HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-09, Page 1:COAL. ..I U�11 �V Sf RVI . Q �. • PHONsi 43 ews BVH'OLE SERIES, VOL. 49, No, 28.• DINNERS RS - and SUPPERS Reggularly. HOT LUNCHES at all . hours HOME MAD . ' • , .. -.. CIA LTIES PricesReasonable .onfechhoner� an 1� d Restaurant u4c i On 1J '. t.,en a eE '. e u tit mei MEI TS'' CHURCH CARD.. North Side. United Church—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B,A. • Sunday June 12th,--4S:S. and -Bible classes., at 10 a.m. • • 11 a.m. ,!Children's - Day Service. Young People's 'Choir, 35. voices, " Chorus, . Building, Daily• Building"; solo, "'I Heard' the Voice of Jesus Say," MMiss Wheatley; violin, selection, In the Evening Hour," Arthur, Gold- Sug , � utg. ar Crisp Anja t�uakex `suit iect L'e'sson"' s from Flakes; . ;3 for rys ti 'Washtubs, :Cedar—band 29e. Conference" 'Anthem;' "One Sheerly Shcemn- Thought," 'arr. by Ambrose. Iizade: Solo "The 'Gentle .Shepherd 'Mrs. ivedGavin. - very .light '.'and durable, • re , 2;L5 for 1.75 Aluminum Ware, special assort- Anent Of guaranteed quality la Y at the very hitoresting pries of f. 79c f �Otfe ' e6 at 60 e % ' 50e, , Oe. - 'All ere l inti-Velnes. Shredded Cocoanut,, (Scheppss ) per lb. 25e .Seeded asins 1$e for 15e' Ripe Olives 9 oz: cant reg. ' :30c • for •19c• e_01.114- rice is1 SP less than.cost., ',OAn7oed OraP e'1!ruit' 1 ib." 4,0�. r.. cans 35e • W• liboarda a , at 40e, 50e, &:60c r1"ouiato _Plants 'Oa , libage; "Cao- Iiflowers AAs tors, snd'•sev"eral tv'ther flower' lanta at`20 , P eta 25e Potatoes ' Wanted:' D HUTCtUSON Phbne Phor Phood 166 eIi ' I's Light Weight Work o r Shoes1• Ei lls:uppers with Pane° Soles • -'' a Bargain 2 95 Lathes' Shoes '$3 95 A Splendid line PHaid Trligh .Grade. Patent, Satin and Leather -in - 'Straps and Pumps at $4.50st W. Wigg 'RED CROSS APPEAL. A very grati'f i X ng 'campaign for funds for the Red Cross Society was con'du'cted on 'Tuesday, June 7, the sumof " OS 'beth ei � g .contributed. The Execut H' oof the ,R ed Cross wish to thank each and all who helped to make this a success, ENGAGEMENT. • • Mr..anti (Mrs, jos Mathews,. Sen - forth, annbtitice the engagement of -their eldest on 'Alonzo, 'to, ?efiss bier''� C'owan; 'youngest daughter Of 'Wil- liaYn.Cowan, Clinton; the marrjage :to take, place in Kitchener early. in June, 'al}GILL 'COOK. The marriage •took 'place- at he Ontario 'street' parsonage, Clinton, on 'Wednesd'ay, :June rot,`, of Norm;' Grace, elder daughter of Mr. and Mss. Fred C. Cook of the Huron .eo'ad,:;anti' Joseph :Tasker 'Iiugill, 'son :o'f Mr. and Mss J. %J, Hugill, also, of the Huron roa'd;,;,The ceremony was performed Illy Rev. C . J. Moorhouse, .Clinton. The 'bride. wore .a. pretty fed of..poudre 'blue 'French crepe, navy blue coat and blue hat. Mr, and Mrs. Hhgill left immediately on : a motor ttlp to'Toionto, Ham'ilt'on and Niagara - and'.on''%their. return will reside on the •groom`s farm in Ayc- T.fiillop:--." . . THE RACES. Seaforth Turf club has 'put the fin- ishing touches on 'their race track and it is now in finest condition for the races; 'Wednesday, June ..13. Most ev- eryone likes to see a good, clean 11prse race and in offering $1,200 in purses the Directors have counted on the sit`p'port of the general' public, After the races a't,'Walke'ton on Thursday and Preston' on ,Saturday the horses will come to Seaforth, every 'stall at the track 'being spoken for already. This means that every race will be well fil'led and the public guaranteed a good afternoon's clean sport. Of- ficials for the meet will be; Starter, Stanley Burns, Plalmerston; . judges; Wr1'harnt Marlyn, Mitchell; George Muldoon, Brussels, and Frank Tay- lor Exeter; timers, John W. 