HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-02, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
1).41.S. L011 Simpson, Mr. Wm,' si,nip,„
son and 1V1iss Mae 'Simpson. of De.
troit, yste1 Over the 'week -end with
relatives in town, '
fair, 'Clarence Munn, of Bay City,
visited fox a few days this week wlth
WS parents, Mr, and 'Ida's. Alex.
JOhri Carmichael, of Detroit,
-visited over the week -end at his bottle
1vIise Jessie Johnson 'visited ovet.
the Week -end at her home jit cliffOrd,
Mr.Angus :Robertson, of :Detroit,
spent the week -end at his ..home ".M
Tuckentanith,, visiting Itis father, Mr.
• , John Robertson, '•and sister, Miss
11VIrs, Nair, of Toronto, is visiting
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. ROA.
Mr, Ed. Berry, of Detroit, visited
Over the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. Thos. Merry.
Mrs, M. 'Chambers and Miss Maud
0.hatriberS,. of ,Clinton, visited on Sun-
day .witli•driends in town.
Miss Eliza Newell, who has been
in poor health for Some time, was
talcen to Victoria 'hospital last week
for treatment
The infant child of Mr, and Mrs,
Robt. Mousseau, 5th con., Hay, pass-
ed away on 'Friday evening last after
a Ifew hours' illness, Th -e funeral
took place Sunday afternoon, Mr.
and Mrs. IMousseau have the sym-
pathy of the whole community in
their sad loss.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Miller, of De-
troit, visited over the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ,Bonthron.
The Young People's League of -the
United 'Church motored over to
North Side United Church on Mon-
day evening. The Hensall League
put on the programme, consisting of
a piano duet by Miss Douglass and
Miss 'Fisher; solo by Mrs, Hedden;
piano trio by Misses Eleanor Skinner,
Marion Sinclair, and Florence Mc-
Donald: readings by Miss Gladys
Slay and Miss M. Ellis: violin duet
by Miss Greta 'Laramie and Miss
Ethel Mindocic, accompanied by 'Mrs
'Hoggarth on the piano; dialogue by
Miss Margaret Douglass and Miss
Dorothy Heffernan, and an instru-
mental by Mrs. :Hoggarth. The topic
was given in a very able manner by
Mr. :Sinai -air. After the musical part
of the programme, a contest was In-
dulged in and a dainty lunch served
by the Seaforth League.
Death of John McAllister. - The
people of Hensall and vicinity were
shocked to hear on Monday afternoon
that Mr. John McAllister had been
found dead in his garden. He left the
house between 8 and 9 to work at a
fence around his garden, and was
last seen alive at 9 o'clock by Mr.
iBolton, a neighbor. Not returning to
the hatise for -dinner. Mrs. McAllister
did not become alarmed, thinking he
had gone over to see his .brother-in-
law, Mr. John Mousseau, ,and stopped
for dinner. In the afternoon, Mr.
Peck noticed the bees swarming and
went over to tell Mrs. McAllister.
She phoned to Mousseatis, but not
finding him there, she !became alarm-
ed, and went out to search for him,
and found hint lying dead by the
fence where be had been working,
evidently baring been dead for four
or five hours. Dr. Moir was im-
mediately called, and Dr. Shaw, of
Clinton. .curoner, was called, but did
nut consider an Inquest necessary, as
Mr. :McAllister had been .suffering
from heart trodble for some time,
Mr, McAllister was born on the Parr
Line, Hay, nearly 63 years ago, a son
of the late John McAllister, and lived
on the 'Parr line up till the time he
moved to Hensall a few years ago,
when he purchased the property on
the London road from the late Wm.
Moir. Mr. 'McAllister is survived by
his wife, who is a daughter of the late
Donald 'Bell, of Hay 'Township, and
three brothers and three sisters, Chas,
McAllister, of Toronto, Dr. Alex.
McAllister, of -Georgetown, and Wm.
