HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-03-31, Page 5•THtJ SD•AY MARCH 31, 1927, ssulamersamemeas SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS For dinner tonight and make a, hungry matt happy, He knows that- when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with potatoes and' some green vege- tables, he won't get- up from the table dissatisfied. D. li.. STI3WART • Phone 58 Seaforth Your Butcher. O. Hi McInnes ehiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the CommercialHotel, Seaforth, Mcrd y, Wednesday and Friday afternoons Diseases of all all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used Miller's Worm IPlowders not only make the infantile system untenable for worms, but 'by their action on the stomach, liver and bowels, they correct such troubles .as lack of ap- petite, billiousness and other internal disorders that the ,'worms create, Children thrive uplon them and no matter what condition their worm - infested 'sto'machs may be in, they will show improvement has soon as the treatment 'begins, Red et White ehain Stores Our Prices for One Week from Today aSery-us Tomatoes Size 22 2 tins for 25c Sery-us "SandwichS rcad, Bottle p the 23e Grape pe Jam 2 & a half lb tins '25c Pure` Olive Oil, 8 oz. tin . 30c Lemon Oil Polish shall > 20c large 35c Black Flagg 16 oz. tin 60c When house cleaning Flag into sprayBlack your woollens and d furs and o, make them Moth proof: Special . al P Sat Redpath Sugar, 100 lbs. (Cash price only) $6.89 Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 W. M. Stewart -Phone 77 If its groceries we have them, W1 JI Walker &I Son UNDERTAKING —and-- P'MBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 2. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. BREAM The Dairy Farther is assiu•ed of good markets the whole year for, his Dairy Products. Increase.your•Dairy Hercl ,and ,enlarge your bank ac- count. They will not fail you. Produce only cream of the best quality and send your cream to us either through our Agents or deliver direct. We will assure you of our very best services and highest prices. When you need a new Cream Separator see the NEW MELOTTE. We can give you an attractive deal. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. C, A. BARBER, Prop. Dont �LOSE these EXTRA • St�I ES-y� What items • do you lack in your stock — now? Why, disappoint customers by not hav- ingtheln?Your whole- saler's or manufac- turer's warehouse is nearer than next door •--• it is right at your elbow! >l! a 1111 Telephone your order ,-, in the morning at the low Station -to -Station rate, and the goods will be shipped the same day.. ■ si N 1Ia12y subscribers who used to think they had . to make Person -to - Person calls now find . that they reach the person they want with Station- to- Station calls. They are quick- er and cheaper. Every Bell Telepi%one'd; tis, Long Distance Station. ammoimmumeas"testionmsines. Want and For Sale lad's, 1 week 25c YE OLD TYME FIDDLERS! Huron Central Agricultural Society are holding A Fiddlers' Competition Spring Show Night THURSDAY, APRIL 7th AT 8 PM. TOWN HALL, CLINTON Competitions as follows: Fiddlers, 55 years and over, $7, $5, $3 Fiddlers, under 55 years$7, $5, $3 , Lady Fiddlers $7 $3 Step .Dancers (Open to Ladies and Gentlemen)Comic Singers $3, $2 (Open to Ladies and Gentlemen) Fiddler coming greatest distance $3 Oldest Fiddler competing $2 Rules Governing Fiddlers 1. Open to the counties of Bruce, (Huron and Perth. 2;" Each contestant to play two.sel- ections, lone selected by the -contes- tant and "Flowers of Edinburgh." 3. No catty fee, Any or all con- testants (table for service during dance. . (Non -prizewinners each re- ceive $1.00. 4, Accompanist provided if so de- sired • 5•' Jutiges'.deeision final,' ti. •Committee reserves srights to alter or'' add rules. 7. 'Old ante music to be basis of contest. 8, Professionals are not eligible. Old Tyme Dance after Concert Admission, Concert and Dance cam bitted 50e --No reserve seats," Proceeds to go to Spring Fair Funds. J. !MadFarlatte, W. J. Millet, G. Elliott President. (Treasurer. (Secretary ISituple and Sure.