'Smith; Goderich; 'Wil am'Ament and J. F. Daly, Seaforth. Races will be 'held under auspices of Hamilton Driving and Athletic Association, AUBURN MAN KILLED, The baseball snatch; Sealforth at Auburn,'sichednled for Tuesdaynight, fight,. was postponed as a 'nark of respect: to the late Mr, John ,Arthur, of An - burn. Mr. Arthur, who was a shoe merchlant at Aulburn, was gored and trampled to death 'by a bull: He -had gone tb the farm of Elmer Robertson, Colborne township, and :finding no one at the house, it is supposed he started for the barn,'and when at- tacked by the animal sought refuge. in a ,pump'house. re had apparently followed and killed him, When Mr: Rolbertson returned about 10 o'clock he noticed the animal loose and the puhnlphouse door 'broken and then dis- covered 'Mr,- Arthur's body, Dr. Weir of Auburn Was called,' but ,fife was ex- tinct. Mr, ,Arthur• was about, 55 years. df age and is survived by his wife; who 'was formerly Miss Margaret Yungblutt, df Auburn, and'3 sons and 2 daughters, the Oldest of which is 8 years oid laird the youngest 1 year old.' , SEAFORTH,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927. TO MEET AT CLINTON. , "The 3rd, annual convention of the, Huron ,County, E, yA, Of Jrustees and Ratepayers will be held 'in the audi- to'riiim of the new 'Collegiate,. (Gunton, on Fridhy, 'June 17th, at 1 p,m, - iMr Wm. M. Morris, 'Toronto; Pro- fessor' Reynolds; 'O.A.C,, Guelbph, and Mr. Maleofm 1MaelBeth,'Millverton, are expected to address the gathering, in addition to Dr. Field, T P:'S.,' East Huron; J. E. Toni, I, P S., West Huron Messrs. Charles Robertson, IGoderich; 'W. G. Medd, M. L. A:, Exeter, and Elmer- Klapp, Zurich, warden of Huron- County. A -special inviltavion is extended to ladies to attend Robert Coulter President. Mrs. R. Davidson, 'Sec. 'Treas. ' , LATE JAMES SCARLETT The Protin'ce, of Innisfail„ ASt>a„ in fits issue of IMay 26th, refers as fol- -lo'w's to the'. Pate -James Searlett, a brbther to 'Mr; Robert.Sicarlett, "Once more 'we h'ave't0 put on re= kord'the passing from'our midst'of an esteemed neighbor and 'i friend. in the person of 'Mr. James 'Soarfet't who died at the Innisfail Municipal hospi- tal on .Saterd'ay'•m'o'aning . lista Mr. Scarlett wlto• was in ,:his 66th year Calnc'to !Alberta +from 1Sdalforfh, Ont„ in the stpring of 11887, forty years ago and ;,for -'the first few year's lived, to- ge'fher with his brother, the swell known Sem Soarlett, on the 'Edmon- ton tra'il, soiree twenty-eight miles north of Calgary and 'the place, a (land ,nark in those days, 'was known, 'far and wide as "S'e'arietts,."In 'the early nineties he moved up to the .Litrtle Red Deer 'district where he ha's re- titled until the present time. A, sut- hessful farmer, he gained •motri'ety as a horse and stock raiser. He wa's a charter member of the I.nnisfail Masonic 'Lod'ge and was a 'Conserva- tive but refrained from taking any active part in ,politi'edl partisanship. The 'funeral ''took phaco from the fam- ily residence -on Tuesday. Divine ser- vice' was iebeidu'dted''b C the Rev' J. S. Orton; -Reetol -'af St. Mark's,' al 'the', 'conclusion of Which : Mrs. J. Laidler' sang, Withotutaccompaniment,' the grand old•h3mm,t'Ro'ck of Ages" in a 'manner that ,muse cast anappeal.-over all present A very large concourse assenrbllecl to 'pay tribute Y d 0 one uni- versally respeoted and 'endeared by many acts df neighborly kindness to those among wham he lived for so nein years.' The to be. 'iter were veru his four sons a nephew, Mr, F: Tester and Mr. 'Green, of Calgary. A guard of 'horror ,compo'sed of :pioneers of the country, friends of the le ceased, comprised Messrs Dpliriam 1beAllister, . John Duncan Nat Wright, Alex. Davidson,'David "Sin- clair and :Hugh i tLoDotigali. '. The !Casket, of polished oak was 'interred in a .bronze maxtwell vault the fun- eral arrangements' 'being. 