HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-04-28, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTFH NEWS` Snowdon :Bros., Publishers. ,WALTON�(via'ster J;ick and 'Miss Jean Graham. ho spent the holiday with .their cousin, Vera iG•ardiner have returned 1. to their L'oans in ,Acton. queness arid •.' historical associations, was tried out, Mr. McQueen's old 't. to e tai Stratford last' a a t 1,. /, i THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL• 28r.-1927 a very good <p}totoi.` progress and developments' in the' * siti ", ` ''d' , v ng: her areirts has -' Custocizan of the •Lica_ seal of a Fast twenty years; As keeper of the •• p ' , xeturtted Yd trat ....,.. .., ..., b ford,. g e . bee; ; G council: menu • . 1 r tlty as a re.. on ,sale of£ic fes .and oth , rc oro a .. � ,. i? .� �,, �P . �. rs- h.,� . , Mtsse"sRvei .m :.'.arrd:',Ann ;. Unlike saltie''of the paraphetna'lfa.of •;has•a'tneticulofls regard £orl;acchrae y ta d' wit, Y of and orid inn, and atx-ntild week=end, swift mediaeval days that have come down orderly system,. In the:dtys�a;friend's�'f .arackho B$ , aecom to maderti usage. and have, little, > to •year or !two. ago: when the portion W. , Mrs. . `V1, Stank ' .: J, ha •e��a co i- cooat'mend'thent beyondtheirpictures-,-a'1°'re res'entation�sskein .of'"va,i N4, c mpa! ,P . y" , Voting ltd i5 Mr. .aa cI 'Mrs. G. 'W. Jackson at- tended the, funeral hoer their aunt; :'Mrs, Th mss Banana, of 1St, 'Marys; - -ast the res 'seal goes n document vote-countingwas int g t g H a o t simple as ,the A ,B C to him, acid 'while other etrug gled,in an•endeavor -to understand t, the greet, seals tdf ,t'hc., city is the sysn adeptness in ,arithnletie sto:od; him its 1 'i ' 'wee -. 1ltgse tivhlo h t,� r „r d e eturned to their hoLof the honor of its people. When good stead. The sonicatesystem of of out es , t teaeh;ng .scMar ares _ 'Miss Edna a M rkh a :• c a n ins M Gm;iia McDloaia'ld to Palertno Mliss am; Miss Vera Pepper, to' . Mount Forest; Miss Grace Ross; • to 'Windsor,.' '• Mr. and- Mrs; Hugh Aikenhead g„ t head and little daughter Anna, spent eche week with 'friends is London: - Rev. -and Mrs, W. D. ``alc'Intosh-attd sons,.'Grant, 1Bsuce and Laurie, of Embro-•spent.a few days with friend's Here last week, Mr, 'Ed, was in London ;Boyce last week, The uiotleltly meeting of the U, F. W.O Clu v b vas held th d a e ho of h, e t m Mrs. A,' 't-aldwell"' last 11TV•Cdntstlsy,':; Mrs. 'W.. Douglas-. had a vely, inter esting paper on 'Stalling Point for Ir ippin'essl' The next meeting is ro be' !held at,, the home oif Mrs. C. Thursday. 'and thereto is attached, the signature M. and,'Mrs: JOS. Davidson, of of :the ,city` -clerk 'there is +com leted f•or}dolt; called,on friends here. the' sacred ,bo!nde i ''contract'. of tire and some ''never did actually under - Me Mr. actually rand Mrs. J. "H; 'MdLaughlitr • 'i' I •� stand, d: ; people it the city t; McQueen. found it and Eileen spent 'last Wednesday seal and the signature o£ the citychild's work to "make the compilations with Mr. and•Mrs. Gavin Davidson, and conductp • thirst, a, civic document is not valid in a the transfer of ballots; of 1Wroxet&. a court of law.",Since abi formal docu- But P.R. in its Teuton -like cumber - MPS. Mr�., Jas. Mowbray, who been meats of a city 'must bear rte's' ata- sameness of efficiency :aro ed too Y g y I v o visiting friends, returned to Detroit ture+of the clerk, it stand' .Ito reasontedious for a C' nadiart community 1 ,s . : , a tty' on .Monday: ,that there - is it great responsibtlity 'and .ev�en:Mr. 