The Seaforth News, 1927-05-12, Page 4E1OUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS WALTON. and (Mrs. C Sellers `>visited' at Heidelberg. over the week r incl Mrs. C. l+ingtand, of '•Blyth; ,Sian,+r t Saturday ;with :IMr, and Mrs. :deme rain on Sunday night did a Wet. deal bf good towards the rater' of the grass. Many of the yrs ;ire scarce of feed and the u"fr will soon be able to be turned Be graze. Seeding ,will soon be ftuished me- eting. the root crop, with `fir- and Mrs. A, Clark visited A. 'Dundee ion Sunday. r Geo. Muldoon bas rented R . S'hol- s farm and ' intends to ' pasture ',tete on it. 'r 5, !Marshall is able to be out J r an operation for appendicitis a Aroweeks ago. Miss 'Isa'bel Farquimhrson is not attiU to attend school. these days. - She lews an attack of rheumatism, • Arbor day was observed on Friday, -.Zee school' grounds present a neat exppaearance since. Dr. Field, Inspector of East Elbsscm: made his semi-annual visits Stew, S. No,. 7 and S. S. No. 12, Mc= 41ratap, on Tuesday last, and Messrs. 'Ilhomas Kinney f .ansi an. €lir,srles- anti Arthur 'A e spent •finea3ay in Listowel, fir. Wilbur Holmes, of 'Flint, Mich., 'tee *itIng itt (he home of his parents, Mr, and (Mee. David .Hotrnes, !lies. Donald (Calder was in 'Wel'- land this week to • visit her; daughter Mary, nurse -ie. -training -en the Wel- lend-hospital, elnand 'hospital, who has been ill , with pneumonia, Miss 'Calder was im- proving when her another 'returned.! !Mrs, Win. Iiliackwell is visiting her son, Mr. gas.-iBackwcll, Mr. 'Robert Woods,-of-Elimville, is visiting (Nie, and Mrs. J. H, IMe- Laugelin... M., and Mrs, Herb. Manning called Me on 'friends in Clinton on Saturday, ;f:'ast Sunday evening the regular Endeavor meeting was held in Duff's church. .Rev, IMr. Maines spoke on "Home Missions," 'giv'ing en account of his experiences while in the West- ern Provinces. The 'devotional Miss of the programme was taken by Miss Ferguson. A duet was sung by (Misses, I'sh'bel and Jennie 'Ritchie. 'iThe Horticultural Society received their supplies this week and they.have, had 'theta delivered to the members. IMr. Geo, 'McTaggart, of (Seaforth,; is slr'iving wee of Mr, Neal's cream trucks. • ever. John Lambie, one of the 'guards at IBurwash Industrial ' Farm, has 'been visiting relatives in this vi- cinity for the past 10 days. (Miss Jean McLaren, who has been visiting at the home of her auricle, James 'Simpson., returned to borne last Sunday. , !Miss Rose 'Simpson is not as .well THURSDAY, MAX -12, 1927. as her virally- friends would like ,to see Mrs, •' Will IiVoods and llsfiss_ Grace ehortreed visited at Clinton -ono 'day, i scantly:. ohm S.nJJlie'has been busy putting at iteeeefeece around his property this !-telt 'VI'i r', and Mrs. F. A. 'Hanibly, of Staffa, and Miss Florence Cooper, of 6eeforth, spent last Thursday after- noon at J. N. Campbell's. IMe, and Mrs, R. G. Parke and D'or- 'othy visited friends at Walton - on Safety on the Highways must be maintained NEW SPEED LII4IT THRUSTS GREATER RESPONSIBILITY ON DRIVERS POR CARS COURTESY. AND Aj, GR EATER reapmce1bility for :alert caution rests MS 1 A the nwtori vt uanng the highways now that the :speed limit has been raised. In every case speed must be governed by the circnsr stances. Tete change in the law does not to the slightest extent relieve the motorist from responsibility for careless or rockiesa driving. Indeed in this respect the faster move - !nett! of traffic on the highways will thrust upon drivers at greater necessity for caution. In vtll.