McAllister, in the west. The sisters
are Mrs, Peter Moir, London road;
'Mrs. Forbes, df Seaforth; and Mrs.
Wm. Kyle, in the west. Mr. Mc-
Allister was 0 Presbyterian in re-
ligion, a Liberal in politics, and was
one of the best known men in this
district. The funeral will take place
on Friday afternoon 'from his late
residence, London road, to the Hen-
sall Union 'Cemetery.
Death of Mrs, Henry Reynolds,
The death occurred an Sunday even-
ing of another old resident of .Hensall
in the person of Mrs. Henry Reynolds
in her S3rd year. Mrs. Reynolds,
whose maiden name was Ann Sole,
was a native of Clifton, •Bedfordshire,
England. After her marriage to the
late Henry Reynolds, they came to
Canada in 1674 and •have raided in
Hensall ever since. She is survived
by two sons, Percy of Hoosejew, and
Wm. of 'Tillsonburg, and four daugh-
ters, Mrs. 'F, Robertson and ;Miss
Amy Reynolds, of Tiensall; FIrrelpea.
of 'Calgary, and Mrs. Ratn,a,
1 v, Sask. Another °f
I . Armskratfil
c". . daughter, Mrs.
t;') in Rensall last
and, the late Henry
'was a well known
factor, died some
..„ • funeral will take
.<24..-. 1,ite residence, South
.....,.. ,it, Hensall, on Thurs-
,fer-:afterrion, to Hensall Union
Mr. Wm. Thompson, of Indiana, is
spending a few days visiting his
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr, Alf. Smith moved his house-
hold effects on Saturday afternoon to
the rooms over I-Iemphill's drug store.
Mr. /Robe, Higgins, Who +is issuing
the liquor permits for the .Hensall
district, reports that they are going
fast this last few days.
How to Sell Autos. -- M. Chas,
Piton, automobile dealer, of Exeter,
was fined in London laet week by
Magistrate Hawkshaw, for 'speeding
on the road 'between Lucan and Lon-
dolb., The .Magistrate wished to see'
theocar that could go as fast as Mr.
Pit was driving. After Mr. Pilon
got through explaining its good
points the Magistrate was so pleased
with the car he ordered one like it
• from Mr. Piton. We are just giving
this at a pointer Co our II 11
ttealera as 'a. new way °of •rnalting a
We understand that Mr. Laird,
Mickle .has purchased a lot on King
street , just east •or Dr. Dougall'a of-
fice from Mr, John. Stewart. We
understand Mr. Mackie intends creat-
ing e modern house immediately.
Mrs. Frank %/fiarshall, of London,
and ;forme I of liens ll t
nottuced the engagement of her sen,
'John iMarstrial, to Miss I'VhdLeala, of
Smith's Fall, The wedding is to take
place in lfime.
The village council will tneet on
Thursday evening of this week for
their regular monthly .mecting. From
7 to 8 a 'Court of Revision will be
held on the assessment roll and at 8
o'clOck the regular 'meeting will
cOrnmence, and a number of import-
ant 'matters will be dealt with.
Mrs. Peter Munn has moved to
London, 1,v1tere she will reside with
her daughter, Mrs, Orhwein. She is
offering part df her household effects
,by private sale. Mr. Earl Drummond
has rented her house, and Mr. Lad
Mc'Euran has rented the •house lately
vacated by Mr. Drummond.
Miss M. 5. Moore, of Woodstock, is
visiting her sister, Mrs, Thos. Situp
The •business men of the village are
balding Wednesday afternoon for a
halVholiday for the next three
months, starting June Ist,
Mr. and IMrs. Witham McKay at-
tended the graduation classes at
Western University, London, on Fri-
day afternoon last, when their son,
Russell Gordon McKay-, graduated
with honors in Medicine, Dr. Mc -
Kay's many friends Isere congratulate
hint on his success.
