The Seaforth News, 1927-05-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Women's Missionary: Society, -The
Missionary Society of flhq 'United
Church held their meeting on That's-
day; last with the 'President in the
chair. The meeting was opened by
singing a 'hy,mn, after" Which Mrs. Bu-
chenan led in prayer. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and adopt-
ed and the roll was called. 20 'being
present, Tie Visiting 'Committee re-
- ported
e-'-ported having -called on 18 houses and
found 3 111 in bed. Arrangements
were made for the Birthday Party,
to be held on Friday evening in the,
' basement of the church. A letter was
read by Mos, Merner, ISwpply Secret-,
cry, and 4 ladies were made life meth
'hers. A leaflet entitled, "The Great
Reward," was read ,by Mrs, 'Dougall.'
The offering was then taken, after
width Miss Annie Moore read 'some
facts from "The Fields." Mrs. 'Welsh
then gave a reading, on Motherhood,
A report of the convention held in
North st. ,Church, 'Goderieh;• was
given by the delegate, Mrs, .Swan.
The meeting then closed by repeat-
ing the benedidtion,
Aid The ladies' Aod held their regular
meeting after the W. M. S. meeting,
when several item's of business were
discussed. Among •the items of busi-
ness it was decided to hold a bazaar
next fall.
'Miss Marie Foster visited in See -
forth over the week-en'd.
A lecture was given on Tuesday
evening in 'the town hall on "How to
Beautify t'1loune Surroundings." 'The
Night Hawk orchestra was in a't-
The W. M. S. will hold a birthday
party in the United 'Church on Friday
evening. .
The Young People of the Presby-
terian Church held their meeting on.
Monday evening with a large attend-
ance, The debate, "Resolved that
Country life is preferable to city life,"
was given. Those taking part in the
affirmative side were (Marie Bell and
John Bean, and for the negative,
Olive Walker and Ward Forest. 'Phe
judges decided in favor of the nega-
Mt. George 'Thompson and son
John are both lying seriously ill at
their home on South'Riotmond street,
itIr. and Mrs., 'Lee Hed'den and
Mrs. Jos. Hudson spent Thursday in
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hemphill are
spending the Week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Jackson were
in London on Monday.
Mr. Robert Higgins, Mr. John Ec-
clestone, and Mr. Henry Horton
were in London Friday attending the
convention of the Western Ontario
Conservative Association. .
A severe electrical storm passed
over this district early Monday morn-
ing, but 'did snit do any harm. The
splendid rain that fell will do a great
amount of good.
The Young People of Chisel'hurst
put on their play on [Friday evening,
entitled "The Village Doctor," in the
town hall here. The play -was well at-
tended and the young people of Chis-
eihuest kept up their reputation of be-
ing splendid entertainers,
The Young People of the United
Church held their meeting on Mon-
day evening with Miss E. Dickson as
president and Miss Irma Higgins as
secretary. !Mr. Ort'wein gave a splen-
did topic on "Time," and the follow-
ing programnne was given: Solo by
Miss Pybus, violin selection by Scott
Welsh, accompanied by Miss Buch-
anan at the piano, and an instrument-
al trio by Marion Sinclair, Eleanor
Skinner and Florence McDonald.
Mr. John Steacy and friend, Mr.
Joseph 'Dowell, of Detroit, visited
over the week -end with Mrs, Stem,
Steacy and Miss Lillian,
The funeral of the late William
White, whose death occurred in Lon-
don on May 2nd, was held 'from St
Paul's church on Friday afternoon,
Rev. Mr. 'Naylor, and Ven. Arch-
deacon W. J, Doherty, a former 'rec-
tor of the church, conducting the ser-
vice. Both speakers •paid a high tri-
bute to the late Mr. White. The pall-
bearers were his six sons, and inter-
ment took place at Hensel! cemetery.
Miss Rena Hudson was taken to
Seaforth hospital on Sunday evening
and was operated on for appendicitis.
