HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-04-14, Page 5THURSllA,Y, ,APRIL
14, 1927.
For dinner tonight and snake
a hungry man happy, He knows
=ebat when he gets a generous.
elice of our roast beef, with
;pottoes and some green vege-.,
fables, he won't get up fromthe
table dissatisfied,
Phone 58 Seaford%
Your Butcher.
Red & White
ehain Stores
Otis Prices for I. Week from Date
California ' Dandy
Dorn on Cob, 5 cobs in tin. 25c
Pemontoes, 3 tins 25c
Corn Flakes Sery-us pkg. ' 11c
P. G.Nar,
tha1 beds tOc
p Soap, 0 ,
SPECIAL for Saturday and
Schneider's Smoked Cottage
Rolls, finest procurable, half
or whole lb 28c
Ross J. Sproat ne 8
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
- If its groceries we have them.
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
ap, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons -
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used,
Rise & in !Camp.—Explorers, sur -
eaves, prosp€ctorsand hunters will
ileett Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil very
useful in camp.;'When the feet and
legs are•wet and cold it is well to rub
chem freely with the Oil and the re -
XIII .will .'be the prevention of rains in
i Muscles and should .a cut, or con-
tusion, or sprain be sustained, noth-
big could be betteras a dressing or
Wa s Walker
Motor or Horse Equipment
r r
Vt , J, .Vy A1;�.ICER, holder of Go-
verntttent diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day' phone 67.
T� i pcs
w Mta..m.
Mr. Alex. Menzies, of Wingham,
spent the .weep -end with his sister,
Mrs. Albert Harrison, McKillop.
Mrs. Neil Gillespie had the mis-
fortune to :fall on the attic stair and`
hurt her hand.
IIr. and Mrs. G. W. +Spencer and
children are spending the Easter
holidays at Port !Colborne,
Mr. W, G. W. Fee ieaves' this week
to visit his daughter, Miss Eva Fee,
who is teaching at Worthington.
Mr, and Mrs, 'George-,IWhitesides,
of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs,
S. Boyd.
Mr. Reg. Reid, ofStratford, spent
Sunday at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, of
Goderich, were guests at the home of
Mr. and 'Mrs,, J.. Sclater,'
.,las, IHuntel<, of 'Clinton, was the
guest of 'Miss Nan' Campbell,
Mrs. A. McQuaig and 'Gracie are
spending the Easter holidays With
her daughter, Miss Marjorie Me-
Quaig, in Toronto,
Miss Violet Rankin spent the week-
end with friends in Walton. -
Mr.. and 'Mrs. Forbes and children
and Mrs. Richardson, of Brantford,
were week -end guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, 'Oscar Nell.,.
Mr, and Mrs. G. McTaggart and
s Johnstone spent the week -end
'ill Toronto,
Mrs, Irving'Sut'herland, of Owen.
Sound, who was formerly Miss Lil-
lian Wilson, recently underwentanoperation for appendicitis in .that city.
Mrs. R. H. Peck spent a few days
with her cousin iu Clinton.
Mrs. D,ougalI, of 'Hensel', sp
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.
R. Rennie,
Mrs, John Sproat andMrs.Russ
Sproat are visiting friends in Detro
Mrs, Clen. Colbert, of London,
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, Henry Cash has not rent
her residence on James street and
till ofTering same for sale'
Rev, 'W. D. McDonald and Re
W. P. Lane motored ,to Goderich
'Monday to attend a meeting . of t
xecutive of the Presbytery of Hurt
Mrs. John Straiten, of 'Goderic
who has been visiting at the .home of
Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Chesney for the
past six weeks, returned hone on
Miss la
M 55 Glad Shfllmv w
Ys and I tt
Death of Mrs, • George Knox.—The
death oecurred on :Sunda morning
y, mo Ing
about nine- o'clock of Mrs. Geo, Knox
at the home of her ; daughter, Mrs.
