HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-06-02, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927. PORK AND BEANS is an appetizitlg dish, even for,, 'these',: who are nut hungry, g y, Tlt'ere is one essential, !however, in making an ideal dish of it The pork must give it the ri Int flavor and -we pride ourselves that we know how to supply just the right cut for the purpose. Try it once.You'll Y'Io dl u wanti lt• often. Phone 58 `Seaforth. d.' STEWART Ew . A T Your Butcher, • Red�e White hai� n Stores Our Specialty For Thisi:Week Schneiders Pure Lard, 3 lb pail for . 49c Omitted Tomatoes, 2 tine 25c Coffee, Red '& White, 1b.. '58o Hill Top Best, sf, Tea, • lb. 69c Canned 25 Pori, 2 Tins for �,5u Olives, (•wen Libby's bottle 14e Pb n Q e� Ross R a J. Sproat .. W. M. Stewart Phone 77 t,4` ! Wa eRC11M The Dairy Farther is assured of good markets the whole year for his Dairy Products. • Increase your Dairy Herd and enlargeyour bank ac- count. a g C coati o l t They will not fait -you, Produce only cream of the best quality and send your creast to us either'through g our Agents or deliver direct, We. will assure you of our very' best services and highest prices. g When you need a new Cream Separator for p see the NEW MELOTTE, We can give you an attractive deal. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth Ont i C. A. BARBER, Prop. W. J, Walker & Son UNDERTAKING -and– EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J, WALKER, (wider ofGo- vernmen f Go- vernment diploma and license, P tens , Flowers Furnished, Night or day pinone67,' Chas.:A, Howey Y Instruction in ,; Piauo,oOrgan, Theory and Voice Culture Studio • ex D ominion Bank, Seaforth TOWN TOPICS Mi ss•,Chesney �i;ct 1. t.sne y and.::+1tlector IChesneY, Of Detroit, were visiting at the •homeof their .mot 'Chesney.' her, Mlss. fleury Mr. Don'a'ld (McKay has accepted` a"Position in Stratford, leaving for that »city on. Monday. Mr. Warren A'ment, oe Detroit, was a week -end guest at the home of his parents, Mr, and ;Mrs, Wm, Mr, n , and Mrs, s Vern Detroit, were visitors ea+tR he home of Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Ax+mstrotvg over the week -end. Mr. Jas. (Corbett Of !Detroit, spent the week -end at 'his home here. 1Rev. W. T. Travers, Lueknow, will preach next 'Sunday in St. Thomas' Church,. ,:Rev. T, ,H, +Brown is taking annivens'ary services to Lttcknow on the same day. The following motored to Toronto- Thursday to attend•»the funeral of tlie; late Mr.+ Robert +. Barnett, -Mrs. E. !Bart 1 t a+ t eti�f . s Tli s7 Maker, Mrs. ss. W , m. '. Piper Miss Violet 'Piper and Teddy Barnett. TheSalvation Ar• m,Stratford' + Y Sn1- ver'arid will visit Seaforth 1Sattuclay and Sunday, June Beth and 12th. Mrs, S. !Gillmore and son 'Harold, of Usiborne, „spent 'the 'week -end at the home oif her parents !Air. and Mrs. P. .Daley. Mrs, F. J. Redmond is visiting friends in Ingersoll this week, Mrs, o.' R bt. Webb, of Toronto, r- tl visiting her gsistor, .i �'irS. ni W Mor- rison, and other relatives in town and ut'cmi'ty, There is no jubilation of the first !fanners at the Collegiate on having to write' on tower ;School .Canadian. History to celebrate the' Diamond Jubilee year. /Mr. 'Albert- Rivers, John street, has urr cha p sed -labs. L Long's Od•B' � g rant= ford) 'h house, south t of the railway track. Miss Marie !Hughes and Miss 'Lucy Eckert, of +Detroit, spent the week- end at their homes here. Mr. A, Park is in Rodney llel•ping to 'build a -church. 