The Seaforth News, 1927-03-24, Page 4Arthur Beisiey, John, Mee
Mabel tend J a
THE _ , :and a •'chorus- by the' chu
of ,Bros.,.I'ubhshers.:. Arthus
Siioh� d a . choir, y.'Tkte. Proeeeds atnauitted to al-
most $25,
W 1 of
The Pgpiilataot
is'at...�res--1ddies�. ar-
' t once Two wog laddias Clark of Go 'Constance pies- t} increasing.
B. eat
sister, Mvillage las
ss�. 1 t
her in t1e.
, ri ed
visiting v
• Lawrence
.I4icCi'avtn. the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. 1iene
•r J
McGavin wept to Toeonta on C'uinmings an 'Tuesday evening, and
•Sciturday with ttva car ;loads of stock Dile at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
for, rhe 'Monday market., He had 27 Charles Sellers, on Wednesday morn
cattle; 5 calves and 97 hogs. ing.
of horses are being ', sale of Mr, A. Clark,
Quite a number rho aucti n .
purchased ;just now for the 'Spring
Which was held last week, went .with.
work. .Mr. Willis Dundas bought a quite a swing, $3,500 being realized.
nice young horse from Joseph Hack- D. M. Scott, of iBrtrs'sels, ,wielded the
well. Mr. Cleary, of St. Columbtut, hammer.
got a fine Percheron filly from. Mr, The many frieids of 'Mr. 'Robt.,
J. J. McGavin. McClure will be sorry to learn that
Mr. John Rini), who had pneu- under the doctor's care, suffer -
moria, is n'ot improving. ing rovin '. He has in is g frommuscular rheumatism. We
taken a stroke and there is slight hope for a speedy recovery, He has
hoe of his recovery. His fancily are entpboyed Mr, Art ((Henderson to
ell with him.' assist with the !farm work.
Mr. T. Pipe, of 'Haileybury, A number from this vicinity at -
to his home 00 Tuesdayafter te
ides the rcce
ou held a
t the
reel -
spending a short visit with 'his sister, deuce of Vr. las, honor of
Mrs, Shaw. Iti:r. and 'Mrs. Ernest 'Toll, .cif II3ar-
Kee1 t in mind the dance in the lock, on 'Tuesday evening, March 22:
U. F. O. hall on Friday night; March 'Mr, aud 'Mrs, Garnet Taylor, of
25th. Jackson and .Lydiatt orchestra Bayfield, ' motored over on Sunday to
in attendance, visit the l tter's 'parents,' Mr, and
'The saw mill opened on \Vednes- Mrs. Johne McCiure.
day morning for the spring work. 'Mr. and Mrs, W. Bennett and
Mrs. T. Clarice, who ltas been ail- family; ` who, have been visiting
• ing, is .somewhat improved. • friends 'here for the past few months,
The St. Patrick's social held in the returned to their home in Dinsmore,
school room of Duff's United Church Sask. :has 'been
on Friday evening under the auspices Mo.Joe [Rodgers, . who
of the Young People's Society, was a visiting friends here for the past few
'delightful, occasion, The large crowd ntonths,_rnturned to his home in Ed=
of people present showed -that a mnonton, t 5e -
great deal of interest is lateen in the Mr, R. Hoy spent Sutnday it -sea
Mts. W.
t was suit -
hisclap ,
• k The isitiug
or forth v g
Y. P. S.u fo
and e
in man.
a 1g
f Gode
con -an o
tHuffman, • singing, Ii
There vias community s g g, Mrs...John
tests and games, Those who took part is visiting her sister, 'Mrs, H. 'Ratn-
in the program were Miss 'Bessie say a with au
Davidson, Mrs. P. B. 'Gardiner, Mur-. Mr. Geo.
Ramsay is lard p
lei and Jane Dundas, Miss Laidlaw, attack of appendicitis. His many
Flora Harris, ivlrs. Jolter McDonald, friends hope' for a speedy recovery.