'carried- out by Mr. R. D. Sheffield. He is survived Iby Mrs. S'oaalett, 'a daughter 'Grace and 'four 'sons, Ralph, .William John a nd Thomas, o nas and also I o b his Y s T brother Sam of Z;ancouver, and two (brothers and. two sisters 'in Ontario, Numerous ` floral tribu'te's' of great beauty were offered ''by the ', many friends as a+ token °Pilas't regard." ' COLLEGIATE NOTES, The Athletic activities of the Col legiate for the year Culminated in a successful 'banquet in the Assembly.. Rooin, between 5 and, 8 p.m. Monday The banquet was .tendered by the losing teams in the shooting. 'contest's heldduring the winter and spring to the winning team captained by Lap Smith. After a. piano selection by Harry bldLeod' and 'step -dancing by Bob Eberhlart speeches were'given by Messrs. ;'Ma'dTavush,McKay, Chas Stewart, 'Trios.. MdMil'lan, 'Burrows and W. G . Spencer- A summary Of the year's athletics wad given thy Mr: Biesonnet.'te, who also a'cted as chair- man fpr the ,evening, Mr. Chas. Bar- ber said he •woulld' leave it to the school to decide to iwhi'ch •branch of the athletics the cup , which, :he is donating would be given for perman- ent competition. The 12 gold, silver and bronze medals were presented to the respective winners by Mr. Spen- cer,. A vote of thanks was given to C. Laing' for Itis wi'14ireg se'r- 'adti vices r n'n g as range officer during the year. The winning captain, who was too modest to praise his su'ccess- ful team, thanked The boys on behalf of his, team For the banquet. The annual 'Cadet Church parade was held to Northsicle United church Sunday, June 5, While the whole corps did• not tuen out for the parade, there was little lacking in their con- duct. Col. Gillespie, who attended the service took the -salute at the Queen's corner, Rev, W. P. Lane preached an Instructive sermonsuit- +able .to the occasion When, -after t'he service, the coops, again headed by the Seaforth Band; halted in (front of the town hall, •Col, Giiles'Pie spoke:a 'few words of -congratulation for the trim, alert appearance of tete cadets clearing the !parade. Captain Fred Willis then dismissed the corps. REPORT OF' HOG S'HIPMENTS;, Week ending June 2nd. Seaforth, Total 69, select bacon 7,. thick smooth 60,'.ilights and feeders 2. 'Brutefiehl—Tot'a'l '148.. Walton—Total 494, select 'bacon 52, thick smooth '1117;, 'hea'vies 9, shop hogs 9, 'lights and feeders 5, Huron 'County—Total 1,210, select bacon 431, Tick 'smooth 843, 'heavies 95, extra heavies 6, ,sloop 'hogs 77, fights and 'feeders 28. $1 A YEAX.. COUSIN KILLED. " Mrs, Thomas Lane. Mr, Roster Hutchison of 'Chicago, 'Mrs, Henry 'Peckeld'er, of Grand who with his wife w'as killed Rapid's, is 'home "l' a, 1 at P. , visiting her parents;.�,,�•>�,—�—� }?tsPi�tah Station; ,on Wednesday Mr, and Mrs. Wm.. Charters, . ,. •+�'.` �� . '�- "r,`+ , morning, was a cousin to Mr ,F,: D, Mrs. 'Robert 'Charters, of the 'Mils 'Hutchison, 'town, and , hes • visited Road, celebrated her BPst' birthday on here.' the 6'fh of June. • ,Mr. A. A. Colqultouu, • of Hilbert, Miss Louise A'l'lan, of Hamilton, is and M,L,'A, 'for South ,Perth, and Mrs, visiting her parents, Mr, anti Mrs. Colquhoun, who were also ih the• car, James Allan, escaped death, but were injured, Mrs, Rev. Wm: Bell, of Carthage, is vis• Colquhoun quite seriously, 'ting his sister, Mrs. James Allan. ' Mrs. ;Hutchison, .who was killed, is (Messrs. James and D -avid M1dIntosh a sister to 1Mir. Colquho'un. and blr. Geo. !McCartney'. and lady 'They wereon their Way Torontof t o d s were etp to Goderich to'moon< n. Mr. H t 1 u 'chrson's ibig, tar, Mr. (Hut light,. - Monday. evening. 