1, Af . a r rid Mrs. s Joseph t J Da mai p 1 of Day man, are in ,Detroit this week Mr. Harold ''Snell, of Toronto Uni 'sity, was a guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Henderson, John street. Mrs, L. T. !Delancey returns from Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. !Sproat are moving into part of Ur. r. A. Park's house fforathe smuttier. Mr, !Taira McLennan is me) it into the •house on North ,Main street, 01 'Mrs. Keene, •(+fonnierly }Mrs, (Hend- erson),' of IBuffalo, Mr. Malcolm 3. Armstrong, of 'Lueknowv, sent the week -end at his home here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs, Taxman and Clare, of Royal Oak, Mich., spent -the week -end 'with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Bunsch and 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sharp. Mr. Percy ,Hoag rnotored up from Hagersv}Ile in his now Essex car and spent part cif Saturday and Sunday alt his home here, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Smith return- ed T d onTuesday to .FLint, Mich. They' were accomrpanied by IMr, and Mrs. John Pullman, Mrs. R. MsR� G. Parke kt an' Miss d � s s Emii Aeetn were in London attending 'the annual meeting of the 'Women's Aux- iliary. Mrs. Beckstein; Mrs, Topp and Miss Alice Topp, of Buffalo, were guests at the home cif !Mrs, C. Aber - hart, Sr, Mr. Wesley Nichol is, moving into NORTH McKILLOP, Idrs, 'William 'IH'abkirk's house on On Sunday, May 29th, a resident Victoria street. o'f_,TcKil'lap for over half a century Mr. card (Mrs. E. W. Burch, of passed away itt the person of- Mr, Memphis, Mich„ Mr. Gordon Willis John J. Twine, aged seventy-nine and - Miss Marie Liste, of 'Detroit, years, Mr. Irvine- ,had returnee! a were ,week -end guests at the home of few •week, r, s ago from , r Toronto, g o tto a h Mr. an • where and .Mrs, ��. G. RV}Ilis. ' They he had spent the winter as had been were ac'compan}ccl back. by Mrs. his •custom, the past few years, but Willis, wibo will visit relatives in 'De- evas taken ill and was -cared for at Sroit (for a few weeks. the home crit e of his brother, to lir Mr. M. s. , F. W n, ' Gdvendock, who has I'rw•i0e, Bianshard, where. he passed been spending four weeks »with her itea,cefuily away frit his' sleep early- brother, Mr. 'Wm. Charlesworth, To - Sunday .morning. • Tonto, .has returned. She was ;lc - Deceased 'was born in the township 'cotn'panieci home, by coir. and Mrs. of Blaushard, on »the farm •oft nvhidh Cltat`leswrorth and family; who gpeut he 'died, and 'came to McKillop as a a few days in town, young man, and farmed on the 12th Mr. Win. !Govenlock spent the concession, at one time 'owning_ g05 week -end in'Toroitto. JUST TO REMIND YOU of "Pinkney's Family Loaf" The wrapped bread Its worth ox t your while to give it a trial Buns, Cakes, Pastries, Etc. Phone 70—Prompt:Delivery Come and inspect `'our Baker y at your own Convelxince ROY S. PINKNEY Dick Block—Seaforth. 0, HI, McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth' Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully. Electricity used, 'Fresh Supplies in Demand. Wherever Dr, Thomas' Eclectric iOa1 dies been introduced increased sup- plies have been ordered, showing that wherever it goes' tthis excellent fOil impresses its power on ithe 'peo!plc, No natter in what latitude it may be ,found its pot•erncy .is never impaired. It is put up in most portable shape in hoteles and can be ,carried without fear, of braka'ge. acres of -land, He 'married Miss 'Mr. and Mrs. rR, 'Thompson are Sarah ;Menary, who passed away on 'moving: into Mrs, T, Beattie's reaicl- Q1 c r e er ober 9th. 1917, About twenty-. coca on North Main street, five years ago Mr. 