HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-04-07, Page 7f.
Ancient Laws and Modern
Organized labor in the United
States is now frankly out with a new
objective, namely, the five -clay week.
Tha, Good Book tells us that "Six
days shalt thou labor," but an in-
genious exponent of the • Bible an-
swers :
"Those who approve the five-day
working week will probably say that
the important command is "thou shalt
labor and do all thy work", and that
the "six days" was the measure of
time required in period's when there
were no labor-saving inventions or
quick transportation, Undoubtedly, a
man can do more work inefive days
now than he could accomplish in six
days when he travelled by ox -cart,
rode a horse'; or walked on footpaths,
and when there was no labor-saving
dei' es."
his is,very plausible, hut onie won
where it will all end. The food
fhe w
rid 'obviously
cannot beP
duced from forty -hour -per -week la-
bor; transportation cannot be con -
tided on a forty -hour -per -week
basis, either on land or sea; nor can
steel be produced for construction,
home-building aand city,buaidi
building on
this labor basis. The farm is a seven-
day -week proposition and must al-
ways remain so. Here we are up
against a fact, not a theory, and
nothing can change it. Even the
present urban scheme of work is
Itpghly indolent by comparison.
ter The inevitable social and economi-
cal answer to a five -day -week is an
increase in the pride of food products
of so fantastic. a nature as to render
farming the most highly -paid of hu-
man occupations. Or, as a first ef-
fect, spectacular rural depopulation,
as a logical reaction to so attractive
an urban scheme of life, followed by
a period of wholesale starvation,
leading to the high agricultural price,
level. Society obviously cannot exist
with one-half of the people working
forty hours and the other half sixty-
five strenuous hours per week, with
out one class paying the other ample
compensation. Contrary to popular.
superstition, idleness and happiness
are not synonimous terms. Natural
laws will fix hours and• compensationd
in ,the end.
But Canada, being still in a "com-
paratively undeveloped state, must
for many years tocomebid for ad-
ditional rural population and must,
therefore, see to it that the country -
de does not suffer unduly through
s too unfavorable comparison be-
tween the rural and the urban work-
ing program, even, if it is only of a
temporary nature. An overwhelm-
ingly agricultural country, such as
Canada is, cannot with impunity in
reuse the social burden of its agri-
ull:.ure in order to further improve
It 'e living conditions of its urban
Seaport Nurseries Give Warm
Welcome to Immigrants.
late Canadian ports the stream of
European immigration has already
begun to pour this spring, and in the
past week -end -that of March 27th
to the . 29th the largest number of
Individuals to come' in any such
Relied since the war arrived in Halt -
tale on several ships, which carried a
total of 4.250 new settlers or return-
ing 'Canadians from Britain.
It is the busy season for the Sea-
port Nurseries,and, although only
the two at Halifax and Saint John
are at present do operation, the third
—that in Quebec—will be in full
swing, it is expected, not later than.
the 15th of April.
The ,Seaport Nurseries, manned' by
Red Cross attendants, are pleasant
havens down at the docks wherein all
immigrant smothers and children' are
welcomed, by the official. or voluntary
attendants, given hotteaand a bite
to eat and are made to feel instantly
at home, in Canada. In these nur
series the children may be left for
hours while the parents attend to
their -bags and boxes. The nurses
in ehatge take a friendly interest in'
their , health, and when the family
finer takes train for distant points
in the interior there is sent forward
to -points of ultimata destination an Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per bottle.
introductory card, so that further re-
lation in their ownneighborhoods is Warner's Safe Reenedies Co., Toronto, Ont.
thereby established.
Last year the three nurseries look-
after 17,855 children. and 11,223`
women supplied needed small medical
or nersjy ; treatments to 657 men,
we-111TV or ,children and issued 5,41.1
garages. The follow-up cards were follow-up cards in 13 different Ian?�v,
Says Allen ender.
Tells facts from own experience to lie/(a others. Almost
Imported direct from the Orient
in metal lined chests. Blended.
and packed into 1'ib., % ib., % lb.
bright Aluminum packages.
OWL - LAF S...
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good.
Just Ask for
rC� �
A most satisfactory roll for the bathroom.;
A soft, absorbent tissue made, like' all Eddy
Toilet Rolls, under the most exacting sani-
tary conditions._
. t.'