'McQueen is perhaps, not. Miss Helen 'Somerville spent her res'tin on. •the. •shoulders• of'athet 'of- so very sora that it disappeared. Easter holidays with her grand- g r Y Fp ficial Cnnadta'ri ` ,c'ite's have .same 'Whatever election sylstem is in vogue mother•, 'Mrs. Archie Somerville, of very utotable city clerks today. Sonne it is on Mr, McQueen that the re- r, Seafoi th. of ‘them have became personalities •sponsibhlilty' of its efticieiicy .rests be- Mrs. be- Mr . 'Naylor and Lois'returned 'to s Ydts'tinat by themselves, but in point of cause he is -ex-officio •the returning 1 Rochester, N, , sofficer .h efficiency these i none whoexcelsin o fi er in the battle of civ' 11 nc tote s io a _the ic'ba its Y Miss Jane'Dundas spent a few da s • this a I D sl t w Y this. quality that of the genial 'Clerk sof year ay year.'Working a in closest with her grandmother,'Mrs 'Dantdas'William r 1 ,. the City of Vancouver. Me- 'hamm'ony with more than twenty in Seofo'rth. 61uee'n in the City 'Cl'erk's offiee -seems councils the city 'Clerk has bean a• The President ,fook char ge of the " g , to the average ind'ivi'dual its essential 'wise and faithful adviser in 'correct Endeavor meeting in )Duffs church a pant of Vancouver as does ,Siwesh procedure as to 'measures ' 'taken 4by on Sunday evening owing to the ab- Rock or the 'Lions. :Not that ,there is previous councils and in' municipal sence of the two leaders. The topic anything so venerable about the 'City rtuestions of a ,technical character. •Mr. of the evening was taken by (Rev. Clerk yet, because he is good far a McQueen is 'aleo a Justice of the • Mr, Maines, „ on. the book, "The long Period, of useful years ahead of Peace and frequently acts in that ca - Larger Fellowship." - 'him, But to the 'bus'ines's interests and pacity. Ii'e' is an active. m'em'ber of. The United Church is p'reparin'g to the delegations of public bodies the Masonic craft. ' . He is an ardent for its Softball: season, having enter' who wait on the 'Council, and to. aid- supporter of outdoor sp'ou'ts and has ed two .teams in the Pi'esliytery. Lea-, ermen past and !present; he seems to painticipated in `baseball and -nursing. goe. Mr, (Harvey Johnson 'tvill be be, always on the job and doing ',his Ile is also an enthusiastic and skill captain for 'fife season. A commit- job well. Alter 'twenty years in the fol 'lawn,'bnwler, having won s. nb'm- tee will meet. this week • to decide on City Hall it naturally follows that her of brophi'es for his proficiency on the details. Mr: McQueen is a highly :respected the green. He 'has also held the Miss Somerville, of Ahnonte, is individual n ra let chair. d among the civic 'staff. P est its c air. of the M. C. Lawn staying -with her sister, Mrs, D. J. Kindly, geinial, patient and imperturb- Bowling 'Association. 