The Seaforth News, 1927-06-02, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 49, No. 22. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly J HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR `. HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant TRY. Hutchison's etteneg CURED MMITS ` Zip &Oh BoyHandCleaner. 10e Sweeping Compound, 4. lbs 25e ) Sugar Crisp and Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 for 29e Muffets, .. , , . , 2 for - 29e Shredded Wheat, .. , . 2 for 25o Washtubs, Cedar, hand made, - very light and durable, regular $2.25. for $L75 Pineapples, lar sizes,good PP large quality, low prices. Season nearly over for them. , Aluminum P Ware, special assort- ment of guaranteed quality at the very interesting price of ' 79c Coffees. at 50e, 60c, 70c. All .excellent values. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs for 25e Shredded Cocoanut, (Schepps') per lb. 25e Seeded Raisins 113e for 15e Rite 3 lbs. for 25e Lead Pencils,a 2epencil for l w a 5e pecil for 2 for Sc Fe D HUTCHI•SON'. Phone Phor Phood 166 Men's UgbuWeight Work Shoes Rik uppers with Panco Soles a Bargain S2e95- A Splendid line High Grade Patent, Satin and Leather in Straps and Pumps at $4.50 & $5.00 F. W. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, 'June '5th, --S. S. and Bible Classes at 10 a,m. Morning subject, A Sensible De- cision. Anthem, "The Earth is the Lord's" L• (erman). Solo, selected, ;he Ruth Thompson. Evening—The Cadet Corps of Sea- forth Collegiate Institute will wor- ship with us. ,DAnthem, "I'm a Pilgrim" ('Wilson). uet, "Eventide" (Sullivan), Mrs. Bechely and Mrs. -Lane. Solo, select- ed, Mr, Ed. Chamberlain. Ladies' Quartette, "`hien My Soul :Reaches Home," Misses. Johnson, Wankel, •Govenlock and Mrs, Tyerman. RED CROSS CANVASS. A house-to-house canvass will ba made on June 7th by the lady mem- bers of the 'Seaforth Branch of the Red Cross Society: See ad. on an- other nag oth r e. JAMES DAVIS. The sudden death of Mr. James Davis on Friday evening was a great shock •to .the community. Mr, Davis expired while mowing the lawn at the residence on Market street of his late brother, Montgomery Davis, who passed away just about a year ago. the 'had not been' well -since . January, but lately had been 'feeling, much (better and. had been:at work asusual. He was a son of the late -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, and was " born on the`holnestead in Hibbert, west of 'Staffa, fifty-one years ago. He.:earned the Ibiackstnithing in Mr, F. Hasi bly's. ,blacksnsith shop at Staffa, and after spending a number of years at 'Har- rington and ,Stratford, he came to Seaforth where he had since resided. About twenty-four years ago he was united in marriage to 'Mass Maude t]3arbour, daughter ghter, of Mr. Janos 'Barbour, Hibbert, -Who survives 'him, together with 'five sisters and one +brother. Miss Elizabeth Davis, To- ronto; .Mrs. Wm. Boggarth and, Mrs. Wm. :Doig, Jr.,-Tnckersmith, and Misses Annie aisd Margaret 'Davis and' Mr, William Davis, on the 'home- stead. The funeral, •whrch was .pri- vate,—was he'id on 'Monday afternoon, £roti this late residence,-'Goderich street, to 'Staffa cemetery, the .ser- vices being conducted by his 'pastor,. Bev, F. H. ;Larkin, D.D. The tpa11- bearers were Thomas Bicketl, David Fell, Herman Dagrjrau, Robt. Dever- eaux, J. Henderson and John Evans. Mr, Davis was a quiet, unassuming man, and was held" in the h,i:ghest esteem by a• wide cirple of friends throughout the district, SOCIAL SERVICE. At ,a recent .meeting Of the Execu- tive Committee of the Huron 'County Sada' Service 'Council, it was decid- ed to hold the:anuual convention .in Seaforth, on Wednesday, 'June 22nd, when a strong program will -be pro - hided.. In a very emphatic way the Executive expressed their disapproval of the action -of the Ontario. Govern- ment in -replacing :Mr, W. T, Fellow as enforcement officer.. .in Huron County, During his Merin of office Mr.