Isaac Rapson, Mrs, Knox had been
in failing health for some time and
had been bedfast for the past six
weeks, 'Mrs. Knox was the second
youngest daughter of early` pioneers
of this country, Alexander Watt and
Ann 'Me)Wiiliam'Wati, natives of Ab-
erdeenshire, Scotland, and was `born
'her t,1Binbrook, near • Hamilton, where
parents first settled in Canada.
1When four years of age she came to
Mullett township. She was the last
surviving member of the family of
eight children which carne to `Huron
by wagon in the early days in com-
pany with their parents. She lived on
the 13th concession, lot 6, until her
marriage to Mr. George Knox, sixty
years ago on June 13th next, and 'mov-
ed across the road to the farm which
had since 'been her .home. Her hus-
'band died about eleven years ago and
she had ‚spent the winters with her
daughter, returning to her own home
for the summer, but for the past' nine
monthe she •had made her home with
her daughter. In the early days -she
had taught a class in the old 'Sunday
school at 'Flarloek, and always tool.
an active part in the work of the La-
dies' Aid of Burns' 'Church, " She is
survived by one daughter, Mrs: Isaac
Rapson,'lHullett, and two sobs, 'Wits
limn H. Knox, Mullett and John
Knox, Caledonia, Clift, A soft, James,
away two weeks ago and the
late George A, Knox"of Iiarloclt was
also a son. Mrs, Alexander Watt, of
Clinton, is a sister-in-law, and Mr.'
Alex. -Smith, Brussels, a brother-in-
law of the deceased lady. The fune-
ral took place on Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the home of her
daughter, service being conducted by
ent I Rev. James Abery of Londesboro,
M. The pallbearers Were Messrs, Robert
Ferris, Wesley Beacom, David Reid,
ell Alex. McEwing, Thos. (Knox and T.
it. Neilans. The beautiful floral tributes
is bore silent testimony -to the love' and
A, esteem in which a faithful mother and
true friend was heldrby her family and
ed the community. Among those from a
is distance who attended the funeral
were Mr. John Knox, Caledonia; Mrs.
v. Wm. Ingles, Mrs. Finch, Mr. and
on Mrs. Zerbach, of Stratford;' Mrs.
he (Dr,) 'Coleman, Palmerston: Mrs.
n. Ross. McEwing, ,Mount Forest; Mrs.
h, Wan. Brock, Mrs. Herb 'Forman, Lis-
towel; `Mr. Arthur Forman and fans,
ily of Atwood,
ephew, girry !Hargraves, of�Toron
arc guests at the nonce of Mr. a
Mrs. T. G. Shillinglaw,
Mr, and 'liars, Peter Scott, iof Bru
els, spent Stmday- with the Misse
Mrs, Worden, of Rgmondviile,
leaves 'lits week 'to spend some
months in Detroit.
Mr. William 'Forrest add Mr, and'
Mrs• L. 'R. lsarsous• motored over
from Goderich and spent Sunday at
the home of 'Miss )Bertha Forrest, in
!Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbee are moving
into Mrs. T, Pullman's house, Mrs,
-Edgar is returning to live in her own
The many friends of Mr, Johts
Robb w=ere sorry do learn he suffered
a paralytic stroke on (Saturday last,
Miss Nina-Ro"b'b, school nurse at
Port Colborne, was called home, and
Mr. Robb's 'brother, of -Clifford, was
a visitor on Sunday. 'Mr, Robb's
condition shows a slight improvement
'but he has n'ot yet regained con
Mr•. and :Mrs. 'Howard Kerr, of
Windsor, are Easter guests at their
homes here. •
Invitations are `being sent out by
the, Lions Club for their Easter dance.
If your name'has inadvertently !been
missed, kindly notify arty nteneber of
the Lions Club.
Miss Marion Scarlett will' spend
Easter in ,Hamilton with iter uncle,
Mr. •William Muldrew.
Mr. and'Mrs.'Gordon Webster, of
Toronto, are spending two weeks
holidays with their• ,parents and
friends iiia 'Ivle'Killop and Seaforth,
'Mrs, William .Sclater has returned'
from Galt, She was accompanied by
Tit', and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and Billy,
who will spend Easter in town,
The Sunshine Mission Band of •the.