She stood the operation well and 'her
many friend's wish her a speedy re-
Death of John Curtis Thomson, -
There passed away at his home in
Hetesall on Tuesday afternoon, May
10, John Curtis Thompson, in his
50th year. Mr, Thomson has been an
invalid for a number of years and his
death was not unexpected. He leaves
to mourn Isis loss his father and
:mother, Mr. and Mrs, 'George Thom-
son; one brother, 'William, of Indiana,
and one -sister, Mrs. James Barnett,
of Toronto. At time of writing the
date has not been set for the funeral.
The baseball club is putting on a
concert and dance on Friday evening,
May 13th. The Bosseieberry old time
orchestra Will furnish the music,
The Mission Band. of the 'Hensel!
United Church held their meeting ote
Sunday afternoon with a large at-
tendance. The meeting was opened
by the singing of . hymn 236, ' after
which Mrs. McDonald led in prayer.
The Scri'pture Reading, Psalm 1, was
read by Margaret Kennings, and the
roll was called and the minutes of the
last meeting were read. The col-
lection was taken by Norman Sin-
clair, after which the study, "Healing
the Sick in India," was read by Miss
Last Sunday was Mothers' Day in
the- churches here. At the United
Church special Sunday school ser-
vices were held in the ,morning when
a - songelo entitled "My Mother's
Songs," was given. ' Mr. Rockliffe
read the story and in sections of the
'story,. solos, -duets and quartettes
were given, .Those taking part in the
story were Mrs. Joynt, Miss Buell-
attan, Irma 'Higgins, Avis Lindenfield.
Mildred Scruton, iMr.'15hile, Mr. rFol
lick, Mr, Passmore, Mr. Goodwin,
Mr. E, Ronnie, Mr. Sam Rennie. In
the Eauditorium of the church large
crow'both morning
'gathered for o g
and evening services. A mothers'
choir rendered the music, and the
,pastor, the Rev. Arthur Sinclair,
preached at both services. -
The ser, ices iii, the United; Church
will be Withdrawn -next Sutx'day, even-
ing, also the Anglican church, A ana`ss
meeting will be held in the 'Presby-
terian church on behalf of the 'West-
ern Ontario Bible Society, and the
Rev. Captain Gatibett will speak on
their 'behalf, This is an annual event,
`each church having their turn.
iMr. 'Wm. iHill, •5th concession, Stan --
ley, hays pueoltased a Ford can
Messrs.: Wm, Henry- and Hugh
'Mc4Gregor are putting a tile drain in
front of their nieces.' The county
supplies the tile and they are .doing
the worlc.
Mr. Wilfred Aikenhead, son; of Mr.
Wen: Aikettlhead, is considering op -en -
Mg a garage in Varna. '
Mr. Sandy Mustard is expected .to
return .home --M a day or two after
being in 1Clinton ,hospital for several
IMr. Frank Lane 'had a team of
,horses ••runaway while hitched to
the roller, and were not captured
until they had broken the .tongue and
doubleteee of the roller. '
Mr, Wan.' 'Henry visited . his sister,
Mrs, -Wm, Wylie, (Seaforth, one day
this week.
Mr. Laurence Forest has .purchas-
ed the Massey -Harris implement.
shop from Mr. James !Swett and in -
ten -ds; using it for agarage.
The many friends of Mr. Sandy
Mclenzie are -sorry to know he is not
so -well at present.
alias Norma Hood, of London, is
spending a few days at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. John Murdock has purchased
a new ear.
Mrs. -R. Torrance Dunlop, of To-
ronto, spent Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Retell -
Mr. and (Mrs. Jack Rattenbury and
children, of Burlington, were calling
on their friends in town on Sunday.
Mrs, Geo, Handley and little
daughter visited in the village on
Mr. J. Swan gave a card party to
his many friends the other night. All
report a good time.
Messrs, `'vVm, Macintosh and Cecil
Simpson went back to attend to
business in the northern part of the
Province. They went away last Fri-
day and expect to be gone all summer.
Miss -Margaret Aikenhead, Wester-
velt School, London, spent the week-
end at her home here,
-!Miss Dora Addison, of Orillia, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Addison, in
the village.