-4Dr. Thomas' Ec1 tri . e t c Oil is so sit -Tittle in appliea- tion that a child can understand the mstructlons Used las a liniment the only direction is to rub and when used a.s a dressing to. apply. 'The directions are so plain and un- mistakable that they are, readily t i'derstood by youngor old. own ' Topics Mr. Jack Nicholson had his tonsils. rethoved at the hospital on Monday, Mrs. Manson has' returned front the hospital 'mileh improved in health, 'Mr, {Wallace Archibald, civil en- gineer, g whl 0 has been at Cern Northern 'Ontario, since early in Jan,- uary, ,arrived home 'Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald have returned from -spendingsome weeks. in 'Oakville and'. Hamilton. 'Mrs. H. C. Box is spending the week -end with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beckett, of IS'trathroy, Mrs, Ross, of Dresden, : is. visiting her ..daughter, Mrs. E. R. iCrawford. Mr. Chan, of Toronto, was a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Webster, I Mr. and Mrs. Thos, , Beloorne are moving into the apartments vacated by Mrs, IDeLisle, Mr. John •IvIcILennan's many friends are pleased eo see hint around again. Ro'bert B who has been quite' illi for several 'weeks from heart trouble, is able to 'sit up a few hours each day, Miss Lyle Morrison, Of Stratford, rispentson. the week -end with 'Mrs, 'Mot-- Mr. I3lodgins, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Robert 'Winters. Mrs. McGregor, of Kippeu, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. MaCloy. Mrs. Edward is the guest this Gardiner, koof fher�s ter, Mrs. John 'Love, and Mr, 'Love, Miss Triplett, who has been visit - ng at the home of 'Miss McDernid, Goderich street, the past year, has gone ,to spend some weeks with her ister at 'Cleveland, I't is ulot too late to join the Horti- ultural Society and take advantage f the premium offer, as the time has een extended to April 2nd. Cards re available, at the post 'office. Dr. H. E. Ross, who was in 'Strat- ord hospital for ten days, has re- overed sufficiently to return home. Mr, R. B. Holmes has disposed of n Essex car to Mr, J. E. Fry, of alton. Mr, and Mrs. James Aitcheson, Jr., ere in Stanley on Monday attending e funeral of the late Mr. Thomas aird. Mr. John Beattie was in Guelph siting his brother-in-law, Mr. J. O. ose, who is critically ill. - The (Misses McLellan have leased rt df Mrs. 'Haigh's, Sr•, house. Miss Madeline Bell, of Detroit, is siting her parents, Mr. ;vol Mrs.orge Bell, in 'Tuckersmith Rev, .Dr. and Mrs, F, H. .Larkin re in 'Clinton on Wednesday at - Wing the funeral of the late Mrs. illiatn Gunn. Mr, 5. C, Greig spent the week -end Toronto. Mrs. Griegreturned h -.him, \2rs, Lorne P. Twiss, and young , of Saskatoon, ,Sask., are visiting , and 'Mrs. Alex. McGavin, fior a ple of weeks, They also, spent a plc of weeks visiting in Tormito, rs. Dolmage , of McKillop, has ved into apartments above Mr. I. dson's store. •rs. W. Sclater iv visiting her ghter, 'Mrs. L, G. Kruse, in Galt, iss Verna 'Graves is visiting 'Miss Pherson in St, Thomas: 'r• W. IH. 'Trethewey, who has his residence to Mr. Samuel more, held an auction sale OP dnesday and he and his daughter, 'Hamilton, will snake their 'home tratford, Since moving here from tfio•rd a number, of years ago they taken an active interest in hside 'Church and have many ds who will regret their de - Ire. 'Mr. Trcthctvey is well wn to the readers of The (News H. T.," whose contributions been always much.appreciated. s c b a a W w 111 'B vi pa vi Ge • we tet \ri in wit r son Mr cou cou mo 'Hu M tau M Iv[d Qvf sold 'Cud 'We Mrs in S 'Stra have tort frien partt kno as hW have BORN. $ 41QTH. —dtt Seaforth 'Memorial hos- ptal,rtndd125th,1927, Mrs, Ed. Smih,o Seaforth, a daughter. MARRIAGES. I3UMaIEY4RI'TCIItLE.