'Personally, McFarlane. ed, there is always a pleasant answer Mr. McQueen is unpretentious, arm - Mr. H.'Clarkcis able to be out again from the Cityy Clerk. Many ableand kindlydisposition andad- after undergoing an e e'ration for a - @ Mau t officials sol loot e g g P p are inured to giving courteous an- mirabte qualities as a citizen have pendicitis a ,short time ago. sneers, of course, 'tut ,there are -few endeared 'him literally to 'thousands E. Radford unloaded a oar of Wes- who have to answer so matt queer of the citizens of' Vancouver:" Y tent oats this 'week. • and apparently eidiculousebnes as -the A meetingg was held _ 'i'n No. 10 The Orange 'Society had it social Y City Clerk, But himself the soul of schoolhouse, Stanley, last week, for evening in the A. 0.' U. W. half on sincerity. bar. McQueen . believes the purpose of appouttmg,some one Tuesday of this,- week. every 'inquirer to be sincere. in his to take the place of the late Mr. Mr. end 'Mrs: J. Carter visited Mrs. query and - deals with it accordingly. I r)Thos. Baird , •on• The committee fin A. Dundas on 'Sunday. Aldermen and councils come and 'go. charge of Bait'd's -cemetery. His 'son, Mrs. 'D, Holmes attended the fun- but the 'City Clerk goes on from year Mr. T. B. Baird, was elected, and also enel of. her brother-in-law' on Tues- to year. It is more than twenty to act as Secretary -Treasurer. day.. years now since he took up in. the J• Marshall is improving nicely and City Hall in succession to Tobi Me - will soon be able to be Qui again. Guiga'n, who was 'the lfirst City Clerk (Bob, Campbell visited with J. the city had. 'Like many other sac - Carters over (Sunday. cessftil men in the West, Mr. Mc - 'Miss Addie Cardiff le visiting with Queen casae originally from Huron Mrs, W. Woods this week. County in, the Province of Ontario. There was'a large crowd at the He is a bachelor of arts of Toronto dance in the A. O. U. W. hall on Fri- University,where he was an day night. honors Mrs. 'Plias. Marshall is visitingwith is the in `mathematics. oughtPerh' n is the uality, that brought (him Mr, and Mrs. J. Marshall for the honors in his academic studies that past week. have so 'well adapted hint for a work ' Mrs. R. Coutts attended her broth- in which 'lt'e has been -conspicuously er's funeral at Jamestown on Monday successful, orderliness, precision and rat` this week. exactness of methods essential in Quite a "number attended the Can- niathema'tics beingalso needed in the Rata in Brussels on 1',re'duesday even- . ing of last week, Clerk dutiesnof evo clerk. City con - Mrs. (Graham had fihe misfortune to strClerk 'McQueen has devoted corporation non cut her Shand severelylast week, 'but. Vancouverncu'e sincetalents tthe Previously e it is progressing favorably under the hadhola1906.o-Previously h - doctors 'care,- had Loth the same pos't's' City Clerk Itiiss Margaret Alexander spent land, where he was both Clerk an Treasurer r surer for ine yearn, so that the Easter holidays visrl'n F •i t t end's fn •� g he has been ecu t with C occupied m u ' municipal al ' Toronto. She has resumed her teach- pp ing duties again, work in aroillrund yea Columbia continuous- ing y Miss Elsie Dodds, who has been ly for arounca 30 years. His lengthy spending the Easter vacation at her on questions 'has moue '.hint procedure, expe 'bonne in McKillop, returned to Mill- on knowledg of municipal issl to Itis knowledge of which admitted 'to bank by motor -on Monday ,to resume be complete. 'In the specialized busi- her duties as 'teacher in one ni the mess, responsibilities, and procedure schools in that district. of city clerking he is recognized as an 'ttsthority. He is familiar with -every: BRUCEFIELD. angle of every problem that can arise In High Position. - Another of in his own particular field of en- Brucefield's sons who has gone out deavor. If ever a local historian :sets into the world and attained a high in to compile the history of Van - position of trust and responsibility is cauvcr in detail, it is from William Kate .McGregor to Markha Miss Margaret Ross, of Seaforth, was visiting her aunt,/ 'Mrs. W. 13erry last week. 