Miss Irene Snider, of London,.
spent the week -end at her ,home here.
Miss Annie Beattie, of 'London,
and Mr. Orton Logan, of Teeswater,
visited 'at the home of Mrs, H.
Aikenhead on Sunday.
Messrs. Howard Vine and Frank
Alderttdge were visiting at the home
of Miss Wary Gibson Sunday.
Mrs. Thos. Calwill visited last week
at Comber,
Mr.. John Dutot, of Essex county,
is visiting his son, Ir. Stan, Dutot,
of the village.
Mr. Henry Morton spent last week
in London.
Mrs, Geo. Swan has returned home
alter spending the past week with her
daughter in Toronto,
Miss Mary 'Beattie, of London, vis-
ited at the home of Mrs. A, T. Scott
over Sunday.
About twenty young people from
here motored to :Blyth on Monday
evening to hear the final debate in
the Presbytery of Huron, "Resolved
that the Church should provide
amusement for her young people."
The judges decided by a few points
in favor of the affirmative, which was
taken by two of the Bluevale Young
People. 'Both teams' arguments were
of the highest calibre, and it was
evident that the judges had .much dif-
ficulty in 'deciding which side to de-
clare the winner.
The Y.P.S, missionary meeting was
held Sunday evening, May 8th. Mr.
Jesse Freeman acted as chairman.
Rev. Mr. Bremner gave a very inter-
esting summary of the Mission work
in India during the past fifty years
and also of some of the prospects for
the future: Several items of business
were brought before the meeting by
Mr. Alex, Addison, 'our new presid-
ent, chief among which was the sug-
gestion made at the recent executive
meeting that Y.P. council be formed
to ,handle problems and make sug-
gestions for the improving of the
.worlc and meetings, This Council
consists of the Minister, President.
Conveners, Presidents of Y.P. or-
ganized groups and from 3 to 10
members selected by the Society.
This ought to 'be a great help in mak-
ing things hum which appears .to he
the only way -to succeed in these days
of speed, and efficiency in every
branch of the work is what our lead-
ers are striving for, Next Sunday
evening the meeting has been with-
drawn as a former pastor is conduct-
ing the Y.P. anniversary in Kippen,
but a real live social evening is to be
held pp Friday evening, the '13th,
which- will commence at 8 o'c'locic
sharp. A special invitation is ewtend
ed to non-members to be present.
Then on Sunday evening, the 22nd,
there will be a real song service under
the leadership of Miss Eleanor Snid-
Mr, James .Henry has purchased a
racy looking Ford lately. Now he will
be able to give some of his friends a
fast ride. There seems to have been
an epidemic of car buying on the
Mill Road this season and they are
not all Fords either,
Mr. Wallace Haugh has been extra
busy lately painting and overhauling
his Chrysler sedan.
'Mrs, 'Rattenbury's many friends
were pleased to have her in church
last Sunday after an absence of over
five months,- owing to her accident of
falling and fracturing her shoulder
and hip,
The last of the Horticultural bullbs
are being distributed this week,
On Monday morning, Mrs. (Rev.)
Bremner left for Walkerville to at-
teud the W. M. 'S:-cotnference. After
the conference Mrs. Bremner intends
to visit her daughter, Mrs. Colin
West, of 'Cleveland,;
The "Marion Oliver" 'Circle meet
on Friday evening at seven o'clock
its the basement of ,the church. The
same evening the •young °people . will
I ve a social even'ing,consmencing at
fight o'clock,
Mr. Robert 'Hotham of the
village, who took suddenly e
y ill Wast
weelc, was rushed to Seaforth hospi-
tal, where lie was operated on the
sane night. - -
!Large congregations attended the
Mother's Day services in Brucefield
United :iOhurch last Sunday, A
mothers' choir,assisted,'by"a number
of the men, furnished excellent music.