Mr. ,fohn ,Mousseau has about com-
pleted his roller -coaster and has al-
ready given several demonstrations„
AVe understand he intends to move
it to the Bend shortly for the summer
,,:vfr. Wm Pfaff has moved back to
Isis former home on Queen street,
where he will be nearer his gas and
The local Hydro Electric Commis-
sion are this week removing some of
the heavier transformers which they
s,i1cl to the Exeter connuission, and
are replacing them with smaller ones,
Rev. MoDonald, of Kintore, took
charge of the services in the United
Church on Sunday.
Mrs. C.13. Chapman and family and
Miss V. Brock of London are spend-
ing a few days at their cottage.
Miss Agnes MacIntyre of Strati's-
! roy is spending the summer with Mrs.
1 McLeod,
The Y.P.S. met on Friday last when
! the abject. "Resolved that the life
and character of St. Peter have made
a greater contribution to the Chris-
tian church than the life and charac-
ter of St. John" was d-ebated. Those
taking the affirmative, Donald Mc-
Kenzie and Murray Grainger and
Lucy Woods and Mrs, C Catripbell
upheld the negative. The judges were
Misses Helen Gerrie and Edna Scot -
chiller and Mr, Ardell Gnainger. The
affirmative won by a small margin.
Miss Sarah Reid read several chap-
ters of Alfred, -the Great, from the
,book "Founders of the Empire" af-
ter ahich the social committee took
charge. The next meeting will be
held in two weeks when Mrs. Paull
and Harold Scotchmer will give pa -
Pers on The Life of St. Peel".
Miss Thelma Ritz returned from
Stratford Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Delgaty of
Gilbert Plains, Man., and Mr, and
Mrs. Dove and babe of Detroit were
guests with Mr. and Mrs. R Delgaty
on 'Sunday and Monday.
Mr. F. W. Walsh and Fred Trebil-
cock spent the week end at the lat-
ter's cottage. Mrs. Trebilcock, Mrs.
'Walsh and little Margaret returned
to 'London with them on Monday.
,Miss Annie McLeod went to De-
troit on Tuesday to visit ,her sister,
Mrs. C. :Platter.
Mr. and Mrs. PercyDyment and
daughters of Detroit, visited Mrs. Dy -
merit's parents. Mr. and Mrs J. W.
Tippet over the week. end.
Mr. and Mrs. H. ,Lord, Miss Gladys
Davison, Mr. L. Mallot, London and
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Walkerton,
were guests with Mrs. J. Davison on
Week end
wore Misses Alta, Norman and 'RtfbS
.Goddard, St. Manias,- mr. Fred
1I-Ittdson, Londonf 'Miss Kay Clarke
Miss Bessie Clark, Mr.''Clinton Keen-
an, Mr. Thomas Johnstoit, Mr. 'john
0. Doyle, Dir. and Mrs. 5,m, Atkin-
son, Detroit; A. 13, 'Davis, ID. H. Fin-
layson, A. IL ,Taylor, lLortdon.- The
Etarriar Club Of London, consisting
of twenty-five members held their an-
nual banquet 'Saturday evening at the
iRitz Hotel, Bayfield. After a sump-
tuous repast the evening was spent in
song and addresses. They,,,retu•rned
to their homes Sunday afternoon af,
ter a very enjoyale outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and'
'babe of Mount •Clemens, motored on
Saturday and spent the week end with
Mrs. VV. Elliott.
Miss 'Maud McGregor left on Tues-
day morning to visit friends in De-•
Mr. Wellington Graham of Atirora
took charge of the services dr the
Preslbyterfau congregations at Bruce -
field and IBayfield on 'Sunday last and
during the summer months..fie is a-
KtMx 'College student.
Rev. and Ws, H. F. Kennedy and
Master R'oy motored to Morpeth
Saturday where Mrs. 'Kennedy and
Roy will visit while Mr. !Kennedy is
attending -Conference.