.Presbyterian church has been re-
organized with 23 members and the
following officers: )President, Sadie
McDonald; Secretary, Edna Smith;.
Treasurer, Edna 'F lett:
'hlrs. Elizabeth Mahon and Mr.
Frank Lennon, of Detroit, were in
town oar Wednesday-. attending the
funeral of their brother, the late Jas.
'Mrs, Chas, 'Riley has sold her house
just south of the bridge in Egmond-
ville to Mr: John ;(Henderson, who
moved in on Wednesday.
'Mr. Isaac MaKay, of Luck:row,
spent a few days in town last week
visiting friends.
Mr. Fred Robinson has received
a number of testimonials 'for Itis boil-
er compound. See advt. on page 3,
Mr. Samuel 'I'�eitz, 'iyho has been in
the hospital at London for a number
of weeks undergoing serious opera-
ticns, has been brought home again,
Miss Lulu Albrecht- has returned
home after spending the winter
months. in Toronto.
'Mr. Mose Gerber `held an auction
sale on Tuesday, having disposed of
his farm just north of Blake to Sam
Gingerich. Mr.'Gerher. has purchased
a large farina from Mr, IBoshart at
Mrs. Emerson :Snider and two chil-
dren are moving front the farm north
of Drysdale to live with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Jacobe, Zurich.
Robert W. Coats, who died in De-
troit on March 27th, was boric in
Clinton in 1851. I1 sold out.his
jewellery business in Clinton in 1889
and went to Detroit. His wife, forma
erly ',Miss Dolly Stanbury, of Clinton;'
predeceased him :a. year,: He is sur-
vived by one daughter, Mrs. (Dr.),
Astir, 'Detroit; also three brothers
and two sisters.
Mrs. Elizabeth 'Walsh, widow of
the late Edward Walsh, of the Lon-'
don road, passed away on March 25
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
'1G'ard, aged 83 years, Her husband
died 18 years ago. Two sons and
three daughters survive,
The bank in which Mr, Weldon
Hovey is working in Detroit, was:
I up last week and $2,.,00 stolen,
Miss Kathleen Livermore, daughter
of 'Mr, and Mrs. James Livermore,
has been made assistant superintend-
ent of Teeswater hos )tai,
Throe• nurses, M,Ii, Aikerticead,
Miss -Ross and Miss Menary, received
their diplomas at the graduation ex-
ercises of Clinton hospital on 'Tues-
The Schwanz farm on the Huron
road, Goderich township, was sold by.
auction to Mr, Alex. Sterling for
Clinton fax rate for+year 1927.is
45 mills,
Harvey B. Snyder, of Colborne
township, died in 'Clinton hospital on
Monday, April 4th, aged 27 years. His c
young wife, formerly Miss Joy Lobb,
and a little son a year old, survive,
also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi a
Snyder, of Colborne, and four' broth
ers and three sisters.
paid by the town.
Mr, S. G. Castle Met with a pain-
ful accident on' Monday evening, Mar.
21st, just after 6 -o'clock, He went to
!Cook's barn, where he keeps his car,
and forgetting that he had left it in
gear, proceeded to crank it: up. When
the engine started the car ran against
him and if it had not been for the
fact that it ran up a wagon tongue
which was in'the. way he would pro-
bably have been crushed against the
wall of the barn, As it was, his leg
was broken. Messrs,' A' and W.
Seeley, who were just leaving their
garage across the street, heard his
calls for'help and ran to his assis
ince, He was speedily taken to the
hospital, where the injured limb was
attended -to.
The hospital board officers Mor
1927-28' are, President, Mcs. W. J.
Stevenson; vice presidents, Miss W.
O'Neil, Mss ' A. `Howson, Mrs,. J.
IvicMurchie; secretary, Mrs. J. J,
Zapfe; 'treasurer, Mrs, N. W. 'Tre-
w.artha; cor, secretary, Mrs. (Dr.)
.Alex, McPherson; of Kirkton,
Man,, returns to the West after
spending the winter with friends in
Mr: and Mrs. A, M. +Crawford and
son have returned after spending the
winter : in -Florida.