The •pr'ogra'nun'e of the Ontario 'Re-.
ligious Education •Council for observ-
ance of "Go to Sunday :School Day,"
was used in the service. A quartette,
"O Happy Home," was sung ,by the
aliases Eleanor and Kathleen Snider,
Miss Pearl Brock and Miss `11 -dna
Bremner, Miss 'Helen Munroe gave
a recitation entitled "I love you,
Mother," and the pastor gave a spe-
cial Mother's Day address. ,The
members of the Sunday school, to 'the
number of 168, occupied the center
'seats in thei auditorium% , of the
church. T�h'e +services were continu-
ed 1n the evening, the pastor speak-
ing ;on 51-Iome Religion."" A, pleasing
duet was sung by Mrs. 'Hugih Mc-
Lachlan and (Mrs. Lorne Wilson. The
Sunday school offering, which was
nineteen dollars, goes to 0.R:E.C.
The service next Sunday evening,
May 16th, is withdrawn on account of
the anniversary services at Kippen
United .Church. .Service will be held
as usual in the morning,
The iollowing will be of special in-
terest to many as both Mr. and lira,.
Jno. Moore are Well-known in Tuck-
crsutith and both have :many relatives
here still and in the surroundings dl's-
Rowswell-McCoy.-A. very pretty
wedding was solemnized under an
arch of evergreens and flowers on
Wednesday, May 4'th, at the Rorie of
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, when; their
only daughter, Mrs. Sarah 'MclCoy,
was united in marriage to Daniel
Rowswell, elder son of the late Mr,
and Mrs, 'Charles Rowsweli of 'Mac-
Lennan, the Rev. Mr. Orr officiating.
The ceremony was perforated in the
presence of only the immediate rela-
tives. The bridal party entered the
living rootit to the strains of the wed-
ding march .played by Mrs. (Rev.)
Orr. The bride, Who was given away
by her father, was handsomely gown-
ed in gobelin 'blu'e silk crepe with
blonde and silver trimmings with
shoes and hose to match, and carried
a lovely bouquet of Ophelia .roses,
carnations and gypsophila. The bride
was attended -by 'Miss Mary IMc-
Naughton of Kippen, who was smart-
ly gowned in pouclre blue georgette
with gold lace trimmings, Her Ibou-
quet was of roses, carnations and
baby's breath, 'The bridegroom was
attended by his brother, Mr. John
Rowswell, of Sault Ste. Marie. After
the ceremony, the bride led the way
to the dining -roan whioh was 'beau-
tifully decorated with carnations and
ferns. 'Here a dainty wedding lunch-
eon was served. Later Mr, and Mrs.
Rowswell left on a abort motor trip,
the bride travelling in a navy blue
coat with fawn fur trimmings: her
hat and other accessories were to
mately: The '-bridegroom'a gift to the
bride was a /handsome octagon wrist'
watch; to the btides'inaid, a bar -pin
set with amethysts; and to the ,best
man, a beautiful set of cuff links, The.
presents were numerous' and cosily,
showing <
h 'n the high esteem in whirl h
young people ere held. Ott their .re
taro, they will reside on the groom's
farm near ;MacLennan. `: (Their many
friends extend their heartiest con-
gratulations, and 'wish "them many,
years of happiness 'and prosperry'y..
IMr. and Mrs. B. D. Field, Mr.
Mrs. T. W. Butt and Mr. and Mrs.
W. E, Butt took a - motor trip, to
VThtigham on ,Sunlay afternoon.
,Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Stafford, of,
Vienna, spent Sunday at Kipper'.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles '.Cooper. have
taken up house -keeping : just east of
the village. ' _
The 'Horticultural' isupplies• - have
arrived and have been distvbuted to
the members. These fine rains will
make' them ,grow.
Next ,Sunday, May 15th will 'be
the Young'People's'Anniversary at
Kippen, - Rev. W. D.:MeIntosh, B.D.,
of Etnbro, will preach at'1'1'a.m. and
7.30 pan, to overflowing congrega-
tions. The anniversary entertainment
will be held on Wednesday evening,
May 18th, When the :far-famed 'Blyth
Choral ' Society will present" `their
play, "Joseph's 'Bondage," to a full
andappreciative audience. Every-
verybody welcome.