-Pellow has had the entire ap- proval and cndorsation of the organ- ization throughout the 'Cou'nty, .which believes that it has been largely due to his efficiency and untiring efforts, that the Temperance laws have lbeett so well- enforced. The published re- ports of the Government- also show Mr. Pel1 h o v to have been one of their most efficient officers, and a protest. ha's been sent :to the Attorney-Gen- eral ttorne 1 •G en- eral< con r ' cc nm � this change in Huron €, g on County. The ,Liquor "Control ; Board of, Ontario- has been advised by the Executive that !Huron ,Chunty. expects that they will be recognized. by the Board as "dry" territory did that no attem'pt will be made to establish liquor stores in this 'County, .contrary to the e' pressed will of the people as shown by. large majorities on several orcasion•,-•-A. T. Cooper, Sac, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927. CONCERT AND "RECITAL. The teachers and pupils of St Joseph's Convent presented -:;a ,Con,, cert and recital in St. James' 'Hall on Thursday evening last !which demon Strated in a very high 'degree the, splendid work (being:douse by this in- stitution. The ball was packed tq the doors, every available inch of standing room being taken, not only parents and friends of the spar ticipants being present, (but a great' many others came and realized their anticipation of a delightful' evening. The hall was tas'tefull decorated for the occasion and presented a very pleasing 'appearance. The programme opened with the violin selection, "The 'Red,' White and Blste," with B. Duncan and M. Cardno at• the piano, a word welcome by Margaret' Fink beiner and a Chorus. "0 Canada." The presentation of T. C. M. certi- ficates to the classes of 1925 and 1926 was made by Rev. Father Goetz, assisted 'by Mayor !Golding, to the following; Basil' .;Duncan, Eugene Duncan, Evelyn Golding, Eleanor Evans, Earl Gillespie,' Catherine Mur- ray, Arthur Gadding, lBessfe Phillips, Gertrude Matthews, Vera Nolan, Margaret ,Finldbeiner,. Alice .Dever- eaux, Dorothy 'Golding, Margaret (Ross, Celestine :O'Leary, Harry MIc tLeod, Margaret MdLeilan, Louis Purcell, 'Francis 'Devereaux, 'John Cardno, Mary Lane, Elizabeth Carlin,. Arthur Devereaux. 'Highest -marks obtained, piano, list 'class honors, Cel- estine O''Leary;, violin, honors, tDoro thy Golding. Of this group, fifteen passed 'with •honors. • PAVING. STARTED. Laying cement' started Monday af- ternoon at the Queen's hotel corner, :Goderich 'street. This part is being laid in a strip 'half the 'width of 'the street at a time, (but farther on where the pavement is standard width, it will be laid in one strip. The actual laying of the cement is a very small part of the jolt. 'For several weeks the crusher and bins at the pit'1h ve been being arranged, roadways cut out and gravelled for hauling out the crushed stone, tiling portions of the road to be paved, cutting down Mc - Mann's 'hill and also the rise at Cluff's corner. At the pit on the mountain at Mr. F. T, 'Fowler's, a huge drag, like the dipper of a dredge, scoops the gravel and pulls it several hundred feet to the crusher. Water pumped from Geo. Eberhart's spring, washes out the dirt from the sand and crushed fromwhich`it skate in aehtite bon asses P to the screens, which are arranged to give three sues of material. Trucks, each hauling 5 cubic yards, haul the crushed rock 'to the Sentient mixer on the road being paved. Each batch of ,cement in the mixer uses a yard of crushed rock, and about five bags of cement. A carload -1,000 , bags -of cement are used daily and about 600 feet of standard -!width pavement' is the average clay's 'work,' although last year 1,1100 feet were 'laid one day .by this company between ',Dublin and Mitchel, It is expe'cted•, the -work will be completed in August. DEVELOPING MINE. The Hollowing slipping from a Tim - :mins paper was sent by Mrs. 