•rges, in heavy traffic, at cross roads or railway eroesings, where adults' or cbltdeen are !ring the highway, near schools, and at curves and bridges, care muni be cur- dled by the motorist in accordance with the ctrcumatancees Obedience to the law and courtesy to others is expected at all times. The raining of the speed Limit in no way logos tee amity for caution. The change in the law wall not mitde gate the offense of redde anes9 or carelessness on the past of any driver. Attention hi particularly directed to the pprtoovision far cancellation of the tar's license which may follow subsequent conviction for =Hess driving. The safety of the highways must be maintained. The Departmeet hopes that motorists will realize this and wail drove through eareiuhsess and courtesy to continue to keep Ontario highwsays safe for all who use them. Ontario Department of Highways The Bits. ®BO. 8. HENRY, Madam ES Paint our Home, Too Your home, too, deserves a coat of paint—it needs a pro- tection against the ravages of the elements and time. A coat of paint Will not ouly protect but will beautify your. home and enhance its value. You yourself will feel a new pride in the new ap- pearance of your home and in the prestige it will afford you in your community. Your home deserves the best, that is why we suggest that you use \79f-oebi-6 HIGH STANDARD PAINT Owing to the excellence of the materials used and the care exercised in its manu- facture, "high` Standard" Paint is the most economical that you can buy. It will cover much more :than a cheaper paint and will Mast from two to fouryears longer. Try it when next you paint, "High Standard" will render yeti the best of service. ISenday. llliss Jean 'Drager' end `'John Den- nison spent Sunday at IHarriston. Miss Ruby Young, who is- attend- ing -Normal at Stratford, spent the week -end at: her home' in the village. !Mr. and +Mrs. 'Gourley and lfainlly, of +Fergus, •spent Sunday at her fath- er's, il'Ir, Saint Forbes. i Beffalo, spent,! neeeeytith. Mrs, 'John quite i11. Donnelly. The 'Ch'orel Society presented 'Jos- ` y eked house in ' nilape'sBondage," a a „Mfr: and Mrs.- Pet. Mc;Gratih . spent g ;P Sunda • with -'Mrs. ..Wm.'Byrne,: • CPintoa on Friday might. It will also Sunday, Miss Annie Ryan, :of ,See forth, bepr`c+sented' 'in lTiirgham :Friday, May 13,' Winthrop op the following Monday night and Klippen (Wednes- day, May 18: • Mr. and Mrs. David Laidlaw visit- ed Mr, and: Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, Au- burn, on Friday. - Mrs, Jas. iaielaw returned 'last week from Toronto af- ter 'treatment in the hospital ' there. She is not improving as much as her friend's could wish. IMr. anei Mrs. Melvin Nivens and spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, P. Ryan. Mr. J'as. • S;hea. and daughter Angela mo't'ored to .London on Sunday. ..Misses Margaret (Byrne and Ther- esa Ca'rpen'ter, spent Sunday after- noon with Mis's Madge Cra,wford, of Clinton. IMr. Jelin MdGrath shipped a car- load of fine horses on Wednesday A dance -will' be -held in the parish hall on ,Friday night: Lucin orchestra will furnish the music. ltsfr.: and :i Mrs, Will JMe'Derenott and -Miss Mary Ryan . motored to Thorndale 'Sunday and were guests of Mrs. J. Kennedy.! L, of Ott. ,Sunday 'last the C.r ''Dubli'lseld their monthly -meeting. The -new president, Mrs. W. J, O'- Rourke, opened the meeting with prayer and the, singing of a 'hymn, Followilg..the routine business, the president read the following :address to leers, James Shea; the retiring pres, Mont, The first 'vice-president, ' Mrs. Wm. O'Reilly, .presented a beautiful bouquet of pale .pink cantations 'to Mrs. Shea, Mrs. Shea •thanked the ladies for their gilt and remarked that it was a pleasure to her to work for -a charitable. society 'adiose chief aim was to serve 'God and their coun- try in every possible way. The address to Mrs. Shea was as follows: Dear !Mrs. Shea, On your retirement from the presidency rif the Dublin unit of the Catholic Wo- men's League, we wish to express our deep appreciation• of the zeal and devotedness with which you have fulfilled the duties of your office dur- ing the past two years. Under your able direction we 'have succeeded in contributing a considerable sunt of money towards the endowment of a chair of'Church History in St. Peter's Senrivary. It is also due to your ef- ficient management that our Local Branch is 'ranked high in diocesan activities, Y•ott have been untiring in your efforts -Towards making a. suc- cess of ,all. our ,social •functions. You have been an amiable hostess and we, your associates, have always found yott a staunch friend , and supporter. Y ur ' needy . is the generosity towards b g evident Brom the assistance given to charitable institutions, and at -bile same time youhave responded goner ously to • the requirements of the Church and Parish., All this was done in a quiet, unassuming manner and in a spirit of charity and -kindness which has loon the appreciation of all. As a slight token of our 'gratitude, we ask you to accept this small gift. Signed on behalf of the 'Ladies of the Catho- lic 'Women's League, Mrs., W. J. O'- Rourke, President. (Too late for last week.) ref rs. P. 3.I?i{oGrath spent Saturday lo 'Mitchell. 