Mn Thos. Kyle has "completed re-
pairing his barn which was so badly
dainagegd by the windstorm.
Mr, W. M. Doig, of Port Huron,
spent the. week -end at his •summer
home, accompanied by a friend,
Mrs. Jas. C. McLean, Of thevil-
lage, has been confined to her home
through illness,, but is now much im-
proved. .
Mr. and (Mrs. J. W. French and
Miss McIver motored to Port Elgin
and spent the week -end with ,friends,
where they all formerly 'lived.
Mr. and Mrs. 5. W. McLean spent
a day in Stratford recently.,
'Mr. Morley Cooper, who has 'been
laid up for the past month, is now
able to work a little.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Martin of De-
troit spent a few days at their
cottage last week returning home On
Sunday, 'accompanied by 'Miss Susie
WVe'stlake and Miss Mary Gdngerich,
Mr. and Mrs. Furter returned to
North May on'Friday having "spent a
week with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Stinson.
`Rev. F. H. Paull add Mrs. Paull
are at_London,;this' week attending
Synod. Mrs. Paull will also visit in
Galt before returning home. '
The play entitled, "Eyes of Love,"
which was presented by the Young
People of North Street United
Church, Goderieh, on Friday last, un-
der the auspices of the Bayfield 'Li-
brary Board, was very, much enjoyed
by all who attended. 'The .players
took their parts in splendid manner.
Miss Esther 'Hu'me and Mr, 'George
Belcher of Goderieh rendered solos
between acts, which were appreciated
very touch. Miss Mary Clarke and
Mr. H. Hamilton accompanied them.
Solos were also given 'by Mrs. F. H.
Paoli and Miss -Lucy Woods and mu-
sical selection's tby Owatan Orchestra,
lbl;rs. 'Mott and 'Mies G. Mott of
Goderieh to Detroit and Return
Round Trip Will Leave Goderich ' 'One Way
Tuesday, June 7th at 9:30 a. m.
Arriving at Port Huron 1.30 p. m., Detroit 5.30 p. m.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p. m., Thursday, June 9th
The only boat trip from Goderieh to Detroit this season
Children between 15 to 12, half fare. • Visit your Michigan
friends and see big and busy Detroit. A delightful trip over
the great international highway of lakes and rivers.
Don't miss it
Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 10th, at 9.30 a. m. '
Come and enjoy the fun
MONDAY, JUNE 6th, AT 8,30 p. m,
FINZEL'SORCHESTRA for dancing in steamer's big, new
ball room
Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c. Children 25c
tom. . _ ._,....•.,
4 Packages Jelly Powders,
2 Tins Pork and Beans,
2 Tins Tomatoes,
2 Tins Peas,
3 Bars Lux Soap,
• 3 Bars Palm .Olive Soap
5 Bars Somme Soap,
We Will Pay You high For Your
in Egmondville,
New Laid Eggs
We Je Finnigan
for ,
Immediate Posse iosa
100 Acres
A Bargain.
General Insurance
Real Estate, etc.
Seaforth, -Ontario.
Blotto 152 :.
N'onwich spent the week end in the
vi'lla'ge visiting the-!fonmer's 'laugh,
Mrs. T.'Westl'ake is visiting , her
parents, ‘lar. and Mrs. R. Delgaty.
The Y.P.IS.:will : m'eet on Friday
evening in the United Church 'base=
metat at '8,30.
IMr, William ,Scot'cltmer is .a dele
gate at the annual Synod in London
this week,
The Imported'Percheron Stallion
(imp) (9427) (96470) 104036
Enrolment' No. 1792 • 'Approved
Foran I.