'Irvine' retired from • The »M•iis'ses ,Cresswell returned on active farm life and 93ad •since lived Friday alter spending the winter at retired an part of dot 13, .concession Pasadena,'Calif. 12, McKillop, Mr. 'Gerald ddelntosih and Miss Mr. Irvftie was North IMeK}Ilop Kathleen Rankin, of :Detroit, were correspondent to. The News fo'r a week -end guests at the 'Monte of •Iter driest • many years and his letters mother, Mrs. J. 5, •Huggard. from Toronto during his stay 'there Mr, "Theodore ,Bullard, of Detroit, in elle ,winter were always most inter- spent the week -end with his -parents, eating. He !had the :happy trait of Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. ,Bullard. seeing •the lbragltt side of life, After a Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Oke 'spent the long 'life time in Beth and Huron week -end with friends in ICldnto'u, Counties, he leave's a wide circle of Mr. and (Mrs; John !Butt, of Flint, friends and acquaintances who had a 'Mich., are guests at the home of 'Mr. very high regard for him. •' and Mrs. W. Tutt, ale was a 'faithful :memlber of Bethel -- 1rfr. E. C. Box: is ,'having a garage United Ohuroh, being -a 'Methodist erected in the rear of his residence' on until Church union, and in •polities! John street. - he -was a life 'long •conservative, For Mr. J. j. -Meaner, of !Windsor, spent many years 'he had !been a Justice of -tlte week -end with his family in town. the Peace. Miss Margaret Forrest was in Four sons and one ' •claughter sur- Strafford attending the Shakespear- vive: John; Brainard, 'Alta.; 'Tihonias, .can !play, "The Tempest," put on by Inglewood, 'Calif.;'A'lfre'd, Calgary, the Normal school. Alta.; Herbert Toronto, and 'Mos. Mr,aaid' gra. Gordon 'Hays, of iDe- Uiiderwooc! (Violet), of 'Waterdow'n,-troit, spent the week -end with rela- 'Ont. There are also seven grand- fives in than. 'children arid'- one 'great-graeciohild, A pleasant social evening was A 'little 'grandson, Irvine Un•detiwood, spent in St. Thomas' parish diad+l last of Wa•terdown, died about a Iencarth Pieday by the congregation. Fel- ago. lowing euchre and -;community sing: 'Of a :family of twelve, Mr. Irvine's ing, refreshments were ,served. The death is the fret break, th'ere_Ibeing- prize whiners were, lone hands, J. It. 'eleven !brothers and 'sisters who; stir- 'Lannntan; anost games, ladies, "Mrs. vine aim: (Henry, St. Marys; .f Mrs, Wm.Archibald; men, C. F. 'Snowdon, John +Dinning !(Jane), +S'ha'bhroy; Mrs, Miss Cassie (Dougal, •of Hens 11 is Henry diatlrcock (!Bella), Grand; Ylsrt,ng Mr . rand Mrs. Tiros, Fer- Parkes Dais,; +Ml's. James' Allen guse s this week. - (Mary), iKarkton, Ont:; T•homa•s and 'Mrs. P. M. -'Chesney, aoconlpinied' Mrs: James McPherson (Maggie) ':yy 'Mrs, A. IvfeKean, of ;Hamilton,, is Me'l'fort ;Sask.;iIdrs. Tstuac (Batley ,visiting her daughter in Cleveland. ' (Lizzie),' 5t. 'Marys; M. F ,Irvine ex The many Ifrien'ds of Mr. J. ler,' M..L, A., on mhe 'old homestead, St. AN:dMiidan, manager of 'the Provincial' Marys Elphriam, 'Chicago, I11.; ,Alex. Savings office, are glad to see him and • Mrs. Neil `McLennan (Maude'), able to he out after 'several weeks' ill - The S't, (Marys, ress. •funeral took "(place from the! 'Mrs. S. E, Flook and little dau'gh- residence df Mr. ,lvf. F. :[mune, 'ter left on Wednesday nrorniirg•last Lantshard, oe Tuesday afternoon, to for 'Port McNecoll enrou'te ' to their Want annd For,, Sale ads, 3 times 50c 11i aittam'd til k.+ cemetery, Seaforth, home at Port y, o t Arthur; after . viisifin g tier another, Mrs. 