'Wm. MciKey, of 'that place, and daughter of Mr. ,Wm. 'Smith, of 'Harpurltey. Mr, M'eKay is employed ,alt the 'Dome .Mine. A large number of pec= 'plc in this district hold stock in the Bennett 'property, two weld -known merchants Ibeing said to be large shareholders, one to the extent of $40,000 and the other $20,000, '"A report just issued by Bennett ,Mining Co„ whose property is 17 miles east of Dane . on 'Monocle lake and not far from the ,Argonaut, says that important cievel'opmen'ts have re- cently taken, place et •the property. The report says:—`Tllie,eross-cut run- iting to the south of our shaft at the 500 -foot tlevel, at approximately 550 ,feet, is in very highly mineralized 'for- mation, and is apparently entering' the series of seven reins mentioned' in previous 'report, which have ,shown s•uoh sensational values at surface; says the statement: Samples' 'frown these veins on surface with no free gold 'showing gave on assay, values up to $5;000' to the ton in gold. This is telluride ore whidh is recognized as being very sleep seated and consistent at depth, The cross -cut running to the north-west .has been 'completed to. a distance of approximately 570 feet, and is also entering a 'heavy mineral- ized zone, Rare have secured the ser- vices cif J. C, 'Houston, ELM, as con- sulting engineer. Mre,Houston at one time was manager • of the Donne Mines, and had complete charge, and also constructed the mill < at ,the Schumacher and the', Lake amhore. .Mine.' Mr. Houston is to the assisted .by J. M. C. Dunlop, ,E1M„, who will act as resident engineer. A payment of '$10,000, was made this,, week upon the purchase of the Parent, property, and ,ample funds are said to be on hand •incl beiing•accuniulated to carry on the development of this property into production with a 200 -'non mill." • UNITED CHURCH LEAGUE. A delightful evening was spent at the ,meeting of the Young 'Pegple's League Of the Northside United Church this week. The members of the 'League of Hensa'1l'United''Chnrch motored over to the number of about sixty ' and entertained the local 'Lea- gue to a splendid program. After a social hall 'hour hutch, was served,, goodbyes were said and the visitors. set out on their return journey.' Come' back again; Hensell,'• • • SOUTHGATE PROPERTY FOR NEW HOSPITAL The Scott 2vlemorial: lHospital `board Inct in :the council chamlber on Monday evening, 'May 30th, for the purpose of deciding on purchasing ;one of the several 'properties . which had4been tendered" to them as suit - shit' fac liospital purposes After a ,lengthy discussion and .much delbat- ing "on this subject, the board unani- mously decided' tof purchase the pro- .perty,of Mr. W. E. 'Southgate, corner of games and Wilson streets, for the sum of $6,000.00, This splendid and Spacious home was built by the late D. D. Wilson, Possessiotf_ w'ltl be given as soon as 'p'ossible, - and the many friends of Mr. and Mrs, South- gate and lfamily.are.glad to know they. intend to remain .in Seaforth if a'hame here -can Ibe secured,, ROBERT•:BARNETT. A foremr Seaforth resident passed !away at lois home on IGuestville ave., Mt. Dennis (suburb of Toronto), on Wednesday evening, May 25th at 7 o'clock, in the person of 'Robert Barnett, Deceased was ,taken sick suddenly on Tuesday afterngon, May 24th, 'while out ;with his son in his car. He was (brought .home and the doctor 'sumanoned, but it was of no avail, Mr. +Barnett was in his ` 74th year. ;He came to Mt. Dennis, ,from Seaforth about 11 years ago. His wife predeceased him two and one half years ago, leaving a family of eight, avho deeply mourn their loss. They are, Harold, Roy and Will and 'Mrs, J. Petrie, •af Mt. !Dennis; James of 'Toronto, Mrs. H. 'Lombard, of Buffa'lo; Mrs, D. McLean and Mrs. Hale, of 'Chicago. Mrs. Barnett and IMrs. Baker, of Seaforth, are sisters- in-law. The funeral took place on Friday at 2,30 •to 'Prospect cemetery. Toronto. L 0. 