The Seaforth News, 1927-03-24, Page 7A NORWEGIAN HOME IT ALMOST HELPLESS WITH Much hvas"been said for and against old stony yvOd �t11 4� oatmeal and t beer petition, The Oatmeal.M l SMclur tepetitiou. Dr.Johnson defined -oats as a grain used A Nov t Scotia Lady Tells How Isak set to work making a seat.,for the cart, , And when he had got .he seat,mnade it looked so white and new that it had to be Painted darker. As for that, there were 'things enough that had to be done! The whole place wanted painting,: to "' begin with: And he had been think- ing for years past of building a proper barn with .0 bridge, to house in the crop, lite had thought, too, of getting that saw set up and ;fin ished; of foneing in toil his cultivated ground; of building a boat on'the lake up in the hills. -•Many things he had thought of doing. , Paint he would, in, nny case; that as ,decided ' and ,emphatic. Tho .buildings gs si nod there grey and bare --stood there like houses in their shil't,sleeve8. There was time' yet before the busy. season; the 'spring was hardly begun yet; the young things 'were out, but there was frost in the ground still. Isak goes dew to the village, talo- • ing with hieei a few score of\eggs for sale, and brings back paint. There was enough for one building, for the barn, and it was;*tinted red. He fetches up. snore paint, yellow oelire this time, for the house itself. , ( When Isak had given his walls a • first goat,'he went down to the vil- lage again and brought up all the Paint he .could ' carry. Three coats he put on in :all, and white on the , . window -frames ' and corners. To ' come back now and look at his home there on the hillside, it was like look- ing at a fairy palace.- The wilder- ness was inhabited and mlrecogniz able, a blessing had come, upon it... human Creatures lived there, children played about the houses. And the forest stretched awajrp big and kind ly, right up to the blue heights.... The sun is big and strong . now, the snow ,is gone, green showing everywhere; the cattle are out to graze. Isak ploughs one day, and a few days later he is sowing corn, planting potatoes. Ho, the .young sters, too, planting potatoes like' y angels; blessed ` little hands they have, and .what man their father de but watch? Then Isak washes out the,cart' down by the river,' and puts the seat ,? in. Talks to the Iads about a little ourney; he must make a little jour- ney down to the village. "But aren't you going to walk?" "Not to -day; I've took into my head to go down with horse and cart to- day." "Can't we come too?" "You've got to be good boys, and stay at home this time. Your own mother'll be coming very soon, and A: she'll learn you a many things." Eleseus is all for learning things; , he asks: "Father, when you did that writing on the paper—what does it feel like?" "Why, 'tis hardly to feel at all; just like a bit of nothing in the hand." "But doesn't it slip, like on the ice?" "What slip?" J "The pen thing, that you write with?". • "Ay, there's ,the pen. But you have- to learn to steer it, you'll see," But little Sivert he was of. another hind,' and said nothing about pens; he wanted .to ride in the cart; just to sit up on the seat before the horse was put in, and drive like that, driv- ing ever. so fast in a cart without a horse. And it was all his doing that father let them both sit up and ride with him a long way down the road, —From '.'Growth of the Soil," by Knut Hamsum, translated from - the Norwegian by W. Worster, M.A, Mary Jane °s Career: "What shall we do with Mary Jane?" is a' question which thousands of fath- ers and mothers are asking every year, Mary Jane •may belong to. a clever e�tti1amily=but she -isn't clever herself. lit least, her 'parents and sisters don't think she Is,'. She enjoys "pottering about" in the kitchen; elle likes doing housework. Well, why not give her the career she is so obviously fitted for? Thitt Mary doesn't necessarily mean making Mary J e'a domestic servant, though "ser- aevice"_ ie, usually quite comfortable now - .clays, and a. capable girl can quellfy ererself for quite a good positien in it. Where her parents can afford it, how- ever, it is ' better to give Mary Jane a course in - domestic science. Apart from the teaching of this subject In Wer schools, which is open to women titil t University training 1n it, there 10 gl"od positions : to be bad in the eaterigg departments of hospitals, col- leges, and similar institutions, �(t Hotel and restaurant work also of- "761'S f- ` 61'S many opportnnitiee to -dray.. Such. Posts as manageress are likely to go in future to the woman who has a• do- messtle science training. Site will probably have to work in the various departments of the business for a lit- tle in order to gain experience, but it would be worth it. At 15,000 Weddings. It was claimed by Ml T. G. l3oulden, Who Needled at Devanjiart, England,,. where he had beets°registrar of mar- riages for half a century, that he had officiated at 15,000 weddings. Live Entirely on Flesh. 