'John Rabb. I THE SEAFORTH NEWS On °Saturday, Miss Jean Wallace, young 3 b daughter of Mr, (Alex. Wal- lace Piickersmith, Was struck by a truck as she ran but front behind a wagon` standing near'Fannigan's store; Egmendvil!e. No serious injuries were received as .the wheels did not run aver her - and she is.im'pro'ving rapidly after the 'shock and bruises.• /Mrs, 'Wm. McMuilan, of Egmond- 'vine, is'visiting 'her daughter Jessie, in Toronto, and is 'returningb Ilton thee sh" y roHa. et' will visit herd ttur, � iro- Mr. Jahn Govetillock, Fgmondeille, is ill at present, Mr. and n '!111' I i • 5. Butler of . St 'Cath- arines, - aNh arines, are visiting at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. John iGovenlock. +Nitrse.lbfdLalren, Of 'Clinton, is at the Home Of 'Mrs, Manson, Egnvond- vine, - WINTHROP. A dance will lbe held at Winthrop on n I'rulay, June ,10th. Ludwig' Ser- enaders s o'f !Myth. I th Y Gents, $1.00. Lunch served in the Winthrop hall, A II a�_ esane P uned''ci• ' a ne for children is >Mother-lGrayes Worm Externiinator, and it is excellent for driving worms from elle system. BRUCEFIELD, ' Mr: Ro'bert Holbert -1 has deft Sea - forth »hospital 'and is convalescing at the ho i me of his n' Mrs. r h1 s. tl J es nt Reid, Clinton. =Mrs s F. • >~ Smith is visiting her brother, Mr, Neil !Smith, this week. ' Mr. Sam Johnston, +Bay.freisl:'road, is quite •i!11 at presenia (Air. Rdbert 'Fisher,.Clinton,isite 'Hrtacsfield »friends on 'Saturday. d 1Brucefiel'd'•s bather, Mr. Will Tam- an, has closed d i ' e his shop here n t' P and after e a slime tort stay at L once �b ex- pects to go to Hamilton, Hefound(business 'here goad in the win'te'r but' slow after the cans started. Miss Norma Hood visited -Sea-forth friends Saturday. AZis� ICleta Pepper visited her'. ra ndmot g Iter in Clinton 'Tuesday. Ta tesla . Y Mr. and M• ' I is Duncan .McCowan M oCdwan of Seaforth visited their sister'acrd 'bro- thers 'Sunday. !Mrs, Stanley!Dtttotand family were guests at Mr. John 3fcCowan's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Thoanplson spent 'Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ar- thur 'McQueen. Mr. and :Mrs. Frank Aiken•head and daughter 'Olive spent Sunday a•t iBen- ankdder, Miss Edna Thompson of Stratford Mr, Carman and Misses Anna and "Hazel.' Haugh visited friends in 1Blalce on» Saturday. • Miss !Helen Tough-ie1}vered ',the main on Mr, R. Murdebh's route on IIv.Conday. ' Wedding bells ere soon to ring near our viilage. Mos, C. D. Simpson, , Mr, Wieliant and Miss Mae were Sunday visitors with Mr end Mrs, 5, 'W Elliot. Illlr, Jas,, Kitchen spent Sunday with this v its parents. Miss M. ..McKay, of :Tiverton, spent the week -end at the home of M•r, and Mrs, 'Charles »Lane, Mr• . Norman Wheeler and r n M .and Mrs, A, Wheeler, and dear. and Mrs. Thriatensdn, all of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home- of Mr. and Mrs, T. (Whee'ler, iul rs, A, Jainiesen. is spending a few weeks with her friend, !Mrs. Wmp Churchill, who is recovering from her recent 'o'peration. " Mr. Alex. Souter, lo'Lr. Jack Souter. and friend, inch 1 I ' s Mr. G re all Y. o'f • D' troite visited� at. their borne an the (Mill road over the week -end, Mr. Savauge, e of g , ,Seaforth, is to oc- cupy'the'pulpii't in' the'United Church next Sabbath owing to the 'fact that Rev. W. A. 'Bremner is. attending the London Conference. The Bible Society 'colle'ctors were along Ilia Mill road in the early part of the week, Miss Ada Reid has returned from Vic tal•ia - ol C le Toronto, roma and is spending ut the holiday i a at her Y home. Dr. J 1vI 'Field visited at S. 