Robt, C. lliuirhead has purchased
the Reid garage..
People' of Wingham will be likely
asked to vote on a
bylaw ',
Y m
$5,000 to the skating arena,
A Chamber of Commerce has'been
with i .`
a i irritiai membership
of 74 members.
Mr i< ,'', Mrs, :A, H, >;'_.;,.
vctNe an-
nounce the engagement of their only'
daughter, Ena Mary !sledge, to Mr.
C Milton Luther, of Usborur-, the
!:carriage to take place in April
Mr. I. R. Carling has returned from
s's interesting trip to Bern -Leda and
the West Indies,
The vyonten's Institute met at the
home of Mrs. G. Manson prior to her
•••move! to London. and surprised her
with an address and presentation.
Several stores that handle 'ice
ream have installed electric refrig
'Mrs. A. J; Ford has returned •home
fter spending several months in
Hamilton. She is not enjoying the
est of health.
.-.F•t ,
!fact of the Huron road passing
hrough Clinton is to be paved, at a
Cuts. and Bruises. Disappear.
When suffer g,;f�om casts, scratches;
bruises, spra s;l;fsore ,throat or ghest
and any similar ailment, use, Dr.
Thomas Lclectric Oil. Its 'healing
power is weIlrklown' In every section
of the community, A -bottle igf.Dr,
Thomas' .Eclectric •Oil sliotilds,'.be in
every medicine oleest•3r:eadYc :,fort the
emergencies emer
g ,41tat �?�, .91w s:. be
anticipated. "1 a'
Automo p
.Every Car owner rited`s"'iia protes-,
tion. 'With!heavier iraiaiit`tt affip you.
colts .
of afford
to take dlrail 7`,
C 9.
1927 RATES.
Chevrolet, Chrysler 4, .`btordge Dur-
ant 4, Essex, Ford, Gray Dort, Star,
Maxwell, Overland, Pottarac, etc.
Public Liability $5.00.--'" Property
Damage $4,00' . '
Chrysler`6, Chalmers, Durant Hud.
son, Jewett, McLaughlin, Naebj,;.t ak
.lana, Studebaker, Paige, Willye-
Knighe,, Oldsmobile, etc. '
Public Liability $6.00. Property
Damage $5.00 ,,,
Six months' policy at 70 per .cent. of
above rates. .
Gives $11,000,00 'protection to the car
ow against lust ins 7'
owner mes
or death 1d hof any
per a or r
s n e ons and
s dam
1 P ogee. o•
other cars, vehicles 01 8thet''prdlterty,
'Legal expenses and doctors bill are
also included,
Rates for Collision, Fire and , Theft
on application. '
Everybody's Auto Accident Policy
Premium $5.00.
Policy $1.500.00.--$25:00 per week for
total disability) $12.50 for partial dis-
ability. The biggest Five Dollars'
worth you ever got for your money.
Take no chances -Accidents happen
no matter how careful you are,
Call, Write or Phone
Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 152.
post of $12,000, half of which will be
1 the )all w tt is the s8'°°'SAVE THEEAEY CHICKS
to. I c =• 4,
so..., t of S. -s,.taong stutd�y productive, EGG -LAYING
avo. l,i, 'Stanley for ahs month of S blare thea t.14thit cad ItcoatgsatrfAernore
- - ;.'• r. carts v "�' 1'f7i. mutts.
V.:Class.-Mervyn Keys 65 p.c.;
5- ISr. IV --)Beth• Murdock 65, Willie
s Murdock 56.
'Sr. III.—Audrey Murdock 62, 'Gle
Dowsoit '59,
Jr. TII.--Harvey Keys 47.
Sr, IL --+George Dowsan's 64.
Jr. Y'I—Allan Keys 67.
I -•-John Keys 67.
'Primer-•IBob'by ;Peck.
The follywing pupiis had perfect
attendance for the month of March:
Mervyn 'Keys,'Flarvey Keys, 'George
''owson, John Keys.
J. S, .Hogg, Teacher,
The `Dairy Farmer is assured of. good markets the B
whole•year for his Dairy Products.