Died at Lucan.=Phe.Lucau
n of last week refers as 'follows .to.
tile life of Mrs, Belau, Ini'other of 'Air,
Benn, manager'of tire Standard
Bank: "After an illness' 'of a few days,
there passed aw
of the
known andhighl} respected residents
in the Berson of Mrs. Catherine Bonn,
of W
•, March t 16th at the
` a
ednesSl a3
home of her son,' Joseph, who resides
on. the homestead, 'just south of the..
village. Mrs. IBetin was bora tnere,
land and carne to this cougtry when
15 years of age, having always lived
in the same vicinity and. for 33 years'
resided on the same farm. Deceased,
who moved to the village about (Feb.
lst, 'had :been in her' usual health and
had gore to spend a few days, with
her son, where she was taken .sudden-
ly ill and despite the best 'medical
skill departed this life. iShe leaves
to mourn the loss of a kind and lov
ing :mother a grown-up family of
thirteen child'ren;-(Richard ,of Swift
Current, it Sask.• -1
Hebert, beet of Pittsburg,
Pa.; John, of 'Swift Current,
bValter, _ of 'Edmonton, Alta,; Patrick,
of 'Dublin,iOnt.; ''Charles; of Detroit,
Mich.; Thomas and Joseph, at home;
Mary (Mrs. H; Bender) o4 Edition -
ton,. Alta Miss A. D., • of, Toronto;
Mrs. Jos. Corney of 'Chatham-; Miss
Agnes, of Chatham, and Miss Bar-
bara,' at home. The . funeral 'took
place from the family residence, Fri
day, 'March 18th, at 9:30 a.m, to Si;
Patrick's az, C. Church for service and
interment. 'The pall -bearers were:
Messrs. R. T. 'Raycraft, John 'F.
Nangle, J. M. ;Ross; •Zack McLlharg-
cy, 'Con. Whelihan and Dan'l Mcli-
g Y
har a ..
merles 'Co.
d 'Creameries The Atnal • a
has not takenv
Dublin cream-
ery, Mr. E. B.'Tyers remaining las
St. Patrick's 'Day was duly ,cele-
brated in Dublin. Services were held
its St. Patrick's church iu the morning
and in the evening a minstrel show,
was staged in'the parish hall by 1oc"al
talent, assisted 'by • the younger mem-
bees of 1St. Patrick's char, who send-
eyed naany popular choruses.. The
coons were most entertaining and
filled in admirably. '"rhe .Dublin' or-
chestea_ rendered .a number of popular
pieces suitable for the occasion. Much
credit is due to Rev. Father OiDroski;
whose untiring efforts 'brought this
entertainment 'to a point, of success.
A 'large crowd was in attendance, af-
ter which both young and old en-
joyed an' hour of fold time dances..
'The sympathy of the surrounding
community is extended to Mr. P. F.
Benn owing to the death of his
mother at ILucan.
Mr. John McGrath loaded a car of
fine horses on Friday.
'Miss Florence McQuaid visited
with her friend, 'Miss Anna past week.
nea>ux, during the
The %Cat'holic Women's League
held their usual monthly meeting on
Sunday afternoon in the (High school.
This .being 'the last, regular meeting of
5 the year, a nomination committee was
appoeoted to prepare for the 'election
of officers for the coining year; This
election will take place on the first
members of
April and all -net
t in 4 t a
Sunday y p
the League arc specially requested to q
be present at the coming meeting,
After the usual 'business was disposed
of those present at 'the last meeting
3 were entertained by an excellent
paper prepared by Mrs. !Mulligan.
The President asked that all member-
ship fees for the coining year be in
before the next 'netting.
3 Mr. and Mrs, 'Frank 'Evans spent
Sunday at the holm Mr, James
'lsfrs, !Michael Klinkhattuner spent
Sunday at the 'home of her daughter,
Mrs. Leo II{rataskopf.
Maple syrup is the order of the
Mrs. Phillip Kenny has boon on the
sick list the past week.
Mos. ' Jerry Ryan and family, of
St•atfacd, spent the week -end with
her mother, Mrs. 'T. 'Maloney, •
Miss Anne MdGratis, of Stratford
spent the week -end with her parents,
'Miss 'Rose 'O"Connor spent 'Sunday
everting with Miss 'Marie tKrausleopf.
