should find 11 used with joyous abandon in their simply fur - lashed rooms—an exlpreesrion of hap- eanees, dear to the heart cf a child. Happiness may be unfolded to a child through a harmonious color scheme as well as through music, storiee or play. Sturdy, simple furniture in many pieaaing designs, particula'ly tile peasant styles, may now bo procured unfinished, and painted at home. Do not limit the us.e of color to the furni- ture -but use It in the walls and wood- work also, keeping to three main hues. This wild give variety and wild not be too •complicates%. The tones may bo seleoted from pieces of dress material, colored tissue paper, flowers or, any objects se arranged together as to sug- gest usgest three harmonious colors. Re- member always that greens, blues, blue -violets and all very light tones make excellent entekgrounds, as they give a feel'in'g of space and awaye stay back; that dark blues anti red -violets, usalees used very delicately, make a room dark, while yellows and yellow-, greens make a room light. Reds, vio- let -reds and orange -reds are best avoided as backgrounds except inmost dolfcate tints as red is so scare color, that it is impossible to keep it back. In a playroom a_ three -feet wain- scotinga !lite painted the well or wool - work, and varnished) :is easily cleaned and as • a protection to the wall from kicksand scratches. There are many ways of introducing pleasing 'color and individual touches. A. porch swing of striped awning to. 'harmonise with the scheme and piled with gay ps]Io;ys will' be an inviting piece of furniture for the playroom. If the room is large, two could -be used. .1.Low built-in bookcases'anci cupboards dor toys are uaefui and attractive. Lel. Ile moss, plant and crocus gardens ar- ranged in a bowl by the child are in- terestIng. Pets of bulbs.are enjoyed by Children, and this year there ere on the market fascinating little cactus. plants of queer siilapes whose arrange- anent delights youngsters, ,sir:. e..laes select several of his best paintings, frame them liat against the wall in a TOW with picture molding painted to mateb the woodwork, a ndere what at a spur It is to future effect. These naive creations of childhood are individual and original. Testers for the walls` may -be made of cut paper in pleasing colors and hung in a border . in the playroom above the walsssooting. These posters_;inay illustrate activities of family, friends and• pete and will amuse and instruct the ehiidren, One iitti1'e girl made such a quaint, inte'resting large poster of the family and pets that the mother out the figures out in silk and wool and appliqued them to a wool .background. The result was a most ingenious wall hanging which de- lighted friends of the children, as the costumes worn were at once recogniz- able. Pillows for the Tomes were made by the children of gingham with figures and flowers in contrasting hues appliqued. This idea_Could be carried out for a bed'•spread of colored blocks, The colors' chosen should always haa'- monize with those of the room. Breaking It Gently. . "Yes'm a car ran over yeua' 'bus- i)and's pants and cut thein all to pieces." "I never heard of such a thing! Where Wan m e ,, y husband when that bappened, man?" "IIs was in 'ens, ma'am." Mr. Mellon. London Spectator: We think that Mr. Mellon, --though we are sere that this Wail vat his attention --Las done an injury to Great Britain's reputation throughout Europa ansi ley so doing has aroused that kind of resentment hero wlsdehmust be enema,* abreast if we are to advance surely towards 'per - feet Angio -American undenstandieg, The onlycensoiatiou. is that British natespapers cart expr0se their annoy- ance wirtih the oertainty that there 1a no danger whatever cf a spelt with America. The foot that the two na- tione can speak to one another in un guarded language is of great signt- dicanee. No one here womdd watts of a Freurcls, Malian, German or Japanese M•lnisier le such terms as have been ueerkof Mr. Mellon, MI nerd's Liniment for insect bites. Beaccxn Wireleso Test Success. fur. London — Preliminary su:ceeseete tests halve been nam:plet.ed with iseem wireless between Great Britain. and South Atrial, the Marconi Corea:ny itnnonnces. Tests ]ostler ordinary traf- fic conditions are now being operated, n d o e� prior to a seven days' comtluttoals trial under past-0gle° supervielon. Tlse leets gave between 2.(}0 and 26e words a. minute. A continnolis 11 -hour day oereice is gsiaranteed from the. tranemitter at Bodmiil Cornwell, and the receiver at Reifigewat .r, Sonnei'set. 'l'lione sta- tions ale€) ONTO Canada. D'eaftless—lieaci Noises. R1.11L11BD ea LECINARD EAR OIL "Rub Rack ' 4 ern" - IN 1fPr' :ws NOS'rnit:ti 51111 Drennan, 1,,90 11.21 Potts Olsen .,An APN.W$0 n 1. 1150 u. 0. talallett In, , )0 11111 555, flow Yank Now packed in i oai asa, game as years ago. RE y��y:.3�j'p 114 ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. 