'S. No. 3, Tuckensevibh, on 'Monday after- noon. • The names of ;Miss Anna Haugh and Mr, 'Carman »Haugh appeitred du the list of the successful •candidates in first year. in Medicine at Toronto University. 'Congratulations, Brucefield- Y. P. S. — The Young People's o l e'. s 0it'z P r ensh} nn• . �ehn p ;1. 1 uu g held Sunday, ,May. 29th was a Y great suc- cess. Miss ' Kathleen 'Snider had 'changed the usual program Some- what which made 'things »more inter- esting. The topic, ` A Citizen and War, was capably taken ''by Miss 'Clete Pepper. A reading Pp dm entitled e ttttl ed "A g SPinitual Shoeshine," ' by !Hazel Haugh and a pleasing solo by 'Elean- or tSnid'er added -much to the success of the meeting. 'Next Sunday, ,Miss Hazel Haugh intends telling of the activities of a summer school, The foltlowidg Sunday, -Miss Anna Haugh will give a missionary talk entitled, "Buil'drng the 'Chu'rch in India." These -meetings will ibc weil worth `at- tending. Will you be there'7 Sometime ago the Young People In South Baron started a drive to plate -spent Sunday with 'her parents' •1411. 1 a piano m .the Cott H Ca and Mrs. Sain Thain son, -County 9 • cine in 'Can - and ton. The :required amount has been raised and the piano is being install- ed, May 31st. This should add much to the comfort of the in•ma'tes and will be a great !benefit when a concert is !being presented there. Miss Janet 'Watson, of the London', road, gave a :birthday party, Friday! the 27th, Mr. James McNaughton 'has pur- chased a new 'Chevrolet landau, !Arany w,iii be sorry 'to hear that Mrs, John McKenzie, of Hensel!, 1. seriously 'i11 at the home of her eon,, Mr. 1-I. P. :McKenzie,, - of Tet ckers i• . nl th, Mr. and Mrs, John Watson and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Wilson were visiting in !Hensall Stulday evening. Sunday Disturbance.—There is in Cenada an organization -known as the Lord's Day Alliance which seeks to see that the Sabbath is not profaned by s'por'ts, etc. Lt says much for 'Brucefield that we •do not -need an df feat! •here, '!but evidently some piaces do,, and that badly. ;Last Sunday af- ternoon, two autos laden with! people (riot of this community) of various - ages, 'stopped at S. S. No, 3 school grounds, d end d. played b 1 Y all all after- noon, after which they had lunch and departed (to Church ?). A1 -Though we know that it is a great temptation to indulge c i n outdoor or for s is Lyet at t ' he sante time we also feel that Sunday is not the 'time for doing so, neither are the school -grounds intended to be an amusement park for any who care to use them. It would he well for ' these people -to read over the 'cotn- mandntents again and perhaps they might realize then that they were certainly' not obeying the 4th. Beate - field's citizens do not •indulge in dese- crating r t 6 the Sabbath,. and respectfully �. ask ,that no more of this •may -happen. ,Mr„ and Mrs. Hugh'Berry 'spent Sunday at her home in 1$]u I Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Wright and fam- ily, of Mitchell, spent Sunday at the hotne of diis parents, Mr. and lobs. Chas. Wright. 'AIr. Harry Collins »has purchased a new Ford. sedan from, Mr, Daly, of Seaforth, and Mr. William Douglas a Chevrolet sedan from Mr, Levis, of Clinton. Mr. Stewart Knox, of •Flint, Much., 'Mr. and Mrs. -Harry Taylor of Tu'ckersnrith spent Sunday at the home of Mr. .and -Mrs, William. Reid, 415 cif Stanley. Mr. and Mrs, John Gradtann spent Simday evening at, 'home of Tames 13roadfoot Tuckcrsmith, M,r, and Mrs, Lorne Taylor and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., Rabent Pollock of Grand +Bend. 