0. F. ATTEND CHURCH. The officers and members. of Fid elity Lodge, No. 55, I.0.0.F., observ- ed their anniversary by attending service at Northside United 'Church on 'Sunday evening, ac'com'panied 'by Seaforth ;,Hi'ghlanders Band. The pastor, 'Rev. W. P. Lane, delivered an impressive sermon, and appropriate music was rendered by the choir, Many 'visitors' were present from neighboring lodges.- WOMAN'S odges. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. The 'Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Church, 'Seaforth, held their monthly business and . devotional meeting- in the parish hall on 'Tuesday afternoon, when (Miss 'Deem gave a splendid report of the annual ..meeting which was head in 'London last week,' W. M.S.- The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the school- room of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, 'May 31st at which '•there was a good attendance. Mrs. James Kerr presided, The Scripture lesson was read 'by Mrs, +J, G. Mullen, Mrs. T. Dickson and Mrs. McLean gave an interesting reading from the study book on 'the Cail of Arabia, and the Call of Persia, (Mrs. 'M1CIoy also read an interesting incident about an. Indian, from the Watch • Tower. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Kerr and Mrs, J. G. Mullen. A new Glad Tidings 'secretary was elected in the place of ilqrs. John Cummings, who, after most efficient :utcl',faithful ser- vice, was obliged to resign on account of illness, Mrs. J. 'G. (Mullen being appointed, Mrs. H. 'J. Gibson asked for the co-operation of the ladies in the coming Red 'Cross canvass. BARBARA KIRKMAN. The Barbara Kirkman Young Wo-. mens Auxiliary held ,their monthly meeting.' in the Presbyterian Church on 1Tuesday. evening, Mrs. H. J. Gib- son presided and led in the opening prayer. The ;Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W IR, Plant. Miss' M. J. Halbkirk gave an interesting read-, Mg, which was followed by a pleas- ing duet by ,Miss Patterson and Mrs. Wright. 'Topic, Moslem Women, was taken by Miss MaLean. Prayer was offered by ,Muss Ross. Mrs, W. G. Spencer read some inspiring items from Missionary' -'Gleanings: The !meeting .closed with the lbenediction. ` PHILATHEA CLASS, Dim regular monthly, meeting of Philathea •Class was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. 'Seip, on Wednesday evening, May 25th. 'In spite of the disagreeable evening, a goodly num- ber of •mernlbers were present, After the business part of the meeting was 'concluded, the social commi'ttee,:took 'charge and a cleverly arranged 'Bible contest was put oe. which abl enjoy- ed. A dairrty'.lunch was then served; by the C••F $H' group, after'• which a hearty vote bf thanks was extended to 'Mfrs. Scip and .her daughters for the hospitality of the ,evening. - REBEKAHS MEET. The Edelwies 'Rebekah Lodge theld an interesting meeting in the I. O. 0. F, Assemb ly rooms en Monday evening, May30th. District Deputy, Mrs. A, 'McGavin introduced the Past President of the Rebekah As- sembly, Mrs. 'Edwards, r of .Bridge - burg, who gave a fine :address on Lod'ge work, 'There was a large at- tendance 30 ladies !beingresent . 'from the P .Goderich dodge. The re- mainder of the evening was spent In progressive euchre, ,followed' by an elalborate lunch, the -prize winner for most ,gratne•s'be ng Mns, S, Deem, GOLpEN WEDDING The tont of Mr, and Mrs. H. Lawrence, Seaforth, .was the scene of an interesting event recently, when relatives and friends "gathered there to rio honor to 'Mrs, Lawrence's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Francis, Exe- ter. An enjoyable afternoon was spent renewing acquaintances. .Spec- ial guests were the :bridesmaid and ,best man of 50 years ago, Mr. and Mss. John 'Francis, !London. 