'Polar lvskimoe of Greenland live en- tirely on the flesh and blubber of the animals they -kill. She. Found Relief. Among the 'Well-li sown residents d! Nineveh, N,S,,.lelt?rs. l'i111alnt Shiver, Who tette for the benefit of other .'See keel's how she- found relief 'front a • 005.050 attack of rheumatism. • Mrs. Silver says:—"Iii the..ecsr11y fall of 1926, I eeetreot'eal a cold which die- veloped•into a severe attack el tnusee- ler rlreaunatisni In' fact, it almost totally disabled me,' and l suffered I great agony /abet of the time. After trying in vain to get something to re-' lives me, I decided to take Dr. Wil- liame'' pick Pills, which I hack' heard highly g ly recomanNndetl.' I may say that the meek relief they afforded really strrrltiggd me, and after- tasting some' six boxes o1' the pills, every twinge of !the rheumatism had• gone, and .I am, • now Feeling better than' I have been i for -some, years past, The putts not only banished the rheumatism, but helped mein many other wase," „ Try Dr, Williams' Pink P.1110 for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- vousness and ato.maoh trouble. Telco then tie a tonic if you a,re not in the best of •physical condition and culti- vatle the re0'istaece'that wilt keep you well and strong. „Sold by all druggists or Bent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville; Ont. Sugar . is found . in the sap of near- ly two hundred plants and trees, • tat -England for horses, and in Scotland for men. The retort was; "A;nd where do you Rnd ,such horses and 811011 men?"' Certain ailyerse critics, such as Pro- fessor 1V1elilanby.fate others, object to oatmeal because his "clellclest in vita. mines.". The teres vitanlines appears to have become a. peg upon which cer- tain learned folk are hanging a pro- miscuous lot of batters: 1'Ve undeatand to importance of vitairnine's, but. we Icgow that half a 'glass of milk, • a teaspoonful of raw oabbagd, two teespoonfule et cooked cabbage, a, small portion of any other vegetable, or eonre fruit, rail, or cooked, will furnish all the vitamins requhed far a day's meals. The simple old dish of oatmealper- rkige, or other aee'enb, and milk, fnr- nishee excellent food; but is heavy— net light, 'Se is soalietimes supposed. -When taken in quantities beyond na- ture'a powers of as hnilatien, it causes indigestion with flia:tale•uoe, due -to Em - men tatton. One of the occasional results Is the "porridge rash"; title may be mired cm Prevented by taking-lesspeeridge and eating a little Imnit raw ow in the form of jam, Better wind up some off your bad habits .before your •health runs down. Tony was having his second' son christened and, being very anxious to have his , name recorded correctly on the birth certificate, remarked ' to the clergeman: APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far ' As Possible in the Order in Which They Are -Received ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FarHelp aflpph APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference ril The Colonization and Innuigratien. $,l, amc11 of the Department of .Agriculture for Ontario Wernar° available a number oP Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Famlltes•=Married Couples Without Children- also Boys between 15 acrd 17 ,Fans Of age. • 'Femora reauirinp bele win be unit advised to make eer(Y applieatlon to GeoA. Elliot DIreeoe of Colonization Parliament Slags., Termite, Ont. File Your Application at Once _ All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture • High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECINICAL AND ART SCHOO S With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING' CLASSES'` - may be conducted In accordance with the regulation° Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION • Is given In 'various trades. The schools and clauses aro under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be, made to the .Principal ot the school COMMERCIAL ' SUBJECTS, MktNUAL TRAINING, .HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE ANC HORTICULTURE are provided' for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High •ecifeola, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copica of the',Regulations issued by the Minister of Edupatlon may bo obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Health. Broken—Lost 66 lbs. Now Well, Won Back 82 lbs, Ottawa merchant, formerly city officer, rundown -by kidnq trouble. Wasted from. 201 to 13.5lbs, Tanlac