Big value.. for
the housewife
seeking a good
tissue at a
rata- z.
A Fish's Travels.
The Department.of Marine and Fish-
eries bas
ish-eries.bas marked a considerable num-
1200 Blind in France. Work
as Musicians.
ber of Atlantic salmon, by attaching
Twelve hundred. Lund 1lsrsons earn
Silver tags to their dorsal fine, for the their living as musicians in France and
among them age players of note. These
purpose of, treeing theeve ents of blind musicians were educated in the
these fish. A salmon that was marked National Institution for the Young
aril liberated oft, Earles Point,. Eort Blind. They were taught to play fol.
Maitland, Yarmouth county, Nova distraction, but Valentin Hatay, their
Scotia, on the 11th of June, was killed leader, showed them how` music might
in the Maisie River, Quebec, to the Make them independent.
early partrt of the next, mouth. If this piglet organists of large Paris
fish took the most direct route it tea- ohurehes, Including Notre Dame, are
welled in the vicinity of 300 mites, blind. There are among these severs
but if 3t followed the larger indent'a• composers, and many conductors of
tions of the shoreline it travelled aver small orchestras. The old theory that
1,200 miles`•
Gas, biliousness, heartburn. dyspepsia, and
simuliar ills will not trouble you if you take
eigel's Syriip• Any drnft store.
Sounds Unsatisfactory.
A.' German scientist predicts the
time. when, alter reading your morn-
ing laver, you can soak it in acids that! ,
will bring out the food value of the l
l i
the blind have a peculiar aptitude foe
music, say directors of the school, Iles
not been proved by the experience
but they have found that the blind do
well in music, probably because they
are able to concentrate and because
theirtheirmisfortune spurs them to un-
usual' efforts.
Longer Span of Life.
wood pulp, and eat it for breakfast., Every child born, in I]ugland has an
But wo hope you will be able to ofj expectation of twelve years longer life
ford something more appetizing, al:
i,ts grandfather says Sir George
I Newman, chief medical officer of )3ri-
Kill warts with Minard's Liniment. II train.
Warner's Compound in Family
Fifteen Years
No fietter recommendation for the medicinal .value
of tale 20 year odd herbal remedy could be asked than
this. Tour remedies have been used in oursfamily
for about 75 years. We are never without a bottle of
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy in our home.
It is a wonderful medicine far diseases of the kid-
noys..anit liver." (Name on request).
If you have paine in the back or other Symptoms
of kidney trouble, you should'' lose no time hi going to
you druggist to get a bottle of Warner's and taking it as per directions.
.t0;?�.rr. xi, ,
I. wa P <<t to et
forwarded to the Provincial. Divisions
thus:—Britibh- Columbia, 404; Al-
bertd'l 698; Saskatchewan, 1,254;
•Ma ba, 5136;- Ontario, 1,835; Que-
`bee,, ;New Brunswick, 65; Nova
Scotia, 37, and Prince Edward . Is-
land, 15; and in all cases the immi-
grant families were assured of a
neigh ll rly interest being taken after
theyreached their ultimate destina-
tion. In the past six years the nur-
series .have cared for over 85,000
women and children, and that means
expert care, for the nurseries are all
run under Miss V. A.. Tremain•u, Reg.
N•, who, with a corps oftrained au-.
gistants and numbers of voluntary
helpers from the Daughters of the
Empire, the Junior Red-CrOSS, or
other, body, sees that all needs are
discovered andall necessities in the
way of journey supplies provided to
the incoming new Canadians.
It is absolutely normal for a child
to love himself only., and to think of
hineelf only.:, -•Dr. Alice' Hutchinson,
wild wall pain, weak and rundown, he won
new health and strength throe tgh Tanlac
Allen Boudiia, engineer, of 432, 5t.
Patrick St., is one of Ottawa's best
known citizens. "My purpose intell-
ing the facts of my experience," he
said, "is to help others who suffer as
I did.
"For five years I was in misery. My
system seemed out of gear, but
my stomach troubled most. Even a
drink of ooid water would cause MY'
stomach to bloat and ;swell abnor-
mally. Gas would prevent mo from
sleeping at night so that had to Get
up and walk the floor for' hours. Vso-
lentstomach pains nearly drove me.
wild. I've seen times' when I ,s
doubledover, unable to e
traighten up.