'hison driving tit the, time. 'He was 'Mr. and Mrs. .Leonard 'Heard, of a'railro'ad 'engineer `ak Chicago. •Clinton, were visiting- fr:iends 'on the 'The•control levers' ou his car work Mill road Sunday last. • 'in'- the opposite dir'e'ct'iori '16 those on. Mrs. Alex, Ross, of Brucefield, a 'locomotive-ans:he had been known visilling'Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Nidhol-' to stall the car by pushing the lever son on the Mill 'Road, • the wrong way. It is'thought that;pos- 1Mr, Leslie ,Bell returned to :Detroit sibty, in- the .mothen't Of 'excitement,, Tuesday after spending the week -end that this had occurred -Wednesday at thehdme'cif his parents; Mr, and morning. Mrs, George Bell. • ' • , Mr: and Mr's. John Elgie are sport- - BASEBALL. . ing a new Ford 'sedan.• • - •Mr, and Mrs. William Elgie spent Goderich 15, Seaforth 5. :Tuesday at••the home of Mr: and Mrs:' The Huron 'County ±Ba'sebald Lea- John Macllach'lan, gue opened in IGoderich June -lst with Ladies',,,A'id 1No, 3 of the Egenon.d- 'the Ioca3 boys providinig the oppos'i- vide United; Ohyrclt.iteld its monthly: Pion.• The game ended lin a r5-5 score ,meetingat the home of -Mrs. Robert for .the 'hotnesters. The 'C4th boys Doig on Thursday, ` were up against a team which has Mr. Stewart Love, who was run - had' .more practise together 'and more over by a car tleat'week, is recovering,' basebal'1 than the majority .of the Miss Frances'H'ou"ston' spent tate {ocads. The game was , ;fairly even 'week -end at the home of her parents, Until. the 'fifth and seventh When God- uIafr. and Mrs. Samuel Houston. • erich pushed over •five and ;four runs 'Mrs. George 'Bell is visiting in De - respectively. ` Alberhart' pitched well, troit, although his support was ragged at Mr. Bob' Broadlfoot haps been ep- times. With a 'bit of bolstering, haw- pointed traffic policeman in Esmond - ever, the 104th 'Pads will .field a team •vil'le, which will he in a real contending position for the league •leadership,. Goderich—Sanderson c, Cold't'horpe p, Aliston p, Nairn Iib, Archer 2b, Lannon 3b, 'Elliott ss, 'Carrick ri, Weir cf, +Schlerdon lf, Haddon if. Sealforth. •—_ WiNis !c, Aberhart p, Brownlee lib;. Hart 20; IDungey 3h, B. Ii61ls !f, ,Brown ef, Reid -and Dol - mage rf Score by iinnings'- R. H. Seaforth :, 0 0 2 1 0.2.0"'0 0-- 5 12 Goderich. ,. 2 1 1 1 5 0 4 1-13 16 WINTHROP, iiefr. and Mrs, Geo: Jackson of Wal- ton and Ivfrs..Heist and Miss Vera Halet spent Sunday with friends at St. Marys. ' Mr, Thomas .Wheatley has treated. himself to a new Overland six. - .Mrs. 'R; (Campbell, Mr: and Mrs. R. Campbell Jr„ Miss Mae Campbell and Mrs, 'Trewartha motored to Luther un Sunday and spent the day with relatives there. Qriite a number ,from here attended theGentry' ' circus m Stratford o d Tues - 11 clay.. .. e A dance will,'be 'held at Winthrop d on (-rid ay . June t ne 10th J Ludwig S er - ✓ ande¢s of Blyth.Gents, :1.00,Lunch reeved in the Winthrop hall.-Seaforth C.I. 6, Clinton C.I. 2. In :the 'fastest game of baseba played by Seaforth in 'Oliiitoi in sone years, the Seaforth C.I. team walke away with a 6-2 victory oyetthe' old rivals, The Seaforthteam fielded wall[,. an'd :batted with .a marked 'sup eriprily over the Clinton boys. Ex eltementa w s running high 1t' ' When en i the last innings a Clinton •hall wa lotocked far into the night field Reinke attempted the 'ball 'which wa almostut ofreach, o cab t, -and• -'es it re bounded off- his glove, players an spectators were surprised to see Den Browne, who had sprinted across till field, reach down and end the -gasp by a marvelous shoe -string catch. Workman pit -Chet! 