restored robust health; now weighs 217 lbs. and feels fine Phi1i e Sequin's g6rocciy at 285 St. Patrick St., is well knoivu in Ottawa. Mr, Sequin was formerly a 1)01110 offices. When ill -health seized him ho lost weight rapidly. "I.had kidney trouble for 0 years," he tells, 'and was given up as a hopeless case. Many times, from sheer weakness, I have fallen where I stood, and had to be helped to my feet, : Pains racked my entire aystem, especially my back, whish felt like splitting. Needless to say I souks neither eat nor sleep normally. Weak spellsand nervousness would leave No irem111in lr, all over. I faded away from 201 to 135lbs., and -tried endless treatments and remedies in those 6 years without result, "1 back beetle to despair, tied When n friend. advised TAnlac 1 oFas sleep- tical, But one month's regular use of this wonderful medicine convinced mo that I was on the road to health: 1 kept ou taking Tease and to my. delight and surprise 0 made me ft hew Rhin in a surprislugly short time. Now I weigh 217 ]bs,, eat ail sleep ]Ike it healthy boy, ant feel like a different man altogether?" If. neglect or overwork are taking toll of your health, try 'Duthie. Itis nature's own tonic made from roots, barks and herbs. 'our druggist hul- a. Over 02 million bottles sold. Feel Tired When :You Get Up r? Tongue coated—head aches --no pepfor the clay's work? Then ,your liver 'its leis your kidneys are not eliminating t:h•e•poisosls from the body. Yens system needs toning up. , Thousands neon thousands all over the world take Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. It corrects funotional troubles end by its tonic and purifying properties restores the liver and kidneys to their normal condition, so you soon feel like yourself again. Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per battle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co.,- Toronto, Ont. istemamassumnistansconsessassiansampassannsmnsosszsgssma p �° g Dickens. SII •, LA ffi ! 1 Yes, he Ilad many grave faults. So had Sir Walter and the good Dumas; so, to be candid, did Shake- speare himself — Shakespeare, the king of poets. To myself he is al- ways the 'man of his unrivaled and; enchanting letters'—is always an in-; carnation generous and abundant. a'oiety, a tyne of beneficent earnest -I ness,-a:tr'eat expression of intellecd e tual vigor and emotional vivacity. I love . , , to relied that even as he was the inspiration of my boyhood so is he the delight of my middle age.' I love to think that while Eng- lish literature endures he will be re- membered as one who loved his fel- low -men, and did nior.'e to make BY then happy and amiable than arty other writer of his time,—W. E. O.W.L. (Ob With Laughter) When a writer hue, something to write, that's inspiration; when lea,lras to write something, 'haft's drudgery. Duck hunting isn't always what 1(, quacked up to be. Regtuellese of whet style has done to the bottom of skirts, the waist idols rednains in ap'proximateIy the serve place. Why Not Handle a Woman Electrically? If site is willing to come half-way— Meter. If she will cone all the stay—Re- oelven'. If she wants to go still further'•—Dig- patches. If she gets too .excited—Cbntrellee. If she leeks too,bng—lnterrupte•. 12 mac- way of thinking Is not yours-- Converter. ours—Converter. H she picks your pockets—Detector. If elle sings inlrarmontousiy-Tuner. If site wants cllccola,tes—lf"eeder. If she gossips too mueh—Regulator, If she is wxong--Rectifier. If she is a. poor. cook—Discharger. Isn't it peculiar how everybody's a tittle bit peculiar bunts? The oeily traveling some folks do 18 from bawl to worse. It was the third day of their honey- moon. "Darling," she whispered, "isn't this heavenly?" ' Her husband sighed. "Do you know," he exclaimed, "life doesn't seen hong enough for our 'hap- piness. Just think, even if we are for- tunate, our married life can hardly Met longer than fifty yearns:" Is that all?" she queried, edging. closer. "Yes. Only fifty, years hi which to love each other," "Then kiss me qutckiy, dears" site; said; "were wasting time!" Free With Every Treatment. With mud, she ct ubs her rosy cheeks, Likewise ilei dimpled •chin, And, thus i'ndanlittbly seeks Eterimll youth to win. Wherefore the heart of old or young With undimmed urger buena, .As woman, who from clay first swung, At last to clay 'returns, The short skit'tie of to -day eney be quite it problem, but w1ij can remember way buck whren lite bustle was 0 stern. redtlity, limey digested food, acidity of the stomach, and sluggish liver cause headaches. •Seigel's Syntp will remove these causes. Any drugstore. , • "Well, ya see—it's Ma die. My firma boy I tella ya I wanta )teem oh •is'nd 'Tont' and ye putta 'Tomass' an heesu paper. Now I want d.is bay name. 