--,At the Eg- inondville manse, on Tuesday, Mar. 29th, 1927, by Rev. W. D. McDon- ald, Edward James 'Hum,bey, of'Mc- aaillop, son of. Mr, and (Mrs. Ed- ward Hu'mbey of England, to Miss Elizabeth V. R I. Ritchie, daugh- ter of Mrs. Ritchie, Egunotrdvil'le. MdI'NNIES-MO+L'LOY.-,-tln 'Clinton, on March lith, Jennie Molloy, of Clis, nton, to John 'McInnes, of Tin los PI'N,LAY44BIEIACOM. — Seaforth, on March 15th, by 'Rev. W. P. Lane, IFerat, daughter of Mr. and !Mrs. Christopher 'Beacom, Of IClin- ton, to Wilbert D, Finlay, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. 'William 'Finlay, of Goderich township. McKILLOP, 'Mr. and Mrs, Julius Doerr, ot, Gadsbill, recently spent the week -end with Mr, and ':Mrs, Fred 1Hoegy. • 'Mrs, John. Kuehna and Mrs. Will• Doerr, of (Rostock, spent Sunday re- cently at the -home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles IRegele. 'Mrs. Fred •Bauerman and Mrs. H. Weiterson decently entertained their friends to quilting parties. We are pleased to note that little Della Eggert is improving after her recent illness. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Schroeder, of Se'bringville, called on Mr, and Mrs. Charles Regale. 'Mr, and 'Mrs. IPlenry 'Weiterson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles_Regele, IWe are glad to know that Mr, Ed- ward 'Ross and members of his family who have been ill are 11010 on the. way to complete recovery. . 'Mr. and Mrs, Charles Deitz and son !Harold and Miss Adeline Messer- schmidt attended the' christening at: the 'home, of Mr: and Mrs, Ed. Scher - bard, 10,th concession of Logan.. 'Mrs, John' Eggert last .week found x`HE SEAFORTH NEWS a pansy in full bloom in the flower bed in the garden. i . HURON W Clinton. The Clintlan hospital leas been re- membered recently by bequests, 'by the will pf the latc'Miss A, Wilson a bequest .of $200, and by that of the late Miss' E. Hunter,' $2,000. 'Messrs, (Boss and 'Brazier, who paved 'the stretch of paventeitt from o G derich east, have tat e n the co - n for cutting during the whole summer season, for many of the hardy plants are perfect for this purpose, Conditions to Note. In planning some points to watch For are times of blooming so that no pant of the iborder shall the without bloom for any great 'length of time. Fairly accurate data on this matter is likely to come in useful when any re- planting is being done. Look out for the varieties the that are straggly in ract Co'finish'h'' abut the . in oriorder tona to P fro'l I m where -pace these in it left loft; to Clinton.. It is expected corners or some other suitable, place, an early start.,wiil be made and it A suggestion worth considering is will probably be in shape fora good that of planting a few double rugose or dwarf ,Polyantha roses in borders of 'fairly large area. A few groups of these will give a bit of color not easily secured with she ordinary varieties of perennials. In this same connection 'there could be a careful note of the .actual blooming dates ,of different varieties of such plants' as Delphiniums, Phlox, Peonies, Iris, etc. It is ,surprising ur ri ' P g how long a period of bloom :can be secured by planting a whole colony of either of the kinds natned if only care' is haken to use varieties that do not 'bloom at the same time. Judgment of course rse ' is necessary and unless Hess there is plenty of Doom only 'moder- ate plantings of 'this kind are advised. Perennials for Landscape Effect. One "f the more uncommon uses to which perennials may be put is that of massing on the lawn to pro- duce summer effeots that are not easily possible in any other way. There are a number of hardy plants of such massive habit that in large areas, as well as in smaller places, striking effects may be secured, One advantage of this kind of planting in smaller gardens is that the massed effect is mainitained during the sum- mer season only, when a more crowd- ed condition does not matter so notch, j The plants dying down !for the win- ter leave the area open during the dull time of the year. It is easy to realize the effect of such a planting as a group of %Bocconia