Mr. 'Mac Burns has a trained nurse
from London attending him in his
present illness.
\'Ir. 5,Viliiant Brook, of Granton,
spent Friday night with Mr. John
Rev. Mr. Capper, of -Mitchell, called
on friends in the village during the
'Mrs. Frank 'Byrnes had a very suc-
cessful sale of household furniture on
Monday, 'Mr. T. Brown being auc-
tioneer, Mrs, Byrne has solal her
farm to 'Mr. Fnank Feeney, of the 3rd
concession of 'Hibbert and is moving
to Dublin to live with her mother,
Mrs. Johd 'Carpenter.
Mr, 'T. McConnell was in Stratford
on business on Monday.
Mrs, Thos. Burns spent a few days.
at the home of Mrs. James turns,
owing to the illness of Mr, Mac,
Burns. Mr. Burns is not improving
as well as his many friends would'
like hini to,
Mr. James Feeney is still on the',
sick list St the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Jos. ,Donnelly,
'Mr. and Mrs, Win. Wolff, of Lis-
towel, and Mrs. IRoulson, were the
guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Darling,
on 'Thursday,
On Friday night the card party was
a good success and every one is look-
ing forward to the prizes a week
front this Friday night.
Mrs. Alex. Darling wishes to thank
the Ladies' Guild• for the kindness
shown here in her recent Illness.
Seaforth rin Show.
Tuesday, April 5th, 1927
Under the auspices of the S eaforth Agricultural Society.
Township Special.
HORSES. lst prize donated by John 3. Bro-
derick.'2nd prize donated by G.
Best three + Horses from one twp; A. Sills & 'Sons. 3rd prize don -
two or more entries necessary to ated by W.' R. Smith.
fill this class. 'Prize donated by Filly or gelding, foaled 1924 5 2 1
the Directors . ......$21.00 1st prize donated by •Cerdno
Clydesdale Bros. 2nd prize donated by
Stallion, any age Cup 5 3 2 OIas. Dungey. 3rd prize don -
1st prize donated by (Bank of ated by 'Dawson iReid.
Commerce. 2nd prize donated Filly or gelding, foaled 1925 5 2 -1
by J, Wesley. Beattie. 1st prize donated 'by Chas, Ab-
Stallion foaled in 1924 .. 5 3 2 erhart. 2nd prize donated 'by
Stallion, foaled in 1925. 4 3 1 W. J. 'Walker & Son. 3rd prize
Sweepstake . .. Badge ' donated by W. E. Kerslake. 2
Belgian Stallion, Filly or gelding foaled 1926 5
Stallion, any age 6 2 1st prize donated by 'Marshall
Percheron Stallion. Stewart. 2nd prize 'donated by
Stallion, any age . 6 2 S. T. Homes St Son. 3rd prize
Roadster Stallion. 'donated by W. G. Willis.
Standard Lured Troeting'Stal- Team in harness 20 10
lion in harness 5 4 3 Sweepstake Badge
lst prize donated by Seaforth General Purpose.
News, 3rd prize donated by Team in harness 5 4
. Johngby Herbert C.
Standard taxed Pacing Stal- Olox, 2nd prize donated by Fred
lion in harness .. . 5 4 3 W. Wigg.
'1st. prize dhna'ted by Huron Roadster.
Expositor. Roadster horse in harness,
Agricultural. 15-3 or under . l0 8
(Horses shown in teams weighing 2nd prize donated by William'
over 1,6011 lb not eligible in Agricul- Anent. 3rd prize donated by
Thompson's Book Store.
3 Carriage horse in harness, 10 7
over 15-3 .. „ . ....
Livingston Special.
Best .heavy draft or agricultural
mare, filly or gelding, any age....$6
2 Prize donated by Thos, E, Liv-
Judging Starts Sharp at 2;00 o'clock.
Classes will be called in the order as
they appear in this ad, Exhibitors
I will please bear this in mind.
Brood snare in foal ......,. 10 5
1st and second prizes donated by
Stewart 'Bros. 3rd prize donat-
ed by 'Geo. D. Ferguson & Co.
Mare, filly or gelding, any
age .. 5 3
1st prize donated by E. J. Gibb.