'Miss E. Rowland and brother Lil, of Walton, spent Sunday the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Pat. Rowland. Mi. P. Lunney and ,Mr, Mac Burns motored to 'Mitchell on Tuesday. BL•YTH. Mr. and Mrs. George 'Howatt, Wcstfiel'd. were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Root. McDonald on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Young spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Albert Sanderson. Mr, John Taylor, 9th line Morris. has purchased a new Pontiac 'sedan and ;afr. Robt, McDonald has pur chased a Ford sedan, - Miss Agnes Mason is visiting Miss Perna Rath for a few days.' :Mother's Day was celebrated, with beadtilul and appropriate services in the dhur•ches. In Queen st. United church the :morning service and Suh day sohool were united. A children's choir had charge of the singing. The front of the church was decorated with evergreens. At the opening' of the service :four girls and two boys entered, each carryin'g,a 'whi'te, letter, decorated ,with white roses. As e'acb' completed an appropriate verse, the letter w'as tacked to the evergreens until the word ''Mother" was -com- plete, Recitations were given by Evelyn Burling, Glen • Kechnie; a read- ing.by Melda1MciElroy, a quartette by Mir. Irvine !Wallace, IMrs. D. F1oody, Mrs. C. 'Burling, Mr. S. Leslie; a duet by 'Hazel and Erma 'Levee,with. chorus by choir. Dr, .Barnby spoke about the respect due to Mothers. In St. Andrews, mothers composed the choir for the morning ' service, Mrs Colin •Fingland sang "Mot'her's Way." Rev. G. Telford chose the subject, `!Behold the fowls of the air, etcee from the sixth cha'peer of Mat- thew. On -Sunday evening Trinity Church celebrated ebe occasion Iby having a Mothers' choir. Mrs. W. IB. 'Hawkins sang "The Gift" in splendid voice. 'In the sermon Mr. Hawkin's ,fittingly spoke of the faith of 'the mothers, pointing out 'tha't of mothers hadn't been faithful it would not be possible to leave a religious service in 'their honor- Bliss 'Carman's poem, "Givers of Life," .effectively 'completed the thought. Mr, Chas. Nicholson has purohased Mrs. Jas. Phelan, who is recovering 'iter health at the home or 'her father in Clinton, 'spent Sunday here. Mr, and Mrs, C. Johnston were guests on Sunday of :Mr, and Mrs. J. Grasby. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit and Mr, end IMrs. Thos. 'Grasby visited Mr. and iMrs, 'Winn,. Nefbit, B•rucefield, on ISun'dey. Mr. and 'Mrs. John M'cNichbl were guests on (Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 'Cameron, Brussels. IMr. ICh'as. Nicholson has engaged with Mr. James Marshall. for the runner.-: Mr. and Mrs. John rNive.na, of Teeswater, spent Sunday 'with, their.' daughter, 'Mrs. Wm. 'Cutining'ham., , Mr. Chas. Elliott, of Dungannon, spent Sunday with his niece, Mrs, Wee Cunningham.; nd and Mee. 'Mm's Henry ,Ridhmo James Richmond spent Thursday its Goclerieh visiting fliers. S. Cameron; who is Hein the hospital -there, IMr. ,Daniel McDonald has been DUBLIN. IMr, and M'rs. 'Janes Delaney :and Mr, acid Mrs, John Delaney motored to Istrathroy •to attend the funeral of 'lir, John Gallagher. Sunday Mary -Kenny spent 5 y in Stratford. the Mr. Leo Perry spent. !Sundaya t Baine of Mr. 'Philip Kenny. Miss Nellie O'RRourke visited her parents over 'the week -end. • Death of Mrs. Hastings. — The coniantuilty received a 'sudden shock oil Thursday snorn'ia,g on hearing of the death of Mrs, Catherine Has'Ginrgs, who .passed a'w'ay very suddenly about 6.15 a.m. Deceased had been ill only a few hours, She received the best ce attention from her many friends- who stayetd with her until the, end, She had resided in Seaforth for a few: months and on Wednesday had come to Dublin where she intended making 'her home. Her mother pre- deceased her a few years ago in Deb - lin. 