'Miss Grace Hunter, of )London, who lfas been visiting with (Mrs. J. 'Ketches -1S has retu'rn'ed 'borne. She was arcoinpanied by Mrs, Ketchen and ,daughter, Ii`a,theri_ne.. Miss' Eva Boyce, who -underwent an operation dor appendicitis in Sea- ford Hospital, has returned home. Misses >Kath'leen Snider and Edna Bremner, who were visiting in' Lon- don, have returned tb their homes. Mrs. J. Grainger and d'aug'hter Evelyn, , l'so Audrey 'Swan;, have ee- turued,,from Kippers where they have been vfsithig, - ' Mr, Ross Chapman has purchased a McLaughlin touring.car and Mr. Harry Norris a (Chevrolet. IYDr. 'ho'bert McNaughton, principal of the Tiiamesfo'rd Public school, who has, been visiting at the home of his parent's, . 'Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Naughton, over the Easter holidays, has returned, i The wind .took the 'roof off Mr. Miss Ethel.'Warrener, of London, Farquhar's •barn /last week. is visiting at the hoine of her aunt, Mr, 'Wm. Taylor, of the'Stili con- lairs, Thai. Dayman. cession of Stanley, has ,had a slight 'Mrs. John Moore, -of MacLennan,. attack of the flu. Algoma, who has been spending a Mrs, Jas. Reid, of -Clinton, :has re- few weeks visiting with friends here, turned Itomefrom'Flin't, after visiting has -returned home, accompanied by' her -husband and other friends, Mr. her brother, Mr. Jas..Dayman. Reid has a good position and 'intends ' Mr. Joseph 'Daytman has rented his staying -there until the threshing brother James' farm ,for- this season, sciason. Her father, ' Mr. James Mc- and as this gives him 200 acres be Clinchey, of 'Clinton, visited his bro-work he has had- Mr. Wm Deitz help- Cher, iAlbent McClinchey, 'Goshen ing him with his tractor. line,' during her a'bsence. The neighors and friends of Mr. A number of svotnen of the auxin- Warren Schilbe, who had, his 'barns aries ere `attending the meeting of blown down, are busily helping 'h'im the Huron Presbyterial in Goderich in any way they can to'get -tie build - lo -day (Thursday), lugs replaced. '1Mr, and Mrs, Ross Scott motored Mir. Johnson, of Stoulfville, visited' to 'London on 'Sunday to visit ehos last week at the home of 'Mr. John uncle, Andrew Beattie. McCowan,` Grace aard 'Stewant ' IOaivert, tfrom Mr. Alex, Mustard, Sr„ still con•.. Ilderton, who were visiting their tiues very'poorly, unc 1,' ' lc 2r, John Gn,ur a er ,have C 1'e- Mr.'lir. gN mart 'Wheeler, of Detroit, turned to take up their studies at visited hie parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. hone 'again. Thos, Wheeler, on Sunday, Rev. W. A. 'Bretmter is on a busi- [Report of Easter examinations at nen trip to Toronto .this week. S. S. No, 3, Sr. IV.