'well and Was given - errorless •sn rt o while he R t PP Clinton. boy+s allowed 'tlee locals to score three runs 'in the fifth and agaiii in 'the seventh.;' Stock 'walked 7 to' offset six strikeouts Workman fanned •12 and 'walked' 'one --' • !Clinton ---IL. •IS+fock ef, Gribbings 3h, 1 ''Matheson +2b; IBiggart ,i f, Cook c, Glew ss, D. Matheson if, Hovey lb, Stoick tip. 'Seaforth—Reinke rf, 'Brownlee' 1'b, B. Willis Bb, F. Willis 3b, C. Muir ss, F. M,dLean 'c, Workman p, Sherwood lf, Brown cf, 'McLean 6f, 3b. Score by innings— R,H.E. Seaforth ..0 0.0, 0 3 0, 3-6 '13 1 Clinton',, ,..0 0 0, .0 0 0, 2-2 ;8 5 - ST. COLUMBAN. n ,Miss Helena:Flannery of. Linwood s stent the 'week end spent with. her parents, • Mr, and Mrs, P. Flannery, 5. MIA Mary 'McQuaid o'f'McGregor, here took in the moonlight excursion - d tsrh'o was here to see her father, iMr. nut of Goderich Tuesday evening. Frank McQuaid, Who •is seriously ill, The Rally of the Holy Name ,Soc- • returned Ito her school last week. iety for this district, which comprises e Mr. James --Lane and Mr. Fergus the parishes of Logan and Mitchell, e Kelly. of Stratford normal school Dublin;' Seaforth, Clinton, Blyth an*J spent the week end at the _ home of St, ,Co'lnmlban, will be 'held at St Co- s the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. lumban church. and grounds on Sun- . _ are � ck Jno,L i MfPlo . p day, June 12th at 3 o'clock pan. Miss Mfildred McGrath of St. Ole- Mr. 'W, L. Fortune of Detroit is ments, was a week end visitor at the visiting relatives here. le hon of her' Barents, Mr, and. 'Mrs. P. Football.—On Friday evening last V. McGrath, the Stratford: "Duffs", 'met the St. Co- M'r. James McQuaid, Who spent the lumban (ban Shamrock team. in • the first past week atthe home of-his'parents, game on the hemp. grounds this sea Mr, and Mrs. Frank McQuaid, Mc- son: The game was a hotly contest- Kiliop, returned to Detroit on 'Satur- ed affair with. St. 'Coltutniban playing clay. splendid •ball and holding the Doffs Miss Gertrude +MeiGrath of Lin- scoreless until three minutes `'b before ore wood visited over the week end at hill time, whenon a 'corner kick by the home of her 'parents, Mr. and Stratford the' ball went behind the Mrs. P. V. M•dGrath, line" six inches and was clearly a goal Mr. Charles Malone of Strafford kick, .but it struck one of the speote spent the week end at his home in tors and rolled' back on the -field, and, McKillop, Stratford scored a fluke goal. The 'Mr. Thomas Me.Qluaid dlf.Stratford game ended 1-0 for'Stratford.'St. Col - normal school wsa a week;end visitor untban protested vigorously against at the home of his parents, Mr. and the decision, When will spectators Mrs. Jos. McQuaid.' have 'brains and common sense enough Mr, and Miss 'Murray of Hamil- to stand !back from the goal line, as ton, spent the holiday and 'week end in this instance .it clearly lost St. Col - at t'he 'home of Mr. and. Mrs. James :ninban a game, It. is time that the off Morris, Hibbert. kers of the Club would have back - Mr. Peter Jordan of the 3rd dine, 'bone enough to see that spectators Hilbert, is . confined to his home were kept back to prevent as 4V through illness. e hope to hear of once. Si, Columban lineup was; his speedy recovery. Goal, T. Coyne; backs, McIvor and Mr. Martin Malady df Detroit has Bruner; half backs, 'McCartney, Lane, returned to his home here. N icholsonr-forwards, Wright,. Dill, Miss Mary McGrath is visiting G. Coyne, Morris, Malone. friends in Stratford. Tavistock plays in St. Colunnban A number of the young people front Friday, June 10th, v'4soamm110111111.110M tatexecamannemoreameemsamemermecommesawansa LIONS PRESENTS eautiful Royal Art Giassware We are