'In the early evening a wedding .dinner ,was ,strived Iby the •granddaughters.Alfter dinner speeches and toasts followed, ,much to the enjoyment of all present. A, 'O. Fran'ois of St. Marys, the old- est son, acted as chairman. He Call- ed on his t'wo brothers, 0, R. 'Francis of Bright and -'F. M. Beams of Exe- ter, .who ' presented their parents with two easy chairs as a gift from the family, . 'The bridegroom- 'then made a pleasing 'speech, replete with humor and expressed the appreciation of himself end 'Mrs, ''Francis. Parcels - and letters,were opened by the guests of honor, after which the grandchil- dren provided a •varied entertainment. The happy event concluded with 'the singing of "Auld Lang Syne," Guests were ,present from 'Lond'on, Seaforth, Exeter, St..Marys and Briight, KIRK-ELSASSER.- , At Omaha, Nebraska, the marriage of Miss Louise 'B, E•lsasser, daughter el Mr. and 'Mrs. Herman Elsasser, to Norman M. Kirk, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew M. Kirk, of Seaforth , was solemnized at 2 pm. May 14 at the Cross Lutheran church, :Rev. Paul Rolslfing ^olfficiating. Miss - Lucia Doeir attended the bride as maid of honor and 'Mr. (Lay 1Luelbbin was lbest man. Afterwards ,dinner' was served at the home of the 'bride's parents. The young couple lift that evening for Kansas City, Mo., where they tieill make 'their home, the groom be- ing - freight representative of the Pennsylvania Railroad there, SOFTBALL SCORES: Live Wire Trail Rangers defeat Brumfield Trail Rangers 9-3. Seaforth ,Collegiate team defeated Clinton 'Co'llegiate 1'14. - (Boys' Y.P.S. Wednesday evening Clinton defeated Seaforth. 1140. Gills' Y.P,S. Wednesday evening, Clinton defeated Seaforth 1241. ROXBORO, Mr, James Aitcheson had a very successful bee, .moving and jacking his barn Friday and - !Saturday last, The cement o ntractor is starting the wall, 'and when finished it will be an Al . barn with 'cement partitions and water troughs throughout, Mr. Rolbt, Agar sports a new Oak- land car, an ex'cep'tional beauty and one of the best in the neighborhood. Mr. Frank Coleman is the proud possessor of tlwd exceptionally done Spring Pere`heron 'colts, and Mr. John 'Hart, an extra fine driving colt, MANLEY. ` !Mr, Leslie Rapien is at present busy electing a concrete wall under Mr. Jas. :Aitc'hcson's barn at Roxboro. Mr, and Mrs. 'W,- Manley Mrs, T. McKay, and Mr, and Mrs, J. M. E'ck- aet Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr's. C. Eckert, Seaforth. A re- union was held as Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Hays and Miss Lucy 'Eckert had, motored from Detroit for Decoration day. They left the next day for home, CONSTANCE. 'Mrs. Wm. McArthur and family spent Sunday with reatives in the vil- lage, 'Miss 'Winnifred Riley returned to her home in 'Brussels on Monday af- ter spending a week with relatives. 'We are sorry to' hear 'that 'Mr, C. Hoggarth was taken suddenly ill 'last, Friday - night and . has been confined to .his bed for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Staples, of Wal- ton, visited friends in and around the village on 'Sunday. - Mr. and 'Mrs, aThos. 'Riley,of Clin- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. Riley's parents. ' VARNA. Mr, illi E'llioft shipped live, stock to Toronto Saturday. 'Mrs. F. Weekes spent Monday in the Forest City. Visitors over the week -end were Mr, and -Mrs. Clifford Epps, Mr. and: Mrs. 'Chester Duncan, Mr. and Mrs: Fred Austin, Mr. "'Billy Anderson and Billy Johnston, all of Flint, Well. Mr. \fir. Taylor shopped 'live stock Saturday to Toronto, Mrs, Wni, Clark ,has returned to her home 'here after spending - the winter with her claughtet', Mrs. Evans at Seaforth, Mr,- Wm. Beatty, .bLount Brydges, called on friends in this vicinity 'fast week. - 'Mr, 'George 'llroods, of Trinity Uni- versity, Toronto, made a dying visit with his 'friends lies and around Varna. Mrs. 