Miss Olive 'Cooper, of Guelphavisit-
ed at her homefor a' few 'days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hubbard and Mr.
ivfelvilie MaClymont, all -df Detroit,
visited at the homes of Mr. Robert
.Dayanan and Mr. Jas. Merlymont.
Mr. and Mrs. Pickard,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Butt.
Mr. and"Mrs. 'John Butt, of Flint,
Mich., called on his 'brothers over
the holiday.
Mrs. ,Win. Caldwell is spending a
week with friends in Flint, 'Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth and
child from Detroit spent the week end
with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Abe
Geo. Latreal has returned 'to the
village after spending the winter in
California and intends spending the
sun -inter with R. J. Dayman.
Mrs. A. 'McGregor and Mrs. 5. C:
McLean, -who have been seriously ill
for the past ,few weeks are improving
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson iScott of
Detroit inotored over and spent the
week end with their parents.
Mr. Win, Sinclair suffered a serious
loss recently when Itis fancy ((river
broke its leg.
Fanners are held back badly with
their work on account of the contin-
ued wet weather, but grass is grow-
ing nicely.
Miss Jean Ivison, accompanied by
Miss Helen ,Dinsdale, visited with rel-
atives in God.enich :township this
Mr. Fred Parsons df London vis-
ited at his home Sunday.
Miss A. •MdMukrie is visiting rela-
tives at Kippen and Henson.
Miss Mary Thompson of London
visited If her home 'Sunday. .
Mr, and Mrs. Keilan of Glen Allen
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jahn Bell over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins, of
Stratford, were week end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dinsdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig and -chil-
dren of Howick, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Adams, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. M. Doig.
Mr, and Mrs. A. P. Phillips and
Miss Essie Phellps, Of Rochester,
N,Y.,spent the week end visiting Mrs
Phillip's sister, Mrs. Wm. M, Doig.
Mr. Bob Green of 'Detroit, accom-
panied by his friend, Mr, May, mo-
tored over to spend the week end
visiting his parents and other rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Green, Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Green and
daughter of •Hibbert; Mrs, Pearl Fra-
ser and 'friends of Saginaw, Mich.;
Mr. and Mrs. Trembley and grand-
children of Stra-tford; Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Ryan, also of Stratford, and
Mr. and 'Mrs, Cyrus Green of Grand
Bend, accompanied by their ,four
children and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Fairbairn of Hensall, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jonas
Green and Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Green,
guests at the Ritz hotel Since the weather prospects are
Goderich to
Detroit and Return
"."7 Filk
• rAral.
Round Trip Will Leave Goderich eine Way
Tuesday, June 7th at 9:30 a. m.
Arriving at Port Huron 1:30 p.na., Detroit 5:30 p.m.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday, June 9th -
The only boat trip from Godericli to Detroit this season.
Children between 6 to 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan
friends and see big and busy Detroit, A delightful trip over
the great international highway of lakes and rivers.
Don't miss it.
Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 10th, at 9:30 a.m,
Moonlight Out Of Goderich
Monday, June 6th at 8.30 p. ni.
Come and enjoy the fun
Finzei's Orchestta for dancing in steamer's big ball room
Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c Children 25c
briglhter the fertneps are all getting
busy scivoitlfg ibeans,„ as it is ,getting
compidratively late •,or 'the season for
this brop. •
•Mr, Roy Scoteilimer has purchised
a new Chevrolet ..coupe.
and IMrs. Ed. Hartman retinal -
ed frain a visit to Detroit, ISatueday
Miss iNfary Gingrich has secured TA
position for the summer in iBayfield,
Theui vaill e sold I y - pubiic auc-
tion on Saturday next, June 4th; 'at
2 ,p.m. ot the residence of Mr. James
Manley, 'Sporting street, ISewfouth, a
quantity of general lhansehol furni-
ture and carpenter's tools. Terms
cash.. T +Brown, Auctioneer,
To the premises, of the undersigl. led,
lot 1, .con, 5, Ilinilett, on or about
May -12th, one -white 2-year.aold
heifer. Owner ran 'have same by
proving property and .paying 'changes.