--(iPass 450, Misses Mary and Margaret Mc -honors 560,) Margaret 'Watson 560. Donald, of Kippen, visited -at the Mary Papplc 5'19, •Greets Broadfoot home of Mrs. Jas, 'Thompson fast 514, Mayne Chapman 491, Beth El - week. liott 449, !Helen Munroe 410,. Eriva Miss Irene ;Snider spent the week- -Walter 386, 'Ella. M. Scott 373, John end' at the 1toine of 'ter parents, Mr, ,Brdadfoot 306; Marie Elliott (absent). and Mrs, John 'Sn'ide'r. Miss Snider Jr, Il'. -•(Pass 200, honors 260.) sang a solo at the Young People's ,gab McCartney 248, Elizabeth song service on (Sunday. Broadfoot 234, Carrie 'Oke 2311,'Clar- Miss Margaret Aikenh'cad, of Wes- erice Taylor '170. terve'lt business college, and Mr, 'Sr, ITh -'(Pass 200, honors 260,) r. 11 m, 1vicQueen, who is a brother McQueen that lie will fall back en I canard B f the • .'..i --' s II, -PASS zoo ( honors 260 Iiary3rd 'Walter .238, Arthur 231 ;, . Ii.. -.D •lbert Taylor, J e a to „Wright�40: Y I„ -- r. 1st+,Glass, Gass=:'275,,, ,'hanors.350.) Bobby. De(ryniple 397, W. D..'Wilson 383, a� r. } .ala 1 Papp'le 331,, •Beatrice A:tin- strong 283. ,Sr. . Pri cr 'Pas m ( s 180, ,honors 226.) Annie Pappie 127'6, Alice Wright 270, Gertrude Walters 259. • • Ruby 'h Tayhir, Teacher. - BLYT L Mr,_.and Mrs: TWill Devereaux and little o'n Joseph, spent -Sunday:at' the home of their parents, 'Mer. and Mrs. Jas. Kelly,,, Mrs, M. ,Curtin and Miss Annie Curtin, of Seaford, spent the week- end visiting Aft. and -Mrs. P. J. •Kelly. 'Miss Mary 'Healy has returned to Lucan after spending her Easter holi- day .here. - Miss /Loretta.'Hea'ly has returned t Stratford t c oro ore e sum he . studies e� at the Normal there, - Mr. Fei' a ,I{ left Fergus Kelly le l .Saturday for Stratford to attend Normal school, Mrs J. T. 'MctOaughey entertained some of her lady friends to a tea' and quilting bee 'Friday, Miss 'Gwen 'Strowdoti has returned t to her s'choo'l atter ,spending her Easter holidays at her home in Sea. forth, • 'Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Riley and ditil, dren ,spent Sund�,,y� with ` Mr. and Mrs. C. Nichols'o8.' Mr. and :Mos: -Nelss'oni Nicholson visited Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Nicholson, Harlock, oh 'Sunday. ' Mrs: Geo. 'Potter and Mrs. Cliff Yeo spent Thursday with •Mr, and Mrs. Ab; Nesbit. M'r. miff 'Mrs. Clarence Johnston visited Mr. and • Mrs, Andrew Sloan of Walto'n•, Mr,• and Mrs. Alfred 'Nesbit, • of Auburn,.. were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mee. Thomas 'Granby. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. McClure, Rox- boro, were •gtiests on' Sunday of 'Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fear, Mr, -and Mrs. Thos. 'Laidlaw end Mr.'and 'Mrs. David Laidlaw and Mises Janet' Laid- law, visited Mr. and Mrs.. Jas, Laid- law, Auburn, on Sunday. M'r. and . •Mrs. Milton Siem and 'Mrs. Andrety Siem, of Mount Forest, visited Mr. and Mrs. ,Colin Fingland, on Sunday. A sad death ,occurred early Monday mern'itig when Mr's. John Scott pass- ed away at 'her home on the eighth line of Morris. 'Mrs. Scott 'had been ailing for some time end was 'confined to bed the past two' weeks, Her. S11 - nese was not considered so serious and death came as a shock to the community as 'Mrs..1Scott was highly valued as 'a kindly neighbor. Mrs. Scott, whose maiden name was 'Han - malt Fraser, avas 63 years and 11 months. She was born on. the boundary in eHuilett within a milt of 'Blylth, her father, 'Hugh Passer, hav'in'g moved 'from Nova. Scotia, Her life was spent ,there and in Blyth. Abotst 30. years ago she married John Scott and has since lived in Morris. Four stern and one brother ter survive• Mrs. Seeley, Mrs, VaniEginond Mrs. Mackay, all of Cleveland, and 'Mrs.. Fred Baggit, .Albibh, Mic'h:, and Mr. Chas. Fraser, 'Blyth.' Three 'broithers, Daniel, James and Donald; of Blyth, died some years ago. The funeral was lid Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her home. lir 'Morris to Union cemetery. Rev, Geo. Tetlord conducted the ';services. The pall- bearers were Meesrs, J. H. Fear, Wm. Pollack, Jas. Richmond, David .Laid- law, Alex. Smith and John Craig. ' White Bros.' 