Will stand 'for the improvement of
stock this season as follows, com-
mencing May -1:6th: Monday -Will
leave his stable at C'hiselhurst end
proceed north to Leonard Sholdice's
for noon, then north to Peter Mc-
Camn's corner,- then east 2r/2 miles 'to
Leo Murray's for ni 1 t. Tuesday -
South to 'Michael ICoyne's for noon,
then south to Robert Colo"s for night,
where he wntl remaisi`until Thursday
morning. Thursday--Northto the
10th con. Tuckersnuth and west to
Chas. Green's for noon, then c t , n west to
John Riley's ' for night. Friday -
West to, 2nd con., L.R.S., Tacker -
smith, to Roib't. MuGre'gor's for noon,
then south '134 miles, then east to his
own "stable, -where he will remain till
the 'following Monday morning. This
route will ,be continued during the
season, health and 'weather pertrnhtting.
Win. Cole, Proprietor and Manager.
The 'Oha'inpion
Standard !Bred S'tal'lion
Will stand at the stable, -lot 22,
con. 13, Hibbert. Phone 10 on 88. 'Ar-
rangements will 'be made with .par-
ties from a distance.- $12.00 to insure,
:payable 'Feb. 1st, 1528. Parties dis-
posing of their snares will be charged
full insurance. All mares at owner's
Wm. Cole, Prop. Robt, Cole, Mgr.
All accounts owing to the estate of
M. 'Bradericleprevious to 'May 1st,
1927, must be settled at once. J. J.
Wesiesd'ayMay tilde.
Wheat, per bus.d
:. ,
e er,i is e
Barley, h 1 60c -65c
Oats, per bus. 45c -50c
Buckwheat, per bus. 65c
Shorts, per cwt. 1:SS
13ran, per -cut .. , . '1
13titter, ler lb. 35c'1
i:ggs, per. dozen . 20c -25c -28c
Potatoes, per bag $1.25
Hogs, per cwt. , .. , , $9.50
The Court of Revision against `the
Assessment Roll of IM•eKillop Tp.,
for 1927,, will be held at the' Winthrop
Hall ori Friday, May 2711, at .10
o'clock a.m.
20' JOHN "MoNAY, Clerk.
Cut rails, 12-14 inches long, $4.00
cord, Apply to -505. T. !HUGIILL,.
phone 236r.21, (Seaforth, 19
Coal oil -range, 4 burner, - with 2
teapot shelves, high warming shelf,
and large oven: Stove in good condi-
tion throughout, and will be sold for
a reasonable 'figure. Apply The Sea -
forth ,News. 19
Boarders wanted at house centrally
located. Apply at News Office. 19
A quantity of potatoes, , both early
and fall- varieties. Also extra good
barley, 2 year old seed. PE'RCY
LITTLE, Seaforth, • 1:1 on 240:
Five young sows 'bred to farrow in
July and Augu'st.' These are choice
bacon type. Will be sold reasonable
for quick sale. Phone '144r21. 'Buren
road two miles east of Seaforth.
S.C.W. Leghorns chicks, $15.00
per 100; Barred Rock chicks, $16,00
per 100. Custom 'hatching 5c per
egg. Individual machines, 100 egg to
600 egg sizes. The best of attention
paid to custom hatching, No order
too small or *too large. •Get your
chicks early so they will develop into
good sized birds to get the early mar-
kers, Early hatched pullets make
the best winter layers. E. J. PRIE-
WARTIH'A, 'Holmesville P.O. Phone
611r22i Clinton central. \ 23
Solid brick, nine room house with
furnace, 'bath -room, town water . and
every convenience. Centrally located
and convenient to schools, churches
and business section, two fine lots,
good barn and garden.- 'House has
small annex suitable for an office..
Bargain for quick sale. Apply to -
Seaforth, Ont.
'We are now chopping' Tuesday and Ford' Tourin 1923 Model in good
''Friday forenoons onTouring,.
ly during the order. Phone 212, north
Main st.,
+summer months.'KRUSE 1B'RO'S. 21 Seaforth,
Ladies' and Men's Tailor
Suits from $25,00 up
Bring your own Cloth
Have it made up here.