'She leaves ito !mourn her two daughters, - Mary whois teaching school in Detroit, and Loretto who is attendiing 'business college in Chath- am, and one sister 'in 'Chicago. The funeral took •place on Saturday morn- ing to St. Patrick's .Clsurdh, Dublin, where Rev." Father'O'Drbskdsang the Requiem Mess. A large number of friends from the surrounding district gats to Ihelimeurorryeavhoant they to pof ohay rlest twill always remember. The pallbearers were L. T. Looby, Patincl. Woods, John Kenny. 'Pat, IBenn, Junes Red- mond and John Redmond. Inter- ment was made in St. Patrick's cem- etery; Mr, Wm. Dillon has purchased the property df Mr. C. ,Douglas. Mrs, Ed. 'Jordan, of Chatham, is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Judge. IMr. J'fack 'Burns, of Hibbert, is visiting with his niece, tides. Wm. Stapleton. •On Saturday afternoon a number of then and teams gathered at the High School grounds for the purpose of levelling the grounds for a bowl- ing (green and soft ball grounds. They were assisted by Mr. Alex. Darling's tractor. These grounds, when put itt shape, will be not only a credit but a source of much entertainment to our citizens and surrounding country. Mrs., John Arnold and family have returned from a visit with friends in Sault Ste. Marie. 'Miss Pearl Horan visited with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Curtin during the week -end. Mrs. Jos. Nagle entertained a num- leer of friends on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis MacDonald spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dill. Miss Mary Hastings, of Detroit, and Miss (Lore@to, of Chatham, at- tended the'funeral of their mother. Mrs. Potter and Mary Donnelly, of PAINTS &VARNiSIiES INTERIOR FLOOR PAINT Floors that are painted 'with Lowe Brothers "Hard Drying" Floor Paint require no scrubbing --simply mop them and your floors wi l be always clean. It is a floor enamel, which dries over night to a high gloss finish. Very easy to tpplyr, PORCH FLOOR PAINT Is made specially for 'veran- dah floors- It wall last ranch longer than may paint you have ever tried, for it is a hard, high -glass va1t , Heat, cold,. rain or saw the seeaping of feet, will not effect itwhen pro- perly applied . AUTO GLOSS Any amateur can finish his ear in a few hours with Auto - Gloss. It is a enamel finish of great depth and beauty, sold in a full range of popu- Iar colors. It flows on easily, leaves no brush marks and dries quickly to'.a petnnaneut finish. NEPTUNITE VARNISH STAIN Neptunite is PP 11 sthigih_grade Vatmsh Stain• Plant-tun and Woodwo ' of all , kinds. Vatntishea and Stains in one easy operation. The Stain colors are non- ' fading. Ne5,t.u,ute has splen did wearing qualities and Is not easily marred. Geo. A. Sills & Sons, Seaforth WEST BRODHAGRN, Mr, '' . A. Eckert is. busy erecting a .rhieken. hotise,liid when completed will hve; 'One of the 'fit}est hen houses a _ iii IvfplC,i.itoP: ' .,:. 'C,ha rtes E g' Mr.' and Mrs. ggert"and children, ,leers. John Eggert, Mrs. Henry Rapien,.took a motor trip to :Milverton on Sunday Past. Mr. and tides. 'Ezra Seebach and children, of Fullerton, 'were visitors al Mr, Wm, Kroehler's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, 'Reuben IBuuk, of Rostock, were visitors at the home z the latter's 'father, Mr. 'Henry'Det , on Sunday and Monday. ' Mr.HenryHenr 'Delta has treated hini-. self 'to a• new Chevrolet sedan. Mrs.' Wm. Gross, and'bMr:' :and aby and' ,Mrs. Geo. Leitch, of Blyth, 'called 'at Mr. 'Charles R'egale's last Sunday, -We got of a nice rain 'this week which ayill, no doubt,, deo a lot of good, as. the ground was getting very ,dry. Oats .are coming up nicely, .but the fall wheat is a failure. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Kuirs.and. sev- eral c'hildren and the former's 'sister, from (Bad Axe, (Mich„ were visiting in the neighborhood over the end of ,lest week. They used to live on It'he l2th iconcession of 'McKillop, but moved to 'Michigan some 20 years ago, • With 'deep regret it was -learned in this nei'gh'borhood of the sickness of their daughter Iris, of !Leamington,. were guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Cunningham. Rev, W. 13.,1Hawleins and IMr. S. Metcalfe are attending the Synod of Huron diocese in London ehis week. Mr, Asquith, of Auburn, a'ccon>,panied them also. Mr, and 'Mrs. Jas. Williamson, of Brussels, spent the 'week -end visiting, Mr. and Mrs P. J. Kelly. \Ir. add Mrs, Will Lane, of Clin- ton, spent the ,week-en'd at the home of J'as. Phelan, The_ntany friends of Mrs. Jas., Phelan a're, pleased to know she is improving. leer. T. E. Kelly hes purchased a new Chrysler cbaeh. Mr. and Mts. Jas._ Williamson, of Brussels, spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. Nelson N'icholsoti's. Mr. add Mrs. Jas. Morlm'tn, of Lunen , spent Sunday • with Blyth friends. .Mfr, and Mrs, C, H. Reese motored up from Rifdhener on 'Sun'day to at- tend the funeral of, Uhe, late •. Mrs, E. kidlborn. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse of 'Clinton will conduct the morning and even- ing services in Queen street United Church next Sunday. The Young 'People's Society of the United Church, Blyth, held an inter- esting debate in St. Andrew's Church on Monday evening, "(Resolved - that. soft. ball, basket .ball,• tennis,,panto- mimes, stunts, etc., obtain the results for Which they are intended." The ate- (irritative, upheld iby Bluevele, won. The negative was defended •by'Bruce- field. This -is the 'final debate of a series held by the Young !People. Dr. Barnby of Queen street United Church, presented the medals to the -winners. ' Death of Mrs. Hilborn..-.After .a few weeks' illness, there passed to her eternal rest, Mrs, Rosetta iHil- li'orn, widow of the late Envtnan'uel Hilborn, a -well esteemed citizen of Blyth, at her residence, ,Dinsl'ey St., on Thursday, •Itea'y 5th, aged 62 years. She was a daughter of --the late Eno'ch and Victoria Detwiler and came to Blyth with her husband and family 8 years ago where Mr. Holborn bad purchased the flour andchopping mill now operated by Messrs. Leslie Hilburn and 'Sidney 'Leslie. Her hats - band predeceased her some four years ago, She leaves to 'mourn her loss, one son 'and three daughters, - Leslie, of Blyth; lens's Mildred of Blyth; 'Mrs. Alfred Laleing of Freelton and Mrs. Robt, Wallace of ,Cedar Grove, N.J., one son Gladstone having .died while overseas. She also 'leaves one brother and five sisters, William of Roseville, Mrs, S. Stahl, of Galt; ,Mrs. Johnohn MBcGurn, offGuelph,KitcheMrs. Chas. Lang, of Bright, Ont., and Mrs. Al- vin ,Snider, Edmonton, Alta. 'The service was conducted from her late 'residence on Sunday by her' pastor, 'Rev. D.. 'Barti'by, of Queen Street United Ghurds df which she was a faithful member. "Going Down the Valley" was sung by the male quartette of Queen 'Street 'Church. There were !many beautiful floral tributes from church and friends. The pallbearers were 'Wm. -Detwiler, John Battler, A. W. Reborn, A. In- born, Ede Hiliborn, Jos. Hillborn, Re- latives and friends attended from Roseville, Kitchener, Galt, New Dun- dee, Ha'mil'ton, Preston, 'London and Brussels. the last eve weeks dining the building o'I-their pew barn, left there on Fri- day last. 'fast. our Reeve, Mr, F, J. ?McQuaid. We hope he will soon be better. IIiVestors u 0 0 rto ty i" Municipal Bankers Corporation and Montreal Debenture Corporation Dollar for Dollar 6P or cent $500 -_—Bonds --$1000 a Interest coupons payable halfy early at either the Dominion Bank or Bank of Commerce without charge'. We have scoured a small block of the above Bonds for immediate delivery— orders filled as ` received HIBBERT, 1Mr, Louts Atkinson and little son Jimmfe, Mrs.. Atkinson, Mrs. M, J. McMillan, Seaforth, and 'Mrs. P. Mc- Cann, Hibbert; spent Sunday last at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs: J. A. King, Wingham. 'Mr, and leers, J. Walsh, -McKillop, were vii'stors on Sunday 'last at the house of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mfrs. W. (Nigh, Tuckersmidi. IMr. Dennis :Barry, of Tuckersmith, and M?. and Mrs. John J. Dalton, Hibbert, attended the funeral of their 'cousin, Mr. John !Gallagher, on;d4Ton- day fast in Istrathroy. 