'Ogilvie is visiting with friend's in and around Glencoe. - Mr, and IMrs, Fred ' J. Austin, of. Faint, Mach., Spent theweek end 'and holiday at the home of the former's Pare! t 'Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Austin. >,s. They e afar c T e were a con! . Hied as ar at Y e P ,Parkhill".by Mr.'" and Mrs. 'Ches'ter Duncan and family, .also of Flint, who spent the week -end at home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan, - formerly- - of Varna. "The o o ed over in b3•r: ,Y 'm. 't r Austin's Chrysler 70 sedan. edaii TUCKERSMITH. The Partners here are busy getting the land' prepared for potatoes, corn $1 A YEAR-. Beautiful Royal Art We are showing a very beautiful - line of Royal Art Glassware of new and exquisite coloring. This is something entirely new and is the latest importation fr'.om,Europe. As yet we have seen nothing to equal it for bright colors and attractive de- signs and the prices aro exceedingly reasonable. Also just arrived from Japan a very pretty selection in. Bon Bons, Salad. Dishes, Nut Bowls, . Condiment Sets, Etc. which are wonderfully fine for home decoration and gift favors. It will pay you to look the line over. - Fred S. Savauge Jeweler and Optometrist Opposite Post Office. Phones 194: Res. 10. COAL. QUALITY -SERVICE .PHONE E L B0X 4� and roots, - - Mr, and Mrs. A. Mathes'on, of De- troit, spent the week -end at the foran- er's home here. Mr. Hatdld Turner, Of Clinton, is having this holidays for the next 'few weeks. 'Mr. A. Matheson has secured a po- sition near (H'a'milton. Mr. -John MdTnt'osh, of Knox COI - lege, Toronto, has left to take up a position In Mantua, Ohio. "Mr. ,George 'Cameron was in To- ronto for the week -end. - Mr. jack McMillan, of Detroit, vis- ited his parents, 'Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McMillan, of the 8th 'concession, 'for the week -end. Mr. Walter Murray, of Angusville, Man., was home to attend •fhe*funeral of his mother, Mrs. John Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Keene and family, of Buffalo, were !tome to attend the fun- eral of her mother, Mrs. John 'Mvr- ray. Mr. Jos. McLellan, of the 8th con cession, has purchased a new 'Chevro- let coach: `Mr, 'Ray Carnoch'an, of Detroit, is home visiting old friends. Mr. Stuart -Knox, of Flint, is home. visiting relatives. ilirs. (Dr.) ,Armstrong, and Mr. and Mrs. Purdy (nee Lorna Atim sinong), of Tara, are visiting at 'Mr. and :Mrs. Wm, Charters, on the MW road. SEAPORT O'SE RACES under the auspices of iHamil rn-i Drse. °ng & Athletic Assocation. WEDNESDAY; JUNE, 15th $1,200.00 IN PURSES. 2.14 Tr'r''t or Pace .. ,.....Purse $4II'S'i:: 2.15 Trot or Pace 'Purse'. 2.23 Trot or Pace ,....,Purse $411g (all mile heats) Track is in fine condition. Las' - entry in each class and best of rack g assured. First race, -2 o'clock sharia:. No waiting between heats. - Parkinrsas. far cars. Drive right in. Gates opt at noon. SEAFORTH TURF ASSOCIATION - Geo. R. MdCartney„ President; Rxhs sell H. Sproat, Vice Presidcntc. E. 'Aimless Jones, Treasurer: Ps. Ili,; . Sutherland; Secretary. TttTi "STAR" SEDAN First Trip Ever Put On With a Car Locked in Low Gear To ,show the stability and the spe- cial codling system as .well as the high pressure lubrication 'system, (Durant Motors of 'Canada, Ltd., To- ronto, Seaforth Star car t nathrough v'ou o Ito ran locked in low gear, 'The car "left Parkhill in the tnorning.at 7 o'clock and :went, through !Ailsa Craig, Ltican, 'Exeter, • Dashwood, Zurich, ileusall, Godet'ich; Clinton and it on its way to Stratford, •a'pproxim;a't? 152 ''miles, counting all detours. '1`µn water nor oil' were added to the eas+- gine 'after it started on its run and at. no tf. fines file ermine shut r�rsx- w't 1. Several other :cans have considered_ going into this contest, Ind the it the only one that has been a, p habit of putting on these dentorsata' tions in varions 'p.laccs'in •Canada. • • •