OverKeating's Drug Store
Strand -ed in
Another Action Comedy by the star of "The Patna Beach
Girl" and " The Campus Flirt"
And the Parisian scenes are guaranteed to be thereaI thing
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
A. Drama of life with the Vaudeville troopers '.behind the
foot lights. Remember the last one of Norma's "The
Waning Sex", She knows her acting.S
iDRI H.-',HU'GH ROSS, Physician
and Stirgeon, Late of London 3HIo's-
pital, London, England. Specie',
attention to diseases of the eye, ear
r a 9
nose and: throat. Office "and 'resid-
ence rbeh'ind Dominion Bank, Office.
Phone No.` 5; Residence Phone 106,
DIR. F. J. IBURilaOWS,.,Seaforth.
Office and residence, 'Goderieh street,
east "of the Methodist IOhurch. Cor-
oner for the 'County of Huron. Tele-
phone. No. 40.
DR, C, MAOKIAY.-C. Mackay,
honor graduate - of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College;: member of the 'Col-
lege of -Physicians and Surgeons pf
DIR. F. J. IR. 'FORS'PER-Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto' 1897. Late
Assistant New York Ophthalmic and
Aurae Institute, Moorefield's Eye; acid.
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-.
don, England. At Com'mercia(s.'hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in -each month,
from 111 a.m. to 3 p.m. •
'DR. W. 'C. ISPRIOAT.-Graduate of
Faculty of 'Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Phy'sic'ians. and Sur-
geons of 'Ontario. Office in Aberhart's
Drug Store, iMiln St.,, 'Seaforth..•
Phone 90. •
iSuccessor to Dr. 'R, 'R..: Ross, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi -
.sago, I11. Licen'tiat'e 'Royal College ,of
Dental Surgeon's, 'Toronto. Office
over Sills' :hardware, Main street,
Seaforth. ,Phone '15'1.
DR. F. J. 1BIEIIJHEILY, gradutnte
'Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons,
'Touoarto.• 'Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, Main street, ' Seaforth.
Phones, 'office 185W, residence 185J.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can 'bg made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. 'Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
General al Fi re, Life,
Accident & Automobile
and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Mutual Firen r
i su ante Co,
O6ficers James 'Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beech•,'ooda
Vice President; D. F. McGxegor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Win. Rion, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John 'Bennewies, :Brodhagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; Janes Connolly, 'God
erich; Alex. 'Bnoadfoot, No. 3, 'Sea -
forth; J, G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Oarlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, IBrucefiold.
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchlcy, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3; Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,.
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to' effect insurance or trans-
act other business will 'be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
',Say It With Flowers"
Choice Cut Flowers, Artistic Flor-
al Designs, Wedding Bunches, etc.,
on short notice. Express prepaid on
all orders amounting to $5 and over.
Phone 105 Goderich
House on James street, six rooms
and complete bath. Hot and cold
taps in the kitchen., Electric lights,
'Cellar with cement floor. Stable on
property. Apply on the premises or
L'o W, D. BBRiI'GHT, Seaforth. tf
Barred 'Rocks batched from care-
fully : culled high producing winter
layers, $17.00 per 100, . Barron strain.
single comb White.Leghorns, $14.00
per 100 for May delivery. JAMES
SCOTT, Seaforth. Phone 32 on 251.
See the Whippet Fours and Sixes,
Overlands and 'Willys Knight 'Sixes,
all equipped with 4 -'wheel brakes.
(Inc door west of Aberhart's Drug el^
Store, Phone 17, Elliott's Garage.
G. C. BELL, Overland Dealer. 20
Government tested timothy seed; 5
per cent; alsike, freefrom all primary
noxious weeds, $4.75 a bushel.. RUS-
SELL DOUGHERTY, lot 11, con.
17, Grey, Walton P. 0. , If.
Tenders for supplying' power and
operating stone crusher for the
Township of 'McKillop willbe receiv-
ed by the undersigned up till (Monday,'
May 16th, 1927. Tenders will be
opened at ICarneg'ie'Hall, Seaforth, at
2:30 p.m. on said date.
Lowest or any tender not neces
sarily. accepted. Operator to, supply
drive belt,' oil laud men and teains rs-
quircd in pit.
Power necessary, 18 horse power
or 10-20, tractor.. Contract''by the day.
JOHN •McNAY, Clerk,
19 !Seaforth; R.R.,2,