My friend M. Laponte told enc
how Tanlac had helped him out of else, made this great change, I'm far
similar trouble, soIgot aomeandUsed '•Tarlac."
9 bottles in all. It just made me over. If overwork or neglect haveorn
I feel 30 years younger than I am, and you clown get Teethe, the great nate
weigh 2141bs.- Myappetite and sleep ural tonic from roots herbs and
pre both fine. 2 atpspvhat 1 like Snit barks. Your druggist has it, Over 52
ttleep like a top. ,Tanlac and iaothing , ltlillion bottles sold.r
(Os With Laughter)
'"Bello, my dear. fellow, how dif•
ferent' you look without a heard or
mustache. 1 wouldn't have recog-
nized you if you hadn't had my um-
People who have no rheumatism in
their bones have to depend on unrea-
esiable, weather bureau for storm
"'Mutt girl reversed Darwin's
theory," he commented, in 'talking to
a friend.
"She 'makes monkeys out of men."
The only thing to worry about is
When a man's wife ehooses his
steno re )her it `manot
g } Y indicate
jealousy so much as a wish for him
to succeed in business,
A man was charged with haeing
stolen a ton of lead.
"Have you anything to say in your
defense?" asked the judge.
"Yes. I did it in a moment of
weakness." - +
"Did yon give the man' the third
degree?" asked the police officer.
Yee. We browbeat and badgered
him with every question we could
think of."
`What did he do?"
"He dozed off and merely said now
and then, 'Yes, any dear, you ' are
perfectly right.'"
".heard about the big accident?"
"No, what?"
"Car -Just ran over a peanut and
crushed two kernels."
Can Best be Guarded With
Baby's Own Tablets.
The Spring le a time of anxiety to
mothers who have little. ones in the
home. Conditions make it necessary
to keep the baby indoors. He is often
confined to 'overheated, badly venti-
lated rooms and catches colds which
reek his whole system. To guard
against -this a box of Baby's Own Tab-
lets should be kept in the house and
an occasional dose given the baby to
keep his stomach andbowels working
regularly, This will prevent colds,
constipation or colic and keep baby
well. The Tablets are sold by Medi=
eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
boxfromThe Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Po, Not Use Harsh 'Purgatives--
A Tonic is All You Need.
Notniiek---but not feeling quite well.
That is the way most people feel in
the spring, Easily tired, appetitem
delle, aoettmee headaches and a feel-
ilJg'.of depression. Pimples or erup-
tions may appear. on the skin, or there
may be twinges.' of rheumatism or
neuralgia. Any of these indicate that
the blood is out 61 order --that the in-
door life of winter has left its mark
upon you and may easily develop,in-
to more serious trouble.
Do not dose yourself with purga-
tives, as many people do, in the hope
that you can put your blood right.
Purgatives gallop through talo system
and weaken instead of giving strength.
Any doctor will tell you this is true,
What you need in the spring is a tonic
that will enrich the blood' and build up
the nerves, Dr. 'Williams' Plnk Plias.
do this speedily and surely. Every
dose of this medicine helps to enrich
the blood which clears the sarin,
strengthens the appetite and makes
tired, depressed men, women and
children active and Wang. Mr. James
Dickson, Westueath, Ont., says;—"I
was -quite badly run down, easily tired,
and appetite poor. My blood seemed
thin and watery. I decided to try Dr,
WilliamPink Pills, and after taking
a 'fees boxes I felt myself thoroughly
built up and as strong as ever. I can
recommend the pills to i'un•down peo-
You can gat these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr. Wllli'ains' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Sinus Disease. `•
What ,are the sinuses? The sinuses
ase bone davities in the skull, lined
with a delicate living membrane that
is continuous with the lining of the
throat and ndse; the cavity located in
the top of the'ebeelt bone is known as
the antrum, while the frontal sinuses
are found immediately above the eyes.
These cavities have a structure like a
honey -comb, which makes it very 'dif-
ficult to dislodge the infecting germs.
And germs do gain entrance to the
sinuses with comparative ease, since
the lining of the nose leads into them.