Cordata Dolt on the lawn. The deep green of the grass against the paler shade of the part of the summer. ,In the mean- time, detours will be the order. On March 17th, the marriage took place in St, Paul's church, Clinton, of Jennie 'Molloy, of Clintton, and. John Meanness of •ICinloss township, 'B'ruee county. The bride wore a pretty frock of cream cut velvet and pervenche blue georgette,blue hat, black• satin slippers Pp arc Imoonlr+• hose,' •Her ght Boat and gloves were tan and she carried an ivory prayer 'book. Mrs. Alex, .Butler, of ISeaforth, and. Mrs. C 'Calton, of 'Clinton, were the witnesses,` Mr. and Mrs. :McInnes will reside de i n Kinloss, Stop the (Cough, -Coughing is caus- ed by irritation tui the respiratory pass sages and'is the effort to dislodge ab- strnctiotns ithat come from inflamma- tion of the 'mucous membrane. Tree - moat With Dr. Titoanas' Eclectric (Oil will allay the inflammation and in consequence the cough will usually stop. Try it and you will be satisfied: Parents and Teachers Should En- courage Pupils to Enter Essay Contest. On another page of this issue will be found the first announcement of an Essay Contest for school children which is being conducted by a group of weekly papers, including The News. Not only are there valuable cash prizes to be won, but pupils winding prizes will bring signal honor ]not only to themselves, but to their parents, their teachers, their schools - and the cotnnnunity as a whole. There is no reason why a reader of 'The ,News should not win the first prize. We believe that a number of the prizes can be brought home to this community, and we urge parents and teachers to do all they can to encourage boys and girls to enter the contest. (Read the rules carefully and if there is anything about them that you do not under- stand, the editor will be glad to explain, • HARDY PERENNIALS. (IBy W. E. Groves, John Cannon Co., Limited, (Ha'mil'ton, 'Ont.) To arrive at anything like a clear understanding as to the place and purpose of hardy perennials in a modern garden it may be well to juet our place usetrecord of theterm.ttHardy !Herbac- eous hat we mean by Perennials" is,a'+better, even Though more laborious term than "Perennials" for it much more defin- itely describes the race of plants gen- Dwarf Polyantha Roses erallyin mind when the word "Perera - perennial then is a .plant that grows nial" is used. A hardy herbaceous These hardy Ruses produce from the ground in the •spring, devel- large clusters of flowers quite ops flowers, ender suitable conditions freely from June until the frost ripens seed and dies back to the ground again in the same -season, the comes, They grow about 18 roots remaining dormant for the win- ter ready to repeat the process the ']isles high and are especially following year. Not so many years useful for edging beds of taller ago •the average flower garden was for growing Roses or as a dwarf a short summer blaze of glaring color secured by a system of 'bedding that hedge. Planted in solid beds in its place is quite permissalble, though it 'was very notch overdone, they are Particularly effective. Daring recent years, 'however, there has been a much greater interest Colors; Red, Pink and White taken in iibrdy plants than ever be- Price each 50c, by post 60c; 3 lovers wistfully (turning to the old fore, the eyes and thoughts of flower or more 45c each, by post 50e; time cottage garden's around which 25 oa- more 400 each, etpress cluster so` many -memories. The ad- vantages to be derived (from the hardy prepaid 43e. border are quite easy to find, It pro- vides amore natural and consequent- A large selection of other lY ae more restful atmosphere in the varieties of Roses is to be found home garden. 'For some time the whole tendency of garden planning in our FRE(; CATALOGUE, has been towards restfulness as dis- tinct from blazes of g also Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, gorgeous color. Sc we are beginning to delight in thevines, Perennials, etc, May soft 'blues, yellows, pinks and creams fouttd in so many of aur hardy flow- ers We send you one? 