'butcher shop and tRo- hent arcKay's jewelry store were 'Evelyn • i o i , tered ou Tuesday ttrght ,last 'week and to Vlrs. James McQueen, Brucefield; for the oyct. a to Normal. Billy Caswell 311 f'vel •n W is t 301 great .bulk of his information, school, London, who have been Janet Watson 295, Ge'rdo:ti Wright money 'taken. The thieves • entered Mrs. James Walker. Tuckersmitth, While Mr. McQueen )has custody of spending their Easter holidays at 240, Robert Pappte 100, 'Bruce Arm- Mc Ka 's store 'la 'brei `t and Mi, 'George Watts, Clinton. The the council and tits, records hitt their homes here, 'heave . returned to strong 169. y Y ku g in the memory also rotairos in a remarkable � London r, III bathe door At White's they 'broke contains the following, together with high lights (Pass 200 honors ¢60 } h 1 Municipal News of 'Britis'h Columbia, the 'glass in the door and reached to manner the in the civic Miss 'Edna 'Thompson, who was Jean •Watson -321, Willhe ?apple 248. and unlocked the door. About $200 AVE Thr S' /Ric::At'i PAI NTS AN r� VARNISHES MAi1E-1N CANADA For Ritcliena and . Bathroom Walls and other surfaces 'sub subjected to constant and severe use; Mello -Gloss excels. It dries with a beautiful semi -gloss -finish; is washable; is very durable and econ- omical: is easily applied; dries' evenly' . and quickly,- and is sold in sixteen ;banning colors. Will not torn white; are not affected by heat or cold, will not mar under hot'' dishes or boiling water. Will not scratch or chip under the wear and tear of feet. Is tough; elastic; produces a 'rich gloss and is very economical. Made -iota In - 514 and Outside ugp. Linduro differs from oliher good enam- els in that it does not pull under the brush; it has adepth of tone and quality of whiteness that it is unsurpassed; it levels out perfectly and will not show brush marks. Will lastfor many years. with frequent washing and ordinary wear. HIGH STANDARD Liquid Paint is made especially for outside use. Its ingredients are selected with utmost.care, ground exceedingly fine; pro. duces a very high gloss, :easy. to apply, very durable and costs 31i a cent per sq. ft. The most economical and durable paint sold. Comes in thirty colors. Is made especially for Verandah Floors." It is a Varnish Paint that produces a tough, elastic, high gloss surface that ther,dearwear,thescrapingof V ndaes hFuniture or careless feet. 'Gomes in six popular shades in all sizes, and is econ- omically priced, ..,l A. Sii S & SONS, SEAFORTI-I was taken in money and jewelry at McKay's ant about $5 from the till at 'White's. Money ,put away separ- ately eparately In a'nlather-part of the store was utrtouched. , The thieves as yet have not been apprehended, - Dr. J. C. Ross of Harriston 'has purchased the ,practice of Dr. :Shipley, who is •i11. Dr. Ross tastes charge this week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw of Au- burn Mit for Toronto on Tuesday. 'Mrs; Laidlaw will undergo treatment in the hospital there. A Mother's Choir is preparing 'for the services in St. 