1) Swimming and Deaths from DrO W Elilrig.. No doubt before .long we ehall he reading in the newspapers of ;some boy or girl being drowned while in .swim ming. These few timely )lints may catch ,the eye of the would -he swim- mers or their parents, and may be the means of saving some boy or girl from disaster. You. can. protect your ,property against fire—and you, can replace pro- perty lost througls fire; You can pro- tect your boy or girl against accident:, al drowning—but can't replace the lite of your .boy or girl Children learn to swim very quick- ly. At the sam) time, they tan and should learn how to handle themselves in water: how to float, to tread water, to give themselves rest and all the various means to keep afloat. Above all, they should bo (Might that they can have all the.rea.l fun they want in: the water -without being foolhardy. In case of accident, it is' well to learn all the triolcs of life-saving, es- pecially how to prevent a drowning: person clutching you eo as to render you helpless to save y -ourself or biro. 11 you find yourself in distress, keep Your head, Don't struggle; don't throw your hands out of the water— use your arms end legs as littleae pas sable, just enough to float. The chances are you will be picked up with in a short time. To revive the apparenele drowned, the "Schafer" prone method. is un- doubtedly the best of all manuai. meth- ods. Briefly it is as, follows: L The drowned ,person is p.aced on the ground,face downwards and to one side, arms extended above the head. The tongue will. drop .forward and the fluid in the air paasoges'will run out Delay its dangerous—dont step to re- move clothing. 2. The operator sbsould kneel astride the body, facing the head. Place hands in the small of the back, thumbs touch- ing or neuriy so, the fingers spn•eo,9 out on each side of the Iosco- ribs; lean forward and erteaclile allow the weight of your body to fail gently on the vic- tim; immediately swing backward, rapidly releasing the peeeeurs without removing the Kanas from the body. Repeat this asovem•ent every five Weenie; keep it up until natural breathing begins, cr ail hope of such la given up. Minard's Liniment is reliable. There is one thing at which, I' am in- tensely proud. le is being the wife of Stanley .Baldwin. Not the wife of the Prime Misstate --that is a totally dif- forma thing, but the wife of Stanley 73aldwln, the man.--.A1rs, Baldwin, Square defile help to !beep sums in citral^hien. Isound Classified Advertisomenisf 0 2nItore author Wolfe, 1)450115514 0555TARr Iltle 1111 130001i) wan for eatetnguo - 054,1 urine PIS fi to ane!,'.., onItore author Wolfe,. mutt. w-).. 01.051 1)0,501• Carnet Maltreat • OjrpesrLuuitlee are 1110e bi,:ls,°' 150.1 marks a London wa'it'er, "wo want to. embrace only p4eals,ant ones:." Cuticura Ta cu A.., � Had :l:er atea� siteSce i,t ;' !1. Lip5�'�IFREE BOOK • �}J�J Q UE SEN 'o ST 'f n P.E 1 Tells cause of cancer and what to do. for pain, bleeding, odor, ate. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper' lid.; dress 7`ndianapol.s Cancer_ 1lospital Indianapolis, Ind. insect Bites, Minard's takes the 11(10 omit of mosquito as :d fit bites!. Draws the poison. ,sem..-.,-,: gcb'herfn of A Velvet Skis y1 Blood Und nder 1d. i't.ly Health This. Spring Taken according to the simpie direction$ on every bottle, TRU-BLOOD brings the glowof vibrant !sent!) to the skin. nrsu-ELoon Compier ,ss" ac• Acot ;"blood b ash within ;'Asa Spring Tonic and Mood I uriPor it corrects the e111<cs of 650,1on, 1110 "i. emotions an) kindred symptom;. of vitiated er impure Wood. -.. Do as so many others err doing --get a dollar bottle et your Drug gist's and prove ft, worth. .se ill,AO'lev Intl 'bGl G n -D G v Thor saltpegs Extra Mil s g Every strand off every c ^ cord is insulated and im- pregnated with rubber, after which the cords are coated by the regular calendeninf, process. This extra advantage,— this mare process' that is ex- elusive to Firestone, is your assurance of greater tire economy, safety; and com- fort. See " your nearest. dealer to -day and have your carr equipped with Firestone Guars -Dipped. ':Tires. FIRESTONE TIRE Ss RU5eaua 050 OF CANADA LlM)TE1) tinnsalton, Ontario 115052 MILES PER DOLLAR Fires u s la;it ,i c Cwt' r' -m P,pr_ed'1i, ,o T if EN ,F 1DDLE AGE Mrs. Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. —"Ihave take , several bottles of Lydia E. Pinhham' Vegetable Com pound and can not speak to highly of it es .^_ wasattlie Change of Life and west all run -door grid had no al;; cote- 810as TNT T,•( ale and sick. att. l"1 011 ]n 5,.\ tarrc .u' by 1 (05315 tai' 1 dhnu'e: 1 got very sad at times and thought I lad not a friend en earth. 1 aid eel eeie if h !rocsl o>; died. I was very nervous, too and did not go out tcryt 001). A friend advised use to try abottle of Lydia F. Ilinkhans's Vs' a s11< Compound, so 1 did 1 Cin a .tri ss: u vssto, and al- w,ays worked lard mall ll l Mi el a, and was s in bed i or t,w a`su I n 11, :. 1 began to 'feel like 1 rt sl v. ( num, u,ftor the first bottle ane 1500101550(14 it with great anew ,s also Lydia: al. i t m s Liwer Pills. I am willing to t4 ser lettcr 1' :can women ung I" :bout your ,nc d,e inu.y ae 1 cannot spent too highly of thorn."-- Mae Ersas,s Wso SONd Iii 'i/iiaon .bts'ect, l'jamlltgt); 013,, til Scie, by el emeltts ever, 1,30'N, 0 1:.'s t- l ...,