2nd prize donated by Seaforth
Pharmacy. 3rd prize donated
by Isaac Hudson.
Filly or gelding, foaled 1924 5 2
lst prize donated by N. Cluff & Postmaster's Special.
Sons 2nd prize donated by For boy, 15 years and under, dig-
'Beattie 'Bros. 3rd prize donated playing best ability and horseman -
by Percy 'Howe: 2 ship its exhibiting a horse an the
(''illy or gelding, foaled 1925 5' 1 halter. Prize donated by C. P. 'I
1st prize donated by J. F. Daly. Sills, Postmaster .. .. $8,00
2nd prize donated by Thos.
Stephens. 3rd prize donated by Boys' Judging Competition.
Dawson Red. Open 'to Boys, 17 years of age and
Filly or gelding foaled 1926 5 2 1 under , . . '10 5' 3 2 1
lst prize donated by James J. 1st prize donated by Thos. MdMil-
Cleary. 2nd and 3rd prizes don- tan, M.P. 2nd prize donated' by Prov,'
ated by D, II. Stewart. Ontario 'Bank. 3rd prize donated by'.
Team in harness 25 10 5 W. A. 'Crich. 4th prize donated by
1st prize donated by Fred 5. Thos. Dickson, 9th prize donated by
Savaugc. 'Thos. Phillips.
Sweepstake.. Badge 'The competition will be under the
Heavy Draft. direction of 'Mr. 'G. R. Paterson, Co.
Brood mate in foal 10 5 4 Agricultural 'Representative. Score
let prize donated 'by W. G. cards will be given each boy. 50
Medd, M.P.P.'2nd prize donate points for placing by score card and
ed by 3, IH. •Stnith 8s 'Son, 3rd 50 points 'for reasons to 'be given
prize 'donated by Thos. G. orally, 'Class to be judged will be
Scott. Heavy Horses. No entrance fee re
Mare, filly or gelding, any quired but boys must have their en -
age .. .. 6 3.50 2 try in by 2 o'clock.
1. Entrance fee $1.00, each additional entry, 50 cents.
2. Brood mares must show visibly in foal.
3. Ages of 'horses to date from Jany. 1st,
4, Judges' decision to be final,
5, 'The Judges .will 'be particular to regard merit in all stock for contpeti-
tion and withhold any premium if they consider the animal undeserving
and a first or second prize will not be given to a third class animal or in
a sweepstake if they consider the competition not sufficient.
6. Each exhibitor must produce his entry 'ticket in every class, other-
wise the animal wilt not 'he judged.
Directors,' Seaforth Agricultural Thos. G. ,Scott, goods ..... , .. 4.00
'Society, cash ... .,•$21,00 Jno. J. Broderick, goods 6.00
Bank of Commerce, cup 16.00 'G. A, Sills & Sons, goods .. 3.50
J. Wesley Beattie, cash 5.00 'W. R. Smith, goods 2.00
Sea'forth'News, cash 5.00 tCardtto Bros, goods 5.00
John Regier, goods 3.00 Chas, Dungcy, cash 2.00
Huron Expositor, cash • ...... 5.00 Chas. A'berhart, goods .. , , 5.00
Stewart (Bros„ goods ...... 15,00 W. J Walker St Son goods... 2.00 '
G. D. Ferguson & Co., goods 3.00 4V. E. Kerslake, cash . 1.00
R, J, ^Gibb, goods 5.00 Marshall Stewart, goods ...., 5.00
Seaforth ,Pharmacy, goods 3.00 S. T. Holmes & Son, cash .., , 2.00
Isaac Hurlson, cash 2,00 W..0. 'Willis, cash 1.00
N. -Glut( & Sons, goods5.00 'Herbert C. Box, goods 5.00
Beattie Bros., cash 2.00 Fred W. Wigg, goods 4,00
Percy I'Iovve, cash 1.00 William Ament, coal . , .... , 8,00
J.F. Daly, goads 5.00 Thompson's (Book Store, goods 3.00
Thos. ,Stephens, cash 2.00 Thos. E. Livingston, cash . 6.00
Dawson ',Reid, cash . 2.00 Thos. M:Millan, 'M.P., cash , , 10.00
James J. 'Cleary, goods . 5.00 Prov. Ontario 'Bank, cash , 5.00
D. E. Stewart, cash: 3.00 W, A. 'Cric'h, cash .. , . , . , ... , 3.00
F." S. Savauge, watdlt 25.00 Thos. Dickson, cash 2.00
W. G. Medd, M. P. P., cash.. 10.00 Thomas Phillips, cash 1.00
J. H. 'Smith &M.Son, goods . , .`, 5.00 C. P. Sills, P. cash ;. ,5,00
Prize Lists may be obtained from the Secretary.