'Andrew's: Church on Mother's Day. Mrs. C. N. Yeo of Windsor, Mt', and Mrs, Geo, :Patter and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Nesbit were guests of Mr, and M.S.S. John Yeo on Sunday., 'Dr. Hugh McCall and • bar. John Scott of Milton visited "fri@tads and relatives 'duping the past week, Miss Clara ,MdGovalie is recovering from an operation for tonsils in :Sea - forth hospital Miss Ida' Mc•Go-wan underwent a similar operation on Tuesday. Mrs. E. Hilbotn is quite (seriously il•1:' Sler many friends 'hope -to hear of iitnprovetnen't So her condition. Mrs. John Craig left last'Wednes- clay for ,Iilichigalt where she 'will un- dergo tan operation in 'a hospital, Her. brother-in-laW Dr. 'David 'Craig, ac- companied her. A 'Chaelraan doctor has been callled. to 'attend Mrs: Sian'psoc ,McCall,'She is making satisfactory improvement. Edna and Katherine McDonald spe'n't a few days ivrt'h their aunt,'Mrs J. Smith, Mrs. E..Ball spent Sunday with her friend, 'MTS. J. Young, 'Miss Laura (Reid of 1Godericlt speint a few hours' on 'Saturday with Miss Elva Ric'h'mond, • Miss Jean !Pate of ,London normal -pent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T'ho'mas Patte, The C.P.R. is putting on the morn,. Mg and evening trains again 'com- mencing on Monday, May 2:Th s '• willmorning train willarrive at 7.35 and the evening one at 8.30. They .are also builrlititg a new steel ,water tank," Mr. A. Leslie of Freeitou is visiting with his son, Councillor S. G. Leone, One of 'the Motor busses of the Otveti SotinteGbderich 'bus line br'al•cs down a anile: north of IBlyrh on'Mon day at noon, No one was hart, The funeral took place from tile.) I212' train o;L.Tuestlay of Mrs. .!Cham- ber'lain of 'Montreal, Shd- wail former- ly-i re'sid'ent' of ;Bly'thl 1 t osch ; ?]=nine of � ' 'rte tol, visited at the 'loi me of, lief' brother; Mr..S, G. 'Leslie, the hitter ' part of last week. Tlie S rh Choral - ciet - present- ed 50 Y p „ ed •their cantata Jto_sepIt3s Bondage, ea' a fell house in'f3russels on Wed- nes'day'eve'ning ofl'ast week. They, ire.:gia4hg it'itt Hens'all• Friday even- ing of •this :week, DUBLIN.• ' a ' Miss Rose O'Connor „ entertained few friends Sunday evening. M'isse's Theresa -and hfary IMcCor- nnick-.returned hholne 'from Parkhill on Monday after• spending"the Raster holidays with ;their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath spent Sunday witli'.the latter's uncle,.: Mr. Tli'os. Geary, ef•,Seafortia who i$ seni- , � McGrath spent bins. Bernice McC r th Sat- urday in Mitchell. himself • Mr; Ed.,, Tyers has treated . to a 'new Essex oar, M' LizzieRyan,of Seaforth tss , spent .iSund•ay vei,eli her- mother; ''}'sirs. lest. Ryan: , - Misses Evelyn 'Delaney and Eliza beth Murray have' returned to Wind- sor to resume their duties as Math - ens, Miss Mary 'O'Rourke has returned te. Chatham. , Mr, 'Francis Gallagher '(las return ed:to, psis home in Stratihroy after spen'ililtg two ,weeks a't ,rite home of uncles; Messrs, 'Jahn and Jantes (De- laney, '(vols Esther .Ryan has returned to Windsor. Oil, April 20th the ladies of the Altar Society and Catholic 'Women's 'League 'held a .shower for the twin b'ablieseof ,Mr, and Mrs: Patrick Row- land, Many useful -articles were pne- sented and Mr..and Mrs, ` Rowland wish to thank the members for their kind thoughtfulness. - .Mrs. 