Increase your Dairy Herd and enlarge your bank ac-
count, They will not fail you.
Produce only cream of the best quality and send your
cream tows either through our Agents or deliver direct. We
wih assure. you of our very best services and highest prices.
When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW
MELOTTE, We can give you an attractive deal,
Seal�•i)rth. Creamery Co. Seaforth, Gat,
C. A, BARBER, Prop.
ernes' can handle
Forbes' call
Alen Robinson calls the
i enderson Co. liy Long
3(ltistance he always asks
le M.r. Forbes.. That
makes it a Person -to -Per-•
:son call. Forbes is often.
tetit. Sometimes it ;takes •'
: cite a while before, the•
rator can . get hinx: on:
fa:e wire,
Mere- are three . other. em-
oyees i11 the. Henderson
noire, thotroughly posted
ieti the details: of th'e busi--
..- s, who could; give Roca•
son the information, . he
ants. One of thele could,
ldways be reached by a
i`ation-to-Station call,: cost-
about twenty percent'
';less than a Person-to..Per
mui call.
y5e is.'•wortlt consideristg, before
oat artake a Long Dfstattce. call,
Station -to -Station service avid
mr sive you whet yoat want. ,
Want and For Sale ads, 1t week 25c.
Those who attended" the Seaforth
Fair last week report the fair 'the best
they have„seen for years, and the
weather was ideal:
Mr, Tolin A. Eckart acdompanied by
Mr, and Mrs: Jos. Eckart, made a
''business trip to Detroit on Weednes-
'Seeding operations are in full swing
at present, The weather is ideal for
rushing the work and the seed bed is
in good shape, but rain is needed for
.the fall wheat and new seeding d'o*
will be a total` failure.
There are rumors that the govet n-
ment control act will realize $8,000,-
000 in revenue on permits but surely
they are not counting the chickens
before they are hatched.' At that rate
they intend to sell two permits • to
every man, woman and child, which
everyone knows is not true and as the
permit is only . good for 6 months, a
great many will he careful to get
enough ,to do them for: medical pur-
poses for the year. If it, works like
the 4.4 beer, Premier 'Ferguson will
be right, It will do more good for
temperance as ,not many will use it'
as it is too expensive. Time will
Miss -Mary Drown Etas returned
after visiting a couple of weeks in
Mr, and Mrs,. IF. )O'Brien visited in
Zurich; on Sunday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. !F. 'Hanbley and 31ir.
-Dana MaLtman spent Sunday in
Mr, and Mrs. F. Golding and Gor-
don, of 'Stratford, called on •Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Golding Sunday after-
'Messrs. :A. (Norris, J. Miller, W.
Patrick aud F, O'Brien are sporting.
new cars,
'Mr and rMrs. G. Suhr and Lorena,
of Mitchell, visited with -relatives and
friends in the village on Monday.
Miss'cA, Lawrence and Miss : M.
Wilson, of-)Seaforth, called on'friends
Tuesday afternoon, -^
'We are glad to welconce `Mr. and'
Mrs: I:loyd Elliott to our village.
•Wise 'mothers who know 'the vir-
tues of Mother Graves' Worm- Extcr-
minator always have it at !hand,' be-
cause it Jproaes -its value.
DALTON.—In McKil1op, on Friday,
-April Ist, 1927, to Mrs and Mrs.
Carl 'Da'lton, of -McKillop, a son.
The following is the report of S.'
S, 'No. 7 Me'Killop for .the •Easter
term examinations. .Pupils leave 'been
examined in all; subjects' and the
names stand in order of merit:,
'Sr. IV.;.JDorothy Driscoll 83,, Or-
val ;Holmes 77, Ross Driscoll 70.
Jr. IV —George,Taylor 84, Eileen
McLaughlin 84, 'Helen ;Somerville 77.'
Grace Perdue 7S, Dorothy Somerville
68, Arthur Balfour 55,
Sr. III.—Wallace Shannon 86.
Jr. IIh Melville Shannon 82,
Helen Tomlinson 76, Everett Perdue
72, Walter Somerville 62.