forth, Phone 245r6. ff
Quantity. of Tomato and' Cabbage
plants for sale. ALBEIRT 113AKER,
Railway street, Seaforth. 22
For'iners' Club Meeting delayed one
week to June 8th, on account of
Horticultural aneeting in 1Carnegie
hail this Wednesday. A big attend-
ance, especially .of our own members
and a good many from Hensel',
Kippen, and Brucefield, to hear R.
-N. ,Bissonnette, B,A., .B.S.A., on. "En-
tomology." 'JOE IllOiRIREST.
-Cushion tire buggy, in first class
condition: Priced at $75.00 for quick
sale. Can be seen at WM, AIKEN-
'HEAD'S. Phone 629 r 2, or Box 33,
Brucefield. 24.
Solid brick, nine room house with
furnace, hath -room, town water and
every convenience. Centnally located
and convenient to schools, churches
and business section, two fine lots.
good barn and garden. House has
small annex suitable for an office.
Bargain Inc quick sale. Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
House on James street, six rooms
and complete bath. Hot and cold
taps in the kitchen. Electric lights.
Cellar with cement floor. Stable on
property. Apply on the premises or
to W. D. BRIGHT, 'Seaforth. tf
For sole, Shorthorn bull, dual pur-
Pose. Name ILochiyar No, 168877.
Age'3,4 years, Apply to G, LAUR-
ANCE, RR. 1, Londesboro, Ott.
100 Items in Iittliett, all under cul-
tiiation. .Comfortable frame house.
Bank barn- 40x60, and drive shed.
Small orchard.'Would sell with this
year's crop or •possession to suit pur-
chaser. Apply at 'Bite ,blews Office.
S.C.W. -Leghorns chicks, $15.00
per 100; Barred Rock chicks, $16.00
Per 300. Custom hatching 5e ,per
egg. Individual machines, 100 egg'to
600 egg sizes. The best of attention
paid to custom hatching. No order
too small dr too large. Get your
chicks,early so they will, develop into
good sized birds to get the early mar-
kets.' Early hatched pallets rnake
the beat winter Myers. E. J. TRE-
WARTHA, 'Holmesville PO, Pihne
61Ii22, Clinton cen'tra'l. 23
Cabbage, cauliflower, asters, 'very
choice snapdragons, ready about June
1st or earlier. Early cabbage
ready now. A. L. PORTEOUS
West O„ Seaforth.
The- 'Council Of the Corporation o
the County of Huron will meet in the
'CouncilChamber, !Goderich, at
o'clock in the- .afternoon of Tuesday
the 7th day of June, 1927. All ac-
counts against tite County must be in
the hands of the Clerk not later titan
iMonday preceding' the meeting of
Council. '
-County Clerk.
Goderich, May 20th, 1927. 2
.Baby Chicks—.
Hatched from carefully culled,
high producing winter layers.
Special Price: Rocks 15c,
Leghorns 12c.
Will be -ready June 14th and
every Ttesday after that.
Place your order now to be sure
of delivery.
Phone 32 on 251. 25
What the Red Cross is doing
•, for the Good of Canada
For the Veteran
Befriends 3,500 soldiers still \ in hospital . relieves
sickness and need in their families.. .cares for the
soldier setder . provides sheltered employment for the
disabled in three Veterans' Workshops.
For the Children
Through Junior Red Cross, has aided 5,000 crippled
children and has pledged over 137,000 school children to •
practice health habits and to serve others.
-For the Pioneer
Brings nursing service to those in frontier districts through
39 Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Stations.
For the New Canadian
Welcomes and gives needed attention to immigrant mothers
and t:hildren at three Seaport Nurseries.