load of ,timber,; He was sitting on a I
spring seat on :the hind 'bolster, when
the wheel of the waggon 'sank 'in ,a
rut in the road,, thro'wing him off.
The hind, we l ran, over h
is body
andhead. iHewes badly Wand` pain-
fully bruised but is improvinging
r He
willsoen `ell as of yore. s ear well Y
was fortunate in- not being 'badly,
The St. L'iteta y Society
i Literary Friday
holding 'their L . I'raa y
evening. The," programme will can-
sistof talent by married people.
Toll -Staples ---A quiet wedding tools
piacc an 'Wednesday, 'March '16th,.
1927, at the ;Manse, McKillop, when
Miss Dinah. , Staples,.- daughter
of Mr. 'William Staples, of McKillop,
became the bride of, Ernest loll; son
of Mr. 'William Toll, of Hallett, the
ceremopy being performed by Rev.
J., A. Ferguson. They were attend-
ed 'by the 'bride's sister, Mrs. James
d Mr.
Hogg, an Hogg.
After the ceremony - Mr, attd Mrs.
Toll left on a honeymoon trip• to
Toronto and Buffalo. Upon their
return on Tuesday evening a recep-
tion was 'held in their honor at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 'James, Hogg,
4th concession, when a large number
of friends .'front/ the surrounding
district gathered to spend a :social
time and extend best wishes. The
bride and groom, were made the re-
cipients of many useful and costly
gifts, showing . the high esteem in
which both young people are held by
the community. • The evening was
pleasantly spent(in games and danc-
ing, b
i 'cinY
i h music b
volt g
c -
Barwick, Secord M
Willis Ba
Messrs. W s
' n Robt. Dodds,Hogg
companied on -'the piano by
Shannon, 'Mrs. J. 'H. Hogg and Miss
A. Strong.
the late Wnt.f'hillips of Exeter, Eng-
land, Coming to Canadh lttoni
lsnd 'five years ago last Naveitiber,
she made tier home with her brother
John. Site had been ailing'; since
Christmas and was confined to 'bed a
week and
a'half. Miss I
h i l l i
s was
• and isby
of age years
two brothers, (William and john of
Blyth, The funeral, was conducted
by 'Rev. W. B. Hawkins at the 'home
of Mr. Wni. Phillips on Saturday at
2 o'clock. 'The pallbearers, were
Messrs. ,Sibtisorpe, Jas; Dodds, Win.
Johnston, !Robert Johnston, James
Sims and 'Robert Powell. Interment
was inade in Union cemetery.
'Mrs. Longley, a .returned missijone
ary from West China, gave a very
interesting address in Queen Street
United Church on ,Sunday evening on
the work carried an by the Women's
Missionary lSotciety., Mr. Longley is
in China at the present time.
• 'There was a large crowd at the oy-
ster supper and concert given by the
Ladies' True
'Blue lodge
a ohThursday
evening. Everyone went away feel-
ing they had received their 'money's
tmes Th'omas Bell
The death of James
occurrworth.ed on Sunday morning at his
home on Dinsley 'street. 'The late
Mr, Bell was in his 78th year and
was a highly respected citizen. For
many years he farmed in East W t
wanosh. He leaves to , mourn,-
widow, h son Maitland, .of 'Goderich,
and two daughters in the West. The
fmftral was held on Tuesday. at 2 p.m,
the pallbearers being Messrs. L. J.
Williams, Rolht. Watt,. Rdbt. Vint
and Jno. Ellis.