'Jack' and no want lleean name 'Jack - neo ." Keep Minard's Liniment In the stable. • Lose no chance of giving pleasure, for that is the ceaseless and anony- mous triumph of a truly living spirit,—I-ienry Drummond. By a tranquil neind I mean nothing else than a mind well ordered,-. Marcus Aurelius. ' PUT STOMACH, IN 'ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Iustentlyl Stowaoll-eorreoteal•! 100 never feelthe slightest distress from indigestion os 0 soar, acid•, gassy stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of ".Pape's Di'epepeht. " Tito moment it reaches the atonlia:011 ail sneccccess, flatulence, lteartbu,re, gases, palpitation fieicl pain disapieeae', .Druggists ,glrtrante.c .•each pacloa.ge to correct digestion_ at once, Led your stomach trouble , for few cents, 0 Henley, in "Views and Reviews." MAKE CARE OF Now packed in Aluminum, the same as years no. 114 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extraoodl- ,n old Cameo. Within all oval oP unshaded• blue The figure of a dancing nymph is seen, Moving with measured -step and air BABIES EASIER pppp° in same t enhrallin b.Y�l11i 6 donee utak wood Stom,aph disturbances and constipa- tion are responsible for much of the peevishness mf babies esoicb young •ohild- ran, When the Baby is cross or halt - able the mother should not resort to so-called soothing mixtures to correct the trouble; for in the majority of cases these mixtures simply dc -ug the eheld into ear mmetural sleep. What is noed'ed is a gentle laxative that will sweeten the stomach and regulate -the boweie,. Sueha remedy is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They are easy to take and guamanteecl to be entirely free Pram opiates and narcotics. eon. earning them, Mee. Jee. Tousaignant, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes:—"1 would like alt mothers to know that deet there is` no other medicine to equal Ilaby'e.Own Tablets. I alwaiys keep a 'box in .the house and their .prompt use never fails'to restore my little ones to health." The Tablets are 'sold by .medicine denims or by mail at 25 ets. a box from The Dr. Williams,.Medi- cine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Wales' Great Day. Patriotic Welshmen decorated their mantlepieces with the leek on March 1, for this plant is the emblem of their Saint, whose feast fulls on that day. No one Is quite ,euro why the leek was adapted as the,emblem of Wales, but it is believed that b fore a battle with the English, St...Daa id ordered the Welsh to wear leeks in their hats, so that they might be distinguished from their foes. Although the patron saint of Wales, St. David's memory was always honor- ed in England, , Henry VII, used to give away two pounds to Welshmen on St. David's Day, while until the ad- vent of the Hanoverian line, kings of England always wore the leek on this day, St. Daviel was the sun of a Prince of Cardiganshire, and after receiving his education in Menevia, he founded n convent with very rigo0'ous discipline in the Vale of Rhos. St. David event- ually became Primate of Wales, and was burled in the Cathedral at Mene- via—now called St. Davids, Minard's Liniment for rheumatism. ._---- To-day is your, day and,mine; the only one we have; the day in which -we play our part. What' our part may signify in the great world we may not understand, but we ale here to play it, and now is our time,— Da%id Starr Jordan. The present complexity of civiliza- tion could net be maintained except by people of strong moral fibre.— Calvin Coolidge. PL folk knew In days when skies were of a softer hue, And forests wore a more delicious green Than now. And nevermore sigh shape and mien Beneath the skies shall happy mortals view. Of less unearthly grace the forms ap- pear ., The keen frost carves from crystal. We may bless The wind of time that froze this airy sprite To immobility and kept her here In all her fragile, glancing loveliness Through these uneomely years for our delight. Antoinette Scudder. Buried Cities. Buried cities which are being un- covered in India prove that there was a mighty empire in that country 2,500 years ago. These cities had been built on top of one another. Wine still preserved in the cellars of a wine -dealer in London dates back to 1540 and 1631. T E T S A List of "Wanted invention, and Full 171010ativn Sent .Free on Reglad. The Ramsay Co. W ;on waa..on�t. f6°Buckley's" or Throat Health A sip night and morning relieves rareness and hoarseness, end pre- vents mere serious developments. A bottle of Buckley's-40 doses for 75 cants—is an economical guar- antee of healthy throats for the whole faylly. " Pleasant to take— instant In action—positive in re- lief. All druggists Bell it. W. If. Buckley, Limited, 023 142 Mutual St, Toronto 2 BUM1LIm M: . M 1lTVRE Acts like a flash— sip prove ATHLETES! Mineral's will limbar up muscles anti sore joints. it for a rub down, stiff Use Classified Advertisements. Ji) 4Nsoloo PISTON RINGS: NIT WOttN. CYL- r 1NDEne and ear, rear104log. Gunrankal for 16,00° miles, Pnasdrd 1'ieten Inns oo., g2ga Froat 81, w„ Toronto, HEALTH GLASS. 