For thealothers an•d Daughters •
In Home Nursing Classes, has taught principles of nursing,
diet and home hygiene to over 12,000 women and girls.
For the Disaster Victim -
h organized to afford prompt relief to sufferers from
fue, flood and epidemic. _
Nation -Wide Appeal I
.C.F4,511..?dian Red Cross Society
Send Contributions
Ontari4 Division, Canadian Red Cross Society,
410 Shorbourno Street, Toronto 5. Ontario
to Produce Extras observe
the Following
Keep in a Cool Place
Market as often as possible
We Are - Paying 30e For Extras
W Finnigan
• , Wectnesday, June
, ,
N''''.11e.at, per, bt $1.30,
11.3arley, 70c,
Oats, per bus., .fi0c
Biselawheat, per bus, , 65:c'
Shorts, per cwt. ....$1.8ff
Bran, per cwt.
Rtitter, per lb.. 35c
Eggs, per doz, 20c -24c -27c
Potatoes, per 'bag 91.25
'logs, Per •cwt. S9.25
Earn $25 weekly, up at•home clip-
ping newspapers and addressing en-
velopes, No canvassing, Everything
,furnished. Spare or full time. Send
stamp fo'r particulars. (MAILING
SERVICE, Box 8, lSytiney, Nva
Scotia. 22
/Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 1958. Appioved,
Fou -un I.
Will stand et his own stable, Lot 3,
Con. St
Terms $15.
Pure Bred 'Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment N. 1219 Approved.
Form 1.
Will stand at his own stable, Lot
3, Con, 3, Hullett.
Terms, $10.00.
1'. J. McMichael, Pip. and Manager.
THE McKt1101P,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
Okicers--James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F., McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors--Vm. Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John 'Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans,, Seechwood; M. Me -
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex.illroadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, ,Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No.. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, 33rucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.,
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaffiith, auditors. Parties
desirous toeffectinsurance or trans-
act other business will 'be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
H. HUGH ROSS, Physipian
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to diseases of the .eye, ear,
nose and thnoat. Office and 'resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No, 5; Residellee Phone 106,
DR. IT, 5. 'BURROWS, Seafortha
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist [Church, 'Cer.
ones for the 'County of Huron. Tele-
phone IV*. 40.
DR. C. 'MAOICAY.—C. Mackay,
honor gradnate of Trinity Univers- ,
ity and gold medallist of Trinit
Medical College; member of the
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of 4-4
DIR. F. 5.R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear. Y'
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine! University of Toronto 1897. Late
Assistant !„New York Ophthalmic and
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and
Golden 'Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England. At CoMmerCial
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month,
from VI a.na. to 3 P.m. —
DR. W. C.1SPROAT.—Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberharea
Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth,
Phone 90.
Successor to 'Dr, R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, 'Chi -
C2 go, Ill. Licentiate Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street, .
Seaforth, Phone P5•1,
'DR. F. J. RECHFILY, graduate
Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith%
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth,
Phones, 'office 1851W, residence 185J.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can he made .for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
-,(Successors to Jaanes Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class '
Ladies' and Men's Tailor
Suits from $25.00 up
Bringyour own Cloth
Have it made up here.
Over Keating's Drug Store
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
"A Hero Of The Big Snows"
The Dog of almost Human Sympathy and Understanding
In a tale of staunch friendship in the northland where
need drives hard.
Resour-efpl. Alert. , Beautiful "Rinty" again proves his
title as the best loved dog in the world.
Monday, Wuesday and Wednesday
She wanted a fig leaf, or something to wear;
Obliging, he skinned her the hide of a bear.
, Six thousand years later the Eve of the, pair,
Again told her Adam.she had "nothing to wear":
An ambitious production that equals "IRENE" in its
Technicolor fashion display and "THE LOST "WORLD"
• „ in its Garden of Eden settin
1 '