'because of elle charming quiet Sense df rest they convey, And 'then �QlhS� with a little judicious planning it is 0011/1011 Co. possible to have some bloom in some part of the border during 0 very long season, 'flowers in April and flowers in November being by no means im- possible. 'The 'same care in planning will inake it easy +to provide flowers DP ItNe!-.iv n G. W. V. fA.'HALL SERFORTH SPRING FAIR NIGHT APRIL 5TH Real snappy, up-to-the-minute music by a brand new orchestra THE NIGHT HAWKS Earl VantEgmond Ed. Daly Chas. Ross Ro'bt, Willis Jack Daly An Enjoyable Evening Commences 8:30 p.m. A'd'rnisslon $1.00 a couple. Extra Lady 50c, BABY ROSES Limited "Beautifiers of Home Grounds" HAMILTON ONTARIO YOUR Shoe Problern Is Solved! The. Economy 'Boot Shop Opens Thursday, March 31St All New Shoes — At New Low Prices The.greate'st values ever offered in Senforth MAKE US PROVE IT THE- ECONOMY .MY SHOE STORE Opposite Commerical Hotel (In store recently occupied by E.H. Close," barber) Bocconia condb'ines admirably, while the massive leaves and flowers pro• vide a dignity and charm not to be overlooked. A real group, however, should the planted and not merely one or 'two plants, and for this kind of effect one kind of plant .ottly should be used in each group. Hibiscus Mos- chetrtos is admira'ble for use in (this way. Yucca Filamentosa is •specially useful for the ' same purpose. These are also 'fine for planting in shrub- beries"as ' 'well m as ' n 011 S ' g lawn, . P On the e For a bed ' o f lower wer growing g! pplants•there -are Few'quitc so effective as Funkia, A bed of these plants in variety is quite in order, for though the flowers are not all cef the same shade and though there are some leaf variations they all combine quite well and give a pleasing effect. For fall blooming a whole group of ,Anemone Japonica could not well be improved upon. 'These might also be planted fn various shades. Grasses for Mass Effect. Many of ,the tit to stronger e r rov'n S tit s grasses are really more suitable for mass planting in the way suggested than in the hard hordes. cC, Ph a r!a is is an old favorite, growing about ' thirty 1 inches high. The leaves are striped snd though the plant- needs ° keeping within bounds it offers e s a coa>tra'st in color that is quite acceptable, : An- other recommendation is that it will dowell inadam a P situation. Unfold is another effective variety for the same purpose. P E'I Grass, is a veryuat'tractiv$1ue kind7wiitth bluish -green leaves, 'This is of so entirely different a shade to lather plants that a mass of it is one of the most acceptable contrasts possible. jThen for taller effects, there is noth- ing better than the lEulalias• 'The grow from five'to seven feet in height Quite a number of varieties arc avail- able. Some have plain green ifoliage, others are striped and still others are cross s I striped. Th P eano1 n g P of grasses sh I, Dolt notuatbuti there is a place for them inrp, ly Every garden, practical- ly actical- Now Is The Time To Save 50 cents on every dollar Buy What You Need /At CHEIFETZ BROS. SEAFURTH, ONT. SELLING OUT A GREAT LOT OF CAPS 25 cts. BBN=jjjR The Special 'Milverton Flour We Have it --Gigs it * Tti*L Also. GroundaScreenings lehop oflaii Kinds C. G. TIIOMSON GRAIN; DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs Goodyear Tires and Tubes. Prest-O-Lite Battery Sales Charging and Repairing for all snakes Ford Coupe, Late Model, in good shape. Dealer in New and Used Cars Chrysler Stales and Service. Regier's Garage PHONE 167W. DRESSES NO MATTER HOW DELICATE may Be Entrusted To Our Care We claim that no dress is too dainty or expensive to be en- trusted to us for cleaning with perfect confidence. and he cleaning of dresses is an art, which takes time to study e. Ladies' and. Gent's Felt Hats cleaned. It only costs , a dollar and will look like new. SEAFORTH GARMENT eAR a Sydney dun e ' Pry �� i�raeter' COMMERCIALIBLOCK