'The pupils 'of the Continuation
! h
ld a
social evening
saerniott, 'Hall on Tuesdayevening.
enjoyable time was had by all Pre,
saw mill. commenced cutting
is mos
Master Jack Downey, of 'Mitchell,
visited .over the week -end at the
bouts of Mr. and Mrs, William
'Mr, and 'Mrs: James 'Sloan, Mc-
Killop, were Sunday visitors at 'the
home. of Mr. and Mrs. Owen (Hart,
St. tColumban,
'Mr. and Mos. 3. J. Holland, St.
Columba!), spent Sunday evening
•alte Mr, and Mrs. Geo. E. Holland,
'Melody met with a
r osehM
nasty accident ;one day last week,
when he was returning frotn Mr.
Apgust Dncharme's after drawing 'a
Mrs. C. Johnston spent Tuesday
with Mr, and Mrs. J. 'Grasby.
Messrs. Joseph and Frank 'Mc-
Caughey were guests on Monday
evening of Mr: and 'Mrs. J. McNichol.
'Air, and 'Mrs. Thos. Laidlaw and
Mr. and 'Mrs, L. Fear were Wingha'm'
visitors on Monday,
'Miss •Mildred 'Hilburn spent Sunt
day the.guest of Mr, and 'Mrs. John
Yeo. --
A travelogue in •song and story will
be given in .Memorial 'hall on 'Wed-
nesday, March' 30th, at 8 o'clock, un-
der the auspices ,o'f"the 'Women's In-
stitute. ;Admission adults 35c and
children rl5c. Proceeds in aid of the
Memorial hall.
There was . a good attendance, at
the Indian supper by 'McLean Mis-
sion Band on Saturday. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $60. The auto-
gtaph quilt was purchased by the
Mission (Band and presented to Mrs.
G. 'Telford as a token of their apprc-
,ciation of the great interest taken by
her in .the work.of 'the'Band,
The annual 'congregational meeting
of Queen Street United Church. was
held on Tuesday evening in the base-
ment of the church. The reports of
the various societies showed prlo-
The ladies
r during the ear: T e
ess t y
g b
served a delicious lunch after the
Mr. 'Ross Button and Mr, George
Charters spent Sunday with.Mr. and
Mrs. T. Laidlaw.
A respected resident of 'Blyth pass-
ed away on Thursday, March 17th, in
the person of Miss Mary Phillips.
Miss Phillips was the daughter of
:Mrs Geo: Connell ,returned to' her
1 v k after spending the
h with h daughter, Mrs
'Mrs. A. hrcOannell Isar returned at -
ter .spending
shipped d a
Elliott p
Mr. M. P
nto Saturday.
of live sa ' the ;village
Quite a number from +rich.
took in the play at IBrucefrel'tl F y
night and report a good' tuna
There is no poisonous ingredient
in 'Holloway's 'Corn Remover, and it',
can'he used withottt,danger of injury,
past moil wt t et'•.
.Toronto, Monks o£" So -
nrlin aciv clays with friends: '
SO acres
Farm' Property
ou Monday of this week. It ' fly
all custom sawing this year.
'Duncan C. Marshall, -Liberal or-
ganizer, 'visited prominent. Liberals
in. this district last week.
Mrs. S. Gidley was in Exeter last
week attending the funeral of the
late Mrs, Margaret; Fowell,,
Making 'maple syrup;is now the or-
der of the day•and it is expected the
season, will be short.
Miss' Viola 'Steck was the guest, of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Steck during the
past week:; a
Mr. VIV. Jjohnetott has purchased
new 'Chevrolet car fro'n Mr.''Lavis of
Clinton.' mets.
i e :a number of the fart
around have been changing' horses,
either for better or for worse. '
Mr. 'LeonardBoyce, home
normal spent -Sunday at his
Miss Ina B. 'Scott' is visiting friends'
in (Seaforth this week. s Evel ,n
,:'Tile anally friends of bliss Y
Grainger will be sorry to hear she is
not improving as quickly. as. site
Dug Potatoes on March 17th. -
Beechwood claims the early potato
cha'mpions'hip • of Huron %County for
1927.. On St. Patrick's Day, March
17th;" Mr. Albert Krauslcopf, lot 5,
concession 4, McKillop, dug a quan-
tity of Irish 'Cobbler potatoes which
had been in the ground' all winter.