'Mr. Elgin Thompson of the 2tsd of :Stanley •has -purchased a snappy look- ing driver formerly owned by W. Johnson fi (Son of Varna. Me s, Arthur 'Mc ue1 Q e . :Mr. and Muss :Gi+bson and Mr. and Mrs. Hood attended the funeral of Mrs. Murray 0f Egmonslviile Saturday afternoon, !Miss Reta Taylor' spent 'Sunday with .Miss 'Ruth Hendricks, 'Sau'bie line. iMr, and Mrs. George 'W}Lsou spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs, Sain Jolutston, Bayfield road. ' .hiss Margaret 'Ross of :Seaford! spent' Sunday at t'he home of nibs, W. Berry. Mr, and Mts. Andrett' Murdock and daughter aft tic Flora 1 ora . c, g an oaf J Detroit, are visiting the tformer's • father, Mr, R. afurcldck, -Miss (Helen Tough. spent Suuday with 'i 1 tier !friend, Miss 'Jean , Murdock. dock. :Miss Agnes Aikenhead, of Lon- don, and Mr. Thomas 'Bell, of (De- troit, visited 'friends here on Sunday. A very interesting game of salt - ball was played.. in Clinton last Wed- nesday when the girls' team here were defeated by the 'Ontario street girls' team. 'The 'game was very close, the score being 9-8. •Following 1 the Bruceifteld line-up: 'H, Haugh, c J. •Ail.en'h ' J ea � •1 d Di :S P; Stewart, 'rf wa 1st b; T Stackhouse, 2nd b; M 'Chapman, 3rd b; It Guider, as; P. Brock, If; V. 'Wheeler, of O, Harrison, rf. 'Clinton play here on June 10,. lilfessrs Frank and Hugh !McGreg- or, ofe Flint, Mi.eh„ spent the -week- end with their ,father, Mr, 11, i1I.c- Gregor, in the village. • +31r, and, Mrs, :David Tough spent a few days last week visiting 'frien'ds on the `Bronson -line. Their old friends are always' 'glad to welcome them back. earselanammernaneiaaaaaeememanimenner WE SELL SI-10ES FOR LESSv If anyone tells yoix that Shoe Prices in this Store are as high as in other stores Don't Believe It! 11''-4•.` It's a Mis-statements Absolutely Wrongi You save from 10 per cent to 20 per cent on every pair of Shoos bought in this store. We bought them right, and we'll sell them • right — As low as we can, Not as high as we might Don't ' you think you should patronise the store that brought down the price of shoes,Seaforth?in ECONOMY BOOT STOKE PAY CASH --PAY LESS Directly Opposite Commercial Hotel "NNW AGE FIVE spent the week end at the home or his grandmother, Mrs, Wilson' :OW it `is . lyropt�cl in thin way to of Y re - tllennsh then e b eattt i f u 1 ganteTarckersmrth, which had almost becpme• extinct i t iifnRev. Mr, Moierhouse, of :Ontario st this couitry,(Church, 1Clinon, exchanged' Pulpits s .with Rev, Mr. 'Bremner last 'Sunday anorning, Mir, !Bremner also took the service at Turner's 'Church in he ef- t ernooli, Ret 'W: ' A. Bremner and _Mr, Henry Holton, representative elders front rwce'fi ell are u� tend'n . confer- ence, in }London this ,week, . Keep Monday evening, June 13th, free ,from all other engagements, as on that •e van; . n the r + g h Bl yt S Clr rel !Society will put on their famous'can- tata, "Joseph's s Bondage,» in Mrtice-' weld United Church. 'Crowded houses have greeted these ,singers 'wherever they have ,given this wonderful pro- duction, 'Watch The -News for (fur- ther announcement next week. Young Pheasants Hatched, — Miss Martha MLdDonaldhas -nine young her P,sunt s which i rch l 1 etched on Tuesday at. t d are most nt :' � crest! n h e� g She pro- cured da setting of- + >; 15 eggs from �. 