shbwing• e, very beautiful line of Royal Art Glassware of new and exquisite coloring.. This "is: something entirely new and is the. latest importation. from Europe..' As yet we have siren nothing to equal 'it ' for bright colors' and' attractive'_ de- ' ' signs and the prices are exceedingly. reasonable. •' •> Also j. ust alrivod from Japan a:very. pretty selection in Bon Bons', •Salad. ' ' Dishes, Nut Bowls, Co`ud n'aent Seta, Ete. Which are wonderfully fine' for." home decoration and. ,gift,favors. tit will pay you to look the. line over. FredS. Savage Jeweler and. Optometrist Opposite Post Office. Phones 194. Res. 10. LONDESBORO. • • Mr. and Mrs, Mun of Buffalo spent ,part of last week 'the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. ,Mac McCool, The'Blyth boys and girls played Uon'deslbero boys and girls lit. Wed- nesday night leaflet' soft ball. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Lee of Buf- falo visited friends here Past week, Mrs. Grainger- and Miss Gladys spent the week end at the home of Mr. George. Cowan of the thirteenth, IMr. Will Tamtan of Brucefielci is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. Armstrong. Mrs. Jahn Scott and •Mrs. 'C.. Rud - dell were Stratford visitors last Fri- day. , We are sorry 'to hear Mrs. 'ylaincs is on the sick list. A member of .'friends and acquain- tances from -here 'attended the funer- al of the late Edmund. Lear, of Blyth on Sunday. last. , Mr. Will Tantblyn of Toronto is visiting in tete village. Mrs. Adams and 'Miss Brigham motored to Stratford on Saturday. Mr. Griffiths has completed Mr, Ross' new 'house, I I i4ir.: and Mrs, 'Stewart o'f 'Belgrave spent Sunday at the 'home of Mr. Mc - Cray. , BLAKE, ' Mr. John Hey of Zurich willi'. be holding a demonstration at the farm of li41r. Merano Sfeckle Sr. on Wednes- day, Jane 8. Iylr,,Steckle will demon- strate a new hammer -type grain grin- der. Work on the 'Blake 'corner is ad- vancing, but it has been difficult to secure the necessary help as everyone. seems to be 'busy since the weather' faired up. Mr. and Mrs. Stade of :Seaforth and Mr. Brooks of Detroit 'lwere guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Roh- ner. TUCK'ERSMITH. • 'Mr: Andrew Lane, of Pontiac, is home visiting his parents, IIl'Ir, 'and Smilest 40 Highly Trained Artists na 40 :in ilouse Cardll'si; !i S. ERFORTH Friday ,� , 17th The Lions Club of Seaforth strongly commend this Show -- It is a clean, clever Entertainment of outstanding merit. ' It will recall the Costumes, the Dear Old Bongs and the Dances of our Grandmothers and our Mothers and includes the Latest of Today Admission 35c Reserved Seats 50c plan opens at Aberhart's Drug Store, Saturday. June Lith at 9 a. m. SEAFORTF IIORSE RACES un•1cr eke •auspices of Hamilton' I3'rsi & Athletic Assocation: WEDNESDAY,A JUNE, A $1,200.00 IN PURSES. 2,14 Trot or Pace Purse $406‘- 2,18 Trot or Pace Purse pm 2.25' Trot or Pace Purse VI* (all mile heats) 't'r'ack is in fine condition. Gari.. entry in each class and best of rani - assured, First natce, 2 o'clock share 1,!o waisting between heats. .Parkin' far cars, Drive right in. Gates oilers . at noon. - SEAFORTH TURF ASSOCIATIt11 Geo. R. McCartney, President; Ries- - sell H. Sproat, Vice President; R. Mnrless Jones, Treasurer; A, `lh' Sutherland, Secretary, The Salvation Army STRATFORD SILVER AND, will visit Seaforth Saturday and Sutadalk::. June lith and 12tile PROGRAMME Saturday Night, Street Meeting, 7.30 to 9.15 Sunday Morning, Street Meeting, 10 a in: S. A. Hail' 11 a. na Sunday Night, Street Meeting,,, 6 p. m. S. A. Ha117 p- SPECIAL The Band will render Concerts.' in Victoria Park Sunday triter, - noon at 3 a'cloak and Sunday. night at 8.15