The extremely wet 'weather prevented
digging them last fall. He says they
were in better condition than if they
had been in a pit, ,and that only an
odd potato was'frozen. 'Mr. Kraus-
kop'f states that this is the -first time
they 'have heard df potatoes -being
dug up in good condition after being
its the ground all winter.
'The- death occurred early' Thursday
morning, March 17th, of Sherwood
Mann, third stn of Mr, and (Mrs,
V,rellington Mann of Jamestown. Mr.
Mann, who was 30 Y cam's of age, suf-
fered a tv spell of- apoplexy at midnight
and passed away a few hours later.
He was bort- in Elena township. Sur-
viving, 'besides his parents, are :four
brothers and. five sisters. The funeral
took place on Monday afternoon from
his 'parents' home to Listowel ceme-
tery, Rev. Mr. Lewin _of !Brussels
ebonducted the service,
Free advice on your foot troubles
traAnlled lin, the methods of
Dr, Wm. e Scholl of Chicago,
will be here
Friday, March 25th
If you have aching feet, pains,
cramps, callouses, burning
sensation at the call of the foot
or toes, fallen arches, painful heel,
week turning, ankles, Sore limbs,
corns, bunions, or perspiring feet-
you are cordially invited to see this
Foot Specialist. He -will be pleased
t0 'rnalse recommendations, withoutPains, cramps
er CaHopses ' any charge or obligation, as to What
There? ' your trouble is and how to relieve it.
J. H. Smith and Sorg
PHONE 51 Opposite Bank of Commerce SEAFORTH
might. „ Sally," The play Cyclbtt c y,"given by
the Young People of St. Pauls
Churo'h,. Henson, under the auspices
of the Women's Club het'e 'wa's a de-
cided' -.success. The Night Hawk
chestra supplied music between acts.
'The entertainment given by 'Mr.
Ralph Gordon of Toronto, under the
auspicesiices of the
Tiger T
United Church, ch
f 'Bra
listened to with great appreciation by
a large crowd last. 'Tuesday 'night;
He was assisted by llodal talent which
consisted of violin solos by Mr. Jar-
vis' Horton and Miss Eva 'Stackhouse;
instrumental duet by Misses Eleanor
and Kassie 'Snider and solo by Miss
Jean Murdock. Misses Eleanor Sni-
der and (Leila Stackhouse acted as;
accompanists. Mr. 'Gordon delighted
his audience with Itis cartoons; read-
ings, conic, songs, and his imperson-
ating.' .11 is very .scido'tn, that one
person is so gifted.
An executive meeting of the I
Circle was held at the home of Mrs.
H. Aikcnhead to make up pro-
grammes :tlo•r the coming year.
Nation-wide Fatne, - 'There is
scarcely a corner of this great Do-
minion where the merits, of Dr.
Thomas'. Eclectric 'Oil have not been
tried and proved.' It is one of the
world's most efficient remedies for
sore throat, lame back and many
other ailments arising . from inflam-
mation. Rubbed on the skin its heal-
ing, power is readily absorbed, and it
can also be taken internally.
Want and For Sate ads, 1 week 25c
General Insurance
Real Estate, Etc.
Phone -152
Whybe without a marvel
when you canhave'it done
any day at
Dennison & Pullman
ha p
Just phone 125
for appointment
Specialist in Marcelling,
Shampooing, Manicuring
and g ng
Now is the time to get your Harness;Repair-
ed and Oiled. Don't wait, bringthem,,,now
as Spring is at the door and you:need thele
soon. Also don't forget the Shoos that need
new soles and patching.
Bring in the eggs and buy Harness, Shoes
and Fresh Groceries at
J e L. E ` E 9•,'F I E S
ter ON.RI
&ow. FRY AND
Seafor h Branch, .1, M, McMillan, M•.,uager
Hours 9,30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9.30 a.m.. to 5 p.rr.., 7 p,m, to 9.34:
HEAD OFFICE 't•l�tt