1a,B UNBREU - acc.&ic iE GLASS; SUBSTITUTE .0000 AKABLE louses, hot beds; speeds growth, doesn't burn plants, Delivered 45a square yank Peerless Poultry, lnndni' Ons DUI LOESS' SUPPLIES. EAYY enema-oeseen noonee,• tags; 'fume Paint, 52,45 gallon; Doors, Windows. 1"rawes, Plouring, Wallboard. Tbonsssda Of Build- ing Bargains. i'ree Catalogue. Halliday Company, Box 2015. Herat/ton. FRENCH. SELF-TAUGHT. Tion 51085 SIMPLE•• SYSTEM PM nay -rano. tris, pronunciation of ovary word. 0, perfect lmowledgo of the language In throe months- Com- plete 010th ed., 600; abridged paper ed., 55e. POet pall. world's Subscription Agency need„ I',O, Box 0155, Dent, If, Montreal, RQ, WE SELL 10.000 nCHISks A YEAR .To ealfsaed eaalomera Sand for our Ramose Catalogue; it will save you money. Tito Repoal5ory, 15 Nelson Street, Toronto, d:ATCB PROM 46 TO 'A PDXES IN 1511001 I 4 to 6. weeks' Ume thin teach any realer of this magazine howto get then], Write for par. titulars, W. A. Midler, Nmnstea,l, ens. BUNION ems 1114 is wars l and swi,mforawr rm myn'w Pu �ohaat iii a t Paloeloraalmat Illtt- >. Aatmlrad °orlon ur the mraad vra,.m ft%V6,T mace-spa1 6 �] T iodine ,sa,non.r.andtbo 1ihe.h'e i =tot— Pit atirigi oo-nSglrrel"b' KAP LABORATORIES, dope, aaa, SO Front St., W. 1orunta.0,n, "CASCARE1T FOR YOUR BOWELS IF HEADACHY, SICK To -night! Clean your bowels and end Headaches, Colds, Sour Stomach Get a 10 -cent` box. Put elide --• just' once -- the Salts, Pill's, Ouster Oil or Purgative Waders which merely force a paseageway through. the bowels, but do not thor- oughly cleanse, freshen and jeewlfy these d•radnage organs, and have no effect whatever -upon to liver end stomach, Beep your "insides" pure and fresh with Casearete, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach, remove the undi- gested, sour food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and car- ry out of the system al? the conetl-. peted waste matter and poisons In the bowels, A. Csscaret to -night will make you feel Beat by morning. They work while you Keep _.never gripe, sicken, and cost only 10 cents a box froml, your druggist. Millions of men and women take a Case -Peet now and t.7rem and never have Readaehe, Billionsnees, Severe Colds, Indigestion, Sour Stam- a:ch or romettpated Baw•ele. Cascaa-ets belong in every bcuseholfl. Children. Just love to take them. TWO O FREE Government Fal pfi_lets You Ought to i ave irk Ni; tells about beautifying .the grounds around your house—the other, how to get bigger crops from the lane soil, (Crop Rolslies and Sail Manage- mend" — Goes into this matter fully. Gives beat rotations for dairy farms, mixed farms, and those farms specialising mostly In grain and clover seeds. Is basedon years of experience at Dominion Expor(mendl Perms, Tells how best to utilize clay, sandy and peat and muck soils, and what to '-••• do with hillsides and rolling land. "Anneal PInodrr"-LIsts thetiow- ere that grow best in eachlocality across Canada. Enables you to select those most suitable to your district. Gives details no to color- ings, height, planting dates, etc. There are aver five hundred free government pamphlets on all the different branches of farming,. Write far the 1927 list. Fill in end mail this slip POST )TREE to -- PUBLICATIONS BRANCH Department 01 Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario. • 1`le^se and me free pamphlets- on; tagetlicr'with Bat of all free pamphlets. rCNne Peed Ghee n,d. No PrO i,e ISUE No. 13—'27. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Headache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES 'HOT AFFECTTHE J 7tE HEAR A WARNI l 1 Beware of Counterfeits There is only One genuine "ASP/MN" tablet. 1f a tab, let is offered as "ASPIRIN" and is not stamped with the "Bayer Cross" -refuse it with contempt -it is not"AS?IkI N" at all l Don't take chances l Accept only "Bayer" tackage. which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also Bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. 'Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of ttonoaeetie- neldoster of Sanvylieacld 1 Aeetrl, Salicylic Add, "A. S. A,");. While 'It is well known that Aaptrinmeana Bayer mauufaetnro,to assist the public against Imitatians,Wlo,Tablettrf of Payer Company sell' be stamped with that' general trade Maxie, the "It0yer-05004, •