Jr, II.-lBoyd Driscoll 80, 1'naai
Tftornton 72, 'Flelen Jackson 70,
IFi•rst. ,b nsmie 'Balfour 82.
Primer --Ivan Shannon 80.
A. Louise Mills, Teacher,
These can be used in many
° ways such' as covering fences, on
verandah pillars, screening ver
andahs, do arches, poles or per.
Bolas... A very pretty and sunus-
nal way is to peg them down on'
the ground.
A few of the leading varieties
are:--- Bess Lovett. Large
double bright red. 70c. Bonnie
Prince, A new large snow-white
7oc.- ClimbingAmercian Beauty
Rosy-crimson,5 5c. Dorothy
Perkins. Shell -pink in clusters
50c, Excelsa. Intense crimson -
maroon, 50c. Paul's Scarlet
Brilliant vivid scarlet. 55c -
Add 10c each for. postage.
Special offer:•-- 3 Ramblers'
each different, our selection,
postpaid for $1.50
The complete list of Ramblers
as well• as a splendid selection of
other varieties .of Roses may be
found' ill our F1 E ' CATA-
LOGUE It, also offers Trees,
Evergreens, Shrubs, Vines, Per-
ennials, etc, May we send you
one? -
Mr. 'Wan. Reid and Mr, Cecil Wiley
motored from Flint last Saturday, re-
turning ,Sunday with Mrs. Reid and
little Jean and Mr. Tltos. Wiley,
The W.M.S. of the United Church
met at the home of Mrs.'C, •Stelck on
Thursday of last week..
Mrs. Frank 'Weekes is spending a
few days with her neice, Mrs. Mc-
Donald of Porter's Hill.
There will be service in St, Johns'
Church at 8 p.m, on the evening of
Good Friday and on Easter Sunday
there will he celebration of )Holy
Communion 'by Rev. F. 82. Paull' at
9.30 a.m, 'A choral service will be
held at 7 o'clock on the evening of
Easter Sunday.
Mr. William Beatty of Mount Bry-
dges°'spent the week end with friends
in and around our burg,
('Intended for last week.)
Miss Welsh, of 'Auburn, was re-
newing acquaintances in your vicinity
over the. week -end.
E. Epps & Son moved the effects
of Mr. .8. rRathwel from 'Lucicnow to
Waterford on Tuesday.
Mr. Alfred 'Kaine, of St. Marys,
spent the week -end in our vicinity,
'Mr. R. Webster inotored to Luck -
•now •Saturday.
Mr. M. 'Elliott shipped live stock
to Toronto Saturday.
Several from the district attended
the Seaforth Showa
-Mr. George Beatty, '!Sr„. .sports a
new Essex;super.six sedan,
John Connors Co.
"Beautifiers of. Home Grounds”
aster Shoes
Iisses and ehildren
Cushion Welt Shoos, the highest grade
Children's Shoos that are manufactured
We have a wonderful selection in Straps
and Ties
Priced to save you money
—We invite; comparisons—
Opposite Couimerical Hotel
Pullets with Y K I he
but is CHEAPEST in -the s. ' 9. all the
ectra chicks you gave and raise, more ,.
Pratts Baby ChickFood yo..
our dealer -there's one near you.
�'-Wrier for PrattB Chick -Food
LPRATT FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 8co 328Carlew Ave., Torostto
The St ecial '•Milverton
We Have it ----Give It a Trial, Alao.
GroundAScreenings (shop ofg14111 Cin
Your Auto N jds
Goodyear Tires and Tubes,
Priest -O -Lite Battery Sales
Charging and Repairing -for all makes
Ford Coupe Late Model, in good shape.
Dealer in New and Used Cars
Chrysler Sales and Service,
ier's Garage
may Be EEtrusted To Ou'. Care
We claim that no dress is -too dainty or expensivie to be en-
trusted tows for cleaning with perfect confidence.
The cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes tithe to study
and achieve.
Ladies' .and Gent's Felt Hats cleaned, It only costs it
dollar and will look like new.
ydney- l ey, Proprietor
,b isxM