'Carbert, of Seaford, spent the week -end with her ,deugleter, Mrs. Geo. Holland, Jr. Mr, E. Murphy has returned from Hamilton, where 'he spent Easter week, . . Mrs. James Cronin has returned from a visit with friends in Detroit. Dr.. and. Mrs. Traynor spen t Sun - MissLondon, Miss •Anna Molyneaux has secured a l>os'itioit ht Kitc'hen'er and left for there 'Wednesday. A dance is 'being held. in St, Pat - tick's hall, April 29th,ander the aus- pices of the C. W. 1.. neohtel's or- chestra in attendance. Mr. Leo 'Gleason is engaged paink- ing'and 'papering Cdlumban, 'His Lo-d's'ht'p M. F, Fallon, of London, wilt admter confirmation Imre on 'Friday morning at 10'o'clock to a ,class +of 'seventy-five. )3lss aviary 'Doyle, of Detroit, visit- ed friends 'in Dublin on Tuesday, G QM RTY, -R 41 -. ,;11,4 '- it's. -Archie Lu.` :oats etit '&. p Sunday im .Exeter, ti t 1 arlc and childr Mrs. 1Vori at P en of'Mitchell, spent (Easter week will her sister, Mrs. Walter Marshall. - :Miss Lizzie Hamilton is visiting in Exeter', :•- Mrs. Diutcnn 'Hay and daughter t Hazel, :of 'Stratford, -•spent a few days last week at the home of Ivies: May's brother, Mr. Taos. Hoggar'th. IMr. William 'Hamilton had the misfortune to break two, of his cribs last week. s 'Mr. and cNlns. Mac. McKellar, of (Seaforth, spent the weelc-end with Mr. McKellarls parents, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex, MoKellar, Miss -Evelyn Cthi'ttick, 'of Granton;, e' visitvn he',' who has been g gra tother, .Mrs, A. Robertson, return t n , ISun'd Y to her1 tome. on a , �, Miss Mary 'McKaig, of,Hens If s. spent the week -end with her cousin, "Miss Christina McKswig,' Mr. and Mrs. Patten visited at home of 'Mr, and Mrs.. S. A. Muller on Sunday.. :Mrs, (Rev.) R. 'G. McKay and children, have, returned -her' home-stt Walkerton' after siperrding a week at the home of 'her. 'paren!ts, Mand Mrs J''s, Scott, ardiner 'Missa'Verdi Ghas retur.rned to Sirncoe where she is' attending ,Ooil'legiate. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Frank Golding an • t Gordon a r ot Gor n nd M , and M �i. s Mrs. P" Farrow called -'at the bottle :of Mr, Duecan McKellar on Sunday. Mr, 'Harry Norris is wearing a happy smile over the arrival- of an- other .girl. 'Mer. and Isirs. Co Harper, of Grea- ten, visited at the 'home of ,Mrs. Rob- ertson on Sunday. Quite a. number from here attended the play in'Staffa",town hall. Wednes•• Mrs. Speare has returned home af- ter spending .the winter month's in Toronto, - 'Corns are. caused by the pressure of tight boot's, but MO one need 'be troubled ,with them long when 'so simple a remedy as,Holloway's 'Corn Remover is available, D, H. McInnes - ehiropractor Of 'Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and ' Friday Afternoons ,_ Diseases of all kinds euccess- fully treated. ' Electricity used. NOTIE Now is the time to get your Harness Repair- ed and Oiled."'Don't waift bring g thesri now as Spring is at the door and you need them soon. Also don't forget the Shoes that steed new soles and patching. l3ring in the eggs and gi; buy; IIa,riiess, Shoes and Fresh Groceries"at .L,. BENNEWIES B.RODHAGEN 11 i At jC1� RO F. oPFSAVINGS OFFICE tam AND tebta AIDEESTREETS TORONTO Tt`112 /,il ; Seaforth Branch, J, M, McMillan h: .nagex- Hours 9,50 a.m. to 5 p,ai, Saturday 8,30 a,m. to 5 •. ,,, 7 pan. to 9.30 5.05 c-� PROVINCE OF EYER):'DEPOS/767/ HEAD OFFICE >AVINGS OFFICE (( ONTARIOCOVER/VMENT teee l5 QUEENS t3ADK e �R-ID6LIS i�'