In the last few years sinus disease has
become very common; if you want to
find out how common, just visit the
aloe of a nose specialist any day of
the year, but particularly during the
winter and spring, and See the steady
stream of sinus patients waiting for f
Because it is easy to acquire and
very difficult to cure, one point to re•
member in regard to sinus disease 3s
to prevent it. This means that ex-
treme Dara must be token to complete-
ly clear up every attack of flu, grippe
and running cold; treat them as Seri-
ous affairs and do not consider 0022-
vales•oenee complete until fall bodily
strength is regained. It also means
keeping away i.'rom people who are
sneezing and coughing; it means keep-
ing teeth (particularly in the upper
row) and threaten a healthy condition
so that no infection from them .will
spread into the sinuses. It means
keeping your body in good condition
so that you will not catch colds and
other diseases of the nose and throat
even, 11 exposed to then.
What are the symptoms of sinus
disease? Tile infection sets up inflam-
mation, creating an accumulation of
material which should be discharged
through the nose; however, the tiny
passage leading to the nose becomes
Biggest Steamer tO 'Montreal
Another page in steamship history
will be written this season when the
Albertic, of the White Star Line Cana-
dian. Service (shown above) docks at
Montreal at the enol of- April, as this
will be the biggest steamer ever to
'sail up the river St. Lawrence as far,
as Montreal•: ..
Previous to,ethis season the Doric
and Regina, sister ships in the White
Star Line Canadian fi: `vice, held the
record for being the largest steamers
to enter the of sort Montreal. 1 t eaL Thoy
aro 16,500 tons each, bus: the Alhel'tic
is 19,000 tons and, the; store 2,500 tons
larger than tho,Doric and Regina.
The Albertic is an R.M.S.P. steamer,
She was' formerly known as the. Ohio,
one of the world famous "O" liners.
j Slle Will join the St. Lawrence fleet
with a reputation equal to her size
and, in addition to being tate biggest
steamer aver to sail up the St. Law-
rence to Montreal, will be one of the
most luxurious to make Montreal her
The Albertic will be used on the di-
rect .service to Iiverirool eastbound,
while on the westbound route slso will
call at Queenstown; She will leave
Liverpool` on her first westbound voy-
ege under' the' new name on April 22
and will steam out of Montrealan her
first eastbound Voyage. on May 7.
ISSUE No. 15—'27.
clogged alp; the material cannot drain CSlassi6ed Advertisements.
away, but increasing' continuously,
exerts .pressure upon the nerves, ,and FSEgcq
you have very severe pain, often,.oi-
lowed by nausea and diarrhoea.. Re.
lief is impossible until the passage is
cleared and free discharge through the
nose is secured. No remedy but in:-
haiatien is of use, and frequently re-
lief can be load only frons treatment by
a Dos -e specialist.
Don't neglect sinus disease. It is
one of the conditions that you hear so
much about these days—focal infec-
tion: From an infected sinus may fol-
low a diseaaad. heart, damaged kidneys,
rheumatism, and (many doctors think)
goitre, may he influenced by it, not to
mention the chronic "half -sick" feel-
ing you leave most of the time, particu-
larly early in the morning.
"He used, to be a clerk and, pulled
a small salary"
"We11; 'he's a dentist now and pude
teeth and a big. income."
For distemper"--Mlnard's Liniment.
Coleman Glacier.
Coleman glacier, at the head of
Smoky river, northeast of mount Rob-
son, Jasper national park, Alberta, is
situated in a part of the Rockies re-
nowned for its scenic beauty. The
glacier is named after Dr. A. P, Cole-
man, F.R.S., Professor of Geology In
the University of Toronto, who tra
versed thio region in 1907 and 1908.
To clean painted walla, make a
starch as for laundry' purposes, but I
somewhat thinner, and apply to the
walls -with a whitewash brush. After
the starch is thoroughly dry, wash
off, using soft cloths and changing
the water frequently.
r - 1sx T1os- e1111.1 srs'xLbf 1;Ynit nEVrs
with pronunciation of evar,.r w0,0, ♦ nerl
Monoledge of the language in three menthe. Cops
pasts,` orotic ed .50o; abridged .parer ed., 10' Poli
paid, ltorid'e Subscription, Agency liead,. 150, Saik
5105, Dept. F,Montreal. 5.5.