0 g m. Phea s 1 r. g the -Pheasant tis cels i a tot. 1 at ' .Palerrn Palermo, her SIStCT iS teaching, and,gave•them to a trustworthy hen, the nest tj being an the ibare ground, as specified in the directions. Some of the eggs., were .chipped on the 2-leh day but - tMiss McDonald found }t nticessacy-ko use the incubator to 'complete .tlie. work, The directions her doubt, in- tend to resemble as closely as pos- sible natural al c cud ttaons of theP heas - silts , uta} .,the cold, dam spring p p ng ivea- her "would !be disastrous to .the ungsters ,without additional pro - colon. They are somewhat smaller' San young •chickens and although caecely having the use of their legs et, make every effort. to gain •their• edom, They !tare pretty markings n thehack back ' of their i covin ha c ds and d r + . escmb !c baby l ab chick .' Y s m having a re-. ecta'ble beak, 'instead of being all mouth and stomach like young song tads, Young »pheasants are supposed he released when six weeks old, 14111 • L. Hens bothered with . lice stop laying. To kill the lice, take the affectedchickmn by the legs and sprinkle. eche, powder in the open: feathers. PRAM'S LICE KILLER la ltarrnlese, non -irritating: and non- "roisom,S, but kgitann lite. Ask 7rwr dialer. i -^'+fir difS LIVE Sb Oa v mars xrr over co„ana *He fir PIZA27Y POUL7RYROOK E'4 E 4 PRATT FOOD CO,of CANADA ttnvut 325 CarLaw ANi„Toronto a .t Yo s fro 0 sp bi to NOTICE Why be without a morcel when you can have it done any day at UOnnisO1 St Pullman Barber.. Shap Just thione 125 for appointment_ Specialist in Marcelling, Shampooing, Manicuring and Massaging Automobile lusurkite Every car owner er needs flitsrix p ro tec- tion. With heavier vier r cad traffic you cannot afford to take chances.' 1927 RATES Chevrolet, -Chrysler 4, Dodge, Dur- ant 4, Essex, Ford, Gray Dort, Stas, Maxwell, Overland, Pontiac, etc, Public Liability $5.00, Property Damage $4.00 Chrysler 6, Chalmers, Durant 6, Mud - son, , Jett- McLahl' McLaughlin, m Nash, Oak- land, Studebaker, Paige, Willis- Knight, Oldsmobile, etc. Public Liability $6.00. Property' Damage $5.00 Six months' policy at 70 per cent. of ahovc rates. Gives $11,000.00 proteotion to the car owner roam against injuries uric acr J death ofon' person or persons and damage to other cars, vehicles or other property; Legal .expenses and doctor's •bill are also included. Rater for Collision, Fire and Theft on application. Everybody's Auto ,Accident Policy Prentium $5,00. Policy $1,500.00,—$25,00 per week for total disability. $12.50 for partial dis- ability. The biggest Five Dollars' worth you ever •got for your money, Take no chances—Accidents happen :to matter howcareful you are. Call, 'Write or Phone A. D. SUTHERLAND Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 152. EN4IUR» The S-necxal Milverton Flour We have it—Give it a Trial, Also Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds C. G. TIIOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 our Auto Needs GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PRIEST -O -LITE BATTERIES Repairs and charging on all snakes. A good line of New and Used Parts, A PEW USED CARS LISTED Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75.00 with -License Ford Touring 1918.. .. .. .... . .. . „$75•.00 with License Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires, like new , ,$375 with License Regier's Garage PHONE 167W DRESSES NO MATTER 1IOW DELICATE MAY BE ENTRUSTED TO I OUR CARE We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive to be entrusted to us for cleaning witherfect pconfidence, The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time totu s ldy and achieve. . Ladies' and Gent's Felt Hats cleaned, It only costs a dollar and will'`look like new. SIEAFE3RT1 (4.1ARMf1' T ARE Sydney Dungey, Proprietor COMMERCIAL BLOCK, PHONE 227 or 210