'Miss Lizzie Taylor,` Tuckersanith, who has -been assisting 'her friend; Mrs. August 'Ducharme, H'iblbert, for A.,D. SUTHERLAND LAID -, General Insurance Real Estate Bonds, etc: Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 152, D, H, McInnes Chiropractor Of Winghem, will be at the _ Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons " Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. - Electricity used. ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Delaney were in Strathroy this week attending the funeral 'of the late IMr,: John Gal- lagher. t1'Sr. James Lane, of Stratford Nor- mal, spent the week -end at his home ie McKillop• Mr. Charles Malone, of Stratford, 'spent the week -end at his home here. 'lI'rs, 'Wm Dorsey, who hes 'been its Detroit, visiting her sister, Mrs, 11. Downey; Stas returned home. , (Miss 'Agnes Downey, of St, Jos- ep'h's 'hospital, London, was a visitor at the .home of her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. 1M !Downey. Mr. Thomas !McQuaid, of Strat- ford !Normal School, visited with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jos. (McQuaid;. ever the week -end, Miss Agnes O'Reilly, of Toledo, is visiting aft the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, O''Reilly, in Hib- bert. • IMr. Martin IMoQuaid, of Toronto. accompanied his brother,( Reeve Mc- Quaid, 'McKelop, Nome on Saturday. He returned to the city the sante day. , Miss Anna Atkinson, of St. ',lttich- ael's Hospital, Toronto, is -spending her holidays at the 'home of her parents,' IMr. and IMrs, Jos. Atkinson, Hibbert. 'Jblr, W. J. Cleary has treated him- self toa new Oldsmobile ear. The St.• Columban Literary 'Sooiety closed the season by holding their an- nual euchre and dance on Friday evening, May 6th. A most enjoyable evening wasespent in cards and dance ,Tlie -following were ,the. prize- winners: Ladies' first, 'Miss !Marie Flannery: gentleman's 'first, Mr. Michael !Downey; ladies' consolation, Mos. It]W..3, ,C1eary, and ,gentleman's consolation, 'Mr, 'Francis McQuaid, The prize winner for ducky chair was IMr. Fergus Horan, Invmediately aftec cards lunch was 'served, follow- ed by a few 'hours' spent ne dancing, • 'Many mothers have reason to bless 's r Mother Graves' Wenn tEaitermu oto , because it has relieved the little ones o. suffering and i5iadc them hea'lt'hy:` Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c. NOTLE Now is the time to get your Harness Repair- ed and Oiled. Don't wait, bring themnow as Spring is at tho door and you need;thent soon. Also don't forget the Shoes that need new soles and patching. Bring in the eggs and buy; Harness, Shoos and Fresh Groceries:at L. BENNEWI ES BRO HAGEN SAVE THE BABY CHICKS Make then strong, sturdy productive, EGG -LAYING Pullets, with Pratte Baby Chick Food. I'tcosts atrifle .more but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The extra chicks you save and raise, more than pay for all the syPratteourdealBaer—tlsere'by ChiciFs000ndyouenear use.you,, Ask Wrlto for Praha Puuftry Roab-FREE PRATE FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 328 Carlow Ave., Toronto our what will he be 9 Vj 7NETHER Merchant, Manufacturer or Professional VV Man, he will be better able to _make a name for himself if backed by Sufficient Capital. Why not begin now to accumulate that Capital? . Let the boy help. Open a savings account for him with the Government Savings Office where the total wealth of the Province is: your security. Withdrawals maybe made without notice. TORONTO BRANCHES: Cor. Bay & Adelaide Ste.; 549 Danforth Ave.; Cor. University and Dundas St. OTHER BRANCHES AT: Aylmer, ' Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa Owen Sound, Pembroke, Seaforth. St. Catharines, St Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock. 2 Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, M .nager Homs 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 5.35 A.M. 50 5 j;p,., 7 p.m. 50 9.59 pia. PROVINCE OF E VERYDEP V D,SYiGUA HEAD OFFICE AVINGS OFFICE l YARiOCOveghMENT F 15 QuEtss PARK