:melte 1'Iagon n1NOs MAnis OM) CARA
new; fit worn cylinders without regrImlmg.
0n• spe i lige on Patin l ngbios And Traitors. Aon -
yard ploga Iona Company, 52-14 58061 Street wast,
IN1011015.41111 CnmClrs, 120 AND Us'
A Circular, William Pleteeh;. Stratford n5, Ont,:
f'„1Al.OTIr : - I;1';0 0LovL110 arni atstiolt
Sued for oomph.. 5inrshan 1140w/ell,ayau, Ont.
tCaxu`n FROM 46. TO 00 Aoxes 154 FROM
9 to 5 weeks' time. Can teach any reader of
skit miseries how t0 get them. Write for neve
Oculars. W. A. Hadley, stanetaad, ens, ...
Cassowary Kin to ostrich.
The cassowary finals rte• closest re -
heaves among the ostriehea. There
are upward of twenty dd1Yeren't forms,
ale inhabitants of New Guinea and. eer-
tain of the adeacent lelende.
Women,0Farmers in Canada.
Canada has 17,912 wonion farmers,
according to an official statement.
Spring Tune is
Brew a sup of this fine old Vegetable
tonic. It is all the spring medicine you
need. It drives• out winter's exesona,
improves the appetite and.makes you
feel better right away. CELERY KING
1 is good for the whole family. At drug -
i gists, 30c & 600,
Deafness—Head Noises
LEON ' ''. D 1'a:Art
M?t HlL
"Rub Back of Ears"
At 1 -Da t Price 41.25
A A! r 01As.
Folder about ..DEAFNESS" an requtaL
A. 0. LEONARD, ISS., 70 0110 Aso, 100 York
Minard's will make your hair soft
and lustrous. Stimulates growth.
Use as a tonic.
from our ownSteel
Proved safe by millions and prescribed 12y physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer" package
which: contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets.
Also bottled of 24 and 100—Druggists.
aspirinle the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Dayer. bfanhfaature or M000ncetic-
aeldest0r of Sallcyllcacld (Acetyl Salicylic Aeld, 'A, S. A."). wane. It Is well known
that Aspirin menus Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against Imitations, the Tablets
of -Bayer. Company Will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer 00'00."
N<, 'i1S0s
Hearing Restored
I have an original home
head noises from nasal ca-
tarrh which I want every
sufferer to try free --with-
out obligation. For many
years I suffered from ca-
tarrhal deafness and head
noises. 'perfected a treat-
ment which completely re-
stored any hearing. I gave
it to others and they were
able to hear again. Since
that time, 'Hundreds have ?
used it successfully, Dr. W. O. Casio
25,000 ,Treatments To r= e
GIVEN AWAY This `.nth
Nes.. 4 C ataroh
These treatments east you.nothing. The re -
Malta are quick and convinc-ug,lou willeel the
difference the llrst day. I have found that 80
per: cent of the caeca of deafness and bead
501000 ate caused primarily by nasal catarrh,
Itoftena0:ects the stomach, causes rheumatism
and many other troubles. Usually one ear in
affected tint, thedeafness grown worse with
every eovore cold until the other ear is affected.
Myedema] dome treatment trill stip all this.
I' have', teetered hearing' in many extreme
es see; one woman had been growing deaf for 48
Yeats; a. man 8e yearn old who had been deaf
for many year, can nowhear twain, Hundreds
DR.W.O.COFFEE, Suite2111;, St
This ss FREE
I feel so sure that
this treatment will re-
store bearing and end
head noises from meal
catarrh that I want
every sufferer to try it
free. I want to prove
at my' expense that the
results are quick and
It is the best treat-
ment that have found
in 42 years' practice as
eye,ear,noseand throat
of other instance aimr7hrto,these have toldme
of the treatment's success,
la addition, 1 will pend you absolutely free
my new bock on Deafneaa, Hefei Noises and'
Catarrh. It discusses fully the curable and in.
curable kind: of deafness.
Write today for tlis free test t ntalent.
State 1f you are (leaf, stave bead noise or just'.,
nasal catarrh or head catarrh, write or print
your name plainly. Do not delay,. This notice
may not appear agar, For 1(0 days
g0ina to giveaway 25,000 free tri.atnenta,
JamesNote! SEdg,, Davetieportt la.